Scariff Bay Community Radio Podcasts SBCR

News 10th August 2024 compiled and read by Ursula Hogan

News and events from around East Clare for the weekend  of the 10th-11thh August 2024   News sponsored by Leona’s Nail and Brow bar  Scariff

Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
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News and events from around East Clare for the weekend  of the 10th-11thh August 2024   News sponsored by Leona’s Nail and Brow bar  Scariff

Welcome back to the news test on Scariff Bay Community Radio, bringing weekly updates of news and events from around East Clare and a selection of music on Saturday the 10th of August 2024. The internationally acclaimed author Ed Noe Brine from Chum Granny has been laid to rest in Holy Island today's Saturday in compliance with her wishes. Our thoughts are with her sons Marcus and Carlo and all her family and friends. Members of the public are invited to sign the book of condolences in the Ed Noe Brine Library in Scariff and add their names to the many glowing tributes paid to Edna by people around the country and all over the world. She has left an impressive legacy of work and wanted to be remembered as someone who spoke the truth. The 37th Fecal Festival of Traditional Music is in full swing up to Sunday. Once again it's an exciting and memorable week of vibrant tried music, song and dance and workshops with esteemed tutors. For the festival information visit the website Hurling for Cancer Research will take place at NetWatch Colin Park in Carlo next Tuesday the 12th at 7pm. You can purchase your individual 10 Euro tickets or a family ticket for 20 Euro online on event or make a donation direct to hurling for cancer research. The Sports Department of Scariff Bay Community Radio has launched a last man standing fundraiser and would very much welcome your support visit the website The lockdown in L.I. are advising both users to carry sufficient fuel, ensure their vessel is serviced, carry a means of communication and check the weather forecasts. This is the time of year when people are spending a lot of time on their lakes, rivers and sea and it's very important to stay vigilant, wear life jackets at all times and if you do get into difficulty phone 999 or 112 and ask for the Coast Guard. The annual 600km tour the Monster Charity Cycle 2024 are once again supporting Downs Syndrome Ireland DSI Monster Branches. The cycle is well underway since last Thursday and it will finish in Cork City on Sunday 11. The four-day charity cycle takes in the towns and villages of the six counties of Monster so be sure to support them if they come to your village or town. The funds generated annually play a significant role in sustaining the essential support and services provided by DSI Monster Branches to their members. Visit the websites and down for all information. There are school boys and girls soccer league are running two banner ballers summer camps from the 13th to the 15th of August. One is a goalkeepers camp for 9-13 year olds and the other is a girls only camp for 10-13 year olds. Both camps will be in Lee's road astro in Linus. Scan the relevant QR code for information on the website They have accredited coaching staff and fantastic venues at a super low cost. The Office of Public Works the OPW has announced two days of free admission to 70 heritage sites on August 17th and 18th. The opening weekend of the National Heritage Week which takes place from August 17th to the 25th. The OPW will invite visitors to explore the links between people and communities to look at what brings us together and what connects us. You can see all the heritage sites available and purchase a heritage card online at Plan your visit and uncover historical treasures right on your doorstep. You can explore, learn and enjoy Ireland's rich heritage for all the family. Banerashi Castle in Fauff Park is to host Ireland's first showcase of indigenous breeds as part of Heritage Week on August 18th. Hosted in association with the Irish Native Rare Breed Society, the inaugural event will include many livestock displays of native breeds such as Tamworth Pigs and Irish Red Deer, lectures on rare breed conservation and tastings of products. Specialists and crafts involving wool, leather and beeswax will provide demonstrations and displays of their finished artworks and garments. In Craig and Own, the public has been invited to explore the traditions and practices, knowledge and skills passed down through generations with many family-friendly events on offer. Visit the website for booking details and for information. A pop-up shop for Palestine was a great success last weekend. They were reopened to clear the last of the stock on Friday the 17th and Saturday the 18th at Bridge Street Scarif from 10am to 6pm. Great bargains are available, cashing cards are accepted so be sure to pop in that weekend also. A big thank you to everyone who supported it last weekend. The Ednaubrine Librarian Scarif will host a talk on the 21st of August at 2pm by the Hedgehog Hero Bev Tross of the Claire-based Hudd Spickle Rehabilitation Centre. Bev will teach you all about Hedgehogs how to make sure your garden is a haven for them and her work as a Hedgehog wildlife rescuer. 10 Claire parishes are playing their part to carry out biodiversity actions on 12 church grounds across County Claire. The return to nature Claire Church Biodiversity Project is an ambitious project led and funded by Claire County Council with funding also from the local Biodiversity Action Fund administered by the National Parks and Wildlife Service. The project came about in 2023 from the Irish Bishops Conference agreed on a policy that parishes will return 30% of church grounds to nature by 2030. In September of last year, here County Council's Biodiversity Officer Barry O'Loughlin gave a presentation of the potential biodiversity actions that could be taken on church grounds in Claire to the Bishop of Killelou, Fint and Monahan. The 10 Claire parishes involved are Broadford, Claire Castle, Kilmaley, Ina Kilnemona, Moloch, Korda Claire, Milton Malby, Killeke, Kilrosh and Kiliber. The project links a local parish priest with community members to deliver biodiversity actions which include installing nest boxes for barn owls and swifts as both these species are experiencing national population declines. Developing and implementing a pollinator plan for each churchyard, erecting bat roost boxes on trees, installing bird tables and bird feeders and much more. It is hoped that the project will encompass wider elements of the community such as linking in with local schools and groups to carry out citizen science initiatives such as flower insect timed counts and monitor wildlife taking up residence on church grounds. The Irish Seed Savers and Scarraver will have a budget crafting workshop on Saturday the 23rd of August. These full day workshops are designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to cultivate thriving orchards, ensuring the preservation of Ireland's unique fruit varieties for generations to come. For more information on the workshop visit the website to register. The Road Safety Authority, the RSA and the Irish Farmers Association, the IFA are appealing to motorists to take extra care as a number of tractors, trailers and other farm machinery using the roads increases during the summer season. Both organizations want farming contractors and other drivers to be mindful of other road users and to always be on the lookout for cyclists and pedestrians. Drivers of agricultural vehicles are also being reminded that they are subject to all road traffic legislation. With cooperation from all road users we can keep our roads safe for everybody. The Eastclare paddlers will be running their level one sit-on beginner's course over two days and one evening at the Scarraf Harbour. The course is for over 18s only and will start on Monday the 19th from 6.30 to 8.30 pm on Saturday the 24th from 11 am to 4 pm, also on Saturday the 31st of August from 11 am to 4 pm at a cost of 180 euro which includes membership. All equipment will be supplied and for information email or visit their Facebook page and their motto is Wellness on the Water. Clean Coasts has confirmed the return of the Love Your Coast, one of Ireland's most popular photography competitions. It invites thousands of photographers all over the country to explore and celebrate the breathtaking beauty of the Irish coast. With the prize fund of 5000 euro Love Your Coast offers photographers the opportunity to showcase their talent across five distinct categories and they are the coastal landscape, heritage in the coast, wildlife in the coast, underwater and people of the coast. Each category highlights different aspects of the Irish coast that make it so unique from its stunning landscapes and rich heritage to its diverse wildlife and vibrant coastal communities. Photographers are encouraged to submit their best shots capturing the essence of the Irish coast by the 21st of August at 5 pm. For over 20 years the Clean Coasts organisation has been working with communities to preserve the beauty of the Irish coast. This competition celebrates the beauty of our coastal treasures that our communities work hard to protect. For more information about Love Your Coast and to submit your entries, please visit the website Ireland's deposit return scheme is now a six months in operation and has experienced a rapid implementation. Return, the operators of the scheme, has revealed that the Irish consumers have returned over 347 million drinks containers since the launch of the scheme on February 1. Public support has been growing over the past six months with significant rises in the number of bottles and cans being returned each month. In February, two million containers were returned, which has now risen to an average of 3.2 million returns daily in July, totaling over 102 million returns for the month. A key goal of the deposit return scheme is to educate consumers on the benefits of separately collecting and recycling PET plastic and aluminium drink containers rather than disposing them in home recycling bins or general street bins. This allows for the continuous recycling aluminium and enables plastic bottles to be recycled up to seven times. In June, in partnership with six leading children's charities, the Return for Children initiative was launched. The goal is to reduce mixed litter at events and provide attendees with the option of donating their bottle and can deposits at designated return bins with all deposit return proceeds going to the six charities. And the charities are Bernardo Zarland, Barretstown, Childline by ISPCC, Jack and Jill, Laurel Lynn Children's Hospice and Make-A-Wish Ireland. Solar energy accounted for three and a half percent of all Irish energy in June and July, as they were the best months on record according to data collected by Green Collective, an open source data collector. Senator Roshan Garvey claims that this is the result of the Green Party using its position in government to promote renewable energy and so far in 2024 over 100,000 homes have installed solar panels. The Green Party brought forward a law to abolish the need for planning permission for rooftop solar panels and it has taken off since with the grants and the abolition of the VAT also. Solar energy is creating thousands of jobs in securing Ireland's energy supply. Now is the time to take advantage of the sunshine to use clean energy to lower bills and carbon emissions. Good news for 20 clear projects that share in 1.7 million euro community fund announced from the Clear Community Recognition Fund. Minister Ferrell in Community Development Heather Humphrey's TD has confirmed an investment of 16.5 million euro to fund 185 community projects nationwide under the Community Recognition Fund 2024. This funding allocation will support a wide range of initiatives including sports facility upgrades, community centre enhancements and the development of parks, walking trails and playgrounds among others. In East clear, an allocation of 80,000 euro has been approved for a Balanakilalu Community Sports Facilities Development Company CLG to supply and install hard wearing double beam mesh fencing and gates at Clarisford Park. The tonicortas community development limited has been sanctioned with 70,000 euro for upgrades and maintenance. Prior to the commencement of the championship coverage, Scariff Bay Community Radio has been sanctioned for 59,000 euro for the purchase and fit out of an outside broadcast vehicle. There have been no stopping them now. The Paris Olympics 2024, the multi-sport event is taking place up to Sunday. Congratulations to all our medal winners and all who have participated. They have brought a fantastic boost to the country and to the different sporting disciplines and best of luck to all the Irish competitors in Paris that are doing us proud. Visit the website for all information. It's been covered on RTU to sport on a daily basis. The news is sponsored by Leona Nails and Braubar and Scariff. That's all the news for this week. News was compiled and read by myself first Le Hogan. Thank you for listening and take care.