Jesse Kelly Show

Communists...Key States in Elections...Abortion

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15 Aug 2024
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Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. Chumbak has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Play for free anytime, anywhere, for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at Chumbak Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group, void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show final hour. Wait a minute. No, second hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. I guess we'll do three hours today. I thought about only making it two. But it's the second hour. So we're going to discuss problems in Arizona, the Harris campaign rewriting headlines, and they're allowed to do that. Heads up for the Navy. There's a monkey pox outbreak in who's running America. Oh, that's so much more coming up this hour on the world. Famous Jesse Kelly show. Now let's let's dig into this. It's a I know it can be daunting sometimes when we take on the communists politically, culturally, and it can be daunting because they're good at it. They just are. And they're naturally going to be better at it than we are for a couple of different reasons. One, and this is a big, big, big one. Government is their religion. Remember, communism is a religion. And so they practice their religion religiously. What, Chris, that was good. No, but they do. They're devout. Government is their religion. So they're all in. They know how it works. They get involved in how it works. They have shell corporations, volunteers, pay. They are completely different than us when it comes to how we approach these things because they approach it religiously. Government's not your religion, and it shouldn't be. So that's one of the reasons they're better at politics than we are. And the second reason is this. In general, on the right, the view is that government should be hands off because to be anywhere on the right means you are more inclined towards freedom. Well, what is freedom? It's the lack of government. That's what freedom is. It's the lack of government. Therefore, you don't dream up a new government program to address this and a government program to address that. You most likely know government is the source of most of our problems. They don't think like that at all. So they're trying to gain power while we're trying to reign in said power gives them an advantage. And that brings me to what's happening in Arizona. You never want to count your chickens before they hatch. When it comes to elections, especially, you never want to count your chickens before they hatch. Elections go a variety of ways for a variety of reasons. The thinking so far in this election and this presidential election has been that Trump is going to sweep the Sunbelt states and then hopefully win Michigan or Pennsylvania or Wisconsin. That has been kind of the overall election strategy and the poll numbers in the individual Sunbelt swing states have really backed that up. But I say Sunbelt, you need to be thinking Georgia, Arizona, places like that. Trump has been doing really well there, overperforming versus other places. So it was looking, it was looking like it was kind of a narrow path to victory for Dome. She would have to sweep Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And we would only need one of those three. Now we might not get any, right? I'm not, I don't want to count chickens there either, but that's a more attainable goal. Figure out the one you're pulling the best in, spend the most time, spend the most money there, go all in and try to grab that one when the presidency back in the White House. That's been a discussion. But communists don't take things like that lying down. And the communists plays offense at all times. He is always moving forward with the revolution, whether he lost, whether he won, whether he has all the power, whether he has no power, the revolution goes on without end. And so they think of things and they do things that don't occur to us. Let's talk about abortion. I know everyone loves to talk about that. What a wonderful topic. Let's talk about abortion. Let's discuss it electorally. No, I'm not going to bludgeon you with my absurdly pro-life views. You already know my stance on that. I don't even believe in exceptions, right? That's where I'm at. So we'll set that aside. Electorally, abortion brings Democrats to the polls. Democrats are communists, communists are demonic, demons love to murder and sacrifice babies. We are not the first society who's gone through this. This has been the history of societies. So many societies throughout history have slaughtered their babies. In ritual sacrifice for various reasons, they take the innocent, the most innocent among us and they kill them. Child sacrifice has taken different forms and different societies, but it's always been of the devil. It's always been demonic. And when man falls and when man allows his depravity to take over him, he will fall in love with the worst possible things you can do. And what's more evil? What's worse than slaughtering an innocent baby? And now we have a country full of people who love to slaughter babies. I'm not giving you my pro-life view, actually right now. I'm just telling you how it is. We have a country full of people, especially women who love abortion, the headline. Most women oppose leaving abortion laws to the states. And this is actually consistent across party lines. Across party lines, women love abortion so much they don't even want to leave it to the states. Now the federal government should step in right now and say I can slaughter every baby I ever get pregnant with. Yeah, women's rights. You can hate that and I do. But that is... That is the culture in America now. Baby slaughter. We love it here, apparently. That's where we're at. So it drives Democrats to the polls. Gretchen Whitmer, I hate her. She's the governor of Michigan. She was not popular when she was up for re-election because she was such a tyrant during COVID. But she blew the doors off of my friend, you know, her Tudor Dixon. She's stepped in as a substitute teacher on this show before Tudor Dixon, who's wonderful. A lovely human being, got crushed by Gretchen Whitmer. Why? Because of abortion. Because Michigan women love abortion so much they will be willing to be locked in their homes with masks tied to their faces for two years as long as you promise to let them carve up their babies like a Thanksgiving turkey. Women love abortion. American women, I should say, love abortion. And now Arizona has done something. Well, the communists in Arizona have done it and it's a brilliant political move. They're going to put abortion on the ballot this November. Abortion protections. They're going to enshrine them. That's how they call it abortion protections. It's just baby slaughter. They're going to try to enshrine it in Arizona's constitution. How did they do that? Well, they had to go out and campaign for it. They had to get signatures for it. You know how we talk about doing the work a lot? How taking back a country isn't sexy. Voting for Trump doesn't count as being politically active. Doesn't count as doing anything really. That's the bare minimum. That's not being active. You want to know what active is? They went out. You know how many signatures they got in order to get this on the ballot in Arizona? 578,000 signatures. You only need 383,000 to get something on the ballot in Arizona. The abortion loving communists in Arizona went out and they were overachievers. Real normal people knocking on doors. State fairs doing the work. Sign this. Would you sign this? I want to murder my baby. Could you sign this? I need to slaughter my baby. I might be pregnant now. Sign it so I can kill it. They went out. They put in the work. And now because they put in the work on the ground, abortion is going to be on the ballot in Arizona. A state Donald Trump absolutely, positively must win this November. And now the Democrat demon women and some Republican demon women in Arizona will crawl across a mile of broken glass to vote for dome this November. Because they're already going to be at the polls voting for abortion. They love so much. Now, there's nothing we can do about this. We can point in horror and hope it doesn't work out poorly for us. But it is a reflection of the unsexy work on the ground. Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Can you name a single person? One person. I'm asking for one name who was collecting signatures in Arizona. Can you name me one? You know what? I'll settle for a first name, but you can't guess. Can you name one person's first name? You can't. You'll never know their names. You'll never see their faces. Nobody's going to stop them at the airport and ask for a say, "Can I put myself in with you on Instagram?" Yet those are the people who change culture and win elections and they do it for the better. Well, for their better. For the country's worse, but they're in it for the cause. That is doing the work. The unsexy stuff that wins elections. And that's who we have to become. Alright? Hang on. Get the care for Rhinos. Here's the Jesse Cali Show on a Wednesday. A hump day. So there's lying and then there's this. The Kamala Harris campaign. They've been paying money. And this is where the money's been going. It's been changing headlines to make it appear that major publications like CBS News, Guardian, CNN and others to make it seem like as if they're in Harris's camp. You want to talk about building a world of make believe the social media era has made this so much worse. And you think in this day and age that we would have more information. Therefore, we would be smarter. Oh, we have more information and we've never been dumber because the evil people have found a way to manipulate the information we see and we hear. And so you have to be so proactive now with finding alternate sources of information and alternate ways to think about things. It's oh my gosh. It is something. Oh, I should update you on something just as important. So we do have mold in the house. I brought that up. What Chris? You should have seen it. You know, I had to pay. I told you I had to pay $800. $800 because they had to come out and they had to do an air test and everything else. We got mold in the house. So get this. You want to talk about insulting the guys going over. He's got his little heat gun thing and he's showing some places we have mold. Essentially, I have mold in a couple of different spots because they didn't insulate the attic in a couple of different fixtures well enough. The hot air is mixing with the cold air, creating mold. I don't want to nerd out on the details, but that's essentially what it is. See, it's just put in some insulation. Maybe put some cock around a couple of things and call it good. The guy says, "Okay, good to go." As the guy's leaving, sitting there with the wife, she looks to him and she says, "Hey, do you know anybody who might be able to do stuff like that?" And I said, "Excuse me? What do you think I used to do for a living? It's a little bit of cock. It's insulation. Anyone can put cock on things. Anyone can do insulation. This is something I've done before. Oh, I wasn't sure if you could do it. What? This is right back to the tiny ants thing. She's trying to kill me. Jesse, my take on why Harris is not giving interviews is twofold. First, they're doing the obvious hide-the-basement tactics because of her inabilities. Two, it's because of the million illegals they've casually led into the country will be able to vote for them. Look, the media's starting to pretend to be frustrated about the fact that dome won't give interviews. I'll tell you guys to have a press conference. Why isn't she had a press conference? Listen, the vice president and governor walls have been busy crisscrossing this country since the launch of this campaign and adding governor walls to the ticket you saw, the ways in which they went across the battleground states last week, generating rallies of thousands, 10,000 here, 15,000 there. Yeah. It's not giving interviews. She's not out there with the general public, instead, they're rewriting ads online. They're paying people for TikTok videos and YouTube videos. They have the majority of the American media like Time magazine doing puff pieces on her, and they have very clearly made a decision that they're going to hide dome. No policies. You don't actually get to hear her speak in an interview that often hide her as much as you can create this fake campaign and see if that's enough. Now the question is, and this really is the big question. What is the reason they've chosen that? Why have they chosen to go that way? And I don't know the answer to that. I have theories. Is it because they did it with Joe Biden and it worked? Remember, they did this exact thing with Joe Biden. They're running the same playbook, hide him, stuff him in the basement. Let's pay a TikToker to dance and eat Oreos with the Biden Harris signed staple, do his chest and we'll call it a win and it worked. Are they just doing the same campaign tactics, maybe part of it? Are they doing it because dome can't speak about anything? She can't speak intelligently about anything and even worse than that because sometimes people can't speak intelligently. Look at Chris. It happens. I can't speak intelligently about anything, but she's also not likeable. Remember politics? So much of it comes down to a simple popularity contest. Why is Donald Trump popular on the right? The most popular Republican for the last, what, eight years now? Why is he so popular? Have you ever seen Donald Trump mingle with people? He just, I saw it today. He's being a retail politician out there doing taking selfies with people, asking people questions. Did your dad teach you that? Hey, do you want me to sign your base retail politics? You may not like that that matters. I may not even like that that matters. I care about that. It's in deficits and border security and things like that. But that is how you do politics, maybe in dome can't do that. Are they running the campaign they're running because she's an unlikeable hag? Maybe that's part of it and maybe maybe it's a combination of those two things and or maybe it's simply this. Maybe they think they've brought in enough new votes. Maybe they think they have a ballot harvesting operation going in enough swing states. Maybe they think they have a dumb down enough American voters that now they think they don't have to campaign. I don't know exactly the strategy behind it, but it's obviously a strategy, obviously the plan is high dome in a basement, run a fake campaign on nothing and see if that can win. As I've said many times before, this election is going to be a big stress test. If that can win, setting aside what four years of Harris would mean. If that can win now, yeah, we're in deep trouble. We are. All right. Those before we get to those, let's get to this your body, your body tries to fight the pain that bothers you every day. 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I need to do something that actually is important. It's near and dear to my heart. We like to do important things every now and then on the show. And then we'll go back to goofing off and joking about things. So, you know, I love, I love inner service humor. I think it's hilarious and almost everyone gets it. Some air force guys, of course, to the exception, but for the most part, people understand inner service humor. The army makes fun of Navy makes fun of Marines, Marines make fun of this Marines. You give each other crap. Like I said, the only people who are mortified by this usually are people who didn't serve or a couple of air force guys who get offended because what are you going to do? It's air force guys, but I do care. And you know, by now, you know, what an admirer I am of a combat Navy, America's combat Navy in World War II, it was so awesome. The aviators, the sub guys, the carrier crews, honestly, the damage control crews were amazing. I am a fan of the United States Navy. And as much as this freaking pains me to say, it's the most important branch for a country that's surrounded by the two biggest oceans. I am a Navy fan. I want a powerful Navy that can defeat the enemy. I genuinely love it and I care about it a great deal because I care about the Navy. I just wanted to make sure everyone is aware of this, very aware of this, and then we can move on and talk about more lighthearted stuff. So Chris, would you please play the World Health Organization announcement from today? Navy guys, pay attention, please. Your life is at stake today, the emergency committee met and advised me that in its view, the situation constitutes a public emergency of international concern. I have accepted that advice. The detection and rapid spread of a new claim of epochs in Eastern DRC, its detection in neighboring countries that had not previously reported epochs and the potential for further spread within Africa and beyond is very worrying. In addition to other outbreaks of other clades of epochs in other parts of Africa, it's clear that a coordinated international response is essential to stop these outbreaks and save lives. Trying to save lives here on the show, monkeypox is on the move. If you're in the Navy, you've been warned. Jesse, actually, this guy says small bathroom, small plane bathroom pooper. You often talk about how lazy the GOP voters are because they don't get involved to primary scumbags like John Corning and Dan Crenshaw. I couldn't agree more, but here's the problem. Whenever the lazy GOP voters do get off their butts and put someone else, someone that ran on the so-called Tea Party values, they immediately become corrupt and worthless after two minutes in D.C. Their accountless example of this, examples of this. Do you see another way? Okay, first, that is a very fair email. You say we never get involved to primary these people, but we have gotten involved in the past and they turn out to be turds. That's a fair criticism, however, it's not completely fair. You know, the Tea Party, the Tea Party is looked back on now, not as fondly as it should be. Why? Well, because the Tea Party became a gigantic scam, like all, all movements, every movement, no matter how good and saintly the beginning of the movement becomes, will eventually turn out to be a scam because evil men will figure out how to take gigantic groups of motivated people and use those motivated people for their own selfish ends. So the Tea Party started wonderfully. I know I was at them. I was speaking at them. I was running for Congress at the time. It's a very young meathead congressional candidate, so I was at all of them. I love them and it was wonderful and the people were wonderful and it didn't take long. A couple of years, a bunch of people figured out they can start a group called Tea Party this or Tea Party that and they can make money off of it. It didn't take congressional candidates, Senate candidates long to figure out they should call themselves Tea Party when they're what it became a scam. And so now we look back on it and it's very tempting to say like at the Tea Party, I want to rip off all those people sucked. We have Senator Rand Paul because of the Tea Party in part because of the Tea Party. We have really some of our best house, my house members and senators. They are there because of the Tea Party movement. Do some of the people who run as being reformers or conservatives or outsiders on against the establishment, do they turn out to get bought and paid for really quickly? Of course, you walk into the DC swamp. It's mucky. You get dirty. You fall in love with that congressional office. Look at my fancy congressional pin. Ooh, I got a pretty secretary. Look at this. I didn't need a reservation at the steakhouse. You fall in love with doing these events and everyone wants your picture and you fall in love with the power of being in Congress, being in the Senate. You feel important. People love to feel important and so you give up your values to stay there. Does that happen? Of course it does. Does that happen to all of them? Absolutely not. We only remember. We only remember the ones who make us angry, the ones who make us sad, the ones who disappoint us. Look, we've taken various vacations at any point in our life. When I was a kid, when I was when I was married and we have things we do on vacation, things we like, things we don't like to various places, whether it's like I said, a beach, a cabin on a lake, something like that. We went to Europe one time. I told you. Or no, twice with the Europe twice. What is the one you've heard me probably talk about the most on this show? I tell you what I do. What's the one you probably heard me talk about the most? The one where we went to Cancun and everyone got food poisoning and the wife shattered not one, but both her for ankles at different times on the trip. It was such a disastrous trip on the way home from the airport. I had to drive her immediately to the emergency room where she had to have surgery on her ankle. I had to wheelchair my wife through a Mexican airport to get back in time. Why does that vacation stand out? I've taken my wife and sons to a cabin up at one of these Lake Conroe legs up here in Texas and we were playing with turtles and catching fish and grilling burgers and we played board games and it was a wonderful family time. Have you ever heard me talk about it? No, because it doesn't pop up first in my memory. What pops up first in my memory is my oldest son sprinting across the lobby in the nice hotel to puke in the public trash can. That's what sticks out most. We we tend to remember the bad stuff, the painful stuff, the ugly stuff. And that's the stuff we talk about every single person we send to Congress. Every one of them doesn't disappoint us. A lot of them do. Everyone doesn't. Look, I'll tell you one right now. You know, Eli Crane is. I know you know, Chris, I'm not asking you, Eli Crane is a congressman from Arizona. Of course, he's running for reelection. They all are right now every two years. This dude is he's more than just, you know, the cover photo stuff. He's a Navy SEAL. And that's what everyone knows. And don't get me wrong. That's really freaking cool being a Navy SEAL. I've hung out personally with Eli multiple times. This dude is as genuine as there is right now without a minute of hesitation. He would lay down and die for this country. That's how much he loves it. That's how sickened he is by the swamp. So these types of people exist. Don't lose heart because some of them disappoint us. All right. I know because a lot of them disappoint us. I don't want to understand it. Don't lose heart. Don't only focus on the bad ones. There are good ones. This is the Jesse is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. Don't worry. We still have more than an hour left at the Jesse Kelly show. Literally don't lose track of time or anything like that. Remember, you can download a podcast at the show. It's free and the show is free. The podcast is free, I heart, Spotify, iTunes, just go enjoy it at your leisure. This was Tim walls back in 2022 asked if he had any regrets about, Oh, I don't know. Cops being ordered to shoot paintballs at people who violated curfew during code. You've done the schools any differently because I think that's where all parents are upset about what happened with the schools. Well, do you think you could have made any other choice? Well, I think just to be clear over 80% of our students miss less than 10 days of in-class learning. The value. That's a huge lie. Majority of students were in it depended again on population density. Many of these decisions were being made by local folks to be able to do what was necessary to keep them there. I think again in hindsight, if we could have no one that we would get vaccinations out as quickly as possible, we prioritize teachers and the staff in schools to get there. We're doing it differently now. And since May of 2021, almost every one of the dude is just a straight up liar in a chameleon. He is that is a bad dude. Oh, did you hear this explanation on the economy from dome? This is interviews from a while ago because she's not doing any interviews now, but it is pretty revealing about how dumb they think we are. Why do you think though, with recent polling numbers that potentially the policies maybe aren't resonating with some of the base or some of the Americans here in the United States? Listen, first of all, I think that we know that it takes time for people to feel the policies. Ah, just takes time, takes time. All right, I do need to address this while I do some emails. Ilhan Omar had a primary as I warned you she would. She had a for real primary in her district. And she won last night. I have a victory belongs to our incredible campaign staff. It belongs to the incredible volunteers, our elected leaders. And it certainly belongs to the voters. I have to say, you know, we run the politics of joy because we know it is joyful to fight for your neighbors. We know it is joyful to make sure everybody has access to health care. We know it is joyful to make sure housing is a human right. We know it is joyful to fight for health care. She won't be there very much longer. This was a close one. They're going to keep coming at Ilhan Omar unless she learns to control her mouth. And it's doubtful that she will learn how to control her mouth. And I know her district is radical. I don't know if it's this radical because the communist machine, the system, they're not going to allow her to continue making problems for them. So I hope she enjoys another two years. Like I said, her, Rashida Tlaib, the members of the squad who've chosen not to play ball will not be there that much longer. AOC will. AOC is chosen to play ball. I endorse Joe Biden. I love Joe Biden. So she'll be there because she understands that's how you get in good with the system. You know how to get in good with your dog? You see, rough greens, it's an all natural nutritional supplement. Your dog's food has no nutrition in it, none at all. It's dead food. You pour rough greens on your dog's food every single meal. Just one pour. All right. Every jumpstart trial bags can be found at 833-33-my-dog or go to You want your dog to live longer, pour rough greens on his food. You want your dog to live healthier, fewer trips to the vet, pour rough greens on your dog's food, pour rough greens on your dog's food, 833-33-my-dog. Jessie, how large is the black caucus? Is it larger than the other? Oh, I know. You know what? That's not very nice. He's talking about the Congressional Black Caucus, and he's trying to do a play on words there, and it's not funny. It's not funny, and it's not nice. You should know that the Congressional Black Caucus, it's just another Communist Front Organization, Byron Donald. Who was it? I think it was Byron Donald's tried to join it, and they rejected him. They wouldn't let him what, Chris? Chris, I'm not going to, I'm not going to repeat that on the air. Okay. It's a family show. I'm not repeating that. Oracle of Oracle's. As you probably know, 13 counties in Oregon have voted to se- voted to secede from that state and become part of Idaho. If secession is successful, man, that's a dag on mouthful. If secession is successful, I fear that the commies who were left behind in Oregon will eventually reach a point. They can't stand their own stench and invade New Idaho. They're already invading Idaho. Look, I adore Idaho, adore Idaho. He's gotten so bad. One of my buddies, I'm not going to give out his name. I didn't get permission, but one of my buddies, I was in the Marine Corps with, he was doing his work. His wife, kids, they were in Boise. They've been in Boise and he has loved Boise for years. He just packed up his family and left town and I had a long conversation with him about it. He said, Jesse, you cannot imagine these freaking California Democrats, how many of them are pouring into Boise, Idaho. I watched this happen over the years in Montana as well, especially Western Montana. It's majorly beautiful. Eastern Montana is more flat and plains and in my opinion, not as beautiful, but Western Montana. It's Rocky Mountains. The bridges, the Spanish peaks that it's just, it's beautiful, beautiful mountain ranges. Those names don't mean anything to you, but they're beautiful places and these hippie freaks from California, they, they, they pack up their stuff and they move and it becomes a nightmare. Look, if you're leaving California because you're red and you're tired of living in that hellhole, good vote, move and vote and everyone will like you just fine. If you're one of these Democrats who has destroyed your state with your moronic voting policies for all these years, don't you dare try to escape the crime infested, high tax, high regulation dump you've created for yourself. You did this. You park your hippie butt right there in Santa Monica and you keep voting Democrat even when you wake up to a homeless dude, pooping in your potted plants on the front porch. Don't you dare leave. You did this. You earned it. Jesse, coaching a little league all star team. Mom just texted me that her son will miss practice. The kid will be fighting for a spot in the outfield. How do I tell this mom that a fifth grade graduation is celebrating mediocrity? And I'm doing her whole family a service by telling him he needs to come to practice. They could drop him off and go do anything for three years. Gosh, dad needs to step up here. His name is Cody and Cody, I think you nailed that at the end. Where's dad? No, we're not missing practice when you're fighting for a spot on the team for fifth grade graduation. You don't graduate from the freaking fifth grade. You just move on to sixth grade. And I know a bunch of people ranted about this. It's insane to me how much they love graduations, whatever. This has been a podcast from W.O.R. Lucky Land Slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli, I guess, uh-huh in my dentist's office. More than once, actually, do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really? Yes. It's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky. I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You can get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW Group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply.