Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Thursday August 15th, 2024 - FULL SHOW

2h 41m
Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
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Whoo, yeah, the sultry sultry sounds a berry white mix with the sultry sounds of Benin Woods Brings us to Thursday morning good morning everybody. It is we are Benin Woods. We're on 97 3 the fan You know that already maybe you're watching us on YouTube If you haven't done that yet, I do see a lot of people popping in every day going hey I hear you guys talking about the YouTube feed you're always mentioning people from there. I decided to check it out I love it. You guys are heavier than I thought you were things like that. It's really cool To see those every day, but yeah, you can go to I like YouTube because you can get the facial Expressions you can see when like one of us is if it happens all of us when we're not paying attention or something You really get behind the scenes look, you know I'm down on my phone or you're on your phone texting and probably just doing something over there You can see all of it and I forget that we're on camera So you really have to you know, you got to mind your P's and Q's around here But it's a really cool way to watch but thank you for listening in any way you consume us Great great morning. Let's have a good time today. I'm woodsy. That's Paul Rhino. He's the executive producer. Good morning. Paulie Good morning. Good to have you here. Paulie and I had a great day down at the ballpark yesterday We can tell you guys some stories here pretty soon. We got some good ones. We usually do Ben Higgins your friendly neighborhood sports anchor joins us as well. Good morning Ben's good morning to everybody It's good to be here. You can see me fall asleep not off occasionally on every stream every now and then I'm a little Just a little hungover this morning. I was wondering if we were going to get hung I have a few cocktails last night. What is a few three five five five five five. I wouldn't I wouldn't be here I would have called in hits it Five would be what did you have? Let's see. I had a sea breeze by the pool. Then we a sea breeze. That's great for Jews in vodka Yeah, and maybe some cranberry as well. Okay, sounds delicious a little tonic and then we went to canteen a mile Well, okay, I did both a and then yay-ho and a mescal as We had some great food there and then we went back and I did hold on and then and then yay-ho Animus call a shot about neat neat. Yeah neat just hot. Yeah warm tequila Quality good tequila, but but hot yeah hot warm tequila. Correct. And you just Sip it or you shouldn't sip it. Okay. You sip it and enjoy it And then we went back for the the music and I had a couple of old fashions and then that was that was my evening See if I can stay for him to drive here today. It smells good. I'm okay Like I said, I was I was more than functional as we walked back to the room. I was fine, but I've more than functional Still feel it a little bit this morning though. Yes, any I'm telling you Five for me. I would not be here. I can hold mine. I can hold it. I Told you when I went to Hawaii. I had two cocktails the entire time. I was there - - what was it my tie? I Ordered another my tie at the same night, and I go I can't finish this I go I will I will fall down drunk. I called me Dude And then I had a pina colada the pina colada dad and bar it was like bro I mean wow look at you stay cations going well though the Lafayette the read model is beautiful Our room was great right at the pool. We spent some time at the pool. It was perfect We checked in room was ready right as the game was Popped it up on our television It was ain't nothing before I knew it so I was like, okay, I'm good I just you know sit by the pool cruise and I really didn't even have to pay that close of attention to the game and We had a great time. I mean really what a that place is a party though I mean all night every way I mean like yeah, I mean by the pool at night It wasn't that loud so we could sleep but if you're in the main area, I like walked in around 10 was like the last time I was up because I went next door to grab a couple of slices of pizza Luigi's As I walked through those I mean the place was absolutely packed with people. There's the bowling alley downstairs There's a 24-hour diner. We had gone to the the room Lulu's Which is the music venue and watch the the band play for an hour or so which was fantastic as well really great time Looking forward to day two today after the show and the round table to resume my staycation Well today is a national relaxation day and while you'll be sitting by the pool Relaxing I've got on here on national relaxation day. We're gonna do this show four hours We're gonna do an hour-long round table tough to be hung over on round table. Yeah, probably popped in your head After that, I'm gonna go to the dentist for two hours Crown fix so and then just full-on parenting mode with a Devil three-year-old and a 16 a six-year-old who acts like he's 16 these days So you're very excited for national relaxation, but I had my relaxation week in Hawaii and I still feel pretty good From that trip only on national relaxation day today. No Padres game tonight. I mean you are home free What are you what are you planning on doing? Oh gosh? I don't even know yeah Watched a movie yesterday that we thought we would maybe watch today with no Padres game You already watched it. We watched it last night. You're gonna watch it again. No, we watched we rented the new twisters No good I'm not surprised. I so when the twister or is it twister twisters? It's this the new one guys. It's different. I asked my wife. I said is this a Remake or a sequel she goes I think it's a remake Like Top Gun 2 is a sequel. That's a sequel. It was very good. It was outstanding also had the same actor Glen Powell's in it Yeah, I said twisters. I like Glen Powell a lot. He's he's pretty good. I do - I do I don't think I'd be friends with him in real life I didn't like twist twisters, bro. He I looked him up on I googled him. He is The next Matthew McConaughey busy young good-looking actor, but he was born in Austin, Texas Okay, make you went to the Moody school at UT where Matthew McConaughey blessed the mood Acting I need y'all's help, please bless the moon. Oh, how you read? Come on everybody. No Matthew. We do not want nobody wants to see we didn't know we were doing this I liked the original twister. I did was fine. Yeah, I didn't like the remake Great, so you rented it last night, why would you watch it again today? I don't want to we were going I'm saying we the plan was to watch it today. We were like, oh, oh, let's rent this on Thursday when we don't have a Padres game to watch But you watch we watched it last night and you watch the whole thing. Yeah, yeah Movie was starting. All right. What do you think real quick before it starts before we see anything good or bad? I think it's gonna be great. I heard good review. I saw good reviews on it But then same people who also said that the new Roadhouse was really good and and I don't know man They're just kind of running out ideas Which is fine. I mean, we're you know, we do sports radio. They ran out of seven years ago I mean we run out of ideas. It happens. It's creatively you get you get a little juice somebody asked if they get the bootleg version Now you can rent it on Amazon. It's on prime like it was just in theaters now. You can watch it at home. Yeah I go. All right, so Glenn Powell is in top gun - yep twisters. Yep. What's the next spin-off remake? Movie that he's going to be in from the 90s breakfast clubs. I said weird sciences. Mr. Doubtfire. Yeah, mr. Doubtfire. Yeah It's just bad man. This is bad right now. There is not been a movie that's come out Maybe in the last five years that I've been like yes, and it delivered and they haven't brought back gremlins yet Yeah one they could make with better special effects nowadays. I was popular give them time give them time But well, we were down at the ballpark. Yeah, I was wondering I want you guys went without me So how did it go see what did you talk to well? So we walked in you know and the thing about us is we Paul and I and Ben too We have the ability if we wanted to we could go down there every single day, right if scheduled permitted if I was a single man With no family. There's a decent chance. I would be in there a lot more than I am With school getting out at you know the time that it does and and Responsibilities I don't get down there very much now. It's twofold. It's not only that's not the only reason. I don't go down there I also go down there because I don't Want to bother I don't want to go and be like Hey Jackson. So the rookie of the year. I know no one's asked you about this But how do you feel about winning potentially the rookie I it the thought of it makes my stomach turn So we just we go down, you know very very sparsely some people are very happy to see you when you're they are like Jake is always happy to see you Yes, I like the Wednesday day day day show pop in it's not every week It's you know once a month once every couple weeks now. It's very clear. It's very very clear that we have a Corner that that is ours. We have a corner and in said corner is Jake Crohn and worth Kyle Higashiyoka Jackson Merrill. That's our corner. Yeah, I don't know that I've ever been anywhere I don't know that I've ever talked to anyone in any other corner So when we walk in we basically I glanced over the corner. It was empty. There was no Jake No, hey, no Merrill and I went what the hell are we gonna do? So we talked to our beloved Dennis Lynn We talked to a couple of folks in the media. We talked to the big tall righty Bob Scanlon very handsome very tall Still very tall. We talked to our beloved Sammy Levitt and so that that was fun and then crony. This is wild then Jake Crohn worth comes out of the shower wrapped in a towel and walks right up to my face Showers before the game showers idea. I would too. Okay. Yeah, you want to you want to sweat clean I think that's how I feel as well walks right up to me and he goes I've got a bone to pick with you and my gut dropped now I thought to myself you do the immediate recall And I'm like can't be anything he heard on the me going He needs to be out of the I've been the other guy saying they're not gonna mess with it Leave him in the three hole. Don't mess with the the order. Just stop everyone stop So I'm like can't be like that. I go. What is it and he goes? You told me that when you had me on that you were gonna go to bat for me with Shilty about pitching I go I did he goes that's not the information I heard what and I go well Did you listen and he goes no and go well, why don't you listen instead of taking things? Second third hand. How about that? Why don't you try that one if you just listen? I go follow me on Instagram I'll send you the clip tomorrow. You'll have it. You'll hear exactly that I told Shilty on our interview Let Crona worth pitch essentially right those trade secrets close to the vest in case you have to use them You're talking about a fan. We watched Joe Musgrove play left left field Yeah, I feel like it was one of the moments of his life when I got out there And you know if I know one thing cuz we've talked to crony a bunch on this show and and I asked him how much do you lobby? To the skipper to let you come in and pitch in a blowout. He goes all the time all the time and I can man If there's one thing I know about baseball players, they're never really happy with with what they want to do a little bit more So I was just kind of wondering are there guys that are in your like skip? Let me hit. Let me let me play shortly a second in a blowout or something like that But now we don't we don't play that game anymore. So nobody's nobody's lobbying for that necessarily crony different story Yeah, there you go. He wants he wants out there. He's pretty pleased with his zero ERA career. Are you? Yeah, so we're standing directly ask him you but you did bring it up and you know She'll it's not wrong either. He's very happy about his zero ERA. He said hey by the way Lois ERA and major league baseball history. Why would you want to go back out and we can only go up? That's the state sit on it sit on it. So we're standing there talking to crony Well, guess who walks up behind us the skipper. Oh my shield fellas. How you doing? She'll be how are you? I do. How you doing doing doing good? She'll be good to see it and He said what's what's going on here? And I said well he thinks that I didn't lobby for him and She'll just kind of starts laughing and he goes yeah, you know him and his zero ERA and Jake said I'm literally the best pitcher of all time and I said all right. Well, you know, I'm out of this conversation I did my part. It was really fun. Then we also by the way crony turns around and he's got This brute remember when he got dotted. I think it was 97 to the back. Yeah, dude Then he it's obviously the size of a baseball It was purple and yellow and orange and green and black and blue. I was like I go good. God, dude He goes I go was that from the other night? He goes which one which one was that massive. Oh dude I mean, we just don't we just don't give them enough credit. We just don't the pro far's got like eight of us right now So I saw pro far said hello to him Daphtham. I wish David Peralta a happy birthday And then we got to talk into Kyle Higashyoka who is just the greatest guy of all time and he started in Talking about music with me, but it wasn't just music. It was about gear well, and I don't he mentioned that he loves Van Halen. Yeah, you asked crony. Oh, who's your favorite band? It's Molly crew and Van Halen and then I love Higashyoka was like putting on his shoes and he just goes Oh, hey speaking of Van Halen. Yes, what's he? I got a new amp? I got a new amp and he starts talking to me about gear Now I had to do the thing where I nodded along and pretended I knew I don't know anything about here nothing and he's telling me I don't like the tone on this and using this so I have to diss I got this tube amp and I'm like, mm-hmm. Yeah Yeah, oh, that's so oh it's so cool. Those are great. Those are great from what I've heard. I didn't have the foggiest You've got one. It's got an on and off, but yeah, it's a crappy like acoustic am I he was talking to me then and I mean for probably what we say seven minutes. Oh, yeah I'd be sitting there going. Uh-huh. Yeah, yeah, really sure no way and I was a wreck I was like, please. He's like, yeah, I got this new foot petals Oh, yeah, I love that model. That's a great. That's a great one. Make to go fast. I did not want to hurt I got three three forty nine the tk four two nine. You don't want the other one But he's such a good dude. Such a good guy. So then crony did say to shilt Hey, I'm DH in the day. So if I can pitch, you know, we need eight runs What do we need? It was at one point. Wasn't it eight nothing? It's you need a Ten-run lead or an eight-run deficit eight-run deficit or a ten-run lead so we didn't quite get there But it was cool, man, you know, the guys you talk about Walking into a clubhouse with a different feeling then if you walked into that clubhouse a year ago Today it was a whole different vibe. I mean completely now People weren't hanging from the the ceilings and dancing stuff, but you walked in and you saw a Really confident team. We talked to Ruben. We talked to Ben Fritz The pride that those guys you could feel the pride from Fritz. He talking about the bullpen We told Ruben about the new name of the back end of his bullpen, which is of course ass Adam Scott Suarez, and he started dying laughing he goes I mean you can't really can't really put that on a t-shirt I go I mean you can't but somebody will and I can wear it and probably if somebody wants to make an ass t-shirt I'm all about it like Let's bring in that ass and get you know get out of this game when this game But it was a lot of fun man seeing the guys and saying hello and it's just that's our little corner man That's where we like to matriculate to and everyone everyone's playing really well and very very excited I noticed it was it must have been mail day There because every single players locker was stuffed full stuff of what looked like Fan mail and and and gifts that people had sent them like Jackson at the school painting on his chair That was from Dylan C Dylan says painted that and he is placing it on different people's chairs for them to autograph it for him His own teammates. He painted this picture. I didn't get the story. Yeah, and they're all signing it So sitting on a picture of I just a painting it was like a like an abstract painting. Okay. Yeah, no The one I saw was like a 16 by 20 Painting but it was like a baseball card. Oh, Jack Jackson. Yes. Well, they the other one that was sitting up against it waiting for us I saw that one was Dylan cesus that one was cool. Some of those guys keep a messy locker They really don't I'm not gonna call out any names, but I walked through and went you got to clean this up a little bit Alright, good find for this but great day all around and obviously the results of the game were spectacular We'll talk to that talk about that today and and just exactly what the doctor ordered and a little kiss of the rally Roach keeps good vibes going here in San Diego Hangover Thursday throwback Thursday Set the menu when we come back. It's it's been a woods. Here's Kelly with the traffic on 97 through the fan Got pretty busy throwback Thursday for you coming up on the program today. Obviously, we will get into the Padres 8 to 2 win over the Pittsburgh Pirates and our Padres wrap up in our next segment But it's also a throwback Thursday. That means a game of real or fake chance to qualify for the trip to Las Vegas at 710 don't do this at 720 and then because he was traveling yesterday of the five-time all-star Adam Jones will join us at 835 this morning then in our eight o'clock hour our regular Thursday feature our super polished yet to be named smart baseball weekly segment With Enos Sarah's from the athletic brought to you by seven mile casino at 835 Ryla report at nine o'clock. We got more journey and def leopard tickets to give away on the program today as well And it just should be a nice Thursday. There really is a lot of positivity right now It's actually makes it harder it does to come up with like questions today for the round table From 10 to 11 o'clock. We'll all be together for our our round table pizza padre's round table and I realized well when things are kind of going iffy well even if it's 500 It's like there's just plenty of discussion topics and questions and well should they do this or should they do that? You know trade deadlines coming up this point. There's really no more moves to be made right? Well, well, well, well, you do have a little topic to bring up and I like that I like it Involving potential moves that could still be made on the show today Uh, it's a little early to start talking about like playoffs and yeah things like that You don't want to jump the gun. So I got an idea. Where should the parade route be? Where would it start a little early? That's okay. That's early on that one on that one. So, uh, yeah It was a lot of the challenge makes me sick especially after amount rush more Stocktails coming up with topics for did the round table. So mount rush more of Moments. We've already done the moment. We did it. We did that in the first half of the season I mean of course It's almost like I speculated that the round table would run out of gas at some point in the middle of the season No, no, I've I came up with some topics should should still be a A decent round table today. Oh, that pizza's gonna hit good today for you as Dominik said that will be a little nice Soppar upper like one one. All right. So what do you actually where should go? Just hung over eating crust in there Now man, uh, uh, uh, yeah, it hey listen. I'll take that any day of the week Um Coming in here talking about a ridiculous winning streak and another sweep. I'll take it. I love the positivity It's really fun. It it takes a lot of the negativity off of twitter about Everything else, you know, this guy not getting the job done or that guy not getting the job done It's kind of hard to argue with the results right now and, um, just yesterday was just so Much of what we needed potteries literally have too many guys getting the job done right now They can't put them all in the lineup. Yeah, the guys that are getting the job done It's not adult league where we can bat 12. Yeah, I can bat if all my guys are getting I can bat 12 guys Really? I got I bet in 13 last week everyone still got five at bat So everyone gets to eat but if you know one guy is getting the job done. It makes it makes it pretty uh Pretty difficult, but yeah, man. There's there's so many guys they talked to shilty about that after the game yesterday I think it was a j kassel that asked the question Uh and was like so You know, how do you how do you get contributions from all of these guys like guys come ready to play and It's their their pre-game work as she said he said it was crisp and sharp Uh, and we saw it we saw it down there guys getting work in even though they weren't in the lineup So there is a good feeling right now around the sandy eagle potteries But you know, there's a really good feeling around the arizona diamondbacks and last night's loss not withstanding There's a really good feeling about the l.a. Dodgers actually hear that clip of mike show talking about contributions in our pajdres wrap I love that and that's coming up next get to that uh when we come back don't go away We got plenty of potteries talk ahead with ben and woods on sandy. It goes number one sports station 97 3 the fan Two and I got up early this morning at the hotel. I had to go get my car and uh big uh bouncer guy who was waiting there Must be a tier one because he knew who I was, but he said i'm a pirate stand From pittsburgh and I said oh you must hate jackson marley said well Now that I live here I've also become a pajdres fan and honestly, you know pajdres are going places this year pirates aren't so I'm i'm kind of happy the pajdres are winning these games, but we uh we were wondering Yeah, who are the pirates fans out there because the pajdres just murdered them they did six games loves Double digits now in a row. Yeah. Oh, that's a it's a tough one, but pajdres taking care of business Against the uh the lower level teams in fact remember at one point this season I got this stat from uh the ut this morning They were fought 15 and 20 against teams with a losing record since then 23 and four against teams with a losing record So that is the mark that is the mark of a team that can really do something kind of fix that problem Well done. We will talk about the of the game with our pajdres wrap up coming up first this hour On benewoods is brought to you by express employment professionals if your supply chain demands a flexible workforce Higher with express employment professionals with contract and full-time workers from express employment You get the staff you need and manage contingent labor cost learn more at express That's express Traffic and then all the jesse's highlights of the 8 2 win next year on 97 3 the fan I love winning man. I Love I love I Love winning. You know what i'm saying? It's like better than losing. Oh my god. I'm so stiff Miss any of the pajdres win yesterday, ben and woods didn't what I proved We've got you covered with all of the highlights. I like it with the pajdres way Yeah Yeah It's the pajdres wrap sent it by hamu casino with rilling slots and tables in all the best rewards Hamu casino has all the fun you're looking for hamu casino fun above all else Give me a due damage Jay swings hits it in the air on a line deep to right towards the porch. Gonna go Three run homer for jake proton wirth into the pet go porch And before the pajdres have made an out here this afternoon They've got a three to nothing lead. Oh, and pitch arise muscles in the air to shadow center field Taylor charging They'll die for him can't get there rolls behind him wade's gonna come in and score arise motoring into second base Broke from Reynolds don't chant army. I double leisa rise and a pajdre lead four to nothing Another little miscue will cost the pajdres Left handed batter of four swings of the first pitch lines at just fair down the right field line It's gonna roll all the way to the corner run a word this scored man. He's on his way He's gonna score pro-home no chances he slides in feet first meryl into third A two run triple and a six to nothing Hadre leave and first pitch swinging peralta sense one in the air to deep right daylock cruises back at the wall looking up Gonna go How about a birthday blast for david peralta his second home run of the series And now eat to nothing here in the third baseball schedule on full display On one hit in the air to deep left field pro far is back kind of twisting around he will jump and it's going to be over the fence a home run For joey bart got to do a three or four rows up over the left field wall Number 11 for the former giant and the pirates will not be shut out for a second consecutive day eight to one here in the sixth and here's the elin one kind of holefe in the air to right field long run peralta towards the line Gonna have to play it on a hop If a cruise will come home from third base everybody advances one station An rbi single for isay a kinder falefa and now an eight to two game here in the ninth and i went to again to konner Joe he takes and strike three call filthy slider for more a hone and the ball game is over Audrey sweet the pirates here in 2024 They have now won 19 out of their last 22 games and they outscore the buckos 13 to 3 In taking three straight here at pet go Yeah, you know what we've talked um quite a bit ace about the contributions from the entire 26 we again on display today Wait, he goes out Crafts two knocks scores you run makes a good, you know does a good job in the base run and play Um, you know full bore ready to score and that ball in a rise. Um, you know Reynolds comes in clean inning So we're getting the contributions that um we want and are grateful for from our all our club Padres with their 69th win of the season nice moving a season high 16 games above 500 They have won 19 of 22. That's the best stint in franchise history And an eighth straight series victory that already clinched that but make it another sweep for your san diego pontres who continue To absolutely roll and as as jesse said three runs before you made an out and it turned out to be enough for the entire The entire win because the pirates only got to the entire game Nice job by martin perez again in his third start as a pod rate Five and a third innings five hits just the one earned run I think he's given up four solo home runs accounting for all four runs and his three starts That he's allowed gets his first win with the pod restruck out eight he strikes out more than I always Expect him too. Yeah, because he's not you know, he's not a flame thrower But that that pitcher that breaking ball has been very effective And I want to I want to throw all the praise in the world on on Ruben de abla for what he's done but martin perez actually said Actually figured it out the last start in pittsberg where he threw like six shut out innings And I just kind of rolled with it once I got here to san diego. Obviously they've helped fine tune and he's he's given a lot of credit to He has but but technically he said I kind of I kind of figured it out before I even got here And it's just kind of been rolling through once I once I joined the san diego pod race There's a lot of things about this gig that I am massively grateful for every day And there's just one little thing that I got to see yesterday that I'd never really seen before As we were they were about to close the clubhouse Probably now we're kind of standing by the logo And I just kind of glanced over to my left and it was Ruben And it was campy and it was martin perez sitting at this table big giant box of donuts I did not I was gonna ask somebody if I could have one but I didn't know I thought thank god I'm glad you could you imagine can I get one like I am so sorry about I'm so sorry the three that was that would be your contribution eating one donuts so no one else did I'll eat all of them keeping them afresh and fit healthy and ready to go for the game Correct. How did you gain all the weight? I ate all the donuts in the pod race clubhouse, but I will say this that box of donuts Sat empty, but the donuts it did not sit. It sat on touch. No one no one got any so they're very focused But that wasn't the cool moment the cool moment was seeing those three Over there putting their heads together going over the charts the plan that was cool And it was just a brief little thing that I got to see kind of walking out the door But I went oh yeah the meeting they did the the meeting right there about how are we gonna attack these guys? What are we gonna do pretty cool stuff and uh martin perez I mean, I was watching the slow mo of some of these changeups and stuff last Yesterday phenomenal just a phenomenal attacks the zone the whole thing in a total total competitor I don't know. I don't know, you know, let's just ride this wave of martin perez coming in and being a six inning seven inning shutdown guy Uh, I don't know how long it's gonna last. I don't care. He's been so good since he's gotten here Louisa rise had another a two hit game to buddy for rbi double in the second inning He's up to his league leading average back to three oh seven Always amazed that he's been doing this with a torn thumb ligament. Yeah for the last month Jackson maryll two for four. He heard that two run triple in the third inning Another multi hit game for jackson the david peralta home run two straight days with home runs for david peralta I like the birthday blast call that was that was good by jesse and ultimately Mike shilt's strategy of using his high leverage relievers in the three nothing game on Tuesday Looks pretty smart in in retrospect because he did not have to go to his high leverage relievers yesterday Brian hoeing Sean Reynolds pitched they got a drink more a hone in for an inning after he was coming off the flu Shaky, but just trying to get him some work there in the ninth inning after he had been battling the flu stuff look good And you know, so all those guys though, um, you know swarez adam Scott Yep, they're the back end of the bullpen plus um Plus, uh, any of the other guys who didn't work now get two days off at least because of the off day today So a real chance to kind of reset as you go into What is now maybe the last toughest stretch of the season coming up 18 games in 18 days Beginning in the toughest place for pitchers in major league baseball coars field against the team that has been your personal nightmare and nemesis what's that record? 4 and 78 or something against them. Uh, there's your how many I don't I don't add Yeah, four and six this year. You can still win the season series You got to sweep them. Yeah, and they have played uh, they played well against your san diego potteries Now you won't face austin gomber the the personal nightmare steve carlton of the Rock in this series coming up Uh, but uh, I I have no illusions that these are going to be three easy games even though the rockeys are a last place team How many wins do we have? 69 Well, um, okay. Good. Yeah, that's nice. It's very very nice. Now. What is 81 minus 69? 12 If they win 12 more games, that's what 69 that's what that's what we all had Basically as our that's what they're gonna win. They're gonna win 81 games and boy They were on a pace for it. They were really really on a pace for it for a lot of the season Uh, it just can't be said enough How great this has been. I'll ask you guys this. We're a pretty positive show. We like to get excited when the team's playing well I feel like we've done a good job there But I also feel like the fact that we're still kind of watching the other teams and what they've been doing I feel it hasn't taken away Not from what the potteries have done But taking away your joy a little bit just because you almost never gain any ground on anybody And like it makes me Now yesterday you did get one big game on the dodgers on the dogs to the milonky burrows five to three to snap They're five game winning streak. So you're now two and a half back Diamondbacks one again though. They never lose. They never just just assume Never long just assume the diamondbacks will win the rest of their games this season that'll then when they do lose It'll be a nice surprise at some point, but they clobbered the Rockies for their six straight when they swept the Rockies So that's the standard that has now been set for the pot raise This weekend so both teams two and a half back both teams continuing to leave the wild card race by Four games over the Braves who clobbered the Giants and may have May have kind of put a stake in a lot of the Giants hopes this season I saw a lot of grumbling about bob melvin from the bay area The old tweet that the in hindsight You know Maybe when he was struggling with the san diego potteries that should have been a red flag last year that we shouldn't have been so eager To go out and hire a snatch him No idea if any of this is bob melvin's fault this year with the san francisco giants But they were really disappointed with that series getting swept by the atlanta braves met swan So there's still six games behind the pod raise and diamond banks the first team out Cardinals are slipping though. They lost to the reds their cardinals in the standings with the three-game sweep fillies won they snapped a four-game losing streak so You know most of the teams continuing to win and match the pod raise in the pot in the playoff chase But I think the fan graphs now I mean, it's not a sure thing, but I think it's up to 95 is what they have as the pod raise odds To make the postseason if they go there's 40 games left woods if they go 20 and 20 that's 89 wins That's 20 and 20 which is quite I mean we feel shot if they started, you know, just playing 500 ball right now would go what happened to you Which is yeah, what happened to this? Chance making the playoffs projected record 91 and 71 Okay, yeah, I mean 91 wins would be that's 22 and 18. Yeah, very very reasonable gets you to 91 very doable Um, no, and again, I'm not trying to play and that would actually be kind of a let. Yeah, yeah, exactly And I'm not trying to throw cold water on anything Uh, obviously anything's possible, but I I have loved every second of this don't get me wrong, but it is it is Paulie and I were walking at Paulie and I yesterday when we sat down before the game. I looked at Paulie I looked at my phone. I go just like this. I go f in three nothing diamondbacks already It's the first thing Paul. You're you're joking. You're kidding me And then yesterday I turned on the dodgers brewers games. I watched walker bueller Walk the bases loaded And then watched the brewers get nothing out of it and was like you have got to be kidding me As the whole world against us now the brewers didn't end up winning that game But yeah, man, it it doesn't It makes me very proud of what the guys are doing, but it's also like Isn't this isn't this just the way it goes? You playing the best streak in franchise history and solar so is everybody else that you need to lose It's crazy so hard not to get too deep into the scoreboard watching me too. Me too. September one It's on I know right now. Just enjoy this run that the Padres are on. You can't control can't control it The diamondbacks winning or the dodgers still winning You just there's nothing you can do about it until you're playing them. Yeah, yeah 100% but uh, I'm I continue to just remain so impressed with what these guys have done It's truly staggering then how you what uh, you're did you become a fan of the san diego pajres? I as soon as I can remember baseball probably 79 80 My first game right around 1980 it's been a long time There's been a couple of world series appearances. Yeah appearances What where does this team rank is it this this was this streak this the last? I mean, would you say 21 out of 24 or whatever? What's what's the franchise record that they just said? 19 to 22 that they've won 22 so This team reminds me now when I in 1984 when I was very average first half of the season when I was nine You know, you didn't really know better But obviously it was special because they'd never done it before they'd never gone to the playoffs is 15 years They've never even been there so that was a very special season and then you had the The series with the cubs and the playoffs and just the excitement around san diego But there was not much of a race. They just played solid baseball most of the year To me this reminds me more of 1998 that was a very magical Year for the san diego pajres had steve finley's early grand slam walk-off winner and it did feel a bit like Team of destiny the way they played throughout the season. Um, can you let your mind go there? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. This is this is I think from what i've seen so far one of the top three teams in pajres history now History will judge them on what they do in october assuming they get there And if they you know go to and done in the wild card round, we're not going to have that fond of memories But in terms of a team playing together in good baseball I know they were just 500 basically if the all-star break, but this is definitely This is definitely one of those special seasons as a pajres fan. There's no doubt about it It's been it's been very very special and um, I I think it's becoming a special season not just a special three weeks I speak and I feel almost like i'm taking it for granted a little bit So i'm going to try not to do that, you know what I mean I'm taking it for granted in that when we get down Uh a couple of runs i'm like i'm not worried You know, I don't have that same angst that i've had because I've just really enjoyed the way that these guys have played the game a lot of credit to a lot of guys In that club house the skipper the pitching coach the bullpen coach And of course the players who have just really been stubborn and and refuse to lose it's been pretty cool And the formula for success is a rather simple one. Uh, this is also pointed out in the ut this morning Uh, they have been hitting better than anyone in the league 289 average over the last 22 games And they have been allowing fewer runs than any team in the league 3.1 per game when you hit better than everybody and you pitch better than everybody You're going to win a lot of baseball games. That's what gets good. Now you remember mike shilt said Hey, we just need to marry up. We've been doing some hitting we've been doing some pitching We just need to marry those things up. Well, this is what it looks like After some wedded bliss of hitting and pitching together at the same time However, even though the trade deadline is over could there still be players out there for the pennant races an interesting story popping up this morning that we'll get to coming up next year on 97 3 the fan The theoretically you'd think that rosters are now set there's uh, the trade deadlines over there's no more waiver trades So I said it yesterday. Yeah, these are the teams you have to live with you get what you get you don't throw a fit but there is a potential Option out there for teams that are still looking for help now if you remember last year The uh, los angeles angels got to the deadline and tried to make a couple of moves to to improve their team didn't work out They were they made them buttload. Yeah, and they were clearly out of playoff contention But it was too late. They couldn't trade anyone away But they said well, why do we want to keep paying these guys if we're not going to go to the playoffs and they DFA'd uh, hunter renfro and a couple of other players And now there's some thought and ken rosenthal did some reporting on this in the athletic At the texas rangers may may go the same course this uh, this post deadline season the rangers who are Very padre like from last season in their in their approach to the deadline. They kind of They kind of bought on the margins thinking they they got a little hot right before the trade deadline Bought on the margins and have again collapsed and are out of it They won't be defending their world series title this year, but they didn't trade off their they're good players The guys who are going to be a free agent to be so now they're just stuck Finishing out the string of the rest of this season with no no real chance to make the post season And no way to trade away some of the guys they could have but they don't necessarily have to pay him and ken rosenthal Suggested at least that it's being discussed that they may Just dfa a guy like nathan ovaldi Who was uh last year's, you know world series pitching hero for them And get out from under the rest of his contract this year, which is only about 2.7 million He's got a vesting option for a 20 million contract next year, but he's a good pitcher And he didn't stop there. They said, you know, iandrew haney who's another one of their starters relievers david robertson kirby Yates hosela claire could all be Uh, just let go and the rangers could save up to like six million dollars the rest of this season They know they're not going anywhere. Why not just save that money Of course, this would have a huge impact potentially on playoff races and either the national league or the american league because If they do that They immediately go to the waiver claim system and every team based on reverse order of record Could put in a claim for those players including the san diego padre so You never can have too much pitching woods The problem here though is that I would think that teams that are now below them in the standings like the braves or the meds or even you know the cardinals Would get first crack at all these guys and could bolster their teams While the potteries just watched helplessly they could put in claims, but I would not get any of these guys and I To me This is not what baseball is supposed to be in the last couple of months of yeah getting some You know, if you will in my opinion like if you want To get the rental player that's what the trade deadlines for and but it's going to cost you and it's going to cost you More than money. It's going to cost you prospects. Yeah, and you know pieces of your future and and I don't know man. I look I mean you asked me if I want Nathan Yavaldi on this team for 2.2 million Dollars the answer is a resounding. Yes, and I could probably be convinced of Andrew haney even Kirby Yates, maybe you know, I mean, but You just mentioned three teams. I got him imagine St. Louis Cardinals the New York Mets. They're gonna be all over man It's not like your fantasy football team where you put in one waiver claim and you go to the back of the line You know how that works. Yeah, fantasy football now you can you the same team could claim three guys And if they have a worse record than anyone else who has made the claim they get all of those three guys No, they'd have to find room on their roster and you know potentially send guys down to the miners or DFA their own players at that point But if they think that they could help and you know for a playoff push We'll see if the Rangers actually do that. I think it's It's a bit of a betrayal to your fans even though you're out of it just to say save money I mean you can make the argument. Hey, we're not gonna get we're not gonna get there this year Let's trade for prospects in the future. These guys are free agents to be yeah, we're building for the future When you DFA a guy that you're only saving money into the owner's pocket. That's right and the owner can say well We'll reinvest that in the team next year. You know, that's an extra six million We we'll have to play with for our roster next season, but it's still a bad look Brothers came out five hours ago this piece by Chad Jennings the athletic and Chris young himself gm said Where we are in the standings we have to start looking to 2025 and beyond And how we're going to bounce back from this we are starting those conversations um, yeah, I I think you know, I look if we got him i'd be elated if somebody else got him and he came and show If the Mets get him and he goes in shoves against us i'm going to be furious But if the podrays, you know get evolvedy The diamondbacks aren't going to be happy about it. The dodgers are certainly not going to be happy about it. I mean Uh, he has all it's fair and baseball But this is not what the trade the trade deadline was designed to stop this from happening right during the season They stop the waiver trade deadline So you would have to be locked in for at least a couple of months like the team that you're playing in october At least you're seeing them in september and august But this throws a monkey wrench into the the whole business Of late season moves just for teams that want to save money forgive mine Yeah, you can if you get dfa now by your team and you get picked up by another team You're absolutely eligible because somebody just put it In the the chat somebody brought a kody ross getting picked up by uh, the giants in 2010 They picked him off off waivers to block the podrays They were behind the potteries in the standings at the time. They won the world series not You know kody ross turned out to have some big knocks for those guys down. So you you are playoff eligible Yes, I think there is a deadline. There is enough eligibility, but it's not yet. It's september I think so yeah You'd be able to pitch in the post-season a guy like evaldi who has tons of you know world series experience very recently last year Valuable commodity if they decided to let him go but they can't trade him They can't get anything for him They can just save the money and throw him to the sharks, uh, whoever wants to claim him Brandon says uh who has priority between the debax and podrays same amount of head-to-head wins I don't know that a guy like evaldi is going to get to the diamondbacks or the podrays I really don't so the tie I don't think so either the tie break at this money if it was today if they did it today The tie breaker actually goes to the diamondbacks based on division record. That's why they're listed first in the standings Now that won't come into play because there's no way they can finish head-to-head tied They're five and five. There's three games left unless one of those games gets rained out in Arizona Which seems really unlikely given both the roof and the Arizona weather They're going to play those three games and someone's going to win the season series and have the tie breaker Between those two teams, but right now I think theoretically the podrays would be first in order based on the tie breaker We're the rangers the only team that can because I know the uh, the wrong one that was the was mentioned The rockers could do the same thing. They aren't the rockers already did it to Diaz. They're catching He's already been DFA. Somebody can pick him up. I met rizario is DFA by the dodgers No one's snatched him. That was more of a roster clearing move and a money-saving move for movie bats. Yep Um, so yeah, I don't know what's uh, I don't know what how many teams are going to be interested in doing this But there could be potentially another arm out there to help you need a contestant for real or fake If you want to call in chance to qualify for the trip to las vegas 833 288 097 3 dial now 833 288 097 3 There's certainly some talk and they probably should have talked about it last off season two About implementing a rule where you can't just do this at the end of the season Uh, and and that may be something that's discussed, you know, winter meetings and and putting some sort of procedure into place where teams can't just DFA players to save money And then just throw them all out there on the waiver wire in the last couple of months of the year after the trade deadline But right now I don't think you can change the rule at the moment Rangers know what they're operating under and they have the option to do that if they want to do it like the angels did last year Man could be really really interesting I would I just I would hate for that. I would hate for a vaulty Even if he was on the pot raise. I mean, I'd like it more if he was on the pot raise But for that guy to be like pivotal In a playoff race for a team that didn't have to do anything to get him other than luck into him essentially Doesn't feel right. I mean again. We we played. Do we play the cardinals again or no? Yeah, we did four against the cardinals coming up. That's a cardinals both coming up soon You may have to face one of those guys I would really hate that and you know the mats have money You know the cardinals probably that everyone's got two even the pot raise. I think you have enough Everyone's got luxury tax level if they wanted to do that everyone's got 2.2 right chris young come on doll Just hang on to do us all a solid We'll pass the hat if you really need exactly you need six million dollars or whatever We'll we'll we'll make it happen for you. We'll sell some t-shirts or something All right, that's uh, that's just an interesting story that I ran across this morning that I wanted to bring up I see some collars. Let's get to it. It is time for a throwback thursday game of real or fake Some are here for the compelling sports talk with bennon woods You can go plow through another donut It's time for real or fake on 97-3 the fan tell the people what they'll win today But what we're playing for is a chance to win our grand prize at the end of the month It is a two-night state resorts world las vegas and two tickets to carry under wood Reflection at resorts world theater. Her residency now underway. You can get your own tickets at That's a and rw Paul you want to help me pick one just just anyone just pick one. Let's try line four. All right, uh, caller. Who's this Josh hello, josh. Hello. Hey, how's it going guys? Good buddy. How you doing? What's your name? Josh it is josh. Okay, josh you are our contestant today on real or fake. Here's how it works Uh, we've got seven uh items here if you can separate the real from the fake four times out of seven You'll qualify for the grand prize woods. He's here to help you instead of playing against you He is your biggest ally in this game today. Right. I have no interest in winning this Except for you like this doesn't do me any good. All right. Um labor day is just around the corner Peak travel season here in these united states of america. I'm on staycation right now as we speak So today's real or fake should be good For the frequent flyers out there our game today is a simple one I'll give you a city name and a three-letter airport code You have to tell me if it's real Or fake like if I said san diego sa n woodsy you would say Uh real real obviously that's our airport code here. So if I said los angeles and I said los You would say fake because that would be la x you understand josh how this works Oh, yeah, I work in an airport. Oh You can just give it to him now. This should be the the easiest game This is like when cliff gave history Cliff clavin went on jeopardy at cheers and they had like the mail. Wow. This is giving me embarrassing Loses though josh now the pressure is on. I think we just need to go to the next call Oh, no. All right. Here we go round number one real or fake airport codes Des Moines d es real or fake? Josh, I do believe that is real. Yes, it is. That is fake Oh for one. That's called josh Kidding. Let's go to round number two. All right. All right. All right Detroit d t w Real or fake? That one is correct. That is real I was gonna say fake. I thought it was d e t. No, it's not d e t All right. Let's uh one and one. Let's go to round number two three San Antonio s a t real or fake josh What do you got anything? San Antonio s a t s a t. I think that's real. He thinks it's real josh I'll go with it. Have you ever been there? Yeah It's real. Very good. Remember the Alamo? All right. That's too correct 960 on my s a t. Yeah. This you kind of like this s a t better much. All right. Round number four New Orleans, NLA real or fake? I'm gonna say fake for that one fake. Nnola is fake. It's actually MSY That makes sense for the the moistant stockyards where they built the airport to begin with. I didn't know that one. All right. That's three. You're one away from a win. Let's try this one. Kansas City KNC real or fake? Josh That is fake. That is fake. MCI mid-continent international. And that's a win for airport Josh. That's quite well. I like it. It was airport Josh from now on Josh Portland, PDX Woods. That's real. That is real. Yeah. Buffalo. BUF. Real. That is real. All right. Good job, guys. Josh. Hang on the line, Paul. Then we'll get your information and put you into the drawing for the grand prize. Get away to Las Vegas later this month. Oh, hair in Chicago. That. Okay. So there's two. There's the Midway. Yeah, which is MDW and then Oh, here is ORD. All right. Yeah. That's so big. You're Chicago guys. Yeah. You know that one. Yep. Oh, all right. We've got a don't do this is coming up next on Ben and Woods. And it always does. It always does. Oh, I wanted to bring up the uh what happened to golfer Hideki Matsuyama on his way back from the Olympics to the FedEx Cup playoffs that are starting. I can't wait to hear it. Gnarly story here. Gnarly story. So I'll get to that and more coming up next with Ben and Woods after a check traffic here on 97-3 the fan. Don't do this. I got to lose the prize for your new fan. Don't don't do this. Listen, if I was something something bad, I mean, tell me I'm a bad boy. You know, just tell me I'm a bad boy. Why? Just why? I get the argument. You don't have to explain it to me. I'm not a moron. Let me tell you why I am a dumbest. It's time for don't do this. Don't do this. I'm 97-3 the fan. I jump into a don't do this two things that make you shake your head and then a positive do do this story at the end. I will begin though. So Hideki Matsuyama golfer PGA tour just won the bronze medal at the Olympics in Paris and was on his way back to the States. The first leg of a FedEx cup playoffs begin today actually in Memphis, Tennessee at the the FedEx in Tennessee and on his way back though, they'll stop over in London where he, his caddy and his coach were all robbed. And in the incident, Matsuyama said that his wallet was stolen. Wow. And his caddies showed to his his passports and visas were stolen as well for the coach and the caddy. They were robbed like a gun. So the details don't say if it was like a hold up or if like they were just all in the same like hotel room and it got broken into and stuff that stolen or something or something. They just said they were robbed. And unfortunately because his caddy and his coach had their passports and visas stolen, they weren't able to travel to the United States. They had to go back to Japan to try to get expedited paperwork, but he's not going to have his normal caddy or coach this week for the tournament. Now there's one big piece of good news that came out of this. Matsuyama said that his his obviously passport wasn't stolen and his bronze medal was not stolen. He had it, but they didn't get it somehow. So he was able to somehow hold on to the bronze medal. But he's had to now to start the playoffs this week, which of course, three legs of the playoffs culminating in the tour championship in Atlanta in a couple of weeks. Some big purse this week. Yes, you know, Scotty Sheffler said yesterday that he called the playoffs silly. And I can't imagine the PGA tour likes that, but he's kind of mad because he's always the he's been the first guy at the end in first place going into the tournament. And he gets a little head start and under a big place. He doesn't play well there. So he never wins the FedEx cup. And he goes, so I could win every tournament all year long. But if I like get a sore neck and have to pull out of the last, I get 30th place overall in the FedEx cup because it only comes down to the whole season comes down to one tournament. It kind of gives me vibes though of we had too many days off and we got to set our pitching rotation and we got to give guys rest. I mean, he's trying to create some drama. He is pretty much just pooping on it going like this is not really the best way to determine a season long champion. But she's played by giving me a two stroke head start at the end after I've won seven tournaments all year I get a two stroke head start on the second place guy. But he's not wrong. But it's also bad luck. Yeah, it's pretty better. What's he? Yeah, you're up. It's an interesting story here. It's a it's a multi layered. Don't do this. Tottenham, the English Premier League team has to spend Tottenham Hotspur have suspended Eve Basuma for Monday's Premier League Opier Premier League opener. After the midfielder posted footage on his social media of him huffing nitrous oxide. This is like the guy in the NFL draft with the gas mask. Now, Laramie Tunsell. Laramie Tunsell hosted somebody else. This guy on his own Snapchat. Hey, what's up? And he's taken shots hits of nitrous. And so there's a couple different don't do this. The nitrous is illegal. Yeah, or wherever he is illegal. Yeah, I mean, unless you're a dent. I hope to get some today on but I'm going to the dentist. Do you ask for it? 100% it's phenomenal. When you're at the dentist solve, that's what it's for. Just be careful. I've seen little shop of fours. I have not. So I don't know what you're referring to. Remind. All right. So he posted it. It's a class C drug and he posted it on his own Snapchat. So again, you're also an elite athlete. Nitrous can have really devastating effects on your body, your nervous system. The more and more you do it. I was confused. I was thinking helium for a second when you their voice changed. Just to be funny. Yeah, you post a funny video where you inhale. Let's throw a top note. Who would do that? How do you do that without the helium? You can do that. That's amazing. It's so dumb. Dumb. It's a dumb thing to do. It's also a dumb thing to post. I don't get a stop. Stop posting your illegal transgressions for the love of God. You're already famous. You don't need the clout. Now you're going to get. Now you're suspended. So smart enough out there. I forgot about the story. I want to hear Woods do a segment entirely and so hard to do. Oh, yeah. Roman says Kanye. Kanye. That's kind of what his trip has been the last couple of years. Whatever calms the nerves. Yeah, this is the same thing you inject into your engine to make it go fast. You have to. Yeah. It's got multiple uses. All of them illegal. You cannot listen. You cannot do that. Yeah. And doing a helium video is very funny. I'll do that at one of the kids' birthday parties or something. But man, dude, it is a bad look. All right. Speaking of bad looks, Chicago White Sox have been a bad look all season. However, we'll give them a little do. Do you need mega do you at least what they announced yesterday after putting together the quality 29 and 93 record that they have. It was time to send out the old your season ticket email and to their credit, they did not. They did not raise prices. They did not keep prices the same. They said we are going to lower prices by 10%. We're going to knock 10% off your bill. That seems to me even a little light than what kind of season they had. I'm thinking 40 is probably the right number. I know we had the whole discussion about the Padres 3% increase. But at least the Padres are 16 games above 500. That's right. The White Sox are 64 games under 500 right now. 44 and a half out, I believe a play. I'll put the middle in it. 64 games under 500. That gets you 10% off. Maybe send out some buy one, get one free coupons as well. Honestly, now that I think about it, I don't know if you pay $2,000 whatever for your season tickets. You'll not be 1800. I don't know that I still have trouble with that. Yeah, maybe it's a don't do this. In fact, maybe you should have gone 50%. It's not enough. I don't think in my opinion for the the White Sox. Here's the quote from Brooks Boyer, senior vice president for the Chicago White Sox. We understand where all the ticket prices are, whether it's season ticket prices, secondary market. After looking at that, understanding where we are organizationally, we thought it was important that it's something that we do for our season ticket holders who have been very loyal to us. 10% off. It's not enough. You know what? If I go and I see a sale in the window and they say, 10% off, I'm just walking straight by. I need to see 30, 40% off before I'm actually in tree. Oh, really? 40% off sale. 50 is a guaranteed buy. No matter what it is. If I don't even need it, I'll probably still owe it. That's too good of a deal to pass up. A lawn mower? 50% off? I'll take that. You don't even I don't even want my own lawn. So why would I need it? But it's 50% off. I'd have it if anybody needs one. But 10% is it's not you're right. That should be it. Don't do this. But I mean, you couldn't have gone the other way. You just couldn't have gone the other way. Yeah, you can't. There's no way. You definitely can't increase ticket price. I don't want to get that season. That is terrible. That's uh, that's don't and sort of do do this for a Thursday. That was don't do this with Ben and Woods 97 3 the fan. All right. We missed him yesterday. He was traveling to Milwaukee, I believe is uh, no. Spoil the surprise of where in the world is Adam Jones. At least I think he's in Milwaukee. I think so too. He will join us next as we talk to him on a big league Thursday. And then a one hour from now, you know, Sarah's will be with us for our smart baseball segment coming up at 835. I wonder he got some thoughts on what the Texas Rangers could do here and how it could impact the playoff races coming up this season. So I will have plenty of time for AJ. That is coming up next. Don't go away. More Ben and Woods on the way on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan. Before we follow up Adam Jones, it is a throwback Thursday and Polly has a clip from Adam Jones. This has got to be what two or three years ago? Oh yeah. Two years ago. Two years ago. He was sitting if I remember on his veranda kind of wasn't he on a yacht? No, he was. It was his backyard. It was like a backyard veranda. It was over. He had a trainee and see he had like a spread in front of him. All kinds of stuff. And we had a hot mic on him beforehand. Yeah, we had him on zoom. Yeah. And he wanted Manny had just done something that Manny does. He wanted to come on and record him saying Manny blanking machada. Yeah. So I was like, all right, let me record. I'll put it record and then I can beep it. And while we were still recording, he goes, Hey, I can hear him in my ear. He's like, Hey, check this out. And he like flipped his camera around. And he was showing us the spread. That's right. And that led to this show. You want to be jealous bastards? I don't know. Look at this. You fat asses. I know you fat bastards want to eat some of this. You rotten, no good motherfucker. And this beer fire hammered fat ass. Then I compared to Adam Jones, absolutely 100%. And compared to most, but also, you fat bastards. What are you kidding me? I mean, obviously we're boys. We're breaking balls. It's what boys do. But it laid me out. I need a jealous and bastards. Look at this. You fat asses. I gave a fat bastard. Let me eat some of this. And can't you? You rotten, no good motherfucker. That's my favorite one. This beer fire. You fat bastards yet was unbelievable. I love. I was two years ago with Adam Jones. He's standing by. We'll get to AJ right after this check of traffic at 97.3. The fam. Oh, he's got a big spread in front of him right now. It's probably brought worse and fried cheese, curds and stuff. And in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I believe joining us is the five-time all-star Adam Jones after a travel day yesterday. AJ, I'm sorry. We didn't get to hook up and play our golf. It'll just have to be next time you're in town. Yeah, I mean, a lot of things. Everything always just gets busy. And seeing friends, especially this week, was tough because it's the last week that my friends, kids were off to college. So spending time with them, trying to just, you know, ease the parents' minds as their, as their young baby goes away for college. So it's, uh, it started to get busy and busier, but it's a blessing that now my friends, kids are going to college and, you know, we're in a different generation now. Yeah, we are, man. And, uh, hopefully you'll be back here full time soon. We'll have all the, all the time to play golf as much as we want as long as you take us with you to your country club and we will play and, and we'll have a great time. You'll always have some golf and buddies in Ben and Woods and Paulie for sure. Uh, AJ, you're always welcome. Yeah, great. Are you in, uh, you're in Milwaukee to what? Watch Dodgers Brewers or what? Yeah, I came here to watch Dodgers Brewers. See my boy, Quentin Berry, obviously San Diego native, Moore's high school, always represented. But, uh, um, every time I'm in the States, I try to come see him. Uh, Sam is not with him now. So there, the kids went back to school. So come out here and, you know, make them laugh for a few hours and just be around them and, uh, head back to these coasts, you know, she the Orioles and then, um, my Guy Marchekis will be getting into the Hall of Fame next week and I'll be there to celebrate him because he was one of my favorites, uh, to watch and to play with. So what a good friend he is just going around seeing all the all his boys. Uh, it was a, and for us as Padres fans, really nice to see Quentin Berry and his, uh, squad get a win last night. I mean, there has been no give. I mean, really, really, as much as the Padres have won, there's just been no give from anyone else. And it was nice, nice to see that, uh, that dub last night. Oh, it was a great win. I mean, it didn't start pretty. Montes gave up three in the first, um, and it didn't look pretty. Viewer loaded the bases up and then Keir Meyer made it unbelievable on double play to on the guy at home. And that just stepped for them. And then obviously, the scrappiness of the Brewers, they just kept fighting back, kept fighting back, put up two, put up three, ended up, uh, winning the game. And that was a great win because obviously the Padres and the, then the Diamondbacks took care of their business. They've been both been playing so well. And again, the Dodgers, they just don't give up. They don't get, they don't let up. And, you know, although the Padres have been playing unbelievable, they closed the gap, but the Dodgers are still playing solid baseball. And what the Padres need to do is continue to play a game. And I want to ask you guys a question because I asked this, uh, I asked this to Lionel Hearn on my podcast, and it's a dumb question, but it's actually something that you really think about it. It might make sense, but I only think it makes sense for the Orioles only because the other teams are too close. So winning the division three to 14s last year, they lost, they got eliminated because they had to buy and they had the five days off. So say the Orioles, a younger team, then the Yankees say they don't win the division. They will still be the third seed. So they get to still host. They only get one day off and then they get to three games. Maybe they don't get time off. They get to keep rolling. Is that beneficial for a team to do? To not win a division, but to win to finish third so that you can keep the momentum going or is it beneficial to take time off? We talked about this. I'm winning the division. Yeah. And we talked about this because we asked you this and I what I don't have what I have a problem with is this is those division winners like the Dodgers. I think who else did this the Braves maybe complaining about the time off and we actually talked about a combo we had with you and Paulie and I had this combo with the game yesterday and wasn't Adam's take a couple of years ago like give me the time off. I can't remember. I think that's what it was. Give me the time off. Give me the time off and my whole thing is and I said it and I stand by it. If the Padres win the division and then they have that time off and then they go out and get bodied I'm not blaming the layoff. I'm blaming the Padres. I really am and I just like I blame the Dodgers and the Braves and everybody else who but I don't like this new system. Well, I mean you had time to get rest. Wait after 162 games. Don't you want that. You want it. I think. I mean you look at no it's kind of it's a hard to it's you don't like I think guys that are going into the playoffs you definitely it's a second kick of adrenaline. I've been I've been in the playoffs and that adrenaline is crazy. I've also seen where my future was going was today's date by today's date. So there's different when you play in last 40 games knowing that you got to go on vacation rather than your 40 games you're gonna be in the playoffs. It's a little bit different motion and I think older guys want the time off. I've been younger guys mentally. I don't it's such a tricky tricky it really because we fought guys fought they were complaining when we had a one we had one playoff game the wild card. Yeah that's only one game only one game. Okay we gave you three. Now on the other side the other guys are mad at you they have five days off. It's there's no making everybody happy. It's just a matter of I think it's great that more teams are going to get a playoff out of the third wild card. Here's how I look out at AJ tell me if you agree. So we always look at the examples of teams like the Dodgers and Braves they get knocked out after that layoff and go well you know they weren't able to keep the momentum going but you never point out a team like let's say the Mets two years ago when they got the home three games against the San Diego Padres they won 101 games but ended up one game short of the Braves at the end of the year. So then they had to play that wild card series and yeah they got it at home but guess what they were out of the playoffs after three days because they had to risk it in the wild card series which is why I think you always want to buy. If you've got the buy you have a 50/50 chance essentially of getting to the league championship series. If you go to the wild card you got a 50/50 chance that went in the wild card and then another 50/50 chance that's a one in four chance of getting to the league championship series. So while you may have to always play a team that is hot if you had the buy because they just want a playoff series you're still already there and you're missing a whole round of risk that could take you out of a hook. Yeah you're missing around a risk that can take you out of the playoffs and to me that's that's the most valuable thing even if it does take a little bit of your momentum saps a little bit of your momentum going into the postseason. And AJ let me do you a little better. Let me do you one better too and I was talking about this with the fellas and in the locker room yesterday. The Dodgers usually in they're done right now they're done they have the division wrapped up there's no threat this is actually going to be interesting to watch down the stretch they're going to get pushed a little bit they got pushed by the Giants a few years ago but watching them actually have to maybe ratchet it up in September really for the first time in a while since that Giants push is going to be interesting good teams like that now they're going to have to actually they're going to have to actually try and go out and execute and win games that could be an interesting thing to watch down the stretch because usually men there their own cruise control the last few weeks they are and but I was talking to him yesterday they they understand they understand that they can't be on cruise control this year and they their two pickups were big with Ahmed and Kirmeyer they didn't add the offense but they add they solidified defense at two incredible positions that they've been struggling that story stop is a position they've been struggling at centerfield out when it's not you know bounce back not a good sophomore year so they've been able to go get two guys in watching the game last night Kirmeyer was able to impact the game tremendously on the defense side he had a good offensive game too but they made some good moves over it was just a question that I had and you know like said I'm always going for the division I think that's when you hang that banner up I don't want to hang a wild card banner on anger ale east or you know west whatever banner up and it was just something that I was thinking about because that it's gonna happen again to a team and they're gonna complain about it again so it's just trying to get ahead of the complaints and be like well we told you this is what it is yeah remember eleven of the twelve teams in the playoffs are gonna lose so we can't just oh they lost it was because of this it was because of that no it's because you got a you got a 96% chance of losing even once you get to the playoffs because playoffs are hard talking to Adam Jones the five-time all-star I asked this a Brett Boone yesterday and I want to ask you the same question potrays are playing like literally the best baseball they've ever played they've never won 19 of 22 games what what do you think you remember like what was the best stretch you were ever on on a team during your career and what was like the key what was the mood just how did that all come together because this is rare and special what the potrays you're doing right now yeah um I think our year was uh 14 where we played every game that entire year knowing that they we still got a chance don't worry about it you know give you down three nothing down four nothing don't worry about it um we played baseball we moved runners we bunted we get behind guys we did all the things at the analytics say you know don't do that we played baseball number one you have to remember you're playing a baseball game you're not playing the numbers game you're not playing analytical game you're playing a game of baseball when those game starts you have to play and adjust to what you see and we did that we wanted to win every day we sacrificed individual numbers and our numbers were still good just as good because if you play a whole season and you can test you can ask man he was there you play a whole season no matter what your numbers going if you're a good player your numbers gonna be pretty good if you're healthy but if you play winning baseball that is the fans treat you differently that like fairs of balls where they loved the way i played the game of pure baseball and the Padres right now are playing that they're going first to third obviously maryl's playing unbelievable but they're just playing fundamentally sound baseball it's not a secret it's not all they're doing this better no they're catching a ball they're getting that foot down on offense they're pitching really good they play great defense they're just playing overall good baseball and again when they when you swing up you pinpoint things just go back to how good are they just playing overall baseball are they turning the double play that should be turned are they taking the extra basis that should be taken are they scoring on singles that the basics when the man on second base that you should score on like are they doing the little things to play now the great plays the home runs the dreamer home runs all that kind of stuff it's cool and sexy but if you don't play baseball draw the walks late in the game you know take if you get it take that hit by a pitch it's okay you got some ice underneath um you know what i mean break up that double play like take just do little things and that's right now what i'm seeing on the part of the city also break they've done all those little things and then again bam you get a big home run make any i keep hearing too on the broadcast i mean jesse and tony we're talking about it yesterday on my drive home from the ballpark uh about the buy-in the buy-in buy-in is key and i don't know that buy-in has been something that's been here uh in many many years i think a lot of that goes to uh to mike shilt a lot of credit goes for that but again i think uh the presence of a a young energetic jackson maryll that he has that in mentality if i refuse to lose did that did a youngster ever come was it mani that you said like when he came in you're like all right here's a little this guy uh get a little arrogant but we know that he can play and he has injected a little bit of life into maybe some of the vets there's a lot of credit that needs to go around but the buy-in from everybody including and sander and guys like that has been pretty incredible yeah i mean i would never use the word arrogant when many ever i would use the word confident confident arrogant to me is somebody somebody that really they're just scared to really do it they just talk a big game man doesn't talk he does and it's good that's confidence he's a miami kid if he was from wisconsin or if he was from michigan and he'd probably be a little bit different uh he'd probably be a tool but he's from miami baby like that's that's just the part that's to miami kids and you know you you you can't have the young dude interject your team and you know what we came when we were you had myself jj marcakus readers and then this young kid comes up with third base and we'll after like three games you're like well damn all right well you know what he got to see that the table because he is impacting this game from the from the first pitch to the last pitch and that's what jackson maryll is doing so he's didn't see that the table i know he's a rookie maybe maybe he's not talking at the table but he's definitely he's definitely getting himself a seat and you know you feed off especially when you get older you feed off those youngsters that just are pushing you because they want to beat your butt too they want to be where you are yeah and you just see yourself in them so you know like a peralta you know who's had the last couple years not is not the years that he had in arizona he's doing a terrific job filling in for uh... but i teach it i talked to me like man is playing with marold obviously he's energetic he's got so much energy so much passion playing with pro-farin it's like the energy that these guys play with him young dudes can definitely be leaders the age factor is not a thing i played with guys who are older more time and just straight morons so i couldn't lead themselves to the bathroom so i would like young dudes i don't mind young dude stepping up obviously there's a correct way to do it and you're better as a dude but no he's like i said he can be right now marrows the team in vp last one here aj you mentioned you know taking the the hit by pitch when he needs to jerks and taking like eight of them in the last week jake took one like 87 to the back would saw the uh the bruise yesterday oh my god in the clubhouse i don't think i've asked this before do you remember the gnarliest hit by pitch you took in your career and and who delivered it you know i've been drilled drilled i've been hitting the hands they i got hit on the wrist by 98 from brain and morrow up and hit on the hand on the hand on his head back ankles the number one was by uh maryland native mama dronoplanko's name he paid for the white sock so and big right-hander and he hit me in like two thousand eleven or some tenor eleven and he just hit me in the back 92 93 miles fast on the back for some i reason for nine or ten days i couldn't lift my left arm like i that was i never i didn't go to dl i've tried to he knew i don't know i don't know what happened i could not lift my left arm and it wasn't the hardest pitch i've been hit with or the most painful but it turned out to be the most lingering and i never knew that when i was like oh this this definitely was it one other one brian shaw was it was it brian shaw no he was a starter he was a starter big old starter dang another one no lefty that no righty um when i was with the diamondbacks you darvish hit me in the lips the lips like ooh it did it it it it watched my it grazed my lips my lips were burning for three days straight how do you like they were on literal fire i don't know how you didn't get in the mouth that you look too cool baby it's just too cool if you can't crazed gravy lips and i was like how did he even chase dick what happened i have never somebody say i got hit the lips i got hit the lips and that being the ball just grazed my lips and burned so i feel like i'm first to be better that is absolute pure gold and it darvish like i'm sorry so my thing so my thing sorry sorry i'm like oh don't worry about it man give me the thing i'm like hey jay appreciate it i have a good rest of your trip in milwaukee and uh we'll talk to you again next week we'll do it man we'll give myself a nice big old brat yeah sounds good enjoy adam jones the five-time all-star always one of our favorite conversations of the we had it yeah hit in the lip super coolers like holy cow hope it wasn't the seams you lose yeah that's probably what it was dude it wasn't the flat part yeah it would have to be the seams just the skin off oh my god that is just incredible wow i've never disappoints man never disappoint that was great all right we will come back we got two hours still to go well three hours because it's around table face day but uh in our next hour we'll have Eno with us for some smart baseball as we do each and every thursday we have more throwback thursday as well mark grants get him making that appearance on throwback thursday coming up yeah you saw mud didn't you yesterday sure did oh it happened again again again we have we have a picture to prove it all right that is coming up in hour number three of benawad next on sandy echoes number one sports station 97 three the fan all right we are happily home on a thursday benawad 97 three the fan our audience is incredible i did get it confirmed with adam jones that it was gavin floyd is the one that dotted him in the back 45 out of maryland appleis maryland yeah he had the details just didn't have the name and then uh one of our fryer jared just found the uh adam jones getting hit by u darvish in the lips and yeah it's it's a pretty gnarly video wow but yeah so that was uh that was confirmed everything's confirmed and now all your questions have been answered here on benham woods this morning i'm woodsy that's paul rindell the executive producer ben higgins is your friendly neighborhood sports anchor and uh we again we went down yesterday poly and i saw the the move is you go down to the ball park you walk in the club house first because there's limited availability and time and then you walk up to the broadcast section you say hi to all of our friends up there and uh we had a chance as i turned the corner it's gonna go back and say hi to jesse and tony mud grant walks right hey woodsy what's up hey mud how are you big hugs and poly walks hey poly how you doing so we start shooting the breeze and i've told the story about mud i've also had it confirmed by don or sillow jesse agler bob scandlin every single human that's come in contact with mark grant the great mark grant is that his favorite thing in the world to do is once he gets you he won't let you go he's got to show you something on his phone we've done uh the the coaches dinner with mud at uh out at pf changs or something out of puria uh for fantasy camp i mean the whole dinner hey hang on guy gotta check this out this uh this theme from help he'll make a reference the theme from fletch right and he holds you know you don't know you don't know i'm sorry hang on one second one second so i told him i said i've now i i'll mud and i are very similar interests very similar and so when he does it's all ball bearings now uh all the the bits that he does i get about 95 of them but there's some that go don doesn't get a lot of mud so i don't know if he i can never figure out if he gets them and just ignores them which i do with you some correct yeah and some of them you don't know but some i don't get i had one yesterday somebody DM me about i said go home and get your shine box we were talking about getting shoe shine and it just went right over your head you have no idea what that is do you i said it was the uh the box where you keep your shoe shining equipment right no it's from good fellas have you seen good fellas i think i saw it but i think i thought i'm quitting i can't show past you you know yes i mean i think you can say i think i saw i think you would know that i think you would know that i haven't like watched it multiple times why not i don't i don't love mob movies i was starting my son and i were trying to watch casino the other day and i i was i've seen at once and we're trying to watch it again casino got about an hour in suffer through i just i just shouldn't be rotting through casino i got a fine new partner this is one of the worst days of my life sorry hearing this you really would be happy with mud we are the same age you are very too much it would be too much it would be what works with us it would be too different i know me and my would be way too extra but so he corners me and he has some slap shot reference now i saw slap shot uh when i was a kid and and maybe watched it one time since but he did not resonate they didn't he mentioned a song from it slap shake is you know i mentioned that song right i go no i that that's like slap shot slap shot i go i don't know man and then he just the phone comes out and so he's he's showing me on his phone Paul he's gonna put the picture in the chat and there he is there's muddly showing showing it to me i've got like five other photos oh yeah exact moment happening he's now he's the goat my favorite part was i wish i would have waited maybe two more seconds before i took the picture because in the background of the picture if you're watching on youtube on our stream here you can see an open door that is the television broadcast where donned and mud sit and just to the right of that is Jesse Aguiler and tony gwen jr's booth and about two seconds after this picture was taken i saw a head just a head pop around the corner and a cell phone and Jesse Aguiler was doing the exact same thing taking a picture and he goes i could hear it happening down the hall yep and i thought i have to get a picture of this like happening in the wild that happens on the plane on the bus anytime that they're together you know Jesse said i at this point i kind of actively avoid mud because i don't want to get hey remember this from uh weird science when we were kids and Jesse's like yes i remember chat from weird science yes i know the whole thing in that movie i've seen about 15 times i bet you have pervert i also watched it a lot when i was a kid okay and i know why you did absolute pervert you are because they were nerds and i was a nerd well there's not many many other reasons kelly lebrock being number one who how did she marry steven seagull just as an aside she just appreciates great musical talent and great martial artistry steven seagull got her channel but man god makes no sense to me but uh yeah mud is just he's the best david just said mud comes by my shop and i can confirm he does do this yeah i mean it's it's very very well known he's in the series hey serie bring up up all new moves there what it was the song i can't remember the song now uh but he brings that up and i like oh yeah cool cool stuff or throw it but uh it also feeds into another throwback thursday we had today coincidentally yeah this was uh two years ago and i don't remember exactly why i think we're scheduled to have mud on just to catch up with mud and he texted me goes hey uh i'm on the road right now you want me to just pop by the studio i said yes absolutely come on in and uh so he came by and let's see where was it here let me pull it up he came in and he we were during doing the rhino report i guess i had a story about a new musical or something coming out and mud just took over and here's what happened by the way green is probably one of the better musicals ever written yeah just a great story great song i hate musicals really i just love by the way speaking of musicals and i'll end on this um i watched la la land about a week ago good one so good so good come on we're there we're there when i can't do don't sing your dialogue and when i leave here enjoy back to alpine i'm gonna stop on the ramp and just get out of my car and you're just gonna it's a beautiful day you know you could sing the baseball game tonight love it i dare you to bust out some sing song tonight oh oh where the wind comes sweeping down the daisy and the wave in the summer kiss yourself sweet when the wind comes right behind the rain oh oh oh my every night my honey lamb and i sit alone and talk and watch a hawk making lazy circles in the sky unreal he's okay carry a tune too good night everybody what are we we're never gonna top that now no we have mud singing oklahoma show tunes in studio he is pretty much we should retire yeah i'm doing fine oklahoma ok l a h o m a h oklahoma wow wow wow wow wow wow pipes for the night ah summer love handling happy a blast kiss i'm some loving happy so fast i met a girl crazy for me i met a boy cuters can be some other than that that that is something you know i want to tell me tell me more tell me more did you get that we forgot how long this what dragged on holy crap that is the only thing that missed was he did not pull up greece no on his phone and show us them singing the song but god i love that man he just wondered then how much does don actually rain him in i mean that's him coming in and sitting down with us don's got to be like hey i need you to show out and do less tell my wife so don't say do less please do less because when she talks to other people she gets real like boisterous allowing us to a little less i bet she does it i bet he does it to mud all the time do less there's nothing you're at a level 10 yeah i need you to bring it down like a little bit more yeah the old tampon down tamp it down big fella here we go it's great throwback though great throwback to a uh an excellent person i think we should probably take this opportunity now is because i did not see uh donor silo yesterday he was in the studio and and just kind of had his head down and working and um we all saw the tweet after the game last night uh where he had announced that his mother had passed away the great donor silo's mom passed away yesterday and i had no idea nobody mentioned it to us you know i listened to the broadcast he just got through it yesterday so i wanted to wish uh donor silo you know give him our condolences and and our love because we we love him i know everybody out in the audience uh loves him as well and uh whatever he's going through with his family right now gotta be a tough one uh for donnie so donnie we love you appreciate you very much and uh you know our thoughts are out to you and your family maryann or silo yeah so tough especially you know don in busy with the season don't know all the circumstances but whatever it is obviously he was close with his mom oh yeah that's a that's a tough one for don we love you we're thinking about you absolutely um yeah uh all right we've got uh you know seris coming up at the bottom of the hour again one of those tough awkward transitions that you've you've thrown i like to throw the bat you guys and then i just kind of sit back just kind of gone we're sorry not your mom but you know seris is coming on here and we're gonna talk about the other uh passing that we had yesterday oh yes there was another you know and i didn't feel right about doing you know shout out for don i don't want to know i was like please don't ask me because i'm not no i'm not going to there's certain you know there's certain you know some some you do and some you don't but we do have a shout out we do have a shout out to his family and it goes and i really hope we can see more unity and more peace when already things are so difficult wallace shall out to his family famous jr wallie amis better known as famous amis the founder of the famous amis cookie company passed away at the age of 88 yesterday um now famous amis i didn't really know anything about his story of you know who famous or even if he was a real person or just some sort of marketing creation but the native of Tallahassee florida opened his first cookie shop in hollywood california in 1975 the brand exploded in popularity over the years and eventually he sold it like to the big companies and and moved out of the the business and it became of course you know the thing you find at 7/11s and convenience stores and it's packaging everywhere but he actually did start of it a mom and pop shop for famous amis i'm gonna say this i bet that his shop on sunset boulevard i bet those cookies were fantastic you get the sense that you know we all grew up Betty what was the place we went uh mrs field mrs fields at the mall at the mall you know you're not i mean i beg my mom please can we go can we go to mrs fields and get one of those warm warm chocolate chip cookies yeah it was a bag sometimes you get the bag of the little ones uh oh my god you just could plow through those but i bet you they were similar to that i will say this whenever he sold his business and whoever bought it turned it into famous amis if you have a bag of famous amis cookies it's i don't want to be insensitive here it's maybe the maybe the worst cook yeah potentially chips oh boy they're not good chips oh boy slash famous amis the juice isn't worth the squeeze there's no juice in those because they taste like little discs of wheat or like flour or there's no juice in the chocolate doesn't even taste like it doesn't chocolate really it really doesn't it's like stale little chocolate chips what do they do it you just bite into it it's just like powder it's a what you do it i've got a yeah what you do it i've got a sweet tooth like a mad man if you couldn't tell it's so the last bottom of the barrel it's like if it's there i'm like how bad how bad do i want it like am i gonna go into grab it like well is it worth it is it worth it for me to satisfy my sweet tooth doesn't even really satisfy it the famous amis cookie because i think i have anything else i think we have them in our vending machine here and they've nobody buys them always in stock always always stuff so yeah so there's more moisture in dry wall so true now here's an interesting fact i did not know your wife Megan's in the chat and she said mrs. Fields was my first job you couldn't have put it would be i'd be so that i'd be so high on my own supply dude you are not allowed to sample any of the products you just have to sit here all day sell the cookies and you don't get to eat a single one of them back what it would be two for you one for me two for you one for me all day i would you they would find me on camera like those things they control but we actually since we heard we actually lost 75,000 dollars this month i don't know what happened i love those things so so much so uh yeah shout out to uh famous famous uh shout out to his family we'll do it again why not right now uh an underrated cookie very underrated cookie is the two pack in a little bag that you can buy at the counter at seven eleven good bacon like fresh thanks me later i'll have an app very elite they are the perfect like consistency the chewiness outstanding i've always been afraid of the baked goods of the rolled goods the roller things at seven eleven the hot dogs i'm afraid of all of that i just don't know where it's been i love the egg salad sandwich it's jucky sushi part of the sushi there is fantastic uh no poly the cookies and the i'll do you one better the brownie there's haven't had the brownie maybe it's maybe the most elite brownie you can get they got the two pack i get the two pack of the oatmeal raisin cookie they're so chewy yeah perfect perfect all right if they have some famous famous in the vending machine i'll bring some in and we'll all have one in his honor yeah i'll go check i'm pretty sure that now we did just get a new vending machine like it may not like a way to go so we'll see uh we'll be able to talk after we chew our way through those cookies is the problem coming forward because we do have to reset we've got uh anoharis saris why do i keep doing that anoharis coming up at the bottom of the hour maybe your fourteen cocktails are catching up to you right now at eight fifteen perhaps and then around the report coming up and then the roundtable at ten o'clock this morning all ahead met a woods quick check a traffic and then back with more here on ninety seven three the fan unfortunately there are no famous amis or i guess fortunately i have no famous famous cookie it's a hoy there's yeah i mean those do qualify as a very dry cookie but they're kind i feel like they're supposed to be that way so it doesn't bother me as much i sure do love a moist cookie moist is that the right word yeah for a cookie well there's that for cake cake probably more is what you're going for a nice moist cake yeah i love moist cake bunt cake bunt cakes are delicious but the i don't like a crispy cookie unless it's very thin even that i prefer that prefer the soft soft ones yeah if you're if your wife goes and makes nestle's toll house just cuts up the deal puts them on the pan throws them in the oven what's your go to what are you grabbing as soon as it's out hey cookies are ready it happens like once a year in my home what is your first how many do you grab off this three three i'm a four three now three is the right number and i make like a how did you gain all the way you for the set you say to yourself i'm just gonna have two and then you have the third one invariably because you can't eat one one is not even one's not one's not gonna happen one to me is like having one beer that's for me it's like what am i going to go have one i like you we could just talk on the phone i'm not going to meet you for a beer you want to talk you want to talk like yearly tradition kryptonite my wife makes the they're small they're like the size of like a little bigger than a quarter yeah peanut butter cookies with the Hershey's kiss on top oh yeah i don't remember what they're yeah bro i'll eat eight of them at a time and in a sitting they're so good but i standard like every time i go one two three four and i pop them in now they're this big i mean they're the size of a this big as you want to make them yeah it's true but yeah the way she makes them they're small that's my justification well i mean i'll eat for them because they're small that is a bigger i would have only had two or two that's my that's one of life's greatest pleasures is it not the cookies fresh out of the it's one of life's best things period the end you walk you go what you're making cookies yeah three minutes you're like oh my god it's one of life's greatest pleasures it's been a once on San Diego's number one dessert station 97 three the fan by me people get mad if we stop talking about desserts so we try to stick to the dessert talk occasionally we'll get off topic and discuss the pot raise and in baseball and sports but for the most part it's really cookies and cakes and pies oh you should see our pie segment is legendary it is breads every single week yeah breads you don't all have to be sweet sweet goods any baked goods really we can discuss on the program yeah absolutely so red velvet yeah overrated mela melises i agree hey i i will i will skip the red velvet today is national um lemon meringue pie day over which uh really yeah i don't like the little foamy top the meringue top yeah no i'm out no meringue oh wow polarizing topics today on dessert radio no meringue no red famous famous dead and gone red velvet is for pervert if you like red velvet you are inherently a pervert let me ask bed do you like red velvet oh that surprised me because you are a giant pervert well you know what makes it red you know mostly food coloring but beets they put beets in it to make it red yeah that kind of lost me there on the beets because i do not i don't like beets i like the flavor i just feel it's very pervy if you like red velvet just very like it's very popular now it is it's just give me a good old apple pie yeah apple pie is delicious all right you know sarah's you know who's um you've been surprisingly productive for your sandy and go potteries this is that Tyler Wade yes dude so he posted his record uh yeah 17 and 12 when Tyler Wade starts which doesn't sound crazy but if you oh no they posted the record of when he appears in a game and it was like oh it was like 47 and 20 or even when he starts uh they play well above 500 that doesn't sound like much but that's uh that's over 30 games so the potteries have played four 30 game stretches so they're actually at 20 games over 500 team at this point with Tyler Wade which is better than they are right now they've been a better team with Tyler Wade starting then they have the rest of the games without him starting doesn't make a ton of sense but he always he does always seem to do something when he's in there had a couple knocks yesterday yeah yeah i mean look there's a Tyler Wade on every single championship team every single championship team has a guy like that they really do i mean you know look back at the Texas Rangers last year maybe it was Travis jankowski you know freddy austin hedges right didn't really do much but he was there you know being the glue guy or whatever but he uh he is is has been a uh a real kind of fun like yesterday he's filling in for a gold glove or at short in hosun kim looks solid defensively he's got a good arm i mean he gets that throw over there pretty well given that he can't get that many reps obviously i'm always super pleasantly surprised by what they've gotten out of Tyler Wade this year and you know they used him a lot the first month when there was the injuries and Manny and they kind of is the forgotten guy for a while because they picked up solano and peralta and they have plenty of those you know the tenth man guys so he went a long time without playing much but he's still when they need him he's there plug him right in pinch run him whatever they need give him some hustle give him some defense get a hit here or there a lot of them work like infield singles that he beats out with his leg with those count just the same i mean he's been a good player for the pod race this year really has and definitely fits in the culture and and you know definitely is loved by the guys you can see it i mean he's the part of the team i you know you know it Bryce Johnson's probably the least productive pod race player this year but even then he's had his moments of being productive so uh it's it's it's been a pretty special group to watch and and the uh the all 26 everyone's got to contribute which is no joke but for the most parking about it's not it's not really all 26 you're all literally you're hoping like 21 out of 26 or doing something for your team and you're just calling it everyone's contributing this case with this team it it almost really is the all 26 mentality for the San Diego Padres this year and and honestly it's been more like 34 or 35 because there's been relievers that are you here and you know like Gillespie who've come up and thrown some innings and aren't really part of the team necessarily but have played a pivotal role even beyond those 26 men on the roster this year for the pod race yeah big fan man i honestly when they signed Tyler Wade it was one of those guys ago he's not going to be here in three weeks so i'm not going to get super upset about it dude but i did say he is the kind of guy that you'll look up and be like he's he's still here he found his way into another big league clubhouse and he's really had now he's contributing and really seems to have found a home and sticking around but you gotta gotta tip your hat to that all right you know sarah's will join us coming up next for some smart baseball on better what San Diego's number one desert station 97 3 the fan oh it's getting serious now we told you earlier San Diego Padres fan graphs over 95% chance to make the postseason it happens when he went 19 out of 22 games uh good things and we will talk with you know sarah's from the athletic about the pod race run and and what's ahead here coming up right after a check of traffic on 97 3 the fan it's time for the super polish just to be named smart baseball weekly segment with you know harris sarah's son of a bitch brought to you by seven mile casino just seven minutes from the ballpark by the bay in chula vista here's you know sarah's with Ben and woods on 97 3 the fan i think i got a tough one for you know right off the bat here today because as the pod rays and diamondbacks have surged and teams like the fillies and yankies and oriles have uh have not kept up the pace they did earlier in this season you look at the top of the just overall standings in baseball and you've got now eight or nine teams all within like two or three games of each other so you know as we welcome you on this morning who's the favorite now in your mind to win the world series if you had to pick one team as your favorite to win the world series who would it be at this point oh that's a good one i told you to be tough because the reason that's tough i think is because the guardians are playing in the maybe the weakest or second weakest division in baseball and even though we pay the teams play fewer teams that fewer divisional rivals than they used to it's still a lot it's still the most of what you play um so i think beating up in the white talks has helped them they you know they're they're pitching rotation is the worst among playoff contenders um and so you've got the brewers with a similar situation maybe so i think the real contenders are the fillies yankies oils and you know the astros are looking that way and then maybe somebody coming out of the west um the yankies are up and down i don't know if i if i trust the rotation the Orioles have lost um you know grace and Rodriguez and so they're down to like sort of one great starting pitcher um i don't know about that astros lineup so i guess i'm gonna take the fillies but second worst record in baseball since the all-star break but with plenty of games to go yeah plenty of games to go we talked about it yesterday you know some numbers came out about you know clutch hitters and and there was a piece somebody put out some stats about you know who's been the most clutch in in late innings and and things like that jerks and pro far was at the top of the list Jackson Merrill was up there as well Bryce Harper was not on the list but doesn't matter to me i'm still not i'm still trying to uh pitch around Bryce Harper when it gets to october i think when you look at them and and how they've kind of skidded a little bit what are you seeing out of the fillies that i know you just picked them to win the world series but they have been in a pretty gnarly skid yeah and i think my point was that you know it's impossible to really name a favor right now you know i i get it i get it and i think part is like you know the one i didn't get to is that you know if the the i would pick the Dodgers if you know i was just looking at full strength lineups um and and some of the full season numbers but they've also been bad recently i don't know they're not as bad as the fillies i guess but around 500 so you know if the Padres come out of the west there's that they can join that list of contenders very easily what i see with the fillies is Ranger Suarez coming back to earth um you know some of their some of their young pitching coming back to earth uh some problems a little bit of problems in the bullpen um and then just some of the natural up and down i think Brandon Marsh taking a little step back recently um but um you know i i when i i was trying to sort of zoom out and be like what do i think of these teams without sort of really diving into the numbers and what i see is um a really incredible you know one two in Wheeler and Nola um with enough pitching death behind them to survive any series that goes long um i see you know clutch you know established major league hitters in the middle of the lineup i don't really see problems at the bottom line of the Dodgers recently i've had a really poor bottom of the lineup but i also see them when they get back to full strength pushing you know more and more of those players out and at some point the worst two hitters in their lineup will be like you know Miguel Rojas and Tommy Edmond or something um but the Padres lineup you know as the same thing once the teeth comes back uh there's very few holes in that roster uh in terms of you know what the lineup looks like um you know i don't know exactly how they'll slot but cease is a is a ones one i think at this point um so they can bang with anybody at the top and they have pitching depth depending on what happens with with udars i do think that matters a little bit uh and they have uh maybe the best or you know second but i don't definitely a top three bull pen um you know with the way it's going so you know they they can bang with anybody and i would take them easily over the Astros and Guardians and Brewers and put them in the class like the Phillies and a full strength Dodgers and the Yankees and Orioles i mean those are the best teams in baseball talking to our pal you know Sarah's from the athletic here on Ben and Woods this morning i don't want to steal your question Benny but uh you brought this up uh earlier in the show we talked about what the Texas Rangers potentially could be doing in the next couple of days and shedding some salary you know and uh which would mean some pretty pretty good arms would uh potentially be available right now you literally stole my i did but i've actually jumped in to steal my question but you said you were gonna lead off with that and then you went with the old who's gonna win the world series so i you gotta like here is that it gets asked you gotta adapt that's a little biddie you know but i mean i can't even imagine i can't even imagine a Nate Yavaldi being out there right and you know i'm sure there's a seven eight teams you're gonna put in a claim on Nathan Yavaldi but there's some besides the Rangers have you heard have you heard anything about that and have you heard about some other teams that may be doing looking to do this and could the pottery benefit yeah the the the trick with Yavaldi is that he could get pretty close to vesting his option and his vested option is 20 million dollars for next year so if you're taking on Yavaldi you're not only taking on a couple of million dollars for the end of the season you're potentially taking on the 20 million dollars next year season so that will actually limit the number of suitors i believe they when they have to be able to find that room in their budget for next year is it's 20 million for next season is that a terrible number for Nathan Yavaldi no i don't think so i don't know i mean worst case scenario he's like a two three instead of you know not a one two but he's an established post-season guy who can give you 150 innings i mean i think 20 million is actually sort of the coin yeah i know some people are like well that seems like a lot but no it's kind of it's the going right so um you know so just to put the names out there i'm actually sure there's a little bit hurt right now but if he you know gets back off of the the mat and feels good he could be on their Nathan Yavaldi Andrew Haney um Kirby Yates their closer um you know those are probably the most exciting names one thing that they'll have to do internally i think is actually David Robinson as well is probably ask those players what they want to do because i don't think that you want to create the idea around baseball that you are the angels yeah do you do you care though since you won since it just the weird thing is is they were you know they they decided to take this look at the the team now with the current record i think you have to give the the world series champs a chance right at the break instead of now had they done this at the break sure they could have gotten a lot more back for these guys other than just salary relief um you know they could have gotten prospects back for the future but they didn't they didn't they decided to go for it it hasn't worked out i don't know man like i do you think do you think they care since they won the world series last year is a little bit easier to stomach yeah i i just think that like they they want to sign up reading for the future and so they don't want to um create this sort of aura around baseball like that you know you could be max Scherzer and i'll cut you for a million dollars yeah you know that's true so so i would just go to these players and and i don't think i think most of the players probably say yeah sure you know i could i could jump on with someone maybe pitching that you know pitch in a meaningful games you know so um i do think that some of the players would take them up on it um and for the chance to compete on another team but you just don't want to cut people that are like i know i don't want to hurt my family and like evolve they might be like hey i want to be on the rangers next year so good point you know so there's i just want i would want to check with them but um yeah i think that's a it's a it's a it and for the pottery it is interesting um you know there will be teams like the reds and cardinals who have worse records um that could jump in but the cardinals at the trade deadline were super skinflin like they turned Tommy Edmonds eight million dollars into like another uh into another eight million dollars you know like they they had no money to spend at the trade deadline so i don't think the cardinals are jumping and the reds don't have a big payroll so you'd be looking at sort of bigger payroll teams that would try to block the pottery so maybe the giants uh could be uh an obstacle um you know i think you know the rain i think the way it goes is it goes to the al fur al fur yep yeah so i guess somebody's gonna jump in but the mariners don't spend much money you know so you know so there's a lot of like cheaper teams over there and you know the pajamas would get a chance before the oils are yank either anything that that's where they would have the payroll to do it so uh i think i don't think it goes all the way through the al does it go all the way through the al i think it's al than nl right yeah okay i should know these rules so should we yeah so i guess that i guess the you know for the egg is normal the question also is is this player better than the player on our roster they're pretty good rosters then you know let me by the way that's a great work kernel budget making it through to the nl so they may be a get a chance for robertson or re-ate if they want to you know the back of the bullpen talking to you know seris from the athletic and uh this is our smart baseball segment and i need someone smart to explain this because i don't get it the arizona diamondbacks i didn't really get the the world series run last year i don't really get the run they're on right now i mean even with the injuries they're 14 and two since christian walker got hurt they're nine and one since gabril marino got hurt they're now three and oh since katel marty got hurt what are they doing who do who do who do they what are they doing what are they doing why is it working so well for them i mean i know they're not a bad team but they're not this good right yeah they're so weird uh one thing that's interesting is that they have one of the lowest with rates high in the zone and uh one of the the highest plugging percentage high in the zone so at a time when baseball is kind of like you know we're going to throw the high four seam or whatever uh the diamondbacks are uh you know just feasting on that on top of that i think that they're you they're very good at the sort of role player thing jock peterson there has has quietly been 58 percent better than league average this year and he doesn't play all the time because he never plays against lefties but against righties to have a guy that that's that's good in the lineup katel marty is you know somewhere in the top five for the mvp this year so you know and then corbin carol you know hasn't had a great year overall but uh it's slugging 500 in the last month so you know he's figured something out and they're also just like really solid everywhere in terms of defense um and i don't like the rotation other than that gallon so it surprises me that they're that they're you know they're doing so well in the last 30 days like uh top three staff too but fought is pretty good kelly's pretty good like they're all pretty good everywhere i think it's kind of the no holes approach where they just they're like we don't really have a hole and then on top of that we have some stars that uh that are maybe underappreciated well and also i think they know they can do it you know they know they can do it they did it last year they got in by the skin of their teeth and i like Tori LaVello and i like Tori LaVello too i think he's a really good manager and i don't think he panicked when they got down early and when obviously you stick with a corbin carol you stick with these guys and yuhaneos Suarez is ripping the cover off the baseball uh probably because i dropped him in fantasy he was losing his job i thought he was yeah we all did we all did i thought he was losing his job but then plays Alexander went back down and you know all the contenders for the job just went away and he's back to plugging again and you pick up Josh Bell and sprinkle magic dust on Josh Bell which is great too that Arizona Pixie dust it's crazy man it's crazy but i think credit to him i think well i think you're right about Tori LaVello one thing that i think that the the number one sort of uh thing that a manager needs to do is vibes manage and i think that one of the things that you do as a manager as a vibes manager is you don't let things get too hot or too cold you know um when you when you're when you're hot enough maybe you give you know one of your uh one of your stars arrest so that like you know the load management maybe you kind of just like kind of take the air out of the out of the tires a little bit because you you want to be when they're down you want them to you okay corbin carol now you're gonna play eight games in a row you know what i mean so it's like you kind of manage even through personnel choices you're managing the vibes of the team and he is just he does broadcast like i'm in charge everything's okay yep you know and like i like you i love you he says that a lot i love you you know it's like he's he's trying to like make them feel like and then corbin carol told me you know he's a good leader i think too he told me that like he would take um all the young players out for dinner uh on the road because they don't have as much money as he does and he knows that they're bonding and their sort of camaraderie is going to be sort of key to the to the future of the team so he's someone who thinks about leadership in the same way that the manager does so it's a good it's a good pairing yeah blue meeting our chances that he's playing in good teams yeah they smash the fillies smash the guardians they're they're taking on all comers right now you know appreciate it as always we will uh talk to you again next week thank you so much yeah i wouldn't bring that up too much as a pottery fan some of the recent schedule has been against some easier ones we know no well they they used to have trouble against those teams so we're actually happy we will actually beat the the under 500 teams you know sarah's are weekly baseball smart segments starting uh brought to you by seven mile casino look you just pulled it up right now the contenders with the easiest and toughest remaining schedules uh from will each yesterday uh there's three with the easy path that would be the cubs the Yankees and the Braves cubs aren't a contender well i mean technically they are but the uh three contenders with a difficult path holds your breath the guardians the royals and the cardinals okay i didn't think the potter is obviously this stretch is huge but nothing is bigger right now the last six games massive but that's it but that's a ways off in the near future two back-to-back series i got four against the Mets four against the Cardinals to me those are eight games out of these next i think eight team that are absolutely pivotal because you the Mets can get back and they're the only team really that you're that worried about they're the first team out of the playoffs and as long as you even split that series you kind of cut their legs out in terms of coming back to beat you but they swept you the first time so they're gonna be confident going in four games at Petco Park that's i think to me the one that i've got circled at least in the near-term future that series against the Mets coming up i think what is that next weekend next weekend the four that's kind of the biggest one yeah the Cardinals four is big but they've started to slip they just got swept by the red so uh we'll see what happens schedule wise going forward all right final hour coming up always got some headlines in our rindle report and don't forget it's a round table thursday our round table pizza padre's round table at 10 o'clock here at 97-3 the fan final hour betta woods on a thursday but don't forget we still stick around for the round table coming up at 10 o'clock if we have time this hour would you send us an espn piece by our friend Jesse Rogers earlier today and i i thought this was just like what a gobbledygook speculation but but he says that major league baseball actually is is discussing it after all the changes they've already made are you surprised that there's an actual move a foot that they could be mandating six innings from starting pitchers mandating please don't wreck your car out there if you're listening to this while you're driving please don't why would you why why would you do this you have to carry the football 40 times a game what is it like if you ever played fantasy football in the last 10 years game's changed yeah right you used to i drafted Marshall Falk and won the league right now you have to have Marshall Falk his backup and his backup because you don't know who's going to get the lion's share of the touch this is this is what it reminds me of it if the NFL came out and said we have to have we have to have our stars on the field more we want to you have to hand your ball off to your running back 40 times a game LeBron has to take 60% of your shots stop telling me how i can win baseball games in 162 you i got 162 games i got a manage and now you're telling me i have to go with my starter for six innings well we can go through some of the details a little bit later but i i will say i'm gonna ask the skipper that's that the rules changes that were implemented the pitch clock the the bigger bases they're good for us they're good for us but they're the view what they did is they've made baseball look more like it did correct you know when we were growing up correct they absolutely have and i think they've worked but i think you still haven't but don't isn't that what this would do to pitchers going deep into games was what we are used to what used to always happen and now starting pitchings a five inning stint max sometimes less than that with openers and and now they act like they're relievers they got a car over guys throwing in the 80s that's the thing man is and also you know you're talking about teams with what did he knows what did you know just say Nathan Evaldi is a 20 million dollar a year starter hey man you have to go six innings and you have to do it every fifth day it just doesn't make any sense i mean blue mean he says the recent changes are good i agree with you it's a better viewing experience for me it's really good at a 640 game when i got to get my ass to bed and i don't have to stay up till 11 come in here and talk about it get up at 4 a.m but river ryan who just blew out his elbow the other day and is going to get tommy john said it's the pitch clock i don't i don't know what it is but i've heard he's not the first player to say hey man these rules are kicking our ass a little bit we're not quite ready for it yet and they did say jesse did say look yeah it's it sounds radical but is it and they would also ramp up for a few years right one more point of context that is in the story if the league ever adopted this it would give teams players several years to prepare change training habits before implementing i i guess there's a couple different questions you should in my i guess false view every pitcher should be preparing to go as much as he can yes like well if you're starting pitcher your preparation should try him i want to be a guy that can go six seven going deep is still a valuable skill i mean i'm hundred percent of my children say that any listen to any manager talk about it save it and you know the ability to rest a bullpen not overtax your relief guys it's incredibly valuable guys who are innings eaters you're still looking for those guys hundred percent the problem is if i'm one of those guys if i'm a starting pitcher in major league baseball and i know i get paid for getting outs and getting strikeouts and they don't really care that i only threw five innings you'd like snow still getting paid even though he i know he threw a no hitter but for the most part six inning guy max you're going to go as hard as you can you're not going to save anything in the first second and third inning and risk getting lit up because you're not throwing your best stuff just to try to go deeper into the games why because if you do get lit up you get sent to the miners you don't get the big contract you throw really well and only go five innings they don't care they're going to give you the big money anyway so there's no incentive for the pitchers to really try to throw deep into the game let me answer Adrian's question quickly and we'll get to the rhino report if my picture goes out gets rocked for 85 pitches through three innings you still got to go up for three more no no he does not it's not at least one more at least one more well so they say some some instances where a starter would be allowed to leave early might include hundred pitches give up four or more earned runs so if you just don't have it they could take you out after four runs or you get injured but then they'd have to put you on the injured list so you can't just fake injuries to take pictures out of the game i just don't know i just it just don't it doesn't seem feasible to me it just doesn't seem feasible do i miss the days of pitchers going out and gutting it gutting it out for eight nine innings yeah man i like that for sure do i like a picture going out and throwing six innings of keeping us in a ball game and then having the ass come in to shut it down you know adam scott swarez yes i like that too in the playoffs you know i i love having an ass in the playoffs to go out and get big big outs throughout the playoffs and we'll see how that works if we make it you know but i just changing all doing all of these things to these managers where you're now telling me i've got to leave i got to leave ben higgins in to get three outs i have you have to face three yes it's the lugees the left-handed you know one guy out those guys slowed the game of baseball down but how how many times did you really see it i mean stop messing with the strategy i got to get through 162 of these man you you got him you got to help me out here i got to manage my way through 162 of these and then maybe the playoffs now you're going to get put more sanctions on me i mean some people would argue if you're mike so you're like well yeah now i can sit back and relax for the first few things no no you still got a monitor them you can still pull them after a certain amount stop messing i think with the strategy of of management it's just crazy to me like it's just not something i don't think it's something you can enforce feels like a topic that's going to be sticky for a while i think this is really being discussed in major league baseball but uh interesting stuff i just don't understand the point too i just really don't understand the point is it is it so bad in baseball that you look at and you say yeah this has got to change just too many guys getting taken out in the third you know too many guys are leaving in the fourth i i don't know i don't know but um i just i don't know and and ceasefire says maybe it's a uh it a strange way of trying to limit tommy johns in order to go six you'd have to throw less max effort over a full season still seems very strange yeah i don't know what i'll tell you this cease fires i can promise you i can promise you rob manfred's not worried about the health of the pictures rob manfred is worried about game time length of game that's his number one if he could get baseball games down to an hour and 20 minutes he would do it i think um calley's all day makes a great point if they ever did this since you would never need more than three innings of bullpen in a single game you probably could get by with less relievers and you go with a six or a seven man rotation yeah you're only going to pitch once this week so we know you're going at least six this inning and pitchers would they would build up innings by going deeper in their games but they pitch less often as well is that an unintended consequence where you're not essentially your star pitchers on the mound is often because well you know you have to pitch them six or seven so we're going to put them on the mound less often yeah this is great matt says i don't mind them incentivizing six innings like you lose your d h or something but to mandate it is absurd yeah man that's you i could probably be convinced in that even though i still think that's a little bit weird but i i that's better than you you have to do this and i'm sure mike shill doesn't want any more mandates we already know how he feels about the three batter minimum i think most managers feel that way as well and uh that's it that's a tough watch poly running a little behind here but if you want to get started at least on the round the report go for it and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the round the report now tuned into the mouth greatest welcome to the rindel report with paul rindel hi paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major link baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindel report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97-3 the fan are you ready to blast the mood i need some help please that was good can i get a whole year all right all right all right indeed morning my friends morning buddy uh so saw a clip going around yesterday of gregmatics and berry bonds and i go with this and it was a clip from an upcoming documentary mlb network has a new doc coming out on gregmatics and it is called as this page refreshes here it's coming out on sunday august 25th it's called one of a kind and it's going to be all about gregmatics which is one of the most elite pictures of all time he was so fun to watch and so this clip that was going around they actually posted two clips but the one with berry bonds and gregmatics so they had them in separate locations at separate times picture each of them sitting in a chair by themselves and they're handed an ipad and it was an at bat of gregmatics pitching to berry bonds in 1998 spoiler alert bonds headed over the wall yeah as he did uh seven hundred many many seven hundred and fifty times or whatever it was so there was a back and forth and it's them taking you through the at bat from the pictures point of view and from the hitters point of view here is a snippet of that clip that was going around and just uh enjoy pretty good cutter that beat him i'm feeling okay about throwing that pitch so he's going to try to float a change up or something that little floater away because he thinks i'm going to speed up because they jam me the cutter beat him so i thought he would speed up i threw a change up and he spit on him i mean that's a pretty good change up right there and he it was an easy take for him i didn't even try i just knew it and now we're playing chess he knows he can't beat me inside experiences taught me that he's probably looking in back then i didn't know it and most of the time i was always waiting for that 92 and back over the plate so i can catch him and i'm just praying for it bonds which would hide a right field of need and there it goes you can't come in the well twice buddy you just can't do it and greg knows because i always have this saying you cannot come in the penthouse without an invite i mean that's a good pitch believe it or not it's an executed pitch but obviously it's the wrong pitch to throw that's one you got to put in the memory bank and try not to ever throw it right there again to him i mean he's the best in baseball and you can't make it easy for him that's the pitch he wants to hit so you have to make him hit something other than that i think that was one i i finally said i got you now it's unreal man i watched it 10 times i saw that because i got i am all somebody somebody putting the chat and they summed it up perfectly this was baseball erotica that's exactly what that was and i could watch 10 hours of great hitters and great pitchers doing this exact same thing and genius idea it just it's the only level two that this works by the way doesn't work in little league doesn't work in high school doesn't work in adult league doesn't work in the minors even really i mean mlb major league baseball is the only league where you can go all right i know what he's got he knows what i like here's what i think is going to happen and i knew the way he spent on this dastardly change up then knowing it was coming was unbelievable they remember at bats the way i remember golf round that's exactly right that's exactly right way back in the memory bank that's exactly right i just call it up and like oh yeah this is what was going on here i loved it by the way i was looking at it was just of our conversation greg manics he would go maybe once once a year he wouldn't go six innings right like he'd have won five inning outing in april and pretty much every other star at the rest of the year was six seven eight or nine for greg manics back in the day i mean he was a super efficient he's a unicorn too and he was a unicorn why don't guys throw like nolan ryan did well nolan ryan was a unicorn why can't guys go the other way like tony gwen well tony gwen was a unicorn you know it's it's what separates the greats from the very mediocre it's great i can't wait for that august 25th it's sunday five o'clock where mlb network and then they are going to be airing uh one of greg manics's best starts of his career i'm all in unbelievable let's try uh wonder if he'd come on again i could try try because he was great yeah that's time they'll play uh after the documentary it's may second two thousand and one he's going up against the brewers he threw a two hit fourteen strikeout one walk complete game shut out over the brewers it's always my favorite matic squad i heard you probably heard it a million times of the one about tony gwen i'm talking about sometimes hitters can pick up differences in spin they can identify pitches if there are different release points or if a curveball starts with upward hump but if a pitcher can change speeds every hitter is helpless limited by human vision except for that emma for toning all right we'll move on i got a uh video game baseball video game story here so last month college football 25 came out a lot of people were very excited about that it had been 11 years since people got a chance to play that game and it's been very successful in its uh relaunch now do you guys remember this was a computer game not a xbox or playstation game from the late 90s called backyard baseball oh yeah no backyard baseball i don't remember never played it never played it it was elit came out in 1997 stark period for me it was on a mackintosh and windows that was the only way you could play it and it was licensed with major league baseball i guess or maybe that just wasn't even a thing yet in the late 90s but you could play as berry bonds kennedy jr and you were on a sandlot field and they were as they were kids yeah you know uh pudrad regas i remember randy johnson and they were just like 12-year-old kids cartoon kids playing baseball and then they had their own game characters i've never heard of this everyone in the middle past my game playing prime but i do remember backyard baseball Pablo Sanchez was one of the just regular generic characters he was he was like 99 everything that he was elite elite so i'll put it up on the chat what it looked like uh bring back a little nostalgia there is uh there are rumors that this game could be making a comeback to the computer i don't know probably a video game would be my guess yeah xbox playstation uh in the likes maybe even nintendo many are saying in the chat that Pablo was the best player they ever saw yes at any level at any league your your dad might say oh micky man all the best baseball player no Pablo Sanchez was the goat and so uh this woman katelyn hendrix uh her bio just says mlb ambassador she's got a hundred thousand followers on tiktok or something like that she was snooping around and she uncovered a social media page titled backyard sports official and it was an instagram page it had two posts including the backyard sports logo uh and then the the cartoon glove catching a baseball and look anybody can make an account and and add a picture to it that doesn't necessarily mean anything but the uh the sleuths did some digging and they believe that this page is legit the linkedin page for a guy named re pin shot he owns the ip the intellectual property from backyard sports and his linkedin includes plans to revive the franchise not just with baseball but with several other sports as well so with you know baseball always trying to get more eyes on the sports young eyes this is you know the nostalgia we we talked about it earlier with twisters and what was that like 30 25 years ago 30 years ago the twister came out that's all we're doing right now we're just bringing back we're hitting that nostalgia people that were my age born in 1990 you played this game as a kid they think we'll get your money as a 34 year old adult bobby bullgreen is on the mound here against hooray garcia it's giants against the wombats you know what they really need to bring back are those rbi baseball names that they made up but on that they've made it try to sound american whatever the japanese rbi was the real guys wasn't it i thought those they had some of the fake guys because i got the list here like ray mixtriff name ray mixtriff we've done this before yeah was that rbi baseball i thought that was rbi baseball i thought it was another one sleeve mikdikle just like my truck kangaroo baseball stars was that was i'm going to feed you your slug fest on nintendo 64 was very good but backyard baseball on the computer it was so much fun i just never i never i 1997 i was and like one of my three or four colleges don't even remember where i was it's dark period 20 like 21 22 years old me yeah yeah so yeah you are yeah no chance i was not sitting on the computer i promise you thank you hang on guys i've got to finish this backyard the whole log yeah i was yeah these uh the those names were just a bunch of guys that were super high sitting around making up names in japan in japan yeah it was so good well they were just combined like names of people like glenn allen mixon right was like glenn allen hillotas nixon with an amm throw it in there just to mix it out but there was one guy i don't remember which brand of his yay sports or some there was a baseball game that i had on playstation or whatever at the time they didn't have berry bonds they like didn't have his licensing agreement that every other player except for berry bonds you couldn't say there was a number 25 on the giant who was 99 everything really good yeah but it wasn't berry bonds bobson dug nut yeah he's on this list too it's great kevin dogeal knee super mega baseball all right raul chamberlain chamberlain chamberlain with a gee instead of a b oh and we ran out of time but apparently everybody's social security number has been hacked and very cool waste so all right i mean so it's out there there's only so many 10-digit numbers out there so they're all i mean just throw me 10 digits it's someone's social security well good luck getting your $300 credit card limit with my social security number have fun how cool i got a credit one card for $300 five two seven eight three oh four zero zero one three i mean someone's out there would you even know what to do with that with somebody's no no i've got you now devious mind like that but again enjoy my my debt that $300 credit one limit and please steal my identity yeah but if you do you get it all yeah the wife the kids the whole thing you take the whole if you take it you're taking all of it some other guy sitting in here no no monday who are you i mean i just stole his identity i don't have his job i have his car i have his family if you're gonna steal my identity i don't steal it take all now that's how you do it that's the deal if you're in you're in a hundred percent get a lot of housework to take care of you get a lot of things to do cool right now two jobs just wait time finish with my staycation yes and then you can steal it if you want all right so we have some more tickets to give away to uh journey and deaf leopard at panko park that is coming up in our next segment stay tuned after traffic you're on 97-3 the fan hello breaking uh soccer news this morning uh according to reports on ESPN has agreed to become the new united states national team head coach instead of Greg burhalter who was fired yeah he's the uh successor to greg burhalter uh if you don't know poketino he was the coach at chelsea uh but has left the club earlier this year by mutual consent after one season in charge of chelsea so uh team USA getting the former chelsea coach maricio poketino to take over the national team which is not me he'll have to be the guy going forward for the world cup uh coming up in the united states mexico and canada in 2026 so a lot will be riding on the new coach and the system that he implements and what he can do in the next two years to get the the team ready for the world cup now i will reserve my comments on mostly because i don't know what i'm talking about but i want to hear what kreg says if kreg elstin's into it then i'll he will i'm sure in their 12 o'clock sports fix will probably have all the headlines and all right have some thoughts on the the hiring of this coach i don't i don't know enough about you know it's just one season at chelsea but you know good enough to be a coach in the premier league so so usually so usually well i would take ted lasso is the coach of the national team fair you can do a lot worse to do a lot worse in ted lasso ted lasso they said the future of ted lasso is in jason sudakis's hands are we done i think we're done i think the last i thought the last i thought it was over kind of that's what i thought but they said it it can come back if jason sudakis is into it and i the last season was whatever but so would you guys want another season i'd watch it for sure yeah i mean i'd watch you if i didn't watch it i'd watch it i got the other day i was scrolling and there was a movie poster for netflix is a new movie coming out next month called heisenberg oh about with starring brian kranston and the synopsis was he is rushed to the hospital and is on life support and is getting ready for his biggest escape ever and he pulls through i thought he died at the end of elkamino it's been 10 10 years you're fine if you haven't seen it probably working to see it's it's fake somebody's made it i'm like when does this come out it's the worst because they've left it out i guess kind of open to interpretation so i'm sitting there thinking okay i'm in it's the worst that's the worst one that gets you like that our paula dominant one of our tier ones has arrived he's in town lives in baltimore and uh he brought us something today these are not famous amazon put them on the yeah what are these yeah why don't i have to hold this on do the two you don't have all right stop doing whatever you do what's going on welcome to the uh welcome back to town yeah big pod race fan where you were at pecco park yesterday you heard our cookie talk oh yeah yeah earlier and you brought us something i've never seen these before i'm a little nervous they're called burr burr g e r s from uh baltimore maryland and they look like jackson maryll's probably heard of these he's had before okay they look like moon pies so it's it's like a basically a delivery system for ganache oh okay so i like that i do like ganache oh my god you're trying one right now i'm here right now you might need some milk holy crap burger like jake burger these are unreal men these are absolutely incredible all right holy cow they taste like donuts i thought it was just like vg's chocolate donut i thought it was just the crab cakes that were the delicacy of uh of maryland but apparently burger's cookies as well it's uh like a whole thing yeah well quite coincidentally dominic is just one of the tickets to uh well no that's not fair that's not fair if you want to win the tickets to def leopard and journey in pecco park you have to call be the fourth caller 833288093 if you want to try calling in dominic you're absolutely available to do that it's coming up august 30th at pecco park tickets are on sale now at but you can win a pair right now 8332880 uh 973 and then we are going to 097 3 and then we're going to eat some cookies then we're going to come back we're going to have a final segment uh we've got a weekend series against the colorado rockies coming up for your san diego pod race and getting ready for a round table in just a few minutes as well all ahead on san diego's number one dessert station 973 the fan all right congratulations to me gail me gail want our tickets for the concert coming up on august 30th journey and def leopard at pecco park everybody else we will have one more pair to give away tomorrow last chance to win this week again you can get your own tickets at if you want to we got like 10 minutes after traffic coming up to finish the show you want to try to get online and talk some ponteras baseball we are certainly willing to do that 833288097 3 we haven't gone out to the phone no it's been a while to get the pulse of the fans what are you gonna say other than things are great things are going really well right now don't change a thing i'm sure mike shilt would love to just push a button freeze this moment in time and just say keep pitching like this keep hitting like this keep playing defense like this and you do that potters will have a very good chance to go all the way yeah but that's not how baseball works no it's not they will not they will not hold on to this for the rest of the season i will i will tell you that they were not 19 of 22 is not a sustainable pace going forward for the rest of the year the question is can you play well enough to get yourself into the playoffs hopefully with a good seed and then after that you just need to win three out of five four out of seven going forward and uh and get your way all the way to the end of october yeah and when potter is you know look they're most likely gonna lose at least one series between now and the end of the year yeah that's going to feel like the world is i mean it really it really will they really will not finish the season with 20 consecutive series victories so it's not going to happen well are we going to why not because why not i don't think anyone's ever done it i mean even the mariners that year when they won 116 games they lost some series through the year didn't they yeah i think they waited and literally until like september it was that they they won a lot of series that year that's true i watched that uh i always go back to the last dance and i watched them the 72 and 10 season for the bulls again 72 wins out of 82 i mean anything is possible and uh this team the way they're playing right now man i'm certainly not going to count them out of anything miraculous what we what they've done a really good job at is avoiding that the dreaded five gamer you know the five gamer where you just can't have the you do feel like the world is ending you keep that up man you keep doing you know even close to what you're doing you're gonna be in really good position all the phone lines are blinking so let's take a couple of calls coming up right after this check traffic good 97 three the fan all right let's go out to a chad chad welcome to venom woods on 97 three the fan good morning how are you good morning i'm good how are you guys good thank you um i'm been listening to you guys for a really long time now um both my dad and i listen all throughout the day between you guys and then Annie and else and then of course uh Gwen and Chris um and we you know love the the whole breakdown of the way that those the weekly daytime goes because it i mean all day long every day of the week you've got something fresh to listen to and something like a different unique perspective and it makes it really nice because i i've drive delivery so i'm out on the road all day long every single day and it gives me something to pay attention to i hear about all the trades and everything like that but my my question to you guys is when you're winning so many games in a row and so many games out of a out of a group of games i myself find that i i tend to pay a little bit less attention to the detail because i feel like the pressure is off so whereas before when we were around 500 trying to fight for a wild card spot you're listening to every single second of every single thing you can get your hands on because you want to know oh are we going to get there are we not are we going to do this are we not but now with all these wins we i feel like with the pressure off we have a little bit more freedom with our time to listen to whatever we want to do or talk about whatever we want to do do you agree with that or how do you grow a hundred hundred percent i mean this job is um we've heard it before uh just a little behind the curtain uh you guys are cheer leaders you need the team to win you need them to win for your ratings and your money and uh nope nope honestly the you could believe me or i don't care the worse they play the better we do that's just the fact of the matter and and i don't want that i don't want to see them ratings i'm happy with if they never lost the gaming because i don't like to come in here and i what i don't like to do is talk about baseball in a football setting and i think a lot of people still watch baseball like they're watching the nfl and it's just it's not made for that and so i i totally get what you're saying we start to show every day lately going well what else can you say about these guys except they're kicking it like for example we have mike shilton tomorrow i don't have the foggiest idea of what to ask this man tomorrow not the foggiest how's it going great cool fantastic and i suggest not asking about his bull pen i'm not yeah i mean that one did right but i just it's just it's so much fun when they're winning it's it rips my stomach out when they're in the middle of a five-game losing streak it really does chat i really appreciate he actually he kind of mike shilton our radio station he did he did like a shield like a full rundown first i listened to the bed and woods from six to ten and then it's uh then anything else to get on crony of three and two and then i love it and gwen and chris leon and you know like how they all broke it down it was very shilt to ask uh but i i hear it both ways obviously if um if they lose too much there is like okay i'm get tired of the same old thing oh hundred percent the old roller coaster they were on is beautiful for us in the first half of the series it really is but i hate it personally keeps everybody on the edge of their seats the entire way through uh but now that we're late in the season though there's always something to talk about in terms of the playoff chase you know trying to get peak performance at the right time of the year how long can you keep this up keep it sustained i mean people panicked about the bull pen usage a couple of days ago even when things were going well you're looking for things that could still then go wrong going forward so i don't think it ever really ends i i do like hearing people talk about the the how well it's going for the pod raise though i love turning into a national show and hearing them talk about the pod raise is a relevant team and how well they're doing uh if you know if they got body the night before i don't necessarily want to hear steve phillips or you know jeff parson talking about the pod raise and what's going wrong but i love when they're talking about what's going right with the san diego pod raise so there's always a mix of everything yeah i mean look and nothing is ever perfect we i in any walk of life you can you can hit the company record with uh with a quota and sales but could you have done better the answer is yes the answer is always yes you can the can the pod raise do better than they're doing right now yeah they can they can't are there better ways to optimize things sure absolutely um but i feel pretty confident in saying that's they're thinking about that too i what i don't see from any of these players uh or management or anything is them kicking back resting on their laurels yeah where's tatice is a good that's a good one i do want to ask him about the the status of fernando tatice jr he is he was an arizona for a little while he was here the other day um yeah i did not see him yesterday we were down there pauli but i just um it is fun to come in and talk about wins and it's fun to come in and talk about winning streaks does it always necessarily mean that you're going to have better ratings when they win no the answer is is unequivocally no no definitely not it's not how it works let's uh get a couple more in here is this uh shawn welcome to bed and woods uh 97 3 the fan hello shawn good morning guys how are you good well obviously we're feeling pretty good right you're feeling great man so so it's it's obviously it's awesome what we're doing and and i'd call me and talk to chris do you have to do that i think part of the reason we're doing this and it goes back to preller doing such a good job in recruiting and trading and yeah but it also has a lot to do with preller keeping his hand out of the cookie jar i think this is the first manager we've had in probably eight years that didn't have this meddling in what he was doing and it's very tough to succeed and i and i think uh that's part of what happened and i think he also changed i think last year i think well again for the last six years seven years the mentality of everybody wants to win so bad and they try so hard but it's always hope there's a runner on base i got to bring him in with a home runner i got to bring him in with a triple and then all of a sudden we strike out and the the culture change let's actually play situation ball just talk about it it has made a huge difference and i think bringing in the new batting coach and more importantly preller buying in and trading for luisa rise has made the biggest difference in what this team does on the i mean even if you look at the beginning of the season on the offensive side where was our rollercoaster all of a sudden luisa rise came in and the dips got smaller and now all of a sudden the dips are gone and it's because everybody had a living example this is what we want to do guys oh it does work and i'll meet and so it's just been i think those are the biggest things that have helped us and as far as pitching goes anybody we get every time we get someone and they say well she hasn't been doing good we're not roving i think he's gonna fix him anyway rooby's awesome man thank you man there's a lot of points he made in that in that call yeah i mean and i agree with a lot of them but i have to point out that one month ago less than one month ago on july 20th so what is that twenty five days ago it's a five hundred team yeah man long after a rise was here long after mike shilted instituted his new culture and you know in playing small some small ball and doing it all it led to a 50 and 50 record yeah at that point the flat average middle of the road baseball team well 25 days ago i i watched so what why did it all change 25 days ago i would give you the answer right now and i learned it from this is not dodger loving because we are big chris rose fans but he has his chris rose rotation and tyler glass now who i i used to really really love i still think he's a i still think he's a really good interview tyler glass now was talking about it the other day with chris rose and he said chris it's very easy um we win and when you win everything's great front office is great the the manager's great the hitting coach is fantastic the pitching coach is great now the dodgers it's funny they actually have played like 500 baseball but look at they're still in first place so tyler glass now says when things start going poorly everything gets picked apart everything don't you feel like last year's pond race team all they needed to do was win some and everything would have been fixed no question about oh the chemistry the bliss that i mean all they needed to do was one one four game winning streak at some point and it like it would have all been fixed and they just never could do it but that's one extra inning game that's what they needed to fix it you know just a little run a week or two of some close wins like this and everything would have been fine last year there would have been no bob melvin talk there would have been no one's so to talk everything would have been fine when it's never had that they never were given that chance winning cures literally everything in the organization people do not lose their minds on when you've won 19 of 22 we heard you know a jan bob were at loggerheads pretty early on the relationship and i won't heard anything about it in 2022 and they were going to be on lc s because they were winning so no one hears about those things when they're winning when they're losing oh yeah you hear about everything yep you start losing you start picking at everything as jeter says in the chat man it is just um it's it's been awesome it's been awesome to see thanks for the calls guys yeah this hour in 97-3 the fan has brought to you by the farmers dog fresh human grade dog food from a healthier way to more energy when you switch your dog's food to the farmers dog the effects can feel magical what sorcery is this not at all it's just real food made for the health of dogs get 50 percent off your first box at the farmers dog dot com slash radio and i timed that perfectly because that music means we are down to our last 30 seconds we're going to head over to our sound space join our colleagues uh Annie and elston quitting chris and get ready for the weekly pot raise round table presented by round table pizza it's commercial free which is great for you kind of hell on us but we will get it done anyway coming up next and don't go anywhere for polyrondyl for steven woods for dominican is cookies i'm ben higgins have a great rest your thursday talking in a couple minutes here on 97-3 the fan trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with north sides and bouillon as you're not so secret ingredient you can skip the drive-through and do dinner at home nor taste combos provide a menu of delicious affordable and well-balanced meals that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less visit nor dot com to get quick and easy recipe ideas for your home cooked weeknight dinners it's not fast food but it's so good