FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The George Williams Show 8-13-24 guest Dr. Eddison Walters, lunch alert w Dick Morris Kamala lightweight

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14 Aug 2024
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It's time for the George Williams Show on FM Talk 1065. George Williams, retired U.S. Marine Major, Vietnam veteran, retired federal agent, former vice chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and World Traveler, brings his wealth of information sharing his thoughts on today's politics and taking your calls and texts at 251-343-0106. Now making the mission possible, here's George Williams. This is the George Williams Show, I'm so glad to be back into the studio. Last week, we were out, and as a matter of fact, we were over in Bayonet, Alabama at streets restaurant, and we had a very good Republican meeting greet and folks that was outstanding, a lot of people. And we got quite a few people to join the Bolton County Republican Party. We have a few glitches at the beginning, but that was squared away. And we're going to do it again. We are preparing folks for the 2020 election, 2024 election, which will be held on the fifth of this November, and our aim and our mission is to get as many of those demon crafts, aka Democrats, out of the White House, out of Congress, out of the Senate, and out of the governorships in different states, folks. We needed that because the Democrats have messed up this country, starting with Jimmy Carter, and then you had Obama and Biden. And then you had Trump did a fantastic job, and I don't understand how people can say he did not when you compare. And then you had Biden and Harris, and look what they've done over the past almost four years, folks. What have they done is totally unbelievable how they've screwed up this country, my country, your country. And the shame of it all is that all some of the voters, especially black voters, believe in the Democrat Party, I left the Democratic Party when Reagan was running against Jimmy Carter. That's when I left. I'm so glad I did. Obama was the Manchurian candidate. Biden and Harris, I don't know what you call them. I don't know the name for them. You had Biden, and now you have Harris running in his place. Are you kidding me? Harris, who couldn't even last one segment of the, when she ran for president four years ago in the premiere, and now she's running for president, and the Joker, the liar, she chose, waltz, the Minnesota governor. And we're going to be covering that later on, folks, of telling you, it's a shame. But we'll be talking about that. But I just wanted to thank everybody for listening in last Tuesday night. And folks, we have our Bowen County Republican Party office set up in Daphne, off of Highway 98. And I can't think of the address, folks, but it is by the Bangkok restaurant over there. There's a little small bunch of buildings. And by the Bangkok restaurant, that's where the campaign office for the Bowen County Republican Party. So visited. I visited yesterday. It was fantastic. Now, we're going to have a guest speaker, and he's going to be coming on after this first break. Now, let's listen to Dick Morris, because, you know, I swear by this guy. And let's listen to what he has to say. I've been searching, as has Trump, I think, for the correct adjective to describe Kamala Harris. And the best I've come up with, and I think it's very good, is lightweight. She just lacks the substance to be able to conduct foreign policy, to be able to manage the economy, and to be able to have a successful outcome. She made it through life by dealing and laughing and seeming to be such a friendly person. And there's no substance behind it. And I think that she would be alive in a conference or a confrontation with China, with Russia, or Iran, and would just not know how to handle it. I think that it's significant that she has not done a single interview or a single press conference since she became the candidate for president about three weeks ago. Now, she's saying that she'll do one before the end of the month, and she means August. I think that the correct way to go after her is to say that she's a lightweight. And I think that Trump is making a mistake by calling her dumb or other adjectives that could be used to describe an equal person. But I think with Harris, you know, he should use the phrase lightweight, and she just is not all there. Thanks for watching. All right, Nick Morris, and he's correct. He's correct. I mean, let's base our comments for Harris on her records. Her records, her record is dismal, folks. She's supposed to bite and put her in charge of the border. I don't think she's visited the border. I remember on an interview, one of the newsmen asked her, "Well, have you visited the border?" And she looked at him with that smurky face, and she said, "Well, I haven't even visited Europe." I mean, where is this woman coming from? I haven't even visited Europe. And her record as a district attorney, her record as the attorney general in California, and I know, I know, I've talked to a lot of folks who are in California about her and how she prosecuted young men, especially. And she never gave any breaks, okay? She was hard against especially black men, especially. And now she's saying it claiming she's black, okay? She never did that before. I've got a video of her talking about her Indian heritage, her mother and her father. And she denied that she was a black person. All of a sudden, when she comes in the office, she's black now. And some people got angry at Trump. Of course, that's a Democrat calling, playing the racist game. Playing to do with playing the racist and trying to get folks on your side, the Democrats are that way, okay? Playing the race card, that's what they want to do. All right, folks, our guest is coming on after the break, our number here is 251-3430106. And if you want to listen to us over the net, if you're outside the mobile listening area, you can get us on FM Talk FM Now we haven't even touched on a Harris' running mate, vice president of Walts. Folks, this man is a liar, okay? A liar, a proven liar, he was a terrible governor for Minnesota, the state of Minnesota. And with my guests, and I think we're going to go over a couple of those things that he has done as a governor, and he's unbelievable. With the boys' bathroom and putting women, feminist napkins in there, this guy is sick. He is sick. And he's running for vice president, can you believe that? And talking about his military records, I'm a Vietnam vet. I'm a United States Marine Corps Vietnam veteran, okay? And after Vietnam, I spent eight active duty years in the military, four in the Marines, four in the Air Force. I got out, I became a police officer in New Jersey, and then I joined the Army National Guard. Okay? I spent 32 years in that, so I think I know what I'm talking about. I went through OCS, got my commission, and I was an officer. So I think I know what I'm talking about. I think I know when you have a creep, a liar, in order to advance his political agenda. And that's what he's done. And the worst thing about it is he's still doing it, folks. But lately they have, they have, trying to retract that, but it's too late, it's too late. It's on video, from your own words. All right, we'll be back after these messages with our special guests. We'll be right back, folks. Welcome back to the George Williams Show. Your text and comments at 2513430106, now making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. Welcome back. Welcome back, folks. This is D. George Williams Show, and we are on a mission. Our number here is 2513430106, our special guest is Dr. Edison Waters, and he's no stranger to our listening audience, Dr. How are you doing? I'm doing wonderful. I'm doing wonderful. Good evening to you and your listening audience. Great. It's very important to be talking to you about your evening. Right. The last time you were on the program here, you were talking about the affordable housing, the lack of it, et cetera, et cetera. And since that time you've done something about that, can you tell our audience what you've done? Yeah. Well, one of the things we've done is we've actually started a pack, a political action committee, to draw attention to the problem and draw attention to the drastic shortage of home inventory because it is a huge problem, and the administration have not done much to address the problem at all. Okay. You're talking about affordable homes, right? Yes, affordable home ownership. Okay. The administration, they've pushed a lot of money into rental housing, but rental housing is a dead end street, especially for some of our people who strive to get into the middle class, because the greatest asset that Americans own, Americans have more wealth in their homes than any other investment in the country. Mm-hmm, and what have you done? You've created, you said, a pack? Yeah. Yeah, we've created a political action committee. The political action committee is restore the promise of the American Dream Inc, and you can find us at You can visit our website, we have a lot of information that tries to bring some attention to the problem. One of the major problems is how drastically low home inventories are, and that's why we see home prices skyrocketing, just some numbers, so you listen to an audience understand how the drastic need for single-family home inventory, in 1995, home inventories across the country was 1.58 million homes available. A survey in 2003 showed that the number of homes available in 2003 was about half that amount at 870,000 units. And to put that in context, our country, the population of our country, have increased 70 million cents then, and so we've had a significant increase just in the population, and then when you factor in, in 1995 when home inventories was at about 1.58 million, you were relegated, a house that was on the market was relegated to local community, because people found a house, you drove by a house, you saw the sign, you would call from a sign, or you would go get a book, and you would look through the book and find a house, and you would physically have to visit the house as a potential buyer. Well, what happened is after 99, all of that changed, and we went to online listings, online loan operations, and automated underwriting, so virtually anybody with an internet connection who thought about moving to the area became a potential buyer. So the number of houses that we needed on the market to satisfy that new demand drastically increases, and if you're just based on the comparison on how huge the demand, think about this, the demand went from, it didn't just double, it didn't just triple, the demand for each home put on the market increased by hundreds and thousands, because the potential buyer for each home was no longer 200, it was anybody anywhere with an internet connection. So it exponentially increased, and today we're at about 50 percent of the inventory we had in 1995 prior to the structural change of the real estate market. Right. Now who is most affected by this stock? Well the people that are most affected is your poor and your lower income American family. Now what the Biden administration have done is they had a grand plan, and this grand plan was under Obama, what they wanted to do was they wanted to elect more members to Congress, and they targeted suburban districts. So what they did was they have been providing incentives for municipalities to get rid of exclusive singleist family zoning so they can build more multifamily units. So the Biden administration set aside $10 billion just to provide incentives to local governments to change their zoning, and that's why we see all these apartment buildings being built in all over the place because that's what the administration has focused on, and they have completely neglected affordable housing, of how affordable home ownership. Now a great example is this, with home inventories as low as they are, the Biden administration in 2022 announced that there was going to do something to help lower the cost of home and provide more affordable housing for affordable ownership, for affordable home ownership. But they decided to do, and it's really, you know, I mean it's really like an example of how their policies are failed policies. They announced that they were committed to building a hundred building or remodeling, rehabbing a hundred thousand new homes over three years. Now to put that in perspective, that is 33,000 homes per year. Now I just said that home inventories in 2003 was at 870,000. So that would make, in 2003, if they add 33,000 new homes, that would bring the inventory to 900,000. Right, Doc, hold on, what is the inventory now? The inventory, right, at the end of 2003, the inventory was 870,000. So that was down from 1995, 1995, the home inventories, single family home inventory, was 1.58 million. All right, but that is 23 years ago, we're talking about now. Yes, and now it's almost half of what it was back then at 870 million. And they've proposed 870,000, sorry, and they're proposing to add 33,000 new homes. So that would bring the grand total to 900,000. It's literally a 1% increase in home inventory that would make home inventory 44% lower than what, where we were at in 1995. Okay. It was 45% lower, so virtually they did that proposal that they taught it and they bragged about it absolutely nothing to affect home home, single family home costs. All right, Doc, we only have less than a minute before the next break. So can you stick around? Yes, definitely. Until we go into the, going to the next break and then we'll continue this, folks, we're talking to Dr. Eddison Waters and he is one of the foremost experts in housing, economics and all kinds of stuff, okay, and we really appreciate him coming on. So we will continue after the break, folks, because this is important and especially young people who are trying to buy a home and I'll give you an example of how difficult it is right here in Baldwin County, okay, and we'll get into that after the break. So we'll be right back with Dr. Eddison Waters. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your techs and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Welcome back, folks, we are continuing with our mission and it's multi-complex, this mission, folks, and what we're doing here now is trying to explain to you what our expert Dr. Eddison Waters regarding, you know, single home, the lack of single home and affordable housing and one thing about this whole situation is all over the place, I went to the convention in Milwaukee, even in Milwaukee they're building all of these apartment rentals, folks with apartment rentals come crime, crime will increase, okay, and less crime where you have single family homes, much less crime, so why are they building all of these apartments all over the place, all over the place, and even the single family homes, they start at homes that they built, you know, 15 years ago in Baldwin County, you can get them for less than $100,000. Now they're 2-1/2 or 300,000 starting off, so Doc, we really need to bring this situation to a head. Yes, we definitely need to try to get the focus back on affordable home ownership because, you know, rental, life being a lifelong rental is a dead-end street. It doesn't give, it's not a vehicle to move into the middle class, and one of the things about this country, I mean the American field, the American dream, the foundation of the American dream was built on people being able to get ahead in this country and the vehicle that helped people get ahead in the past have been home ownership, and today as we speak, home ownership is no longer a reality for millions of Americans, especially younger Americans. I mean they've been trapped into being lifelong renters, and we have to do something about it, and that is why it's important that we have to get rid of the current people running in this country because they have literally destroyed the American dream for generations. Right, now Doc, where did that start with? Well it started under Obama, under Obama their plan was to turn suburban America blue because suburban America traditionally have been a Republican stronghold, and so that's why they focus on building all these rental units and enticing local municipalities to change their zoning with that $10 billion in funding just simply so they can turn districts that have been traditionally Republican strongholds into districts that they can elect more Democrats of Congress. Okay, now Doc, a question to you is we have, next week we have the Democratic Convention and we have Harris who is the presumed candidate, okay? We can't tell yet until after the convention. Now what role will she play in this because she is right there with Joe Biden? Well seems to have supported these policies that have put the American dream out of reach for millions of Americans. So in this election, the American dream is literally on the line in this election, I mean whether or not the American dream is available for the next generation is on the line in this election and this is why we have to do everything we can to make sure President Trump is elected. And I agree with you wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly, all right Doc, let's get into another matter. You are a soldier, you served in the U.S. Army, correct? Yes. Now with all of this controversy over Harris' vice presidential candidate, what is your opinion on that? I mean it's really sad that somebody can get away with stolen ballots because that's literally what it is. You know this guy have paraded around and implied that he served in wars when he has... That's true, that's true. And also... If you listen to his wording, he makes a play on words because he talks about his unit serving, he doesn't say directly that he served. So when you listen to what he says, it implies that he served. Yeah, a typical example is when I served in Iraq and Afghanistan, okay? But he didn't, they sent him to Italy. Well, and he said, yeah, his unit was activated. Right. And his unit, so he refers to his unit quite a bit, and so what he does is he allows people who's listening to him to imply that he actually served when he didn't. Right. Yeah. It's really sad that you know, I mean because we have men and women who have given their lives for the country, you know, stolen ballet is a serious issue. And also, Doc, his rank. Yes, his rank. I mean, besides all the other way left whack-o-things that he proposed, like tampons in a men's bathroom. When he was a governor, right? The guy is a real disaster, you know? Right. The stuff that he's done literally doesn't even make any sense because even if, you know, even if you're one of the people that believes somebody can change their gender, if you look at a population of people who would fall under that category, does it really justify putting tampons in all men's bathroom at the expense of the government because you might have one transgender student at a high school? Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Unbelievable, and he was a governor, and Doc, one of some of the other negative things, if you could recall, I have a whole list of them. When he was a governor, some of the bills he passed, you know, I mean, one of the 16 and 17 years was to pre-register to vote. Yeah, and one of the biggest issues and people need to understand that this issue is an issue that affects the minority community more than any other community. He allowed these hooligans to burn down the city and did nothing to stop it. Correct. So, you know, and it's really, when you start talking about electing somebody and putting them in a position where they're a heartbeat away from securing a country, and he's demonstrated that type of, the type of person he is, that would allow an entire city to burn down. I mean, you know, we can't elect somebody like that, we can't have somebody like that a heartbeat away from the president. Correct, Doc. And another thing, his close relationship with China, will he be compromised? Yeah, we're talking about a guy who was in the military and they stayed in China. It took his honeymoon. Right, and I think he taught over there, right? And they have different Chinese coming into the state of Minnesota and what opened up a police agency where they would go after descendants, Chinese descendants who were against the government and he allowed them to come into Minnesota. Yeah, and you have to wonder really about him and can we trust someone like this with our national security? No, I would say no, no way. And if you listen, folks who are listening to us out there, if you're a Democrat, listen to this conversation that we're talking about and we're going to allow this guy? Well, look, it's just like the Biden's, honeybiden, a Biden family took millions of dollars from the Chinese, from the Russians, okay? And folks, you know, and then let's not forget, then he allowed China to fly a balloon across the country over all of the sensitive military. Correct. Yes, and you have to start wondering why was that balloon not shut down earlier? Right. Was it because of all the money that the Biden family raped in? Right. And here we have a guy that have been nominated for vice president who has started the same issues as a Biden family. Correct. Correct. Correct. Folks, you better start thinking about this. This is a serious situation. Yeah, it is definitely a serious situation and it's a situation that we cannot allow to happen. Right. Right. Now, what I was telling some of the folks here, after the convention, then a lot of this information will come out and the party is holding back until they are the nominees. Right now they're just candidates and it will be coming out as soon as the convention is over. And I'll tell you another thing that's happening, Dr. In Alabama here, you've got the black Democrats fighting against the Democrats in Washington, the DNC. Well, you know, that's no surprise to me because I sometimes hate to admit it, but I was in the Democratic Party back around 2009, 2008, and I mean, I saw that the Democratic Party, you would think, would be one of the most unified organizations, but everything in the Democratic Party broke a loan racialized. That was more than a racial divide in the Democratic Party. That you hear the music, we're going into another break, we've got to go into that break, okay? Okay. Alrighty. We'll be right back, folks. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your text and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Alright, folks, continuing with our mission with Dr. Edison Waters, Dr. What else do you have for us? You know, back in 2009, I discussed that we were in danger of leaving the country worse or for the next generation, and we had to restore the promise of the American dream. Okay. About 15 years later, I can say the next generation is definitely worse off. If we leave the country the way the country is now, we would have left the country worse off than the next generation. So in this election, we need to elect President Trump because we have to restore the promise of the American dream for the next generation. Okay. Now, Doc, how can our, listen, audience, how can they get in touch with you and support the PAC that you have? Well, the website is, so you can still restore American dream. You can make a small contribution to the PAC. What we're planning on doing is we're going to have meetings around the country. We're going to support candidates that support affordable home ownership, and are willing to fight to get out the inventory and get homes available that people can afford. You know, 31% of Gen Z are living at home with their parents or with their in-laws because they can't afford rent or they can't afford to purchase a home. We have the majority of Americans right now say that they are not hopeful that they would ever buy a home, and so literally the American dream has been completely destroyed by failed Democrat policies that take political consideration into account instead of serving the people of our country. All right. All right. Doc, we appreciate you coming on. We're going to have you on some more, and we want to know more about the website, and we want to know more about the political action committee that you've started, and we want to support you as much as we can. Yeah, well, we definitely need to fight to restore the American dream because the American dream, opportunity for the American dream, is on the line in this election. So I encourage younger people to get out here and vote and think about achieving the American dream and think about the opportunity to achieve the American dream because if we don't elect President Trump, I'm afraid that the country will be worse all for the next generation. All right. Dr. Edison Walters, we appreciate you coming on. We're going to have you on some more now. All righty. Well, thanks to you and thanks to your listening audience and God bless. All right. God bless. All right, folks. Dr. Edison Waters, you heard him about this terrible situation with affordable housing. And you also heard him. He is a military man. He spent so many years active duty in the United States Army. He knows the military, like I know the military, and the person that Kamala Harris have chosen to be her vice president of candidate, folks, if you vote for this guy. If you vote for Harris with her dismal racket, I don't know what to say. I really don't know what to say. I've talked to several military men, generals, colonels, enlisted folks, and they're all teed off, they're really teed off at this guy. And they're teed off at Harris for selecting him, for selecting him. He's nothing but a phony liar, procrastinator. He was a terrible governor. A governor, when they had the riots in 2020, Minnesota, and especially his state, now they were all over the place in mainly democratic cities, and he chose to do nothing about it. And his close relationship with the Chinese, that to me is very dangerous, folks. That is like the Bidens, their relationship with China, with Russia, and other countries. But this guy has allowed, from what I was reading, that Chinese are coming to his state and set up a Chinese police department, or whatever they called it, to try and silence Chinese dissidents who have come over here. Then allowed some of the students from Minnesota, an exchange program. Let me tell you something. When the Chinese, and they've come across the border, Biden has allowed them, and Harris, now Harris, how can you say? And I remember when Biden said, when he took over as president, he had appointed Harris as the coordinator for border activities, meaning border czar, okay, border czar. She was in charge of the border, folks. She had never visited the border. And now they're lying to say that she was never in charge of the border. That is nothing but a pure lie. So they're trying to cover her up, her past, as well as the presidential vice president of the candidate, where he's saying he'd never said he was in a war, okay? He implied, but he didn't say it. This is totally unbelievable. These are the two people that we are, that are running against Trump. When we know Trump's records, folks, we know it. Four years, he did outstanding things, outstanding, okay? For four years, we want him back again. We want him back again. So our job is get out, get out, and vote. For early voting, we don't have it in Alabama, but Florida and several other states, if you have relatives and friends, tell them to get out and vote early. Take advantage of it. Don't wait until last day. Don't wait until election day, because you're going to have all these long lines, okay? Some, one way or the other, the machines tend to get broken at that time. They don't get broken or they don't break down during early voting, but they just happen to break down when we have a line, especially Republicans waiting to vote. It happened in Arizona, it happened in Philadelphia. It happened in several large Democratic cities. Did it happen on purpose? I believe it did. I believe it did. I believe there were a lot of cheating by the Democrats in the last election. I really do. I really do believe that. So here we are. Here we are with 80 some days to go before election, and I think 60 days before the early voting starts in different states, not in Alabama, but in different states. We've got the help. This is so important this election, folks. It could mean the survival of America. That's what it could mean, the survival of America, of America. So folks, get off of your rock, let's get Trump back in office. Let's take over the Senate, let's take over the Congress, and let's take over the presidency so that we can make America great again. That's what we need to do, because right now there's no fear of America overseas, and I spent almost 14 years overseas with the U.S. government, and there's no fear right now. With Trump, there was fear. With Reagan, there was fear. Even with Bush, there were fear. But with Harris and Biden and Obama, there is no fear, folks. We've got to bring fear back and make our personnel who are serving overseas, make them know that we support them, that we support them, okay? Nothing will happen to them. If the countries don't have respect for us, something will happen to them. I know that world, folks. I know it. Until next week, Viacondales, everyone. [MUSIC]