FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - John Young 10 years after Ferguson - August 14 2024

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14 Aug 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. We're shot to tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that. You know, Sean, he took some licks. He hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean, the deal we got drank pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a brave council. I had no dime about him. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question. Kiss my ****. Right. Way we go. FM Talk 1065 Midday Mobile. Glad to have you here on this Wednesday and big thank you as well because of people talking on the text line about the fill-in host, a big thank you to Matt Simpson and Chip Brown and Cameron Smith and Danny Dalton. Everybody filled in for me as I did take that trip up to New York up up up the Hudson River to drop a child off for college there. I will say this every day. You're up to listen. It was 53 degrees one of the mornings before I came home. So I'll take that. It was it was nice stuff. But big thank you to all the people that filled in for me while I was gone. Maybe this man could be you want to you want to guest host the show one day when I'm out? Gladly. Okay. I think you would be a favorite. I may not have a job when I get back. But it's my friend John Young from Men United Against Violence. Good to see you. Good seeing you again, my brother. Thank you for having me. It's good to have you in here. I we're going to have to find some time we come in here and you and I just talk about like cars and fishing and cold beer and stuff like that in college football which is coming right around. So we'll do one of those shows because it's you know it's heavy when you guys it's important but it's heavy. You're a serious guy. Well you're not always here but on these things you're very serious man. And when you put it out while I was on my trip you you and I were texting back and forth and you pointed out that it had been 10 years since Ferguson 10 years it took me as I said oh my gosh it's been a decade let's go it's a decade since Ferguson and not only what happened in Ferguson but then that spread across the country with the protest and you asked me a question. What has changed? Right. What has changed about young black men not killing young black men or young black men staying alive or their interaction with police out there? I had no answer for you other than I don't think much. Right and it wasn't just national Sean it was international. They're international chapters of BLM and the fair question is what accomplishments have they made. I was talking to my friend Jeff on my way here because I always wanted a well-rounded opinion and he said one accomplishment is that police departments got body-worn cameras. Okay. Sure. Okay that hasn't stopped black men from killing each other. No. And I like that idea because it vindicates police officers far more than it implicates them because we knew before that the majority of cops were not abusing anyone specifically black people. So black lives matter. What have they accomplished? I'll tell you one thing they haven't they have not deterred or discouraged black men from killing each other. I'll tell you something else they have not encouraged family education employment and discipline. They've only self-serve self. They've only accomplished monetary gain for and big time for some Marxist trained witchcraft practicing libation porn out to speared women. So no they have not. They have not accomplished anything positive and Sean the worst part is at that moment 10 years ago the entire world said what can we do to help. You have our attention. Yeah. What can we do to help and they enrich themselves. Think about that moment when they said we want police accountability but we also want black men to stop killing one another. We want criminal police prosecuted but we also want black men to stop criminalizing. They had the opportunity to change a generation and they instead took the money. They instead continued pointing the finger alleviating an entire generation of people of responsibility of accountability. Now 10 years on the five year olds that were standing outside with sign saying stop killing us have grown up under the banner of stop killing us. They've grown up under the banner of his racism his white people list and you hear that as the accusation for everything all the time now it set the stage for a junkie named George Floyd to become a martyr. It set the stage for no black person while committing a crime and uses force or aggressive behavior towards anyone can be met with the same level of aggression. That is a detriment. The black heroes should not be junkies and drug addicts and criminals and thought swapping waffles at political rallies that should be educators and scientists and men of honor and class. That is you know it is true that in this holding up as an example it has been the people you just named. It's not been you know role models. My brother just retired Lieutenant Colonel from the Army National Guard. We came from divorce parents and had some rough years with my mother but we survived. His story is far more realistic to what black kids have experienced and should hear than a junkie who decides to pass off who tries to rob a pregnant lady by sticking a gun to her stomach and they build statues to him. No one will know my father when he dies. They won't remember him besides what I say about him. There are no statues to a man that integrated Scott Paper Company. There are no statues to a man that faced color countings. These kids now that are screaming racism because of Black Lives Matter's propaganda I drink out of water fountains that were once called colored because I was the generation after integration right. Did you really eat your soul? There wasn't on there but these were the same water fountains, the physical fountains that the plaques had been removed. I was a generation removed. My older brother integrated Shaw High School, the rebels then. So I made generation from Dixie being played at Shaw football games. I have more realistic experiences of racism than anyone now. But alone your your experience your brother's experience compared to your father's. Correct is watered down. Yes. I would and so now 10 years later Black Lives Matter has given excuses instead of accountability. Imagine if you gave men united against violence 90 million dollars. There wouldn't be questions about what have you accomplished. It would be can we give you 90 million more. That's right. You would see where that there would be hospital schools tutors. There would be accountability. We buy all those corner stores where they sell loose cigarettes and allow drug dealers. We buy them and tear them down. You wouldn't see overgrown neighborhoods. You wouldn't have we'd have job programs. What did they do with the money? I'm getting angry because but there's a bigger I mean I think what you're bringing up and we can all go to the stories of the the founders there and the million dollar mansions and all the you know all the money that they took. But with even with the remainder of that I haven't heard of a project that was done to do what you're talking about to uplift. Greg Callahan sent me when I posted last night. Greg Callahan sent me some statistics and all the expenditures for one year was 33 million dollars I think told. But none of it was towards neighborhoods. The small businesses that were burned down by rioters and looters. Look at what happened. Portland, Seattle they'll never be the same San Francisco, Chicago. These cities that Black Lives Matter ran candidates to be elected to city officials public office. Look at the condition they are in now. This idea that we have to elect black people to represent black people. Well blacks and power do not empower blacks. Yeah but it's not just it's not just that you put a black person in office there you didn't put the right black person in office. You have to have a company. They're plenty. But they didn't want that. No they wanted someone to further their agenda. My brother Marcus would call it progressive and liberal. I call it evil. The agenda was to extort as much as you can out of people. White guilt. Remember they asked white people to give them their houses. Yeah. I would love your house by the way but no don't give it to me. Just let me visit everyone's in a while. But they said to white people give black people your house. Give black people your bank and account. What kind of stupidity. Listen if black lives matter is so strong why are they begging white people. If black people have the same powers and gifts that white people have which I believe why are you begging. Why is black lives matter saying give us money and we'll tear down statues. How many black kids did they say that 12 year old boy in picture that was killed. Has black lives matter shown up. Have they shown up to any black children that were killed. Have they shown up and said to a school board systems in Baltimore where 3% of the population can read and write at grade level. 3% 3% in Baltimore. What chance does that child have. Even here in Mobile the percentages aren't barely double digits at predominantly black schools. Have they come to the black neighborhoods where these kids are running home and fighting for their lives every day. What have they said about drill rap music. Have they said Barry the N word. Have they said a child's future stars at home. Have they said anything that would be positive in trying to interject energy and vibrance into the family. They said they wanted every family to have the same powers the nuclear family. They attacked the nuclear family. We're just proven to be pretty successful. We know that kids not with that don't have a father or five times more likely to have a negative outcome and they said we don't but what could you expect from them right. We know what could you expect from four women that live those kinds of lifestyles right. Why would they care about us and why. But how do they the question is I mean timing maybe but how they got to be the brand got to be the representative. You know I've talked about this probably I don't know on air but privately the idea of when somebody rolls in and goes well I'm here to represent black people. It'd be the same part like somebody walking in I'm here to represent white people shut up. Right. I mean. Right. I mean. And that's the argument I have media plays a role because even now in the 10 year anniversary they still promote Michael Brown as if he were walking down the street in this racist clan member cop got out and gunned him down and this is his high school photo he was six foot six three hundred pounds he had just strong armed robbed a convenience store worker when the police asked him to get out of the road he cursed him out the police officer then had an interaction with Michael Brown reached in the car for instance who proved he was reaching for the cops gun. It proves that when he was shot his hands were not up and his back wasn't turned he was running towards the police officer. These are facts that we can no longer dispute but still people will say justice for Mike Brown well what is justice besides fairness. Why aren't we telling black kids don't commit crimes don't go where crimes are committed and don't socialize with people who commit crimes. Black Lives Matter said we'll be the adjunct professor for all black people and we're going to tell you what we want and they never demanded accountability they never said police departments got to do better but so must black men they had the opportunity right to balance this out so here are the changes because at the end of end of this what you and I brought you and I together I would like to see young black men not murdered right we've said right the formula like hey let's see like where do we want to get to what is the goal line and the goal line is we pray it be zero but I mean to mitigate the number of black men they're killed by other black men and the number of black homicide has increased in 10 years right and you were saying earlier that those five-year-olds that were there been have been told that it's not their fault and I'm paraphrasing but I mean and if you grow up and you don't think it's ever your fault that that doesn't that doesn't create an adult well it creates a big kid free will to do whatever you want do with our will at this point and look at just just be honest and look at the condition of young black men that we see on television their rappers are held to this high level not the intelligent kid but the one with the gold chain and the the dreadlock weave and the broken English we should have left that behind decades ago black lives matter had an opportunity to say this and not this black lives matter had an opportunity to say stop calling yourself bees and hoes and end words black lives matter had an opportunity to say pull up your pants take the gold teeth out your mouth and act like a man they chose not to but now all of the heroes that are being represented or presented as black people's spokesman or entertainers when did they stop kneeling also in the NBA and NFL when they were kneeling they stopped being angry at some point too right yeah they had an opportunity to say a black man let's stop killing each other graduate high school read write and count none of them took advantage of that but these are the people that are upheld as black representatives either them or perm wearing preachers who are just as bad as gold teeth wearing rappers have been right back more john young right here on miday mobile you're listening to midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1065 call Sean now at three four three zero one oh six one twenty three FM talk one oh six five and midday mobile the segment the show brought to you by adventure earth bicycles my man clint jameson back to school for the kids listen you can just celebrate by buying yourself a bike but if if the kids are needing the bike to get to school as well he's got a great selection of the non-evikes 400 of those in stock at a point and 75 of the e-bikes out there for you to go take a test ride on and in addition oh the accessories oh you know i told you i've been riding my e-bike for a couple years now and i'm pretty excited about all the accessories you can get the pain years that go on them a thing for your water bottle hunters there's uh where you can hold your shotgun on there your rifle the whole thing is modular you can add as much clint would like you to add everything possible to that bike uh he has those things also ways to haul them if you don't have a pickup truck if you're hauling your bike he's got the the roof racks and the car racks from swagman tooli and kuat and he's got uh the big selection of those as well little fit your vehicle and they can tell you the right one for you so check out the bikes check out the accessories and maybe get that bike for the kids going back to school adventure dash earth dot com is website the best thing to do is go see him in person in midtown little flower at airport kind of catty corner to cross from roost chris adventure earth bicycles everything inside to get you outside continue our conversation with my friend john young men united against violence and talking about 10 years since fergsen and where are we now right and i you when you texted me the other day i mean i was like i had no answer for usually i'm like oh it's this and that i was like uh i nothing the decade has it's come and gone so quickly the past 10 years and i was in shape 10 years ago so i didn't have any gray hairs uh but it what has changed even if they had a martian fergsen on the 9th and did you end up with the officer right and then the chief police asked critical he's in critical condition he got knocked down by a rider why are you still angry at the police the chief said there are four police officers on the force that were there 10 years ago yeah he said they've changed their uniforms they have body worn cameras what else do you want us to do there's an increase in number of black officers female officers policy change they're being monitored by the fbi and you're still angry well that proves the point that you can't satisfy the mob they don't have to prove they've done anything they've accomplished their mission their sewn discord between black and white people between law enforcement and law abiding citizens they've made a suspicious and angry towards everyone without holding accountable the people who are committing crimes crimes have increased in 10 years the black homicide rate has increased for black men and black women and black children is it it is a common occurrence now for a child under the age of 16 health 12 years old to be killed in and around the greater mobile area and black lives matter matter never shows up i don't think they're paying for funerals they're not coming offering counseling services they aren't there to save black people please stop someone mentioned to me on facebook we need to get together black men and do something and i laughed where have you been the last three years we've been talking about this for a long time and we include Sean Sullivan yeah we include right we include men that love their city yeah it doesn't have anything to do with the color of skin when it comes to solving a problem nope black lives matter hasn't shown up to so it should offer any support they didn't send us any grant money they haven't said what can we do to to be a part of this to stop black men from killing each other yeah it's it's self-serving and anybody now still wearing hands up don't shoot black lives matter um i can't breathe you're just you're fooled you and i think it's hard for people to admit they've been duped uh for the tax line here tim says i know you can't just give up but you have to keep i know you can't give up but you have to keep trying charging forward but how much money does it take to replace the family these kids have no accountability no repercussions right um black lives matter has set us on a path of no return uh they really had an opportunity to do good yeah i didn't even look at it that way it what they had they did they had everybody's here and they chose not to to give an uplifting message along with the things they wanted to have correct um doesn't have meta-ask the biggest question is why is officer young not on the political ballot for office we just you you know i had aspirations and ideas i always talk to you about that and i i changed my mind i'm a cop uh that's what i do best and i don't think uh i could like if i ran as a conservative i think i'd be the black mascot and if i ran against as a democratic go against what i really believe so i'm just going to be a cop and i hope you don't hold that against me bro no uh this sector says yes but culture is hard to change but that's what you said anything worth doing i had i'm at this conversation with earlier in my office all the way with my children things that that you go this is not going to be fun that's the stuff you're supposed to be doing things worth doing are hard it's hard giving my brother said the hardest thing he did was quit smoking but he knew he had to the moment we say there's a subculture of gun violence involving young black men now we say well how do we change it of course it's going to be hard but because it's hard we don't try we let it we let it continue getting worse no black lives matter had a chance to say black men get back into your child's life marry before you carry don't commit crimes don't go where crimes are committed family education employment and discipline they had that opportunity and the only black people who are given the national stage it seems now or those who say the opposite there's this jack leg attorney who flies from city to city waiting for opportunities to point fingers at police officers meanwhile he's doing that pro bono right he doesn't make any money does he of course not george soroson company but we we just need to tell the truth black lives matter has failed so they've enriched themselves they promote witchcraft and they don't care about life and and they've made no change right and we do black lives matter yeah yeah i mean i think it's every day every day 365 right yeah okay coming right back this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk 1065 135 fm talk 1065 and mid-day mobile good to have my friend john young men united against violence in studio asking a question the question he first asked me on a text when lord knows where i was on the uh multi-state journey but uh he's like what what's happened 10 years since Ferguson what have we accomplished here all right and i'm thank you for responding i know you were busy no but of course i just didn't have an answer for i don't know nothing and it's a fair question and and like i said my friend jeff is the only one that gave me an answer and i'm not certain body-worn cameras weren't technology sometimes when slowly and police work but it eventually occurs and it didn't accomplish what black lives matter thought it would it they thought it would capture police officers committing crimes and it didn't it vindicated police officers more than anything and i've not i've not met a police officer who says i hate body-worn cameras right it's just part of it but what did we demand from the communities it can't be one-sided right you can't say we want a well-trained professional force which you should have without saying then there's a moral obligation and duty for people in the community to cooperate with police but you can't because police exist because we the people no matter what your skin color has have decided we're going to live in a civilised society right part of that is public safety right and we all need a police officer at some point directing traffic right in a ticket uh right in an accident report and so there has to be an agreement between the police for a well-trained professional force and the public to say we all will cooperate and when someone doesn't cooperate we will unite and pointing them out in helping police that should be the agreement you can't just say because i don't expect oh i don't expect citizens to behave because they're not professionals but you're a human being you know that's my go brown knew that stealing those cigarillos was wrong he knew that punching a police officer was wrong he knew it was wrong to grab that gun from that officer his friend lied and said big mark had his hands up and he thought him in the back he lied i read one thousand pages of that investigation all of the witnesses lied one lady said oh i only said what somebody told me and you know that that part doesn't come out i mean it comes out but it doesn't get the attention once that once you know once that ship is sale man it's like you can't go back and correct he's like no no no that's not what happened i know what happened the lie is out now a police officer lost his career here shortly after that with a michael more that was told his friend i'm going to kill this cop in the cop decided not to be killed that day imagine that and then but he's driving a stolen car he has stolen property in the car the gun is stolen and there's still leaders in this community saying we want accountability we want that believe you ruin these men's career over a lie just to pump yourself up and to feel like you just to pander to your base and you aren't accomplishing it that doesn't stop black men from killing each other when we don't hold a black man stop stealing stop carrying if you really believe the police or racists don't give them a reason to screw with you i'm going to take away every opportunity i have to have a negative contact with police but we don't we start the story at the end as if it is inevitable that a black man will have a negative contact with i guess yeah come on john a black man can't help it he's got a pretty well right yeah right but you're not able to i don't know how i slipped through the cracks i don't know how my brother slipped through the cracks yeah i don't know um it's an amazing thing it is but i do know why because my father i was more terrified of what my father would do to me than anybody else i was i was afraid of embarrassing the family which is i mean and you not talked about to me that right are upbringings are the same right they're the exact same we could have been switched and household yes and you would have had the exact same outcome because we both had the the same home training right and we look real you know different in amount of melanin in our skin but we both had certain has nothing to do with something called they're black they can't of course they can help and like salting is that for some blue hair 20 year old in new york to say oh shawn is not his fault yeah john can't do it chocolate skin and those stick lips he can't do anything for itself oh he needs a help he needs a handout listen i don't want your reparations i don't need it but don't stand in between me and the bank if they give me a check right i am not my brother and i talk yes we talk about an hour a day between the three not my two brothers and i and we admit it that the worst enemies we ever had with ourselves my older brother and i said we could we caused our sales more pain and suffering than any white person could have the claim would have said nah you're gonna tell yourself apart anyway let's go to the next one no but we i say it jokingly but we have to stop making excuses for bad behavior we we have an entire generation who have been indoctrinated that nothing they do is their fault it's always someone else's fault they're they're graduating high school they can't read right account they have no moral compass they've not been taught responsibility and accountability they don't have any idea what being a man is they have no idea about filling out a job application or showing up to work on time that's what black lives matter has created they've made it worth instead of using that money to come in and like you said and make programs and do things to to help they could have come and give black give me united against violence ninety million dollars coca-cola for soil rose and whoever else give us ninety million dollars and i guarantee you mobile would be changed absolutely for the better for everyone uh that from the text line here the real sam says man officer young such a breath of fresh air has he gone on it you get asked this every time but he said if you've gone on any channels like wblx and talked about this same stuff he really should you get asked about this a bunch drew and i have been on blx a few times and by the way he would have been here but he has two sick kids so he told me to tell you hello okay good how's the training going is he yeah he's supposed to fight again in october we'll see well okay keep it up the you know like yeah we'll go anywhere we'll go to any church groups i spoke at the mobile hip hop fest um just for about ten minutes um in my message doesn't change no it does not that's the thing you say it's it's the same message right it's hey here's an idea we don't want young black men killed right it's just there you go we don't so now that we've identified the problem how do we what is the best route to keep young black men from getting killed right and we believe it starts in the home we believe stronger families contribute to that this dirt ticker says i like the way jy tells it it was it is as we are as a community we teach young people to respect the police and each other all lives matter so the lord says hey man we like god bless you your fans are here um yeah so it listen what you and i talked about all fair the earlier tusker says you have been duped since the kkk and Margaret Sanger so we're going yeah you know i we i guess people they need to know you and i are really friends and so we just don't communicate on air and we talked about the greatest detriments to the black family was welfare uh feminism crack cocaine gangster rap and now is black lives matters um black of accountability we can go back to when the black family began disintegrating when welfare was introduced and we can we can chronicle how we went from 20 percent out of birth wet logs to almost 80 now and it's only taking 50 years to get here and at one point for that black folks were married more than white folks yep they had a higher marriage rate than white people married black couples have a higher income rate than married white couples one generation after the end of slavery working it worked one generation after the end of the slavery black kids were testing higher than white kids were it would put that in pipe and smoke it it astounded the world how one generation went from slaves to the slaves children were testing higher because there was an emphasis on family education and employment and discipline that's why and showing all i'm saying is that black lives matter had taken the past ten years and taught family education employment and discipline we will see a vastly different outcome they squander their opportunity they're a bunch of fakes they're a bunch of charlatans they're witchcraft practicing and they duped us they've taken advantage of everybody in america and now we're left with shells we're left with twat waffling twerkers as as represented as a black female and gold teeth gold chained improper broken english speaking men as representatives of men and that includes the elected officials and the church leaders to all of them they've embarrassed us they sold us out and they've done nothing but make themselves wealthy it's it's a question you brought up at the beginning where the elevation is and maybe i'm missing something because i can you know can have blinders but where are we elevating role models they're not role models that are what you you describe people that have gone through feed right right that that are accomplished discipline men and women right and there and there are there are some yep but do they get the attention and i don't think they should get black folks to do that shouldn't get any more attention than white folks to do just say here role models right and this is what we celebrate we celebrate the people that have done right because feed is for everyone correct education you can whether any of those things are being thrown that you talked about all those things you went through that list of things that affected the black family last 20 30 years you could if if you have the solid family and the solid upbringing all those things can come at you and i don't think it you know if you have one part of the equation you can throw the rest of it there and it's you're shielded from it because you have some moral compass our our philosophy and recipe for success is the one that's last for generations in america it has always worked and it always will work family education employment and discipline don't commit crimes don't socialize with people who commit crimes and don't frequent areas where crimes are committed it has always worked black lives matter had an opportunity to say that and they failed and every time they don't come out and say it now they make it worse because they are listened to athletes are given up attention entertainers and singers are given special attention we shouldn't want our little girls emulating uh... horror dancing women we shouldn't want our little boys imitating um violent vile men the role models used to be educators economists philosophers the ring surgeon who worked his way out of poverty but now is whoever has the biggest gold chain or fake gold chain who has a gun who has who can smoke the most dope and who can be the most violent but and that's not just a role model for young people that's the problem it's people are raised oh yeah and so i mean you know what do you expect with the parents serve well but in the ten years it didn't it didn't make men grow up they're a man my age who still wear oversized backwards ball caps skinny leg jean so tight they can't put their key fob in their back pocket their underwear are showing they're slurring their speech that's what it happens when black lives motive black lives matter promoted quote unquote black culture that's not black american culture that's rap culture that's all that is that when did we conflate those two things how we went from the men wearing suits with decent haircuts and correct grammar and politeness to what we have now what i know black lives matter is a failure they've taken advantage of people and it's hard for people to admit it now coming right back have more with john young right here on mid-day mobile this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk one oh six five welcome back mid-day mobile glad to have you here on this wednesday time to check in with my buddy david mccreary at lcm motor cars and we got to talk inventory man how's it looking it's looking good Sean we just got back from buying yesterday i got back late last night uh i have 17 new vehicles on the way i'll be here today or more anytime uh everything's on the website don't have pictures of the new stuff yet but we do have everything on the website um i think we got seven rate trucks some SUVs we got a 04 Tahoe we got a 09 GMC Yukon Denali exhale which is the big one like suburban so we should have something for everybody like usual what about financing how are you looking it's great um we have been extremely busy here lately with our new buy here pay here program it seems to fit a lot of folks we're taking a lot of people that that that want to do buy here pay here and they actually don't realize that they may qualify for something else and we're helping them build their credit back so i mean that's something that we're trying to implement out here that may be different so if you provide here pay your customer come by and see us we may help you get back in the credit game give people directions to come do that we're at highway 90 implementation in Theodore it's one mile south of IPNX at 15a you can give us a call at 251-3750068 go to the website thanks david have a good day hey you too david mccreary check it in from lcm motor cars what a uh ask this question john this one coming in on the text a lot with a bunch here but this one from ben and says do y'all it may i guess the group may not against violence do y'all get more praise or push back from the community praise i'm every time someone comes up to us and say thank you for what you guys are doing keep it up i've rarely heard any negative comments about us i've had people say things but nine out of ten are people saying keep up the good work men and women all across the ethnic groups all because everyone wants black men to stop killing each other this from jean jean said three thousand third graders can't read and alabama politicians are passing laws about CRT i want to agree with young except when he mentioned sorrows and then we stop then we stop listening uh jean's liberal and then came back i guess she didn't stop listening because she said ben karson could have been a role model what did he do nothing and so dr karson who's been a guest on the show twice over the years uh who i always enjoy uh talking with him what do you mean nothing neurosurgeon ben karson i mean is my greatness that he pioneered and maybe what jean's saying is that he didn't do anything as a role model you know he absolutely absolutely did and it would be i celebrated him and other people but did he does ben karson get does ben karson show up at the olympics for the closing ceremony right i mean he came from poverty to a neural surgeon and actually had a cabinet seat on and the national government that isn't a role model how about this ben how about people put ben karson on their facebook page and tell his story and let more people realize what he's done ben instead of making this false comparison between my criticisms and black live matter and ben karson didn't do anything but what have you done ben what have you done there was a chain yeah stop but jean what have you done to go out and stop black men from killing each other and yeah i said something about sorrows because he's paying for a lot of it no one can deny that how do we get caught up in politics when i criticized the money that went to black lives matter who gave it to them and how they didn't spend it well who can defend that how would you then say well ben karson didn't do anything and the man is a neural surgeon from poverty imagine if black lives matter promoted him hmm instead of drug dealers imagine if they why not why not why not why wouldn't they why why is that because it goes against their narrative of victimhood if they show a black man from poverty or a black woman who had friends blown up in a church in Birmingham that's right if they show them as overcoming and becoming victors then it goes against their victim mentality that's why black lives matter want black people and bleeding heart white people to constantly think of black people as victims in need of someone's help if we talked about individuality self-responsibility and accountability and hard work then we don't need any of the alphabet communities that try to explain themselves that black people need us get out of here dude don't don't listen i haven't put the quarter in the machine yet but comments like that will make it because again you what else do you want ben karson to do but that's a good it's not it's right it's not and that's i guess if this is why i wish we had another two hours and we might have an extended conversation it's not the role models job it is the community and that community i mean that can be black folks are gonna be white folks it's americans to uplift example right it's not that the role model is role modeling they're doing their thing they're they're doing the positive thing it's others out there to go look at that guy look at that way right look at them that's exactly right it's that they they they keep on doing what they're doing that makes them great whatever they are being karson can't run hey i'm a role model look at me because the second you say you're a robot uh like you can't give yourself your own nickname that's what people have to do to be more like ben and less like snoop or little do with a gun or some twop waffle out there Condolee's the right they ignore her because she's conservative and republican and that's the thing her story's from bermingham yes that's right but because you just it it is this thing that if somebody is not if they're conservative or they're just middle of the road or whatever it now it doesn't matter that they're a role model because we're not going to celebrate them because we think it carries their politics or something interesting you can have any politics you want but look at this person they're black and they have achieved amazing thing you can do the same out of segregated bermingham alabama she was a victim of racism big time isn't that right isn't that just amazing how we can ignore accomplishments because the person's political uh that's just that's just stupefying that people make these ridiculous assertions they first of all don't understand history and they surely don't understand what accountability and responsibility are would you rather Marxist trained witchcraft practicing women to be your role models or a neurosurgeon from poverty yeah come on now come on what what has black lives matter done no one i bet he gene can't answer that i bet no one gives me a logical response what has been Carson done we named it what does black lives matter done i still waited for a logical answer and i i don't think we'll get it anytime soon john as always man i appreciate our conversations we'll talk again soon anytime brother you know that all right paul fine bottom show on the way next so