Good Day Health

How to Eat Like An Athlete

8/15/24 - Dr. Jack Stockwell, NUCCA Chiropractor and GAPS Practitioner ( Phone: 866-867-5070), discusses the popular appeal of Pickleball, why there seems to be so many more athletic injuries, why dietitians aren’t an option for everyone, why bone broth should be added to all diets and how to make your own, and what you should be eating for optimal health for bones and muscles. Plus, Doug and Dr. Jack discuss how you can find your optimal health with a free assessment on Dr. Jack’s website. 

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15 Aug 2024
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It's the Good Day Health Podcast with Dr. Jack Stockwell, sponsored in part by Calitrin, the safe, proven way to lose weight and keep it off. I'm Dr. Jack Stockwell at, and as a regular on the health show, I'm always trying to bring in interesting events and things that are taking place that relate to what is going on in most of our lives today. And something that I wanted to particularly address is this new phenomenon out there. Well, it's not so much a phenomenon. It's pickleball, and I take care of a professional tennis player. And I'm not sure what his rank is, but he's up there somewhere. I obviously cannot mention his name, but he told me that pickleball is going to be the death of tennis. That there are more and more people now who were playing tennis that are retiring off of the tennis court to play pickleball. And I have an increasing number of my patients who are constantly asking me if they should move into pickleball for their exercise. And these are people who, out here in the mountains, we do an awful lot of mountain biking, and they crash. They take on something that's a little bit bigger than their experience, and a little bit more involved than their particular thinking at the time. And they foolheartedly take on these mountains with very little experience, and they're wrecking, and they're hurting themselves. And they're asking me if they should try something else, and oddly enough, what about this pickleball? Because pickleball courts in the Salt Lake Valley, with Salt Lake County are going up all over the place. And now, of course, I'm dealing with pickleball injuries. And as an upper cervical chiropractor, even though I work at the very top of the neck, it's the very top of the neck and the balancing muscle balancing mechanisms that exist in that part of the central nervous system that control body balance from the neck all the way down to the feet. And by that, I mean the position of the shoulders, the position of the hips, the pelvis relative to the surface of the earth. And so, due to the ability of the work that I do to bring the body back into structural balance against gravity, I take care of a lot of sports people. And now that pickleball is within the reach of the average American, I am seeing more injuries with this than anything else, even though I have a series of steps and procedures that I recommend my high school football players go through before football season starts. Now, I'm trying to adapt that to the pickleball player, so I want to talk about pickleball injuries in that particular light relative to baseball injuries, because interestingly enough, they're very, very similar. There was this article that showed up in the Washington Post, 9, 10 years ago, and it discussed the punishing major league baseball schedules. And it talked about how the players believe, and the players were upset because they felt like they were being corralled into a particular culture that was creating more injuries than it should. And they thought there was a distinct relationship between how many days in a row they had to play, the times of the games, because sometimes the games would be at noon and sometimes at night, two or three days in a row. All the travel that was involved and the injuries that they were incurring, even though they would get through preseason training in before the season began relatively injury free. And so they pointed to the 162 day schedule that was instituted as early as the 1960s as a factor in the greater number of injuries that were taking place even even in the latest decade, even since, even since 2020. And, but the management, of course, disagreed. And I'm quoting from an article in Washington Post that said this, "If we had recently changed the schedule to 162 and we had more injuries, I could see where that theory would make some more sense," said the commissioner. The fact of the matter is we've been playing this way for decades, and we still have had this increase of injuries, and I have a hard time with the correlation between those two. So, injuries certainly were mounting up. And in this article, it's referring back to, and even though this article is almost a decade old, it's very relevant to today with my pickleball patients. And they were using the Atlantic Braves as an example, who were the division champions in 2013, and very difficult to beat even during the last few years. And with as many at any one time after the season had begun, with as many as a dozen players at a time on the disabled list. And if you look at all of the pictures that had been sidelined that year, the pictures were blaming it on the fact that they were being coached to throw the ball faster and faster and faster. Well, the issue is it's not just the pictures who are getting injured, I'm trying to address a subject that is very prescient today because it is involving pickleball, but I'm using baseball as an example because of all the information that we have on baseball. Because you would think with the money that is invested in these baseball players. And in this article, it's talking about how the minimum salary in the majors was five hundred and seven thousand. With the average being four million per year. And I said, you see, there's great, great videos at YouTube on sports players warming up, whether it's baseball or basketball or football tennis players, whatever, wrestling, even even marathon runners. There are great how to videos at YouTube on how to warm up. And so you want to warm up properly before you get out there on the pickleball court because it seems like such a gentle step down from the, you know, the ferocity of tennis. But it's still for bodies that are unfamiliar with that kind of movement, very difficult to keep up with. So you want to warm up properly, you want to focus on some strength training and some conditioning, and you want to limit when if you're going to start this kind of activity, you want to limit a little bit of it at the beginning. Well, I'm going to tell you now how to minimize injuries right now, and it's free. Here's my advice for especially any professional sports player that might be listening as well. This is advice on how to minimize the injuries right now. And it's my advice for keeping the body strong and resilient in any sport. Number one, you fire the dietitians. I'm serious. Professional players need more than broccoli and bird seed. Dietitians are trained to promote the most disastrous dietary guidelines and our athletes and our non professional at home backyard pickleball players deserve better than that as well. It's all about collagen. The vast majority of injuries involve sprains, breakage, pain in the tendons and the joints. Our tendons and our joints are made out of collagen. Here is where bone broth comes to the rescue. If you're already engaged in these kinds of sports or you're thinking about getting into pickleball and you want to be careful, I absolutely insist with my patients they drink at least an eight to 12 ounce cup of bone broth every morning as a part of their breakfast routine. I'm absolutely serious. The gelatinous part of the bone broth just melted collagen. So I tell them you get a mug of this warm broth before you leave the house in the morning. If you're going to go play, you want a cup of it before you play. Put it in a coffee thermos or something like that and have a cup of this before you play the game. That cup of that broth contains the ingredients of which your ligaments and your tendons are made of 100%. This isn't something that I kind of vary with. I'm very insistent on this because I tell them the average person is just ready to run out there and jump into this. Any person involved in athletic activity would be wisely engaging in before they practice. I'm also talking about diet because diet has an awful lot to do with this and the kind of foods that we eat. And when I'm talking about bone broth, I'm not talking about MSG laced bullion cubes. I'm talking about the real McCoy. And I think professional teams should invest in a chef or a catering service. They would make genuine bone broth available to all of their players. A good hour before their games begin. So I was talking about collagen and talking about bone broth. You can make your own bone broth. There are plenty of great videos on the internet on how to make really good beef bone or chicken bone broth. It doesn't matter. It's the marrow in these bones that forms the collagen of these animals. And it's also that same raw ingredient mixture that will form collagen in your bodies. Now, I talk about eating the right kind of foods. I tell my patients, I want you to eat a sports champion food. And of course, you know, sports champion. Yeah, I want to be a sports champion. That includes butter, egg yolks, liver, meat with the fat, fish eggs, and other seafood, especially shellfish. But eat lots of butter, grass pastured butter, egg yolks and meat every day. Liver and oysters a couple of times a week. Liver is not that hard to eat. You know, just some of my patients enjoy liver and onions and mustard and whatever, however they flavor, but liverwurst. That was a very big thing. You know, when I was a child, it was well known then that if you were to eat a liverwurst sandwich once or twice, a week, your health would be far better often without it. Because liver is the most densely concentrated nutritional support on this planet for human beings. Absolutely. I've often made this comment in the past. Four ounces, four ounces of grass pastured liver. As is much nutrient is about 400 pounds of salad. My patients tell me they eat a good meal. They're good eaters. Well, they're thin. Because they're thin, they think they're healthy. Well, if they were healthy, they wouldn't be coming to me getting consultation for how to improve their health because they're feeling sickly. Just being thin doesn't mean you're healthy. I have a lot of patients that are 20, 30, 40 pounds overweight who have wonderful blood work and clear arteries. Simply because of the dietary choices they make. So when I'm talking about how to strengthen your body and make sure you can get through a good two hours of pickleball, you have to be eating the right kind of foods. And the right kind of foods, you know, it's not strawberries and blueberries. As healthy as the organic version of those fruits are, they don't build the bones and they don't build the muscles. Then another thing, besides eating warrior foods or sports champion foods, is milk, raw, real milk. Oh, raw, pasture fed milk. I think professional sports teams should have a contract with a local dairy to supply their players with real milk. Now, I know milk is a bit of a controversy. I want to get into this a little bit more. We've got a break coming up here in a few seconds. When we get back from that, I want to get into why it's really important and how one of the greatest football coaches of all time, what he had to say about raw milk. Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered jumbo It's my little escape. 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But major league baseball, national football league, none of them, the NBA, they don't have the courage obviously to do something so radical and so sensible. But you can get raw milk for yourself just by visiting If you are in a free state and by free state, I mean it allows the sale of raw milk. You live in a good state. Now, Vince Lombardi said this. I've never met a great athlete who wasn't a big milk drinker. And he was talking about the boys that were coming off the Wisconsin dairy farms to play for the Green Bay Packers. Boys who grew up on real raw milk and it's the perfect food to keep you in tip top shape. And the factors that are in the raw cream that is in that raw milk are the best protection against joint stiffness. I've had many podcasts that I've done on milk, pasteurized milk, raw milk. The pasteurization of milk is not to protect you, though it theoretically does. It's to allow crappy milk to get into the system to not spoil the good milk. So they pasteurized the whole thing. And the problem with pasteurizing, we just get this idea. If we pasteurized something, we've killed the germs. Yeah, you did. You killed the germs. You also killed the vitamins. And you've killed other nutritional, micro, macro nutritional elements of that milk that are necessary to get the nutrition of that milk into your body. For instance, alkaline phosphatase, a very important enzyme that's in raw milk is the enzyme that allows the calcium in the milk to transfer to your bones or your children's bones or your baby's bones. And once that milk has been pasteurized, that enzyme is destroyed. And the ability of your body to get the true calcium bone building mineral is greatly decreased. So I'm saying this is what would help if you are living in a state that allows the sale of raw milk. This will help protect your joints and especially the ankles. Another thing is to avoid processed foods. Now, I know a lot of professional sports people in all, you'll see the commercials on TV. A lot of franchises make money promoting the sale of processed foods. But the really smart athletes stay away from the sodas, the so-called sports drinks. They stay away from fried food. They stay away from cookies and donuts and candy bars. And especially these crazy energy bars. They leave them completely out of their diet. And protein powders belong in this list as well because they're highly processed and they're just not good for athletes at all. You want the food that Mother Nature made and you want it as close to the form that Mother Nature made it. In order to have a body that can withstand the kind of torturous leverage action that you place on your joints. As much as I counsel my patients about this, some of them will still come in two or three weeks a month later. So, oh, Dr. Jack, I overdid it. What's going on? Well, I rolled my ankle or I can't play pickleball because I can't move my shoulder. Things like this that may well involve a chiropractic adjustment. There's no doubt about that because they're always misaligned when I see them in this condition. But they didn't take me seriously about making sure the inside of their body was ready to handle the torturous aspects of this sport. As much as their mindset was that they were going to go out and become a pickleball champion. I suggest that they avoid caffeine because caffeine makes the adrenal glands work over time. And when your adrenal glands are starting to get weathered, they eventually result in a lack of cortisol. So cortisol isn't just for you to handle stress. Low cortisol will give you weak ligaments. And when you have a weak ligament and you go in to reach for it to hit the ball or your slide or something, you can roll an ankle, you can twist a knee, you can pop a hip because those ligaments are weak. Caffeine is not only in coffee, but it's in the sports drinks, it's in soft drinks, it's in tea, it's in chocolate. You need to be very careful of caffeine intake if you want strong ligaments. And then another thing, don't try to digest and play at the same time. Remember when they told us and I can, some of my earliest memories of the public pool as a child, was don't eat anything before swimming or you'll get cramps and drains. Remember that? The body has to put forth a lot of energy into digestion. In fact, I have seen some digestive physiologists claim that 70% of all the energy expired in the body in a 24-hour period simply goes to the digestion of food. So it's not a good idea to be digesting food while you're playing. So when do you eat? Well, you can have a big meal, but have it at least a couple of hours before you play. And then don't eat while you're playing. Don't eat until the game is over. A lot of my patients play in, well, a lot of them are retired. So they're playing in daily leagues and during the summer here in Utah can get a little hot. So they're playing in the early morning. And a lot of them will have what I consider a decent breakfast, eggs and meat and raw milk and whole grain bread. And then they get out on the court and they don't have the energy that they otherwise would want because their body is digesting food. So I tell them at least two hours before you're going to play the game, you can eat what you want as long as it's healthy. And then don't eat while you're playing. Now, I see a lot of, especially in baseball, I see a lot of players in the dugout or standing along, you know, either waiting their turn to get the batter. What else eating what looks like corn nuts or sunflower seeds. I can't think of anything more difficult to digest than corn nuts and sunflower seeds. If you have to stick, if you're just as hungry as you can be, maybe a little bit of dried fruit that does not have sulfur in it. Then the weird diets, sometimes my patients when they start getting involved a little bit more in something they really enjoy like pickleball, suddenly they want to start dieting. And they start doing the weird stuff like juicing, Dr. Jack, what do you think if I had a quarter carrot juice before I go play? And I just look at him in the eyes, eye to eye, and I say, do you want me to be serious with that answer? Or do you want me to sugarcoat it until you just go right ahead to your orange, your skin turns orange. That would be one of the craziest things you could possibly do. There is so much sugar in carrot juice, so much sugar in apple juice that no, you shouldn't be juicing up like this before you go to play. And my advice for juicing period, because some people juice on a regular basis, never juice more than you would have eaten if you had eaten the solid foods. In other words, don't drink a pint of carrot juice, if you would have eaten an entire carrot, if you're in a salad, you would regularly consume an entire carrot. All right, you can have a carrot's worth of juice, because your body is attuned to that, your digestive system can handle that, it can assimilate that much sugar and that kind of nutrition in a concentrated form. And then I didn't want to do well, I've heard a low fat diet or a low carb diet. I think that I should clean up my diet quite a bit. None of these things are a good idea. Just move more, as I said earlier, towards the sports champion foods, lots of butter, egg yolks, liver, meat with the fat, fish eggs and other seafood, especially shellfish. But eat lots of butter every day. How many eggs? There's studies out there now where people were eating as much as a dozen eggs a day without any change in their cholesterol numbers, except for a small increase that was really negligible. And then if you've got to have something out there at some time, stay away from the processed meats. The only processed meat that I think is acceptable would be liverwurst, and there are liverwurst packages that are made in such a way that a little bit of mayonnaise or a little bit of mustard on it with some whole grain bread is actually rather tasty, especially with an organic tomato. All right, no weird diets. And then you need, I would highly suggest you engage a chiropractor. All the teams, all the professional teams have resident medical doctors and trainers. A lot of these tapes have resident chiropractors as well. Every now and then, usually I don't watch any sport as much as I watch professional football. I've started watching a little bit of baseball simply because they've shortened the game now with the amount of time the pitcher has to pitch the ball. Since they've shortened that down quite a bit, it's made baseball interesting again. But football is the thing I usually watch and every now and then, a little comment will be made here or there about a chiropractor about how such and such had happened. After a chiropractic visit, he was back out on the field again, or there was a chiropractor on the side of the field. I remember when I was at Palmer College getting my chiropractic training back in Davenport, Iowa, the school had a very competitive rugby team. I had never seen a rugby team. I had never seen a rugby game before until I saw my first rugby game in my first year at Chiropractic College. And holy smoke, I have never seen people so beat up in my life, but there were chiropractors because it was a chiropractic college on the sideline that were helping these guys get their joints back into place. And on professional teams, they're there. And athletes always get a weekly spinal check to make sure everything's in alignment. And a chiropractic adjustment should be the first treatment after any injury as my patients know that. So I'm helping them to find their strength, their stamina, their resistance, following the advice I've given you here today. And a few minutes, I'm going to be joining Doug to finish off the show for this week and have some fun with him as well. More information about me at, where there's plenty of podcasts. I'm Dr. Jack Stockwell at There's the off chance we can get to the bottom of some very important things because if you have chronic problems, you have the benefit of Jack and all of the techniques that he has. He has a Nooka chiropractor, a gaps practitioner to get to the bottom of whatever your issue may be. And one of the things that I find over the years that's been very helpful to us is he's been trying to figure out what's wrong with me. He's been trying to figure out what's wrong with me for a long time. Let's take that symptom survey that's available at the moment without charge when you go to, you don't have to go to, you have to go very far, go to You don't have it at, do you just have it for forbidden doctor? No, just a forbidden doctor. He's on the home. Yeah, what do you find out about folks when they take the symptom survey? Now it's called the nutrition quiz, and it's on the home page, and it's a series of questions. It's over 200 questions, of which usually maybe 15 to 20 would apply to any one person. So you download the quiz, you take it, you send it back to us, my nutritionist and myself review it, and then we make some suggestions for you. No obligation, no cost, absolutely free, but you'd be very interested in learning these things about yourself just by reading the questions. Because they're broken down into the different groups that reflect the various systems of the body, the nervous system, the digestive system, the reproductive system, these kinds of ideas, the skin, the liver, everything else. The questions relative to those particular systems are educational in the sense, well, I didn't realize that spicy food could affect my heart rate. I didn't realize that some ultra processed foods can affect the condition of my skin. These different kinds of questions that tell me something about you, but at the same time are educational for the person taking the test. I hate to use the word test, it's more of a survey, and so it just tells me an awful lot about what's going on behind the scenes rather than just saying, "Oh, you've got neuropathy, oh, you've got fatty liver disease." It gives me the reasons as to why certain symptoms are showing up at no cost to the person who fills out the survey. So how much into the nitty gritty can get, this whole business of cancer screening and how much money it costs the insurance companies every year, can you get into the nitty gritty of something as serious as a cancer problem? When you want to consider the fact that the main cause of cancer is immunosuppression. Something is stopping your immune system from destroying the cancer. You have within your white blood cells something called the natural killer cell. Its primary job is to destroy cancer cells on site, which is why most of us go through our life with cancer three or four or five times showing up and we never even know about it because our immune system took care of it. So when cancer does start to develop, the cancer doesn't know you're there and your body doesn't know the cancer is there. It's like two separate living things taking place. The symptom survey doesn't tell me how to treat it. It just tells me the underlying conditions that may have led to that possibility, and then I have suggestions to make in conjunction with your oncologist as to help to defeat the problem. You know, people ask all the time whether or not if they're curious, whether or not other life forms have cancers. Are humans the only ones that have cancers, or is this something that is, you know, I know dogs can get it, they're fish. Sure. Mammals. Any mammal can get it. Anything with a backbone. I don't know if anything outside of the vertebrates can get cancer, but anything with a backbone in a central nervous system, that regulates the immune system inside that particular species. When it's defunct to some degree, with all of the environmental poisons, they're walking through, swimming through, breathing through. I think anything with a backbone can get cancer. Dr. Jack brought to you by Calitron America's number one way to lose weight. 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