Jesse Kelly Show

The American communist is just as evil as any Soviet or Asian communist and this is who we share the country with

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14 Aug 2024
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Judy was boring. Hello. Then, Judy discovered Jumba It's my little escape. Now, Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy, Judy. [MUSIC PLAYING] The Jumba life is for everybody. So go to and play over 100 Casino-style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun on a Tuesday. Oh, my gosh. It's such a great Tuesday. We're going to deal with these commies here in the open. A question was asked about that whole censorship. Trump, Elon Musk, should the government allow it? We're going to have a long talk here in the beginning about who we share a country with. We're going to talk a little bit more about the shadow campaign, the nothing campaign. The Harris walls team is running. The interest payments on the debt are officially going to bury the country. 40% of the people can't pay their bills. Washington DC sucks to live in, and young kids aren't drinking like they used to. All that Michael Knowles joins us next hour. I have an investigative reporter in the final hour. I'm not even going to tell you what he's bringing, but you better be here for that. All that and more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. Now, we're going to do something, and it's going to sound childish. Why? Because it is childish, because I host the show. But seriously, I want you to do something with me. Stay with me for a minute, OK? I want you to do something. Close your eyes unless you're driving. Unless you're driving, please don't do it. If you're driving or doing something important, closing the eyes isn't that necessary. It just helps. Close your eyes. And when I say a word, I want you to just think to yourself, the first person can be general or specific who pops into your head when I say that word. OK, you with me? With me? So basketball player, I'll tell you right off the bat. I just did it right there on the air. Michael Jordan's who popped into my head. It was the first one that popped, I had a specific person. Michael Jordan, I grew up watching Michael Jordan. If you're younger, you didn't get that experience. But first person who popped into my head. All right, that's basketball player, OK? Rockstar, who popped into your head when I said rockstar? The guy from Queen. OK, perfect. His name's Freddie Mercury. You freaking heathen. Either way, OK, Freddie Mercury. Michael, who's the rockstar? Who popped into your head? Michael said the front man of deleterious consequences. Of course, it would be me, of course. OK, so you with me? Now let's do just one more of these. Communist who popped into your head. It can be general. It can be specific who popped into your head. I would venture a guess that it was not an American who popped into your head first. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. After all, you listen to this show. Maybe it was. But I'll tell you for me, when I picture a communist, I picture a uniformed NKVD agent pounding on someone's door in the Soviet Union in the middle of the night, ready to drag them away. That's a picture. I picture Mao. Mao always pops into my head when I picture what you say, the word communist. I picture, you know, in Cambodia, you know, if you ever see pictures of the people who were being abused and murdered in Cambodia after the communists take over, you'll notice they're all in black pajamas. You know, you want to know why black pajamas are such a big thing with the communists because it makes everybody even. And in fact, if you read documentary or watch a documentary or read books on it, you'll find the people as they were being abused by the Cambodian communists had to take their clothes and dye them. They were dyed black. I forget. I think it was a berry or something. I forget how they did it, but you had to submerge your clothes in some ink and that turned your. And that's what I picture. I picture those pajamas. I picture. So where did I go? I went to China. I went to the Soviet Union. I went to Cambodia and this is me. I'm the one who talks about all the communists we have here. I'm the one who talks about the communism that is infecting everything, the cultural Marxism that is infecting everything. This is me. I talk about it every day with you and I did not picture an American when I said the word communist. I didn't. And I should have. I still think I don't want to put words in your mouth and I don't want to put thoughts in your head, but I still think I personally, I think I make a separation in my head between those communists I just described and American communists. I don't do this intentionally because I know they're the same, but for me, I think about Mao executing 40, 50 million Chinese and I don't put the American communist in that same category. And I'm here to tell you right now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the American communist is every bit as evil and demonic and murderous and violent as anyone in the Soviet Union, as anyone in Mao's China, as anyone in Cambodia, as any one of those Spanish communists who were raping and murdering priests and nuns, the American communist is exactly the same. He may not have stacked up the body count because he hasn't had an opportunity to do so for a variety of reasons in this country. His opposition is armed that has held him back. America is not historically a communist country. It's been a communist revolution that's been slow here. So he hasn't had all the opportunities in the world, but the only thing, the only thing that separates the American communist from the NKVD agent open up, it's off to the Gulag. The only thing that separates them is opportunity and until you and I accept that we can't possibly take these people on. I'm going to play something for you right now. Maybe you've already heard it. Maybe you haven't. This is a Washington Post journalist. The Washington Post, along with the New York Times and the LA Times, is the largest newspaper in the United States of America. Last night, I'm sure you've heard snippets of it or at least you heard about it. Donald Trump didn't extend it. It was something like two hours long. He did an extended interview conversation with Elon Musk and it was broadcast on Twitter, which they call X now, whatever, but it was a big thing. For a million people, listened, it was huge leading up to that. Reporters were upset about it. Now I just want to clarify. This was just a conversation. It was Elon Musk. I listened to probably an hour of it. It was Elon Musk asking questions, Donald Trump answering questions, asking some questions. It was just two men with their, their own views of the world having a conversation. That's all it was going to be. It's all it was sold as. I want you to listen, listen very closely to this journalist and I want you to understand something as you listen. These people are all around. Elon Musk is slated to interview Donald Trump. I don't know if the president is going to today. Feel free to say if he is or not, but I think that misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue. It's a, you know, it's an America issue. What role does the white house or the president have in sort of stopping that or stopping the spread of that? Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, he's getting ready to sit down tonight and have a conversation, a public conversation with Elon Musk, a billionaire business owner. They're going to discuss things openly. They're going to discuss whatever they want and the public can listen in. What role does the white house have in putting a stop to that? You share a country with communists. They're not Democrats. They're not progressives. They're not liberals, they're not leaning left. These people are every bit as sick and evil and violent as any communist who has ever walked the planet earth and they're a hundred percent sure. They're the good guys and you're the bad guys. And that's precisely the thing that makes them so evil and dangerous. These people believe I was actually talking to my buddy James Lindsey about this and he had a great way to describe it. So I don't want to make sure I give him some credit for it. He said, Jesse, you have to understand communists. They view themselves as being the only human beings. You because you're not part of their religion. You're not part of their religious cult. You are a rat. You're a dog. You're a mosquito. You don't get to say whatever you want. You don't get to do whatever you want. You're not even a human being because you're not taking part in their religion. That's how you can sit there as a reporter and call for the United States president to step in and stop an interview you don't like. And it's not like he said this privately at a cocktail party with his other filthy commie friends. He said it on camera on camera. Hey, can't the president step in and put a stop to this? It's time to have a serious discussion about who we share a country with next I've got an animal he said to me is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Do not forget. You can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly I'm going to play it for you again. I might play it for you 10 times during the show. A Washington post reporter heard Donald Trump was going to have a public conversation. Trump's a private citizen. I might point. I might point out Trump was going to have a public conversation. Anyone could listen to with Elon Musk, the guy who owns Twitter and the Washington Post reporter wanted to know if the White House was going to step in and put a stop to you on Musk is slated to interview Donald Trump. I don't know if the president is going to go free to say if he is or not, but I think that misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue. It's a America issue. What role does the White House or the president have in sort of stopping that or stopping the spread of that 70 8% you want to know what that number is? That's the percentage of American Democrats who supported Joe Biden's vaccine mandate. I just want to make sure I remind you what that was not that I have to because you remember quite well the president of the United States of America of the land of the free allegedly mandated that businesses force you to get a vaccine or you be fired. The president of the United States of America issued an executive order that you be fired if you don't take a vaccine and 78% of American Democrats stood with him. There is no such thing as a Democrat. They are communists. There's no such thing is a liberal. He's on the left. They're all filthy, violent, dirty communists and they reveal themselves all the time. 55% of Americans, I'm sorry, Democrats, 55% of Democrats wanted you fined if you didn't get a vaccine. They wanted you fined and you know what happens if you don't pay a government fine. You go to jail 55% of Americans wanted you thrown in a cage, Democrats, I'm sorry, Democrat Americans wanted you thrown in a cage 48% flat out said fine or in prison Americans who publicly questioned the efficacy of the COVID vaccine. The COVID vaccine was an experimental vaccine. It wasn't even a vaccine. It didn't work at all. And half of American Democrats wanted you thrown in a dark hole if you went on Facebook and said, I'm not really sure if this thing works. Are you am I? Are we ready to accept who we share a country with? 47% of them supported the government tracking the unvaccinated to ensure they are quarantined or socially distant. They wanted the NKVD to follow you around town because you hadn't gotten your 20th booster shot yet here's here's another one for you. This is from the New York mag. His name is Jonathan Chate. He's a disgusting apparatchic, one of the most horrible communists I've seen out there in the American media. This is what he said. This is the headline from today. The media's double standard favors Donald Trump, not Kamala Harris. And I actually going to defend him a little bit on this one. I'm going to defend him by saying he means that you see, as I've pointed out before, communism is a religion of destruction and domination. And they believe in destroying and dominating everything. And if you fought a war with a communist for a hundred islands and at the end, after the war was over, he had 99 of them and you had one left. He would be miserable, angry, despondent that there was an island he didn't control. The American communists like Jonathan Chate, he can look at how the media handles Donald Trump without right hostility at all times and he can look as the media does everything they can possibly do to boost up dome. And what he sees, what he sees is a media that's biased against him because in the eyes in the mind of the Jonathan Chate of the world, 100% of media discourse should be promoting what he wants and 100% of the media discourse should be outright hostility towards all of his enemies because he's not a Democrat. He's not a progressive. He's not a liberal. He doesn't lean left. He is a communist. Every bit as a common as much of a communist as the Red Guard people who were storming through China, beating teachers to death. He's every bit the communist of the NKVD agent, of Mao, of any one of them. We share a country with freaking demons. I cannot believe this is the place for you. You know, I was just slated to interview you Donald Trump. I don't know if the president is going to do it. Feel free to say if he is or not, but I think that misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue. It's a, you know, it's an America issue. What role does the White House or the president have in sort of stopping that or stopping the spread of that? It's time to buck up and dig in because honestly, I don't think, I don't think we, I don't think we're dramatic enough about the stakes of losing to these people. You read about what the communists have done and you kind of separate that from us that can't happen here. Oh my gosh. Yes, it can. These people would love for it to happen here. The people who wanted you thrown in jail for not getting your booster shot. Trust me. It can happen here. There's no such thing as an American Democrat. All right, get your chalk in your system. So you're ready to go. We're going to, we're going to need it men and women. It's time to go get your stacks, male vitality stacks, a female vitality stacks. If you can't do that, or even if you can, may I suggest some chocolate powder. You pour it in a smoothie or glass of water or something in the morning. It's got all kinds of vitamins and minerals in the thing. Get you ready to go full of energy and pep for the days. You can tell I took mine today, along with my male vitality stack, but I'm Tony right now, man. We had better be strong and healthy exercise, drink water, lay off the booze and start taking some chalk, C H O Q. You could call them, text them, five zero chalk 3000 is the number. They'll help you out that the dimes are standing by five zero chalk 3000. Just tell them, Jesse told you to call it. They'll take care of you. I promise. All right. A couple more things on this. And we're moving on. We got other things to talk about. Hang on. The Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday, I'm going to let that thing go for now. Don't forget, we have Michael Knowles of the Michael Knowles show coming up about an hour from now. He's got some things to say about the whole men and women's boxing that you probably haven't heard. That's going to be worth hanging on to. And in the final hour, we have an investigative journalist coming on. I'm not telling you what he's going to say, but he's going to drop a bomb on this show. I hope he doesn't actually drop a bomb. He's not going to drop a, he's not here. I don't see how he could bomb the show unless he has, unless he has a plane. I guess if he had a plane, he could bomb the show. What Chris, we don't, I don't know a lot of people have planes. There's this neighborhood around here I drove by. Get this. They had this little private airfield there. And I don't mean for private jets and rich people stuff, you know, like the little single prop Piper Cubs and things like that. So these houses surround the runway and every house has a garage on it where they keep the plane and these people, I know, isn't that kind of cool? And these people just take off. I wonder if they ever drop things on people. I would, I would want to drop things on people. Also I'm kind of struggling right now. I have this collared shirt on. If you're watching, remember you can watch me on the simulcast on the first TV. You can watch me do the radio. What a privilege and an honor that is for you. What an amazing. You know, freedom is not free. I have one of these shirts and I can never decide. Should I go one button or two buttons buttoned up on the collared shirt? I feel like two buttons like it is now almost feel like that's a little too much chest. I'm not quite Italian for that. I'm not quite Italian for that enough for that. But I feel like one button almost looks like dorky, like I'm an Italian either way. I'm sure people will chime in back to the dirty commies. Minnesota grandma issues a warning after getting jailed over walls as COVID lockdown. You do not want tyranny at this level. I watched a video this morning of Minnesota police officers walking up the street, screaming at people to get back in their homes. And one lady apparently didn't move fast enough. So they started shooting her with paintball rounds. These people, they're evil men. They're deeply, deeply evil people. I just do some emails. Hey, Jesse, all this coverage of walls is stolen valor has infuriated me. My father served in Vietnam, Bosnia, Iraq and a few other countries. Gah, leak, what a stud. By comparison, I served in the army reserves for four years to say that I was average is a massive overstatement. I never deployed. I spent most of my drill weekends sitting around the center doing odd jobs. My father will ask for his veteran discount everywhere he goes. My in my parents seem confused why I do not do the same. I try to explain that I did not earn that discount. Unlike my dad, it was in harm's way more times than I can know what walls is pulling grinds on me and that he does not have a decency to admit what he did and did not to serve. You can say my name. Well, first of all, his name is Dan. First of all, Dan, don't put down your service because you were in the army reserves for four years. That service. Uh, okay, not everyone's service is the same, but service is service. You signed up, you served your country, okay, you didn't get shot at good for you. I did it. Wasn't that much fun? I'm happy you didn't. Good. Good for you. So you didn't do everything your dad did. Don't put down your service. The problem people have with Tim Walls is one thing you never, ever, ever, ever, ever do is lie about your service. You never over embellish. In fact, the guys who have really done stuff, as I've explained to you many times before, the guys who have really, really done it, they're almost always the most humble and soft spoken about it. They don't gather around with civilians who weren't there and tell war stories. I've pretty much never seen that from a veteran friend of mine. Now if we get together with each other, a couple beers, yeah, that'll come out, but the guy in the bar talking about his time in combat on a Friday night at midnight, he didn't see a dad gone thing. He never left the wire at all. And that's fine if you never left the wire. If you never heard a shot fired in anger, that's totally fine, but don't lie about it. That's the problem because when you lie about it, you're putting yourself in the group of men who actually went through it and you didn't earn the right for that. That's the problem. And I don't, like I said, I don't think they're going to drop him because it's so late in the game. It would be so chaotic, but this thing is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And the reason, one of the reasons it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger is he's been doing this his entire political career. When he bailed on his unit, he has run as being a command sergeant major, which he wasn't. He keeps talking about deployment and how he deployed and how he doesn't have the PTSD. It's friggin or it's it's bad. It's really bad. Jesse is a world war such a bad thing in the long run. Major cities targeted heavily Democrat, he says, there will be a lot of pieces to pick up and a lot of death, but in the long run, what's in the best interest for America? Communist rule or a world war from the numbers you've given. We've had a lot more, we'll have a lot people are a lot more people left after a war, okay. Don't ever root for a war. Trust me on that. And don't ever root for a war in your homeland, a war that comes to your homeland. I was I've been doing some reading about the 100 years war and just various European wars and things like that. And one of the things that just it just it gets me every time I read about it, whether it's Japan or Germany or medieval times or Roman times or whatever, whatever period of time we're talking about is what it's like for these people when war comes to their home from the, you know, you want to know something you probably didn't know beforehand? You want to know one of the main reasons Japan surrendered? Yes. Yes. The atom bombs had a big, big thing to do with it. You want to know one of the main reasons they surrendered because the government there, they were facing what they considered to be an imminent rebellion revolution from the Japanese citizens. You want to know why? Because the war had come home for so long in Japan, the people were starving to death in mass, the Japanese civilians, an entire country surrounded, bombed, choked off and starving to death. That's what war looks like here. And don't wish for death. Don't don't don't don't find yourself wishing for a war war. Trust me, that's, that is not a solution at all. Oh, look at this reshaping the electorate, Biden, Harris administration, granting citizenship at the fastest rate in decades. They opened up the border on purpose. They brought in as many as they could. And now they're handing out as much citizenship as they possibly can. Why? That's exactly what we've been talking about. The American communist understands that there will be a tipping point if he is not stopped. If he is allowed to continue dumbing down into moralizing American citizens and importing new citizens, new voters, if he is allowed to continue that without being stopped, there will come a point in time and there's a chance we're already there, but there will come a point in time where it doesn't matter who their candidate is, who our candidate is, what kind of campaign they run, who raises the most money, who does this, who does, if we reach the tipping point, the communist is trying to get us to, there will come a time when it's over, when we can't possibly win national elections anymore. And that's part of the reason I pushed legal in locals so much, because I believe if we're not already there, and I don't know whether or not we're already there, but if we're not already there, I believe we are very close. And the communist thinks we're very close and look back to the Harris campaign. The communist thinks we're there, I'll explain in just a moment before I get there, let's get to your dog to my dog. You should know that I did dodge a bullet yesterday. There will be no cats coming into the Kelly household. Had to go ahead and level with the wife this morning when we were talking about, ah, but kitty was so cute. We could go rescue kitty. I rescued this and no, no, no, there are not going to be any cats. The Kelly household is a dog household, a rough greens household. Can you even give cats rough greens? I don't know. I wouldn't do it. I don't want them to live longer. Anyway, I want Fred to live longer. Fred is our adorable idiot golden doodle. Everyone loves him. Everyone does. You can't help it. The big fluffy idiot just throws himself on you and we want Fred to keep doing that for a very long time. Fred had a rough day today because the boys started school. So he had to scarf up some extra rough greens on his food this morning, all natural nutritional supplement that'll keep Fred around a lot longer because dog food's dead. There's nothing in it. It's all just garbage, empty calories. Call 83333 my dog or go to will be back fighting for your freedom every day. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Do not forget you can email the show and you should. I'm going to get to a bunch of those tonight. Jesse at I just I've been talking a lot about tipping points. Are we at the tipping point? Are we so dumbed down and demoralized that it doesn't matter who they run. Are we so full of illegals have they have they brought so many new voters into the country that it doesn't matter who they run it doesn't matter who we run it doesn't matter what kind of campaign. Look, Kamala Harris's campaign. They ran an ad with a California sheriff. He doesn't even like her. They just grab the sheriff, Boudreau's name, they grab the sheriff and through his his image and one of her ads acting like he's with her. He came out and said, I don't even like this woman. They don't care. There's no truth that matters at all. Time magazine ran a cover of dome and it's this fluffy cover where they try to make her look like a supermodel and the headline was her moment right there on the freaking cover her moment. We're going to talk about a campaign that is completely created from nothing here. This one's from a Savannah Hernandez. Great political reporter. She's wonderful. We've had her on the show before a Latino political organization is offering a thousand dollars to voters who will publicly endorse Kamala Harris. They're buying endorsements. Remember the remember the audio we played for you? I think it was last week. Most positive it was last week where it was credit to them. CBS did the reporting on it talking about the Harris campaign paying online people who have big platforms to pretend as if they like Kamala Harris. It's a campaign about nothing based on nothing. No issues whatsoever. Listen to this. What's on the vice president schedule today? Well she's traveling and talking to voters and getting her message out there to the American people. Something that she's been doing from the very start of this campaign is something that she certainly did when she was President Biden's running mate is vice president. I was asking about today and I don't think she's got any campaign events on the schedule today does she? Well she and Governor Wals have been traveling across the country. They hit nearly every battleground state last week on the campaign trail. They raised 36 million dollars within the first 24 hours. She's not even campaigning. I don't know about you. It's making me a little bit nervous. Why don't they think they have to campaign? Why is it really where we are that they can just stroke a few checks to a couple of Tik Talkers bring in a few million illegals and they feel like they can just run it that way. I'm starting to get a little bit nervous to see if I have a plan. She certainly again has many parts of President Biden's agenda that she helped pass that she supports but she's also going to be putting forward her own agenda and that's something you heard her talk about when she talked about no taxes on tips in Nevada earlier this week. Her only policy position she's put forward is one she just ripped off from Donald Trump. She's not campaigning. She's not doing rallies. They're buying people to endorse her. They're paying on. The communists sure seem to think we've reached that tipping point. I prayed her I pray to God that they are wrong. I hope they are but they think we are we've reached it either way. Go ahead and purchase some emergency food please. My Patriot supply they have something it's called the mega three month emergency food kit. It's got 33 varieties of food and they're actually good. We're talking spaghetti here spaghetti chicken amazing things mega three month emergency food kits are $300 off right now go get an emergency food kit for my Patriot supply you need ammo you need water you need food you need medicine ammo water food medicine millions of Americans have used my Patriot supply because they do it right. It's already prepped. It's ready to go. It ships fast free right to your door everyone who lives in your home needs one prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com prepare as if these people are going to run everything because there's a chance I guess they will hey Jesse you're so right about the Democrats when they ask Trump and Vance to disavow white supremacists your suggestion about the pedophile and chief and the mutilation of children is genius. We should also turn it around at the same time educate their audience by asking them to disavow Dixie crats who allow the KKK to flourish within their party then continue by reminding the other that someone look this is exactly right. You don't disavow things they tell you to disavow you don't just denounce things they demand you denounce you don't ever ever ever ever ever ever allow the communist to choose what you're going to discuss that can never be allowed because the communist does not have your best interests at heart ever and when they ask you about something terrible that has nothing to do with you are you a white supremacist are you a Nazi and when you spend your time disavowing it and denouncing it you are attaching the stain of that word to you by even answering the question the stain of that word is going to rest on you you must be in polite you must go on offense and in response to those questions you must blast away you have to say right back to them do you denounce this do you denounce that you should disavow this you should and to this lady's point that's why I wanted to read it. It's an opportunity to associate them with things they really do do and to educate the public the public doesn't know because the communists have run the education system for decades we are surrounded by complete and utter morons who don't know anything about anything they live in a world of make believe that has been constructed for them by their dirtball commie teachers commies in the media and Democrat politicians and they know nothing nothing about anything you brought up the KKK actually a great point how many what percentage of Americans know that was a Democrat organization I bet you the percentage is less than 25% I bet you it is I bet it is I still man a lot I can't get over it. I don't know if the president is going to go free to say if he is or not but I think that misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue it's a you know it's a American issue what role does the White House or the president have and sort of stopping that or stopping the spread of that yeah all right so let's let's deal with the forum policy matters we have two hours that we have a bunch of stuff we have to get to and I don't have enough time to do it well listen to Lindsey Graham what I think about curse bold brilliant beautiful keep it up Putin started this kick his ass bottom line is to the administration I appreciate your support let these people fight give them weapons they need to win a war they can't afford to lose when it comes to have 16 way too long they're here let's use them time to talk about what's happening in Russia this has been a podcast from double UOR you slept through your alarm miss the train and your breakfast sandwich cool sounds like you could use some luck I'm Victoria Cash and Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky at Luckyland you can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes go to and get lucky today no purchase necessary VGW crew void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply