Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Delivered From All Evil

Delivered From All Evil - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
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Delivered From All Evil - Morning Prayer

Join Pastor Sean Pinner in Plano, Texas with three nights of miracles at the Plano Event Center Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed and lives are transformed. Register today, visit to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. All heaven declares, thank you Lord, to the glory of the risen Lord, who can compare. Thank you Lord Jesus, we're the beauty of the Lord, highway of proclaim. Thank you Lord Jesus, the glory of the risen Lord, who once was slain. And to reconcile man, to God, come on church, forever he will be. Allow him upon to throw, I gladly bow the knee, to worship you alone. I will proclaim, I will proclaim, thank the Holy Ghost, for the glory of the risen Lord, who once was slain, to reconcile man, to God, forever he will be. Allow him upon to throw, I gladly bow the knee, to worship you alone. I will, I will proclaim, the glory of the risen Lord, who once was slain, to reconcile man, to God, forever he will be. Allow him upon to throw, I gladly bow the knee, to worship you alone. Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, we live your wonderful people up, before you right now, Father God, we pray for them. We pray for the victory in their lives, for the breakthrough. We pray that the word of God would come alive to them, and strengthen them, and place their feet on a firm foundation, as we teach the word of God to them. Let their relationship with you grow stronger and stronger, let them grow closer and closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. Father God, we ask you to bless your people beyond measure, and let your perfect will be done in and through all of our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray somebody say, "Amen, God bless you, we'd like to welcome you again to this morning prayer broadcast, where we are continuing our series. You are never alone. You are never alone. And after these four sessions, we may shift gears and focus on another topic, amen. This is something the Holy Spirit placed in my heart. To share with you, to encourage God's people to let them know, you literally, you are never alone. God is with you, friends. I want to take you into the book of 2 Timothy, chapter 4, as we talk about, delivered from all evil. This is a situation in the life of the apostle Paul, where Paul was deserted. Have you ever been deserted? Have you ever been let down? It happens. Life happens. Things happen. You listen into me. Circumstances and situations change. The scripture says in 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verse 9, verse 9 through 18, the apostle Paul, he is saying, "Do thy diligence to come shortly to me." He was urgent Timothy to come to be with him. Listen to what Paul said in verse 10, "For demons have forsaken me." This was the disciple of Paul. He turned his back on Paul and the ministry. Listen to what Paul says in verse 10, "For demons have forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica, crescents to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia." So Paul was saying, "Deimos was supposed to have my back, but demons forsook Paul when Paul needed him the most." He let Paul down. But demons have forsaken me, and then Paul tells you why. Having loved this present world, he backslit. He could not resist temptation. He went back into the world. He yielded himself back over to Satan. The Bible says, "Friendship with this world is enmity with God. You can't do both. You either all the way save or you're all the way lost. There ain't no in between, there ain't no gray areas there. Are you listening to me?" So when Paul needed this young disciple the most, this disciple, he was not deaf of Paul. And of course Paul is, this is almost Paul lamenting. He tells Timothy in verse 9, "Do thy diligence to come shortly, come as fast as you can. I need you, Timothy. I need somebody with me." Now you're listening, now let's keep going. Notice what he says in verse 11, Paul says, "Only Luke is with me." And then Paul makes an astonishing admission at the end of this. He says, "Take Mark and bring him with thee, for he is profitable to me for the ministry." This is Paul admitting he made a mistake because John Mark didn't stood up with him and Barnabas, John Mark being the nephew of Barnabas, Paul's, when it was time for them to travel again. Paul said, "John Mark ain't traveling with me. He deserted us the last time. He may do it again." But Barnabas was such a gracious man. He was the one that took Paul in when none of the apostles or disciples wanted to receive or accept Paul into their ministry and into their ranks. Barnabas, the son of consolation, his name means. Barnabas took Paul on his wing and now Barnabas is thinking, "Wait a minute, Paul. When no one wanted to accept you, I took you under my wing. I gave you another day. I gave you a chance." But Paul was too radical at that moment in his walk with God. But he admits later, "Please send Mark, send, send, take Mark and bring him with thee, for he is profitable to me for the ministry." Isn't that awesome that a man of God can admit that he was wrong and made mistakes? Only one perfect person. And that was Jesus. Now you're listening to me. Now watch this. He said, "Only Luke is with me. My God, take Mark and bring him with thee for he's profitable to me in the ministry." And Tashikas have I said to Ephesus, "The cloak that I left at true eyes with Carpus will now come and bring with thee and the books, but especially the parchments." And then Paul, he's still the manning. Alexander the Carpus myth did mean much evil. The Lord reward him according to his works. Paul is letting you know you may be safe, sanctified, full of the Holy Ghost. God's working mindily in your life, but it doesn't mean it's not going to be without trouble. He said, "Alexander the Carpus myth, Paul named this guy." Paul said he did him much evil, but Paul said, "The Lord is going to reward him according to his works. I wouldn't want to be Alexander. I wouldn't want to be him. Amen." Now watch this. We going somewhere with this just hanging with me. Paul says, "Of whom be thou where also Paul's telling Timothy, be aware of Alexander." He is a dangerous man. I mean, Paul don't hold no punches, does he? Paul is letting Timothy know who to trust and who not to trust. He is dangerous. Paul said, "The guy did me much evil." "Lord have mercy. This is powerful stuff, y'all." I said, "This is powerful stuff." Now watch this. Notice what he says in verse 16, Paul says, "At my first answer, no man stood with me, but all man forsook me." I printed it, may not be laid to their charge. You see, Paul experienced the same thing here that Jesus experienced in the Garden of Getsemane at the most crucial point in Christ's life, at the most crucial point in the Lord Jesus Christ's life. Jesus' disciples, all of them forsook him and fled that I love the next verse. Listen to what Paul said in the next verse, "Not withstanding the Lord stood with me." Glory to God. God is with you, saints. You are never alone, Paul says, "Everybody forsook him, but not the Lord." Paul says, "Not withstanding the Lord stood with me and strengthened me." Glory to God. That by me, the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear, and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. Glory be to God. Remember in 1 Peter 5, 8 Peter says, "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, goes about like a roaring lion." Listen, Paul said, "I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. Praise God, and the Lord shall deliver me." From every evil where Paul has said, "God will deliver me from all evil and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom, to whom be glory forever and ever, amen." God is going to deliver you from all evil. He has your back, you are never alone. Paul says, "Even though everybody deserted me, notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, he was by my side, and my greatest name, he was there." Father in the name of Jesus Christ right now, me and past Amy, we join our faith with your wonderful people tuning into this broadcast. See on this broadcast, someone tuning in, "You have been forsaken, you have been neglected, you have been rejected, you have been deserted, you have been let down and disappointed. But I got good news for you, the Lord is with you saints." So he said to Gideon, "The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of Allah. He will never leave you nor forsake you." He's right there with his saints. Father, we thank you. I pray strength into your people. I pray strength in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God. I want to give someone tuning into this broadcast. I want to give you an opportunity to surrender your life to Jesus. He loves you with everlasting love. He died on Calvary Cross so that you and I could receive forgiveness of sins. Without any further hesitation, I want you to buy a hat and say this prayer with me. May Lord Jesus, I believe you are the son of God. Heavenly Father, you set your son to die on Calvary Cross for me. They crucified him. They buried him in a borrowed tomb. But on the third day, you raised him from the dead. Jesus is now seated at your right hand, and soon and very soon he is coming again. From this day I turn my back on the world, the flesh, and the devil to serve the true and living God and his son Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for saving my soul. Let me in my lovely wife, if you prayed that prayer and meant it with all of your heart, let me in my beautiful wife past Amy be the first to welcome you into the family of God. To support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel, visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses ministries. You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have downloaded the shawnpinda ministries app. Amen. You can give through that app as well. You can also give through the ministry's cell account, the ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash up account. That address is the dollar sign shawnpinda ministries. You can also give through the ministry Venmo account that address is @shawnpinda ministries. You can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing out donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money all this out to shawnpinda ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. Get ready to experience the extraordinary in Plano. The Lamb of God, the Lion of the tribe of Judah is headed in your direction. You are getting ready to get a miracle. Shown yes. Pastor Sean and Amy Pinner are hosting three nights of miracles in Plano, Texas. You've found double of sickness. Come out. Come out. Come out. It's young lady had fibromyalgia past. Well what's wrong? But what happened tonight? I got healed. Now there's no more pain. No. Go run across that platform for me. Sit. Come on somebody. Come on. Somebody. Come on. Somebody. Come on. Somebody. Come on. Somebody. The dates, August 13 through 15, doors will open at 6 p.m. 90. The event will start at 7 p.m. 90. Venu, the Plano Event Center, 2000 East Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, Texas 75074. Join hundreds in this life changing encounter to experience the extraordinary in witness God's power. Click on the link below and register free today. Never forget me and my beautiful white past Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you. See you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. [MUSIC] (keyboard clicking)