Warning Track Power Hour

Warning Track Power Hour: Olympics, KC Royals Update, NFL QB Preview pt3 - s04e26

2h 26m
Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
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>> Welcome to the warning track power hour. I am Dr. Andrew Stan. He is Dr. Michael Werman, Esquire. On today's show, we'll get to the part three of our NFL quarterback preview for the 2024 NFL season. We'll be talking about the quarterbacks of the AFC West and AFC South divisions, which will include our Kansas City Chiefs. We'll talk a little bit about training camp and the first pre-season game for the 2024 season. We'll also talk about the Kansas City Royals somewhat in the show also. I'm still in the lead for the wild card spot, which is pretty shocking now that we're in August, so a happy surprise, I guess, for us. But we'll start today's show for the fourth and now final time, I believe, on the Olympics for this season. Mike, we have the finale for the Olympics, the closing series are now completed. The U.S. still did quite well overall and both medals ended up winning both of the basketball sides and men's and women's and, you know, did pretty well in the final counts, everything, what from the last week re-washing the most of and what did you find most of your paintings in the last week? I was watching a lot of sort of random things. I was watching a lot of the track and field events. The last couple of days turned out to be kind of interesting and maybe a little bit of a disappointment for some of the Americans. With the four-by-one had to relay kind of dropping the baton and we're not dropping the baton being disqualified again because they couldn't pass the baton correctly. He recently dropped the baton by getting this ball. Dropped the ball, I guess we could say. And the Jordan Liles turning up having covid, so the Americans did not win the 200, which was his favorite, which was probably his best race, but he still ran a very good time. So he was still well under 20 seconds. He got the bronze medal with covid. So the ailing Liles is still like the third fastest run in the world. Yeah, so that was, yeah, it seemed like he would have probably won, had he not. I guess all of the first place to get it by was the guy from Botswana. It was very good though too, but I think I was actually most interested though, surprisingly it wasn't was in a little bit basketball where the gaming at Serbia was very, very close. That was a kind of become-from-behind victory for the United States and the gaming at France was also pretty close and that was a kind of a game that was very exciting at the end when Steph Curry made those four three pointers in the last minute and a half, two minutes, something like that and put the French away and Curry had finally, it took him a while to get warmed up, but he had those two best games were the last two games of the basketball tournament and it kind of shows how much the world has caught up to the United States and the US really had to work pretty hard to pull out these those victories. So those were fun to watch. I watched- They were great games though. I mean they were and they were entertaining to watch too. Did you like the pace of play in these Olympic games in the very few commercial breaks? They were short games. It's only 40 minutes long compared to the 48 of an NBA game, but it seems like they're also more up and down. Maybe it's a little bit because it's a little more like an all-star game when those are more up and down than the average NBA game, which is a lot of like ISOs and let's slow everything down and you know kind of run it through one player and there's this was a lot more. There's so much talent on every part of the floor. It was a lot more entertaining I think to watch everything kind of built. One from Game to Game there were like different players that led the team too. It wasn't just like LeBron James dominating every game. He seemed like a consistent performer in all the games, but was it in? Edwards had had a good game like in the quarterfinals and like Durant had that one huge game early and then was basically you know like not existed in another game and as I was- Yeah yeah I think Durant turned out to be he's the highest scoring Olympic Olympian now. I think he passed Larry. Lisa Leslie, or what are the women's players who was out in this place? And he's also the first American man to win four gold medals. So I guess LeBron was not on one of the teams that Durant was on. I think LeBron has three golds and a bronze. He was on that bronze winning team in Athens that kind of shook everything up for men's basketball. But it was- Yeah I thought it was really exciting. I watched some of the women as well. The women it seemed like were dominant most of the time and then for some reason they couldn't do the same thing to France. France or like because there was a low scoring game too. So you guys say this wasn't scoring very many points and they didn't have. You know I think it's maybe one of those games where they needed- they needed more three-point shooting and maybe somebody like Caitlyn Clark could have provided that but they still won so it didn't really matter but it was one of those things where it seemed like the men had more shooters on their team and the women had more like inside presence on their team and it turns out that well three points are more than two points so you probably need shooters. You need big guys too like France had some really good big band play but but the France big guys they could shoot three he's like Lembiana and who's I can't remember that one guy's name who he doesn't play in the NBA anymore. He played briefly. He plays like Real Madrid now. Sort of gee he was really good but he might get an NBA shot but the dancing bear they called him. The dancing bear. It is Yavicelli. Yeah Ghirshan Yavicelli. Yeah he was really good in the finals and he played for the Celtics briefly. But yeah he probably will make probably the Olympics will give him another shot at the NBA. But a lot of them are really good players so I guess it also seems like well maybe some of those Euro league players are really good most of the most of the Serbian team a lot of them were Euro league and French team some of them were too. Well that's at least some NBA players but they weren't like entirely NBA players like the UST just made up. Yeah it's one of those things where you wonder what in four years is going to happen because the best players on the USA team were all late 30s or 40 I think New York Ron is 40 early he's not 40s 39 but Durant and Curry are both like 36 37 something like that. So it's hard to say whether they'll be maybe 35 36 and so they'll both be pushing 40 in Los Angeles so you wonder who those guys are going to be around in which and so it seems you know French team was much younger the Canadian team was younger they were maybe surprised to be knocked off by France but they also have that guy it was a Olivier something or other who's like 7-8 right right right now who's going to play for Florida he's going to be probably 23-24 23 by the time the Olympics roll around so he's like bigger than Webby you know so it's they'll they'll have a lot of competition four years from now and you wonder whether the United States is going to win or not I guess in B to still young but it seems like he might play for some of the country next time too there were rumors that maybe he would play for Cameroon or for uh he got booed because he was maybe eligible for the French team but he didn't play for that's fine he's he's one of the most overrated in here so it's uh it's uh it's totally fine as he does it play for the US yeah I don't know if you're the 2028 but it's not Hal Burton and Tatum probably will play more uh yeah yeah because they didn't play much at all in the Olympics at all so well yeah yeah he didn't seem like they really had like a contingent of those transition type guys to like you know the young guys to help you know as he had a big star he was but he's pretty young isn't he he's maybe yeah yeah he's pretty 25 24 25 probably something like that Hal Burton's only like 22 when we think that doesn't he it looks like his first year in the NBA so yeah so they have some young guys but it's going to be but it was really it was Durant and it's Curry or Lebron one of those three it seems like at any one time was carrying the team um yeah that beat had a good game against Serbia to come back that was his he didn't play that great in the rest of the yeah you find him overrated but he's a he's still a big guy you can shoot a three uh which is needed in the international game he's capable of being a very good player but then he makes like boneheaded moves that there's sometimes do and just throws balls away or does something dumb I don't know I don't know he's one of the most demanding players I thought even when he was in college to watch so he wanted KU so he's not he's not one of your favorites for sure but the starting starting way way back there just because he was the KU guy I said yeah well he was the injured most of his KU career anyway I don't think you played no he didn't play any good tournament I don't think well the one you're working you was really were favored I think gonna win I think they're favored to win if they'd be that played they probably would have won uh yeah right here but they didn't it was it was frustrating to watch those those games because like you would foul basically everybody on every play and they don't call I mean conference play they don't call things against KU that would get called in other games though too so I like it's um I like your KU dislike it's always enjoyable to uh it's really the most ridiculous team in all of sports you have anyway the thumb has been on the scale for them for so long they finally did not win the big 12 conference last year which I think is like the first time they didn't win the conference which shows how much absurd it was a couple years they haven't won but it was they had like 12 or 13 years in a row where they did win the big 12 uh they like tied one year that they still have credit for and stuff like that you know but last year they weren't close which was dice which I'm hoping is being the beginning of an era where they now become the doormats for the rest of the conference for a decade or 12 it's the only way it's fair Mike oh mate's Iowa State's league in the future probably not then it's fine the big 12's gonna be a lot different uh starting this year without Texas and Oklahoma and with the addition of uh Arizona, Arizona State, Utah and um Colorado again I guess the re yeah it's right I mean it was already changing especially with Houston there too which is another like powerhouse so I mean they're a lot of basketballs comes to that conference now so yeah who there's on a tough competition again Arizona's one of the top five or six probably programs now three and now with Baylor and KU and Houston and um since then Addie's historically very good basketball school as well it's it's uh yeah no selections but we'll talk more about uh uh big 12 football basketball probably uh as the fall and winter approach but any other Olympic things that that uh jumped out at you uh the U.S. they won exactly 40 gold medals which was the same number of gold medals that China won but the United States won way more seconds way more silvers and bronzes than China did so they also won way more fourth places in China I saw a table where the U.S. was uh at 22 fourth place finishes I think Italy actually won the fourth place finish they're 26 so they were the hardest luck uh country but China wasn't even on like the top 10 so like they were like one of those countries that either won or did terribly or weren't even in it I think in in the Olympics uh it's interesting like they swept like in some ways like they they sweep all of the events that are like what what I think many countries don't see as marquee events like yeah they sweep like table tennis and they sweep they swept the diving diving I think is a little more more marquee than table tennis but like you know they do well in these little things that uh you know they really rack up uh medals that the United States you know they aren't going to win it much on the track they aren't you know they didn't win a little bit in swimming but not as much as maybe people thought because they maybe they were allowed to dope a little bit less than normal um they didn't win the four by one hundred they won the four by one hundred one hundred uh medley relay which was a surprise but the Chinese swimmers all were um caught for doping about four years ago when they said it was uh it was some tainted food that they ate or something like that so they didn't uh uh coming back to bite them but um yeah so it's interesting though the the kind of different strengths that those two countries have um you know but yeah there's like there's China had a very good uh 110 meter high herdler at one point that's the last like Chinese track star I remember I think in Beijing they had uh Li Zhang that's what it was uh he won the gold medal uh in in the hurdle in the Athens I remember him okay he is one of China's most successful athletes has emerged as a cultural icon in China for his gold medal in the Athens because I think he was supposed to be big in the bay out like he won the Beijing one but yeah the USA won all the they won both hurdles uh and most of the hurdles raises I seem like they won uh so they were they did track they did really really well in it so that was something that was kind of fun to watch uh they after potentially after doing so poorly in the pool in the first uh week of yeah of the Olympics so I will see how they do it in Los Angeles and you didn't see the closing ceremonies though I don't believe you didn't see Phoenix perform or Tom Cruise jump off the roof of the stadium too and then drive off like Maverick on a motorcycle to carry the Olympic torch all the way to Los Angeles um and then uh here the Red Hat chili peppers uh play and they had and Snoop and I think Snoop and Dre also were there and some other uh fairly well-known uh Hollywood kind of icons I think they're really gonna play up the Hollywood part of the 2028 Olympics it will be yeah seems like so this was Paris's third Olympics hosting this was also going to be Los Angeles's third Olympics they have been hosted 1932 we're together over that one 1984 which I vaguely remember parts of and then um the 2028 games we're we're impressed with how close the odds makers had the uh gold medal totals picked for the US the odds makers said 40 and a half yeah right up to it right up to one slightly on that one I ended up winning a few of my bets I lost money on the whole I think you end up you end up winning a little bit of money on your bets so well we don't have the numbers right now but when we when we uh show this on YouTube uh you'll put up the you'll put up the uh the betting numbers and and show how well you did but yeah I want a few here and there but I didn't uh my big bets like I think your golf bet is really what put you over the top yeah where it beat Shalfla who kind of was ahead and then faded that's what I think separated the two of us but I think I played it pretty safe on the bets or like I had a set of bets that were pretty safe and I was like hoping that would you know pay off more likely than not and like USA men's basketball team winning and we have to you know stuff like that that we're like relatively low odds. I bet against the USA in most cases and that did not turn out terribly well except in the overall number of medals most number of gold medals but I think I that was like that was somewhat it was fairly close to what last year was um I think I think that we'd be remiss if we did not mention uh breaking as uh maybe the first and only time that it will be in the Olympics and perhaps the only time because of the terrible hilarious performance of Australian uh breakdancer Rachel Gunn aka B-girl Ray Gunn did you watch any of her performance? I didn't I didn't see any of it as it happened but I have seen uh slips on TikTok in like random things that were all hilarious so she is a college professor of cultural studies and do you know what she studies as her cultural study? It is breakdancing. It is the breakdancing of breakdancing and uh that that is what she studies Australian breakdancing culture and somehow she weaseled her way into the Olympics and from what it seems like all of like you see better breakdancing clips like on like America's Got Talent or like 12 year old kids doing these things then you actually saw from the Olympics so it seems like there was some sort of odd gatekeeping that kept real breakdancers out and only like people that kind of knew about it uh and were able to kind of gain the system to get into the competition so some of them were fairly impressive but it's a stupid it's a it's stupid to have in the Olympic event it was you know it's something that was from the 80s and should stay in the 80s I think but um I think uh Ray Gunn uh I just seem to be like the you know like the judged events and that you're you're uh you like more clear-cut victor I do I do I do but I didn't think about it being like this is a nostalgic thing that should remain in the past it's not uh it's it's never quite as bad for sport in that way it's it would be like having a it's like having a rap battle in the Olympics which is another one of those judged things which I don't think of as I don't I guess certain judged things I said I think you're you're gonna get um credit for this when when it's uh in the like the 2032 Olympics the uh holding rap battle like Meg yeah yeah I think maybe it's it's gonna happen now you know you like uh wielding into existence yeah then I think like pictionary it'll be in the Olympics and you know things of that nature um you know are you suggesting these things to the committee because I think uh you know you should have their ear now although I bought I'd like to try to play boggle in the Olympics that would be that's the closest I would come uh I'm not as good at scrapple as MJ MJ's a lot better at scrapple than I am I've been able to beat her I'm decent you don't know all the words it's it's a lot of strategy and a lot of in in time the letters and I just I just haven't been able to put it together um I'll be here once you do you do not have the best words I beat her I beat her in boggles but I think this boggles faster paced I can I can do fast but if it's slow I kind of run out of patience um but stuff like that word's like cat so you don't care but if it's cat down and it like connects to like three other words uh that also are words that that's a that's the way to really win at scrapple is to is to make multiple words at once and you know the gaming the system basically you're you so you're you're the uh professor of of uh break dancing culture in the Olympics of Scrabble yeah I'm not a professor of Scrabble studies but um yeah the break my professor of break dancing culture is pretty lame too but she was uh Regan uh was I think um she was one of the memes of the Olympics that took over the second half I think I think she may have even supplanted uh the Turkish uh shooter as the meme of uh the Paris 2024 33rd Olympia ad but um yeah you watch um last week tonight trial over stroke I've seen a few episodes I haven't watched it for a long time he he brought up a clip from uh the last week too uh from the Olympics I think it was an Australian maybe skateboarder who'd had a interview after her event where she said that she wanted to get a duck that her parents had promised that she would get a duck and the interview was pretty hilarious and John Oliver's uh you know take on it was pretty funny too so Australian they're weird it's something something worth not looking at later anyway okay I'll check it out um well shall you move on one of a sort of a sport that's no long hasn't been in the Olympics but maybe we'll be again in 2028 that is baseball will be in the Olympics again in 2028 uh in Los Angeles but baseball is one of the sports kind of like soccer where the best players are not typically playing in the Olympics um and unfortunately women were too good at softball so that kind of kept baseball out of the two because you need kind of a pairing of baseball and softball since although I think as we type of many times on the show that women should play baseball instead of softball because softball was invented as a kind of chauvinistic uh sport for women because women were not able to play uh baseball uh so they thought so they developed this lesser game for for you know Victorian uh fainting women with a uh as and now it's become kind of a mockery of what that game was because they're far too good to be playing softball they should be playing uh playing baseball but we digress um but the royals maybe have not been far too good to be playing softball maybe they should be uh practicing a little bit more they have been up and down to say the least they've lost the last two games pretty convincingly to the twins and we lost yes on Monday 8 to 3 and they lost 13 to 3 uh Tuesday night um and the twins are the team immediately ahead of the royals in both the playoff hunt and the division race what do the royals need to do better uh wild card contenders in the american league yeah it's really unfortunate too because uh Cleveland has lost some games and they they've gotten down to only like three and a half back of the division leader and you know having these kind of really important games coming up uh against these like guys that are like immediately ahead of you in the standings it's really an opportunity to like cement your your position there that you're going to be a playoff team and they um uh starting pitching just hasn't hasn't been there in like the last two games least anyways singer and Lugo both had uh not so great starts uh it did seem like you know they maybe left Lugo in too long today like he'd already given up six runs and then they allowed him to load the bases again before they finally pulled them and then the relief pitcher they came in gave up runs and then they did the same mistake again when they had that guy go back out to the next inning and then he gave up runs and then had to have somebody else come in for him and then that guy finished the inning giving up Stratton's runs then Will Smith gave up his own runs in the next inning which is regaining tiresome like these are things that like no one should be doing anyway like the bullpen usage situation has not improved it's just a managerial decision-making thing that has never come along uh it's really unfortunate to see them not making the right decisions like they're not helping the team from the top down like the players are probably okay if they're being used correctly that they just aren't and it's uh it's not helping yeah I think another big problem has been Hunter Renfro has really gotten cold again lately I think he's he's he was you know when he was playing well the royals were playing well and he's not he's not a great player but he's very very hot and cold and when he's hot he's an all-star but when he's cold he's like one of the worst players in the league and should not be out there and I think lately he's been like he's batted like 100 in his last 13 games or something like that so he's he's become a liability and they're like so like the royals did not get pick up an outfield bat uh probably because Renfro was starting to hit but now it seems like it's going cold again they seems like they need somebody besides um past metinos got a little cold lately um yeah somebody besides with uh you know salvey sometimes they need one more kind of solid bat I think but it's surprising that there's still in there's still incantension for that wild card and they still might get it but it's one of those things where you hope they haven't ruined their best chance and then like next year maybe they won't be as good um because it seems like maybe the pitching is coming back to earth now Lugo hasn't had a very good start lately um Brady Singer starts lately haven't been quite as good either. Reagan's is still doing pretty well but um Singer like specifically has not done well against Minnesota so it does seem like maybe they could have knowing like the schedule ahead of time they probably could have worked it out so the singer didn't have to face Minnesota even and but they don't seem to they don't seem to think about these things ahead of time so like I think singers ERA against Minnesota is like up around nine or something and the rest of the league it's like three so like you know a significant portion of singers ERA is like due to Minnesota yeah they're unfortunate but uh you know they didn't have a weird did you notice the weird scheduling thing too they had a two-game series against the the Cardinals over the weekend which meant they played Friday Saturday that had Sunday off yeah a lot of teams had Sundays off because I think it was the early so um it was the they play a lot of teams played the second two games because the because I think the royals and the Cardinals were like designated an early rivals or something like that so they'll play instead of one instead of one three-game series at home or away alternating they played two games at each park uh they decided to play by the playing in the middle of the week they decided to play it on Friday Saturday and leave Sunday off which is yeah pretty strange but maybe yeah I the royals just don't play the twins well or haven't played them very well this season they started out poorly against Minnesota and then they've kind of continued it so I don't know how many minutes how many more games against the twins to the royals uh have that I don't I don't have I don't know right off hand but I can pull it up pretty quickly I think this is the three-game series they have the one game on Wednesday which is tomorrow for us right now uh and then that's uh they able to they have one series at Minnesota in early September so that must be the four remaining games against Minnesota okay they have a bunch against Cleveland though it's September except it's I can get to City oh it isn't Kansas City yes sorry they have they have two series against Cleveland as well three-game series at home and four-game series in Cleveland yeah they have a double-header uh the 26th of August um they play at home against the Phillies home against the AIM maybe they can get right they have at the Reds the Reds have been that is a tough stretch did you notice this that stretch Phillies Guardians Astros it's eight games against Cleveland and and Houston on the road both of those and then Cleveland and then they come back for more Cleveland twins at Yankees at Pittsburgh yeah they get Detroit so that that's really their season right there so August 23rd through September 15 if they don't go over 500 in that stretch they're not making the playoffs yeah let me have a little bit of a little easier than they finish at Braves as their last season series which is a whole strange yeah when they're finishing with a team that they haven't played at all yeah but um yeah not a division rival not even a possible you know playoff contender within the you know so yeah it's a little strange the way it's like the opposite of the way the NFL usually ends their season because they like to end the season within the division but yeah yeah the royals play um I think they're maybe they were trying to make it so that you didn't end the season like at Minnesota where it lights snow or something if it's like uh yes early October I guess there's or the royals I think they're 42 games left in the season so they're about a fourth of the season left I mean they're 65 and 55 now so 10 games over 500 if they finish 86 and 76 and they stay 500 they have a shot I think I'm making the playoffs but it's not guaranteed um they need they need to I don't know somehow rack up a few wins here and there and then kind of um stay close to 500 against the better teams but it's gonna be tough and I am really afraid that Michael Lawrence and trade is going to be the disaster he didn't he didn't make it through the fifth inning in the last game and uh that doesn't look very good just in general snow uh I think maybe like having marsh be the fifth starter is maybe a better move anyway just because other teams may not know him but well like where like everybody knows Michael Lawrence has been around for like a decade so like they've already seen him so they all have like you know something on him basically right they know they have history with them so I think it may have been better to have the roles of the unknown marsh in here on the fifth starters I had a strategic they don't think the royals don't they're doing like it all so I don't really expect them to make the playoffs but I want to be rough we'll find out so yeah I'm cautiously optimistic but um one team we do think will make the playoffs is the Kansas City Chiefs although maybe with their they had a kind of rough preseason game against the Jaguars they lost the game um two jacks of which that maybe doesn't matter as much but they also lost Marquis Hollywood Brown to an injury a sternoclavicular joint displacement which I think Tyree Hill had a few years ago and he was out for a few weeks and so they maybe expect I think Brown to miss four to six weeks which includes missing uh the opening week against his former team uh the Baltimore rate one of his former teams the Baltimore Ravens uh so maybe that would you know um so far it also seems like Rushi Rice hasn't had a suspension yet so maybe he won't be suspended the first few games so maybe they'll have him but I think it weakens uh the Chiefs receiver core and you know um you know which is you know we'll talk about the 53-man roster what it turned what it might turn out to be but uh do you have uh any thoughts about how the Chiefs looked after the first preseason game anybody stand out do you think uh the Chiefs uh are looking better now than they did last year at this time or is this uh is it getting the protein just not talented in the preseason? I don't think that you can really make any assumptions about the team based on I think the starters only really played the first possession which did end up with a field goal which is okay I think it's the defense did give up a touchdown I think on their first possession but that was after a long return I think on the opening wow their first kickoff resulted in a long return I guess so uh exactly how the short field and we'll be able to still get a touchdown on their first possession so I think they they sort of lost the uh first team battles like a 73 if you want to call that but I don't know that it means that doesn't mean anything obviously so who knows uh you know it seemed like yeah I mean it was good to see like Brown get a catch it was like the first play of the game I think wasn't it they had like uh made the catch and then took the injury so you know that's a lot a lot to happen there on one play so it's uh yeah really unfortunate they did say I guess today that he does not need uh surgery though so that's a good sign and hopefully it needs that it won't maybe the uh process won't take quite as long now for you like to make you know if it's on the same sort of trajectory uh you'd be back like three I guess most likely for four of the chiefs if you miss this is four weeks which is what we have to do on this to the game so we're gonna be missing uh me the two tougher game is Baltimore and then Cincinnati I think I think it's Atlanta week three but uh yeah we we'll see what happens um yeah how much weight do you put on the uh the first game of the preseason like was that does that change your expectations at all or or are just worried about the uh wide receivers I'm worried a little bit about the wide receivers and I wonder if there is going to be you know we may have there might be you know I don't know if you follow the juju juju Smith's sister was released by the Patriots could they bring him back uh he hasn't been very good the last couple last season and maybe this season you know you're not not catching on with New England which is one of the worst teams in the AFC uh he played very well though for the chiefs uh his one season with the chiefs uh did you hear the rumor of the chiefs trading for seedy lamb uh did you hear that rumor um no that's not because he uh is of course disgruntled I guess he guess uh I guess the chiefs were not in the in on the brain and iuke uh trade rumors word now it seems like maybe iuke has the option of getting traded to Pittsburgh or staying with San Francisco uh do you think i uke if you were branded i uke would you would you uh stay in San Francisco or did you go to Pittsburgh and try to uh get a little more money out of the steelers than you might out of the uh was not i mean he's under contract so he's not going to get any more money like immediately so i mean it seems like you just stick with your team that has your best chance of like winning and getting your next contract being you know a bigger deal so i don't know why you would leave San Francisco unless there's you know unless he actually has a problem with somebody there or the or the franchise he just wants to get out that's understandable but if that's if that's not the issue then i don't know why you wouldn't just stay for this year and then you know play the free agent market and do what you can for the next year especially if you have a shot at winning a Super Bowl why would you not take that i don't think Pittsburgh has a very good chance at a Super Bowl like they could be a playoff team but the AFC just seems to be really tight anyway is that what you would say to or do you have a different opinion on this um i think somewhat i think based on the same thing you do i i think the big of a problem i guess is that if i uke is uh if they franchise him maybe that would be like that would hamstring him for a future contract so that like if you if like i you could get get an agreement saying well play one more year for San Francisco and um if you promise not to you know either to offer me a new contract or an or not to franchise tag me next year um i'll do that so it's like it's one of those things like you know uh the you know the next contract that that uke is going to get is probably gonna be his biggest one and if he's franchised tag they'll get a lot of money up one year but it might hamper his future contract he's an unrestricted free agent after this season but i think they can be frank i think he can be franchised uh by the because he's just leaving him for his deal i think he can be franchised by the 49ers so okay they could do that to him and so maybe that's something you don't want to happen um if you're i uke and maybe if you get assurance that that won't happen um somehow but yeah i would say we're savage i like Pittsburgh you don't have a core like you like we've talked before your quarterback situations inflex looks like Russell Wilson might not even start if he's if he's still if he's injured fields will be the starter uh and the Steelers are more of a running offense and maybe not as consistent and they're gonna have a tough time going to the playoffs and the Super Bowl uh the other teams were Cleveland and New England so those were even worse options probably and it seemed like if you're the 49ers uh they wanted Amara Cooper in return from Cleveland so like you're getting a player that's almost as good as as i uke probably and now you're saddling this huge contract on Cleveland and and you're kind of fleecing that would have been the ideal situation if you're a San Francisco it's like okay we'll get cheap first drunk we'll get like a first drunk draft pick and uh Amara Cooper who's on cheaper deal uh for Brandon Ayuk who's disgruntled and maybe not any better than Amara Cooper is and so we can just be just we can just plug and play him and you know and have him deal with Sean Watson or who you know uh whatever's left up to Sean Watson in Cleveland so yeah I you know then Ayuk's situation is a little strange to me but he wants he wants warm i think the the i think the Patriots offer offer did you hear what the Patriots offered him if the offer them 32 million dollars a season but he would have to play in New England uh yeah right and New England is interesting did you see the preseason did you hear about the preseason game in New England we haven't talked about the quarterbacks in New England yet but um the quarterbacks that they drafted they drafted two quarterbacks this year one was the first rounder Drake nay and one was like the sixth round was was uh Joe Milton and apparently Milton is wowing people more in camp now and they think that maybe Milton could actually be the starter uh more soon than than May uh which would be really interesting as we're going right back to the uh Mac Jones Bailey Zappie controversy again yeah or or yeah I think so Zappie is still around there somewhere I'm not sure what he's doing up in New England Michael McCorkel Jones uh of course has gone to Jacksonville his hometown now we'll talk about them when we talk about the quarterbacks should we move on to talk about the quarterbacks we'll be having more chiefs with or NFL news to discuss um oh JJ McCarthy who we mentioned last week had a meniscus tear and is uh having surgery so it seems like Sam Darnell will be the starter uh at least for the time being in Minnesota um think you seemed a little concerned about their quarterback situation last week there now what's your level of concern for Minnesota well I don't think we have that concern of Minnesota because it most of our concern was with if Jordan Love went down what's Green Bay gonna do if um you know if uh something happens in Chicago uh with you know they're uh with Caleb Williams what are they gonna do because they don't have anybody really uh what happens if Jared Goff goes down you know the the rest of the division didn't have much whereas at least Minnesota had options he had you know they did in any way it did Mullins who's decent Jared Hall who's who is the scene as a main up and coming player and you have Darnell who's a decent player so you have like three options still even if it's but they don't have a they don't have a high peak like uh the rest of the division does at least not yet uh well yeah now they're uh their ceiling is a little it's quite a bit lower than two isn't it with with McCarthy no they're gonna be it's always it's always blue sky when you have like a report because you have no idea where the ceiling is right so well I think nobody thought McCarthy might a lot of people thought McCarthy might not start anyway I mean it might be a few leads to those starts so we haven't really changed a whole lot other than maybe it's a definite Darnell situation and who knows Darnell was regarded as a prospect who was even better than McCarthy was when he came out of college so uh was he not a number one overall pick he was numbered yeah three overall thing um by the Jets um whereas whereas McCarthy was numbered big 10 overall when the Vikings so in like the fifth quarterback taken up I think a lot of your life Darnell better than bigger may feel that you'd like to better than Josh Allen that you'd like to better than Josh Rosen that year like to better than Lamar Jackson um but Darnell aka white shrewd uh junior has not panned out to be quite as as effective um maybe he'll have to go back to the beat farm uh if he doesn't work out it doesn't work out for him this year in Minnesota but um yeah we do we want do you want to talk about the court the AFC court begin our journey through the AFC quarterbacks dr scaf let's do it is there more yeah we'll talk a little more more but if we have more chiefs than we can talk about when we talk about the chiefs quarterbacks because we're discussing the AFC West first we'll talk about the AFC West and the AFC South we did the NFC last two weeks of Yagin here are those uh discussions um loyal viewers and listeners you can go back and check out our lengthy discussions of both the uh of all four NFC divisions from west south to the north to the east we're also going from west south north east here in um the AFC and we'll talk about the west and the south today starting in the west with the western most western with the western most west team in the AFC that is now the Los Angeles Chargers now that the uh Raiders have moved to Las Vegas from Oakland I think Oakland may have been slightly further west than just given the shape of California uh the um Los Angeles was and now they've moved to Los Angeles from San Diego I think the Chargers have moved ever so slightly west as well um yes mostly I do north move but it looks like maybe slightly slightly west the Chargers of course have as their starting quarterback uh one Justin Herbert uh six foot six he's now 26 years old excuse me he was drafted number six overall in 2020 behind uh Joe burrow who was number one overall Cincinnati and two attack of a lot who was fifth overall to Miami that year but ahead of Jordan Love and Jalen Hertz who have both had successful careers so far so so far the 2020 um quarterback class has been very good all five of those quarterbacks picked in the first couple of rounds have had solid careers and have also gotten big contracts uh now uh Herbert played in college for Oregon and there's a part-time starter for two years full-time starter for two years he's been a four-year starter in Los Angeles he has a 30 and 32 record 0 and 1 though in the playoffs and that big famous collapse that the Chargers had against Jacksonville in the 2022 playoffs last year he started only 13 games because he had a finger injury that limited him he had surgery on that finger uh but he and he only passed for 20 touchdowns but only seven interceptions 93.2 rating 3134 yards passing so small so not a great year for him by his standards but he only played 13 games uh he averaged about 4700 yards passing 31 touchdowns 12 interceptions in the three years before that so he's a solid to maybe even great starting quarterback but the question is can he elevate his teammates can he win playoff games you know how much will Harbaugh help this situation but he hasn't been able to kind of get his team over the hump and he's had some talented uh skilled position players and he won't have those this year he doesn't have keen on anymore isn't Mike Williams of course those guys were injured as often as they were healthy but he also doesn't have Austin Echler anymore um so it's it's it's a question now question mark of what's going on in Los Angeles with Justin Herbert what do you think Dr. Scott with about about Herbert yeah it's the thing that I would be mostly afraid of now is that you know he did take his first injury last year so now we have seen the some quarterbacks that that have you know long histories of being healthy or playing through injuries that you know once they start to get injured they sometimes continue to get injured maybe take pick up other injuries or get the same recurring thing so that's that's the thing that you're most worried about I think right now uh is you know having him be more continually injured now which is what they're hoping to avoid I think mostly but yeah it's gonna be a lot more difficult though like they're gonna have to like you know figure out who the reliable players are on offense now that basically everybody else is gone so uh that's gonna be tough and I don't yeah I don't know what to expect from from him or the team for like this year it's become more of a question mark maybe you have a question mark like Denver typically is with their weird day so uh you think with Harbaugh they have a better coach than they did with Brandon Staley but they also have maybe have a worse roster at least on the offensive side of things than they did last year so it's hard to say what is gonna happen but the worst roster is like left over from like bad contracts that they had to clear to be able to like stay under the cap too it's not like they aren't weren't able to sign any about she was like the hesitant expiring deals and and decisions to make right to like to like clear space to actually feel the team right because then it seemed like they're yeah we're having difficulty with the more on the contract side of things that the players themselves so yeah I think a lot of that was just like office moves more than you know almost like yeah you know pushing this big change at least anyway for this season yeah it's been um it has interesting time in in in Los Angeles the last year so well yeah I think people are expecting big things because it's Harbaugh but maybe this is not the year to expect those big things you know but if Herbert says healthy they're still a solid team their backup situations kind of interesting we don't know really I don't know exactly who they think is going to be the top backup maybe they they I'm sure they have a better idea than we do they have three backup quarterbacks the first one is Easton stick six foot one he's 29 in September when we're fifth round pick in 2019 he was a four-year starter at North Dakota State he was the starter between Carson Wentz who we'll talk about with the Chiefs and Trey Lance who we talked about with the Cowboys he had a 49 in the three career record in college he was a dual threat quarterback in college his first significant playing time actually came last year when Herbert went down he started four games and played some Herbert lost all four of those games but he didn't play terribly poorly though he had eleven hundred passing yards three touchdowns one interception 85.6 rating also a Russian touchdown the big problem though he was sacked 14 times lost four couples some of those sacks and fumble losses I think occurred in the final game of the season against the Chiefs when the Kansas City was starting playing Gabbard in that final game that the Chiefs ended up winning they didn't it didn't matter for the division didn't matter for playoff proceedings so the Chiefs didn't have the homes or Kelsey playing but Chris Jones famously played in that game to get his sack that he needed to get his two million dollar bonus or whatever it was right I think one of those was he sacked Easton stick one of the one of your favorite names I believe of any NFL quarter you know it's not going to have to be a name stick Easton yeah then we have maybe we'll be able to talk about all three square backs together since I don't think any any of them individually are hugely we can talk about their style we'll talk about their salaries together which you have the information on which might give us information on Inklings on which once the the Chargers are more likely to keep we also have Max Duggan six foot one 23 years old 20th 23 7th round picked from TCU he was a four-year starter practiced squad last year as a senior at TCU he led the team to the national title game or of course they were blown out by Georgia that year he had 32 touchdowns eight interceptions a 12 and two record 3700 yards passing nine rushing touchdowns a prolific college player been challenged for backups but orders to get bumped this year by somebody else you know is he you know is he a Brock Purdy in waiting or is he just a kind of amp body perpetual third string quarterback type and he's not the only third string quarterback that's kind of around and now they have the the Chargers burn in Luis Perez who I had never heard of Luis Perez but he's been around for a long time he's been everywhere he's 30 years old in late August he played for southwestern California junior college and also Texas A&M commerce uh if you've heard of that institution it's surprising that they would have a football team and division two team in 2015 um in 2017 he was the division two Harlan Hill trophy winner so that was the kind of Heisman Trophy winner of division two they won the division two national championship that year undrafted free agent by the Rams in 2018 he's one of the Rams and basically every other football league that's been in existence since uh over the last 10 years people for the Birmingham Iron and the Association of American Football the Eagles the Lions the LA Wildcats of the XFL the New York Guardians of the XFL the New Jersey Generals of the USFL the Rams again the Vegas Vipers the Arlington Renegades uh now the Chargers he's been a former XFL MVP and champion in 2023 the UFL passing leader in 2024 with 18 touchdowns four interceptions 2300 plus yards in 10 games 99.4 rating so is he a you know who is he is he a backup is he a campbody is he a late bloomer is he somebody that they can you know throw in as a back i don't i don't really know what they're going to do with Perez or stick or dug in um what did this what did the salary uh facts tell us Andrew well not not much really so Herbert is the uh you know obvious uh biggest contract out there uh for the Chargers uh Herbert's making $19.3 million this year uh his contract's going to like nearly double i think for next season it's like $37 million uh Easton stick it's making $1.3 million this season and then Luis Perez and next dug in at the same deal apparently $7.95 k for this season so they're not there's no edge there from like the from uh the financial side as to what to expect uh like i guess maybe the the best thing we can you know look to as to like who played in what border in the preseason game you know it's like um Herbert did not play which is not terribly surprising uh as most teams don't necessarily start uh they're starters in the first game but Easton stick looks like he played the whole first half and then dug in uh started the second half no second quarter no sorry yeah it was just the first quarter that stick played now now you play two quarters yes in quarter yes so dug in played the second quarter a third quarter and it's mopped up looks like Luis Perez uh to go over in the fourth that's well if you go to the charters website their depth chart has them in the list that i listed them uh and that we just listed them as as Herbert then stick then dug in then Perez but that is the order they played in um stick did not have a terribly good game he's only five or 13 31 yards in an interception was sacked twice in the first half so that's fits pretty much with like exactly what you just said yeah he's a bit of a slim season in the mud uh something that's uh but we'll we'll see if that yeah none of those guys are you know Perez is pretty old for a fourth quarterback in this kind of just bringing in he's 30 but almost 30 stick is not not spring chicken either but um yeah it's it's but they but they you know the the chargers they don't have a veteran backup who has been like a longtime player in the NFL and they also don't really have they have some company I guess Doug is maybe young up and comer but it's interesting they don't have that kind of older veteran or like veteran with a lot of experience like you know something like the Chiefs have as we talk about or something that that uh the Texans have or or the Colts or or something like that where right maybe that's a weakness in the quarterback room but maybe it's something that Arboff thinks he can handle because he's one the quarterback himself so they don't need a lot of thing you know if they have older guys they don't need the playing experience to be um in that quarterback room but those are the chargers yeah if Herbert goes down I think the chargers are pretty much sunk um they may be sunk anyway but yeah they may it may be even worse yeah yeah but but Arboff's one basically everywhere he's been so it's it would be a kind of surprising if he you know doesn't seem to turn them around at least somewhat relatively quickly yeah I think that's what the expectation is because he's because he has basically won everybody's in right away so yeah well if Herbert stays healthy maybe he can carry the team but yeah that's there that's the only hope I think that the chargers have um the raiders on the other hand don't really have a a penciled in starter as of yet they also don't have somebody with the upside of pervert either um they have four quarterbacks on their roster um they brought in I'm going to list Gardner Menchoo first since they brought him in from uh from the Colts he's six-foot-one he's 28 years old six-round draft pick in 2019 by Jacksonville he played his last year Washington State formerly played for Eastern East Carolina and Northwest Mississippi Community College uh he's played for Jacksonville than the Eagles and the Colts last year another Raiders the question is is he the starter or the backup he was actually a pro bowl quarterback last year uh career 15 and 22 record as a starter 90.2 quarterback rating which is pretty solid 59 touchdowns 24 interceptions last year he replaced the injured uh quarterback for the Colts Anthony Richardson for most of the season it was a little surprising he wasn't the starter to begin with simply because we didn't think Richardson was pretty raw but um Menchoo finished with a seven and six record 15 touchdowns nine interceptions 33 105 yards again he's kind of a borderline slash okay starter or a very top quality backup and um you know that's seems like what the Raiders have they have kind of borderline starters good backups as the as the kind of limit um so what is what's uh well maybe we'll mention Menchoo and then we'll mention his competitor for the starting up eight-o-colon then you can talk about the salary uh discrepancies for the um the salary information on these two players next they have eight no-connel he's six foot three he'll be 26th on September 1st so he's not a young guy even though this is only going to be his second year in the league fourth round draft pick by Las Vegas from Purdue last year he was a two-year starter Purdue he was the former backup to current panthers backup backup Jack Plummer forcing Jack Plummer to transfer to Cal and then Louisville uh he was behind Garoppolo Jimmy Garoppolo last year to begin the season but made the starter he started 10 games five and five record including a victory against the Chiefs although he didn't complete a pass after the first quarter against the Chiefs yeah 0.200 yards passing 12 touchdowns seven interceptions 83.9 rating so the question is what is he can he develop into a starter or is he just a maybe a this is sealing a decent backup he has does he have more potential than Minchu he seems less mobile than Minchu or the Minchu isn't really a big threat to run himself but you know this is you know who do you pick do you pick O'Connell who's young we don't know exactly what he's got you pick Minchu who has maybe capability of being streaky and exciting um you know so what do you think the Raiders are going to do between Minchu and O'Connell I've heard maybe O'Connell is the likely starter but I don't know if I would start him over Minchu I think Minchu has had more success I think Minchu still might he's only two years old than O'Connell he might have more upside at this point too so um yeah with uh Minchu and O'Connell yeah well it seems like the like the everything with the Raiders have like mentioned to make it sound like they want O'Connell to be the guy so that it seems like he's getting every opportunity uh to be the starter regardless of maybe anything that anyone else is saying outside the organization too so yeah it seems to me and I think what basically echoing what you just said seems like Minchu probably is a better starter right now so I don't know why you wouldn't use him to begin with um from the first preseason game though uh O'Connell did take the first team snaps and then Minchu came in in the second quarter so I mean it looks like the Raiders were following what they had more or less said while at the end of last year and it looked like they're you know proceeding with O'Connell being the presumed starter at least from the beginning Minchu had a pretty good game he was 6, 12, 117 yards and a touchdown good for a 112 rating in the uh you know limited play but O'Connell wasn't that 7 of 9 76 yards and like basically just one drive one of two rating so you know maybe they are like closer together than then you know we think anyway but um yeah salary wise uh O'Connell's way back you know second on this list anyway for for salary garner mission they brought in looks like he's going to make eight million this year O'Connell's barely just over a one million dollar deal but that's not a fourth year rookie deal yeah fourth cut fourth time rookie deal so you know from that rookie deal contract that you know comes along with the draft pick so uh you know there's been nothing to like reward him with his his own contract that's different than the uh the standard one that's been you know given it for the draft pick so yeah I still think it seems like it would make more sense if you want to try to like get off to a good start it's to actually use Mishu early doesn't that seem yeah but I guess the Raiders you think well they're developing players and they aren't gonna you know they aren't gonna challenge or playoff spot this year so you maybe want to develop and see what you have in them but like but really he's if you look at their ages like you could say Mishu has as much chance to be a long-term starter as O'Connell he's only two years older and I think I from what I've seen I think Mishu has had sparks of excellence in his career and I don't know if O'Connell has had that but I maybe it's just because I like the mustache of Mishu and Minximania I think of him as being a I think of him as being kind of a Ryan Fitzpatrick kind of quarterback somebody who can be a good starter but maybe somebody's just going to keep bouncing around all the time um and never again I'm really getting a real shot at being a long-term starter for anybody um another guy with a with a mania yeah it's mania it's good magic yeah also facial hair yeah yeah but the yeah we have maybe we have four two of the quarterbacks on the roster neither of them are really going to challenge for the starting role maybe one of them will end a practice squad gig um for maybe both of the practice squad we have Anthony Brown is the third quarterback listed I think uh six foot one 26 years old undrafted free agent from Oregon 2022 by Baltimore he played a little bit in 22 didn't play it all last year this is his first year with the Raiders he played for a Boston college as well as a Oregon college he was a dual-threat quarterback at Oregon he passed uh his last season for 29 more than almost 3,000 yards 19 touchdowns to seven interceptions rushed for 658 yards and nine touchdowns he started one game for Baltimore after Lamar Jackson and Tyler Huntley were both hurt uh he had 302 yards passing um no touchdowns two interceptions only a 48.2 quarterback rating looks like he's penciled in for number three or do you think maybe he has more upside uh Anthony Brown I don't know um but it seems like they aren't gonna he's not gonna beat out either O'Connell or Minshoo for the backup role he's the third guy um and the fourth guy probably is Carter Bradley not to be confused with Bradley Carter but Carter Bradley uh six one 24 years old undrafted free agent from South Alabama he played at Toledo before that two years at USA did you know that the University of South Alabama one of their chances USA because University of South Alabama um 47 touchdowns in those two years 19 interceptions 6,000 yards 66 completion percentage but he's not a running threat you know is he just a camp body or is he development of quarterback um this is one of those thick cases where maybe the Raiders weren't too happy with their number three and four options so it was revealed today Tuesday uh August 13th this will air probably on Thursday uh the 15th but Nathan Peterman who had been released since we talked about Nathan Peterman with New Orleans Saints you know the Saints finally saw enough of Peterman but the Raiders haven't gotten enough of Peterman apparently so they brought Nathan Peterman back and it's probably their third quarterback um I don't want to go over Nathan Peterman's uh journey into the NFL anymore but if you want to talk you want to hear us talk about Nathan Peterman more simply uh tune in to last week's episode on the NFC South uh or two weeks ago on the NFC South where we talked about Nathan Peterman but back to the Raiders one of John Gruden's old favorites did you see that John Gruden was at the Chiefs practice a lot this week and dressed in Chiefs attire for several days uh did you find that interesting? I was surprised to hear that or anything else that's doesn't seem like you know a guy that you would expect to see in in the Chiefs camp anyway so he was an old friend of Andy Reid from their days in Green Bay I believe so uh there's it's under Mike Holgram in Green Bay uh but yeah interesting seeing the four Raiders coach dressed in Chiefs attire right exactly it just seems a little strange two-time Raiders not even just not even just a one-time Raider catch from the two different time Raider catch right so so the Raiders um any comments on Peterman Brown or Bradley I don't know what Peterman's new stat new contract statuses that it's not they don't have an in-spot track yet but um Anthony Brown's uh making just a little bit more money than Carter Bradley 915k to 803 uh so uh and uh Anthony Brown did play a little bit in the at the end of the preseason their first preseason game we could give three attempts who's one for three for 24 yards but was sacked three times that's not good in in limited you know visibility I guess anyway so they did they didn't play a close game though with Minnesota uh and that must have been the game where yeah the Karthi looks like he had a Karthi had a great game but yeah I think they were thinking you might win the starting job because of that great preseason but he ended up hurting me and probably will be out for a few at least a few weeks into the beginning of the season with meniscus tear is not a huge huge surgical uh recovery doesn't have a huge recovery time anymore but I think it still takes a few weeks at least to uh uh you know they don't always know how much damage is there until they get in to actually do the surgery so if it's if it's just like cleaning up a little bit then maybe it'll be relatively quick back to the field but yeah sometimes they find other stuff when they get in there too yeah so the Raiders are one of those teams that don't really have maybe a great starting option but they have decent ish maybe at but but it's hard to say I think we have the same issue with the Denver Broncos uh we don't have great starting options but we have kind of mediocre options all the way around um it's a little more complicated I think in Denver because we have three media three potentially mediocre options instead of just two although I guess Denver would say we have two mediocre options and then we have one of those mediocre options that has upside later but as I think maybe it will become revealed according to my analysis I don't think that uh Bo Nix has a lot of upside and he is just as old as some of these older gut these some of these other players that have been deemed uh washed up already so um is that a spoiler are you giving us a spoiler right there yeah yeah my spoiler yeah yeah my spoiler alert yeah so I have uh so I'm gonna list who I think should probably start for the Denver Broncos if I were uh wanting the team to be most competitive uh and that I think he's actually Jared Stidham who is he has been in the Denver system for the longest um he's 28 um he's six foot three four fourth round pick by New England 2019 from Auburn earlier Baylor actually Bo Nix replaced or was followed Jared Stidham as starter at Auburn when he started so he is not terribly he's not that much younger than uh Jared Stidham uh he was with New England for three years through 21 the Raiders in 22 this is the second season now in Denver he started four games over the last two seasons one and three record fourteen hundred twenty two yards passing eight touchdowns eight interceptions 78.3 career rating but an 88 career rating in his starts um he started the last two games of the season after Russell Wilson was benched is he the starter maybe at least at first who knows the Broncos also brought in Zach Wilson who I think also maybe has as much or more upside still then the next guy we'll mention is Bo Nix um he's 25 he's actually only six months older than Bo Nix this is his I think he's entering his fourth NFL season now and he's only six months older than Bo Nix um former number two overall pick by the New York Jets from BYU great college career in his final season in 2020 hit 33 touchdowns only three interceptions 37 yards hundred yards passing in 12 games he struggled in the pros however 12 and 21 records as a starter 23 touchdowns to 25 interceptions 73.2 rating last year he started 11 games for the Jets in place of the injured Aaron Rodgers who had injured famously in the first series that he played again uh for the Jets last year 60.1% completion rating completion percentage eight touchdowns seven interceptions 77.2 quarterback rating but he's shown flashes I think if you watch that game against the Chiefs that he played he looked really really good against the Chiefs yeah and the Chiefs of course it turned out to be have one of the best defenses in the league and and you wonder how you know but for you know three quarters of that game that Wilson played he looked you know the the Jets probably should have beaten the Chiefs in that game uh yeah but you know he still is he still apparently or is he kind of or is he a head case you know he's still only six months older than Bo Nix the first ground draft pick of the of the Broncos who I am not as high on Bo Nix as anybody else as the Broncos are apparently but well I was just gonna ask it is or is the Zach Wilson issue just the Jets issue and it has nothing to do with him it's just yeah you have darn old dude flame out there you have everybody flames out for the Jets the Jets are one of the star crossed I think that franchises and Aaron Rodgers had a short season last year too it's yeah yeah we'll see what he does this year with the Jets but if he can complete the season but yeah this comes this brings us to Bo Nix who is 24 years old six foot two the 12th overall pick by the Broncos but he was actually the sixth quarterback taken so there are five quarterbacks in the draft class that were seen as better than Bo Nix the only quarterback seen as better than Zach Wilson was Trevor Lawrence in that draft class so but Nix replaced him as the starter at Auburn he was a three-year starter there he didn't really live up in expectations but then he was a two-year starter at Oregon where he really blossoms his senior year at Oregon 12 and 2 record last year 4500 yards passing 45 touchdowns only three interceptions 77.4 percent completion record completion percentage which is an NCA record so he did really really well in the Oregon system but he's also a 20 he's also an older quarterback competing against younger kids at that point he started 61 games in college the most in NCA history for a quarterback you see the starter coming in or does he wait i think the most interesting thing about Bo Nix is that he has the shortest name of any NFL player or quarterback ever Bo is his full first name his middle name is Captain Bo B-O-N-I-X B-O so five letters in his full name um Thai law over the chiefs and for the Patriots also only five letters but Thai was actually short for Tyrone so he'll um and it's the shortest name in NFL draft history at least tied with uh Ed Lee who was drafted in the 1950 in 1950 uh so uh he had a fight i'm sure Ed was probably short for Edward or Edgar or something like that so um Bo Nix has the shortest name in NFL history um that might be the only superlative i think though about Bo Nix i am not impressed by Bo Nix but i think Sean Payton is and i think uh i think he sees Nix as a next Drew Brees uh he was you know very high completion percentage very you know a lot of short passes i don't i i don't know if that works terribly well on the NFL any longer but um i think you need some athleticism some big playability i'm not sure if Nix has that i i think uh Stidham and Wilson have as much or more upside than Nix does i'm very i'm pretty down but as a chief spam maybe i hope that Nix is made the star because i think i don't think i don't think that much of Nix what do you think of the Broncos three quarterback uh choices here uh it's just yeah it doesn't seem to be all that impressive it just it doesn't seem like you know Stidham was going to get a chance somewhere right like it was uh seemed like he was again it was going to get an opportunity so it's not surprising that he got an opportunity somewhere but yeah Denver fine whatever but uh what do you what do you think the order of usage was uh in the in their um open increases in game that do you think it was i think i was sitting on i think it was someone else getting prisoners i would say when Stidham first then Nix then Wilson i think Wilson they brought third i don't think Wilson i i think probably Wilson has the most upside of any of those three quarterback still um but i think Stidham probably has the combination of being savvy enough with a decent i think i i don't yeah it's like like we said the Broncos i think are kind of the same boat as the Raiders they have quarterbacks that could be decent as at their highest level but probably aren't going to be amazing um and i think like the Raiders the Broncos are probably going to pick the person that they shouldn't pick uh so i think i think the Raiders are going to call it where i think it should be meant to you i think the Broncos are going to pick Nix where i think it should be either Wilson or Stidham i would i would pick Nix third out of those points and sort of then yeah um but i'm not a personal professional football coach but sitting on the couch that's how i would say that i remember Bo Nix at Auburn he wasn't that great and then finally he comes out of his shell at Oregon but again like by that point you're playing that's 18 year old kids and you're 23 24 years old like it's not as impressive uh you know you're gonna you know when Zach Wilson had his great year in college he was like 21 and when Nix does it he's two or three years older so i i don't i don't i don't i don't really like the old quarterback drab i being drafted i think i think you want someone on the younger end coming out of college you want more upside less like sure thing more upside though is what sounds like yeah like Nix is older than you know he's older than cj stradd he's older than um Anthony Richardson he's as old as Zach Wilson he's been around for four years he's older than you know uh a lot of NFL quarterbacks already um so it's it's you know it's not as impressive to me so that's who's out of curiosity let's let's uh we can play a little game would be stats here from the from the first preseason game i'll read the stat lines you see people can tell me which quarterback it is that had the stat line based on your expectation i i heard some things about the game but i don't know for specific details so we'll just just see what you what you think of this anyway so they had they had a very good game it seems like from from the from the quarterback position uh three quarterbacks all having you know above the two percent complete your percentage and you know at least okay yards per attempt uh but fifteen to twenty one hundred twenty five yards in a touchdown uh quarterback in this case we'll just call quarterback and be uh it was 10 or 13 for 117 yards no touchdowns no picks nobody was sacked either so which is you know good for a preseason game especially uh for a back seat four of seven thirty seven yards but but an interception i'm gonna guess wilson was the last one through the interception but only four of seven though as you didn't play very much yeah yeah so i think i think they pick i'm just like nix was the most uh he threw the touchdown pass i was like nix threw the touchdown and then stood him was the other one but so i yeah i so they started they start nix so stinham started and he was the one that only went four for seven with the interception so you would have faced the number one okay defense the cold since who they faced uh in their first preseason game so so stinham had the the weakest line that would have been against the toughest competition nix was the fifteen for twenty one with a touchdown uh and he went second and so he started like around the second quarter or so uh and then zach wilson was last uh 10 or 13 for 117 yards so his maybe inflated uh yards per attempt uh made then because he was facing a third string defenses and you know he's a relatively seasoned veteran at this point too so that's he's got a lot more experience than most third string quarterbacks would have against third string defenses yeah so we'll see what happens i guess but i think i think denver wants nix to be the starter i think they want they want nix and i don't i don't see how nix is any better i was surprised that they drafted nix because i think they already have two nix's on the roster uh instead of and wilson and i don't know why you're putting a third if uh you know you have i think limited upside but still some potential on you know i think with wilson you still have a little more upside than stinham even but i don't see my i don't see nix's nix is just as old as those guys and he hasn't had this any enough experience and he's i don't think he said he gonna be any better he was yeah so i i i yeah i question the draft pick of nix um you know if you're draft you're drafting i think you know i can see why the broncos wanted a quarterback because they don't have a great quarterback but they're drafting a quarterback in who is the sixth best of the quarterbacks available and when you're picking number 12 you can usually get better than the sixth best at some position that's available and when you already have quarterbacks that are just as good and you could bring it you know if i were the broncos i would have brought in ryan tana help and uh you know i think he has you know released some history as a starter that's solid if you want somebody and if you want to if you want a quarterback for the future maybe draft one next year if they're gonna suck again and they might have been able to get nix later in the draft if they just waited because i mean nobody else is really looking to pick up quarterbacks the raiders maybe were the raiders maybe were maybe but they seem to like a call for some reason so yeah i don't i don't know if they would have drafted the nix next quarter back until the fifth round after nix was gone so uh yeah so i mean you know maybe maybe the broncos still can draft the you know a solid you know almost immediate plug and play starter because so many quarterbacks have gone so early um and then they could still picked up nix in the second or third or fourth round so that even uh you know really a risk for for a losing arm trying to get the guy you if you if he's the guy they want it anyway then you know yeah probably would have still been available but you don't know then for sure they could have gotten the right with ours the tight end that the raiders got the raiders actually picked ours they already had a great tight end but they in michael mayor who was picked last year i think first or second round so like so they got a second tight end which doesn't make a lot of sense but they picked somebody who they thought who thought maybe it was a top five talent uh at i think 13 or 14 wherever the raiders ended up drafting so and the broncos they don't have a great tight end uh so maybe they could have gotten somebody like that or they could have gotten an alignment um somebody else yeah i i i am not um on board really with what the broncos did not drop but as of chief's fan i'm not i'm not unhappy about it yeah of course the skull blew up in our face and boa next could be the next great quarterback of the uh of the in the nfl but i i i think we've been mostly right about our quarterbacks and which ones have been good i think we were we were the first i think believed to like to hype up just in herber as being better than toa um and he turns out i think he has been even though he hasn't played on playoff teams in the way that toa has i think we also were you know we were wrong maybe about jordan love it turns out but um i still remember that jordan love wasn't even the best that was amazing named love in his second tier conference and that was also before i believe we knew that that um erin rogers was like a colossal great a sort of douche uh and that's why they drafted him you know because we thought erin rogers was a great quarterback and still had some years left on him and why draft his other quarterback there but um yeah i think maybe we were well it wasn't dumb thing to do for the franchise because they probably could have picked somebody else later also and that that wouldn't have been so infuriating because well they could have gotten love maybe a little later they tried they traded up together one but the whole like um you know packers fan base had just gone through the same thing with rogers and farv just to you know not that long ago so it's uh you know why why put everybody through this same thing again where you're sort of like divide your fan base some in someone against your franchise you know for just making everybody feel uncomfortable about the situation that they're creating by drafting a replacement for a guy that's in theory and is prime but you know if they don't want they didn't want rogers around they just get rid of them or you know do what you need to to make and move on but you know this whole sort of backhanded way about going you know about the replacement by moving up on the draft and draft is a replacement without telling them or that kind of thing is you know not how you're supposed to run an organization if you want your people to be okay with it oh yeah it's a little better maybe the one happened with that land at least you didn't sign a quarterback i'm then trade up to draft michael penix junior uh yeah i don't know which maybe the bowdick's pick was not the worst of the first round uh quarterback uh draft picks i think maybe penix was the worst one i'm not sure but i nix was i don't i don't yeah we'll find out maybe after a couple of years what which of these quarterbacks has actually turned out to be solid but um uh with we we know in Kansas City we have uh the chiefs have uh the best quarterback in the league that's Patrick Bahaub's who was when he was picked the controversial draft pick he was picked number 10 overall in uh 2017 at a Texas Tech win the chiefs had out smith us all quarterback it'll be 29 in September 6.2 this is he's had six years as a starter a 74 and 22 record in the regular season a 15 and 3 playoff record one of the few players who's actually better in the playoffs i guess tougher comfort stiffer competition than he is in regular season 103.5 career rating in the regular season 105.8 in the playoffs last year was a down year for him uh 10 10 and 6 regular season record 4200 yards passing 27 touchdowns 14 interceptions but a career high in rushing yards of 389 plus another 141 in the playoffs a career also career best in completion percentage of 67.2 percent so um two two time MVP three times Super Bowl MVP you know uh he had baby the one of the worst wide receiver rooms in the league last year the led the league and drops uh turned at least uh two or three easy catches into touchdowns for the other team lots of big drops and big you know i'm sure two or three games were you could say the MVS drop against the Eagles cost in that game the clearance Tony offside cost in that game clearance Tony um interception or drop that turned into a pick six so that against the uh Lions cost in that game so that's if they had decent wide receiver play they would have won three more games than they want than they lost last year i think that was that's pretty um pretty easy so um you'd be saying well he would the chiefs would have been 14 and three rather than 11 and 6 last year they would have had the top seed and they you know they still won the Super Bowl uh with Mahomes uh maybe Mahomes isn't during this season with a chip on his shoulders and because he was revealed as the only the number four player in the NFL top 100 actually behind Tyree Kill who was number one somehow uh Lamar Jackson number two and Christian McCaffrey number three uh Mahomes only number four uh which seems a little silly um you know it shows what players actually know about other players maybe not a whole lot but especially when you just brought up that three times you know that's a pretty tough one to get around yeah he had won the MVP in the Super Bowl the previous season so like even though he was having a down here you don't think Lamar Jackson's a better player than Mahomes so you wonder it's you wonder what the voting is like and how much kind of nitpicky you know like those you know the people just dislike Mahomes because he always wins so they're gonna vote but it turns out this is probably just another thing to kind of motivate Mahomes who seems to have this kind of Michael Jordan level of of competitiveness that uh he's less of a jerk I think to his teammates than Jordan was but he says a similar level of competitiveness to to Jordan yeah maybe driven a bit by spite some extent yeah that's fine so the Chiefs have Mahomes what do they have so unlike the Raiders or the Broncos they have us you know quarterback was at the top of his game on top of the top of the league they actually have a backup who's as good probably as any of the quarterbacks on those other two rosters as well Carson Wentz six or five thirty one years old now former second overall pick from North Dakota state by the Eagles in 2016 he's with the Eagles for five seasons through 2020 the Colts 21 the commanders 22 and the Rams last year this is his first season with the Chiefs actually a second season as a prime as a backup he came in mid-season to the Rams behind Stafford last year career record as a starter 47 45 and won 153 touchdowns to 67 interceptions he's been a top of the line starter probably most notably in 2017 for the Eagles he had 33 touchdowns to seven interceptions maybe was the favorite to win the MVP that year but he was injured before the Eagles Super Bowl run when Nick Foles led them to the championship who knows if Wentz could have done the same even in 2021 and Indy he passed for about 3,600 yards 27 touchdowns seven interceptions a 94.6 quarterback rating so he seems like he's a very solid backup he has some injury history but you know can he revitalize his career in Kansas City or is he just a backup now it's kind of hard to say but you would probably take Mahomes injury to find out but you think though even if Mahomes goes down Wentz is somebody who for two or three games probably can keep the Chiefs in these games and not you know not just talk up games not just talk up these as losses so Wentz is yeah I think one of the best backups probably in the league that we've gone through so far well and in the best backup the Chiefs have had over the last several years too like this should be more you know inspiring more confidence in Chiefs fans that if something were to happen to Mahomes that it's not a disaster but then there wasn't previous seasons you know they had competence quarterbacks and he was okay but he was pretty good yeah his highs whenever as high as Wentz's um gabber's highs whenever as high as Wentz's either um maybe Nick Foles as the backup to Alex Smith or I guess probably the best backup the Chiefs had was magic but Mahomes to Alex Smith but um but Nick Foles maybe as the backup to Alex Smith was maybe the maybe the best kind of traditional backup that the Chiefs have had for the last 10 years but I think I think Wentz is better than that you know other than other than Mahomes himself as the backup I think Wentz is the best backup the Chiefs have had for a while and the battle for the third quarterback how much is Wentz making this year 2.7 million would you really yeah this question is would you really have Wentz for 2.7 or would you really have um you know Garden of Michigan Jack Wilson's also making 2.7 million. Is Wilsen still on his rookie deal or is he on his own? uh yeah I do not look at uh he is yes it looks like he is still on his original deal yeah it looks like the the his option was not picked up for 2025 which that decision had to be made uh in the off season here so yeah so that that means he's still on his rookie deal so this this will become his final season of his rookie deal yeah so those are Wentz yeah I think well you might think Wilsen has a lot of upside still but I yeah I like having Wentz at 2.7 is a pretty good deal for a backup I think yeah I think Wentz is probably one of those things that much experience and and uh you know success too question is injuries that's some back injuries and some other injuries but um other than but you think that at least he's not going to play a whole lot at least your hope not he's going to play a whole lot maybe a game here and there if Mahomes goes out but as a backup yeah your injury risk is much lower yes yeah but behind Wentz we have some question marks I think as the third quarterback we have Chris Olodokun uh illah 27 in early September 6.2 former 7th round pick by the Steelers in 2022 he was actually picked up by the Chiefs practice squad the same year he's been on the practice whatever since except for one game last year he was called up to the main roster when um Gabbard started against the Chargers uh he played college at South Florida then Stanford then South Dakota State his last season in South Dakota State he was uh solid quarterback 3100 plus yards 25 touchdown seven interceptions mobile but he's more of a pocket passer is he the number three quarterback he became the three quarterback last year when Shane Buschell left he has a two-time Super Bowl champion but he's never thrown an NFL pass um he's probably competing for the third quarterback position with Ian Look six feet tall 26 years old former fourth round pick by New Orleans in 2021 quarterback at Notre Dame he played for the Saints then the Eagles and the Patriots and the Chiefs this year um this is his first season with the Chiefs former solid college quarterback his best season it was in 2019 when he passed for over 3,000 yards 34 touchdowns six interceptions plus over 500 yards rushing so you had two other pretty leaders in Notre Dame too so uh 72 total touchdowns passing 17 rushing 20 interceptions you know K pass oh looking to become the third quarterback you could start one game for New Orleans in 2021 uh 12 to 20 135 yards no touchdowns two interceptions 40.6 ready he was actually set 80 times in that game so that was not a very good game for him uh but that was three years ago so it's hard to say but that's Ian book uh what do you think of uh the Ola Dokun versus book uh dynamic uh touchdown it should be pretty even I don't I mean they're they made both you know end up being around somewhere in the organization but uh you can what now keep that third quarterback sort of around right isn't that the new rule yeah you can have the clear quarterback dress uh uh and not have to be on the roster be a roster and player so yeah um they did um Ola Dokun did uh take the third string snaps for the Chiefs book came up in the fourth spot uh for the preseason game but man they didn't have many incompletions between the but you know all four quarterbacks that played in the game like over 81% combined for the team it's like Ola Dokun had the worst game of the by completion percentage was seven for ten which is not so bad no but uh it didn't score a lot of points though the only unfortunate part yeah but uh yeah nothing too exciting though in that game yeah and that wasn't a great preseason but you and you want to say well at least you get to the preseason game and nobody gets hurt but that was the whole round of course got hurt too so it was not a great preseason first game we'll see if the next couple are gonna be a little bit better um with the Chiefs but uh yeah the Chiefs quarterback room I think is we have the maybe the best quarterback in one of the best backup quarterbacks probably uh in which is saying something I think so um much different I think than the other AFC West teams um should we move on to the AFC South uh yeah normally I would ask you like who you think is going to win the division based on the quarterback rooms but I don't think we really do that well if the Chiefs don't win we're however is that we're gonna say the Chiefs no matter what if the Chiefs don't win the division something will not terribly arise so um yeah yeah so the AFC South it's a little more wide open I think but we have some solid quarterbacks in the AFC South Houston Texans have one of the best young quarterbacks in the league that's CJ Stroud uh it was 23 in October 6th but 3 Coleridge Bernard Stroud the 4th we talked about him before Coleridge the 3rd is in Folsom Prison in uh in so he's never so he's he's had to really kind of overcome some tough uh circumstances CJ I believe he's Coleridge Jr that's probably where CJ comes from the number two overall pick behind Bryce Young ahead of Anthony Richardson uh in 2023 by the Houston Texans from Ohio State very prolific passer at OSU two-year starter 85 touchdowns the 12 interceptions in those two years were than 8,000 passing yards almost a 70% completion percentage but the question was was he just a system quarterback uh at Ohio State he actually did very poorly on what was called the S2 cognitive test which also may have heard his draft draft prospects it didn't seem to matter his rookie season though he started 15 games 63.9% completion rating completion percentage 100-800-point-8 quarterback rating 23 touchdowns only five interceptions 4,100 yards passing he led Houston to the playoffs which is one in one playoff game didn't throw in through three touchdowns to no interceptions in the playoffs was this a fluke season is he or is he emerging as one of the great end quarterbacks kind of remains to be seen seems like he's one of the good young quarterbacks it's one of the great rookie seasons but you know whether or not he can top it his sophomore year is is something that maybe that um you know might or might not happen but I think Stroud seems like he's uh he's the real deal um at least at least from what he did his first year but I will find out I guess this coming year I would imagine he will not have quite as good a season this second year as he did his first year but that doesn't mean he's not a solid quarterback I mean also proving us right though too right because we both we know that Stroud was gonna be the best uh of the we thought he was gonna be better than Bryce Young I think we thought maybe Anthony Richardson might have the most upside of the quarterbacks drafted which still may be true but you know that's those those are a long-term question more than the uh who's better right now especially it'd be uh you know what we're talking about like the novella paints and and you know we both thought Stroud was probably better player six pieces above average height rather than below average height and I think that was the main thing and he was just as prolific in college as Bryce Young was um yeah he's going with that pocket passer and I don't want the pocket side pocket passer yeah um uh Stroud's it's Stroud's backups there are three of them on the Texans uh I'm not quite sure who will be listed as the first backup it seems like probably it will be case Keenan the uh that's gonna be your favorite guy I don't think it'll be Tim Boyle he's he's he's he's gonna we'll talk about him a little bit but Keenan is a 36 years old dad he's been around for a long time six foot one former undrafted free agent from Houston the university of Houston now with the Houston Texans he moved across town he was actually uh first on the Texans in 2012 then he went to the Rams then back to the Texans then back to the Rams then the Vikings then the Broncos then uh Washington then the Browns then the Bills and now again with Houston this is a second season with this stint in Houston borderline starter in his career solid backup his best year was probably in 2017 with Minnesota he was 11 and 3 as a starter 98.3 quarter back rating he loved his team to a playoff win the famous Minnesota miracle against the uh New Orleans Saints that year 22 touchdowns seven interceptions and a 30 and 36 record as a starter 79 touchdowns 51 interceptions 84.6 ratings so solid starter you're not gonna wow you but not terrible he's a good veteran presence he started two games last year for Houston when Stroud had a concussion you know the question is will he be the start number one backup or will he be will he be the kind of third quarterback uh around um because um the other guy challenging for the backup position is probably Davis Mills 64 early 26 in October a third round picked by Houston in 2021 so formerly the quarterback of the future for Houston until they picked CJ Stroud he played at Stanford but not very much only through 18 touchdowns over two seasons at Stanford so he he's played a lot more in the NFL than he has in colleges started uh 26 25 games but only one five of them as a starter 35 touchdowns the 25 interceptions 83 rating about 6 000 yards passing he started most of the 21 and 22 seasons so he's in the backup or does he still have some starter potentials kind of the question we have with Davis Mills I don't think either of us have a question about the number four quarterback Tim Boyle they'll be 30 in October I think of anybody outside of Nathan Piederman he's probably the worst uh quarterback still around uh he played uh at UConn and also Eastern Kentucky these were the Packers for three seasons then the Lions were two then the Bears the Jets the Texans he only started one full year of college at Eastern Kentucky and in that year he threw 11 touchdowns to 13 interceptions only 2100 yards why is he around he started five career times five times in his career three foot Detroit in 2021 two for the Jets last year when he replaced Zach Wilson he was later benched for Trevor Simeon um 0 and 5 record 55.2 quarterback rating four touchdowns to 12 interceptions he is not a good quarterback he is not somebody you want to be brought in to the game because you're going to lose that game if you bring him in um so I guess if you have as your fourth quarter record it's not too bad he must have some sort of information dirt on somebody or some sort of maybe he has some sort of deep knowledge that somehow you can't translate into his own playing but can translate into somebody else's but I think Tim Boyle is the clearly the fourth quarterback um what do you what do you think of this Texan's quarterback room how did how do the salaries line up for for Houston so it's true because he was the number two overall pick uh he is making 8.2 million this year which is a little higher than some of the other quarterbacks we've seen already we talked about anyway uh Davis Mills is just barely above case Keenan 3.4 to 3.3 million Tim Boyle of this and 4 at the 985k uh Davis Mills did take the number two team uh snaps in the preseason game uh and it seems like uh uh he did a ride I guess uh Keenan took the third string snaps was five for six 40 yards no touchdown center centerings Davis Mills 813 89 yards no touchdown set fix Stroud just played the first two series they were relatively short they did get a touchdown in the second series there was two or four 41 yards uh with a touchdown pass Boyle your favorites was four of eight 28 yards well yeah so that's the Texans um the other two the other team all three of the other teams in the AFC have also have young starting quarterbacks the Tennessee Titans uh moving west from Houston uh and uh the Tennessee Titans actually did move west uh from Houston uh several years ago and became the Tennessee Titans they started they moved from Houston to Memphis briefly and then Nashville uh they drafted uh quarterback last year as well that was Will Levis uh he's 25 years old now six foot four second round draft pick from Kentucky he was the number 33 overall pick so the first pick of the second round he was at Penn State before that he couldn't get past Sean Clifford on the depth chart Clifford of course is one of the backups now in uh Green Bay and that kind of iffy quarterback room he graduated with a finance degree uh from Penn State before he transferred to Kentucky in 2021 so he's a smart guy his mom went to Yale um he had nearly six thousand yards passing at Kentucky 18 and 8 as a starter there 46 touchdowns to 25 and 7 so a big arm but maybe he makes a few mistakes here and there because he thinks his arm is uh can can get things done started nine games for the Titans last year three and six record 1,800 yards passing eight touchdowns to 400 receptions 84.2 rating sat 28 times in those nine games so quite a few times probably most famous for his weird dietary habits which include eating unpeeled bananas and drinking coffee with mayonnaise in it um but he passed uh Ryan Tannehill and Malik Willis on the depth chart last year it seems like he's entrenched as the starter but the question is if he struggles are they going to stick with him are they going to go to uh the next guy on the list uh but you gave any any information about about Levis or do you want to move on to the quarterbacks and then talk about the room as a whole i was just going to look to see who started the preseason game and it looks like it was Levis did he did start again yeah they brought in a new guy maybe to be the number two quarterback that's Mason Rudolph 29 years old now six foot five 2018 third-run pick from Oklahoma State he was with Pittsburgh his entire career up until this point three years started at Oklahoma State great college career he started 13 games overall in his NFL career it's eight four and one as a starter so pretty good record uh most of his starts were 2019 replacing Ben Rothlessberger probably the most memorable moment was when he was beaten with his own helmet by Miles Garrett in a kind of ugly uh Frankus that they they had Rudolph was actually three and those that started with Pittsburgh last season and he started the playoff game against the Bills which they lost but a career 87 quarterback rating 118 rating as a starter in the regular season last year so the question is how much chance will Rudolph get to be the starter at Tennessee if Levis struggles do you think they bring in Rudolph because it seems like they've lost all their faith in the league Willis uh he's only one month older than will love us he's 25 as well six foot one 2020 third-round pick from Liberty he had gone to Auburn earlier in his career he threw for nearly three thousand yards and rushed for nearly one thousand yards in 2021 he started three games as a rookie in 2020 for the Titans but didn't do very well 42.8 quarterback rating three interceptions no touchdowns he's a dual threat quarterback but does he still have a future with Tennessee or anywhere or is he just a bust that seems to me what the Titans are kind of leaning towards is that he maybe he's a bust um but we have Levis Rudolph and Willis in the Titans quarterback room what do you think of what's going on in Tennessee dr. Scott yeah well it seems like they I mean obviously want Levis to be the quarterback in the future drafting him you know relatively high but you know they're going through a big transition here though anyway right there you know Derek Henry's no longer on the roster now so he'll be in Baltimore this season so they're you know we're having to completely remake their sort of franchise and how they will look in play maybe totally different than what we've seen in the past so they're likely to be less reliant on the running game and and uh look at public passing more so it kind of makes sense you want to see like what Levis can do because he did have some pretty exciting plays at least early in the season when he first made it in so yeah it should be an interesting season anyway I don't know how they were good some of those years anyway hey so I don't know I don't have much expectation for them they're they're one of the harder teams to read I think they're going to predict what you think they're going to get from there so you know it's it's very different than it had then they have been in the past especially with like you just mentioned new coach and you know everyone now and now a whole different strategy too so it's gonna be if you can see what they do it happens to hit but they certainly brought in a lot of veterans a lot of older they still judge your Hopkins they brought in Calvin Ridley they brought in some older like you know Joel Adams is coming on and like we brought in some older receivers of all theirbs yeah oh yeah yeah they brought in quite a few guys so they're kind of a right kind of a veteran team so I think they can challenge I think this is this is AFC staff is one of those divisions where I wouldn't be surprised if any of the teams won the division I'd probably most surprised that the Titans won the division but I wouldn't be surprised if any of the four teams won really they're all I think none of them are great are gonna be great I think Houston even though they won last year and it's shrouded really well I think they play a much tougher schedule this year so I think they'll take a little step back but we'll talk about because we'll talk about the division as a whole and a little bit but they all three quarterbacks have some experience though who do you think is the highest paid of the three I would guess it's probably Rudolph just because of the way the draft because he's on a second he's on a you know another contract he's put free agent contract yeah well by much he's gonna make 2.7 this year we'll let us a second 2.2 million will equal us at 1.4 million so it's still a very cheap quarterback room for as much experience I guess as we've at least seen anyway so that's uh you know they they're getting to save some money there anyway you know they're the 31st team by quarterbacks on their payroll only 6.3 million that's because they have only have three guys too they don't have a fourth or fifth quarterback on their roster like some teams yeah well the Raiders now have five with the picking up a data pyramid and now the Colts also have five quarterbacks in their quarterback room right now um we'll go through all five of them here on the one trip power hour starting with Anthony Richardson 22 years old 6.4 fourth overall pick in 2023 played at Florida he only had one year as a full-time starter uh dual threat quarterback drafted more on potential than put production he has a 4.34 yard dash weighs 245 pounds so big guy he's like a you know faster cam Newton type of player maybe he's gonna be the next cam Newton or the next Lamar Jackson you're hoping he's not the next Robert Griffin because of his injury history he started four games for the Colts last year before injuring his shoulder two and two record 577 yards passing three touchdowns one interception 87.3 rating he also rushed for four touchdowns in those four games so he enters 2024 as the starter can he stay healthy that's the question um you know he's he's got the sky's in the limit it seems like for his upside but will he be able to cash in on that potential running quarterbacks don't always last a long time in the NFL so boy you said you mentioned you started four games he left three of those games from injury so yeah so that's already getting a little hairy there for yeah he learned how not to take the big hits yeah and maybe you can learn that from um Joe Flacco the back probably number one backup i would guess 39 years old now six foot six for a first round draft pick with the Ravens back in 2008 from Delaware he was with the Ravens until 2018 he won a Super Bowl with him he was a good playoff quarterback 10 and 6 career playoff record he was replaced by Lamar Jackson in that 2018 season he's bounced around since then he's one of the Broncos the Jets the Eagles the Jets again the Browns last year this is his first year with the Colts last year he was actually Cleveland's best quarterback he had a four and one record 13 touchdowns eight interceptions 90.2 rating he was a big spark in getting Cleveland to the playoffs actually played better than the Sean Watson did and maybe that's why he's actually no longer in Cleveland because there may have been a quarterback controversy and he stayed around um and you know he's getting older he's 39 so he's other than other than Aaron Rogers he's the oldest quarterback in the league i think um does he still has he still have it or is he washed up he didn't have a great playoff start against the Texans he threw two like two picks sixes maybe against the uh or wasn't oh two picks sixes but he threw two bad interceptions against the um against the Texans in that playoff game so um he's probably the number one backup third quarterback is likely Sam Elinger six foot one it'll be 26 in September former six round pick by the Colts in 2021 he played for Texas where he'd be out Shane Bushel as the starter Bushel of course was the former Chiefs third quarterback and then he went to you know I think it was upset that he didn't make the original roster last year so he went to Buffalo and I think he got injured in that preseason game he's he's he's uh injured now um but um Elinger uh solid college quarterback started parts of four seasons he started three games for the Colts in 2022 that was the disastrous Frank Reich Jeff Saturday year when Jeff Saturday was brought off the uh analyst table at ESPN to coach the uh Colts um he was 0 and 3 as a starter three touchdowns three interceptions 76.1 quarterback rating 573 yards passing you know is he the long term backup you know because Flaco's not gonna last forever does he still have the upside as a potential starter somewhere or does he stick or does he even stick around his number three does he get bumped by one of the other two quarterbacks that the uh Colts have uh floating around right now um one of these quarterbacks is former University of Kansas and North Texas quarterback Jason Bean he's 25 years old undrafted free agent by the Colts this year he was actually drafted number one overall by the Memphis showboats in the UFL draft this year for KU last year he had 2100 yards passing eight 18 touchdowns passing seven interceptions three more rushing touchdowns and it's about 300 yards rushing is he the developmental quarterback or is he just for a UFL quarterback because he gets the campbody that's the question about him same questions we have for Keaton Slovis uh former USC pit and BYU quarterback he started actually 11 games as a freshman for USC and that was by far his best year in college um he threw for 3,500 yards 30 touchdowns and nine interceptions as a freshman uh USC uh but couldn't reach those heights later he had a 28 and 17 records a starter across three schools 80 touchdowns third nine interceptions nearly 12,000 yards passing experienced college quarterback just 23 years old still also selected by the UFL uh DC defenders so maybe he has that option if he doesn't work out for the Colts um you know question is do either of these two be out Elinger I think we have Flacco pencil and basically has the backup no matter what but I think there's some I think Slovis has more upside than Bean does he's two years younger than Bean but who knows what they want Bean might be more the running quarterback in the mold of Richardson uh that maybe is good for the scout team maybe he takes some of the hits that Richardson might take but um yeah what do you think of the Colts quarterback or who what uh how do they fare in the preseason uh who's looking like the third quarterback there in Indianapolis they didn't use all five quarterbacks in the game which is kind of tough to get and you know enough of those guys the end anyway so even if your Richardson did start he got he saw two possessions uh he did it was only two for four uh for 25 yards though which is okay uh only rushed once for one yard so he wasn't taking a ton of hits anyway Flacco did get second he was three for five for 28 yards Elinger I think was third he was five or six for 80 yards did throw an interception Slovis played most of the third quarter I think he was three for five 39 yards Jason Bean was the fourth quarter guy before for six he did throw a touchdown pass so he was the alone touchdown pass did come from Jason Bean so I was pretty sure I didn't like this guy initially then he said he was from KU so that cemented it for me so that made it's you know now I know in a coach and root against I think for the uh to make the roster the Keaton Slovis in Elinger went to Texas you're not a big Texas fan and generally I'm okay with the uh the conference guys but uh but not KU there's no no acceptable KU player well fortunately there are no KU players on the Jacksonville Jaguars our final team of the evening but there is somebody making you that is disliked on this program as much as any KU player but we'll get we'll get to him in a second um Jacksonville of course has their start at Trevor Lawrence who signed a big contract in the off-season it'll be 25 in October so still fairly young he's younger than Jason Bean for example he was already 25 he's also younger than Sam Elinger he's uh you know younger than uh Will Evans younger than Malik Willis so now these good quarterbacks are being drafted young it seems like uh more often they're being drafted on the old side and he would have been drafted two years earlier if the league rolls allowed for yeah he did it as a freshman at college you six foot six everyone overall draft pick in 2021 with the Jaguars played for Clemson of course as we mentioned he probably peaked as a freshman winning the national championship in 2018 but it was 34 and two overalls of starters so he didn't really have a bad season at Clemson 90 touchdowns the 17 interceptions in college a little less success in the NFL 20 and 30 overalls of starter the three the three he was though he was three and 14 in the urban Meyer year so that was maybe give him a mulligan for that one 17 and 16 record in 2022 and 2023 his last two seasons he's averaged about 4100 yards passing 23 touchdowns 11 interceptions about four and a half rushing touchdowns he's won and won in the playoffs he lost of course to the Chiefs in the 2022 playoffs when the game of the home's injured his ankle in the hip drop tackle that is no out now banned in the NFL were there any hip drop tackles that were called in the preseason do you hear about any of those i have not heard about any man yeah but he wanted to because they made the rule i immediately all the defensive players have a legit eliminated man from their kind of the rubber twilight right yeah you won't see them at all yeah yeah yeah Lawrence has only played two playoff games but he's done much better in the regular season than he has in the playoffs 85 reading in the regular season only 72 in the playoffs so the question is does he still have a lot of upside he's paid as if he has a lot of upside or did he peek in college uh like like so many of us uh was he was he uh you know this Lawrence still he's young is he still one of the quarterbacks of the future in the NFL or is he kind of reached his ceiling he doesn't seem like he's um been the quite the player that people thought he was going to be out of college he was as hyped or more maybe even than Caleb Williams was coming up this year so but he's only been kind of an average to let me be slightly above average quarterback in the NFL yeah but i think really it's more about like you know trying to build a franchise around him so like some of the franchise has to like you know come up to what the expectation is for actually having you know winning mentality and inside of the franchise and they've not been very good for most of the existence of the franchise so it's like it's kind of a big task to put on a young quarterback shoulders is to actually try to like build a franchise not just win games or throw for a lot of yards or throw a lot of touchdowns uh so you know maybe it helps that he you know looks like one of the Easter Island statues or you know something like that but you know it makes like memes at least to build around as uh something that's fun for the fans and everything so it doesn't hurt anyway but uh yeah you know i think i mean it seems though like that jackson build much better as a whole since he's been there you know whether or not he's going to be like a hall of fame quarterback i don't know probably not but as a franchise they're seeming like they're actually like building something that can be successful and not a perennial doormat like they had been at one point at least anyway yeah yeah well speaking you guys we have maybe quite a little bit of the pressure that's been put on them uh we have uh Lawrence's maybe top backup we'll talk about maybe the other option in a second but is Mack Jones Michael McCorkle Mack Jones six foot three he'll be 26 in September so he's actually a little older than Trevor Lawrence each you know he was a former child model and actor in the Jacksonville area uh his hometown so he's back in Jacksonville he went to Alabama for college the great senior year at Alabama 41 touchdowns only 400 receptions 4500 yards passing but was that just because he was on a stacked team throwing to you know um you know number one you know uh Heisman Trophy winners and number one draft picks and uh you know players like that but he was drafted 15th overall by New England in the same 2021 draft where Lawrence was picked number one he was actually traded by the Patriots in the off season for only a six round pick so the Patriots didn't really think much of him uh 18 and 24 as a starter two and nine last year some people were saying well he didn't have a good second year because he didn't have great offensive coordinators but last year wasn't any better for him career 85.8 rating only 77 last year his best season was actually his rookie season New England you know so he's gone downhill since his senses NFL debut so he's also one of his people did he peak already or can he rebuild rehabilitate his career or is he not just a backup uh McCorkle uh Mack Jones um Jack I think you're gonna ask if he if you know like uh um that triple Lawrence peaked in college that maybe Michael McCorkle uh actually peaked as a child model and Mike that's what I thought you're gonna ask like like football career was actually way on the downhill because he was already a child model so yeah I think he was in like commercials and stuff for like local businesses and Jacksonville as a kid um yeah so he's probably hit and uh we have that we have that information on him um but you know the question is will he beat out actually experience back in quarterback CJ Bethard who's 30 he'll be 31 in November six foot two played in Iowa so another college that you don't really care for so I don't know if you're rooting for the Iowa quarterback or Mack Jones to be the backup for Trevor Lawrence um he was a third round pick back in 2017 by the San Francisco 49ers he's been with Jacksonville since 2021 three and ten career as a starter mostly with San Francisco 19 touchdowns to 14 interceptions 82.1 rating solid backup maybe he started one game in relief of Lawrence last year he threw last year for 349 yards passing and a 98.7 quarterback rating so he played well in his time last year through one touchdown and owner exceptions so is he the backup or is Jones it seems like Bethard probably noticed the system better than Jones but Jones is the as the better pedigree is a little bit younger so what do you think is going to go on with the Jacksonville Jaguars uh quarterback room dr. scaff who we know Lawrence is the starter who is the inside track for the primary backup position do you go Bethard do you go my court goal so it looks like Bethard had a better game he did throw a touchdown pass against the Chiefs he's 7 to 14 125 yards in the preseason game Mack Jones the 9 9 of 11 for 98 yards isn't isn't shabby anyway so uh I haven't looked to see who who was next though so yeah Mack Jones it's like he started the second half so whoops that's the Chiefs looks like Mack Jones got the whole second half so it seems as though Mack Jones maybe the third quarterback at least by how they they played them in the first preseason if you take anything from that anyway but you know for what they had to give up to get them that's a pretty decent experienced backup to have for only a six-round pick that's not you know a bad trade really especially it's it's really it's just a stopgap worst case scenario of Trevor Lawrence and CG better go down I guess right so yeah you might I think you could see that Jones might you might have the best shot at winning long term with Jones he was a first-round draft pick only a couple years ago maybe he was a provost quarterback a couple years ago so maybe you say if Lawrence goes down for extended period you put Jones in instead of Bethard but I think Bethard solid I think Bethard just I think the Jaguars have three decent options in terms of starters and backups I think that's uh maybe you can say Houston does as well with Mills uh and uh Keenum and Stroud but seems like so far uh they you know I maybe in the tight I don't know I think Willis maybe not so much but the tight I think both all these teams in the south though if their starters go down they have somebody that maybe could fill in and do fairly well for them so this is what this is um I think a evenly matched division but also a division that seems like the teams are preparing fairly well for other contingencies a lot better than say the NSC north did if love goes down you know they're screwed uh Packers are screwed if uh you know Caleb Williams goes down the Bears are screwed uh you know but it's you know this is one of those things where uh in these other situations I think because the division has seen us so winnable but for all the teams they want to have a good backup in case uh their quarterbacks are are injured so um which which of these teams do you think is going to be the strongest in the division this year do you have a division winner is it going to be the team of the best quarterback or is it just going to be uh uh just be the team of the best overall roster and now I know you're expecting to see Houston like regress and I am it seems like Houston made some moves that were like you know even if there is some regression from CJ's rather the team could actually perhaps still even be better than they were last year even if that happens so I still expect Houston to be good they may end up being the Chiefs like biggest um competitor during the season like they may be they may be scrapping with them for the one seed in the in the AFC you're you're much more bullish than I think it is yeah I think Houston is maybe not making the playoffs I see them as they were 10 and 7 last year they played a fourth place schedule they're gonna play a first place schedule this year with I think tougher inter-conference game so I'm gonna look up the Houston schedule. It just was some of the moves that they made though it to me it seems like that they're doing all of the right things though for like the the ads that they made yeah who they ended up bringing in like wide receiver help they they've got a decent roster and even if there's some regression reached out or even if he's injured for a duration amount of time they they could be okay you're right they will have a much tougher schedule though they play yeah so the Houston plays um the NFC North and the AFC North as their as their division so AFC North is the toughest division probably up to bottom so they have all AFC North teams this year they start out at Pittsburgh no wait that's uh never mind that no they start out and bolts that cults oh they play the NFC East excuse me they play the AFC East yeah which is fine right well three of those teams are pretty good I think Miami Buffalo and probably the Jets are probably be pretty good maybe they play and they play the Ravens and the Chiefs yeah from so if you look up there after their buy in week 14 they've a really tough end of the schedule they have Miami at home at Kansas City Baltimore at home at Tennessee I think that'll be a tough last few weeks and they have a decent okay start I think cult at the cults home against the Bears at the Vikings home against the Jags I think they just have a tough schedule so I don't know I see the Texans is a little bit like the New York Giants were last year when the Giants were kind of a surprise playoff team surprisingly did it surprisingly well with Daniel Jones and then everything went well for them they lost they won a playoff game then they lost a playoff game right then everything went to hell in a hand basket for them even though IB is good about it so I it's I would you know so that's I didn't even maybe I'm being unfair towards the Texans but I they have a defensive coach they don't have an offensive coach so I still think I think you need an offensive guru to do really well in the league right now so I don't know I if I I could see I could also see Houston yeah Houston maybe could take off and just win every game to put I I see them as dropping down a game or two simply because they have a tougher schedule and they play tougher they play tougher teams and I think the division is a little better than it was so I I kind of like Jacksonville to come back as the division leader but I wouldn't be surprised if it was either Tennessee or Indianapolis I actually wouldn't be surprised it was Houston either but I I maybe I'm just trying to be down on Houston a little bit uh to just I think you're you're Houston is my Tennessee I think in opinions like I don't I don't see how Tennessee's gonna do that well this year but but uh you know as we saw last year when we were trying to pick our our uh win totals for the season uh we didn't do so well that's uh you know who we thought was gonna be good and you know didn't necessarily turn out to be that good so you know that kind of stuff happens pretty regularly in the NFL and like the difference between the six and ten team and the ten and six team is not much yeah and usually the playoff teams is five or six new playoff teams from the year before so it's not the same it's not the repeating teams that always make it but um well uh we'll see what happens next year with uh the AFC South and the AFC West but we'll be back next week with the AFC North and the AFC East and more discussion of the Royals more discussion of the Chiefs as they move towards the beginning of the regular season we might have some other interesting topics come up as well uh but we'll continue our our fourth week of our quarterback and strategy ends up next time on the one trick power do anything else to add for this week dr scaford do we want to uh close out and uh say good night to everybody we're good data good time to wrap it up yeah this has been a there's been another uh marathon session orchard power probably we've had two plus uh hours of of uh highly uh interesting and uh insightful um uh conversations here about about the world of sports in the last few weeks uh we will have another one next week uh we we also are in the throes of you know the uh major league baseball playoff run we hope the royals can continue there uh solid stretch so we'll talk about more about that next week as well um but until uh until we meet again uh next week i am dr michael werman he is at your ender scaf we are the one trick power hour please like and or subscribe to our uh podcasts available on many podcast delivery services or our youtube channel which is available on youtube uh we appreciate your listenership and your viewership and uh we'll see you or hear from you or at least be aware of your presence uh somehow fivy either next time and until next time we will bid you a good day you you you [BLANK_AUDIO]