Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

8am Hour - TBT, Shoutout To His Family, + Smart Baseball w Eno Sarris

Ben & Woods start the 8am hour with a little Throwback Thursday clip from our beloved Mark Grant joining us in-studio a couple of years ago, and revealing to us his love of musicals. We also get to a "Shoutout To His Family" and talk about the founder of Famous Amos cookies passing away yesterday before we're joined by The Athletic's Eno Sarris at the bottom of the hour for our weekly "Smart Baseball" segment! Listen here!

Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

or have we home on a Thursday bed of woods 97 3 the fan our audience is incredible I did get it confirmed with Adam Jones and it was Gavin Floyd is the one that dotted 6 4 2 45 out of Maryland and Apple is Maryland yeah the details just didn't have the name and then one of our friar Jared just found the Adam Jones getting hit by you Darvish in the lips and yeah it's it's a pretty gnarly video wow but yeah so that was that was confirmed everything's confirmed and now all your questions have been answered here on Ben & Woods this morning I'm Woodsy that's Paul Rindell the executive producer Ben Higgins is your friendly neighborhood sports anchor and we again we went down yesterday Paulie and I so the the move is you go down to the ballpark you walk in the clubhouse first because there's limited availability in time and then you walk up to the broadcast section you say hi to all of our friends up there and we had a chance as I turned the corner it's gonna go back and say hi to Jesse and Tony mud grant walks right hey what's up hey mud how are you big hugs and Paulie walks on hey Paulie how you doing so we start shooting the breeze and I've told the story about mud I've also had it confirmed by Don Orcilo Jesse Agler Bob Scanlan every single human that's come in contact with Mark Grant the great Mark Grant is that his favorite thing in the world to do is once he gets you he won't let you go he's got to show you something on his phone we've done the the coach's dinner with mud at out at PF Chang's or something out of Peoria for fantasy camp I mean the whole dinner hang on got to check this out this is this theme from hell make a reference the scene from Fletch right and you don't know you don't know I'm sorry hang on one second one second so I told him I said I know I I'll mud and I are very similar interests very similar and so when he does this it's all ball bearings now all the bits that he does I get about 95 percent of them but there's some that go on my head a lot of months I don't know if he I can never figure out if he gets them and just ignores them which I do with you some correct yeah and some of them you don't know but some I don't get I had one yesterday somebody DM me about I said go home and get your shine box we were talking about getting shoes shine and it just went right over your head you have no idea what that is do you I said it was the the box where you keep your shoe shining equipment right no it's from good fellas you seen good fellas I think I saw I think I thought I think you would know that I haven't liked watched it multiple times why not I'm not I don't love mob movies I was trying my son and I were trying to watch casino the other day and I was I've seen it once and we're trying to watch it again casino got about an hour in suffer through just finishing rotting through casino I have a new partner this is one of the worst days of my life sorry hearing this you really would be happy with mud we are the same age it would be too much it would be what works with us it would be too different and I mean my would be way too extra but so he corners me and he has some slap shot reference now I saw slap shot when I was a kid and and maybe watch it one time since but it did not resonate they didn't it didn't he mentioned a song from it slap shakers you know I mentioned that song right I go no that's not a snapshot it's a snapshot I go I'm Newman and then he just the phone comes out and so he's he's showing me on his phone Paul he's gonna put a picture in the chat and there he is there's muddly show showing it to me I've got like five other photos oh yeah exact moment happening he's he's the he's the goat my favorite part was I wish I would have waited maybe two more seconds before I took the picture because in the background of the picture if you're watching on YouTube on our stream here you can see an open door that is the television broadcast where Don and mud sit and just to the right of that is Jesse Aguiler in Tony Gwen Jr's booth and about two seconds after this picture was taken I saw a head just the head pop around the corner and a cell phone and Jesse Aguiler was doing the exact same thing taking a picture and he goes I could hear it happening down the hall yep and I thought I have to get a picture of this like happening in the wild that happens on the plane on the bus anytime that they're together you know Jesse yes and I at this point I kind of actively avoid mud because I don't want to get hey we remember this from the weird science when we were kids and Jesse's like yes I remember Chet from weird science yes I know the whole that movie I've seen about 15 times I bet you have pervert I also watched it a lot when I was a kid okay and I know why you did absolute pervert you are because they were nerds and I was a nerd well there's not many many other reasons Kelly Lebrock being number one how did she marry Steven Seagal just as an aside she just appreciates great musical talent and great Marshall artistry Steven Seagal got her channel but man god makes no sense to me but yeah mud is just he's the best David just said mud comes by my shop and I can confirm he does do this yeah I mean it's it's very very well known he's in the series hey Siri bring up up all Newman there I can't remember the song now but he brings that up and I like oh yeah cool cool suffer through it but it also feeds into another throwback Thursday we had to like coincidentally yeah this was two years ago and I don't remember exactly why I think we're scheduled to have mud on just to catch up with mud and he texted me goes hey I'm on the road right now you only just pop by the studio said yes absolutely come on in and so he came by and let's see where was it here let me pull it up he came in and he we were doing doing the rhino report and I guess I had a story about a new musical or something coming out and mud just took over and here's what happened by the way Greece probably one of the better musicals ever written yeah just a great story great song I hate musicals really I just love by the way speaking of musicals and I'll end on this I watched La La Land about a week ago good one so good so good we're there where I can't just sing your night long and when I leave here enjoy back to Alpine I'm gonna stop on the ramp and just get out of my car and just get out of my car it's a beautiful day you know you could sing the baseball game tonight love it I dare you to bust out some sing song tonight Oh when the wind comes sweeping down the day and the way you've been the weak kiss your cell sweet when the wind comes right behind the rain oh my every night my honey lemon ice sit alone and talk and watch a hawk making lazy circles in the sky this unreal he's gonna carry a tune - good night everybody we're never gonna top that no no if mud singing Oklahoma show tunes in studio he is just we should retire yeah I'm doing final Oklahoma Oklahoma okay l a h o m a Oklahoma pipe's for tonight ah some love handily had me a blast gift some loving happened so fast I met a girl crazy for me I met a boy shoot as can be some of them tell me a little bit more tell me more tell me more did you get very far I got a lot of this what dragged on holy crap the only thing that missed was he did not pull up Greece no on his phone and show us them singing the song but God I love that man he just wondered then how much does Don actually rain him in I mean that's him coming in and sitting down with us Don's gotta be like hey and he's gonna chill out and do less tell my wife's and don't say do less please do less because when she talks to other people she gets real like boisterous allowing us hate to do a little less I bet she does it I bet he does it to mod all the talk do less you're at a level of 10 you need to bring it down to the old yeah the old Tampa down Tampa down big fella here we go it's great throwback though great throwback to a an excellent person I think we should probably take this opportunity now speak I did right I did not see Donorsillo yesterday he was in the studio and just kind of had his head down and working and we all saw the tweet after the game last night where he had announced that his mother had passed away the great Donorsillo's mom passed away yesterday and I had no idea nobody mentioned it to us you know I listened to the broadcast he just got through it yesterday so I wanted to wish Donorsillo you know give him our condolences and and our love because we love him I know everybody out in the audience loves him as well and whatever he's going through with his family right now gotta be a tough one for Donnie so Donnie we love you appreciate you very much and you know our thoughts are out to you and your family Marianne or silly so tough especially you know Don and busy with the season don't all the circumstances but whatever it is obviously was close with his mom oh yeah that's a that's a tough one for Don we love you they're thinking about you absolutely yeah all right we've got you know Sarah's coming up at the bottom of the hour again one of those tough awkward transitions that you've you throw I like to throw the back you guys and then I just kind of sit back just tough sorry about your mom but you know Sarah's is coming on here and talk about the other passing that we had yesterday oh yes there was another go yeah and I didn't feel right about doing you know shout out for Don I don't know I was like please don't ask me cuz I'm not I'm not going to there's certain you know there's certain you know some some you do and some you don't but we do have a shout out we do have a shout out to a Saturday yeah and it goes to hope we can see more unity and more peace when already not so difficult Wallace shout out to his family Amos Jr. Wally Amos better known as famous Amos the founder of the famous Amos cookie company passed away at the age of 88 yesterday now famous Amos I didn't really know anything about his story of you know who fame or even if he was a real person or just some sort of marketing creation but the native of Tallahassee Florida opened his first cookie shop in Hollywood California in 1975 the brand exploded in popularity over the years and eventually he sold it like to the big companies and moved out of the the business and it became of course you know the thing you find it 7/11s and convenience stores and it's packaging everywhere but he actually did start of it a mom-and-pop shop for famous Amos I'm gonna say this I bet that his shop on Sunset Boulevard I bet those cookies were fantastic you get the sense that you know we all grew up Betty what was the place we went Mrs. Fields Mrs. Fields the mall at the mall you know you're not I mean I beg my mom please can we go can we go to Mrs. Fields and get one of those warm warm chocolate cookies yeah it was a bag sometimes you get the bag of the little one oh my god he's could plow through those but I bet you they were similar to that I will say this whenever he sold his business and whoever bought it turned it into famous Amos if you have a bag of famous Amos cookies it's I don't want to be insensitive here it's maybe the maybe the worst cookie out potentially chips a boy chips a hoy slash famous Amos juices and worth the squeeze there's no juice it knows because they taste like little discs of wheat or like flour or there's no juice the chocolate doesn't even taste like it does chocolate really it really doesn't it's like stale little chocolate chips what do they do do it just bite into it it's just like powder it's a what you do to it I've got a what you do it I've got a sweet tooth like a mad man if you couldn't tell it's so the last bottom of the barrel it's like if it's there I'm like how bad how bad do I want it like am I gonna go into grab it like well I is it worth it is it worth it for me to satisfy my sweet tooth doesn't even really satisfy it the famous aim is cookie because I think I have anything else I think we have them in our vending machine here and I they've nobody buys them always in stock always always so tell you this is more moisture and drywall so true now here's an interesting fact I did not know your wife Megan's in the chat she said Mrs. Fields was my first job you couldn't have put that it would be I'd be so I'd be so high you are not allowed to sample any of the product you just have to sit here all day sell the cookies and you don't get to eat a single one of them back with it would be two for you one for me two for you one for me all day I would you they would find me on camera like the same control call but we actually since we hired we actually lost 75,000 dollars this month I love those things so so much so yeah shout out to famous shout out to his family who do it again right now an underrated cookie very underrated cookie is the two pack in a little bag that you can buy at the counter at 7-Eleven they would make him like fresh thanks to have an app very elite they are the perfect like consistency the chewiness outstanding I've always been afraid of the baked goods of the rolled goods the roller things at 7-Eleven the hot dogs I'm afraid of all of that I don't know where it's been I love the egg salad sandwich jokey sushi pot of the sushi there is fantastic no Paulie the cookies and the I'll do you want better the brownie there's maybe it's maybe the most elite brownie you can get they got the two pack I get the two pack of the oatmeal raisin cookies yeah perfect perfect all right if they have some famous famous in the vending machine I'll bring some in we'll all have one in his honor yeah I'll go check I'm pretty sure that now we did just get a new vending machine no it may not like a way to go so we'll see well we'll be able to talk after we chew our way through those cookies is the problem coming forward because we do have to reset we've got a you know Harris Sarah's why I keep doing that you know Sarah's coming up at the bottom of the hour maybe your 14 cocktails are catching up to you right now at 8 15 perhaps and then around the report coming up and then the round table at 10 o'clock this morning all ahead meta woods quick check at traffic and then back with more here on 97 3 the fan unfortunately there are no famous famous or I guess fortunately I know famous cookie there's yeah I mean those do qualify as a very dry cookie but they're kind I feel like they're supposed to be that way so it doesn't bother me as much I sure do love a moist cookie moist is that the right word yeah for a cookie well there's that for cake cake probably more is what you're going for a nice moist cake yeah I like moist cake bunt cake bunt cakes are delicious but the I don't like a crispy cookie unless it's very thin even that I prefer that prefer the soft soft ones yeah if you're if your wife goes and makes Nestle's Toll House just cuts up the deal puts them on the pan throws them in the oven what's your go-to what are you grabbing soon as it's out hey cookies are ready it happens like once a year in my home what is your first how many do you grab off the three jumps three I'm a four three now three is the right number and I make like a how did you gain all the way you for that you say to yourself I'm just gonna have two and then you have one and then you have the third one invariably because you can't eat one one is not even worth it one's not one's not gonna happen one to me is like having one beer that's for me it's like what am I gonna go have one I like you we could just talk on the phone I'm not gonna meet you for a beer you wanna talk you want to talk like yearly tradition kryptonite my wife makes the they're small they're like the size of like a little bigger than a quarter yeah peanut butter cookies with the Hershey's kiss on top oh yeah I don't remember what they're called bro there's some rent yeah yeah bro all the eight of them at a time and in a sitting they're so good but I standard I every time I go one two three four and I pop them in now they're this big I mean they're the size of them as big as you want to make yeah it's true but yeah the way she makes them they're small that's my justification well I mean I'll eat for them because they're small probably the bigger I would have only had two or two that's my that's one of life's greatest pleasures is it not the cookies fresh out of the it's one of life's best things period the end you walk in you go what did you making cookies yeah three minutes you're like oh my god it's one of life's greatest pleasures it's been a once on San Diego's number one dessert station ninety seven three the fan by me people get mad if we stop talking about desserts so we try to stick to the dessert talk yeah occasionally we'll get off topic and discuss the pot rays and baseball and sports but for the most part it's really cookies and cakes and pies oh you should see our pie segment is legendary it is bread every single week yeah breads you don't all have to be sweet sweet goods any baked goods really we can discuss on the program yeah absolutely so red velvet overrated melamel says I agree hey I will I will skip the red velvet today is national lemon meringue pie day over which uh really yeah I don't like the little foamy top the meringue top custody yeah no no no meringue oh wow polarizing topics today on dessert radio no meringue no red famous famous dead and gone red velvet is for pervert if you like red velvet you are inherently a pervert just chocolate let me ask Ben do you like red velvet don't oh that surprised me because you are a giant pervert well you know how what makes it red you know mostly food coloring but beats they put beats in it to make it red yeah yeah it kind of lost me there on the beats because I don't know I don't like beats I like the flavor I just feel it's very pervy if you like red velvet just very like it's very popular now it is it's just give me a good old apple pie yeah apple pie is delicious all right you know saris you know who's um it's been surprisingly productive for your sandy and go pod races who's that Tyler Wade yes dude so he posted his record yeah 17 and 12 when Tyler Wade starts which doesn't sound crazy but if you oh no they posted the record of when he appears in a game and it was like oh it was like 47 and 20 or even when he starts uh they play well above 500 that doesn't sound like much but that's uh that's over 30 games so the pod rays have played four 30 game stretches so they're actually at 20 games over 500 team at this point with Tyler Wade which is better than they are right now they've been a better team with Tyler Wade's starting than they have the rest of the games without him starting doesn't make a ton of sense but he always he does always seem to do something when he's in there had a couple knocks yesterday yeah yeah I mean look there's a Tyler Wade on every single championship team every single championship team has a guy like that they really do I mean you know look back at the Texas Rangers last year maybe it was Travis Jankowski you know Freddy Austin Hedges right didn't really do much but he was there you know being the glue guy or whatever but he uh he is has been a uh a real kind of a fine like yesterday he's filling in for a gold Glover at short in Hassan Kim looks solid defensively he's got a good arm I mean he gets that throw over there pretty well given that he can't get that many reps obviously I'm always super pleasantly surprised by what they've gotten out of Tyler Wade this year and you know they used him a lot the first month when there was the injuries and Manny and they kind of is the forgotten guy for a while because they picked up Solano and Peralta and they have plenty of those you know the tenth man guys so he went a long time without playing much but he's still when they need him he's there plug him right in pinch run him whatever they need give him some hustle give him some defense get a hit here there a lot of him work like infield singles that he beats out with his leg but those count just the same I mean he's been a good player for the Padres this year really has and definitely fits in the culture and and you know definitely is loved by the guys you can see it I mean he's the part of the team I you know you know Bryce Johnson's probably the least productive Padres player this year but even then he's had his moments of being productive so uh it's it's it's been a pretty special group to watch and then the uh the all 26 everyone's got a contribute which is no joke but for the most parking about it's not it's not really all twenty six you're hoping literally you're hoping like 21 out of 26 or doing something for your team and you're just calling it everyone's contributing this case with this team it it almost really is the all 26 mentality for the San Diego Padres this year and and honestly it's been more like 34 35 because there's been relievers that are you here and you know like Gillespie who've come up and thrown some innings and aren't really part of the team necessarily but have played a pivotal role even beyond those 26 men on the roster this year for the Padres yeah big fan man I honestly when they signed Tyler Wade it was one of those guys ago he's not going to be here in three weeks so I'm not going to get super upset about it dude but I did say he is the kind of guy that you'll look up and be like he's he's still here he found his way into another big league clubhouse and he's really had now he's contributing and and really seems to have found a home and sticking around but you gotta gotta tip your hat to that all right you know Sarah's will join us coming up next for some smart baseball on better what San Diego's number one desert station 97 3 the fan oh it's getting serious now we told you earlier San Diego Padres fan graphs over 95% chance to make the postseason that happens when you win 19 out of 22 games good things and we will talk with you know Sarah's from the athletic about the Padres run and and what's ahead here coming up right after a check at traffic on 97 3 the fan I think I got a tough one for you know right off the bat here today because as the Padres and Diamondbacks have surged and teams like the Phillies and Yankees and Orioles have uh have not kept up the pace they did earlier in this season you look at the top of the just overall standings in baseball and you've got now eight or nine teams all within like two or three games of each other so Eno as we welcome you on this morning who's the favorite now in your mind to win the World Series if you had to pick one team as your favorite to win the World Series who would it be at this point that's a good one I told you to be tough because the reason it's tough I think is because the Guardians are playing in the maybe the weakest or second weakest division in baseball and even though we pay the teams play fewer teams fewer divisional rivals than they used to it's still a lot it's still the most of what you play so I think beating up in the White Sox has helped them they you know they're their pitching rotation is the worst among playoff contenders um and so you've got the Brewers with a similar situation maybe uh so I think the real contenders are the Phillies Yankees Orioles and you know the Astros are looking that way and then maybe somebody coming out of the West um the Yankees are up and down I don't know if I if I trust the rotation the Orioles have lost you know Grayson Rodriguez and so they're down to like sort of one great starting pitcher um I don't know about that Astros line up so I guess I'm going to take the Phillies Phillies but second worst record in baseball since the all-star break but with plenty of games to go yeah plenty of games to go we talked about it yesterday you know some numbers came out about you know clutch hitters and and there was a piece somebody put out some stats about you know who's been the most clutch in late innings and and things like that jerks and profile was at the top of the list Jackson Merrill was up there as well Bryce Harper was not on the list but doesn't matter to me I'm still not I'm still trying to uh pitch around Bryce Harper when it gets to October I think when you look at them and and how they've kind of skidded a little bit what are you seeing out of the Phillies that I know you just picked them to win the World Series but they have been in a pretty gnarly skid and I think my point was that you know it's impossible to really name a favor right now you know I get it I get it and I think part is like you know the one I didn't get to is that you know if the the I would pick the Dodgers if you know I was just looking at full strength lineups um and and some of the full season numbers but they've also been bad recently I don't know they're not as bad as the Phillies I guess but around 500 so um you know if the Padres come out of the west there's they can join that list of contenders very easily what I see at the Phillies is Ranger Suarez coming back to earth um you know some of their some of the young pitching coming back to earth some problems a little bit of problems in the bullpen um and then just some of the natural up and down I think Brandon Marsh taken a little step back recently um but um you know I when I I was trying to sort of zoom out and be like what do I think of these teams without sort of really diving into the numbers and what I see is um a really incredible you know one two in Wheeler and Nola um with enough ditching deaths behind them to survive any series that goes long um I see you know clutch you know established major league hitters in the middle of a lineup I don't really see problems at the bottom line the Dodgers recently have had a really poor bottom of the lineup but I also see them when they get back to full strength pushing you know more and more of those players out and at some point the worst two hitters in their lineup will be like you know Miguel Rojas and Tommy Edmond or something but the Padres lineup you know as the same thing once the teeth comes back there's very few holes in that roster in terms of you know what the lineup looks like um you know I don't know exactly how they'll slot but Cease is a one's one I think at this point so they can bang with anybody at the top and they have pitching depth depending on what happens with with you Divers I do think that matters a little bit and they have uh maybe the best or you know second but I don't know definitely a top three bullpen um you know with the way it's going so you know they they can bang with anybody and I would take them easily over the Astros and Guardians and Brewers and put them in the class like the Phillies and a full strength Dodgers and the Yankees and Orioles I mean those are the best teams in baseball talking to our pal you know Sarah's from the athletic here on Ben and Woods this morning I don't want to steal your question Benny but uh you brought this up earlier in the show we talked about what the Texas Rangers potentially could be doing in the next couple of days and shedding some salary you know and uh which would mean some pretty pretty good arms would uh potentially be available right now you literally stole my I did but I actually jumped in to steal my question which you said you were gonna lead off with that and then you went with the old who's gonna win the world series so I you gotta like here is that it gets asked you got to adapt uh a little bit you know but I mean I can't even imagine I can't even imagine a Nate Eivaldi being out there right and you know I'm sure there's a seven eight teams are gonna put in a claim on Nathan Eivaldi but there's some besides the Rangers have you heard have you heard anything about that and have you heard about some other teams that may be doing uh looking to do this and uh could the Padres benefit yeah the the the trick with Eivaldi is that um he could get pretty close to vesting his option and his vested option is 20 million dollars for next year so if you're taking on Eivaldi you're not only taking on a couple of million dollars at the end of the season you're potentially taking on the 20 million dollars next year's season so that will actually limit the number of suitors I believe they literally have to be able to find that room in a budget for next year is it's 20 million for next season is that a terrible number for Nathan Eivaldi no I don't think so I don't know I mean worst case scenario he's like a 2-3 instead of you know not a 1-2 but he's an established post-season guy who can give you 150 innings I mean I think 20 million is actually sort of the corner I know some people are like well that seems like a lot but no it's kind of it's the going right so um you know so just to put the names out there I max shows us a little bit hurt right now but if he you know gets back off of the the mat and feels good he could be on their Nathan Eivaldi Andrew Haney Kirby Yates their closer you know those are probably the most exciting names one thing that they'll have to do internally I think is actually David Robinson as well is probably ask those players what they want to do because I don't think that you want to create the idea around baseball that you are the angels yeah do you care though since you won since it just the weird thing is is they were you know they they decided to take this look at the the team now with the current record and I think you have to give the the world series champs a chance right at the break instead of now had they done this at the break sure they could have gotten a lot more back for these guys other than just salary relief um you know they could have gotten prospects back for the future but they didn't they didn't they decided to go for it it hasn't worked out I don't know man like I do you think do you think they care since they won the world series last year is a little bit easier to stomach yeah I I just think that like they they want to sign up reagents in the future and so they don't want to um create this sort of aura around baseball like that you know you could be Max Scherzer and I'll cut you for a million dollars you know that's true so so I would just go to these players and and I don't think I think most of the players probably say yeah sure you know I could I could jump on with so maybe pitching that you know pitch in a meaningful games you know so um I do think that some of the players would take them up on it um and so the chance to compete on another team but you just don't want to cut people that uh or like I know I don't want to route my family and like you've already might be like hey I want to be on the Rangers next year yeah good point you know so there's I just want to I would want to check with them but um yeah I think that's a it's and for the pottery it is interesting um you know there will be teams like the Reds and Cardinals who have worse records um that could jump in but the Cardinals at the trade deadline were super the skinflin like they turned Tommy Edmonds eight million dollars into like another uh into another eight million dollars you know like they they had no money to spend at the trade deadline so I don't think the Cardinals are jumping and the Reds don't have a big payroll so you'd be looking at sort of bigger payroll teams that would try to block the Padres so maybe the Giants uh could be uh an obstacle um you know I think you know the rain I think the way it goes is it goes to the al fur so yep yeah so I guess somebody's gonna jump in but the Mariners don't spend much money you know so you know so there's a lot of like cheaper teams over there and you know the Padres would get a chance before the Orioles or Yankees or anything but that's where they would have the payroll to do it so uh I think I don't think it goes all the way through the al does it go all the way through the al I think it's al then nl right yeah okay I should know these rules so should we yeah but I guess that I guess that I guess the you know for the Yankees or the question also is is this player better than the player on our roster they're pretty good rosters bet you know let me by the way that's a great right uh Colonel budget making it through to the NFL talking to me they may be a good a chance for Robertson to react if they want to you know the back of the bullpen talking to you know Sarah's from the athletic and uh this is our smart baseball segment and I need someone smart to explain this because I don't get it the Arizona Diamondbacks I didn't really get the world series run last year I don't really get the run they're on right now I mean even with the injuries they're fourteen and two since Christian Walker got hurt they're nine and one since Gabriel Moreno got hurt they're now three and oh since Katel Marte got hurt what are they doing who do who do they who are they doing what are they doing why is it working so well for them I mean I know they're not a bad team but they're not this good right yeah they're so weird uh one thing that's interesting is that uh they have one of the lowest whiff rates high in the zone and uh one of the the highest plugging percentage high in the zone so at a time when baseball is kind of like you know we're going to throw the high four seam or whatever the Diamondbacks are uh you know just feasting on that on top of that I think that they're they're very good at the sort of role player thing jock Peterson are as as quietly than 58 percent better than league average this year and he doesn't play all the time because he never plays against lefties but against righties to have a guy that that's that's good and in line up Katel Marte is you know somewhere in the top five of the MVP this year so you know and then Corbin Carroll you know hasn't had a great year overall but uh it's slugging 500 in the last month so you know he's figured something out and they're also just like really solid everywhere in terms of defense um and I don't like the rotation other than that gallon so it surprises me that they're that they're you know they're doing so well in the last 30 days like top three staff too but thought is pretty good Kelly's pretty good like they're all pretty good everywhere I think it's kind of the no holes approach where they just they're like we don't really have a hole and then on top of that we have some stars that um that are maybe underappreciated but also I think they know they can do it you know they know they can do it they did it last year they got in by the skin of their teeth like Tori LaVello and I like Tori LaVello too I think he's a really good manager and I don't think he panicked when they got down early and when obviously you stick with a Corbin Carroll you stick with these guys and Eugenio Suarez is ripping the cover off the baseball probably because I dropped him in fantasy losing his job I thought he was yeah we all did we all did I thought he was losing his job but then Blaze Alexander went back down and you know all the contenders for the job just went away and he's back to slugging again and you pick up Josh Bell and Sprinkle Magic dust on him yeah Josh Bell was great too that Arizona picks he does it's crazy man it's crazy but I think credit to him I think well I think you're right about Tori LaVello one thing that I think that the the number one sort of thing that a manager needs to do is vibes manage and I think that one of the things that you do as a manager as a vibes manager is you don't let things get too hot or too cold you know when you're when you're hot enough maybe you give you know one of your one of your stars arrest so that like you know the load management maybe you kind of just like kind of take the air out of the tires a little bit because you you want to be when they're down you want them to you okay Corbin Carroll now you're gonna play eight games in a row you know what I mean so it's like you kind of manage even through personnel choices you're managing the vibes of the team and he's just he does broadcast like I'm in charge everything's okay yep you know and like I like you I love you he says that a lot I love you you know it's like he's he's trying to like make them feel like and then Corbin Carroll told me you know he's a good leader I think too he told me that like he would take all the young players out for dinner on the road because they don't have as much money as he does and he knows that they're bonding and their sort of camaraderie is going to be sort of key to the to the future of the team so he's someone who thinks about leadership in the same way that the manager does so it's a good it's a good pairing yeah blue meaning our chances that he playing in good teams yeah they smash the Phillies smash the Guardians they're they're taking on all comers right now Eno appreciate it as always we will talk to you again next week thank you so much yeah I wouldn't bring that up too much as a pottery fan some of the recent schedule has been against some easier ones we know well they used to have trouble against those teams so we're actually happy to leave them actually beat the under 500 teams you know Sarah's our weekly baseball smart segment starting brought to you by seven mile casino looking just pulled it up right now the contenders with the easiest and toughest remaining schedules from will each yesterday there's three with the easy path that would be the cubs the Yankees and the Braves cubs aren't a contender well I mean technically they are but the three contenders with a difficult path holds your breath the guardians the royals and the cardinals okay so I think the potter no does it actually no the tough I'm in the box no but yeah they're more in the middle of uh you know I think the pot raise obviously this stretch is huge but nothing is bigger right now the last six games massive but telling but that's a ways off in the near future two back-to-back series I got four against the Mets four against the cardinals to me those are eight games out of these next I think 18 that are absolutely pivotal because you the Mets can get back and they're the only team really that you're that worried about they're the first team out of the playoffs and as long as you even split that series you kind of cut their legs out in terms of coming back to beat you but they swept you the first time so they're gonna be confident going in four games at Petco Park that's I think to me the one that I've got circled at least in the near-term future that series against the Mets coming up I think was that next weekend next weekend next weekend the four that's kind of the biggest one yeah the Cardinals four is big but they've started to slip they just got swept by the red so uh we'll see what happens schedule wise going forward all right final hour coming up always got some headlines in our rindle report and don't forget it's a 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