Jesse Kelly Show

The Russia-Ukraine war

Broadcast on:
14 Aug 2024
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Hello it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day couldn't we just to make up for things like sitting in traffic doing the dishes counting your steps you know all the mundane stuff that is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games you can play for free anytime anywhere with daily bonuses so sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com that's Chumba Casino dot com sponsored by Chumba Casino no purchase necessary vgw group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. This is a podcast from WOR and it is the Jesse Kelly show another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on Tuesday remember we got the great Michael Knowles coming up about a half hour from now I'm sure that'll be funny it always is we're going to deal with this Russia Ukraine things some emails living in Washington DC and so much more coming up this hour on the Jesse Kelly show now. There is something happening something I've warned about many times and it's happening and I'm not exactly sure what to say other than it has me worried so I'm just going to lay it out for you. I realize the Russia Ukraine thing has gone on a long time it doesn't capture the imagination anymore people don't talk about it anymore just it's that story came and it went and faded but it's still happening and it's a terrible terrible conflict. It's a drone war it's an artillery war and men are dying in the hundreds of thousands hundreds of thousands of men are gone now it's freaking terrible generations wiped out and obviously this is a regional thing that is there's a ton of history there between Ukraine and Russia obviously. Well Russia invaded Ukraine Russia grabs some territory in Ukraine the territory they wanted and they've been holding it America has publicly been sending munitions over there F 16 so we've been sending some pretty good equipment their way and we haven't been doing it secretly as proxy wars have previously been fought. Because we are now run by the dumbest most depraved craven losers on the planet republican and democrat both we now brag about the people were killing with our proxy wars Russia is the largest nuclear power on the planet. Ukraine has taken these weapons we have given them and they have launched a surprise offensive in to Russia there are Ukrainian army units currently fighting within the borders of Russia. Now I'm not exactly rooting for Russia at all honestly I'm not really rooting for anybody I don't give a crap about Ukraine and I don't give a crap about Russia Ukraine is a horrifically corrupt black market state Russia is a horrifically corrupt evil tyrannical place I don't really care for either of them so my concern is neither country. My concern is America Americans my concern is the very idea of war we have so armed the Ukrainians they now have violated Russian territory in the same way Russia violated theirs you know I don't actually blame the Ukrainians for playing some offense they've been playing defense for long enough. What I am very concerned about is a Russian response Russia has publicly declared many many times that any violation of Russian territory Russian sovereignty and a crossing of the borders into Russia will be met with a nuclear response. Now I hope this is bluster there's always a lot of bluster in war always is you know where we're never surrender in two weeks later there's surrendering there's always a lot of that in war so you have to allow for that are these empty Russian threats but let's just walk through this and then we'll move on and we'll get to some other things. Let's just walk through this what if Russia drops a nuclear weapon on the Ukrainians remember do remember advancements in nuclear technology they kind of go the opposite way you think like when you hear a country has developed a new nuclear weapon I don't know about you I instinctively think to myself wow it must be huge clearly that's a bigger one right well we already have they already have gigantic nation ending weapons that are that size the advancements in nuclear technology goes the other way they're trying to make smaller ones more portable ones so instead of an intercontinental ballistic missile that you need to deliver this massive weapon what if you could throw it in a duffel bag what if you could drop it out of one of those Piper club Piper cub planes I was discussing earlier what if you could make it small portable more difficult to detect that's where the advancements in nuclear weapons have come from and Russia has advanced as fast or faster than anyone else so no I don't think they're going to drop some mega hydrogen bomb and completely vaporize the eastern portion of Russia but what if what if we wake up tomorrow morning and there's been a mini mushroom cloud and I'm not even going to discuss the loss of Ukrainian lives I don't mean to sound cold that is not really my concern at all how does the world react if Russia uses a nuclear weapon against the Ukrainians by the letter of the law nothing should really change because Ukraine is not part of NATO which of course makes NATO's involvement in this and obviously are as I'm making us part of that it makes our involvement of this completely insane Ukraine is not protected by NATO because they're not part of NATO they're not allowed to join NATO because they border Russia and Russia would never let a NATO country border it no country would allow that anyway what does NATO do if Russia sets off a nuclear weapon and that brings me back to this little thing who is in charge of the United States military right now when I hear something insane is there this is this is legit so just you ready for this you know that we sent a carrier group over to the Middle East because of Iran there are all kinds of rumors Iran is going to attack this week any day now they've been saying that for days who knows but there are rumors and so we sent a carrier group over to the Middle East you ready for a bomb no one knows who sent it no one knows who gave the order for a freaking carrier group to go to the Middle East it certainly wasn't Joe Biden Joe Biden has disappeared from public life you know how we used to make fun of him because he wouldn't have anything on his schedule or he'd have very few things on his schedule that schedule it's disappeared he's not even pretending anymore he's on vacation he's at the beach every day he's not campaigning he's not even pretending to be president in the United States of America so who gave the order though they're trying to do what they did with woke with DI and say that it is somehow a bad thing to care about and talk about diversity and equity and inclusion so on the environmental justice point it's all you think this woman is commanding the United States military right now about equity and here's the here's I'll simplify what this means equity is this we have a carrier group heading to the Middle East and no one knows who sent it Ukraine has officially invaded Russia cross the border there are threats of a nuclear weapon and the United States of America doesn't even have a commander in chief that is something but Lindsey Lindsey is excited about it he hasn't been this fired up since he watched thunder from down on where I think about curse bull Brian beautiful keep it up Putin started this kick his ass bottom line is to the administration I appreciate your support let these people fight when a war they can't afford to lose when it comes to F-16s way too long they're here let's use them a war with the potential for millions of people to die Lindsey has rarely been that excited Kevin urn their friends Kevin but let the guy says guy gave it anyway oh he said I can use his name but he led with his name instead of mine he said Jesse I haven't watched professional football in more than a decade what are your thoughts on collegiate athletics I certainly don't want to support the commies in the NFL but is it any better to support the commies on the administrative side of college football buddy I don't know man and every said I say it that way is not that I'm exasperated with you I'm exasperated with me I don't know I don't know how the best handle this I know we need to put our money where our morals are and we need to be more purposeful with where we spend our money I went to a movie last night with my family after I got off and I forgot to check it I forgot to look into the movie and it turns out it was a despicable movie well maybe I had a despicable company I take that back so I just did it last night I can't look down my nose at you or lecture you about how you handle it maybe you're handling this in big ways turning off the television doing that you're not buying Nike you're not maybe you're doing that we're trying to do that in our house you'll be canceled Disney plus we're trying to be purposeful but also remember to give yourself a lot of grace because the filthy communists have conquered a lot and it's hard to avoid them completely it's very very difficult all right all right you know it's easy supporting chalk buying things from chalk natural herbal supplements from chalk we got three months until the election you know twenty percent increase in your tea levels is possible by election day did you know that chalk's male vitality stack is natural herbal supplements your tea levels they're going to go through the roof and you're going to know it you won't even need testing go ahead and get testing done that's fine you will feel it in your energy level your mind feels so clear you are so much more focused it's just life is better gentlemen life is better get a male vitality stack from chalk flowing through those veins go to chalk dot com and get a subscription you cancel it anytime they don't give you any crap about that either take it for 90 days tell me how you feel it is the jessie kelly show remember you can email the show jessie at jessie kelly show dot com also remember to take good care of your health Italian man is believed to be the first patient diagnosed with monkey pox COVID-19 and HIV all at the same time I think it's probably time to start questioning some of your life choices when you come down with monkey pox HIV and COVID at the same time maybe maybe you're traveling down a road you shouldn't travel down a dirt road but the other way maybe maybe that would maybe we should stop doing that you know speaking of monkey pox remember when a kid got it remember when a child and a dog got monkey pox and then the media decided to stop talking about it seems like that was only yesterday I see I love your show I learned a lot from you I'm from Connecticut I posted on next door about walls is stolen valor half the responses were positive one man posted it as a vet Trump was no friend of his as he was a draft dodger so on and so forth attempted to withdraw four billion from a charity I should what's the truth of any of this her name is Heather okay listen this is this is the communists doing politics better than we do politics and here's what I mean Tim walls is being crucified daily for pretending he served in ways he didn't serve for pretending he went to combat when he didn't for pretending to be a command sergeant major when he wasn't so this is a problem for the communists a huge problem now let me ask you something how much have you seen them playing defense on this issue you haven't really seen much of it have you what do they do what's the communist response offense offense at all times what trumps trumps a draft dodger what Trump did Trump did this Trump did that you see they have a winning mentality of offense they don't allow you to frame them and keep the subject on something they don't want to talk about that's what losers in the Republican party do that's why losers in the Republican party will constantly find themselves disavowing a denouncing white supremacy over and over and over again as if the communist cares about that at all you see they play offense at all times they don't sit around whining I don't have anything to do with project 2025 stop yelling at me you never ever ever ever see the communist do that at all the communist plays offense offense offense in the same way we should there's no truth to that Trump never pretended to serve Trump never lied about any of that crap Trump never pretended to be in the military and I might point out that Trump has been shot at more times than Tim Walz and he was never in the United States military the problem is not what walls did do or didn't do the problem is walls lied about it that is the big deal and the communists don't want you to keep talking about it they want you to let up they want you to back off that's why they play offense they try to make you unsure of yourself question yourself Trump didn't do anything wrong Tim Walz did blast away at them Jesse I'm now seeing and hearing the word literally everywhere thanks to you my granddaughter says this word before during and at the end of all sentences it's maddening I'm trying to correct her if I see the word on my Twitter feed I scroll past their posts it's everywhere she said I could say her name her name is Michelle I don't know when it happened the word has become an infection and infection and I first noticed it with with young women but it is not at all isolated to young women it is look I was listening to a podcast it was a history podcast I'm not going to tell you what it was because I'm about to insult the guy I'm not going to tell you what it was but these are some old guys sitting around talking about history and one of these old guys I would guess he's in his 60s he can't get through a sentence and he literally did this and they were literally doing this and it was literally the worst thing it was literally this and it was literally literally literally literally I would literally say literally it drives me freaking crazy somebody has to do something to stop this word and I'm telling you you know what you want you want to know what I do and I'm not telling you do this to your granddaughter it's going to be different when I have grandkids I'm a dad right now and I don't have daughters I have sons so I can be as cruel as I want to them it's good for boys my sons know if they say the word I'll repeat it back dad I literally I'll just chime right in mid sentence literally you literally I'll just be obnoxious about the whole thing I've basically I don't want to overstate it I've pretty much vanquished the word from my house it'll slip out every now and then from him from one of them but they know at this point in time you've got to stop using that word I don't I don't know when I don't know when Americans decided that word had to be part of every sentence but it's not just little teeny bop or teenage girls now it's men it's women it's young it's old remember how many times if I played Joe Biden Joe Biden himself President of the United States of America and I literally told the guy and it was literally this and literally that it's freaking awful you know it was not awful Michael Knowles of the Michael Knowles show he has a completely different take on the dudes beating up women in boxing you know that story really got big with the Olympics Michael Knowles has a take on it that is different than one you've heard over and over again and I want you to hear it because I agree with a lot of what he has to say hang on for that. It is the Jesse Kelly show and a song that terrible can only mean one thing it means our guest my friend Michael Knowles refused to pick his intro song and you know the rules here on the Jesse Kelly show if you refuse you get the worst song we can dig up on short notice so joining me now a man who needs no introduction hosted the Michael Knowles show cigar salesman and well known Italian Michael Knowles Michael I bet you won't make that mistake again Jesse I think I've got to correct you that is the song I requested so thank you for fulfilling my request you know that actually wouldn't even surprise me about you at all so speaking of girls Michael they're getting beaten up by dudes in the Olympics this is not only happening in the Olympics it's happening in America 17 year old girl still has brain damage from getting a volleyball spiked off her face by some dude out there the world has gone mad it has gone mad and there's been this whole fight in the Olympics over whether or not the dude is really a dude because one of the boxing leagues professional boxing leagues said this is this guy's a dude he has the chromosomes of the dude and so even if he's a little bit ambiguous down there he's a fella but but the person says no I'm not a dude I'm a woman and the Olympics is no help because the Olympics doesn't really test for this thing and doesn't recognize the results of the boxing league so now this dude gets in the ring and destroys the Algerian man or woman or whatever this person happens to be destroys this Italian lady in about 46 seconds and then the other fella goes in and beats women and what do you know you know it turns out the men are stronger physically than the women but the conservative response I've heard to this has been that we need to make sure that the women punching women in the face are only women and for me I'm not saying I don't like a little foxy boxing every now and again pillow fights are fine too but it's a little unusual to me that the conservatives are defending the supposedly great tradition of women's boxing women's boxing began in the Olympics way back in 2012 so it's only been around for about 12 years and actually women's boxing's only existed anywhere really since about 1998 or 1999 so you can call me a crazy old funny duddy right wing conservative just seems to me that maybe certain things are better left to the fellas and catching blows to the head might be one of them and then we don't need to debate the issue at all you know it's wild how much I agree with you on this exact thing I understand female division in the UFC's gotten big and female boxing is a big thing and I know it makes me sound like an old curmudgeon funny duddy you know I'm fine with women's volleyball and well softball and maybe to a lesser extent and basketball is awful but I'm fine with all these things but women beating the living crap out of each other has simply been normalized now and there's a lot that's been normalized and we go along with it because there's been so much we feel like we should just fight over a little slice because otherwise what it's too daunting is that why exactly this is this is how sorry estate the conservatives are in right now we're fighting desperately to go back to that halcyon conservative era of the second Obama term we're trying to go back so recently and so you know this is why it was so potent when the Algerian boxer said no I'm not a man I'm a woman and we don't know we actually don't know we haven't really seen the results from the world boxing test and the Olympics isn't clearing anything up so who knows maybe this person has different sexual development maybe this person has ambiguous genitals I have no idea to me the problem with the boxing at the Olympics was not that men were throwing punches to me the problem is that women were getting punched in the face let's just let's say that this person really is technically a woman somehow it doesn't make it any better to watch a woman get get cracked in the face and so conservatives talk a big game these days about understanding the difference between men and women you know we're really tough on the trans issue but okay if you if you really think men and women are different and suited for different things and you know we like women's volleyball and tennis is great and you know even basketball okay sure just as you said Jesse but if you're all for women just getting their skulls cracked in even by other women to me you are a radical leftist by the perspective of 2012 now you are again we're speaking with Michael Knowles at the Michael Knowles show along these same lines actually it's really the same argument the best you can get out of the GOP anymore is complaining about trannies in women's sports they love to do that it's part of the GOP platform get the trannies out of women's sports get the trannies out of the women's sports so now as as a party or as a movement now we've acknowledged that tranny is even a thing now we've been so all the rest of it is acceptable as long as you're not beating up the female volleyball players it's fine if you chop your penis off and pretend to be a woman I just don't understand why we seed ground so quickly it blows me away brother of course this is what got me in a lot of trouble at CPAC a couple years ago now is it went out and all I said was the transgender is in his fake and so a man can't really be a woman and it's not good for women you know if men go into their bathroom it's actually violates their legitimate rights but it's also not good for people who think they're the opposite sex because they're deluded and it's we can talk about all the various measurements of ways in which that has negative effects on their life you know the anxiety, the depression, the suicide so it's not good for anyone to live according to a lie and so I said you know we can't content ourselves with just not transing the eight-year-olds you know we'll trans the nine-year-olds but not the eight-year-olds know either a man can become a woman or he can't you know if he can then I guess we should trans the kids and if he can't as he obviously cannot then we shouldn't do it to anyone but but now that position which everybody in the country agreed with as recently as what eight or nine years ago now now that position doesn't even hold currency in the Republican Party. Michael is it our is it our desire to be liked or to be considered nice is that is that what dooms the right on these cultural fights that only ever move left sometimes they move quickly sometimes they move slowly but they only ever move left is it because we want so desperately to be seen as nice is it our is it our Christian base you know because it's not a great thing to do. You know because you know that's more of a Christian thing, Catholic thing, love of Jesus what is it that makes us so kind to the freakin demons who chop children up. Sure in part sure it is that you know we want to be liked or something and we want to be really nice in their perversions of the gospel and and so sure that's part of it but I actually think in in the conservatives defense a bigger reason why we constantly capitulate is that we like paying our mortgage. We like being admitted into society and we like you know being accepted in schools and in jobs and because the left wheels such hegemonic power now over basically every institution in American life used to be that well they didn't have the military you know or but now we have General Mille yelling around is we're waiting for him to die his hair pink screaming about white rage and critical race theory. You know even even the military has been infected at the upper brass by left ism so the conservatives I think are making sometimes cowardly but sometimes prudential judgments that hey there we can't even interact in society anymore if we don't see some ground and I get why they do it in the short term the problem is the problem is the hegemonic liberal into our whole society so if you just keep capitulating you keep moving that football further down the field for the left pretty soon you've just given up the whole game. Hegemonic is a huge word that I've never used because I'm not 100% sure of its meaning but I'm totally going to use it at some point in the rest of this show and I'm not even going to mention you I'm just going to use it as if it's my word and I'm going to move along like nothing happened I hope you're okay with that. Good writers borrow and great writers steal Jesse. Well you know I have no moral founding whatsoever so I'm not above that at all. He is Michael Knowles Michael I don't even think I can let you go without letting you hock your cigars one more time on the show please tell everyone where to buy your cigars. I'm so glad you reminded me of that Jesse that would be Mayflower cigars dot com one of the last vestiges of tradition luxury masculinity and recreation that we are allowed Mayflower cigars dot com. I just have to tell your listeners you must be 21 years old or older to order because our government is oppressive and some exclusion supply. Michael thank you brother come back soon. Thanks Jesse talk to you later. May always makes me laugh he's sharp dude you know what else is sharp. My pillow. Well I guess the pillows aren't sharp that came out wrong the pillows are really soft. What Chris the pillows are soft I meant the company is sharp they're sharp because they have sales big sales like they have a huge sale right now and that's sharp that's a sharp thing to do not everyone can afford a my pillow. Right now limited time. Queen size premium my pillow 1998. Nineteen dollars and ninety eight cents you'll never be without it everyone in my home sleeps on my pillow mattress stoppers are on sale towel sets are on sale go to my pillow dot com. Click on the radio list there's special square use the promo code Jesse Jesse that came out weird it came out I had the hiccups there you're the way promo code Jesse. We'll talk later. Hang on the Jesse Kelly show on air. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday do not forget you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com go download a podcast at the show if you missed any part of it. Part of it I heart spotify iTunes it's been a pretty hegemonic day here on head on the show what Chris it has been it's been super hedgy out here today interest payments on the debt consumed more than half of the US income tax revenue in July. So I'm going to I'm going to lay something out for you where we're at because paired with this is almost 40% of Americans can't pay their bills that these are both things that came out today. So I'm going to explain all right. We were we have a house you and me weren't we we live in a house we live together. Please stop leaving your socks out it's gross anyway we live together. We we bring in $100,000 a year you and me. We both work. We bring in a hundred thousand dollars a year kind with me right. So our home is expensive it's cost a lot. And we we keep buying things. A couple of new Lamborghinis in the driveway. Diamond earrings and jewelry lavish vacations we just keep buying things and buying things and we keep taking out loans and taking out loans and taking out loans over and over and over and over again we have credit card. We have personal loans we have all kinds of things. So we make a hundred thousand dollars a year. So let's divide that by 12. That's 8300 a month. Give or take 8300 dollars a month is what we have to spend. We have accumulated so much debt in our home. That just to make the interest payments to the bank in the interest payments to the credit cards. It costs us over $4,000 a month to make the interest payments. We can't actually touch the principal on any of our loans anymore. Half of the income we bring in to our home goes to paying the interest on the debt we've accumulated with all those Lamborghinis and diamond earrings. That is where we are as a nation. We are in a point we are at a point of economic crisis and so many people. They don't understand it. They don't realize it. They don't know what's happening out there right now. You can't afford your bills because of inflation. You have inflation because of government spending in printing. And Washington DC isn't slowing down at all. Not Republicans, not Democrats. It's trillion dollar bill. After trillion dollar bill, these people are going to bury us. And there is, as of right now, no major movement at all to reduce government spending by a single penny. I want to make sure you understand that. The most controversial spending things you will hear out of DC are them asking to spend a little less than the scheduled increase in spending. But as far as actually reducing the amount of spending, no one is even suggesting it. So going back to the house that we live in, not only do we make $100,000 a year, $8,300 a month, not only are we paying now over $4,000 a month for just the interest alone on the debt we've accumulated. We are both going car shopping for new Ferraris this weekend. We are both going car shopping for new Ferraris this weekend. We intend to take loans out for new Ferraris and we're going to put in $100,000 swimming pool. We'll take out a loan for that too. Fast as we can possibly spend it as if disaster is not here. Right now, I want you to think about it this way. I want you to think about, make a line for yourself a vertical line because there's a top and a bottom. It's a vertical line. The water level is rising. It's starting to rise. We'll make it a stick. It's starting to rise up this stick. Already the people on the bottom income-wise, the poor people, they're already drowning. They're already not making ends meet. They're all on welfare, moving in with family friends, making serious cuts, except now the water level has risen to such a point. It is now risen into the middle class, into retired people who maybe didn't retire. You know, most people don't retire with millions and millions of dollars. That's not how people live. You retire with as much as you possibly can. You try to live within your means. Schedule your spending out for how much you have to make sure you're not destitute or have to go back to work when you're 90 years old unless you want to. Those people, they're being eaten alive right now because there's no cost to living increase because there's no money for that with social security either. So the poor, drowning. The retired without a bunch of money, drowning. Middle class Americans, normal people, small business owners, they're beginning to feel the water levels rise around them as well. And the water just keeps going up, up, up, up, up, up that stick, up our economic stick as a society. And the people who are causing the water levels to rise have not even indicated that they intend to stop spending or printing at all. Forget about bailing water. No one's even acting like they intend to stop the water's rise. In the very least, the GOP used to pretend to care about cutting spending. Of course, then they would never cut anything. They would go in there and spend just as much as the idiot communist Democrats do. And I'm sure that we're going to get a whole heaping helping more of that. But the financial situation is disastrous. It's not bad. It's disastrous. And it's eating up Americans. It's chewing them up and spitting them out. And I can't stand it. I can't stand it because no one in Washington wants to do anything about it. Freaking drives me nuts. This has been a podcast from WOR. It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. 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