Big Blue Banter: A New York Giants Football Podcast

Mailbag: Bold predictions, adding more ‘10’ personnel, more

Dan and Nick bring back the mailbag for the first time in months. They got to about half-ish of the questions asked – so if yours isn’t answered – know that it’s coming soon on another pod. But they dove into some fun ones and remember – if you ENJOY the show – PLEASE hit that like button! It makes a world of a difference for us and helps us grow! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 16m
Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
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Dan and Nick bring back the mailbag for the first time in months. They got to about half-ish of the questions asked – so if yours isn’t answered – know that it’s coming soon on another pod. But they dove into some fun ones and remember – if you ENJOY the show – PLEASE hit that like button! It makes a world of a difference for us and helps us grow!

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Come back, it's the Big Blue Bantar, New York Giants football podcast, I'm Dan Schnier, Jordan is always my co-host Nick Valado, today we're here to jump right into this thing with a mailbag. We love mailbag. Mailbag is actually, Nick and I have talked about some bunch, but it might be our favorite thing to do with Mailbag. We get to hear your questions, we get to answer them, there's always some unbelievably thoughtful questions involved in Mailbag. Never enough of the fun ones that I want, I want like fun stuff asking us about pop culture food entertainment, but like nobody cares about that stuff but me, so I totally understand it. But before we get to that, we want to wrap up and clean up some news. It's Thursday when we are recording this, the Giants are playing their second preseason game on Saturday. As a reminder, both Nick and I have things going on this weekend, I will be watching the game as well Nick, but we will not be recording after the game will be waiting to get the tape back on the game like we did last week and we will do a film review of the game. So that's the plan for this weekend's content. Now the news that we have to clean up, we'll start with the first one, it's the Tyrone Tracy scare Nick. This one is funny for me because I was at an event on Tuesday in the city for CBS, it's an NFL today, CBS NFL today like Summit, they do it every year. And so just to do a quick like humble brag, I got to meet some cool people, I've met these guys before, but I finally got to meet JJ Watt and I got to talk to him about Wisconsin because JJ was there when I was there and we discussed the TCU Rose Bowl game and just how. And I brought a question to him and he felt like I was talking in his language, but first I came up to him and he was a little skeptical, like there are a lot of people coming up to JJ Watt. And by the way, these dudes are massive man, like JJ Watt looks like an alien almost to a normal human being when he's just walking around at a bar and that's where we were. And like Matt Ryan, like all these dudes are like massive human beings, like even though they're like skinny now, like Matt Ryan, he's tall, he's like six foot five, you don't see people like that every day. So anyway, I talked to JJ skeptical at first and then I was like, I'm speaking his language I'm just like, it makes sense like we played TCU dude and like it took us to the fourth quarter to run power gap behind John Clay. And like then we just went right down the field, scored a touchdown. And on the two point conversion ran a passing play that got batted down at the line scrims, run the damn ball, you're Wisconsin. What were they doing? And JJ told me that was the first time he's ever cried at a during a game. He was so sad to lose that game. And so we're way, we went out to the Rose Bowl, me and my friends to watch the Wisconsin. One of the biggest losses, I think of my lifetime as a Badger's fan. So anyway, it was fun. But the point being I was at this event and on my phone breaking news and I'm supposed to be checking my phone Nick Tyrone Tracy carded off air cast and I'm like, are you freaking kidding me? Because I'm so excited about this kid. I really believe he could be potentially the most effective running back on the Giants is here, not to say different single territory won't have his role, but Tracy could add something different in my opinion, especially if they use him in the past game, like he's capable of. And then obviously it turns out to be just like a low ankle sprained. So just a wild swing of emotions for me. It was the huge swing of emotions roller coaster and then all Giants fans are celebrating like, Oh, thank God. It's only an ankle sprain. And I think a Monty tweeted somebody who was like, Oh, thankfully it's only an ankle sprain. Like, could you imagine seeing that but not seeing what we expected beforehand, like not seeing the fact that we all thought this guy was going to lose out on his entire rookie season. So hopefully he'll be back healthy and ready to go, but it's safe to say, Dan, you were a full 3.9 inches when you were talking to JJ why, and then you just went down when you saw that time. Yeah, exactly. It was a total swing of emotions for me. And yeah, man. So that was great to hear like, I guess like, right, like it's still not great. Like we don't want Tyrone, Tracy missing anytime, but considering what it could have been, that was great to hear. And I think your analysis on the spot on he could have like such an impactful and important role on this offense being this chess piece that Brian Dable can move around outside the numbers back in the backfield, doing whatever you really want to do with his type of skill set and his ability to make people miss in these really tight spaces, as well as the explosiveness and the long speed can really do wonders for this offense if he's employed correctly. So hopefully he can be back and ready sometime early in the season. Yeah. You already have to contact too. We saw the contact balance in the first preseason game. We saw the decisive style. We saw him really natural running from under center, something he hadn't done a lot. And that doesn't even talk about the passing game stuff, like we haven't seen that yet. And that could be really, really effective, especially for an offense that kind of needs that type of a few of these kind of easy solutions, I would say, for where they're at from a standpoint of where the offense is at in the passing game. They haven't had many solutions, let alone easy solutions in the last three, four, five years. So let's just get some solutions going. And if we want to reflect back on just the week one tape when Malik preseason week one tape when Malik neighbors was out there, what did the Lions do? They rolled too high several different defenses are going to do that. And you have a safety valve like run Tracy get him the ball and the flats can be him in a corner back with like five yards difference. He's going to make that guy miss say a decent amount of time, right? And then what is that going to do? You're going to roll safeties down to possibly set up some more opportunities for explosive plays down the field if the Giants are able to nickel and dime teams because the two high shells that they're playing to stop the explosive nature of Malik neighbors. So it just gives the New York Giants more options with their passing attack without a doubt. And some people might sit here and say, Oh, why are you guys so excited about a fifth round player? And it's like, well, just look at NFL history talent comes from the fifth round at the running back position. Big plays come from the fifth round at the running back position fifth and later a mod Bradshaw Isaiah Pacheco right now is one of the most effective running backs in the NFL when I watch him on film. He was a seventh round draft. This is the nature of the position you can find talent later in the draft. And I think the Giants have located and found talent now. You could also say, and this one's fair. How could you say that without him playing yet? I could just say it's a projection and I'm sure I feel very good about this projection and we'll see what happens there. Few other news items to clean up on the Giants traded Jordan Phillips to the Dallas Cowboys a weird interdivision trade. I can't even remember the last time the Giants have traded with the Cowboys overall. It's like the last NFC East trade the Giants made. I was thinking about this Nick when I saw this news. I can't remember. It feels in my head like it was something with the Washington commanders or whatever they weren't called that then. But I can't remember the last time the Giants made an interdivision trade and I don't even think it was. So I don't even know like it was the commanders thing. I don't know when that was. But look from the Giants standpoint, Jordan Phillips got jumped on the depth chart. You said it fast. Like you said you called this a week or two ago at camp like he just wasn't playing a lot. He wasn't practicing. It's like now there's something weird going on with Jordan Phillips. It's a little disappointing to me just from I thought Jordan Phillips could be good for the Giants. But I guess something was happening there and maybe it was just a testament to what the Giants had behind him. Like what does it say for guys like Elijah Chapman? I think it says a lot for Elijah Chapman who's a different skill set than Jordan Phillips more so also for DJ Davidson and Jordan Riley and it just wasn't a spot for this type of veteran on the roster. So the Giants wanted to roll with these younger players who show a lot of promise makes sense. It's also released Jalen Mills who hasn't seen any training camp because of the calf injury. But he's healthy now so he can go and pursue other opportunities best of luck to him. But in doing so, releasing Jalen Mills, trading Jordan Phillips for the sixth, seventh swap in 2026. The Giants opened up two roster spots and they signed two safeties. Jonathan Sutherland who was a safety at Penn State for like five season and Rahim Lane who was teammates with Micah McFadden and Ryder Anderson at Indiana. He was a UDFA, I think 2022, towards ACL last year who's mostly a special teams player. But both of these players suffered injuries earlier in their careers and now they're on the rebound. Now they're basically just going to be eating up second, third team reps in training camp but they're going to be able to put their skill set on tape over these next two pre-season games. And they can showcase, hey, maybe I am good enough to make this roster especially if they do have special teams values so they have an opportunity ahead of them and let's see if they can do anything with it. Yeah, we'll see what happens there. And just to recap a little bit, the Giants did a six, seven round pick swap in 2026 with the Cowboys so just kind of gave themselves a little bit of better draft capital coming up. All right, let's get right into the mailbag Nick without further ado, cleaning up there. We'll start with South from Queens. A boy, South from Queens. He says, "Your Joe Shane put yourself in the sense of being Joe Shane and you're looking for a defensive lineman on cut down day to add to the Giants room maybe to compete for a starting job or in that rotation. What trait are you prioritizing more run-stopping and block-eating or pure pass rush ability?" We've brought this up several times then. We want that three technique with the explosive penetrating nature. We've heard Shane Bowen mention penetration several different times. Now Elijah Chapman is kind of sliding into that role and saying, "Hey, I'm on this roster too. I can make this team." I think he's making a very solid case for himself. So I'm not going to be upset if the Giants go out and sign another three technique with that type of ability to get up field quick off the snap. But at the same time, part of me looks at a player, and I'm not saying this because he might be over the hill now, but a player like Foley Fachikasi over the last five years, just a true run defender, somebody who can execute their run fits, can eat double team blocks, can play a gap and a half, can do everything that you need from a run defense standpoint on a defense that's going to be playing cover four, quarters, palms too high so much. Because what did Shane Bowen say? Shane Bowen said, "Hey, there is going to be a burden on the linebackers in this system. It's going to be a lot falling on Bobby O'Karricki and Micah McFadden, possibly Deontay Johnson if he can get healthy and get back out there. So you need these defensive players to eat up these blockers to allow the linebackers to have an easier access to their specific run fits to make the stops, to make the tackles for a loss." So part of me also thinks, "Hey man, I would love to get like an elite run defender. I just don't know if one of those guys is going to be available upon final cuts." Yeah. I think you nailed that pretty much. I don't have too much more to add, but I would agree if I had to pick one, which is the question. I would prioritize the ability to penetrate and something that Shane Bowen mentioned in hard knocks really stuck with me from that standpoint. I also just think ultimately they're going to rely on this front to make their way basically to be the defense, not just in the run game like you broke down, but in the past game like on a lot of the, it's going to look a lot different than what we saw playing Martindale from that standpoint. So I would like to get a few more guys in there or one more guy in there who can help in that regard. All right. Giants can't report, or Giants report one, sorry, ask in camp, I saw a lot more pin and pull than I remember seeing in past years. Brian Dable has always ran a variety of concepts, but I feel like that and duo have been more frequently used. Are you seeing the same thing? I think the Giants have used pin pull a decent amount over the first two years with Brian Dable. So I don't believe from what I've seen at camp, it's been a huge focus on that. Now I wasn't at camp those previous two years, maybe from a camp perspective. That's possible, but on Sunday, you saw a decent amount of pin pull. If you go back to 2022, there was a lot of that. Last year wasn't as much of it to Andrew Thomas's side, getting Andrew Thomas in space because Andrew Thomas had the injury he dealt with, but you still saw pin pull concepts. I still think it's going to be a part of this system, but you also seeing a ton of half backs. And you're seeing a very diverse, a very, a variety of rushing attempts from Brian Dable in this offense. And that's what I really want to see because I think it just unlocks and he explained this on a zoom in recent recently. It just unlocks so many different avenues to how you can punish certain defensive fronts and how you can gain an edge in the rushing attack and the passing attack because then you can marry your passing game to certain rushing styles as well. Yeah, I think you broke this down really well. We saw more of it in 2022 than 2023, but I will say that a big factor, as you mentioned, was the Andrew Thomas injury. Now he's fully healthy. He's moving well in the run game. John Michael Schmitz is a player that I think can be utilized a lot like this could be better for his skill set, in my mind, at least in the passing game, screen game and in the run game. Something I want to see more of this year, we'll see if that happens, but agreed. It's kind of been a big part of their nature. Quick bit of breaking news, Nick, the Giants just signed running back Joshua Kelly, formerly of the Chargers and waved Elijah Riley, the safety Giants, but doing a ton of moves in the secondary with these back end guys. And now they bring in a body to help them with Tyrone Tracy as he comes back from that low ankle spring. The Giants signed two safeties and it wasn't just because of Dorn Mills, they're also getting rid of Elijah Riley, who has been dealing with, I think he had a concussion, maybe a week or so ago. And they also brought in that running back last week, we talked about Lingard. So now you have another running back, which makes sense because Tyrone Tracy's out. Dante Miller is hobbled with the hamstring injury. Joshua Kelly, man, he was a solid player for the Chargers. I think early on, and when he was coming out of college, there was some buzz surrounding him. He's a UCLA kid, but it's kind of been a little bit, since the last couple years, it's been a little bit like up and down and not all that impressive. I think he, I'm pulling up his stats right as we speak, average on his career, 3.6 yards per carry, had 405 yards on 107 carries last year, two touchdowns, when Austin Echler was dealing with his injury. But I think overall it was a little bit disappointing so far through his career. Is that fair to say? Fair to say. I don't think he's going to be here for long. I think this is a game body for now as the Giants need somebody to take reps with these injuries, the running back position. One more, one more bit of news too, not as breaking, but breaking enough, Dabel said that Malik neighbors will practice today. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's interesting. Don't think I'm not sure if he'll play. Maybe he will, but it's a good sign that he's practicing before two days before a game. Yeah, it's very interesting, Nick. I'm kind of torn on this one as far as will he play and should he play. One side, I'm like, I really want to see him develop that report with Daniel Jones. And obviously I would have zero interest in him playing any snaps once Jones is out of the game. But do I want him on the field for those Jones snaps on one side? Yeah. But the other side, I'm kind of just like, you know what, bubble wrap this guy until the regular season from, at least from a preseason standpoint, like, you know, training camp, having practice, whatever you're not going to, hopefully not going to get hit. But you get injured at any point, dude. Like Josh Downs got injured in Colts training camp when he got undercut and landed wrong on his, on his ankle, like shit happens. So it's like, the risk is there regardless. So I almost feel like I would lean toward him, wanting him to play in this preseason game. Though I'm knowing Dable, I highly doubt you will. Yeah. Let's let those other guys develop a report. Yeah. Let's move on to Messi, Mamba 61 23 says first, I just want to say I've been listening to you guys for a few years now. And you're not just the best Giants podcast I let's do, but the best podcast full stop. Well, Messi, Mamba sits to 123. We really appreciate that. My question is, when do you guys think the Giants offense will be top 10 in the league and scoring? And when will we have a top 10 offensive line as I correlate those stats to being a consistent contender in the NFL? Yeah. Well, I'll say this and thank you for the question. And by the way, we're going to do our best to get, we, it was crazy. We, Nick and I asked for mail by questions like two hours ago when we've already have like six pages worth in our doc. So we'll probably do a two parter. So this will be another one coming up. If we miss your question, we wanted to prioritize some of the YouTube questions first. So we put those first and this one comes from YouTube. So I agree with you first, first and foremost that those are two things that correlate to being consistent and they're having a top 10 offensive line and being top 10 and scoring. But where that comes from in my mind in today's modern NFL is really the passing game. So to answer your question, when will they be? It depends when the passing game takes the jump that they need to take. I think they take in a big step forward toward that by drafting league neighbors. He has a difference making talent. One of the best prospects I've ever studied at the wide receiver position and he could be a big factor. And if this offense becomes like you said, top 10 scoring now, there's other factors in play. Daniel Jones, who's the quarterback right now, needs to take a big jump. That's the only way to say this if you could, you could say he's already taken the jump or he will take the jump. Now he has neighbors, but he needs to take the jump. The ball needs to get out of his hands faster in games. Yes. If the old pressure better, he has to have a better pocket feel all the things, ball placement, you know, leading the receiver, throwing with anticipation, all these things need to take a big jump. What we saw in the Vikings playoff game, that needs to happen more consistently. We need that 10, 12, 13, 14 games a year for the Giants to really become a consistent offense. So I think they need to make the jump on the offensive line. I think they need to make the jump at quarterback. The players currently on the roster can make that jump. Luminor, you know, John Michael Schmidt, Evan Neal, Daniel Jones. These are players that could take a jump and that could make the difference. That's how I see it. Yeah. I see it the same way. We need that jump from the quarterback position. And he is in a better situation than he's ever found himself in the NFL by far with a functional, hopefully if they could stay healthy, offensive line and a star receiver that he has not had since he's entered the NFL. So hopefully we could see a significant jump. I mean, what in 2022, I think the Giants offense was 15th in points four. So we would need better than 2022 stats, which I think is doable with this group and with this schedule. But does that mean it will happen? That remains to be seen. I mean, anything has to be better than last season, right? And they still ended up winning six games somehow. Yeah, you're right. And I think, you know, it's early to say, but I really do believe Dan Jones could have his best statistical season of his career and he has the best set up he's ever had. And good. You know me, man, I'm not going to blow smoke about Daniel Jones, but I think this has been one of his stronger camps. Now, this is a camp I'm at. So maybe I am a little bit biased. I paid really close attention to all those other camps. And we remember his 2022 camp though. It was a nightmare against Wink Martindale, but in this camp, he's had his ups. He's had his downs, but he's striking down field with, I would say, consistency. And other than those first couple practices where he was under throwing the ball, it's been pretty solid where he's finding high at deep and he is finding neighbors deep. And that is definitely a positive takeaway as preseason and training camp progresses. Yeah, he did have a really good camp last year, though. I don't want to. I know you know that, but I don't want to. But the camp last year, man, the way it was run, it was it was ran with kid gloves. It wasn't really a physical camp. And it just seemed like the giants were doing everything in their power to prevent injuries because they brought in guys like Darren Waller and they were just kind of being very cautious. And then once the season came, they just got punched right in the mouth and didn't even seem like they were ready to fight because I think the training camp was just very mild because of the cautious nature because they didn't want to get injured. Yeah, for sure. And so we'll have to see if the training camp translates. We hope it will. Kevin stream asked, do you think K Adams will finally confess her love for bearded Daniel Jones after he wins comeback player of the year? That would be awesome for Daniel Jones. I would love to see Daniel Jones react to that because he is so ho geez, like Oh, golly gee, whatever he's in an interview with her. It's pretty, it's pretty funny to watch. Yeah, I mean, look, she she's just stumbling on her words talking to Daniel Jones. But K Adams, guys, let's be honest, like she says no, she said, let's just calls betas Bade, she's not short for suitors here. Okay. I'm sure she can get whatever the F she wants at any time though she was into shams. Remember that when she was all over shams? Do you know that Nick? Yeah. Yeah. I've seen that like floating around Twitter. Shams fumbled that bag. I'm just going to be on a sham. You don't know what the guy has got going on. Maybe he's got a girl. I don't think guys got going on. We're talking about K Adams here. And so let's let's call spade a spade again, like just like as elite as it gets and she's rich. So she doesn't really doesn't get much better than that. But this is not what the big oobander podcast is about talking about this kind of stuff. So let's move forward to the next one, Krista for Stefan. Dan, question for the mailbag today, 10 personnel is being ignored by most offensive court news in the fall. Hardly anyone plays more than 2% of their offensive snaps using 10 personnel. Why do you think that is? You can create an epic matchup as most linebackers won't be able to defend speedy slot receivers. And with the Giants luck at quality wide receivers this year, do you see table using 10 personnel? I know it's not what he usually runs, but imagine neighbors, Hyatt, Wanda, and Slaton on the field at the same time. The main reason why is because pass protection. You're in five man path protection and the defense knows you're going to be in the five man pass protection so they can just do whatever they want. You really need a stable offensive line, a quarterback can get rid of the football very quickly to not have a tight end or running back to assist when you're blocking against guys like TJ Watt and Miles Garrett. So it's a precarious situation when teams go into 10 personnel a lot because defenses know that they can blitz, they know that they have one-on-one match, they can just do so many creative things to take advantage of your protection package. Yeah, great question. I think Nick nailed why you don't see it as much. And think about it like this, like why teams love to run 12. Why coaches love to run 12 personnel, for example? Even though they know, you know, by the numbers, you're putting yourself at a disadvantage versus 11 personnel. You have a better chance to move the ball with 11 personnel in the field. 12 personnel gives these play callers uncertainty and unpredictability, like they can put those guys on the field and the defense cannot key in on run versus pass. And that should, in theory, give you the best chance to move the football, which is why we see, you know, some of the best coaches, Kyle Shanahan, use a full back, like, for these reasons. But I will say this, Brian Dable and Buffalo use 10 personnel more than most coaches. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but I remember that his seasons with Buffalo, he was not afraid to use 10 personnel. So I think while we won't see too much of it, the Giants will use it at times this year. And if you do use it, you want to usually spread, spread it out, right? Yeah. And then you have a quarterback like Josh Allen, somebody who is very mobile, who can evade rushes, evade blitzers, and then you have everybody else spread out. So then Josh Allen can pick up some yards with, you know, seven to eight yards, if it is a broken play because the defense decides to bring the house. Me, Charles, is that my saying that correctly? I'm not really sure. He asks, do you see germanol lumenora as a stopgap before drafting his replacement sooner rather than later, or as a long-term solution at the right tackle spot? It's a really good question. I think there's a possibility that a lumenora will not be a stopgap despite the fact that they signed him to a two-year deal because we hurt during hard knocks. The two-year deal was more on germanol lumenora and his agent said he wanted to do a two-year let me reestablish, let me establish myself. And then I'll get into the chance of the contract. And he's young enough where this could be a long-term solution at right tackle. There's no reason it can't. Look, when the giant signed cream mckenzie, he was obviously a better prospect to begin with and had a more of a decorated career, but he was an older player when they signed him from the Jets. And he became a stalwart, retired, played the rest of his career with the Giants. Luminor is not cream mckenzie, but a lumenora could ultimately provide, like prove to be a top 15, maybe even top 10 in this system, right tackle for the Giants, not out of the realm. He was one of those 15 best players at the position last year, consistent and still not that old. I think it's possible he could, and how good would that be, Nick, for them to find a long-term solution at the tackle position without having to use draft capital, considering all the draft capital they have used to find long-term solutions, Eric Flowers, Evan Neal, top seven, top 10. And to get it that way, it would be amazing. It would be. He's 29 years old right now. And he's looking for an interview. Okay. A little older than I thought he was. Yeah. And I got to say, if you want now, I'm not 100% certain how good he is going to be, right? His career hasn't been consistent trajectory at a great season last year, but this is the type of person you want in your locker room. He is somebody who got injured first day of training camp, wanted to go back out there, did not want to miss a training camp practice because he's never missed a training camp practice in his career. And people gravitate around him. He has a great personality. Those are the types of players you do want to add to your roster, especially when they're actually good or functional at football. And I believe he's functional is his floor. Functionality is Jermaine Luminor's floor right now. And I think we can get a little bit more than that. We can get above average right tackle play from him. 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Without a doubt, Kenny G. Leviathan asks, "I think that's Leviathan. I don't know." Yeah, no, no, you nailed that. Okay. Nice. You got to slay the Leviathan from within, bro. Anytime I see the word Leviathan or read it, I just think of that NAS lyric, deep like Leviathan. Now let me try again. Okay. Anyway, with Evan Neal returning from the PUP list, the pop, and not given the starting job back at right tackle, do you think they will actually start cross-training him at guard? Or will they continue to just train him at tackle? I think they'll cross-train him, yes. He's getting second-team tackle reps as of right now. But I believe he will eventually, and injuries could happen on the interior. Look, he has a background playing offensive guard at a high level, Power Five, freshman year at Alabama, so yeah, I think they will eventually train him. But I don't think they're sold on who their swing tackle is at this moment either. And I think that's a big problem on this roster. And they would like Evan Neal to develop as a tackle if germanoluminor is not a long-term option. So put him there. That's where he has been comfortable. Be how he is, and then evaluate day by day. But I would imagine he would get kicked inside eventually for some reps to get cross-trained. Seems like they would like Josh Azudu to be that guy, but no matter how much they would like that to be the case, Nick, I don't know if they can, that actually can be the case for swing tackle. But it is interesting to me, I mean, man, Evan Neal, like you just said, throw him right into the fire, freshman, guard in a Power Five conference and holds his own and probably ultimately plays well. And now we're fast-forwarding years later, and he can't even, you know, be a starting tackle if the NFL hasn't been proven to be able to in the first two years. It's really just a wild situation there for the Giants there. But Enzo Valdanza asks, "It seems like the fan base has soured on DJ Davidson. I thought the consensus was that he had flashed last year, especially early in the year. Why is he all of a sudden on the roster bubble dude? Did I misinterpret his sophomore season?" No, I don't think you misinterpreted his sophomore season. I just think people look, he got injured his entire rookie year almost, right? I think he played in like five games last year, he didn't really make a splash. And now you're hearing names like Elijah Chapman pop up, you're hearing Jordan Riley show up to camp in excellent shape. So those players who are depth pieces are garnering and Ryder Anderson are garnering a lot more attention than DJ Davidson. So that's why. And I think people are just looking at him like, "Oh, what have you done?" Well, he hasn't had too much opportunity to do all that much because he was playing behind Dexter Lawrence and behind Leonard Williams. And he was hurt. So last year, he was also coming back from an injury. I believe he'll make the team, especially now that Jordan Phillips has been traded. And I think he is a valuable player from a depth standpoint, but I don't blame people for also being a little bit frustrated at the same time. A lot of those players from that 2022 draft class, they haven't shown all that much. Other than Cave on Thibodeau at this point, you have Daniel Bellinger and Micah McFadden and Dane Belton. I would throw him in there. But the Cordell Flots, the Josh Zooters and the DJ Davidson hasn't really shown all that much. But generally speaking, up to two seasons, their fan bases, their patience is wearing thin. But I think he would be a solid rotational piece on this defensive front. Yeah. And we'll have to see what happens there. I would say my patience, Nick, runs more thin with the premium draft capitol picks in 2022 that haven't played these late round day threes. I don't know. I've made much expectation for it to begin with. Exactly. What do we have next here? Boy, boy, would you bet money that neighbors wins offensive rookie of the year? And do you think he's undervalued in most fantasy leagues, Dan? First question. No. I think you'd be throwing your money out to bet Malik neighbors offensive rookie of the year. It would take an injury or a face plant for Caleb Williams or Jane Daniels to not win offensive rookie of the year. That's the nature of the NFL. This board is for quarterbacks. Now, say Juan Barkley's won it, but say Juan Barkley won it in a year where those rookie quarterbacks that were very hyped all seemed to fall flat on their face or just not be good enough. If you believe that's going to happen with Caleb Williams and Jane Daniels and, you know, Bonix is also potentially going to start, I think he's going to win rookie of the year, then it's not a bad bet because there's a chance Malik neighbors could out produce Marvin Harrison, for example, and some of these other rookie wide receivers. And I don't think any of the rookie running backs are going to get this award. You got to have some serious stones, bro, to bet a lot of money on Malik neighbors offensive rookie of the year when there were five quarterbacks drafted in the first round, right? I'm not saying how many year one probably won't play, but he's talented enough, though. That's the thing. He's certainly talented enough. And I'm sure you could probably get solid odds on it, although his hype has been pretty freaking raised through training camp. But yeah, no, that's, um, it's going to be tough with Caleb. I want to say if he wins offensive rookie of the year, the giant should win nine or 10 games. But then I'm like, wait a second, say Juan Barkley went offense for the year in 2018, the giant's won five games. So that probably isn't even true. As far as the second question goes, he was insanely undervalued in fantasy leagues. That was the case in early July when we were drafting CBS mid July and August. Not anymore. The one place you still might be able to find some semblance of value is in snake leagues, but I have been in two auction drafts already, both were early. And so even then you cannot get him because in every auction draft you do, there's at least two managers that are going to love neighbors are going to bid them up past ADP value and then they put him into that range of, you know, second tier receiver pricing wise. So you can't really get value there. Still he might pay it back. That's the crazy part. He still might pay back. No matter what price you underpinned, if you take him in round two, your snake or end of round two or early round three or mid round three early round three, he could easily paid up to that value off if the touchdowns come. That's the question. Can and if the touchdowns come, the giants have not thrown passing touchdowns over the last five years, there's been no thrown passing touchdowns. I don't, I think it probably dates back to 2015, the last time the giants actually threw passing touchdowns in this offense because I don't, I know they didn't throw a lot of passing touchdowns 2016 when they made the playoffs. I'm assuming 17 and 18 were pretty similar to that from a passing touchdown total. And they had one year, 2019 Jones through 24, which, you know, is still not a lot of asking. Yeah, that's much though. No, it's not a lot. 35. It's very good for rookie. You know, like the giants, I'm just saying, regardless of the situation, just don't throw a lot of passing. So like for neighbors to actually pay that fantasy value off, this is the thing people aren't realizing when they're really steaming them up in these auction drafts, like neighbors should get a lot of receptions. You should get a lot of targets. You should get a lot of yards. But if the touchdowns are down in the four or five range, that's when he kind of ends up being a bad value. If he's at that cost, Dan, you're talking this much fantasy. I feel like my arm hairs should just grow like crazy. I'm just going to become Adam Aser at this point. Yeah. Really. It's not. It's not. That is a good good. Yeah. I think people over rate hairiness to manliness ratio. It doesn't make you a man to have hairy arms think Adam Aser proves that true. Absolutely. I love it. 35. Robert 16. I hope he hears that. 35. Robert 16 asks, I think there's a decision waiting for the Giants in the draft in April. I'm asking you guys which you'd prefer. Giants are picking top five, take blue chip prospects, Will Johnson, Mason, Graham, etc. and get a quarterback in day two or trade up or draft a lesser non-blue chip prospect that quarterback. I'm asking because I've been wanting the Giants to draft a quarterback for years. They haven't. Looking ahead to the draft class, if they're picking high, I really don't want a quarterback in the first round and would rather have the elite corner prospect. It's a great question, Robert, and I'm laughing or I'm smiling because I feel like the way Nick and Nick and I just spent like months researching and watching film on these draft prospects, and it feels like that scenario you just presented to us is the exact scenario that Nick and I, at least, now I know not everyone agrees with this, but the way we interpreted the current situation from last draft, like you're going to get a non-blue chip quarterback prospect that says because the blue chips that we believed were on the board were already gone. No one wanted to trade them from picks one through three or you're going to get an actual blue chip player at another position. So if it's the scenario again and it plays itself out, there's really no amount of time or there's not, you can't have too many occurrences of it where I will go to drafting the lesser blue chip prospect the quarterback because that's, or the lesser non-blue chip prospect quarterback because that's just not how I believe that's not how my process goes. I don't draft position to draft position. I know some people believe you have to kind of make some exceptions or other guys that may not be blue chips, they believe they are blue chips and some people have used preseason today, victory laps on this which I think is a little, little advised because there's preseason football guys. I remember how dominant Daniel Jones was in preseason where five years later he's not one of the best quarterbacks in NFL and I don't mean to use him as an example, everyone's an example of that. There's plenty of great preseason quarterbacks who, because NFL defensive coordinators don't scheme in the preseason, like, what are we doing here? Like Michael Pennix, what are we, is he an amazing star because he looked good in a preseason game? Like, come on guys, we got to settle that in and rein it in. So my answer remains the same, Nick. If they don't have a chance at a quarterback who can be a superstar in the NFL, I'm just not interested in, you know, where do I find my quarterback, Robert, which is the question you asked. I've been looking at draft quarterback. This is the NFL, brother. It's hard to get quarterbacks and you may never get an opportunity for years and years and years, sadly. Yeah. And so much has to play out with the college football season. There were quarterbacks who were drafted high in this draft and no one was really talking about. Jane Daniels. Jane Daniels. Exactly. Joe Burrow back in 2019. So that happens quite often. It's not just for the LSU Tigers. So we have to be patient with that. But yeah, getting a guy like Will Johnson would be absolutely amazing like that shutdown type of corner. That would be sick to have Johnson and Deontay Banks with the front that we have like the three big, three big guys on the front, Kvon Burns and Dexter with Will Johnson and Deontay Banks there and Newman, who I think is going to be a really good character who'll be on the last year. Okay. Who they'll have to figure out with. But like we're looking at that point like a really, really good defense, potentially like elite, in my opinion, at that point. If you can get it to that point, obviously at that point though, we wouldn't have no idea what would happen at quarterback because in this scenario, Nick, the Giants are picking like top three or four or five to get a blue chip like Will Johnson, which means this season was horrible and there obviously would cut Daniel Jones or it could go the opposite. Yeah. Jones has another season ending injury and they can't cut him because they got the $25 million injury guarantee. And now he's on the book for like 50 million gets a cat next year, at which point you have to kind of punt on the 20, 25 season if you're allocating 50 million to captain, somebody who's like injured and can't even play at that point. You're just going to do a lot of cutlets everybody. Yeah. Yeah. Garrett, Garrett Kelly says or asks, any concerns with the development of our players in the secondary? It seems like a ton of resources have been put into the secondary. But outside of Xavier McKinney, no one has really developed. Is it coaching or is it just the high rate of bus for DBs outside of top picks? Such a great question here. I don't know necessarily if I could have an answer that I feel 100% confident I'll be right on. But my feel is it's the latter. I just think it's really hard to develop as a defensive back in the NFL. I think it's really hard to play defensive back in the NFL. It's why I don't really like using my second round third round picks at the position. I'm personally rather just find a James Bradberry when you need one in free agency and spend my money there. But you know, teams like to draft second and third round corners. They also like to draft first round corners that end up being nothing. I look back at some drafts like during draft season Nick and I was looking at all these first round corners taken man and these early second round corners taken. And a lot of these names are just nothing in the NFL at this point and that's just the nature of the position. I think it's probably the hardest, if not maybe the second hardest position to play. To me, it's either corner or tight end in the NFL. It's one of those two tight end has more responsibilities, but corners just such a naturally hard position to play. So I mean there, but I don't know if you think it's more on Jerome Henderson in development. I don't know what your thoughts are there. No, I don't think it's more on Jerome Henderson. I'm trying to think who has been like a high draft pick on the New York Giants in the secondary that is busted. A lot. Flots the only like one that really comes into, but he, like again, a very unique case, right. And I look at guys like Jason Pinnock and Dane Beltan. I don't consider them flops. I consider them promising young players that a giant have, you know, Gervarious Owens, you know, I'll put him off to the side. But I think he has some talent as well. I Tyler Nubin, I'm high on right now. And then Deontay Banks, I'm high on. I don't know what his ceiling is quite yet or where he is going to be, but I'm still high on him as a player. I look at Donnie Holmes, who was a fourth round pick a while ago and say that's a bust right there. He's a guy the Giants just brought back. I think they probably expected more from him, but that's still a day three pick. So who exactly is this like gigantic bust that Jerome Henderson is guilty of fielding at this point? Yeah. No one from a high draft capital standpoint, the exception of Flot would be the argument there. But I agree with you. I mean, personally, like with me, when we chose Flot, I said at the time, I was like young and hopefully he grows into his body, but the third round, I'm like, that's the little rich. I know the Giants had him in for a pre draft visit, but that seemed very rich at the time. And I still think it is. And the Giants have brought in for a draft class, right, Nick? I'm sorry. That was Shane's first draft class, right? It was. Yeah. It was a weird year. He just got in. He didn't have his scouts in. He didn't really have it. And he felt like there were a lot of picks like that in that class, to be honest. And something tells me that the Giants, like we talked a lot about Salz Garner. I'm sure they were very interested in Salz. I think they would have took Derek Stingley Jr. too. I think Derek Stingley. I think they were very interested in Derek Stingley Jr. Interesting. Yes. And I think we heard a report about that maybe at some point during that 2022 draft class and he would have fit too with what Wink Martindale was doing. And he's very talented as well. So, and then they chose his teammate, Cordell Flott. So I'm imagining they probably went to LSU a bunch that year. But yeah, I look at like Fabian Marose, the Nick McClouds and the players the Giants are just bringing in and they're functional enough. I think that's a testament to Jerome Henderson. So I don't know. I think DB's tough. I think DB's tough. I think you really only get like the accolades. If you come away with like turnovers and interceptions to make big plays on like Monday night and Sunday night football. And that just doesn't happen all that much. Like there are guys who make big plays on Monday and Sunday night football and then like the general NFL fan will look at them and be like, that guy's great. But then you watch his tapes like, dude, he's not really that great. He was just very opportunistic. So I don't know. It's tough, man. It's tough to play DB. I'm with you. Michael Ferrelli asks, I can't believe I'm asking this, but should Darius Layton in his contract be expendable and used to cut and throw money at a veteran corner who could bolster the secondary? Yeah. I don't know. I haven't really looked too much into Darius Layton's contract to know the dead money or what exactly would happen with that. I don't want to get rid of Darius Layton. I think Darius Layton is a very valuable piece to this offense to keep these wide receivers fresh. And he's like the veteran in that room if they don't keep Alan Robinson. And he has a established rapport with Daniel Jones. So no, I don't want to get rid of Darius Layton. Darius Layton ended the 2023 season, catching back-to-back games in week 17 and 18. I remember this. 65-yard touchdowns from time. No, they were 80-yard touchdowns. 80-yard touchdowns. We didn't even, we had like one or two of those in like five years before, then four years before that. Like, no, I'm not going to cut the guy who did that personally. Me. And then B, it's like, yeah, like, Corner, like Stefan Gilmore is named a lot, like a Dory Jackson. These guys are going to cost a lot of money. We don't even know if they want to come here and play. They might be waiting for a different kind of opportunity with a contender at this stage of their careers to be completely honest. And like, outside of that, you're not going to find much. Like, this is the nature of the position. It's like, go online. There's not a lot of corners just sitting around being waited to be claimed at this point. Like, yeah. And it's just how it is. And like, I, I am less concerned with the corner position than a lot of other Giants fans. So I think when the real games happen, the D line is going to make a lot of plays, like, a lot of plays in the backfield and just get pressure to not allow some of those downfield things to develop for other teams. Honestly, yeah, I'm on the flip side with there. I might be my biggest concern with the Giants, which says a lot at this point. The secondary in general and often remains my biggest concern. I'm cautious. Otherwise. Yeah. And that's completely fair. That's completely fair. There is a reality that the Giants are able to score some points, like maybe average, like 24 points per game, which is really good for the New York Giants, right? Yeah. But then they, but then their defense is like allowing like 28 to 30 or something because they're because their secondary is so porous. A lot of it does depend on the pass rush. The pass rush can certainly bail out the secondary, but if you suffer an injury to Deonta Banks, I'm like, who is playing cornerback for the Giants at this point? And Deonta Bank doesn't even like fully proven to be like, Oh, that's a bona fide number one. We think he is, right? We believe he can be, but it's not necessarily proven yet. I think he was trending in that direction. But as we know, development isn't always linear. So it's, it's tough with that secondary man. There's a lot of youth there. Joe Freer asks, how do you guys plan on celebrating the next Giants Super Bowl victory? Oh, I don't know, man. I want to be with my homies. I want to be with my friends. I just want, I want it to happen. You know what? Dude, it could happen. I could be dead. It just happened. Right? Like, I just want that to occur. That was morbid. No, my point is, man, I could be anywhere, right? And as long as it's happening, there will be a glimmer of joy that strikes Nick Folado's dead lifeless body, or wherever I am, right? Like, so I'm, I'm hoping that, uh, that could happen, but yeah, I'd be able to be with my friends and family. Nick sitting there willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the New York Giants to win this Super Bowl. I plan on celebrating the next Giants Super Bowl victory the same way I celebrated the last two with my family. That's how I'm going to watch it again. That's how we watch the '07 and '11. There's no other way I would do it than with my immediate family, but though, the first time we did it with, uh, my extended family and shout out Ari, he was there. Not all of my extended family, though. I'd like to actually do it with the full extended family next time it actually happens. Uh, whenever that may be, Nick Townsend asks, has the projected first team offensive line actually taken any snaps together in training camp yet? Is there any concern with how quick they can gel together in week one, uh, given week one is fast approaching? Yeah. So I think they did like maybe, or they are going to today or they did yesterday or two days ago, whenever the last time they practiced because JMS returned to practice return to team drills, but it's, that's it. Because John Michael Schmidt's just got back and Greg Van Roman was just signed like two weeks ago. So they have very little experience working together. Yeah. Uh, the way I would answer this, because I don't know what the projected first choice offensive line. I think, I think I have a good bet on it. Now, I think it's going to be Van Rotten at right guard over Stini. And then you have a Luminor, JMS, Runion, and Thomas. Yeah. I mean, that's what I would guess too, but I'm not so that they don't believe Evan Neal should start this year. I know that's what it seems like for sure right now, but I just remain unsold that like this is Joe Shane's guy, like he brought him in the seventh overall pick. Um, that to me, and that matters probably more for other GMs in the past. Um, not just giant GMs, but like other GMs in general in the NFL really try to make their draft picks work. Um, so maybe Joe Shane is not that kind of guy and he could put that he put that hubris behind him, but you're talking about a card. I'm guessing. No, right tackle. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't say that happening, but that would be a quite the development. And if it did, it's like, dude, if he like gives up a sack on the first like second down play action, that's like, Oh my God, at least we have a Luminor there on the, to me, it's like a, no, I think in that scenario, Luminor would just get back to right guard or left guard, whatever it might be, like, I don't think Luminor would be moved out of the starting line. It would just be Greg Ben road. Not yet. No, I know. But I'm saying like if Evan Neal, like right off the bat, if he did get that right. Oh yeah. Yeah. I kicked inside. It's like, well, Greg Ben wrote and get your ass in there. Yeah. Yeah. It's like chomping at the bits ready to just tear his ass up. I think I think we need to slowly bring Evan Neal a long way now because we have the options to do so. Yeah. No, I'm not saying I think that's definitely. No, I know. Yeah, no, I know. But just to clear up for everybody else, I'm not saying that's definitely their choice. I'm just saying I think it's still a possibility that they have, they do have in mind that he should start this year and we'll see what happens there. Jeff G asks, what's your bench press looking like these days boys bench press? I haven't bench pressed in a while because I'm at this gym in this apartment complex. So I just use dumbbells and I just do the max of the dumbbells that they have, which is like 60 pounds, but it's too easy. So bench press, probably not like a super, a lot, to be honest, Brian's got to be horrible these days. Nick, once golf season has arrived, I can't find time to lift weights anymore because it always messes. Like if I'm golfing in a day or let's even say two days, Nick, do I really want to rip up my chest, triceps and shoulders and then go out there and potentially have it impact my golf game? No, the answer is no because nothing derives me more happiness than when I play good golf and nothing gets me more frustrated and angry than when I play bad golf, Nick. So I have to put that first, but I will say this before golf season, I had changed my whole perspective with lifting weights. Like I no longer lift heavy weights. I only lift. I just increased reps. So I just was doing 45 45 on 135 and just wrapping that out as much as I can type of thing because a I tore my what's it called rotator like I had a tear in this on my right shoulder at one point from lifting too much weights from basically putting like two years ago. I had like two plates on and a 25 and like I can do it on plates. Yeah. Two plates and three five. And I could do it at that point. Like I got up to a good point at one point, but like it's worth nothing to me, Nick. Like I don't care anymore about that. So I don't know why ever really did I think more running right now. So you're a big runner. Yeah. That and lower body exercises. I don't run. Yeah. I mean, I don't know how you people run. It seems like you're getting like a high from it, dude. There is. I get higher. Other things. Also nice. And I also love just the sprints too, you know, like I'm over 30 now. So like I want to be doing those like sprints to keep myself active, right? I want to be one of those guys who is like can't sprint like that's something that I'm going to agree more. Couldn't agree more. But I need a game. So for me, it's like tennis. I'll play tennis. You got short sprints. By the way, let me put this out on Twitter soon. But anybody listen to the podcast, if you live in the Morristown, New Jersey area and you're a four to four, five, or even a five oh tennis player, I'd like to hit. I'm looking to play more tennis. I don't really have anyone that I play with at this point. He's good, dude. He's good too. I'm pretty good. But I'm not that good. He's pretty good. But I will get decent again. I gave the number like a four five four five five oh, I don't know what that means. Yeah. It's a tennis term. I'm probably closer to four to four five at this point and maybe even down four. I don't know. I don't know exactly what I would be probably four or five somewhere in that range. But I play the only person I could play with right now is my dad and I love my dad, shout out Ron Schneider. He might be listening. But he's an older guy right now. He's an older man. And so he's not like, you know, he's not going to hate this guy when he understands and we're hitting good. And by the way, the implication is the implication. This is full Dennis Reynolds right now. I don't know if you get that reference, but it's the implication. Yeah. That's the episode we're just talking about like, she can't go anywhere. It's the implication. Yeah. That's just the predator. I don't really know exactly what he's like. You're not getting it. He's like, no, I'm not. I'm not. Yeah. Dennis Reynolds character and always Sony and Philadelphia is one of my favorite American talent. So good. But yeah, if you're, if you want to, I would love to hit with anybody. So if you're good, good enough tennis player, again, four to four or five, I don't want to play with beginners. No offense. I'm sorry. It's just not as fun. I'd love to hit. I live in Morristown and I'll drive anywhere. I'll drive 20, 25 minutes to hit at night. We'll find courts. There's courts with lights right by me that are looking really nice that I've been wanting to play. But let's hit. Reach out to me. Hit me up on DM. This is nothing to do with the mailbag. I apologize for wasting everyone else's time. But I need to play more tennis because I had so much fun playing lately, Nick. I fell back in love with the game and to an extent where I kind of even love it more than golf and I'll tell you why Nick ended here. But tennis is a sport where I'm generally happy playing golf. I'm just angry too much Nick because you so much can go wrong in golf. It's so unforgiving, so annoying at times and so unforgiving and so frustrating. So anyway, back to, yes. That's the end of the golf talk for today. Back to the business. Here we go. Alex Goggin says, "When evaluating the 2022 draft for Joe Shane, how much do you take in consideration that the 2022 draft was considered by most the weakest draft in years, especially at the top end?" And that's in addition because a lot of people came back, returned to college for COVID. Evidence by the Giants basically begging teams for to trade up for those bicks. What are your thoughts on that? That's a great question. We kind of hit on this a little bit before. So the Giants were operating with Dave Getelman's scouting staff. Joe Shane was operating with those guys. So yes, I have to- Where you should really put in the sound. Yeah. Hold on. I got a quicker one. Yeah. So yeah, that was a wet one. Yeah. I absolutely factor it in, but there were still good players who were selected. I think Joe Shane went for traits, went for traits that could be developed by the coaching staff, but Brian Dable's coaching staff and some of those just haven't worked out. I don't believe Joe Shane is, you know, it's an indictment on his ability to evaluate talent. I'm not suggesting that. It's just a reality that is going to be a slight demerit on his resume because these guys are not providing value to your roster and some of them were top 100 picks. Yeah. I mean- But the degree's also factoring too. It's not, you know, there is more nuance with the Zooto's case. Like he's got injured. He's moved around a bunch of different positions. Like he hasn't had the easiest path to being a successful NFL player because I think the Giants put way too much on his plate with all of the other considerations that they should have factored in to his specific case. Yeah. You're right. And that's exactly true. And it was a weaker class. We've seen I mean, there's been hits, obviously Garrett Wilson that was drafted right around the Giants. If you go, you know, further back on the draft, you'll find some hits, but it was a weaker class. But in the end, Nick's right. Like ultimately, this is going to define Joe Shane. If Evan Neal turns into a nothing factor, it's going to really hurt their chance to have a ceiling as a football team. You just can't burn seven overall picks. Like they've done it a lot in franchises. Eric Flowers, Eli Apple, the list goes on, but it's no coincidence that there's been bad times that have followed after burning those picks. So somebody will have to consider. Okay. This is from a friend of the show, Adriana who by the way said she met you, Nick. So that was cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Adriana LaFala asks, and you should check out our work Giants fan and Y Giants fan girl. And by the way, shout out, Sal who we asked got a question from earlier, check out his work on. He's a giant podcast, but she asked Dan, will we see a mustache from you too? We all love a food question. So this is for you both FMK, which is a family show at Adriana. So we're not going to read that out loud, but people know what FMK is. I hope. And again, it's Mary kill. And then the other one you can kind of assume wings, pizza and beer. Let me start with the first question addressed to me. Look, Adriana, it's taken a while to even get anything going from a facial hair standpoint. Let me tell you, I got a beer going. It's pretty solid. It's solid. It's not what I want fully. I want this part filled in and I'm never going to get that. And I don't like the lack of connection with the mustache. So I don't think I can pull it. You see this little in the middle. It's not that bad, though, but not that bad. But I feel like if I shaved off all this and just had this mustache, it just wouldn't look that good. Like, I'll give it a shot. Maybe at some point, now I'm not going to give it a shot. I'm never actually going to give it a shot. It's too risky. And I'm not willing to take that chance, especially because these days when I go full shave, Nick, done a recent like a year and a half ago, I hate the look. Once you get this child, look, yeah, you look like such a child. It's just weird. I don't like it at all. Like, I don't think it'll ever go away at this point now that I'm used to it. But I would say no would be the answer. The honest answer would be no. I'm not going to go with mustache. Now, as far as the FMK goes, Nick, I'll let you hit yours first. Yeah, I'm killing beer. Beer is not my thing. If it was whiskey, it would be very, very tough, very, very tough. I am going to marry pizza and then I will have intercourse with wings. Someone clipped that. Yeah. Really. I saw the editing you did the other day, by the way, with the, with the, with the, with the, yeah, it was really fun. My answer to the FMK, this is an unembarrassing to admit, I would say, but just like a reality, and it's not cool. I'm not cool anymore. But I don't really like to drink. I don't like to consume alcohol often anymore. Unfortunately, the Andrew Huberman podcast really ultimately like shaped my thoughts on alcohol. I would suggest if you enjoy drinking alcohol and using in your life, do not listen to this podcast by Andrew Huberman. If I say something and you don't want to listen, don't listen. Yeah. Nice job, Matt, but look like once you, and, and for me, a lot of it was I wasn't sleeping well and then I retooled my sleep and now it's great. I think alcohol was a big issue for my lack of sleep and just poor sleep. So I like loved beer back in the day, but for now it's an easy kill for me because just, it has alcohol in it and I don't want to, I'll still, by the way, I'm still drinking with friends and we go out weddings, everything like that, social things, but like not around the house randomly. Now as far as the other two go, F and M, I'm definitely marrying pizza. Pizza has a better, like there's just less bad pizza out there, especially with where I live in New York, New Jersey now go to other places, man. I've had pizza in Austin, Texas, Nashville and Wisconsin, horrible, horrible, horrible across the board. Maybe one at every five places you go that are decent there from pizza standpoint. It's really sometimes unfathomable, Nick, how bad pizza can taste in other parts of this country. I stand by that. I stand by that. I know people hate that take. On FFT, people hate that, they're like, "Your show show, New Jersey, New York, snob." Like it's got something like, "All right, I don't care. I'm right." So that doesn't mean I'm not right. The pizza tastes like crap in other places. They have no idea what they're doing and it really doesn't even taste anything like this pizza. So let's do that and then obviously we'll F wings because wings are, they're affable, for sure, especially if you get good wings. You could really go to town on those things. Let's go to Joseph Croso here who says, "I'll do it." Oh yeah, I love this question. "I'll do it. What's your golf handicap these days, Dan? I'll keep this short, but I'm at a 19.3." Really nice. I'm trying to keep that under 20 for the rest of the summer, but I followed up my best golf round ever, luckily with my brother. I like that he got to see it with my worst ever, a date, one round later. Just what I, why I was saying before, Nick, it's so unforgiving and it's such an annoying sport. In tennis, that would never happen. If I played good one day and then five days later played tennis, there might be a, I might play worse that day, Nick, but I would never play so considerably worse. That's just what pisses me off about golf, but at the same time it's what keeps me coming back. Alec AS, what are your bold predictions for the Giants this year? Bold prediction. I mean, I don't even know how bold this is with the state of the NFC, but the Giants make the playoffs and they win a playoff game. I think that could be a bold prediction. Are you predicting that? Are you going with that? I'm not going to release my final predictions until right before the season, we'll do a show on that, but as of right now, since the state of the Giants and the opinion of the Giants is so low, I think it warrants an answer to this question saying that the Giants win a playoff game again. Okay. I don't know if that's going to happen personally, but it's very guarded on his bold predictions. I respect, especially because we're going to use it for content. So I'll kind of tend to lean toward that exact type of idea, but one bold prediction I'll have here is that at least two of the Giants running backs will average more yards per carry than Sake won Barkley did during the 2023s and that's one of my bold predictions. So okay. I like that's so much better than mine. Yeah. So much better than mine. All right. Let's go with this then. The Giants offensive line will tear out of this bowl. The Giants offensive line will be a top 10 in sacks. Wow. Wow. The sacks allowed. Yes. With Daniel Jones at quarterback, yes, he's one of the worst pressure to sack ratios in the entire NFL of all you one gold. So I wanted to go bolder just changes his whole career and becomes a good sack to pressure quarterback. That'd be wild to see. That'd be amazing. That happened. I'm so curious to see what what he was in 2022. I don't know. His sack to pressure ratio. I am curious that too. Because he definitely took a step forward there. I know in Duke, it was like one of the worst in the 2022. It was like the first five or six weeks was horrible, man. He got sacked so much to where they didn't want to do any things that were run the football against Chicago. They didn't even want them taking drop back. Now it's first year in an offense with a bad offensive line. Right. It's working right tackle. But then it kind of stabilized a little bit and then the offense just sucked mid-season. Remember? I just give the football. Three seven in one for that and the 11 game stretch and then they had a nice bit of relief on the schedule with the Colts in my games and maybe they just kind of blew it up. But yeah, I don't necessarily believe that that will happen. But let's run with that. Okay. I'd love to see it. You've seen like the one successful quarterback with a bad sack to pressure ratio is Joe Burrow. But a lot of the list has been just like guys that haven't improved that. We'll see what happens though. I hope you're right. If that happens, the Giants, Daniel Jones is going to take a huge step forward if he can improve his sack to pressure ratio. All right. What are your... No, sorry. J. Dodge asks, "What is an acceptable touchdown to interception ratio if Daniel Jones is going to take more shots downfield? When do we get angry with too many interceptions and when are we fine with the risk?" Oh, I'm fine with the risk. Now, I think when you start getting around the 16 interceptions a year, if you're actually being very aggressive and tempting big time throws down the field, you start to be like, "All right." Because Daniel Jones right now, last season, he had how many interceptions? Last year in 2022, we're going to avoid last year, he had five interceptions. In 2021, he had seven, he had 10 in 2020, and he had 2019, he had 12. So if you start getting up to like 16, it's like, okay, but if you're actually hitting on your touchdowns, if you have like 30 touchdown passes, I'm not going to mind that much. But if you only have like 20 touchdown passes and you're throwing a lot of interceptions and that ratio starting to even out, that's where I'm going to have a big problem. So I'm always going to be somebody who advocates for the aggressive play. Like I love Andrew Luck. Andrew Luck threw a bunch of interceptions. Now he's a great quarterback. But he threw a ton of interceptions. But I didn't care about those interceptions because he was challenging very tight windows and he had a confidence to do that. And if Daniel Jones can adopt that mindset, he's not going to come in for Luck, obviously, but if he can adopt that mindset, it's going to lead to more explosive plays and I think it will benefit the Giants offense and the whole team, the entire team. So I am, I'm not going to be too much of a stickler as long as those touchdowns are there. Yeah, it's funny because I think from just like a fan standpoint, Nick, and just an aesthetic standpoint and just what I'm watching on tape, the work we do, I strongly lean toward, I would rather watch fun, aggressive quarterbacking than the safe quarterback. And we've had for the last few years. And if it comes with interceptions, it comes. But at the same time, I don't want Daniel Jones to be the first 30, 30 guys since James Winston. When I mean by 30, 30 is 30 touchdowns, 30 interceptions. James Winston did that in a season once, which is fine, absurd, by the way, Nick. It's two through 30 interceptions in a year, James Winston. You know how hard that is to do? It's almost two picks a game. It's crazy stuff right there. Like just imagine how how that could even happen. But he also threw 30 touchdowns, which is something I know is close in 2013. What was his? What was his? Twenty seven interceptions. Oh, what was his touchdowns? He had, let me look it up. 18. Oh, no, 18, 27, he was happening that year. Oh, my God. Eli. What the fuck was that? And then the next year, the draft that a receiver in the first round. Holy shit. I didn't even remember that 18, 27 season from Eli. That is brutal. But yeah, I think the answer to your question, Jay, I, I want him to take the shot sound field, Daniel Jones. I'm ready for it. I'm done with the safe quarterbacking. I know it kind of worked in 2022, but I've skipped, I've skipped the system if you could just run that back because now defenses have taken away the B gap and that was his big safety dial that season scrambling, running the B gap. Most of his good APA came from that and like, it's barfios, things like that. So I think ultimately take the shots down field, Jones. Don't worry about the interceptions and let's go from there. Bull Bitler asks, what food take do you have that everyone hates? Mine is the only wrong way to eat pizza is no toppings. You just want cheese, red sauce and carbs. There's so many better ways than pizza as a terrible, terrible, takeable, but I think it's bull bitler. Great. You've been a loyal fan for a while, but this is just a horrible take and you're right. Everyone hates it. I think I hate it. I mean, look, the best pizza as Dave Portenoy proved, and I think he's right about this is plain pizza. Like the way to judge for pizzas should like the way to rank a pizza as you rank their plane. Toppings are great, but you rank their plane. Like I still like topping pizza more probably, but if you go by the plane ranking, so totally disagree. Bull is not ranking them. He's just trying to enjoy them, but he's saying the wrong way to eat pizza is with no toppings. Yeah. Because he likes toppings. Okay. But if I have Sally's or, you know, any of these places, these, these chart, these, uh, Connecticut pizzas, uh, modern, there's a million great ones. I don't want that. I don't need toppings. It's good as it. Like, no, that is the right way to eat pizza with that topping. The best pizza is without toppings. So I believe disagree with this one Nick. What's yours? Give me your food. Take that. Everyone hates. I don't really know if I have a strong one that everyone hates. I wish I had more time to look at this, but I make, you know, I think I brought this up. I make cottage cheese ice cream. Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah. I mean, and it's good. And you'd like it. No, I like it. Yes, you would. Bro, I've, I've sold you on stuff that you say you're still only on some stuff from weird eating stuff before that has had you been right on. That was unexpected. But cottage cheese, that texture is really. But when it, when it freezes, man, it just solidifies and you don't really like, you don't feel that texture in your mouth unless you let it all, unless you let it all just like melt, you know, uh huh. I got a lot of takes that people are going to, that everyone hates. Oh, I know. So I'm going to abuse them off. The first one is Buffalo chicken dicks dips. Wow. Wow. That was almost bad. Buffalo chip and chicken dip sucks. It just sucks. I don't, and, and this goes terrible. That's terrible. No, not terrible. Take. And this goes for a lot of things here. Let me just say, throwing cream cheese, block cream cheese, and all these dishes is disgusting and it makes it worse. I don't want this disgust every little put cream cheese I need to see on a Seattle dog, a hot dog with cream cheese on it, disgusting, just nasty stuff that I don't need. And Buffalo chicken dip is just too much cream cheese. Another thing, sour cream sucks. Makes things worse. It's disgusting. If you put sour cream on my burrito at Chipotle, I, I can't even have any glides. Someone who's lactose intolerant. I say, no, I'm not lactose intolerant. I consider myself a, I can eat all I do and can't. I have a scour ice cream all the time cheese. I just deal with the, the issues that come through with the consequences. That's what it is. One bed dump in the morning and you're good to go. And that's it. And that's what I deal with. And it's not so I can still hear people who like allergic to it, but now sour cream from a taste standpoint. No good. People love that. You know, chip, Buffalo chicken dip, overrated, not that good. What else do we got? I got one that's kind of that's unpopular. Fried stuff sucks. What? Yeah. I don't like fried stuff. Wow. That's the way it makes me feel. Yeah. I don't, I, I don't really find it that appetizing. I actually kind of find it a little disgusting. Okay. Now if it's lightly fried, like if like I'm talking about deep fried stuff, is this my real life? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If it's lightly fried, that I don't really have an issue with that at all. But the deep fried stuff, I see people come around with like chicken fingers or onion rings and it's again, they touch it and there's like moisture coming on the face. I think that's disgusting. Right? I just find that repulsive. Oh, I love it. I love it. I hate locks. I'm only Jew in the world who hates locks. They don't like locks. Yeah. Don't like to taste at all that smoky fish taste. I don't like any of the smoky fit tasting fishes. I think what else do we got here? Hate locks. That's disgusting. What else? I don't know. I'd have to think more about this bull, but I love the question. All right. The CCP3Mans asks, "After the Giants, what sports teams are you guys most invested in?" That's easy. For me, it would be the Rangers. New York Rangers. Love the New York Rangers. Love the Knicks too. And baseball, I don't really, you know, Yankees Mets, whatever, doesn't really matter much, but definitely Knicks and Rangers. I'll go with the Wisconsin Badgers football and the Wisconsin Badgers basketball as my two most teams I'm most invested in after that. Love that. Yeah. Great question. It's fun one. Thanks. Do you think the Giants should keep Tommy DeVito over Drew Locke if they can only keep two quarterbacks? Does he have more upside potential as a backup by what he showed last year? I think they're going to try to slip him on the practice squad. And most likely that's going to work out unless there's like some desperate team that loves Tommy DeVito. They're not going to commit a 53-man roster spot to him. It seems a little unlikely. So we'll probably try to slip him through the practice squad and keep Drew Locke. I don't think they should get rid of Drew Locke unless that injury is more serious than we've been led on to believe. Yeah. I think you're right about that, Nick. I think a lot of this has been, you know, a little bit of recency. I don't want to say bias, but just what we've seen, like, Drew Locke's look bad in Cam. Drew Locke look bad in the preseason game. Tommy DeVito had a little bit of run last year. I think QB2 should be Drew Locke. And I'm with you on that. I think Tommy DeVito should be a practice squad player. All right. One more. And then we're going to get the rest. There's still like four pages or more of this. So we're going to get the rest in future pods, but we're going to do one more. And I want to save one of these next. So I'm going to save that for the next one because it's a good one to lead with. And we'll do this Ron Shecklin says, the Giants wide receiver corps has been getting a lot of corps. You read it, how you say it, how you read it, a lot of hype. But I feel like the addition of neighbors just brings them up to a league average unit. Most teams have a legit wide receiver one. Many have two. So they might be a wide receiver two and one down high, it seemed to me like wide receiver threes is the hype, all that warranted question mark. I think it's warranted relative to what the Giants have been working with and I think they have a bona fide wide receiver one. And I don't look at it like, Hey, this is a wide receiver three. I look at it like these are these guys serve specific rules that will allow the Giants to access an offensive output that they have not been able to access for a while. Because they haven't had the Malik neighbors stud and Juan Del is that great guy underneath highest field stretch. I think he can be more than that at this point. And then Slaton, I think is that wide receiver two, if you want to use that type of terminology. So I think it's, I think it has the potential to be much better than a league average unit if all of these guys hit that's, will they all hit? And now if the Giants do suffer an injury to one of their top three, they have a real legit actual starting wide receiver number four, which they haven't really had as their depth for quite a while. So I'm excited about the wide receiver court. I'm just really excited they had that actual focal point who will force defensive coordinators to cloud him and run a lot more cover to, to allow the offense to run and do all that other stuff that, that they have not been able to do as efficiently as we would have liked. Yeah. My answer to this wrong would be I really do believe wide receiver may just be the most misunderstood position in the NFL among fans because I think ultimately it's basically from my standpoint, from what I've seen fans basically say, and even in this question, the way you phrase it, judge on statistics when in reality, these statistics are reliant on the quarterback. And that's just the reality situation. Look around the NFL, do some research and see how much a wide receivers dependent on his quarterback. And then you can even look at the Giants case. We have numbers that back this up. The Giants have been very strong in separation rates over the last two seasons. Richie James had a good separation rate. Darius Layton back to back good separation rates. Jalen Hyatt can separate. I've seen it in camp. Juan Del Robinson is explosive after the catch and is a weapon he can separate too. We saw it on the game winning catch against the Green Bay Packers last year. So the stats may not be there. And that's what will tell me judge them on. But like I honestly believe dude, if you put these guys with burrow in my homes, like the whole perception of the people like all with the dariously, I'm sorry, oh, Juan Del and Hyatt just wide receiver threes, I don't think people would be thinking that if they had moans and burrow in it and all those types of players. So I just don't really like the valuation wide receivers. I'm very excited about these talents, if they can get the rest of it going in the passing game. When did they're this is a long now bag, but not too long and we have a lot of questions to get to at some point, which we will. Thank you for tuning in. Keep it locked and loaded. More content coming game film review of the preseason game coming sometime early next week. We're driven by the search for better, but when it comes to hiring, the best way to search for a candidate isn't to search it all. Don't search match with indeed. 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