Philokalia Ministries

The Ladder of Divine Ascent - Chapter XXVI: On Discernment, Part II

A glimmer of light begins to shine through the writing of St. John in regards to the perfection of virtue. John starts by putting before us list of those things that we should focus upon as beginners in the spiritual life or those who have reached an intermediate level. He also puts before us the resolution of those who are advanced; that is, the virtues that one possesses at this level and that they must protect. John is trying to paint with broad strokes the image of life in Christ. As one begins to share in that reality more deeply Christ image begins to manifest itself and we become imitators of Him. As John unpacks for us the nature of discernment he shows us the things that it allows us to perceive. One of the valuable teachings he offers us is our responsiveness to the grace of God in times of illness. In our infirmity the demons will seek to afflict us on spiritual level.  Yet John also shows us that our minds and hearts can be purified at such times and that Christ can cleanse “clay by clay”. In the severity of our illness we can be delivered from certain passions. These last steps of the Ladder of Divine Ascent must be read closely and slowly. It is solid food upon which we are being fed and a deep wisdom that is being set before us. Glory to God!

Text of chat during the group: 00:07:41 FrDavid Abernethy: page 192 para 17   00:09:03 Rachel: :(   00:26:12 Anthony Rago: Sounds familiar   00:32:19 Sam: Need for fasting particularly during the many periods of discernment has helped many saints and Christians not only tame their passions but clear their minds from any attachments and thus take the path God wants of them. Could it be due to the humble stripping of self from earthly things and abandonment to God's grace, wisdom and mercy? Yes   00:38:12 Michael Hinckley: didn't Augustine say "you pray the most when you say the least and pray the least when you say the most."   00:43:13 Rory: Let, God's grace shine upon my silent faith within my temple of the Holy Spirit revealing your  Divine Providence   00:43:31 Vanessa: Reacted to "Let, God's grace shi..." with ❤️   00:57:35 Maureen Cunningham: Sound like addiction the first part   00:57:59 Anthony Rago: I think it's important for a weakened person to discern what is his weakness versus what is actually a sin or wrong.  The devil wears disguises and blames you for it.   01:09:08 Sean: I assume clay is man, but what is the clay that cleanses him?   01:11:49 Fr Marty, ND, 480-292-3381: A personal "testimony": a half dozen years ago, I was too sick to get out of bed for several weeks. The consolations and spiritual awareness at this time was so profound for me that I thought I was arriving at a  level of illumination that I would never leave. A couple of weeks after recovery, however, I found myself struggling with the same sin. I had not advanced as I thought. But I'm grateful for the consolation.   01:14:28 Rebecca Thérèse: Is it because illness brings us closer to death that we may experience a greater closeness to the eternal?   01:15:45 Lorraine Green: Thank you Father   01:16:09 Fr Marty, ND, 480-292-3381: Reacted to "Is it because illnes..." with ❤️   01:16:30 sue and mark: thank you.   01:16:39 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!   01:16:40 mflory: Thank you, Father!   01:16:41 Rachel: Thank you   01:16:44 David Swiderski: Thank you father!   01:16:44 Jeff O.: Thank you!   01:16:47 kevin: Thanks   01:16:48 Louise: Thanks, Father!   01:16:50 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂   01:16:56 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Blessed Feast   01:17:02 Kevin Burke: Thanks you Father!

Broadcast on:
03 Jan 2024

A glimmer of light begins to shine through the writing of St. John in regards to the perfection of virtue. John starts by putting before us list of those things that we should focus upon as beginners in the spiritual life or those who have reached an intermediate level. He also puts before us the resolution of those who are advanced; that is, the virtues that one possesses at this level and that they must protect. John is trying to paint with broad strokes the image of life in Christ. As one begins to share in that reality more deeply Christ image begins to manifest itself and we become imitators of Him.

As John unpacks for us the nature of discernment he shows us the things that it allows us to perceive. One of the valuable teachings he offers us is our responsiveness to the grace of God in times of illness. In our infirmity the demons will seek to afflict us on spiritual level.  Yet John also shows us that our minds and hearts can be purified at such times and that Christ can cleanse “clay by clay”. In the severity of our illness we can be delivered from certain passions.

These last steps of the Ladder of Divine Ascent must be read closely and slowly. It is solid food upon which we are being fed and a deep wisdom that is being set before us. Glory to God!


Text of chat during the group:

00:07:41 FrDavid Abernethy: page 192 para 17   00:09:03 Rachel: :(   00:26:12 Anthony Rago: Sounds familiar   00:32:19 Sam: Need for fasting particularly during the many periods of discernment has helped many saints and Christians not only tame their passions but clear their minds from any attachments and thus take the path God wants of them. Could it be due to the humble stripping of self from earthly things and abandonment to God's grace, wisdom and mercy? Yes   00:38:12 Michael Hinckley: didn't Augustine say "you pray the most when you say the least and pray the least when you say the most."   00:43:13 Rory: Let, God's grace shine upon my silent faith within my temple of the Holy Spirit revealing your  Divine Providence   00:43:31 Vanessa: Reacted to "Let, God's grace shi..." with ❤️   00:57:35 Maureen Cunningham: Sound like addiction the first part   00:57:59 Anthony Rago: I think it's important for a weakened person to discern what is his weakness versus what is actually a sin or wrong.  The devil wears disguises and blames you for it.   01:09:08 Sean: I assume clay is man, but what is the clay that cleanses him?   01:11:49 Fr Marty, ND, 480-292-3381: A personal "testimony": a half dozen years ago, I was too sick to get out of bed for several weeks. The consolations and spiritual awareness at this time was so profound for me that I thought I was arriving at a  level of illumination that I would never leave. A couple of weeks after recovery, however, I found myself struggling with the same sin. I had not advanced as I thought. But I'm grateful for the consolation.   01:14:28 Rebecca Thérèse: Is it because illness brings us closer to death that we may experience a greater closeness to the eternal?   01:15:45 Lorraine Green: Thank you Father   01:16:09 Fr Marty, ND, 480-292-3381: Reacted to "Is it because illnes..." with ❤️   01:16:30 sue and mark: thank you.   01:16:39 Andrew Adams: Thank you Father!   01:16:40 mflory: Thank you, Father!   01:16:41 Rachel: Thank you   01:16:44 David Swiderski: Thank you father!   01:16:44 Jeff O.: Thank you!   01:16:47 kevin: Thanks   01:16:48 Louise: Thanks, Father!   01:16:50 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂   01:16:56 Sr Barbara Jean Mihalchick: Blessed Feast   01:17:02 Kevin Burke: Thanks you Father!