Philokalia Ministries

The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis XI, Part III

As we conclude Hypothesis 11, we are given very solid food to nourish our understanding of the nature of prayer and our demeanor. How is it that we are called to worship God, to pray the psalms, and what is our demeanor to be following that worship?  A kind of liturgical asceticism must guide and direct our prayer and piety. Even the way that we pray and celebrate the liturgy, and one might say especially here, must allow the grace of God to guide and direct us. As always, Christ is the standard and the model. It is his humility, silence, obedience to God that must form and shape the way that we approach the altar and the manner in which we listen to the word of God.  We must pray in a manner fosters patience and that allows us to listen with the spirit of contrition. We gather before God not to alter our emotional state or to create an experience that simply elevates the mind. We come before God to offer him a sacrifice of praise and that sacrifice is the fullness of our self. We are to be completely given over to him in such way that we withhold nothing from Him and are capable of receiving everything He desires to give us.  Very few in our day think of worship in this fashion. May God give us the grace to offer him all that we have and are; for in seeking what He desires, God bestows upon us more than the mind in the heart can imagine.

Text of chat during the group: 00:21:49 susan: after MASS i have to go to my car to pray!   00:48:07 Carol Roper: it seems that the caution is against performing, vanity, pleasure seeking, even in liturgy. one's motivation must be examined carefully i imagine   00:52:59 Anthony: Let Us Build the City of God.....they still sing it.  Sigh.  Are you TRYING to get me to change rites?   01:02:16 Rebecca Thérèse: a bruised reed he will not break and a dimly burning wick he will not quench   01:02:17 Carol Roper: oppressed and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth, like a lamb led to the shearers   01:04:52 Dave Warner (AL): A bruised reed He will not break - Isa 42:3   01:05:17 Rebecca Thérèse: Isaiah 42:3 Matthew 12:20   01:16:22 Lisa Smith: Thank you & God Bless you.   01:16:36 Cameron Jackson: Thank you   01:17:19 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂   01:17:26 Dave Warner (AL): Thank you Father!   01:17:27 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father

Broadcast on:
27 May 2024

As we conclude Hypothesis 11, we are given very solid food to nourish our understanding of the nature of prayer and our demeanor. How is it that we are called to worship God, to pray the psalms, and what is our demeanor to be following that worship? 

A kind of liturgical asceticism must guide and direct our prayer and piety. Even the way that we pray and celebrate the liturgy, and one might say especially here, must allow the grace of God to guide and direct us. As always, Christ is the standard and the model. It is his humility, silence, obedience to God that must form and shape the way that we approach the altar and the manner in which we listen to the word of God. 

We must pray in a manner fosters patience and that allows us to listen with the spirit of contrition. We gather before God not to alter our emotional state or to create an experience that simply elevates the mind. We come before God to offer him a sacrifice of praise and that sacrifice is the fullness of our self. We are to be completely given over to him in such way that we withhold nothing from Him and are capable of receiving everything He desires to give us. 

Very few in our day think of worship in this fashion. May God give us the grace to offer him all that we have and are; for in seeking what He desires, God bestows upon us more than the mind in the heart can imagine.


Text of chat during the group:

00:21:49 susan: after MASS i have to go to my car to pray!   00:48:07 Carol Roper: it seems that the caution is against performing, vanity, pleasure seeking, even in liturgy. one's motivation must be examined carefully i imagine   00:52:59 Anthony: Let Us Build the City of God.....they still sing it.  Sigh.  Are you TRYING to get me to change rites?   01:02:16 Rebecca Thérèse: a bruised reed he will not break and a dimly burning wick he will not quench   01:02:17 Carol Roper: oppressed and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth, like a lamb led to the shearers   01:04:52 Dave Warner (AL): A bruised reed He will not break - Isa 42:3   01:05:17 Rebecca Thérèse: Isaiah 42:3 Matthew 12:20   01:16:22 Lisa Smith: Thank you & God Bless you.   01:16:36 Cameron Jackson: Thank you   01:17:19 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂   01:17:26 Dave Warner (AL): Thank you Father!   01:17:27 Troy Amaro: Thank You Father