FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Ricky talks about why he can't vote - Jeff Poor talks about trip - Mobile Mornings - Wednesday 1-14-24

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14 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] News, sports, weather from Dr. Bill Williams, traffic and flow from Kane, and one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. [MUSIC PLAYING] Good morning from Dan and Dalton. If I'm talking about 6'5", 7 minutes after 8 o'clock, if you want to join the text line and Ricky and all the rest, 2513430106. It's also the number if you want to call the show. We're part of the show. Happy to chat with you on air. Another kind of humidity is up a little bit now, so it's a little muggy or out there. It had maybe a little bit of rain in some areas, coastal areas down in Berkeley as well yesterday afternoon. But not much as we remain in the month of August, with only a trace of rain officially at the Mobile Airport out on Airport Boulevard. So there we go. Just get ready to be back in '99 again today. You know, internationally, there's just so much going on right now, and you think about who's in charge of our country. It's amazing. And Biden, another thing that's amazing, he's talking to the press more, taking questions, doing big interviews, more than Kamala Harris is, who-- He's more prepared. He is, but still worrisome that he's apparently or reportedly the one making decisions. I don't know how true that is. But there's so much going on internationally. Just think Ukraine with this cross-border incursion into Russia. How in the world did that happen without any-- I've got a clip from Lindsey Graham. I'll try to play it here real quick about-- That was-- you hear about sneak attacks and stuff like that. I guess that's what it was, right? Well, of course. Yeah, they had to do it. They didn't let Russia know it had to do it. They didn't let the US know it had to do it. That's what I'm saying. We didn't even know it. Here's Graham cheering on Ukraine. And you may have heard his comments last weekend about all the minerals in Ukraine. And basically, that's why the war is going on. Oopsie-daisy, were you supposed to say that? Here's Graham from yesterday. Bold and brilliant. Well done. I'm glad you didn't tell us about it. I'm glad you just did it. And taking this war to Putin to make him understand and pay a price is the right thing. Yeah, and because of that incursion, Russia has evacuated 80,000 citizens from that region. And they're also moving soldiers back from the front line in Ukraine to kind of put support in back there where Ukraine moved into Russia. So that's pretty wild. And Putin clearly upset about it. He's saying that the West is waging more on Russia using Ukrainian hands, basically. And then Israel still waiting on this big rocket attack that's supposedly coming from Iran and maybe in tandem with Hezbollah. And they were supposed to meet tomorrow regarding a potential ceasefire deal with Hamas. But Hamas, I believe overnight, so they will not be attending that meeting. So with all that going on, China has kind of faded into the background a little bit here. And there's been some recent news involving China that I'm not sure many people have been hearing about. Take this one, for instance, a US Army Sergeant and intelligence analyst has pled guilty to charges related to selling national defense secrets to China. How much do you think he made from China by selling these national defense secrets? What would it cost to buy someone who's an Army Sergeant to not false information, provide secret confidential information to our biggest adversary? - So he took it to the market and he said, well, you give me or something like that. - Yeah. - Right? - What do you think you made? - An Army Sergeant, what kind of information would he have? - Well, he's an intelligence analyst as well. I'm thinking of video he was describing what he does and his job didn't seem to be that big a deal, but he was still given this kind of clearance that he used to pass information along to China. - When did this happen? - I think he was arrested earlier this year and went ahead and pled guilty this month. I remember reporting on it not a whole long time ago. - Yeah, I don't remember the story. - $42,000. - Wow. - So he sold himself out for 42, sold himself and the country out for $42,000. - And he sold himself into prison for the rest of his life for a very long time, at least Corbin Schultz. He held a top secret slash sensitive, compartmented information security clearance in the Army, which was allegedly used to obtain and transmit national defense info to China. Schultz was charged with conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information, exporting technical data related to defense articles without license, conspiracy to export defense articles without license and bribery of a public official. That was a federal grand jury indictment they handed down earlier this year. Now, according to the charging and the pleading documents, Schultz sold details to an individual in Hong Kong believed to have contact with the Chinese government. And that did include classified info and documents. The listed sensitive documents shared with the alleged conspirator included information on the HH-60 helicopter, the F-22A fighter jet, high Mars rockets, and also the US information that they had obtained on the Chinese military's preparedness. So Schultz likely to go away for a long time. You also have, of course, with the new VP candidate for the Democrats, Tim Walts, his relationship with China under a microscope since he was announced as Harris' running mate last week. And now Congress getting involved here. Representative Jim Banks expressed concerns about Walts' frequent trips to China while he was serving in the National Guard. Banks cited potential security risks and his demanding answers from the Pentagon. He highlighted the requirement for US service members to report trips such as the ones Walts was taking, especially when dealing with adversarial nations. And he raised questions about Walts' compliance with debriefing protocols upon return from China. Walts, who speaks Mandarin, first visited China in 1989 and made several subsequent trips. I believe he's made around 30 trips to China. - Well, that's a fine choice. - And including at least one as part of an exchange program with Beijing that he helped set up for high school students. So a lot of these trips he was taking students. You know, he was a teacher. - Yeah. - During those trips, one of Walts's, I guess, somebody that knows him reported that Walts was treated lavishly while he was in China. And this was, you know, this came out last week when Walts' wife said in the past news article that he had intentionally chosen his wedding date to coincide with the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. He said he wanted it to be a date he could remember. Now, of course, could mean two things, right? He, a date to remember. - Just sympathizing with the everyone killed. - Was it 10,000 that were killed? Something like that. - I don't understand how that date that you want. - Right. - It's already remembered. - Of course. Well, Banks' letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin seeks clarification on the risks posed by Walts' China visits and demands information about any potential foreign intelligence activity that may have occurred during those trips. Banks is requesting that Austin hand over information by August 20th about the precise number of trips Walts took to China, what level of security clearance he held and for how long, and whether he attended foreign intelligence briefings and complied with reporting requirements. So, Banks and Congress starting work on digging into Walts' potential, well, his ties with China and what those ties actually mean. And one more from China here we'll get to, and then maybe discussion on the text line, 2513430106, you know, there's such a big race for who can have the most dominant artificial intelligence capabilities, computing capabilities. - Yeah, that's the big one out there. - It's the chip race, right? And China's Huawei technologies, now close to introducing a new chip for AI, and to do so, they've had to overcome US sanctions. Now, Huawei is trying to challenge Nvidia in the Chinese market. Chinese internet companies and telecommunications operators have been testing Huawei's latest processors in recent weeks. Huawei told potential clients that, and we're not talking about the new gas station that's here, we'll be on both counties. This is Huawei, told potential clients that the new chip is comparable to Nvidia's H100, which they introduced last year and is not directly available in China. Huawei's ability to keep advancing in chips is the latest sign of how the company has managed to break through some US erected obstacles and develop Chinese alternatives to products that are made by the US and its allies. China dumping in billions of dollars in state money and has become a national champion in areas, including AI and key part of Beijing's endeavor to delete, in their words, American technologies. Now, how big of a deal is Nvidia for, not just America, but for the West? I mean, some say that Nvidia, as Nvidia goes, the stock market goes, because I think they, their stock price grew by over 200% in under 12 months, and by February, their market capitalization hit $3 trillion, Nvidia did. They started out as a video game graphics company. That made in February when they hit $3 trillion market capitalization. The second largest public traded US company, they passed Apple then and trailed only Microsoft. I'm not sure exactly where they stand in the rankings right now, but this is, and it's not something that hasn't been discussed before, all of Nvidia's chips are made in Taiwan. Yeah, that's very troublesome. And there's been some efforts to, you know, onshore, the production of chips, a big part of that was, you know, in 2022, the Biden administration with the Chips and Science Act, as they're trying to spur new development of technology, AI technology, and bring onshore the manufacturing of GPUs, like those that are manufactured by Nvidia. I'm just trying to, and there's smarter men and women than me that have been, you know, looking into this for a longer time. But if we're so worried about China's pending invasion of Taiwan, and if AI is the most important technology we have right now, the growth of AI and where it could lead, you know, humanity and going forward for good or bad, right? And if Nvidia is such a crucial part of our economy right now, because it has, you know, so much involved with it in the stock market. It just kind of grew itself into that. Yeah, and it's not on American soil. How are we, how is the country kind of handling that that all of Nvidia's chips are made in Taiwan? And if China does launch this invasion of Taiwan, you know, what's the plan? I've got an answer for you, okay? Believe it or not, because the US Navy's deployment of new extremely long-range air-to-missiles in the Indo-Pacific could erase China's advantage in aerial reach, experts say. So we're over there with our newest and our best stuff, let's just say, right? It's got three key advantages. It can fly several times farther than the best US option. It also does not require new production lines and it's compatible with an ally, Australia's aircraft as well. So if we need parts and things like that. And basically it's the AM 174B, it can attack aerial targets as far away as 250 miles. It outreaches anything China can do. So we've got, that's one part of the plan. I don't think that's the best plan, the best plan will be for that plant to be in New Jersey. And not Taiwan. I also saw a story in the New York Times, I got blocked behind a wall, they were trying to get more information about it, that Chinese and Russian troops are training together. Right, of course, yeah. So anyway, that's, maybe that's out in the open more than they intended to be, I don't know. But I'm sure I'm just a cynic. I have trouble believing, if China invades Taiwan, that maybe we provide resistance for some time, but anything beyond that would be war with China, which would be potentially devastating for the world, obviously. So how far are we willing to push it to defend Taiwan, once that invasion comes? And what's the plan, if China does take Taiwan, however quickly they do, what's the plan for our chips over there? We have so many of these AI chips manufactured, that is a major, major deal. I agree, and so much, we were in bed with the wrong partner there, certainly with our dealings with China itself, and to have those chips being, I guess, only being manufactured in one part of the free world, and that's Taiwan. And China's doing a lot in, you know, Central Americans, South American countries, but imagine if all of their chips were produced in Cuba. How much sense would that make? We'd go over and take it, right? We'd just say, look, sorry, you got to do it, right? It's 820, FM Talk 106-5 Mobile Morning. (upbeat music) Good morning from Dan Adolphton, FM Talk 106-5, 824. Mobile Morning's. (upbeat music) It's a name I've heard for a long time watching football, although the center of football team is an orphan. You know, the one that commentators are talking about, but Matt only went Alabama played last year. Yeah, yeah, he's like bowling for dollars. Matt Burke, a retired All-Pro NFL center, Super Bowl champion, he's now in politics, by the way, we'll get to that. He says, and he's a Republican in Tim Walts, obviously, in the same state as a Democrat, so he's probably not gonna have nice things to say about him, but it is interesting what he does say. He said, he can't lead, talk about Tim Walts. He can't execute, but he can give a stump speech. So he, I guess in Minnesota they, when the governor runs, they run on a ticket with the Lieutenant Governor, and that's what, so Burke was running for Lieutenant Governor on the Republican side, and running against Governor Walts and Lieutenant Governor Penny Flanagan. They lost, but he says he was absolutely shocked when Vice President Kamala Harris decided to choose Walts last week. Here's the thing about Tim Walts, Burke said, he will literally say anything he's campaigning when he's campaigning to get elected. Now, you can, people can say, you know, politicians. No, he's like saying, he's circling it. Like, this guy is the worst of the worst, which I had a feeling. And then things I've read and just stuff, you know, stuff that I'm-- - Well, the way he's, you know, responded to certain events as governor. - Yeah, yeah, that certainly is one of them. He said that he promised Minnesotans that he was gonna send them out $2,000 checks to help them deal with the rise and cost of inflation. Things are not going well in Minnesota right now, and he is the governor. The Walts checks came out far less, up to $1,300, many cases less than that, and they were taxed by the IRS as well. Economically, the economy here is growing slower than the national average, Burke said, who is an investor in a startup companies. He also adds this, this is interesting. Now again, this is Walts' opponent, but I would believe what Burke's got to say. Politicians are politicians, he's that. We hold most politicians to a pretty low standard when it comes to telling the truth, but can you actually do the job? Can you govern? Can you lead? He can't. So I think that's, again, a political opponent. I get it. You're a Democrat listening right now. You think I'm piling on? I don't like the guy for a lot of reasons, and there's a guy in his own state saying he doesn't deliver what he's promised. - Well, there has been a massive Walts pile on, and that's because there's so much to work with in the opposition from just, it's amazing that he was chosen as the candidate, and I still, I insist, I believe, and I know Brian Dawson, when he was speaking to someone yesterday, they both said, "Oh, I think Harris was goaded by the far left into picking him." I think Harris picked him because he aligns with her politics. I think it's that simple. - He does, but I would be shocked if Harris was given that leniency with so much on the line of divided Democrat party, and then she was still given the ability to pick her own candidate, and maybe you're right, but I see it the other way. I see her getting shoved into the corner and saying you can't take Shapiro for obvious reasons right in this day and time. Shapiro would have been, he would have been a tougher guy to attack than Walts, I think, he's just cleaner. - Right, and they also dug something up from Shapiro's past, but I don't know how much that would have weighed him down either. - Well, all they could dig up on, Vance was a joke meme about a couch or something. - And then he acts weird. - Data. - Daphne texted, "I wish they would wait until he is the official vice presidential candidate before they attack Walts too much. I don't want them to pull another switcher room right here at the end." But wouldn't that be fun? If they switched the VP candidate, like after switching the presidential candidate, go ahead. It would just show them so much disorder. - I just don't know how much, you know, all of this focus on the VP candidates really matters in the grand scheme of things. The more you focus on Walts, the less you're focusing on Kamala, and not that you can't do two things at the same time. Nikki Haley actually had a great segment on Brett Baer last night. And more or less said, when she was speaking with Brett Baer about Kamala, she said, "Why is everyone asking her to do interviews? Why is everyone, you know, insisting that she speak with the media?" She says, "Just run based off of what she's done and what she's already said." And some of the very far left policy positions, she's taken up as, well, in all of her years as politics, but as Senator and when she was running for the 2020 campaign, yeah, presidential campaign, she said how she planned to govern. So you use that more. I thought Haley was actually really good on Brett Baer last night. - That's interesting. It's not like she's new as this candidate, but she's not new if you just do a little digging, right? - Right. Getting to the text line, 2513430106. A lot of texts to get to, and we'll start hitting them right after the break. (upbeat music) 835 FM Talk 106, 5 Musketon Bloodline. Band of a couple of mobile dudes. They've got a new album coming out Friday, by the way, and they bring us into this third segment of Mobile Mornings. Right now it's time to head over to McConnell Automotive and talk with Louis Arrata. Hey, Louis. - Hey, good morning, guys. How are you? - We are doing just fine, hot, but fine, and I know you have some fine rides on the lot at McConnell Automotive. - Oh, yeah. We got some cool rides on the lot too, that's fine. Like I said, we got a bunch of hummers getting in here. I don't know what's going on here, but we've got a few of 'em. Anybody wants to come take a test drive on one? Come on by, man. They're nice cars. We'll get it pranked up, get the air conditions flowing for you, so you won't have to stay out in this hot sun too much. Just got a 25-on-clave in. It's a beautiful looking car. Sitting on the showroom, we need to come by and look at that. We can look at that. Got a invoice just today on Enclave Avenue. A lot of people have been looking at those, and those are nice cars. So, come on by and see us. We're gonna be here all day. Hopefully we'll get a little shower this afternoon, trying to cool things off, but we'll be here, so come on by. - All right, thank you, Louis. - Hey, thank y'all. - That's Louis Arrata. Go see him at McConnell Automotive on Dolphin Street, just east of I-65, and that website, - To the text line, Rock 'n' Roll Doctor says, Trump has proposed three debates with three different TV networks. Kamala has agreed to one with ABC, why hasn't the other two been agreed to by Kamala? Is she scared? The whole Kamala thing is a farce, and she will lose badly or cheat badly. - Yeah, and Trump, yeah, he said that he had agreed to three debates, now they were waiting on Kamala to do so, and speaking of, you know, I mentioned Bret Baer with the Haley interview from last night, he was speaking with, I think he's a New York representative, he's awfully feisty, so he makes audio clips that are usable fairly often. I think Dan Goldman is his name or something like that, but he was defending Kamala and not speaking to the press, and he said, "Listen, Trump won't even debate her." And Baer said, "Well, he's agreed to the one debate," and he said he's offered up two more debates and Kamala hasn't agreed to those, and so Baer, just being pretty much a straight up journalist, kind of boxed him into a corner on that one, yeah, the debates may be where things kind of change back because, you know, whatever you think about polling and how accurate it ends up being, and right now these polls are really all over the map. You have some who still have Trump with a pretty sizable lead in at least the election couch, you know, with some of the states that are gonna be crucial, I think Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, three or five points in Florida right now. Yeah, Florida has, under DeSantis, really, I think over a million more registered Republican voters now than Democrats is something I read the other day, so it's huge, Florida, but some polls, you know, take him or leave him, have Kamala performing fairly well, and Florida, she's still getting that bump, right, from Biden being off the ticket, and the kind of Kamala honeymoon, they're just gonna ride that out, I think, but can they ride it out past a debate? I don't think so. They're gonna ride it out 'til at some point it dissolves, and then they're gonna say, what is our strategy now? And just the pick of Waltz alone, there was a conversation I saw, it was just political pundits just saying, just a like a third grade mistake, to pick this guy when you weren't, they didn't, they wasn't vetted well enough, and all of his, he's got all this curious stuff in his past, you're like, so what's this, and he was the guy calling Vance weird, which was weird itself, you got the China thing, you've got the stolen valor thing, you've got resigning in time to not have to go to Iraq, which now seems pretty obvious, that's what happened. So it's like, that was your best pick? Well, and what was weird is that they labeled the Republican Party as weird, because liberals have been promoting weird for a long time, like Austin, keep it weird, or whatever the, they say weird is good, and so labeling Trump Vance is weird, I mean, I guess it worked for a week or so. Well, I said it really took off. Really took off, but the vibe, that's what everyone's talking about, the vibe of Kamala Harris overcoming everything else. So this texture, VP position is important, they could be president, look at where we are with Kamala, but you know, I agree the position is important. What I'm wondering is how important is it to wage VP wars and letting the presidential candidates kind of, in a way, fade a little bit into the background, how important is it to go after the VP candidates when it comes to the election, and people showing up to vote, I do realize it's an important position. Rock and roll, Dr. Again, weird is the new deplorable. Jeff from Fair Hope wish the Fox guys would quit banging on waltz, I'm a Vietnam vet, and he needs to be exposed to the public, but after he has been appointed, we don't want the DNC to dump him, he's an easy target. I think if they dump him, that might be a worse look than leaving him on the ticket. I mean, you can't just keep switching players out. That would be good. I don't know, but it would appear, it would be covered by certain media one way, but I don't know how you'd get it. If they had to dump him, how does MSNBC even go on in the morning, how do they spin it in a way where they can have their own pride left? Because that'd be a tough spin. - Pat in video, he says, "Not a video game graphic company, "a computer's graphic card company, "and that's still their main sellers." - Yeah, but they began, yeah, you're right, they made computer graphics, but they got into that because they saw the video game market in the 90s was so big, and in the words of the founder of Nvidia, it's a complex problem with a large market, and so they wanted to get into that because they saw money basically growing on trees, and boy, would they write about that. He also said the election will show just how mentally unstable our country is as a whole. - Texture, we've been having, I still don't, if you want to give us, you don't have to give us your real name, you can give us a call sign or something, you might want to do that before Jeff named you. (laughs) But, sex, we've been going back and forth for a long time. He says, "You're worried now, Dalton, "your main man is losing." I don't think Trump is losing. I am worried, I've been worried, been worried for a long time about a possible second Biden administration, or even worse, a Kamala administration. Hell yeah, I'm worried about that. I mean, have you paid any attention to what's been going on the last four years? - Well, he, there's those who think with his freight face that Biden's done a great job, and there's people that believe that. I don't know how. - Who was the one that was a Pelosi that makes room on Rushmore? - For Biden. - Yeah. (laughs) - After she shoved him out the window. - Is that, that sounds like a monologue joke. - Yeah, like an SNL kind of that. - Yeah. - I believe she did say that on one of the Sunday shows. Chris, Orange Beach, I want the two of you to explain to me how any sane-thinking American adult can possibly consider voting for either one of these two, more over her, Harris, leader of the free world. It's ludicrous. There's almost half the country that are on board. - I would say you got two choices, and which one disturbs you less. You're a big Trump guy, so you don't have to look at it that way. I get that, Dalton, but I've got my reservations about Trump, but in many regards, I think I've changed my position on Trump over time where between Harris and Trump, what would the nation look like if all the left-leaning policies continue and are fortified by Democrats in the White House? What would this country begin to look like? Well, to me, that's a little bit frightening. - No, Kamala says she's gonna fix inflation, so there's that. The economy, I think, crucial, obviously, international affairs, crucial, and the border, crucial, how is, forget the vibe that either candidate gives off, how is Kamala, how are the Democrats performing better than Trump on the economy, international affairs, and the border? Are they outperforming Trump on any of those three? - No, they're not. For me, it's that simple, but for a lot of people, there's a lot of other reasons to vote or not vote. Gardner says, "Looks like Walt's was trying to make money "from his position as VP like Biden did." Well, he didn't know who he was gonna, I think maybe he was one of the last people in the world who thought he would be a VP candidate when he ran for Congress back in 2005, but I think it's the fascination with China from early on, and you could be fascinated with something and not necessarily like it, but he kept making a bunch of trips over there while he was a member of the National Guard, and according to, I think it was someone, I need to look it up exactly who it was, but he said he was treated in his words lavishly while he was over there. It's just something that needs to be dug into here, and just think about, and I'm sure there's been Republican ties to China or other countries, but specifically Democrats, you're Diane Feinstein, and her driver was basically a Chinese spy for years and years and years. - It's incredible. - You had, was it Swalwell who was having an affair or something like that with a Chinese spy, and then of course you have the Biden's ties to China, and the money that was changing hands between Hunter Biden and some of those over there, a lot of really close ties to China for a lot of very high profile Democrats. - And just to decide real quickly, I thought it was really interesting. I haven't seen the article, again, because I'm not subscribed to the New York Times, but the New York Times was a big article about Hunter Biden this morning that it's a little surprising, coming from the New York Times, involving the State Department and the deal that he was trying to make. - Right. - Yeah, we'll have to dig into that as well too. Let's see here, and we have someone on the phone line. I'm not sure, Leanne, I'm not seeing who we have on the line here, but why don't we just go for it, and line one, who are we talking to? - Hang on one second. - Rickie. - It's Rickie, how's it going? - It's going good, guys. I think the discussion is that we've done come to the end of this left-right paradigm. It's not working, you know, the rich both sides out where, you know, the middle class is being wiped out. We gotta do something different, and I think if the country goes under, which I believe it already did in 2001, and we all are bankrupt, I think we need to go through the bankruptcy, get back to sound money, go through the pain, until they're creating warmth to kill each other, so the oligarch is staying power. - Hey, Rickie, I've been wondering, and you don't have to completely unveil your endorsement yet, but who are you voting for in this coming election? - Christians can't vote in elections. - Why is that? - Because we're not part of Babylon, we're part of God. I mean, the whole thing with this Christian vote is we're not to be part of Babylon. We'd be separate, so as the Lord liked Amish. - All right, no voting. - That was not the direction I thought you were gonna take that. I thought maybe you were gonna vote for a third party candidate. Do you like RFA, you know? - Well, I won't ever, the country, Alabama to become its own country, and I want to get a certain independence back. I want to go back to real with sound money under God, and like we had it between 16, 20, and 1776, we was a free country, we were paying tax to the king, but we didn't have no oil guard government, like we have now over the top of it, and tell us what was a girl and a girl was a boy, you know? - Ricky, if Alabama became its own country, who would be the president? Would it be Ivy? - No, absolutely. She proved it with COVID-19, and my son got a hate from the COVID shot. He absolutely loved his mind. COVID-19 wiped us out, and it's causing all kinds of troubles that people are not even talking about, the medical industry, it just turned us back on the psychological, psychiatric or problems with people with mental issues. Now, since COVID came out, it's doubled, and we're in trouble, and they're depopulating us, and if we don't wake up, the older guard's gonna turn us on each other at the end, we'd left right paradigm to destroy each other, and kill ourselves, that's what I say. - It's very heavy, Ricky, for 8.48 in the morning, but that's all right, though. - I think the question I have, if Alabama became a token country, would Auburn and Alabama get kicked out of the SEC? - No, we, SEC could take over football, we just canceled NFL, and the SEC take over, and Alabama would be its own, you know. - Okay, look at that, I threw this question out there, and Ricky's got a plan to answer. Thank you, Ricky. - Thanks, man, tomorrow, maybe we'll talk about the Chinese. - We had a spyglass in there. - Well, he said China created a smaller son and put it in front of our bigger son to fry us, I think. - Yeah, he did not, did not know Ricky was online, and he surprised me with some of the answers there, so thank you, Ricky, for the call. - Jeff, what he said could be in a sports report. - It could be. Jeff Poor, Jeff Poor's show, we're gonna talk with him next, about his big trip on the way. (upbeat music) - That was a lot of fun. It's 853, FM Talk 1.065. This guy did have a lot of fun while he was on vacation. Jeff Poor took the Jeff Poor's show, and, man, you hit the spots, Jeff. You gave it a good shot, you and the little guy. - He's Skyline Drive. - There we go. - We haven't used the Jeff Poor pot in a week, so I had to get used to potting that back up. - The poor pot, right. - I'm glad to have my own pot. - No, the entire Blurge Parkway, all the way Skyline Drive into Washington, DC, and then back down into Mobile. - What was that? - And I loved following your updates, but you had a strange object that you were marking with a highlighter throughout your trip. Was that a map? Is that what that was called? - Yeah, back in the Ooh, the Ram McNally, one of our great explorers, I guess. I don't really know why they called Ram McNally, but I got a, the 2025 Ram McNally Road Outlaces out, by the way, guys. - That's awesome. - Yeah, that is breaking news here. Anybody that owns a laptop. - I think it's a great idea. I mean, what a trip for the little one, and for you to take him on, you saw so many different things, including some sporting events that I was jealous of, but to-- - You were jealous that you weren't at the Braves nine, nothing lost? - I'd just, I'd like to see the Braves no matter what, but then the Richmond race too. So, I mean, that is fantastic, and something that he and you will remember for years and years and years to come. - Yeah, I think he had more fun at the Toy Isle than Roanoke, Virginia at the Walmart there than probably, but no, I mean, like we saw a lot of stuff. It was probably a lot for a three year old to take in. - Yeah, speaking of a lot to take in, being kind of on the road for a week, a lot went on politically while you're gone. Most of it had to do with the VP candidate, Tim Walts, somehow, some way. And then, of course, waiting on the, whatever attack comes Israel's way from Iran and Hezbollah. But you're back at it today. What guest are you gonna have on the show? - Oh, let me ask you, I'll sit there quick, I know we're short on time, but-- - Sure. - It's Tim Walts, does he not make you think of Mo Brooks? He's like the liberal version of Mo. - He, that's not a bad call. I think he's, I think Mo is, this guy is a slimy politician where Mo is, Mo is Mo. - But there's like this anger about it or just like this righteous indignation or something about it that makes me think. Wow, I remember this is like a flashback. - Wow, yeah, I hadn't put, I didn't put him in the Mo Brooks classification. I know that I'm not a fan. - Well, he's just such a conflicting, you know, personality. He's, he has this Midwestern, you know, look. - Shucks. - Midwestern dance. - Oh, yeah. - Scramper all shucks look, but then his policies, especially as governor. I mean, he's getting friendly with, you know, the leading Muslim there in Minneapolis. He delivered like one of the three convocations at his gubernatorial inauguration. And then it turns out this guy is like, of course, pro-Palestine all the way, believes that the Holocaust was a lie. And then you think about some of his other, you know, just kind of weird things, especially with like, you know, China trips to China and then this all stolen valor thing. But what I'm trying to figure out, Jeff, is how much this matters as far as the election in November is concerned. All of this attention on Walt's on one side, Vance on the other side. What does it really matter when it comes to November? - And then when historically, maybe you can make the case for Palin, but when historically has that running made, really made that big of a difference in the ticket. - Right. It's a lot of talk right now. But as Dalton says, is it gonna mean much now? It does mean a lot. In fact, now we know that to, you know, the Vice President that now is going to be, is running to become the president. So it does have something, you know, something happens to the president, which what happened to Biden was he just deteriorated to the point where he was no longer viable. - But he can be president still. - But he's pretty, yeah, I take that back. He's still the president of the United States remarkably. - Well, I just hope Republicans don't run on the cover up of Biden's incompetence. You know, I don't know that that's going to work for him. - Yeah, it does seem like the kind of distancing from that Trump. It just keeps saying it was a coup, you know, over and over again. But he has a lot more to say since then. Your first guests back, who do you have on today? - So many shows up. We've got former say Senator Dick Burrobaker going to join us. Also Wednesday regular Joy Clark and then, I'm curious to see what Parker Griffith, our Democrat response has to say about all of this going on now. - That is appointment radio there, Parker Griffith at 1135. - He's got a lot to talk about. And maybe his time in Washington with Waltz. He probably knew him up there. - Possibly. - Yeah, looking forward to the show, Jeff. We'll let you go ahead and start getting ready to get back after nine o'clock and folks will be ready to listen to you. - Well, y'all go easy on me today, guys. Back in the water here. But thanks for having me on. - They never do, Jeff. They never go easy on you. - Just got notes out of vacation, man. It was epic. A lot of texts, this one texture. I love y'all is just giving you a hard time about Ricky. What a way to close the show, though. Martin says, "People should pay more attention "to what Trump and Harris have done "and what they want to do, not what they say. "With that, it's either America or La La Land." Yeah, a lot of texts about Ricky. Ben says, "Y'all have a lot of collars and Ricky is one of them." That's right, that is an accurate statement. - Well, he was the one this morning. People use the text line that they don't call as much as they used to. - Jerry, for Morgan, the only problem we can actually do anything about is the AL2 race. The Democrat running for that seat is worthless. What's that looking like? I know Fox News on their map last night had AL2 as heavy lean Democrat, not even light lean Democrat or a toss-up. - That's all that. - 859, obviously the Jeff Porsche show is next.