Philokalia Ministries

The Evergetinos: Book Two - Hypothesis I, Part I

We began this evening with page one of the second volume of The Evergetinos. In many ways, we pick up where we left off in the first volume with humility. However, we are given very explicit examples of those who are a model of the virtue. Perhaps it would be better said that they present us with an other-worldly manifestation of the virtue - the Holy Fool.  Such individuals, so driven by the love for Christ, have set aside so completely self-esteem and reputation that their presence reveals the poverty,  inadequacy or complete lack of this holy virtue in others; especially those who deem themselves to be religious.  To hear the stories of their lives almost knocks the wind out of the reader. The very presence of their sanctity brings down upon them the scorn and the abuse of others. They embody Christ’s teaching, “You will be hated by all because of my name.” They are hated because they embodied the humility of Christ, who counted reputation as nothing, emptied himself and became a servant, obedient unto death.  It is hard to be in the presence of such individuals. Their hidden sanctity will still speak to the souls of those in their midst and provoke a reaction. The demons who guide and direct our thoughts will seek to make us mock and ridicule them and blind us to their true goodness. Thus, they provide us with a cautionary tale – that in our lesser moments we are capable of mocking the Lord in others, when we hold them in contempt. We are not so far from committing such unholy violence in our hearts, when we lose sight of the dignity of those around us.

Text of chat during the group: 00:04:02 Leilani Nemeroff: Thank you!  I am driving right now.   00:11:45 Suzanne: Can hear a pin drop!   00:12:55 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Can hear a pin drop!" with 📌   00:13:16 Suzanne: Reacted to "Can hear a pin drop!" with ☺️   00:35:06 Rebecca Thérèse: The thing that people don't understand is that even if she had been a simpleton and their judgement of her was correct, they still shouldn't have treated her like that. "For inasmuch as you did it to the least of these..."   00:36:47 sharonfisher: It’s odd to me that the most holy among us behave this way.   00:36:57 Louise: Was she a victim soul?   00:39:02 maureencunningham: They did not see her   00:40:53 Suzanne: She reflected Christ's attribute of taking upon Himself the sins of mankind.   00:42:49 Lee Graham: No doubt, she forgave all those who abused her, lest they would have to live separated from God throughout eternity   00:43:16 sharonfisher: How is it that she feigned foolishness, 1st para. Was she testing them?   00:43:29 maureencunningham: Did the early church  run to be Marty   00:45:33 Anthony Rago: If she were foolish perhaps she was like Brother Juniper, companion of St Francis, very plain kind and simple. Perhaps even a little "touched" but that weakness became a strength by grace.   00:46:44 Suzanne: The Age of the Desert corresponds to the Age of Heresy, post persecution. It's a communal reparation.   00:49:10 sharonfisher: Reacted to "If she were foolish …" with ❤️   00:58:57 Sean: it would be hard to find someone who "longs to be loathed"...quite the opposite...   01:00:33 Rebecca Thérèse: The problem with being loathed is that people don't just loathe you and leave you alone, they're constantly bothering you with their loathing!   01:01:04 Suzanne: Reacted to "The problem with bei..." with ❤️   01:05:31 sharonfisher: I so agree, the West sometimes pays less attention to the saints than I would like. But in an effort to provide services that people (families) can actually attend, they have to cut somewhere.   01:07:37 Adam Paige: I think the West has emphasized the temporal cycle over the sanctoral cycle in recent years, but if the Office of Readings and the Martyrology could become more prevalent in the life of the church, that would go some way to helping   01:09:29 Anthony Rago: I was thinking this sounded like the charcoal saint!  Didn't Alexander

Broadcast on:
28 Nov 2023

We began this evening with page one of the second volume of The Evergetinos. In many ways, we pick up where we left off in the first volume with humility. However, we are given very explicit examples of those who are a model of the virtue. Perhaps it would be better said that they present us with an other-worldly manifestation of the virtue - the Holy Fool. 

Such individuals, so driven by the love for Christ, have set aside so completely self-esteem and reputation that their presence reveals the poverty,  inadequacy or complete lack of this holy virtue in others; especially those who deem themselves to be religious. 

To hear the stories of their lives almost knocks the wind out of the reader. The very presence of their sanctity brings down upon them the scorn and the abuse of others. They embody Christ’s teaching, “You will be hated by all because of my name.” They are hated because they embodied the humility of Christ, who counted reputation as nothing, emptied himself and became a servant, obedient unto death. 

It is hard to be in the presence of such individuals. Their hidden sanctity will still speak to the souls of those in their midst and provoke a reaction. The demons who guide and direct our thoughts will seek to make us mock and ridicule them and blind us to their true goodness. Thus, they provide us with a cautionary tale – that in our lesser moments we are capable of mocking the Lord in others, when we hold them in contempt. We are not so far from committing such unholy violence in our hearts, when we lose sight of the dignity of those around us.


Text of chat during the group:

00:04:02 Leilani Nemeroff: Thank you!  I am driving right now.   00:11:45 Suzanne: Can hear a pin drop!   00:12:55 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Can hear a pin drop!" with 📌   00:13:16 Suzanne: Reacted to "Can hear a pin drop!" with ☺️   00:35:06 Rebecca Thérèse: The thing that people don't understand is that even if she had been a simpleton and their judgement of her was correct, they still shouldn't have treated her like that. "For inasmuch as you did it to the least of these..."   00:36:47 sharonfisher: It’s odd to me that the most holy among us behave this way.   00:36:57 Louise: Was she a victim soul?   00:39:02 maureencunningham: They did not see her   00:40:53 Suzanne: She reflected Christ's attribute of taking upon Himself the sins of mankind.   00:42:49 Lee Graham: No doubt, she forgave all those who abused her, lest they would have to live separated from God throughout eternity   00:43:16 sharonfisher: How is it that she feigned foolishness, 1st para. Was she testing them?   00:43:29 maureencunningham: Did the early church  run to be Marty   00:45:33 Anthony Rago: If she were foolish perhaps she was like Brother Juniper, companion of St Francis, very plain kind and simple. Perhaps even a little "touched" but that weakness became a strength by grace.   00:46:44 Suzanne: The Age of the Desert corresponds to the Age of Heresy, post persecution. It's a communal reparation.   00:49:10 sharonfisher: Reacted to "If she were foolish …" with ❤️   00:58:57 Sean: it would be hard to find someone who "longs to be loathed"...quite the opposite...   01:00:33 Rebecca Thérèse: The problem with being loathed is that people don't just loathe you and leave you alone, they're constantly bothering you with their loathing!   01:01:04 Suzanne: Reacted to "The problem with bei..." with ❤️   01:05:31 sharonfisher: I so agree, the West sometimes pays less attention to the saints than I would like. But in an effort to provide services that people (families) can actually attend, they have to cut somewhere.   01:07:37 Adam Paige: I think the West has emphasized the temporal cycle over the sanctoral cycle in recent years, but if the Office of Readings and the Martyrology could become more prevalent in the life of the church, that would go some way to helping   01:09:29 Anthony Rago: I was thinking this sounded like the charcoal saint!  Didn't Alexander also see Our Lady of Blachernae promising to protect the city from besieging barbarians?   01:11:54 Michael Hinckley: The West tends to get very Thomistic I believe.   01:13:16 Suzanne: Father, is it too late to ask a question about one of your FB posts?   01:13:37 Suzanne: You put up a quote from St. Symeon: “For unless a person has been trained in strict vigilance, so that when attacked by a flood of useless thoughts he tests and sifts them all … he is readily seduced in many unseen ways by the devil.” Presuming there is no human being available to train and guide you in learning to discipline your thoughts, how do you acquire this skill? Is there a book you can recommend that gives practical instruction on how to purify the thoughts?   01:14:17 sharonfisher: Reacted to "You put up a quote f…" with ❤️   01:14:18 Suzanne: LOL!   01:14:38 Jacqulyn: Reacted to "LOL!" with 👍   01:16:46 sharonfisher: Thank you for not rushing us through this and allowing questions and discussion. So valuable!   01:17:01 Adam Paige: Reacted to "Thank you for not ru..." with ☦️   01:17:16 Suzanne: Reacted to "Thank you for not ru..." with ❤️   01:17:30 Sean: the coal carrier reminds me the movie the island   01:17:48 maureencunningham: Thank You Blessing   01:17:48 Rebecca Thérèse: Thank you🙂   01:17:53 Adam Paige: Reacted to "the coal carrier rem..." with 👍   01:17:54 Louise: Thanks, Fr. Abernethy!   01:17:58 Suzanne: Great meeting, and God bless you all!   01:18:00 Anthony Rago: Reacted to the coal carrier rem... with "👍"   01:18:03 Lorraine Green: Thank you, Father   01:18:17 sharonfisher: Reacted to "Thank you for not ru…" with ❤️   01:18:22 sharonfisher: Reacted to "Thank you for not ru…" with ☦️   01:18:40 Leilani Nemeroff: Thank you.   01:19:06 sharonfisher: And to your spirit!