Rugby Punt-it

Brisberg to Perthoria

Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - How's it, how's it, how's it? Welcome back for another episode. You're here with me, Nick. And as always, joined by Ronnie over in, where are you now, Ronnie? He's still in France. - And in France, still sitting in France, at least till the end of the month. Then he'll be heading back to Spain. Have we learned any new French words, or is it still just, we, we? - It's just we. Don't say we, we, it's just we. Come on. (laughing) - Okay, fair enough. So you haven't improved at all since you've been there, eh? - No. Je suis, Ronnie. I am Ronnie. Only do from us. Chees omelette. - And I don't think so. - Let's start it. There we go. - Au revoir, Au revoir as well. And they're simple, cool. - There we go. You've improved quite a lot. I'm impressed, Ronnie. So we spoke a little bit last week, and you were telling me about a bus you want to catch to Budapest, that was what? 30 hours? Are you going to be doing that trip? - No, no, I'm not going to be doing that. That was, you know, I, I was supposed to be back in Spain in October. And then I thought, oh, go over to Budapest. Visit one of our friends there, Dylan. And it just proved to be too costly. And then one of the alternatives was to take a bus, but that would still, you know, it's too expensive at this stage, you know? So I did find myself accommodation back in my old place in Spain. So I'll just be going there. - Okay, so back to, to EspaƱa. Yeah, as you can see in the background on recording here, my apartment temperature is now completely empty. Yes, see, I am so overpacking it's ridiculous. You know what a nightmare it is to pack glasses, wine glasses, beer glasses. Oh my word, never again. I'm never moving again. No, no, so firstly, I do know that because I went through it last year, August. And secondly, you don't need all those glasses. It's actually ridiculous. You know, you have so many glasses and then it's such a pain to back away. Now you know why I do the Santa Claus bed sheet over my back and just toss everything in there? Because I honestly, I couldn't be bothered to organize at all. - Yeah, I used to give you a lot of shit for that, Ronnie, but I'm starting to see the method to the madness, yeah. - No, it's crazy. Moving house and then you realize how much stuff you actually have and stuff you've never used. It's unbelievable. So you've got rid of your rugby memorabilia. - Not all of it, some of it. You know, like the blood brothers won some of the signed caps and things like that. A gentleman from Bruckbahn drove all the way through to Pretoria to purchase it off me. And he's selling at a church auction that Bucky's boat is speaking at this coming weekend. So good luck to him. Obviously kept the real nice ones, the 2019 signed ball, the 2007 World Cup jersey, the 1995 and '07 World Cup frame photos that are signed, those special pieces are never let go. But yeah, quite a few, quite a few did go. - Well, look, you made the sale after the last Sunday, right? After the spring box had played and we're gonna see what happens this weekend if you brought some bad juju away. Beautiful because you sold all the bill. You're memorabilia. - Yeah, you were guilt tripping me a little bit there. But on that note, I do have a coffee table here that has newspaper clippings on it from 2017 when the box were doing really bad under other tickets here until we won the World Cup in 2019. So it's a nice little piece. And I'm looking to give that away, guys. So anyone on the show that, or listening on the show that lives in Pretoria, you know, if you guys are students and you're in a student commune and you guys all enjoy rugby, I will happily give that away to you guys. I'd love to see it go to a place where it will still be enjoyed for what it is. So please, if that's you, reach out and yeah, we'll happily drop it off for you guys. - I don't think you're selling it very well. You know, you're saying it's got newspaper clippings on it, but no, it's sealed and it's got a gloss top on it as well. So it's protected. It's not like you are gonna be resting your brandy gloss on paper. - Yeah, it's a bit of history. It's a wild decorated table. I'll pop some images up on the socials as well. If you guys want to check it out, but if you're in Pretoria, your students in a commune, I'll happily give this piece to you to see it go to a good home and see it enjoy all the brandy glasses and happily calls and things like that that it's insured in our student times. - Yeah, and it's an excellent table. The Xbox remote sat in there. The extra batteries were in there. The coasters, you know, it's got four little, what's the virtue blood is? What's the ink drawers for that? So, you know, it's a great table here and I absolutely agree. If there's a student commune that wants a proper table, yeah, that's one for the money. - Ronnie, talking about proper things, let's go over to the rugby championship where let's first start with Superbrew. Where are you on Superbrew Ronald? - You know, you know, this is a crazy one 'cause I don't know whether to believe you or whatever you're, but I'm 595th. - That's nuts, I'm 9th. (both laughing) - Yeah, absolutely, I'm not 9th, but okay, sure. You wanna stick with that on, so. - Listen, this is a horrendous weekend on Superbrew because none of us were cocky enough to predict a big spring buck win after the happenings in Brisbane over the last few years. And then very few expected Los Pumas to beat all blacks, let alone to beat them by eight points, denying them a bonus point. So, Superbrew was a bit of a nightmare. - Yeah, yeah, absolutely right. But, okay, so who, tell us what your position actually is, so we can see who did worse between the two of us. Grant would be both did poorly, but who did worse? (both laughing) Well, I can get the truth out of you, okay. - Yeah, no, well, unless you can prove me wrong, I'm in 11th, right? No, I'm joking, I'm 497th, so you and I are both lingering at the back there. - That also sounds like rubbish, but okay, we'll take it. - Based on the weekend's happenings, we're probably all tied at 497th 'cause we all made the same things. - You make a good point. - Sure. - So, Ronnie, the box got a 33 to 7.1 over the wallabies in press fontane, in pressback. Great to see them get that one on the board. What did you think of the game, you know? I thought we started well, but also sloppy and aware. A lot of loose passes, loose ball, but, you know, we were going forward. - Yeah, I think overall it was a good game for the spring box. I think there's a lot to be happy about. I think, you know, if there's stuff to complain about, you know, we're grasping at straws here, right? A performance like that, five years ago, we would have been very happy with, or extremely happy with, over the moon, and I think overall there's a lot of players that put their hands up, a lot of players that played very well. Granted, the opposition perhaps isn't as strong as, you know, as we're potentially used to them over the last couple of years. - Yeah, so I mean, 21-millid-half-time paints, one sort of picture because the box were, you know, doing while scoring tries, converting points. But yes, we saw some broad buck trickery in this game as well, Ronnie, what did you think of those line art moves? - No, I thought it was very risky. And, you know, typically, I'd say that that's, that's arrogance right there, you know? That's a level of arrogance that I don't like seeing, 'cause it is a risky move, right? But it's, you know, if your team is so comfortable with each other, if they're coming with ideas like that, then they pull off something like that, which is a really smart thing, 'cause what you're doing is you're moving the engagement point for the opposition more, you know? You know, you suddenly, they, or they're all, they're all getting ready to maul it, sort of back part, and then all of a sudden, the balls at the front pod, and we get that go-forward momentum, which is ultimately there to see us try. But, you know, that sort of innovation is fantastic to see. It shows that the guns are actually very confident. They're willing to try things out. They're willing to be a little bit sneaky, and what that does when opposition comes up against you is keeps them guessing, keeps them on their toes. They don't really know what to prepare for, what to do. And, you know, it might work out to your favorite side. Obviously, I saw that, like, "Cheer down loud," and I think I woke up the neighbors. - Yeah, that was honestly epic to see some good innovation from Rusty and the bot coaching team. Like you said, it shifts the point of contact for setting up the mauls, keeps them guessing, and it was also seemingly targeting the Aussie 10, who was left to defend in that channel and really struggled to do so. But, yeah, the other line-out innovation, Chezlin Colby, throwing in. What did you make of that? - No, many talents, right? So, it's, you know, in the face of us, that you and me have both spent some time throwing in at the line-out, so back in our school days, you know, it's sort of a slap in the face because I always had these back-line players that said, "Oh, you always throw a ski, I could do it better myself." And, yeah, back-line players just proved that he can throw in straight and successfully completed the line-out for that. So, good to see. It's interesting, though, but based on this weekend's team that's been selected, we now have a potential four people that get thrown into the line-out and we'll potentially get to that later. - Yeah, it's actually unbelievable. And I mean, we also saw Chezlin throwing into the scrum, wearing a bit of confusion there regarding the new one-meter law. You know, it was-- - And that's all you want, right? That confusion, that gives you that extra second or two on the ball, right? And it creates the mismatches and it creates the gaps in the opposition back-line. So, all those things just keeps the opposition on the toes. It's great to see. So, yeah, just him coming off the blind wing and then putting it into the scrum and Reiner being an option off of 10, yeah. - Yeah, 'cause potentially then Reiner can get the pop pass from Sasha and use those passing skills to send it very far out wide to Roman Kirkley or Villy or, you know, I enjoyed the innovation on display this weekend. And yes, Australia is a tough place to play. Yes, there are difficult team to face, but you've got to try it somewhere. We've got a World Cup coming in Australia. So, why not there, why not now? - Yeah, why not at the beginning of the rugby championship? So, the rest of the teams can already start guessing and wondering and speculating. - Exactly, Ronnie. So, the second half was a bit more disappointing in that, you know, we didn't really manage to continue the momentum that we'd built up in the first half. I think the three yellow cards really putting a bit of a dampener there with Malcolm Marks, Mark Fonstad and NJC Creel and receiving cards at various stages during the game. Yeah, the discipline fell off. And, you know, we've spoken about it a number of times on this show about, you know, once a team gets ahead like that, it's very hard to retain the focus. It's very difficult to keep the guys motivated and clinical like they were in the first half. And the Aussies scoring a try there later on and something they'll be chuffed with, but a lot of work comes from the Aussies. - Yeah, you're right about the second half. Second half was a little bit disruptive, but I think it sort of stems also from the fact that, you know, leading up to the game, we had some disruption, you know, Archesnebann falling out, Ruan falling out, Benjade Dixon suddenly into the starting lineup. You know, there was a couple of things that were unexpected that suddenly transpired. And I think, you know, the guys were all prepared and it was a good result at the end of the day, but they're still, you know, guys weren't prepared to play, you know, for as long as they did or in the positions that they did. So, you know, they had to roll with it. And it was good that they adapted and, you know, still a convincing win regardless. But you're right, the yellow cards, you know, it opened up a bunch of scenarios. So for Rossi as well, it opened up, gave us opportunity to see what Chez and Colby can do at throwing in. And obviously it also helped us on defense, like what do we do in those situations? So yeah, it was just a bit interesting for me because, you know, some of those yellow cards off the back of repeated offenses by the Australians, right? And then we got hit with the cards. And when I would have liked to see that card go the other way or no cards at all. But regardless, I think we're better off for having had a player sent off and having to reshuffle and reach again at that. - Look, the Aziz came into this game on a four-game win streak and they were definitely upbeat under the new coaching regime and whatnot. But I think this would have brought them back to Earth. And I think they struggled physically to handle the box. I think their set pieces were difficult. The line-ups, they did better than they did in the scrums. But it is a young Aziz side. They will take a lot of learnings from a game like this. I wasn't expecting the score line to be this big at all, even with the new team. So very, very well done to the bokeh for getting that. And like you say, years ago, we would have been very happy with the game that was put up now and all the disruptions coming into it. So it's going to be interesting to see what this coming weekend holds. But Ronnie, over then to New Zealand, and this for me, even after the box big win, was my favorite game of the weekend. 38 to 30 point win for Los Pumas over the All Blacks in Wellington. And I just have to point out here, Ronnie, the All Blacks now haven't won a game in Wellington since 2018. Five test losses there on the trot. - Yeah, so firstly, I see a lot of people are now calling Los Pumas, Win Pumas. So it's an interesting name. But secondly, just with respect to the Wellington record, it's not a happy anti-ground form for the All Blacks. So yeah, the last time that they won there once against France. And in the game before that, they actually lost to the British and Irish lines. So it's really, if you're living in Wellington, it sucks to be you. You've got the most winningest team in the history of rugby. And they've won one out of six games. They won the last six games. So yeah, that's unfortunate for them. - So I think the first one, and I know you had to chug a few beers because of your bet with Gus when he came out of retirement. But big Gus Creevey here, you know, retires last year, gets the call from contemporary me to link up with the squad because they're short on hookers due to injury. Age of 39 comes off the bench, has an incredible performance, scores the match-winning try, and then looks into the cameras after the game when asked how it was. And in the most authentic way possible says, it was fucking awesome. And you know what Gus, well done, brother. - Yeah, absolutely. Because some of the previous wins over there for Argentina, August 16 wasn't part of the team that did that. So for him to finally get that on his win record, it was fantastic to see. It was a big game, and they were super pumped, and they were crying, like they always do, that they were so engaged, so focused, and I don't think the All Blacks knew what hit them. - I think it's the best Los Pumas performance I've ever seen because it was a come-behind win. They were clinical at the end, they didn't panic, generating penalties in the last 10 minutes to keep the All Blacks at bay. And we all know how lethal the All Blacks are on closing stages of the game. So, incredible. And honestly, I don't have enough praise and words to do it for Los Pumas and what they achieved this weekend. - No, I agree, absolutely. - And that's also an All Blacks team that was on a four-match win streak, also humbled at home. So it was the away teams pulling off wins this weekend. Great, great, great to see. What surprised me most, Ronnie, was the All Blacks struggling to exit their own half. With guys like DMACC, Biden Barrett, you know, that's not something they generally struggle with. So I think Scott Robertson's gonna be looking at that quite carefully to see where they went wrong because Argentina was keeping that pressure on the entirety of the 80 minutes. - Yeah, look, I think I just wanna be very clear about the way that I saw the All Blacks performance. It's, it wasn't an eight typical performance, you know? It wasn't that they played exceptionally poorly or something and that, you know, they lost the game rather than the Pumas winning it. The Pumas outright deserved to win that and they played very well. And the All Blacks also played very well. But there's a, there's a lack of cohesion, I think in that back line and that, in that setup. And I think it goes back to the sort of the one, the final moments where Argentina scored that, that try at the end of the game. You know, with a ball win from Audi and it was a fumble and then DMACC tried to pass it back to Biden Barrett, but you know, typically what you see with the All Blacks is they'll switch the attack, right? So you'll see that 15 run the other way. And so there's a switch, a change in direction. And he goes the other way and I don't think DMACC was expecting Biden Barrett to do that. And so it's possible to no man's land and it went all the way back, carried it over the trial line and then set up the scrum. So, you know, that sort of stuff I don't think would have taken place if he had the likes of Richie Munga, perhaps in the team. World Jordan, the number of these players that regularly play well together and that understand each other and maybe play a lot of touch rugby together. But that's it, DMACC still had a brilliant game in my opinion, scored a number of points. - Yeah, I mean, like you said, DMACC getting 15 points and two tri-assists in this game, but a bit of a lack of cohesiveness between him and Bodie at the back are definitely playing into this one. But also, I mean, Ronnie Argentina getting four tri-s, the All Blacks three, Argentina denied them a bonus point. So the log now is spring box with five, Argentina with four and then, no, Argentina with five as well. And then zero for the wallabies and the All Blacks. So very, very well done there to two Los Pumas for that one. Ronnie, I think the leadership of the Argentina side also needs a bit of credit here because it was about the 72nd minute they were still behind and they didn't panic. They said, "You know what? "We're gonna take the shot at goal now. "Gonna claw back the score line. "We're not gonna go for the corner "and potentially waste these points. "And we back ourselves to give ourselves "another opportunity to score again." And they did just that. And then they put themselves out of reach by being eight points ahead in the closing stages, taking the pressure off them and firmly shoving it onto the All Blacks shoulders. - You know, the age of saying it's scoreboard pressure, right? So, and that's, and you know, you can do that. So dominant and so, so much on the forward foot, it works incredibly well. And credit to all that leadership, credit to Pablo Matero who was pumped, who was fired, who was making the right decisions, and it was great to see, right? So it's not something that we've, you know, we've seen it in recent years come out with Argentina, but it hasn't been the sort of traditional way. They've always taken big risks and has it paid off. And they've lost a couple of games that they potentially should have won. But here they are making the right decisions. They're in the lead. Like you say, they're applying scoreboard pressure and the All Blacks started to panic. - Yep, that's exactly what happened. So, full credit to the Argentinians for a good, good win. Ronnie, if we look over then to this coming weekend's fixtures, it's repeats of what we had. So the All Blacks will be hosting Los Pumas at five past nine. They'll be playing at Eden Park in Auckland, a much happier hunting ground for the All Blacks. Can the Pumas or Los Pumas go back to back? - No, I'd say, and actually think so. You know, I'd love them too, and I'll be supporting them. But it's a big, big ask to go over there in Eden Park where, like you say, it's, you know, the All Blacks have had success there. So I don't know, and it's very difficult, not only to go and play in Eden Park, but also to beat the All Blacks back to back. You know, that's, that's, you know, not many teams have done that, and it's been a long time, and it's not an easy thing to go and do. So the All Blacks will have learned, like I said, I think that they too much to worry about in their performance against the Los Pumas. I think, I think they'll just close out a couple of things. They'll be extra motivated. So, look, I hope, I hope the Pumas can do it, but I don't think, unfortunately, they can. - It would be incredible to see, and I think they definitely fired up for it. But like you say, going back to back against the All Blacks in New Zealand, very, very tough. I think the last side that managed to do that was Ireland, and then before that was South Africa in 2009. So few and far between. But do the All Blacks panic now and change the squad? Do they stick with these players that have been hurt that want to prove a point against Argentina this weekend? But more terrifyingly, if Los Pumas go back to back here, we're gonna be facing a very wounded All Blacks team at Ella Spark in a few weeks time. So, I'm not too keen on that eventuality either. - No, you're right. The All Blacks, you have to fear that, right? If you're not fearing the All Blacks, what have you been doing? Or you play a brand new to rugby, and you don't know what you're talking about. And you're right. We talk about the winded springbacks, the springbacks are sometimes punched back, and the All Blacks are in the same boat, right? They're gonna be a rare egg to go, and they usually get galvanized when they go over onto it. And coming over to South Africa, they're gonna be pumped and ready to go. - So, Ronnie, we've spoken about it. What's your prediction for this one? - Yeah, so look, it has to be All Blacks. All Blacks by 14, All Blacks by 16. I know I'm going a bit big there, right? But I just have a feeling that the All Blacks are gonna hit back, and we're gonna hit back very hard. - Okay, fair enough. I'm gonna go with All Blacks by six points. I don't think Argentina's gonna let it slip too much. - Hopefully. - Then over to the Optus Stadium in Perth, Fontaine, where the Wallabies will be hosting the springbacks at 11.45. We know this is a stadium where the springbacks enjoy quite a wealth of support. Let's take a look quickly at the Box 23, which has been named not Ronnie. So, the front row sees young Hendrick vessels, Johan Krobelar and Thomas DeToy getting starts. They were the starting front row against Portugal, played well together. And you know, I like how the springback team does it. There's sort of three set front rowers now, trained together all the time. Come on, and the cohesiveness remains. So, I'm excited to see what they can deliver. - Yeah, I think I'm just briefly gonna make a mention of the fact that young Hendrick vessels can also throw into the line-out. He's also playing a bit of hooker, applying a straight and hooker, and Johan Krobelar, and obviously marks on the bench, and Jason Colby, our fourth-choice hooker. So, I'm just gonna say this before. And now I'm argue from starting. So, actually there's five people that have been practicing throwing into the line-out. Can I imagine trying to coach against that now? (laughing) - Ronnie, then over to the engine room. Roar no cares, overcome the injury that kept him out of the game last weekend. He's at number five. Salman Murat at number four, he gets another chance to captain the springbacks after doing so against Portugal. I'm happy with those selections, a bit of experience for them, although it does feel like a little bit of a light lock pairing. - I can't actually recall if this lock pairing is ever played together. - Right, so, yeah, it's gonna be interesting to see what they can do. - Ronnie, over to the loose trio where Marco Fanstardin, Peter Steph DeToy, and Ulrich Lo come into play together there. I think that's a very hard-hitting background for this weekend, very physical players, very comfortable in the pretentious, very comfortable making their tackles. I wouldn't wanna be facing those three. - Yeah, I agree with you. - It's like, I do not wanna be playing against him, but the alternatives, I don't wanna be playing against alternatives either. Look, Marco deserves a shot, and I'm glad he's getting it now. And obviously we've got a bit of continuity with Peter Steph and Ulrich. So that's good to see, but it's three physical, physical loosies. And it's gonna be interesting, considering we have a five-three split. Whoever's are coming off, whoever's are staying on. And how are they gonna play in the 75th minute? - Yeah, it's definitely gonna be an interesting one to see. Then at nine, we have another game for Monet Funderbach, also one of the guys that got a debut against Portugal. And in fact, Monet and Ruon Okia getting their first test starts in the spring-box jersey. So congratulations to them. That's a big milestone for their careers. And Sasha are getting the nod at 10 again, Ronnie. - No, that's good. - I'm glad that Sasha stays on at 10. He needs to build a bit of depth, but it's gonna be interesting what happens when we talk about the replacements just now. Where's Sasha gonna go? What position is he gonna play? It's based on what Rasi said in one of the press conferences now is, he'll probably switch between 10 and 15 and not go to 12. - So yeah, we'll get onto the possible replacements, benches, but let's look at the back three, Ronnie. We have Makazone, Mepimpi, Chaslin, Colby and Apolele Fhasi in the back three. Pacey back three, likely to face Marika Coribetti. So reuniting of that, all rivalry between Mepimps and Coribetti from the last time the two faced. But I'm happy with that back three. Fhasi's been in decent form for the box this year. Let's see and get another opportunity against some quality opposition. - No, Rasi said. So he's played a right. He's played well, Apolele Fhasi. Given his opportunities the season and recently. So I'd like to see him improve. I'd like to see him get better 'cause we know that he can be electric and can be an exciting player. And we're trying to build that depth at 15, right? So yeah, this is a good opportunity. And you know, the wallabies are going to hit back and they're going to hit back hard too. They're going to try their best. So he's going to have his work cut out for him. - Then in the centers, Ronnie, we've got Lukaneo, I'm pairing J.C. Creole. I'm as wearing the 12 jersey. We know what Lukaneo can do in the box. Whether or not he's comfortable at 12 remains to be seen. He did play there once or twice before. But I'm interested to see how the center pairing goes on the weekend. - No, you're right. I have my reservations of thought by playing an outside of 12. But Lukaneo, Lukaneo is a class player. But so I'm sure he's played wing. And like he said, in the beginning he used to play 12. So I think he'll be ready and prepared to go for it. My only concern is that his nature right now is to drift as an outside center potentially would. And he needs somebody strong on his inside, try to back him up. And I just hope that combination, that 10-12 combination works well. - No, me too, Ronnie, me too. Then there's a very powerful bench. And for some reason, this team this weekend reminds me of the '07 side that was named to face Fiji in the World Cup, where we put a fairly experimental team out. And then we had the hard hitters on the bench that actually managed to come and save the World Cup at the end. And I remember Victor, you know, Frontstay and Percy, all of them making their way onto the field late in that one to beat Fiji in '07. So here we have Malcolm Marks, Oxham chair, Vincent Koch, Yvonne Etzebeth, Kwakha Smith as the forwards on the bench. We've gone for a five, three split. I mean, you can't complain about a bench that looks like that. - No, you can't complain, but I've become really accustomed to the '60s split. So, you know, I ask myself, who's going away? 'Cause you've got Yvonne and Kwakha needing to replace two of Salman, Ruwan, Marco, Peter, Steph and Elrich. So, who's gonna go the full '80? Who's gonna come off? I'd imagine it's Ruwan O'Kir for Yvonne. Well, actually, I don't know about that one. And then probably Marco Frontstay and also coming off in place of Kwakha. - It's definitely gonna be interesting to see how they're deployed here, Ronnie. Then we go to the three backs on the bench. And this is one where we need to have a little bit of a chat because Grant Williams is there. Grant can play wing and scrum-half comfortably. But you've got now Marni Lebok and Andre Pollard. So, my thinking is Marni will come on at 10, Sasha will shift to 15, Pollard will likely go to 12, and then Lukanya will shift up and finish the game at 13. That would be the most logical way for me, but based on how last we can win, maybe Pollard's coming on a tight head. Marni's gonna play eighth man. Grant Williams is a block. Who knows? - Yeah, look, I agree with you. I think the only thing I would say is Jesse would probably stay on the field for my opinion. Lukanya, he's obviously been dealing with injuries lately, so maybe a full eight is gonna be pushing him a bit. But yeah, you could play either. Lukanya at 13, Jesse at 13, but if you have the likes of Sasha and Marni and Polly on the same field at the same time, with Jeslyn, that's just gonna be ridiculous. - Hey, Oz, in a good way. - Yeah, I in a good way. - Rani, the box are without the services of Ben, Jason Dixon for this one, as well as Arjes name and both have a little niggle, so they weren't eligible for selection this weekend. But looking at the Australians, they've got quite a struggle with their injury list, so Darguni, he fractured his fibula at the weekend, so he's unavailable for the remainder of the tournament. Nick Frost and Jeremy Williams both concussed at the weekend, so they're unavailable for this one. Josh Mitt calling up some replacements in the raids, Josh Cannon and Tom Robertson and Sam Carter called up from the Western Force. Tanele Tupou, unfortunately, his father passing away, thoughts to the Tupou family. During this difficult time, he's returned home for the funeral, and then the big one, Marika Coribati is back and likely to start opposite Muppims this weekend. - Yeah, don't try, look, that's gonna be fantastic to see, and I hope Muppimpi absolutely dominates him, but I hope that it doesn't get into Muppimpi's head and Coribati gets one over, 'cause, you know, that'll do, that'll do a world of hurt right there. It'll damage Muppimpi's confidence, it might, you know, Muppimpi might be targeting him a bit, and then he'll just focus, but yeah, it's gonna be huge. - No, it's gonna be absolutely huge, Ronnie. I have a little bit of chat. I had a good laugh. I don't know if it was you that sent it to me, but a player that turned out for the griffins this weekend, whose name was Chancellor Lawrence, I mean, come now, that's just excellent for greatness. - I saw you all, it's one of the comments in there made me really laugh. So, Chancellor Lawrence or Kirkley Colby, you know, either way, it's gonna be able to step. - Yeah, that's for damn sure. And then a lot of people pointing out to me this weekend, the state of the rugby championship social media game, no post being put up, it's really, really poor. They're not doing anything to promote the tournament yet. And then you look at the six nations, no wonder everyone thinks it's better, because the content is always in your face, it's quality. So yeah, the Sansar guys need to step that one up a little bit. - Yeah, absolutely right. And I also didn't know about this because, you know, the rugby championship social media, it's just don't post much, you never see it. So I didn't even know that it was shocking. - Yeah. - And you're right, if you do a direct comparison between the rugby championship and the six nations, six nations, you know, you can immediately see all the information you need, it's grouped, it's needed, it comes out regularly. You know who the champion, the rugby championship, what's going on there, who's in charge of that? - Yeah, it's definitely not up to scratch, Erony. Then this is a big one this week and I'm going to let you do the Mayfock Chong moment of the week, because I think it's a special one for you. - Yeah, so I suppose Augustine, obviously the legend Creevey himself, my big friend Gus, you know, we've shared many puberty recipes and local food choices from Argentina. And it's fantastic to see him coming out of what was soft retirement and getting a win over New Zealand. So he's an absolute legend in my books and he once gave me a thumbs up and said, thanks Ronnie for all the support and I appreciate him for that. - Well guys, that's it for today's episode. - Thanks for joining for the Panther and staying for the chat. Mayfock Chong get less luck. - Make sure you smash that like button and subscribe to your preferred listening platform. So you won't miss a moment of the madness. - Catch you back here next Wednesday. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)