Seated With Lebo and Thato Rampedi

Expected vs Authentic: Which Life Will You Choose?

Join us on a thought-provoking journey as we explore the age-old conflict between societal expectations and living your authentic truth. In this episode, we dive into:

The pressures of conforming to societal norms The power of embracing your individuality Practical tips for breaking free from expectations Inspiring stories of those who've dared to be different

Get ready to challenge your beliefs, spark meaningful conversations, and discover the courage to live life on your own terms.

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Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
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[Music] Yo, what's up guys? Before we start today's podcast, we need to let you guys know that our previous 10 to 14 episodes are now available on Spotify right now guys. And of course, we are so, so, so happy about Spotify for podcasts in the app, which you guys can download if you want to try podcasting for yourself or even just go onto the website. Very excited about that guys, but I have to tell them that though. Can I tell them? Can I tell them? If you want to be on that go, if you want to see the videos, please guys, try out the Spotify platform. It is the announcement. It is, we are 100% sure. We are there. On the go. On the go. On the move. On the move. Let's go. Let's go. Back to the podcast guys. Yo, what's up guys? It is your favorite two brothers, seats it with level and... Tout out on very baby. And guys, if you don't know us, we are your favorite podcast channel. The Family and Wellness channel now and comedic and... Yeah, so we do a bunch of things if you guys don't know. We love having uncomfortable conversations every single week. Things that we are too scared to deep dive and talk about when we all get around with our friends and family. And it just helps us get to know each other, better helps us to unpack a lot and hopefully we can impact you guys to learn something about yourself or hopefully even better and learn something about yourself. Yeah. Because I've been realizing that like I've got a lot of traumas. Hey, hey now. I've got a lot of traumas now. But that's exactly why we have the podcast. So grab your favorite seat today with us and of course we have an impactful slash. I want to say more of like a we don't have all the answers podcast today because the topics that we're going to be talking about guys of a very in touch of life. Yeah. What type of life do you want to live? Yeah, actually I have no idea what the topic is. Oh yeah, yeah, sorry. What type of life do you want to live? The life everyone wants around you. Okay. Who to go to when things go left? So you want me to cry? How do I pick up? How do I pick? How do I pick what sort of life I actually want? What do you want to say? What do you want them to say about you when your story is finally over? Yeah. And of course dealing with death as like a closing factor because I think that's the only thing that's guaranteed for all of us. Okay, your shades are downstairs, right? Yeah, they are downstairs. You can wear them. We'll wait for you. But yeah, guys, huge, huge session ahead. Very excited about today's podcast. Today, in fact, is my grandfather's. Do I just continue to live for you, you know? Today is my grandfather, now I wait for you. Yeah, I just want to be able to speak comfortably. Yeah, I'll keep on commenting. Yo, he's crying so sad. He's developed himself. But yeah, guys, I'm very, very impactful, very, like a very, how do I say? It's a very exciting conversation. Very exciting conversation, as well as a very much an open-ended conversation. Because again, we all have different life experiences, all want different things for ourselves. But I wanted to spot off before we even go into how are you? Just to set the tone for the podcast. Actually, let's not do that. It's always the first question. It's always the first thing we do. What is the question, Tanto? How are you? Before that, guys, we got something amazing from Southern Comfort. If you know Southern Comfort, the smooth whiskey base with stone fruits and spices, then you know that you can mix it up about anything. And I'm talking about your lemonade, your colas, or even just orange juice. Yes, you can mix it. Now, stand the chance to mix it up with your mates, because Southern Comfort is giving away a house party, valued at 100,000 ran with DJ chaotic on the decks. And if that's talking to your original spirit, buy a bottle of Southern Comfort to enter. Details are in the checkered store. Southern Comfort, so tasteful, so original. Drink responsibly, not for sale for persons under the age of 18. Oh, yes, so yes. Favorite question of the week, Tanto, how are you? Well, okay. Good. Yeah, last week we went off. Like, yeah, but it came to heaven, like, my stomach is fully there. Yeah, I spent so much money, like just on entertainment last week. Yeah, the very disappointed in myself. I saw after you told me how much you spent, I went to go check how much I spent. Yeah, not good. No way. Literally, not good, bro. Wait, how much type of day for me, Missy? Yeah, he's saying, he's saying this. No, wow. Oh, this. No, this, yeah. You, brother, aren't you unemployed? I'm sorry. Yeah, we both read with them. I'm sorry, let's because I have this belief, man, that like life is worth living. No, no, we need to stop there. We need to like, no, no, no, but again, this podcast is a very, again, it will answer all the questions we have about what type of life we're living in, et cetera. But yes, you were saying so. Yeah, so spent a lot of my last week, my sister came over for the weekend. Oh, yeah, it was my friend's 21st birthday. My friends are multiple ages, like CL 2021. Yeah, friends are 21, 22, 23. Yeah, mind you, so just to explain to you guys, I'm 27. I've got a brother who's 25, then I've got a brother who has younger friends who's 23. Yeah. Which they have, they have younger friends. Yeah, so I'll offer you some good races from 2021 to 27. So celebrating his 21st, yeah, nice young man, sort of good community around him. So we celebrated him. Obviously, he's got all the brothers and us, even called me Malumi, so we were like, you know, let's spoil this little boy of ours. Just give him what he wants. He looked amazing, by the way. He looks great. He looked amazing. He was dressed up in designer head to toe. He was very expensive. Very expensive. The glasses were Gucci, I think. The glasses, no, that's another brand, but it's also something. You know, but the glasses were something. The bag was Gucci, the glasses. The glasses, the bag. Anyway, it's not the point. No, it's not the point. It looked amazing. He looked amazing. I shut up till you see her, bro. We love you too much. 21 by the way, students. Yeah, students. Yeah, I mean, so it's reckless weekend that I ended up having to come to myself. Yeah. So I saw that, okay, cool. I've been on this, I'm going to break lifestyle. I've been on this, I need to celebrate lifestyle. And I've done those things, but in fact, I didn't do it the best way, like the right way. But it felt nice being able to do whatever I wanted to do in the week. Like, you want to do this? Let me just swipe. I want to just let me just swipe. And I feel like it's important for moments in life where like you've been working really hard for you to just enjoy the money that you've been making, you know? So I got to really enjoy and see how far I've made it compared to where I was last year. So as it indicated, okay, I can pop off and I can still, you know, continue my life, which is for me beautiful. And then that always prompts me to come back to myself. So yesterday was Monday, right? Yesterday, I woke up, I lit candles, started working, clean my space, went to the gym. I did a lot of work. I planned my vlog, I'm back to vlogging. So I should be coming back soon in about a week. I started vlogging yesterday, continued vlogging today. I still was practiced. Today was the real thing. And then today, same thing woke up, lit a candle, had some tea, you know, packed up my place. And then obviously, like, you know, came, you came shooting the podcast. So it's like, I'm bad for me right now, guys. Yeah, and I'm on this tip that like no alcohol during the week anymore. If I drink, it's okay, you know, I want to put too much pressure on myself, but I'm much in a drink to the point where it's like, it's over two drinks, three drinks, because I know that when you have over two, three drinks, you want more, you want to have more fun. People don't speak about this enough, eh? People don't speak about how alcohol is at the present and how alcohol leads you towards doing things you should not be doing. It also numbs you for which part of the brain it is. It makes rational decisions. Exactly. Because like, trust me, yeah, I would have done half the things I did last week, you know, but it's okay because it's so important for us to go through those things, even if it happens for the 27th time, on the 28th time, maybe you stop. But yeah, so I'm happy with that, bro. Very happy that like, I'm being productive. And I'm in a productive spirit. Yeah. I think, I think for me, very slow start to the week. Again, had a crazy weekend, had a ball, having fun, spending money and all those things. Very weird space to be in having fun while being unemployed. You know, there's a lot of guilt that comes upon you. Oh, your life's not sorted, but you're having fun. You know, you, but I'm learning every single day that like, I was not my job. I was me. Yeah. And like, I think a lot of people do this thing of whatever they busy with, that is their identity, you know. And when you lose that thing, let's say my brother, you know, just completely stops YouTube. He's not now no longer tattooed to me. He's still tattooed, but he will still, he will feel like he's missing a part of it. Oh, so you viewed your identity as a job. Yeah, a lot of my thing. We hit them with the kitchen, we're like, Oh, level with the job. Yeah, level with the job. Oh, let me tell you something. No one gives a damn about the job. Yeah. But I want to read something I wrote to my broadcast channel on my Instagram. I said, do you ever wish you could just see the results right now, like right here for the work that you're putting in? And I was like, that's perfectly normal. And once read, you cannot do 20 years in one year, which basically means it takes time for you to see results. Sometimes it takes even more effort to see results. Yeah. Don't rush to be perfect. Just progress every day. And even when you can't, that's okay. And I, I, I type these messages on my protocol channel, but it's really towards myself, speaking to myself, it's like a journal to me. And I think I, I'm just in a point where I'm learning the patience of life, learning that like, you know, I'm not going to be a millionaire in two days, might be a millionaire in any time in my lifespan. But what's what's important achieving it? Or when I achieve it. And then that's the, the conflict that's been going in my heart. Yeah, I want to be millionaires right now. But it might not be the time and et cetera. So I'm just being patient. Also, I feel like the story that, that the root and the journey towards becoming a millionaire is what makes it so sweet to become a millionaire. Like imagine if you launched an idea today, then you have a, you're a millionaire, you're gonna, if you want to feel purpose, you want to feel fulfilled. When you work in a journey where you've seen yourself work hard with your friends, your family, your business partners is going to be like, oh, damn, like, yo, you know how hard work to get you. Yeah. And you're able to enjoy the fruit of your labor, even even more. It's actually human psychology. It's the reason that when we enter winter, people are so excited and say, yeah, it's winter, you know, because they had been hot for so long. You know, one thing cannot exist about another. They can't be, they can't be sunlight about, you know, a couple of shadows. And I like what you're saying, like, um, I like what you're saying. And it really does tie into the podcast's overall theme, which is what now in like life, as a whole. And I want to actually read you guys like a definition of life before we start the topics. Um, it says life is, and I want to make sure we always emphasize the words, but life is a complex multifaceted concept. It's a concept, by the way, that has been explored, that has been explored and defined in various ways across different disciplines, disciplines, cultures, and perspectives. But here's the definition. Life is in a dynamic and adaptive process, characterized by yourself, your growth, your reproduction response, evolution, consciousness, and much more. And the reason this definition, I, I wanted to add it in is because I want you guys to see life is based on who's living it. Yeah, that's that what I'm saying. And I think that we have a nasty habit as human beings to project the life that we've experienced onto others and say, no, that's not how that's not how life works. You know, you need to do this, this, and this to survive. When in reality, there is multiple different ways to live this thing that we call life. Yo guys, sorry to the shop the podcast. I want to tell you guys something very, very amazing Spotify now has enabled us to post our videos on the platform. So you're not restricted to watching videos only on YouTube, you can watch our videos on Spotify too. So that is very, very exciting. And on top of that, guys, if you want to become a podcaster yourself, all you have to do is get the Spotify for podcast us app or go on the website and you can literally sign up and start releasing your episodes today. Spotify is making everything so much easier. So make sure you guys hop on. But Tato back to the episode, you know, but that goes into obviously our first topic and I want to hear from you Tato. It goes into what type of life you want to live. And I want to redesign that question just to be as a driving force for the life you're living right now. What are the some of the key things that determine the life that you're living right now? Very difficult conversation. It's very difficult because I always fight between the life that I perceive myself, like the life that I perceive myself wanting to live and the life that I'm living. So I have a lot of urges, things that I want to do that I do do that don't fulfill me in life. I'll be honest with you guys drinking, clubbing, like experiencing lots of fun, going to festivals, partying, music, that's what I'm like, I love doing those things. But I never really feel fulfilled from them. Now based on your question, the life that I want to live, I want to have a very balanced lifestyle. I want to be able to say that like, if I had to describe my week, I want to be able to be like, okay, cool. You see my eyes really getting water. I think I have a pro in my eyes. I want to say, actually, by the way, this left eye itchy every day, every day, at a random time, by the way, it can be in the morning, it can be lunch, but I think my eyes are messed up. I'm too scared to go check, but you're saying sorry. So the life that I do when I live, if I had to look at the past week, like how my fantasy, it's me wake up in the morning, going for a walk with my dog, coming back, feeding my dog, taking a shower, cooking myself breakfast, getting into my first meeting, doing my meeting, doing my second meeting, journaling. After journaling, I've got a shoot, drive to a shoot, take my dog somewhere, you know, I don't know if I'm taking my dog to like a dog keeper, or I'm leaving it at my house with whoever's taking care of the dog, go to my shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, come back, lunch is made for me by like, you know, my partner or my my chef or my team or my team or whatever, you know, after that, you know, maybe hoping to a couple more meetings, you know, meetings, the meetings are very impactful by the way. Each meeting is a decision made. So decision making meeting, it's making okay, cool, we're taking one meter, we're taking three meter. I'm saying, are we, are we, are we taking like calls in between during the day, like updating, yeah. Also, I want to say, okay, cool, let me go to the gym, I want to go into the gym, I come back, I take out a piece of meat that I've taken out, I cook myself some meat, my partner some meat, check out my dog, feed my dog again. And then he said, don't forget por pide. Yeah, read a book, maybe for 30 minutes, my wife comes back or my wife has been there or my goal's been there. She comes to me, I hope I take off her makeup, I give her a massage, we kiss, we talk about our days for a little bit. No, no, no, you know, you know, you know, you're you're a loved one. You know what I'm saying? But like, I get what I, that's how, that's how I get the picture of this. Yeah, then after that, okay, cool. Then after that, I do my own thing, then I go into my, my room here or my gaming room and I play games. Yeah, just play some PlayStation chill. And why like, yeah, if I have a cross a whiskey, I have a cross a whiskey, or maybe I have a cross of water, because I'm exercising and I'm focused. Next day, similar things a bit different. Yeah, but I like, that's how it looks for me. I like, I like when, so, when I was in therapy, they made us do this thing of saying like what type of life do you want? Do you have to describe it? It's exactly the exercise that you just did now. Yeah. And what I like about that particular exercise is there's so much more that life has to offer individuals. And we only truly hear it out loud when you say the life you want, you say, Oh my gosh, I'm close, but I'm not, I'm not where I want to be yet. Which means that life is what again, we're like living. Yeah, it's what going through the motions and the processes to get there. I think, but I feel like I'm close, eh? That's what I just said. Yeah, just did you very close to that life. Yeah. Like if, if only that's missing there is like, so I'm reading a bit more. I'm trying to get back into cooking a bit more. My, the things eight are healthier, but like, well, only that's missing there is like a partner. Yeah. I don't have a partner. I'm single. I'm not seeing anybody. To that extent. Before someone was watching, I was like, yeah, we're not together. We're not together. I was seeing anybody to that level where it's like, you know, I'm never wife. I'm not married. I'm not married. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I feel like you don't have a girlfriend. Yeah, you never go. You can say that. Absolutely. Yeah. So, but you know, the biggest thing, and I'm sorry to, to, to, to. No, no, no. Yeah. The biggest flop with me is that I've always seen a balanced life with a partner. That's whenever this kills in my life, I always think I need to have a partner. Yeah. I mean, I mean, there's this, I think it's a Greek, Greek was a Greek. Yes, a Greek mythology. They believe that everyone was born with four arms, four eyes, two noses, you know, two lips, et cetera. And then you get separated. It was separated. So, gods were jealous about this bond that the humans had, and they separated these people. And that's where soul mates, the, the idea of soul mates. And I, I definitely, I know it's going to sound very toxic, but I definitely agree with you. Yeah. I think there is balance in relationships. No, we excel more. We, it's a proven fact that it is our experiences with what we've seen and what we've seen around. We've seen also, like, if you think about, okay, our own personal experiences, when I was in relationship with my ex-girlfriends, I was working day and day out. Yeah. You know, I had to. Yeah. I was, I was exciting. I was, I was worried even when I was in university, I was failing most of my university career. Then at the time, I was dating my ex, and then she was about to graduate. I was like, yeah, she can't leave me here. She found me here. You know, I'm saying, so I started what? I started pushing. So she motivated me. So I definitely think from our personal experience, it exists, but from our personal experience, it definitely exists. But yeah, but even from what we've seen from society, but like when you see movies and stuff, when someone is like, okay, cool, yeah, you want to make your directors, I wish your wife. I don't agree, I don't agree fully with it. I agree to a certain extent, because I also believe it's just easier to work harder for others because we like that love ourselves. Yeah, no, no, I'm not saying it's a good thing. Yes, not a good thing. That's what it exists. Yeah. It's that like, it's easier for us to love others and work hard for others versus working hard for ourselves. Yeah. And I think with like this, obviously, like this first topic of like, what type of life do you want? There's a lot of themes that will obviously pour into it, such as like, you know, your love life, your your career, you know, you mentioned your career, your love life, your companionship with, you know, even just having the dog. Yeah. And even just like a schedule of some sort, you know, and that brings me back into my side of like what I want for myself. And I say, I definitely, I realized in this time of, I've been only employed for one week, but I speak like I've been unemployed for like three months, five, nine, two, three, no, it's only been one week. Yeah, but in this time of being slow and etc, I've realized that I'm actually a workaholic. I love working. Yeah, I love tasks. I love fulfilling my mind of like doing something. Yeah. And I think the top of life I want for myself is just one where I think very similar to Tato, I would remove the dog, put a cat, I would remove the partner and, and then give, give myself a pent up. No, I have a girlfriend and stuff. Yeah. So why act like this? But not marriage. No, no, I don't see those things. Like I want to, I didn't have to be married. Yeah. That companion from a woman. And paying shit from a woman. Very corporate life as well. I think I want a corporate life. But I also, I'd love, I'd love to be on the business side of media, which is very hard. I've been trying to get into that, but I don't have a, you know, my category or degrees that are necessary for them. None of them really do. You know that. I know. But that's not the point. The point is that when you apply, they say you're, we went there. Not really. It is that it's based on experience. You can paint a picture of what you've done. That's the thing you have to get into the room first. You can't just paint a picture from an website. No, if I'm saying what based over your achievements. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, definitely, definitely. But yeah, all of this, you know, self-respective about like what we want for ourselves, I want to ask you Tato and obviously I'll answer the question as well. I think I'll answer the question first, but it goes into our second team, the life that people around us want. And I think for me, the people are, people are, I mean, we always talk about the people in close proximity first. So that's family. Yeah. And family will always want you guys. I mean, I'm a black kid. I should have been a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer. What else is there? What else do black cultures really like? Lawyers, doctors, engineer. Construction. Those are like construction proofs. Yeah. But that's like a, engineer space. Yeah, but it's basically engineering. Yeah. Lawyer, doctor, engineer, maybe like, you know, if you're doing like economics at the highest level, if you're doing accounting at the high, like CAs. Yeah. Minister, like, you know what I'm saying? Like, yeah, you get pretty foreign, your life. And I think our parents, minister, you mean doctorate? No, no, no, no, no, I mean, like ending up as like the minister of the country. Like, respectable rules. Like, when you come home, they, you know what I'm saying? But, um, yeah, which brings me to obviously like, a very hard message that I think a lot of people won't be able to digest right now in their lives, but a lot of people will be able to understand it as well, which is you're going to have to disappoint a lot of people to live the life you want to live. 100%. That's very true, bro. So now, so now when it comes to the life that people are in, you want what, how does it look like for you? So, so starting off with like me, your sister, your mother, your father. Yeah. So I think that, obviously my family, if I had to go to the general topics, my family obviously wants me to be loved. They want me to be loved. They have a partner, you know, they want me to have a secure job. I don't want you to have a partner, okay. I'm saying, I'm saying, overall, do parents and then do some, so parents, that's not parents. So parents want me to be married in a corporate job where I open up an Excel sheet every day and put 1111, and get paid 50k. They want me to, you know, invest in property, not, you know, they want me to invest in property as soon as I can, you know, they want me to live in Johannesburg, live on Caltech, live close to them. And obviously, they want me to be in close proximity to them in terms of like contacting, etc. My siblings want me to follow my dreams. My siblings want me to love myself and learn to love myself. They think they've seen the journey of how much I haven't loved myself in my 25 years. And they just want me to just dedicate at least, even if it's a month, just loving myself and doing whatever I want. Because I think out of the three children, I think I was the most acceptable to, let's do what my parents want. You feel me? I think my sister's pulling out of it now. She's pulling out of the I actually don't want to be what you guys want me to be. But yeah, very, very, very tricky, because in all of this as well, we're navigating what Tutto and I just spoke about, which is what is the life you want for yourself as a whole. And then your friends, what do you think your friends want for you? To live. Just don't die. Don't die. Just live live. I think that's all friendships can. I mean, we can't go into depth of friendship with each other. I want you to pick up this and this, but you can say, listen, I want you to be happy. I mean, it depends on the friends. So I think from a family perspective, I'd have the same answers. You're like, oh, hey, you guys want me to be happy? I think you almost told me to find love, because you guys know how much I value love. Yeah, definitely, I want me to find like love and that perfect partner for me, which is very difficult to do. Because I mean, what? To do 27 to the eight next year? Yeah. Nearly at 30. I think, no, when men speak when they're young, they say, no, I'll probably get married at what age? So we say, yeah, they say 30. Yeah. And you know, I think that I obviously want you to have fun with love, but I want you to like find the real, like now it's time to find the real thing now. Yeah. Because I think when you find the real thing, yeah. Oh, we're all going to reach a group behind you. Yeah. But yeah, you say. Yeah. So so mom and dad, my mom told me like a month ago, she's like, you're dude, that's getting old. And he's not even getting old. He's not like you guys getting old and still don't have any grandkids. And you're definitely 27. And I was just like, I am. That's that's a bit hectic. So they want they want same thing as level. And then obviously, they're very focused on me having kids. My siblings are mean to just like, keep doing what I'm doing, bro. Pursue my dreams, just be happy, find a good partner. Just to be happy, man, just to be, because when I'm happy, they're happy. Yeah. Friends, it's different. Like I know Percy for me, like Percy wants like success for me. I know you want like success. Other friends are very surface level hunter. One success for me. Other people want just to like have fun. Like I think machine be scared to be like, there's those friends that like want you to be successful. And those friends that want to enjoy your current success. Yeah. And I'm very, I can identify that very easily. Yeah. I can see that. Okay, this friend is just here for a good time. And that's okay. Because like I will treat them and treat you like it's a good time. But this friend sees me being successful. They want riches for me. They want wealth for me. And like we then have certain conversations. Yeah. So there's a big difference with friendships and stuff like that. You can also see the friends that are envious of you. So the friends you can take a step back from. But because of maybe, you know, history, you keep them around. But like I've been able to identify all of those things and friends. And I think that's very important. What I don't mention some people want me to fail. Like some, some of your friends want you to fail. Not everyone, not everyone wants you to like, yeah, a lot of days, a lot of resentment. I want to say envy. Envy is the better way. Envy in the life that we live. I mean, you guys have to understand for type of night, for example, you know, a podcast with YouTubers, you know, our lives are very much on the online platform, you know, and whenever something's online, a lot of people will say the words, what? Saba. Well, without concept of the hard work and the etc. And the pro, and the confusion. And I want to ask, you know, I want to point this question to you guys specifically, you know, in the comment in the comment section, you know, the life everyone wants around you versus the life that you actually want. Because I think it's time we start saying these things, what we want to fail ourselves, writing them down, yeah, remembering every single day, because these are like our driving forces in terms of the light getting to the life that we want. Yeah, 100%. You know what I'm saying? I think one of the biggest, one of the biggest human mistakes about goal setting is forgetting the goal. Yeah, but yeah, man, I like how you brought up the friendship chart, you know, the toxicity of friendship. But again, some of us are even able to identify the toxicities in family as well, which brings us to our next topic of who to go to when things go left. And that obviously means when things don't go right. But who to go to when things go left. And this is obviously still in theme with the whole life narrative. Yeah. And I think we get to these points of life where we generally do not know what to do next. Yeah. And and and I think that is a common feeling for everyone, you know, do I stay at the current level I am or do I try upscale or do I downscale in order to survive? Yeah, because again, again, we're human, you know, and survival is the number one thing. Everyone's mind. But I want to ask you, you know, we're talking about friendship, we're talking about family, et cetera, but right now, right, sure, if life had to go left, who are you going to just to go really just get some advice? Unfortunately, for me, I know I speak poorly of my father on this podcast every time, but he's my number one life guide so far, which I really do regret also to a certain extent like you see, is like he's your life coach. Yes, he's my life coach, which I also regret to a certain extent, because I know a lot of the decisions made by my life were influenced by what he wanted for me, not what I wanted for myself. Okay, you know, but if I had to choose, I'd say definitely family, you know, family is a great source of direction, because that is where you derive from, you know, it's tricky, bro. So I I have a theory, we never go to the people that we're meant to go to. Yeah, for example, if I'm going through like hardship, and it's like financial, and it's like, or just purpose, I should bring to my father, but I know he has to write answers, but I know but because I know how the experience is going to be like, I will never go to him. You know what I'm saying? A lot of the times when I've got like romantic issues, I know I should be coming to you because you know me the best and you can be like due to what you're doing in a silly, but I won't come to you because I know I'm going to get the real answers, or they'll go to, I'm sorry if it would be into space, or other co-hunts and what do you think? Do you get what I'm saying? Knowing that you're giving answers that I want. Yeah, the answer that you want to hear, sorry. So I think before I answer you, I think we need to start identifying and seeing that. I like that. We need to stop going, we need to stop being scared, like, of going to the right people, because if my life was going bad, my father took a perfect person to go to. He's lived a life, he's failed, he succeeded multiple times. He's built a beautiful story from himself in a beautiful life, and he knows how to deal with hardship. He knows how to deal with betrayal, he knows how to deal with jealousy, he knows how to deal with the wife, he knows how to deal with children. I'm raising a family. He's done it at the highest level, he's my father's extremely successful, so it's like it'll be silly for me to go to anybody else. By the way, when he says it's a decision, he means like from the path that he's taken in the next time. Yeah, guys, my father's with me, my father's with me. Before you guys start taking us and saying, I saw someone asking for your old TV, I said, "How much money do you think we have?" "I don't have that much, man, you can give away TV!" Anyways, but that's not the point. Like my father, to give you guys a story, my father comes from Limpopo, he grew up in a village where it was literally an isolation from the real world, and in that he worked extremely hard in high school, got bursaries, went to university, got bursaries, was able to do some courses at Harvard, he studied at a high level, and he's just worked really hard. So coming from a village, during apartheid, it's becoming what he is now, alongside his siblings, it's definitely what we were looking for. It's definitely insane, now he lives in like, he's done good for himself, man. Yeah, same with our mother, very educated woman. My mother's story is even worse. We're very educated woman. Keep in mind, a girl, by the way, a black woman trying to make it. A black woman trying to make it. Now she's got Al Al B. Now she's one of the most decorated persons in her field. Yeah, she's phenomenal, but I think I actually want to, I'm going to skip the next team because I feel like we really did touch on it, but which was how do I pick what sort of life I want, you know? No, let's go on there. I want to touch on it, but I like what you're saying now because, okay, yes, we'll touch on it, but I like what you're saying about our parents, and I want you to keep that in mind for the team after this, which is what do you want them to say about you when it's all over? But yeah, how do I pick what sort of life I want? I have no idea. Yeah, so I think it's very important. I know people are like, no, you shouldn't be influenced by your surroundings. I think it's very important to consume movies, series, YouTube videos, blogs, vlogs, content, content history, content, how people have lived. You need to see what appeals to you, right? If I had never played Maroomba in grade eight, I'd never know that I actually love writing and making music because I used to play the piano, but then I never really knew that I actually liked making my own songs until I played the Maroomba. But if I didn't have access to Maroomba, or if I had never had seen someone play Maroomba and been like, wow, that looks cool. When I signed up, I would never have become the Maroomba captain, I'd never have become head of music. I would never have composed the songs that I've composed. You get what I'm saying? So I feel like exposing yourself to the outside world is the most important thing. It obviously depends on your bank balance. Some of us, we can expose ourselves by traveling, others we can expose ourselves by reading and by consuming. I think it's very important to watch lives of people in Rome, in Rwanda, lives of people. You know, historical shows. Even if it's a fantasy, there's still a lot to be learned from content. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for disturbing, I'm a huge believer in what scientists say. And I see it always in my... If you're sorry for disturbing me, then don't disturb me. I'm sorry. If you're sorry for disturbing me, then don't disturb me. If you're sorry for disturbing me, I need to disconnect my mic because I just said to myself, I'm enjoying this. I feel like I'm listening to the podcast. You know what I'm saying? Very insightful. So I was saying, before you do send me, I'm willing to listen to it, no matter. So one thing I do, because I struggle with the concept of family and the concept of friendship. So what I do is that I try to date it back and I watch things on YouTube on how African customs or African traditions were like back in the day. Then I see how the living structure was like. And you see that, okay, back in the day, we used to all put our houses in a fucking circle. And we would live in a circle and we would put our animal and livestock in the middle in the night time to protect what's ours. And our home was not just us with our brothers and our siblings and our parents, it was us cousins, friends. You had access to community. So basically it helped me realize the importance of community around you, you get what I'm saying. So now when I envision a life with friends and family, I envision that type of community, people that live close to me. I know it's obviously some important for us to cultivate relationships with our friends that have moved to Cape Town and Durban. But it's very important to have community that lives nearby because that's what makes your day today. I also be a firm believer of like, no, at some point for me to live in isolation and to love myself, all those things. Of course, it's very important for you to love yourself, live in isolation. But at the end of the day, that's not how we like our forefathers grew up. Wow, humans, yeah. Our forefathers grew up. Even if you watch a show on Netflix, Shaka, like you see, if you watch Shaka, you learn, those people never see any of those characters alone chilling. Everyone's always doing something. Either we're getting, you know, we're gardening, we're hunting, we are trying to, you know, rise in positions of leadership, we're conquering, we're getting more land, but we're always moving as a unit. You never see level, number always be with his best friend. Level always be with his advisor. In life, you need an advisor, you need a best friend, you need a community around you, you need a team, and you need a community to protect what's yours in the middle, which also shows you that what it's taught me that wealth is shared and distributed. You don't call, you don't create wealth and just keep it to yourself and get a bit on your own bank balance. You spread it to the community around you, then you guys keep it safe together. You get what I'm saying? And the booze of a time. I definitely agree with you, and I think that, like I said, for me, I like how to retire to African culture. For me, it was like watching Vikings, you know, this guy. Also, also a good reference. This guy. Which Vikings, Vikings, Valhalla or Vikings? No, it's the first one. It was Valhalla. Yeah, I have, I've watched all of them. I've watched the entire season of Valhalla. I haven't watched the entire Vikings. Because I have never watched the children of, what is his name? Ragnar Lofbruck. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I've never seen the kids. I don't like it by the way. I only liked his story. I liked his story. I found out who became king, you know, and when he became king, you know, guys, let me tell you something there. I'm a very, I have very bad mental health. I'm not going to lie. I'm not mentally strong. I have never been mentally strong. To see a character equally not as mentally strong as me, and you talk to me like, huh? That guy was always questioning himself, always depressed, always sad, always, there were moments in his head being stuck when he conquered and wins and stuff. But, you know, he, for example, I want to tell you a story. He had a plan. He was a farmer. He had a plan to go conquer to the west that it was an undiscovered land. Yeah, for better lands. He goes on to do this. Keep in mind, he's doing this for his country. He's doing this for pride. He's doing this for him. He's a small, small community. Yeah. Small community, by the way, at that time. He goes, comes back, conquers it, you know, comes back. What's dead? You know, and those are the things that I said to her. She dies on the way, when he goes. He dies. Dead. Goes again to the west, you know, he's healed. Mind you, his wife is mad, and I'm just questioning is that were you making us go? Yes. What's happening? Yes. Goes again. The wife was pregnant. The baby dies. This time. All the other way around. One of the two. But in all of that, I realized how life is so unpredictable, and I like what Tato is saying, because if you want to see the life you want to live, you need to watch content and see the stories being told by humans, before you, and the time before you. Because all of watching religious shows, man, and we love islands. Yeah. It's okay to watch this sometime, but sometimes you must watch something. You're watching Tato, but you're watching Tato, but you're watching Tato, but what if you could be handled easily? We love Tato, by the way. I love Tato. But anyways, yeah, I love what Tato is saying. Knowledge is power, you know, and I think that as we've entered this new generation of like internet and TikTok and stuff, we're losing a lot of stories, people are loving stories, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. But anyways, I like what you said, I think you perfectly answered that. I'm not even going to even touch on it anymore. But what do you want people to say about you when your story is finally over? Can I say something? I have no care in the world that people say about me when I'm dead. I don't believe in like legacy. I believe in like, so obviously, I respect the fact that my dad has worked hard. He's trying to create some sort of generational wealth. Right. So obviously, our father's worked. We are not involved enough parents success or doing more. No, like even like his work, we don't work with our father. No, at all. We receive no income from our father. No. But he obviously has plans. Obviously, he rope us in, I think. At this point, I don't think so. I actually don't think so. I'm 27. Yeah. And he's not, he's never spoken to me. I actually don't think so. Anyway, I thought he wanted a generational wealth. You wanted to pass it down. But I do think so. But like, I respect that, like him working hard for himself and then equipping us to then be able to work hard. So I don't, the only thing I want to do is maybe, you know, make sure that I live a life good enough to expose my kids so that they can do whatever passions they want. But otherwise, I don't really care if someone like what people think of me and I'm dead, bro. I think I think it's very important to understand. And this might be, it might get very dark soon that every human being on earth will die. And no one's going to remember what degree you had. No one's going to remember what's your first job. No one's going to remember what's your first heartbreak. No one's going to remember all of these things that our life like give give five generations, you'll be forgotten. You be forgotten. And I hate to say this, but even Michael Jackson is being forgotten. Yeah, look, he's like to the kids, to the kids, to the kids. They don't really mess with Michael Jackson. Like, he's being forgotten. He's getting, he's, that's a legacy. Yeah, it's kind of like how we here like name one of these guys like ♪ Taunts with my father again ♪ Like those guys, I mean, that's Michael Jackson to us. Michael Jackson is the, like, you know what I'm saying? His next name, but anyways, Marvin Gaye, for example. Yeah, forgotten. These kids don't know him like that. But anyways, telling people that have really impacted the direction of this. Yes, yes, yes. People will like drink his Michael Jackson to these kids now. Who am I thinking about that? I'm forgetting. If you're being real. Beethoven. Like for example, Beethoven will never be forgotten. Yeah. And I'll never build a legacy like Beethoven. Yeah, because I'm not going to impact the way like Beethoven wrote symphonies. And he, he influenced how musicals created to this day. But, but funny facts, like, I think it was Beethoven. I have to double check this. It was Beethoven or Shakespeare. A lot of what they produced was not famous when they were producing, only when they die. Yeah, but you think I was going to be famous when we did? Of course not. Oh my gosh, you used to vlog so nicely. But my ultimate points, which also leads to... The point is, why do you want to be remembered for? Yes, don't care. Yes. And the answer, and it's... What's the answer? It's actually, I added this because it's a trick question. No one's going to remember anything about you when you die. So live how you want to live. Not ever said. I want to make sure you guys understand that no one is going to remember you when you die. When people die, we put a pamphlet of you in black and white and celebrate you once on the day of your death until the last person forgets. Yeah, and that's what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah. And maybe we'll have more do whatever I don't want, but when you die, you're dead. You're gone. And the same thing moves on. The same thing is that, like, you know, back in African culture, all types of cultures in the past before you would tell stories of your forefathers. So, like, for example, my father, she'd be telling me stories about his great grandfather. Brother. No one's going to be... I'm not going to tell you. I'm not going to tell you. How many black grandfathers was a nice man? Yeah, he was a good man. He was a good man. He worked hard. You know what I'm saying? I'd say he was the first person to show me, like, empathy and love. Yeah, yeah. So, and this is so important to me. This part of the podcast is so important to me because, you know, I know a lot of people who deal with mental health who always say to themselves, you know, like, maybe this is the end. And maybe you're asking yourself now, I'll listen to the podcast. What do I have to live for? And I hope that within this podcast, we've shown you that there is so much more to life. There's so many different ways to live life. I know, I know a girl who's an OnlyFans girl who's living life happily, you know, might not be the best life, but she's living life happily. Yeah. My brother's a, you know, a full-time content creator. Again, not just brand strategy, brand strategy, just fit into an entrepreneur. Again, extremely happy, but not the typical, yeah, I know Percy, someone who studied film, which was in my house, frowned upon. Yeah. Nice working at Paramount. And he's wearing a collodio. And I want to say to you, you know, the person who feels like they've got nothing left, I want to ask you, can you please just do tomorrow? Because tomorrow might be the day everything gets better. And I know it sounds like very pinteresty, but it's very, very much true. Yeah. Today's shop, maybe vlogs, let's go to sleep, but when you wake up tomorrow, like the candles, like the candles. What did you say? Make a coffee, make a tea. Pick up, pick up yourself, man. Show me the fire. Yeah, get into a meeting, even the window. Feed the door. Let's, let's, let's spot, let's spot, let's spot acting like our lives are worth living. Hmm. Which is very hard to hear out loud, you know, people, a lot of people don't think their lives are worth living, but I'm here to tell you that each life is worth living. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? There are people on the road, guys, who sell their heads, they don't give up. Don't give up on yourself as well. Do they understand that their life is worth living? Yeah. But yeah, when it's going to our recommendations and then we'll close it off. Yeah. So we spoke about it today a lot, Vikings, Valhalla. So I actually watched the first season, like last year, and the drop season three, this past couple of weeks. You loved season three. You wouldn't like season two. So what I did is that I started rewatching it's beautiful story. It's based off of like these Greenlanders. It's based off of the small community of people that come from Greenland, a distant green lace. I'm getting the distance place called Greenland, right? And they call it the Greenlanders and they come into, you know, this Vikings environment. They also Vikings, but then it's like the whole show is based off of like, are we pagans or do we believe in God? So that's like, you know, we're seeing a new religion being introduced and how ruthless Christians were when people didn't follow the Christianity. And then they also go to war with the English and then they take over the English the English monarchy. Yes. And it's so beautiful, bro. That's the first season. So it's really amazing. It's not as good as Vikings, the original one, but it's like, it's close, bro. It's a waste. First season three really made it close. Yeah. I kid you not. Yeah. So I'm excited to watch that. I've been I've been struggling to spend time alone. So I told myself that now I'm going to spend time alone through shows again, but it shows that inspire me to lead, inspire me to have community, inspire me to grow. So Viking for Hala love it to bits. There's this go. You can go. This is go that inspired both level and I to get back to vlogging. I want to check. Yeah, I also know you'd recommend her now, but let's say the letter. I'll tell you no. Sorry for me. Yeah. Vikings very nice. Also guys, Viking is is slightly fictional, slightly also based on historical facts. So as as for example, like let me see what let me see what you know. How do I check who I want to go to. This is this girl. No, I'll tell you the one I watched. How do I check where I just recently subscribed to that? I don't know, bro. How's it? You know what? It's not this one. No, I was like, that looks like it's about a slap. Yeah, that's that when you're describing your vlog, you're like, she's just like, wait, I recommend her. Oh, but yeah, I really like Lorato Uma Lopam single properly, because I can't pronounce X as well. How do I go to my mom? Sorry, guys, I'm just trying to catch your phenomenal, like, videos, like, she's she's a parentian actress to phenomenal. Do you see the girl that I also she's also an actually is this the girl? You've been watching a lot of high school musical brother. I was doing a podcast last night. I mean, I was I was live on tik tok last night. I had found looking at school in history. Let's see. It's the person watching from. Oh, Nandi. There we go. Let me see. This is her. Nandi. I can't say her name. Come on. Good morning. Good morning. She's an action actress as well. She's the one making me going to go back into vlog. The girl is a vlogging, eh? The girl is vlog, guys. The guy's the vlog. She posted a vlog a day ago before that is a year ago. Yeah, so she so in the vlog, she was talking about like how like so she's an actress. Yeah. And she says in between shows, she feels like she still wants to be creative. And that's why she was. Oh, that's beautiful. Yeah, so okay, so shout out to them. So I'm saying that you're saying Nandi, check them out. I think that those phenomena of vlog are like I really respect people who know how to use their cameras and she vlogs with the phone. Yeah, she really purely be like she boy, she be moving their camera around like if she's in this room, yeah, if she's in this room, when she goes and opens the door, the cameras really moved into the into the room and then the lights are off and then like she's she's painting a story and it's so beautiful. So you guys want to know that this from for me, it's Nandi Cornini. She's married. A vlog, a little life update. That's the one that I watched. Yeah, guys, man, three angles for face wash guys. I like angles, Mino also. Oh, she does the angles. She did an angle for the she did the angle for the serve. She did the angle for it. But anyways, yeah, but that's been the podcast, guys. I hope that you guys have enjoyed seated with level and tethered and petty. We hope to see you soon. And we've been very consistent. So I don't want to see any consistency, comments. We're not even going to become inconsistent. But thank you guys so much. And please, please, this is the end of the podcast. So make sure you give us five stars wherever you're listening to it. And if you're watching on YouTube, please like the video and share it. Thank you guys so much for watching. See to the level and tethered and petty. It was a pleasure to grab your favorite seat of the week with us. We've been very consistent and guys, we loved it so much. But to end of the podcast, I want to let you guys know on Spotify right now, you can watch this video. Yes. Right. And the previous 13, 14, 15 videos, 14, 14 videos. And guys, if you have dreams and maybe want to become a podcast that just like us, tell them what they can do. Yeah. So if you guys have aspirations, become a podcast. So all you guys have to do is get the app Spotify for podcast. So you can be a part of the journey, guys, podcasting is so much fun. 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