John 15:5

Aiden Carver

Broadcast on:
14 Aug 2024
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Appreciate him, but tonight let's let's pray for him and hold him up and listen to the word God's giving So we're good to be back in Lord's house Desiree on his prayers If you've got your bibles we turn in the Ephesians 5 Every since I heard this word You know, I didn't think the Lord would lay it on the heart. You know to go about it tonight, but this word that someone pointed out to me circumspect with and I was going to read the definition before I get in the reading and a careful prudent or discreet way or avoid risks or To consider all circumstances and the possible consequences That's just I looked into it just looking for where it was and is in Ephesians 5 I'll just read first verse Be you be there for followers of God as dear to it and and walking love is Christ also Have loved us and have given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smell and saver But for vacation on all uncleanliness or covetness Let it not be once named among amongst you as the coming signs neither filth in this nor foolish Talking nor jesting which are not convenient, but rather given of things For this you know that no harm or nor unclean person nor covet this man Who is an idolater have any inheritance in the kingdom of Jesus of Christ and of God Let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these these things come at the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience They not ye therefore partake is with them for ye were sometimes darkness But now are ye lot in the Lord walk his children a lot for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness Andrew proven what is acceptable unto the Lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness But rather reprove them for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret But all things that are approved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever doeth Make manifest his life Wherefore he say at the wake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee life Save in that ye walk circumspectly not as fools, but as wives Redeem in the time because the days are evil wherefore be not unwind us, but understand them What the will of the Lord is and be not drunk with wine wearing its as access But be filled with the Spirit Speaking to yourselves and Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord Give it thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Submitting yourselves one to another in the fairy god. I'll stop right there That the Lord just brought that up to me and Basically right in here. It's just telling us to You know straighten up pretty much You know We're saved born again children are God and if we want our objects to be saved We ought not be living like the world You know that brings back to the keeping the lamp lit You know, we'll have objects like bean ball Robert dense and all them You take a light out there in the woods or don't take a lot out there in woods and the pitch black You can't see your hand in front of your face. You won't go nowhere walking But I grant you if you get that lamp lit They'll be able to see where they're going and with us being saved born again and us not having that lamp lit We ain't gonna be able to lead our people to God and I struggle with this myself I ain't just point my finger ain't got no right to I struggle with it. I mean ever since the Lord called me to preach I mean, I probably struggle worse than y'all. I'm probably worse than y'all I've been getting into so much temptation Oh Lord sent this for me and you I mean just breathing that just made me feel so ashamed of myself Yeah, you know, I've I've got so many objects, but here I am living out like I'm a lost man I grant you a lost man would see me and he'd probably think I ain't a preacher. I ain't saved Because I mean I would just walk around, you know, and I'll just ignore ease away from talking about God when God gave me a chance You know, I didn't even start studying so honestly last night You know, that's how bad I've been to struggling and I Mean it's easy to get off that path, but it ain't hard. I mean, it's Easy to get off that path, but it's even harder to get back on it the more and more you stray away the harder it's gonna be and I just I mean right here It says see then that you walk circumspectively not as fools, but as wise And right there it says avoid risks or to consider all circumstances impossible consequences. That's what circumspectively means and I mean That's how we ought to walk we ought to walk, you know, avoidin risk You know in avoiding those consequences keeping the consequences in back of our mind And if you stray away the Lord's gonna take things away from you Right even verse six says let no mane to see you with vain words for because of these things come at the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience You know you could be hanging around with the wrong crowd or so I've dealt with this a lot and I'd be like I'll I'll change them I'll change them. I'm bringing back to the Lord or work and all that and I'll end up being like them because I would let that man deceive me and Right here. We got to not let them deceive us. I Mean it's plain and simple it's straightforward but Listen Right here in verse eight says for you were sometimes darkness, but now are ye lot in the Lord walk us children of life Right there. I mean we should be able it should be easy for us to spread the word because we were once darkness and now we're brought to life and We ought to be able to connect with those lost Because we were just like them May not be in the same concept of being a drunk or a drug addict one But either way we was lost and we all have one way of finding God there ain't no preacher will save me or Or saying this certain prayer would get me in there or doing this good work. We'll get me in there That ain't right You could be someone ain't cuffed all your life if you ain't got God and you're going to hell It's just that simple If you don't go to heaven with your works You go to heaven with full faith and believing in God giving your heart to the Lord and I mean it's free It ain't it don't cost a dime. Oh, you gotta do when that Lord knocks on your heart. You just come to and walk in faith I Mean it's you may be like. Oh, what would a place say something about me or something like that or you know that don't matter That don't matter you want you take one step. I grant you a little weight you right on in there You'll probably not even remember taking a step and pulling back there. Yeah, I didn't As soon as I took the step out of that few it was just easy And I mean once you get up from there, that's the best feeling you ever have You don't even care what anybody thinks you'll be snorting and interiors and you won't care I mean, I sure didn't and that's the best thing that I've had sure I'll stray away But there again, you can never go too far from God. He'll he'll bring you back. I mean like Joe Hey lost everything that he's had but he kept faith in God and everything I mean he lived right on and Lord Lord. I'll bless you Once you stray away, he'll make it hard for you. He'll make this life Hard to live for you, but if you if you go through the little trials to obey God It won't be as hard as running away I mean that song that we sung earlier when he reached down his hand for me You know You may be lost here tonight. You may be thinking that the Lord may not reach his hand down for you But we've got so many people in here. We've got witnesses of people getting saved Yes, I mean Trevor. We saw him get saved in here The Lord Lord will reach down the tan for you. No matter how far down you are he'll get you out of there I I I I know it's short But that's what the Lord light on my heart And if he's would just please keep me in your prayers. I hate to ask that I Mean it's it's pretty hard. I Mean I'm ashamed to say it, but I've been saved for so long and I've never really studied on my Bible I mean, this is pretty much all brand new to me So if you would just pray for me and I Pray that you wouldn't listen to the words out of my mouth Thinking it's coming from me Because I don't like to be called a preacher. I don't I don't like that. I'm just a mouthpiece. I Mean this is a message from God. I mean it was directed toward me mainly I mean I felt it right in there as I started reading that I mean I was so ashamed and it hit me horse and I just I hope it'll hit you as hard as it did me If you're going to the same thing, I just pray that Henswood he too and he don't throughout the week but That's all the Lord light on my heart. I know it's short God I appreciate you I get hard to put in hand limits and and things like that own message is it's it's our one goal Preach and then that's all you can do. I Appreciate what the message that you brought tonight. You think about that and that word that the Lord this truly brought out to him to be careful and avoid risks and Circumstances that can come from things and that scripture he read right there was teaching us Not to walk in the path of the own godly not to walk in the path of this world avoid them Thanks for a reason and what was the reason they they risk These consequences and you think about what them risks and them consequences is. It's the lives of our lost people It's the people we love that if we walk the wrong way Josh, we're gonna leave them down a path to hell We're gonna leave them in the wrong way and they're gonna go through life and they're gonna think if that's where Christian is I'm just as good They're not gonna see the difference in your life that they ought to sit and That young man said something right there and you ever won Clue them myself better take it to heart because I know where he's coming from They ain't a message mark that I've ever preached that didn't chew me up first That didn't get ahold of me and I'm gonna tell you what I just soon not hear a man that get behind a whole pit That that scripture didn't get ahold of him first Because if it didn't and he is up here pointing fingers He is up here trying to stomp all over everybody in the congregation But when you look in that word right now, right and every time you do it, son You look in there and you just see you Because if you get to looking in there and you see Judy and you see CD and you see Bobby and you start seeing them You'll start preaching at them. Yeah It ain't my place to get up here and preach out nobody It's just my place to get up here and deliver a message And if it comes by your way, then that's from the Lord. It ain't from Dean And I'm glad that I'm glad it comes my way first I appreciate the Word of God tonight. I'm thankful for thankful for this young man