Reel the Core Podcast

D23 Announcements (Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar & more) - Reel the Core Podcast

1h 23m
Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) (indistinct chatter) (upbeat music) - Hello everybody, welcome back to Real the Core. My host Jackson and no side tangents here in Real the Core. We get straight to the point. I'm here with Reese Loomis, what's up, man? - Nothing, man, how about you? - I'm chilling, I just got off work. I had some, I had pasta for dinner, that shit was electric. We're here to talk about, now we're gonna, you know, as grown men do, we're gonna talk about Disney. - Yes, yes, I love it. - So this weekend, we're recording this on Tuesday over the weekend, they had D23, which is exactly what it sounds like, it's a Disney convention, where they talk about all things Disney, lots of big announcements out of Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, et cetera. And we're just gonna kinda run through everything, give some thoughts, give some opinions. And yeah, let's just get into it, Reese, you ready? - I am so ready, let's do it. So we're gonna kinda speedrun through the Disney studio stuff first, 'cause I think that's probably the section I'm least interested in. - Yeah, you didn't mean that. - I don't know if I, yeah, okay, it's both of us then. So the first thing, and I guess the thing most people care about is Avatar 3. We got a title and some concept art, it's called Fire and Ash. Concept art looks cool. I have no opinions, Reese, how about you? - They could not give less of a shit about Avatar. They're good looking movies that I do not care about the characters at all, or the universe, or like anything that happens. I slept through the way of water in the theater, so. - You're not gun for Big Jim? - I don't even know who that is to be some fucking audiences out of character. - You don't have Big Jim? - No, James Cameron. - Oh yeah, how old is he now doing this, 80? - Jesus Christ, hold on, that's actually a fantastic question, let me look this up. He's 69 years old. - Yeah, 69 years old and complaining about sex and superhero movies, gotta respect it. - He complained about sex and superhero movies? There's no sex and superhero movies. - Exactly, that's what he was saying. - Oh, oh, okay. He thinks there should be more sex. - Basically. - Cool. - Well, wasn't he gonna do, he was gonna do a Spider-Man movie, right, where he banged Mary Jane on the Brooklyn Bridge? - I don't know about that part, but where's the sex and avatar? That's my question. - I feel like there was some sexual implications. I've only seen the first avatar once, I'm gonna be honest, but I feel like I remember there being some sexual, I am a grown ass man talking about the sexual implications of avatar, and I'm just now realizing how that sounds. - So I'm gonna move on from that. We're gonna talk about Snow White, which is just, yeah, it looks terrible. - Yeah. - Greta Gerwig wrote this. Did you know that? - You're joking. - Greta Gerwig wrote this movie, or is one of the credited writers on this movie. Hold on, let me pull up the full, like, crew list, 'cause it's directed by Mark Webb. - Oh, of a Spider-Man theme. - Of Spider-Man fame, of what's it called, that one, like, tumbler movie? Fuck. - Fifty days of summer. - Five hundred days of summer. No, five hundred days of summer, yeah. - Okay, that was a decent movie. - It was. Yeah, so Greta Gerwig is a credited writer on this. I guess you just really needed to get her back up a little bit, but man, it just looks miserable. It just looks really bad. It just, the dwarves look terrible. I don't know, they took the wrong message from Peter Dinklage's rant about that. Also, hold on, no, we're not gonna, 'cause we're not gonna rack on Rachel Ziegler. We're not gonna do that. Respectfully, Gal Gadot is in this movie, and Rachel Ziegler is, like, a good actor. - I know, it's not even, I think, I just find her, like, annoying, like, in real life, not acting. - Why is that? - You know, people, you just can't explain it, their personality is just like-- - It's just the energy. I get what you mean. - Yeah. - So it's just, like, the vibes that you get is what you're kinda against. - Yeah, just vibes. - Who's someone that I don't like because of just the vibes? I know there's gotta be, like, a celebrity that I just, like, I don't have any reason not to fuck with them. It's just the energy they give off, you know? 'Cause I've met, like, there are people in real life I've met where I could point to them and be like, "I have no reason to dislike you." It's just the vibes, you know? - Shouldn't name those people. - Yeah, I know, I should call them all out right now. Shit, there's gotta be a celebrity where this would apply to. And it's really gonna bug me this entire podcast if I can't, like, pinpoint it right now. - Yeah, once you think of it, well, we'll come back to it. - Yeah. After that, we had Mufasa directed by Barry Jenkins. - Let's go. - Christ, yeah. Do you have any thoughts on this? - I just hope he takes the money, he gets from this, and makes more good movies that aren't stupid and dumb. - I am into that because I'm hoping he can find another moonlight or Beale Street or two. Out of the money, he gets off of this. I really need, I really need him to get back in his bag. I can't lie. - Yeah, I don't give a shit about it. Like, the first Lion King reboot they did was bad. This doesn't even have, like, a strong source material that's based off of, so there's no way that this is good, like, no fucking, no chance. I will actually, like, pay somebody a lot of money if this movie's good. - Oh, James Corden, that would be one. - Yeah, that's it. - James Corden, I think that's a common answer. But just James Corden's aura is just all sort of fucked up. After that, we got Moana, too. I got nothing, I got nothing. I just, like, I thought the first one was good. Maybe this'll be good, I don't fucking know. - Yeah, first one was fine, I don't know. I hope the rock doesn't sing as much in this one. That's about all I care about. - Zootopia 2, similar story for me. - Yep, like the first one, don't really care about this one. - And then Frozen 3 and 4 got announced 2027 release date for 3, which is kind of crazy. That's a long-ass time. And on top of that, it's a movie for a seven-year-old girl, so I just like, I will probably never think about this again after we're done with this podcast. - Yeah, you will, though, 'cause you work in a daycare. - I don't, if I'm still working at a daycare in, what, three years, I've done something very wrong with my life. - That's a great point. - Respectfully, I love my job. But if I'm still there in three years, I fucked up at the time. - Yeah, no, I don't give a shit about Frozen 3. The first one's fine, didn't see the second one. So, who cares? That is, yeah, I never saw the second one. - They totally missed the hype train for Frozen, I think. Even when the second one came out. - But didn't that movie make a billion? Yeah, oh my God, $1.45, $3 billion. - Okay, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Frozen forever, I love Frozen. - Well, see, the thing is, is unless you're consistently around younger, unless you have a sibling that's a younger cousin or a younger sister that's in that age demographic, you're probably not gonna hear about it as much. It's like the same thing, inside out two made over a billion, but do you know anybody you've seen that movie? - See, that's the thing is like, I actually, like I was seeing shit on my social media about that, about like-- - Were you really? - Yeah, and my girlfriend wanted to see it. - Oh, so you, wait, did you see it? - I know, I didn't, she just, she mentioned it. - Yeah, no, but that was a similar case where it's just, I know even less people who saw Frozen 2, but well, outside of daycare kids. But yeah, I think that, you know, there will always be a demographic for that kind of movie, and I think Disney knows that, and that's why they're probably gonna crank out like seven of these things. - Yeah, can't wait for Frozen 8. It's gonna be really good. - Yeah. - That's when they're finally-- - We'll be fucking like 50. - Yeah. - All right, so moving on from that, we got Pixar stuff, I guess we'll start with this. They announced, we've known about this for a little bit, but they officially announced Toy Story 5, which is kind of a loaded, that's gonna probably be a loaded conversation. So I'll let you lay the groundwork for how you feel about this. - Yeah, I mean, I think the Toy Story movies are like probably some of the best Pixar movies. Three was a great ending, four completely took a shit on that ending, and then five kind of feels like they're dancing on the grave of Toy Story a little bit. With this iPad kid plot line, I don't know how that's gonna turn out. You said like you like four, like I know you like four, and I thought it was fine. It just pissed me off that it existed, really. - I get that, and I agree. It's like it's not a movie that needed to exist, but like, and this is just me personally. I feel like it justified its own existence. I feel like the closure it provided with Woody and Buzz was really heartfelt, really genuine and sincere. And it's a funny, heartfelt, entertaining movie. I really have no problem with it being here, 'cause I don't feel like it undercuts the actual substance of three in any way, and that's kind of the biggest thing for me. - It doesn't ruin the ending, but that's why I'm even more nervous for this one. - Well, see, that's the problem, because the big emotional gut punch at the end of four is Woody and Buzz kind of splitting up, and now they're right back together in this one. And that does kind of feel like a slap in the face to the ending of four a little bit, you know? - Yeah, I agree. Not to like even play devil's advocate, 'cause I don't really care about this movie, but do you think like they'll at least wait, you know, maybe halfway through the movie before that happens or something, like? - Yeah, but honestly, it's like it, I don't care. I don't really think it matters. I just think on a conceptual level that's just cheap. - Yeah, I think just bringing back this franchise is just what bothers me the most. Like what other franchise, besides Toy Story, like got this like perfect fucking packaged ending, like perfect send-offs to all the characters. And then they, like, I feel like there's so many other things they could, you know, do a sequel to. - Well, but it's not even that. It's like they did it twice. - Yeah. - That's the thing. It's like they had two like damn near perfect send-offs. 'Cause you can say what you want about Toy Story 4 as a film, but I think like that finale and the where everything ends up is really good. And so like when I'm going into five with kind of like two different head spaces, 'cause on one hand they're four for four, in my opinion. But on the other hand, you know, if you keep doing this, eventually you're gonna fucking run out of luck. - Yeah. - 'Cause you can only have so many grand finales and grand farewells. - Yeah, I was thinking about this. It's kind of like bringing back Wolverine again with Deadpool. You know, it's like-- - It is. It very much feels like that. - And then he's gonna be back in, you know, "Secret Wars." And he's never, he literally tell he's an ID like this in the movie. - Yeah, and that joke is, it's like it's meant to be a joke, but then you kind of sit there and think about it and you're like, well, is it really? Like, is it really a joke? 'Cause they don't feel like one. - I hope it's just X-23 is like kind of the main Wolverine or fuck it, I'll take Henry Cavill as Wolverine to be so honest. I know it's like an ass. - Anything besides Jackman? - Just like, yeah, just give it a new, like a fresh feeling. Also like pick a younger actor, right? So you can kind of keep it. - Not for sure. - Hey, even Henry Cavill's like kind of old to be starting this role now. - Well also, Henry Cavill was just playing Hugh Jackman. - I disagree. I think he brought kind of his own distinct personality to it. - He did, boy. It was also, I think he was very clearly kind of riffing off what Jackman was doing with the role, you know? - I can see that, yeah. - I feel like when they cast another Wolverine, they need to pick, and I think Feige even said this, they need to really do something different with the character, which I don't know how you do that. I'm very glad I'm not the one that has to make that decision. - Yeah, it'll be hard, but there are a lot of aspects of the character from the comics that they hadn't really like done justice, so I could see it working. If they get somebody who is passionate about it, but who the fuck knows? - Yeah, no, I totally get that. But anyways, backtracking, get to a Toy Story 5. I, the villain of this is supposedly a bunch of Buzz Light years, which is, I guess, kind of cool, whatever. iPad kids are the villain. - That is the aspect I'm the most nervous about, how they're gonna handle that. - Yeah, I mean, really anything that tries to go into like internet culture, I find most of the time, it just doesn't get it. - Yeah, and it's always outdated 'cause these movies take, like a Pixar movie takes what, four years to make, like they're never gonna have an up-to-date fucking references, by the time they-- - Well, you know what, it's already gonna be outdated. - Yeah, you know what, one of the most accurate meme, internet things I've seen in a movie, have you ever seen Spree with Joe Keery? - Yeah. - So, you know, remember in the third act, where he's like going on that fucking murdering spree and shit, there's a bit where he's like, just straight up killing people. And in the live chat, you can just see someone say based, just that, nothing else, just based. And I was like, wow, that's real as fuck. - That's awesome. - There are quite a few comments in that one. Like, oh yeah, that's how a real person on the internet would react to the situation. - Yeah, what is it? Is it just the fact that like everybody working on these movies tends to be a bit older? 'Cause like, they always just fuck it up. It's never good, it's always cringe. Like even just in Deadpool, the references were pretty recent, relatively, but-- - Let this man cook. - Yeah, damn, that was so cringy. I'm not gonna lie, that was bad. - But also, it's like, you know, that is something a lot of people say. And there's something to be said for, you know, a 50 year old man trying, how, Ryan Reynolds, he's not 50 yet. Is he, how old is he? He's 47, so I was close. Yeah, this, I mean, I think it's just the idea of that specific characters by that specific actor saying that, that just kind of comes off as cringe. Like-- - Yeah. - Like, I still say, let me, like, let me cook. I still say that, you know? It's still something that's in my vocabulary, but I still, like, when Deadpool said that, I was like, oh, fucking hell. - Yeah. (laughs) - No, I agree, it's like, when you hear people that, you know, normally say shit like that, it sounds organic. - Well, and it's like, the thing is, is Deadpool never talked like a real per-- I don't know, it's, it is, I think it's just because you know it's supposed to be like a wink and a nod. Like, if you were, there was a scene where two teenage characters were talking and one of them was like, like, if there was a scene with Kamala Khan and Kate Bishop, and Kamala was just like casually, very casually like, you know, oh, let me cook. You know, that would be a lot less jarring than Deadpool saying, let this man cook, you know? - Yeah, I agree, I agree. Especially, like, yeah, just a younger person saying it would, it would still be cringe, though. I'm not gonna lie, it still, it'd still be bad. - It would all just depend on the execution. I, you know, in a Marvel movie, would there ever be a way where that would be good, probably not. But also to give credit, I feel like the teenagers, like the younger characters in the Spider, the homecoming trilogy were fairly, I mean, they were fairly well written. Like the, the penis Parker line is still something where I'm like, that is absolutely something a real person would say. But anyways, yeah, moving on. We have Incredibles 3, I hope this is good. - Yeah, I'd probably have the most faith in this one out of like any of these that have been announced. They're bringing back Brad Bird. - Yeah, I really got nothing to say. If nothing else, I'm excited for another banger, Michael Giacchino score. - Score is so fucking good in those movies. - Oh my God, man, that's like, I was arguing with, not arguing, but debating someone the other day about whether Hans Zimmer or Giacchino was better. And it's like, I don't know that Hans Zimmer maybe has one or two scores that could even be in the same conversation as the Incredibles. - I feel like his scores are so different too. They're not really going for like a strong like theme that you remember, I feel like Hans Zimmer scores are kind of more like ambiance like background shit. You know, I really like the interstellar score though. That's a banger score. - Beautiful, that and Dune would be the two, those are his two best. - Those are amazing, yeah. Lion King is really good too. Those are his three strongest scores I feel like. - Is he the original Lion King? - He did, yeah. I mean, yeah, the music in that movie is like-- - And he did the reboot, or the new animated movie too, or the new Fat the Faber one. He did that. - Non-live action, live action one. - Yes, exactly, the live action animated one. After that we have Hoppers. This is exciting, this is real exciting. - Yeah, you explained this very well. This is a movie that you would come up with well, off like two or three edibles, so. - Yo bro, I got this fucking like, I got this fucking idea for like a movie, right? And there's this like, there's this girl, and she really likes beavers. So what she decides is one day she wants to be a beaver. So she says, I'm gonna put my head in a beaver and put my brain in a beaver, so she does. And then there's a, she's a robot beaver, but then this guy doesn't, he doesn't like the beaver, so he tries to kill them. And that's gonna be the movie. Like, it's that type of shit, and I fucking love that. I love that energy so goddamn much. - Yeah, and it's such a 180 from like, sticking to this very safe shit of like, okay, we're doing another Toy Story, don't you like Toy Story again? Like, total deviation just throwing the most wild concept. I don't know, I'm here for it. I hope it's ridiculous and fun and weird and good. - Yeah, yeah, I am completely with that. - Anything but more Toy Story, please go. - Yeah, it's like, I like kooky original ideas. This is kooky and original. And I saw someone say, oh, this is just Avatar, but it's like, Avatar would be cooler if it were about beavers. - Yeah, and Avatar isn't silly at all. It's very serious actually. That's the way I hate it. - After that, we have Win or Lose, which is an original TV show, and they dropped a trailer and it looks very cool. I have been excited for this. - Yeah, this is like sort of like a pseudo anthology, right? Where they're jumping around different perspectives of like the same event. - Yeah, yeah, I'm pumped. I hope this is good. And the animation looks sick. It kind of reminds me of a, it almost feels like Mitchell's "Averse in Machines" esque and how it kind of plays with animation styles, which I love, I fucking love that movie. - Yeah, I need to watch it. - Dude, it's so good. - It's the Spider-Verse guys, all right? - Lord of Miller produced it. - Okay. - But very much a post-Spider-Verse-like movie in terms of how it plays with animation. - Yeah, so moving on from there, I guess we can cover the Marvel animated stuff. We got a couple of reveals out of this. - Yeah, I am definitely looking forward to, are you at X-Men '97, Finn? - I haven't watched-- - Okay. - Dude, fucking-- - So here's the thing. I know, I know, I know. But I'm trying to watch the original series before I get there. - I don't think you need to watch it at all. - I know, that's what everybody tells me, but it's just like, it's the way my brain is wired or I just feel like I have to see it. - That's crazy, I'm the same way too, but most things, but I don't know. You do not want to miss this shit. Just promise me you'll fucking watch it at some point. It's so goddamn good. - I will, I will. I'm going to try and get to it before the end of the year. Because every clip I've seen of it is just fucking electric, dude. - Yeah, and I hope you haven't gotten any major spoilers. - I know about, I guess, spoilers if you haven't seen it. I know about, like, Captain America, Daredevil's. Like, I know about a lot of the cameos. - Okay, you just don't want, like, plot spoilers. - That's exactly it. I don't know much about that. - Do you know about the drama with, like, they kind of axed the story? - Dude, okay, so... - And we don't know why, still, right? - It's been driving me crazy, and I don't watch the show. But, like, what that guy is saying on Twitter, like, you know, they're not even inviting me to the Emmys. What the fuck did this guy do? - It had to be so bad, but, like, why the fuck wouldn't they just come out and say it? It's so weird. - So, when it happened, people were like, oh, it's 'cause he has an only fans, but, like, he had that when they hired him. So it's clearly fucking not that. It's obviously an HR issue. So, like, what the fuck was it? No, I mean, I've heard he isn't exactly a pleasant person to work with, just, at least those are just things I've read. I've just, like, just in previous shows he's been on, I guess he hasn't been very highly regarded. But, it's, this is so strange to me, 'cause usually when something, like, it's been months, and we still don't have the slightest idea of what it was, and that's just so, so, so weird. - It makes me think it's, like, something that, you know, implicates other people than just him. - Yeah, I don't know. - I don't know that it's scary about it. It's scary. - Well, it's like, I want, if he keeps talking shit, I wonder if Marvel will just come on and be like, "All right, this is what happened, bam, bam, bam." Or not even, like, Marvel making a statement, but just leaking stuff to, like, deadline or Hollywood reporter and just being like, "Yeah, this is what happened." And then they'll say, "Oh, Source informed us that." Blah, blah, blah. - An anonymous source that nobody can identify. - Yeah, yeah, it's not Kevin Feige. (laughs) - Here's the thing, though. Like, X-Men 97, like, season two, we know, I forget this fucker's name, but we know he, like, worked on the majority of it, so I know that that'll be good. - Yeah. - I am a little worried about the show after he's, you know, fully out of the writer's room, which I think is, like, part way through season three is when he stopped working on it. - I believe you're right, yeah. - We'll see. What do you think about some of these other animated things? - Yeah, so I have a funny story. With the Marvel zombie show, I sat my brother down and I said, Nate, I am going, let's play a game. I want you to guess the three main characters of this show. I didn't give, I gave him clues, too. He guessed Shang-Chi pretty quickly, but do you know who the other two main, like, of the lead three are? - Uh, no. - Well, one of them is Aquafina, and the other one is Jimmy Wu, for some reason. - Okay. (laughs) - What are they doing? Why? - How did we end up here? - I think Shang-Chi is a cool pick. - Yeah, and Shang-Chi is like a fine character. I really think they're just trying to, like, I don't know if you noticed this and what if, too, where they're like, really pushing the characters that have movies coming out and they're upcoming slate. - I don't know, it's just like, why the fuck, you know, you could pick any three characters out of the entire MCU. You have access to the entire Fox roster now. You can use any X-Men character, any Fantastic Four character. You can pick literally any single character in Marvel Comics. If I'm not mistaken, they have access to the entire Spider-Man roster. You have access to the entire fucking, like, everything. You have access to everything. And for whatever fucking reason, you decide to pick Jimmy Wu and goddamn Aquafina. - Okay, this show is gonna be bad. I mean, I don't think the concept was enough to marry its own show to begin with, but now I'm really not looking for a deal. - It's rated TVMA too, did you know that? - I did, and like, I don't know, that'll be cool. Like, this is what I think about Marvel's Zombies. Like, this is a great, like, five-minute fan film pitch, you know, like, oh, how would, how would kind of zombies exist in a universe where we have Marvel superheroes? There's so much cool shit, like, even the footage they showed at D23 of like, did you see this? Like, Shang-Chi, like, the rings fucking come off and it's like arm, and then you do a zombie. Like, there's so much cool stuff in there that. It's just not enough to carry its own fucking show. - Did you see the what, if episode? - Yeah, that was terrible. - Terrible, just genuinely egregious. I, that was-- - It was happy being bullshit that they read-- - Oh my God. - It's coming fucking time, so it was like, pay a puke, is that what he says? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That was like, the stalest joke. The first time they said it, and then they said it, 20 more goddamn fucking time. - Yeah, that was real bad. And the Uncle Ben needle, like, the name drop of Uncle Ben was just hilarious. - Yeah, Scott lying being in a jar. - Oh, God. Poor Ant-Man, he's just, he's been cooked. He's been cooked lately. - Yeah, yeah. You had the worst third movie, probably. Actually, no. Did you have the worst third movie in them, see you? - Absolutely, absolutely. - I think I'm missing a really shitty one, but no, I'm thinking of love and thunder, but that was the fourth one. That was four, yeah. No, that movie very much hurt me. But after that, we have eyes of Wakanda. I'm a little more excited for this one. - I heard Iron Fist, my true. - Yeah, so they did confirm A Iron Fist. We don't know which one, like who. It's obviously like, this is a prequel to everything, so it's not Danny. It's before Danny's time, so I don't know who it'll be. - But I am very excited, 'cause that knocks three out of the four, sorry, three out of five big shows, at least being acknowledged to some degree, right? So you got Daredevil, Punisher, and now Iron Fist. - Yeah. - Which is really cool, I'm happy to see that. - Even if it's not Danny, I really would like to see Danny back at some point. I'm a Finn Joe's Jones sympathizer. - I feel bad, 'cause the show was bad. It wasn't really his fault. - The thing is, he's so goddamn good in that episode of Luke Cage season two. - Oh yeah, I don't even, I'm sure I've seen that, but I don't even remember him being in Defenders. - Yeah, he was good in that as well. But that episode of Luke Cage, he was so hired. That was the name of the episode. That was probably his best outing as Iron Fist, in my opinion. That's, I think him having Luke to bounce off, 'cause my culture is just fucking irreplaceable, man. Just so good. And also, that brings me to another point. Why don't they put Luke Cage in a fucking zombie show? - Yeah. - Like the man who's bulletproof. - Because it needs to be a capphino, Jackson. - Yeah, anyways, moving on. We also have Spider-Man Freshman year. This show has been through the ringer from what I can tell, but I am excited. - I think I'm excited. I really like Spider-Man. I like Spider-Man too. - Coleman Domingo being Norman Osborn. - Awesome, awesome, that man. - I am really looking for him. - What a voice that man has. Like, what the fuck? His voice is crazy. - Yeah, I think he'll be good. I hope there's a big focus on Norman. - I agree. - It looks like Daredevil's gonna show up. - But no Kingpin, which is odd. - Yeah, I'm just excited to see Daredevil and Spider-Man fucking interact for the first time. - Yes. - Ever, right, on screen? - No, he was in the '90s cartoon. - Oh, okay. - But like, the first time in a long time, yeah. And that's a dynamic I really fuck with in the comics. - Yeah, and they, I just feel like we were never gonna see it in the MCU. - I feel like, naturally, that's what Spider-Man 4 should be, right? Like, that's just, that makes sense to me. In Spider-Man, you know, in all three Spider-Man, they have like that MCU, big MCU character guest starring, right? - Yeah. - And I just think it makes sense for it to be Daredevil next, to me at least. Like, that's just the logical next step. I, 'cause, you know, the other three, you got Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Nick Fury, like the fucking big, big game Avengers. I think it makes sense to scale it back to Daredevil, 'cause he's someone that is not on most of the big heroes' radar, I don't think. - Yeah, I'm gonna hope you're right. That'd be fucking awesome. I mean, you showed up in no way home, so it's not that far out there. - But, yeah, anyways-- - 'Cause by the way, that's like one of the best. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah, I love dude. And it was just, he was back like he never left. It kind of bothers me, because when people talk about like the best comic book castings of all time, Robert Downey Jr. and Hugh Jackman will be the two you hear the most. And rightfully so, they're great. But like, I feel like Charlie Cox as Daredevil is more irreplaceable than either of them. - I mean, I agree. Like, when I think about Daredevil, at this point, I see Charlie Cox. - And the same ghost for Vincent to not for you as Kingpin, by the way. It's unreal, just the levels of nuance. It's, I could, I could gush about Daredevil all day and we will later. Also, did that cover all the animated shows? - Yeah, we got it. - I feel like I'm missing one. - Oh, what is? - I don't care about that. I mean, well, see, here's the thing. There's gonna be a one-if episode where "Moon Knight" wears like a fucking Pacific Rim-ass suit and fights a giant monster, and that's awesome. But I probably won't watch it anyways, 'cause I don't like this show. - I stopped after season one. It's a cool concept that I think they just did fuck all with. I would like to see "The Watcher" show up in like my life. - Yes. - Jeffery Ray. - I agree with that. - That'd be cool. - Did you see "The Doctor Strange" episode of season one? - Oh, yeah, that was like really, really fucking amazing. - That is like low-key, one of the best things they put out since Endgame. And that is probably the only episode of that show I will ever watch again. - Mm-hmm. And even then, I don't know, I don't love the animation. - I don't either, but that episode is good enough to where it doesn't totally bother me. - I agree. And it's very like, there's a lot of expression in the character, at least. Like, it doesn't ruin the emotional impact of it. - Yeah. All right, so moving on from that, we're gonna hit "Star Wars" animation. Guess what we got out of that panel where he's... - Nothing. - Absolutely fuck all, which was really sad. I was disappointed to hear that. I was really banking on the next animated show now. 'Cause, geez, I pretty sure since Disney bought "Star Wars", since "Rebel" started, has there ever really been a significant break? What did resistance end? Hold on. Okay, yeah, that was... There really hasn't been a big break in "Star Wars" animated content. So I'm a little nervous, 'cause they've always had a show going. And I've always really loved having a show going. I really enjoyed all the bad batch. I enjoyed having "Chloem Wars" back. I love "Rebels". I really want another animated "Star Wars" show, 'cause I feel like "Star Wars", at least in terms of TV, generally thrives a little more in the animated format. - Mm-hmm. - And I'm sure they're working on stuff. We know they are, but I would like it next year, please. Maybe we will, I don't know. - We'll find out about it, next year. - Yeah, it's just, I was really hoping to get to know what was next. Even if we didn't get like any details, just a general idea of what was coming next would have been really nice. - Yeah, just something. I feel like they're kind of scaling back to "Star Wars" stuff, because the public interest in "Star Wars" is kind of not what it used to be, which is sad, 'cause it's just a one-shading movie, essentially. - Well, I'm gonna be completely honest with you. I really think Disney+ did a lot more damage to the reputation of "Star Wars" than "Rise of Skywalker" did. I mean, maybe for you it was "Rise of Skywalker", but you gotta remember that movie still made over a billion dollars. - Yeah, you're right. I just, I remember nobody liked it, even when it came out. - But like, nobody liked the prequels when they came out. You know, so it's like a "Bad Star Wars" movie has never been able to kill it. I think the thing with Disney+ that's really heard it is the quantity of it and also just the, 'cause like, say what you will about "Rise of Skywalker" that's not really a bland movie, you know? That is a fascinating movie. - That's one thing it isn't, you're right. - It's a fascinating movie. - You're right, it's a fascinating movie. - And I don't think there is a bland "Star Wars" movie. I'm gonna be completely honest with you. - Solo. - I like solo. I'm a solo defender, but honestly, I can understand that. I can understand that more than any other one, but I'll grant you one, even though I don't totally agree, but my point being it's like, I feel like the amount of just kind of bland, uninspired "Star Wars" we've gotten on Disney+ has kind of been a lot more detrimental than "Rise of Skywalker" was, you know? - Yeah. - Do you remember, I mean, it's easy to forget, but do you remember how desperate everybody was for you and McGregor to come back as Kenobi? - I do. - Have you ever heard, like, do you hear anybody talk about that show? - I just remember everyone hated it when it came out, and they said the Darth Vader fight was good, but everything else. - But like in the year of our Lord, 2024, do you hear people mention that show? - No. - Exactly. But you'll hear people talk about, like, the sequel still. You'll hear people talk about the prequel still. You're like, people still discuss that. They brought back you and McGregor and Hayden Christensen and just nothing. It just left no cultural impact. And I think that's a lot more damning than "Rise of Skywalker" to me, you know? - Yeah. Now that you put it like that, you're all right. - So, yeah, it's interesting to me that now we're kind of, and I guess this is a good segue into just talking about "Star Wars" in general. It's interesting to me that, like, you know, Disney+ has done, in my opinion, just a lot of bad things to the quality of "Star Wars." And so naturally, the first movie we're gonna get is a Mandalorian movie. And what's crazy to me is that what kind of started this whole Disney+ frenzy was solo. You know, they released it like six months after "Last Jedi." They dropped it, not even five months, right? 'Cause it was May. They dropped it the same month as "Infinity War" and it underperformed shockingly, right? When you put it up against the biggest movie of the fucking year and one of the biggest movies of all time, "Yeah, no duh." So I just, it's baffling to me that they're doing that again. They're putting the Mando movie out the same fucking month as "Doom's Day." - Yeah, and is this gonna be in theaters or is it going on? - It's theaters, no, it's theaters. - Okay, so they're like, and they gave this, like, a movie production budget, right? - Yes. - Yeah, this is gonna flop. But what I don't understand is, like, you're bringing back "Star Wars" after almost 10 years to the theaters with a TV movie. - Yeah, of a character that people have already long since, like, stopped giving a fuck about. Like, if people aren't gonna get excited about "Canobie" with Ewan McGregor coming back, they're not caring about it. - And I just wanna remind you, they're currently working on a movie with the director of "Logon." That is being written by the guy that wrote "One Way Out," the episode of "Andor," "One Way Out." - Which one was that? - That was the "Prison Break" episode. So he wrote "Kino's Speech," he wrote "Luthan's Model Log" at the end. That entire R key wrote. And they got him writing a "Star Wars" movie that the director of "Logon" is gonna direct. - That might be good. What's the concept of it? - It's about the first Jedi. It's supposed to be like a religious epic. Set like 2,000 years before "Fanta Menace." - Okay, I, yeah, that sounds more promising than "The Mandalorian and Gray." - That's what I'm saying. That would be a lot more exciting. A much more exciting return to the "Star Wars" theatrical experience than "The Mandalorian and Grogu." And even the "Ray" movie would be more exciting, you know? I would be pumped to go back to a movie and sing "Ray" again, I like "Ray." And it's baffling to me that they're choosing the least interesting option for a return. I have been dying to see "Star Wars" in "The Theater" again, man. Like I went to that "Rogue One" re-release and I was excited. - Yeah. - And I went to "Fanta Menace." Like I will take any opportunity to see old "Star Wars" movies in "The Theaters." So I'm beyond excited to see it back on the big screen again, 'cause I feel like that's where live action "Star Wars" really belongs. But the thing is, is that "Star Wars" is always doing something interesting visually, you know? - Yeah, and this is just gonna look like the show. - Yeah, like, you know, it goes without saying how the original three, or the original trilogy and the prequels, it goes without saying how those are revolutionary visually, right? - Yeah, of course. - And the sequels-- - I mean, the fact that they look good now alone is a testament to that. - And the sequels, like they didn't push any boundaries necessarily, but you're gonna be hard pressed to find blockbusters that look as real as those. - Yeah, yeah, those still look, I mean, compared to like some of the shit we've been getting from Marvel recently, those look pretty good. - No, I better say it's like it's, they've got great visuals, the special effects are fucking impeccable. ILM killed it on all three of those. - I think "Last Jedi" is the worst looking one, like some of the green screens in that. - I would agree about the green screen, but it's so interesting from a lighting and compositional standpoint. - Yeah, I just think the effects are the most noticeable. I also have not re-watched "Trads of Skywalker," since it came out. - Yeah, but solo I feel like is very interesting as well, because it really, the visuals of that movie very much subvert the tone. And I think that's fascinating. You don't really see bold swings like that in Hollywood very often. You know, it's so mucky and nasty looking, but it's a funny and kind of lighthearted movie. It's a very interesting like clash of tones. And Rogue One manages to just perfectly capture the aesthetics of a new hoe. I don't think there have been a lot of movies that have tried to modernize like old franchise looks. I don't think any of them have been as successful as Rogue One. - Yeah, what's that director's name? - Gareth Edwards. - He did really good. - And "Shop" by Greg Frazier. - Okay, yeah. And he did that "Star Wars" movie that wasn't a "Star Wars" movie recently. - Oh yeah, "The Creator," which Greg Frazier also kind of worked on. Which Greg Frazier, if you don't know, one of the best in the game, "Batman," "Dune," "Part One" and "Two." - "D-Batman." - Yeah, "The Batman." - He's one of the best in the business. And his work on Rogue One is beautiful. But this is just a very long-winded way of saying the Mandalorian looks very visually uninteresting now. It hasn't done anything bold with its visuals since season two. And I don't see this being any different. Well, actually speaking of both like visual choices with Mando, Greg Frazier worked on the first season. And I think season two looks even better. But season three just does not look interesting or good. And I fear for the way this movie will look because it's still, like most of my life, "Star Wars" had always looked interesting, right? - Yeah. - 'Cause I think, I remember watching Kenobi and that being the first time where I was like, "Oh, there's just nothing for me to latch on to from a visual standpoint here." - Yeah. - 'Cause like "Book of Boba Fett," I don't think looks particularly good a lot of the time. But it's at least interesting. Like the fucking like Spy Kids aesthetic is kind of kooky, you know? I don't know. That's just a, it's a very specific complaint of mine. But they showed a trailer and the trailer was just member berries, you know, snowtroopers. You got the ATAT, the ATRT. You've got the fucking Babu Frix. You got Grogu, you got all that shit. And Zeb and the Razor Crest. And it's like, all right, man, I get it. Action figures. - Yeah. It's, movies like that, if I know one thing about movies that rely on references, it's that they last in the cultural like. - Yeah, no, they absolutely last. - We're gonna be talking about Mando for a long time. (laughing) - I hope it's good, man. Like I, I've been a bit of a negative nilly, but I really am rooting for that to be good. I'm not gonna hold my breath or anything. But, you know, if Ludewig comes back to school. - I really wish it wasn't John Favreau directing it. - I mean, the thing is he, the episode of Mando, he directed is one of the best. That's a thing. - Yeah, his movies, well, like, I don't know. It's like, he can direct good stuff, but like, I don't know that Lion King movie. He's one of the worst looking fucking things I've ever seen. - Yeah. - I feel like when he's doing these big Disney like, paycheck movies, he just does not give a fuck. And that's why, I think that's why they keep bringing him back. Like, he just gets it done. - I think he cares about, I think it's very clear. He's very passionate about Mando, but I also think, and this is a big problem, he wrote every episode of season three. - He wrote every single episode. - Is that the one where Lizzo and Jack are in it? Is that season three? (laughing) - I think that show needs a writer's room. - I think every show like benefits from that. - Absolutely. - Acculite had one, and that's nice. I had problems with my writing of the writing in that show. But I think that show also probably benefited from having a group of people. It's very apparent to me when watching Mando season three that it's like one dude. - With nobody tying him now. - Basically, him and Flonia are just kind of, 'cause like, here's the thing, I'm gonna tell you something that really pisses me off, where you use a lot of times you'll hear people blame Kathleen Kennedy for like, everything that goes wrong in these shows, right? Everything that's bad. But I think that's bullshit. - Yeah. - Because I, from everything I've heard, from every single creative, and I think Kenobi is the only exception to this, it just sounds like that Kathleen basically lets them do whatever the fuck they want once, like the project is off the ground. - Yeah, and see, that's like the problem, right? It's that, depending on who it is, like you get something great, like Andrew, where they have so much freedom, or you get something like Ahsoka, or Kenobi, or fucking Mando, season three, like. - I mean, it's so hit or miss when-- - The thing is, I've seen a lot of people say that Star Wars needs a Kevin Feige, and I don't really want that. I don't want, 'cause like, you can tell when Kevin Feige has his fingerprints on things, right? I absolutely do not want that on Star Wars. I like the idea of giving it to creatives and letting them run wild. And I understand that that means some of it will be bad, but I will take bad things made by genuine creatives, like over-studio shit. - Yeah, I think there's a line-- - For sure. - Like, how's the dragon I've been watching season two of that, the fucking directors they got are so bafflingly incompetent. Like, there's just like, things that, like as an editor, you know, with no professional experience, just like working on my own shit, I would never, ever make something look like that. And like, there's just so many, it's like, I feel like you just need to find people there, and then you look up who these people are on IMDB, it's like, oh, they've never done something like this. Like, duh, that's why it looks like shit. - Yeah. - I feel kind of the same way, like there's just a middle ground where you need to find competent people who can handle something of this scope and like, make it good. - Yeah. - But also, don't just limit it to the point where there's no creative expression, 'cause then, what's even the point of like-- - Yeah, and it's like, I think like, Accolite and Andor are two examples that I think are really how you set up a show like this. I didn't love Accolite, I thought it had a lot of flaws, but with Mando, it's just two dudes. - Yeah. Last time John Favreau had creative control, he wrote himself a scene where Black Widow's changing in the back of his car. - I forgot about that. But yeah, moving on, we have skeleton crew. And this, all right, for anybody who doesn't know, this show has a fucking insane lineup of directors. - Yeah, you got, yeah, you got John Watts, you got David Lowry, the Daniels, Jake Forgive me. Jake Shrearer, sure, I don't know how to say that. Bryce Dallas Howard, who, you know, likely plays her to be. And then, Lee Isaac Chung, who recently did Menari and Twisters. But a very, very crazy lineup of people directing this. And why this thing for those people is my-- - That's my question too. I would be curious to hear John Watts talk about how he selected this group of filmmakers. He was like, I think it's obvious Bryce Dallas Howard and Lee Isaac Chung, they came over from, you know, Mando season three and stuff. But like, I would be very curious to hear how Jake, the Daniels and David Lowry got on board, because this is just a very unlikely place for them to be. - Yeah, and you told me that the Daniels were brought under this before the success of everything ever, which is-- - Well, okay, here's a fun bit of trivia. They were offered low key. - Really? - Yeah, and that was before everything everywhere. Which, that worked out for the best, 'cause we got everything everywhere, and we got two really good seasons of low key anyways, so I'm a happy guy. But yeah, so they also debuted a trailer for Skeleton Crew. Bryce, we got any thoughts on that? - Yeah, I mean, I am just a little nervous about the fact that, like, seems like the kid performers are gonna be, kind of, the whole show's gonna hinge on that. I don't know if those performances lack very promising, based on what I've seen. And, you know, I try not to be like an asshole, 'cause it's like, okay, I'm a grown man, making fun of nine year olds, but like, when I'm watching a, especially a show, it's like, I need fucking characters that I feel very strongly invested in, and I feel like they're like real characters that kind of breathe on their own. So, I just don't know. And I think Jude Law will be a good anchor. - I agree. - Kind of. I really hope, like, he doesn't show up like halfway through, I hope he's in a lot of it. - Yes, that's a really good point I didn't even think about, is him showing up like a couple of episodes in. Okay, so I hate Star Wars suburbs, I hate it and burn it, and I don't like it. The thing is, I don't mind seeing middle class Star Wars, because we don't see that really in the movies much, if at all, we see a lot of rich people and a lot of really poor people. So, I like the idea of focusing in on middle class people. This is not how I would do it, but I get the, it's like, I saw some would bring up a good point. It's like, you know, in the Spielberg, you know, like E.T., that those locations are meant to be boring, and they're meant to just make you feel kind of empty and just be stale. But now they're bringing back that kind of location to remind you of those movies, it's just really bizarre. And it's like, you're in Star Wars, you can do anything you want. Why the fuck are you doing this? - That's what pissing me off is like, if you give me one Star Wars thing, I'm going to make you the craziest fucking thing visually that you've ever seen. All the sets are gonna look like nothing that has ever been made before. - And I think it's one thing if you're like, and/or is very earthy, but it films in real locations, and it makes it, it spices it up just enough to make it feel Star Wars-y, and it's beautiful shot. So it's like, it's easier to ignore that and be like, all right, they're not doing really many interesting things with the planet designs, which, okay, I will also say, Ferrix, Neomos, and Coruscant are both really fucking interesting to look at in that show. And I know Coruscant's been around, but they put a kind of brutalist spin on it that's fascinating. And Ferrix, great planet. So actually, I take it back. Actually, the planets in Andor are pretty cool. 'Cause even like the, oh my God, Aldani, the mountain planet, right? It is, at first just a mountain planet, but the fucking eye, like the lore behind that planet and the world building they do there is so interesting. Yeah, it's Star Wars, I'm excited, I'm gonna watch it. The trailer seems like it could be cool. I just gotta wait and see. - That's how I feel. I gotta see more from it. Yeah, I'll be tuning in. We'll probably cover it on here, I'm sure. And, yeah, so moving on from that, oh boy, this is the one I am very excited to talk about. Andor, of course, is talking about the planets. (laughs) I hate it. No, they debuted a trailer for it. A little sizzle reel, it looks fucking incredible, dude. Oh my God. The thing that just, I really love Rogue One. I know that movie gets a lot of shit, but I really love that movie. I love it, I think it's so cool. And I admit, it's just because I'm a Star Wars fan. - The thing that's funny about Rogue One is like, you remember when that came out and it was the second new Star Wars thing we had ever gotten and everybody loved it? Like, anybody who's hating on that movie now, don't act like you didn't love that fucking movie. I loved it and I think it's like, okay, no. Like, I'll admit, my opinion's changed. The thing is, it's just like, you know-- - The deaging looks like dick. - Yeah, the deaging hasn't aged well. It was an interesting experiment. You'll never hear me say that's a good idea, ever. But granted, it's just like, Rogue One is just, it scratched a little itch in my brain where it's like, when I played with Star, and this is gonna sound bad, I understand. Like, I like this movie for very non-critical reasons. I just like, I just think it's cool. - It looks good. - It's beautiful to look at. Awesome score, I like the characters. But mostly, it's just neat. When I played with Star Wars toys, when I was younger, that's kinda how it played out for me. It was like shit like that. Andor, I like for completely different reasons. I'm gonna be completely honest. - Yeah. - Andor is, it's so well written. It's so well shot. Like, everybody is firing in all cylinders. And I think it was interesting with, 'cause I was riding for that show before it even came out. Like, well, before it came out. I actually have a poster on my wall, an Andor poster. And in case I need to like, back up what I'm saying here, I have a poster on my wall that has the original release date on it before it got pushed back. 'Cause I got it, I bought it the day after the trailer came out. As soon as I could, I bought a shirt, and I bought the poster. - You're the one fan. - I was, and I was excited for it before the trailer even came out. So I was like, it was very vindicating. And then the show came out and nobody watched it. And it was a very interesting year of trying to get more and more people to watch it. Now luckily a lot of people have. 'Cause it was this kind of slept on thing, right? This kind of underrated thing that a lot of people hadn't seen, but now it's pretty widely agreed upon to be fucking fantastic, which is very exciting. - Yeah, I think even if the show is way shittier than it was and still just competent, I think people would like it. 'Cause we've just been dying for something that like feels fresh, you know, from Star Wars. - And that's exactly it. It's fresh, it's unique, it's interesting. And it kind of embraces a very angry political tone that Star Wars has never really had. And Star Wars has been political, don't get me wrong, but like there's just like a visceral nature to the show with its political commentary. And it's being a bit, I would actually say it's bolder than a lot of Star Wars, like politics have been. Like granted, I think. - Yeah, unless you factor in stupid people thinking that like putting a transgender actor in Star Wars is politics, yeah, it would be the most politically over if you're not dumb. - Yeah, yeah. - Ignoring the identity. - Accolite was Star Wars going woke, like. - No, ignoring all the identity politics, bullshit. I think like, you know, you look at like all the George Bush comment, it's so funny, dude. I had a conversation with someone and we were arguing about Star Wars politics and he was like, yeah, you know, I just prefer my movies without politics to them, especially Star Wars. And I was like, well, what's your favorite Star Wars movie? And he was like, well, it's revenge to the Sith. I was like, you do understand Anakin Skywalker is an allegory for George Bush. He's like, what? That doesn't make any sense. He's like, is that real? And I was like, yeah, he's like, so George Lucas was comparing George Bush to space it. And I was like, yeah, man, that's exactly what the fuck he was doing. I think I broke him a little bit. It was just, it's so funny that people, like a lot of right-wing people refuse to like read below what is directly said in the show. Like they don't understand subtext. Like I think we were talking earlier about the boys and how like a lot of conservative audiences turned on the season because it was just like less subtle. - Yeah, it's just, it's more in your face, but like that show has always been, and that's what makes me think like they don't understand that they're being made fun of. - Yeah. And the boys has never been subtle. - No, no, but I guess, I guess to some people it actually was subtle, like. - Yeah. And also, back to Andor, I think it is like some of the most biting political commentary 'cause like you look, and I think it's even become more relevant in recent, in the last year, because with A, like all the Trump shit and B, all the stuff going on in like in Palestine, you know? Tony Go where he listed, I believe listed that as an inspiration for like, and there's a lot of damning parallels, like between pharynx and Palestine as well. And, you know, there's a scene, you know, there's like a whole sequence in the finale where there is a person, a color character, spends the entire episode building a homemade bomb, and he throws it at the fucking police killing a bunch of them, and it's portrayed as like the right thing to do. And I think it's like, yes, like morals and star wars, most of the time don't align with real life morality, but Andor is a show that is so based in our politics. It is so based, but it's also so based in like the politics of our world, where I feel like it does draw a little bit of a clearer line between, okay, this is right, this is wrong, this is, there's a lot of gray area, obviously, right? It is a show very concerned with more nuanced morality. - Yeah, that's why I love it. - And that's why I think it's a little more kind of bold to have a character like that chuck a homemade bomb at the police and portray it as the right thing to do. - But that's the thing is like, as soon as it's not like literally sitting you down and explaining what it means, right wing people are not gonna pick up on it. Like. - Yeah, it's really, it's wrong. - I hate to just like generalize like any group of people, even people I disagree with, but like. - No, I mean, it's specifically like, there's a specific brand of right wing people, right? It's like the fucking like critical drinker, geeks and gamers crowd, right? - Yeah. - But it's that kind of group of people that generally is like this, it's not all right wing people. I'm sure they're right wing people who would look at them and be like their fucking idiots, but. - Yeah, 'cause also there are right wing people that I respect and almost all of them are like, like it's the extreme far right ones that are just like fucking literally, you know, Aurabores eating their own asshole, basically like. - Well, also some like, you bring that up. It's like a lot of a lot of more right wing people that I've talked to that I like, I at least get me coming from are people that are generally unconcerned with like the culture world bullshit, that you know, they'll talk about like, if you ask them their opinions on like economics or like anything actually policy wise, they'll be able to sit down and have a conversation with you about that. If you went up to your average geeks and gamers fan, this is some dude, you know, fucking his teddy bear and his mom's basement. He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. And it's like, they're so fucking stupid and clueless that they will look at a show like Andor, and I hate being mean, but it really pisses me off. They'll look at a show like Andor and be like, ah, finally, non-woke Star Wars. Like, are you fucking kidding me? There's a cop that kills an unarmed man in the first three episodes. There's an entire fucking arc dedicated to people being displaced from their homes. And there's another arc, the arc right after that. Sorry, actually, the episode right after that, Cassie, and basically gets racially profiled. Like, he gets arrested for something he didn't do and is sentenced to prison and then is basically forced to do slave labor. Like, you're gonna look at that and tell me that there's no real world implications. Are you fucking kidding me? - No, it comes back to the same thing, just like they do not understand what subtext is. - No, they don't. - And the thing is, is like, they'll look at acolyte and they'll just see, you know, lesbian witches and they'll be like, oh, this is political and it's ruining Star Wars. What the fuck are you talking about? That is not saying that, that, actually, I mean, all right, actually, we'll take this back. The witches do have like some political undertones, but like them being lesbian says fucking nothing. - It's not political. - It's not, they're saying jack shit. There's just absolutely nothing being said about our world. - And if you're trying to, at this point, if you're trying to resist the shit, you're just, you're literally only hurting yourself. Like, it's not gonna change. No matter how mad you get on the internet, no matter how many times you tweet at Elon Musk. - Yeah, and it's just baffling to me that and/or became this thing where people were like, oh, you know, I like it, it's not woke, and it's just like, you're not paying attention to the show at all, or even bothering to read below the surface. And I hate being that guy that's like, oh, you just don't get it, but in this case, like, you don't fucking get it 'cause you didn't take the time to think about it. You know? - Yeah. - But all this to say, end of season two looks fantastic, man. Like, I, side tangent aside, like I am-- - I really hope it's not woke, but yeah. - Yeah, I hope it's not woke either, and I hope the radical left stays out of it. But yeah, I am excited to see how the political themes of the first season do evolve in this. I, you know, 'cause I actually, it's so funny. I had a lot of arguments but debates with people about like what some of the subtext was actually referencing, like, you know, we were going back between Bush, Reagan, Trump, like all these different eras of politics in which we kind of thought the show was pulling from. And I think it's just fascinating that that's like, we were having those layered conversations about American politics in the context of a fucking Disney+ Star Wars show. - That's what art's about, man. - I know, yeah, that's-- - I know, yeah, I feel like-- - No, it is, and it made me really excited 'cause I was like having actual intelligent conversations about the show, and then we just like, you get to the next one and you're like, ooh, I wonder if Blurko will show up, you know? We went from talking about fucking like economics to talking about, oh, I really hope Blurko's in this episode, goddamn. - What's funny is like, I can't even tell if you made that name up or if that's a Star Wars show. - I don't think there's a character named Blurko, and I know my Star Wars characters. - Well, I would believe it, I would believe it. - I would too, that's a Star Wars character name, bro. But yeah, man, I'm really excited. I'm so excited to see "Crimic Back," K2, "Draven," seeing them with Andor writing is gonna be fucking awesome. - Yeah, let's give him some good monologues. - Yes, yeah, no, I'm saying Ben Mendelssohn chewed up the scenery in Rogue One, so I can't even imagine what he's gonna do with the writing here. And obviously, "Force Whitaker" is back again in his two scenes in season one of Andor, where some standouts. - Yeah, I love him in that. I forget that fucking character name, but I really-- - Sagra, and it's funny 'cause I remember when Dave Filoni got promoted at Lucas, some a lot of people were like, "Oh, he's gonna go shove his characters into Andor." But Sagra is a Dave Filoni character. He was introduced in "Clone Wars." I'm gonna be completely honest with you. This show and "Rumbles" are basically about the same thing, broadly speaking, so there's gonna be overlap. Like, it's inevitable. I don't really have a problem with it either. Also, as long as it's good, you can justify bringing the characters back in the story, which I feel like they did that in season one. Like, I think it's fun. - Well, so the way that it worked, 'cause do you remember, all right, this is, I don't know if you remember this, but they brought back Galerin, who was a character that dates back to "A New Hope," but more specifically, he's a big part of "Clone Wars." He's the narrator. And so the way that I understand it working is Tony Gower would be like, "All right, I need this character." He'll go to the story group and be like, "All right, I have this high ranking guy, speed guy, "and do you guys have anybody that fits this?" And they'll be like, "Yeah, use this guy." And then he just plucks that guy in. So it's not like Gilroy's going out of his way to use other characters. It's just, he'll go and ask the story group, is there anybody that would fit here? And they'll be like, "Yes." And they'll be like, "Great." And then that's the end of it. - It's also like, who can you get back who would be like alive in that age during this year in the story? And like, I'm not super up-to-date on my continuity, but I think Andor is back a couple, like during kind of the original Star Wars. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, right before New Hope. But yeah, I'm excited for Andor. It feels really good to be this excited for Star Wars again. It feels really good. It makes me happy. It makes my heart happy. - Thank God, Disney didn't ask this shit. - Yeah. - Thank God, he's getting a good ending. - All right, moving on to Marvel. We're gonna kind of speed through a lot of this 'cause I don't think we have much to say about a good chunk. Starting off, we have Agatha. - Yeah, I don't know why they made this. - We'll see, we were talking about memes being late. It's kind of the same thing with this show. It just feels like it's coming. It's coming for you is too late. - But even then, that's not even like a meme that I feel like that was such a small community of people that are, I don't know about you, like when I watched "One Division", I thought Agatha was the worst part of that entire experience, like. - That's fair. It just kind of felt like it became like literally family guy when she shut up. I don't know a better way to explain it than that. - Family guy's crazy. - You know, it was just like, it was like so like, wink and nod at the camera, which is like, worked with what they were doing in "One Division" in the beginning 'cause it's kind of, it is literally like a fake show within the universe of the show. But then when you're doing it and you're still doing it at the end and I'm like, this is the climactic set piece of the whole thing, like I don't. - Yeah. Yeah, I mean, they said that the one thing that's gotten me kind of interested is they said that each episode kind of riffs on a different horror movie. That's the most interesting thing I've heard about the show. I'm gonna be honest with you, like this entire time. - I saw that in the trailer a little bit. Like they had like some sort of creature that looked pretty cool, but. - Yeah. If they lean into the horror stuff, that could be neat. - If it's like "Where will, have you seen "Where will Funite?" - Fuckin' love that. That shit was awesome. - He thought she was fine. - Yeah, Michael Jucchino directed shit. - If they did show me that, I would watch it. - But yeah, we might cover Agatha. We'll see how I'm feeling when it drops. - You might have to pry my eyes open to make me watch that. I'm not gonna watch that. - After that we have Ironheart. This is another one that's a cool trailer. It's a really sick trailer. - It looks kind of cool. It looks kind of grounded. And then I remember it's going to Borat playing the devil. So that kind of hinders my excitement a little bit. - Is that confirmed? - Yeah, he's playing Mephisto. - Yeah, I mean, Ryan Coogler being involved definitely gives me a little bit of optimism. I just don't know if I, I don't even know like, I couldn't tell you one thing about Ironheart as a character from the comics. - Yeah, I'm not too familiar, but the trailer, it was a good trailer, I'll put it that way. - A big day for people who like the Deaning community. - Yeah, I'm insanely hyped to see Jim Rash. - Yeah, Jim Rash is literally playing the Deaning from community. - And they bring back Danny Pooty too. Danny Pooty was in a Winter Soldier. - Yep, yep, bring back the whole community. 'Cause I mean, geez, you got like four of the main people in them, so you now, right? - True, yeah. Yeah, they got Donald Glover who was there, who else? - Danny Pooty, you had, you met Nicole Brown was in a game. And then you have Jim Rash, yeah. And then I guess Joel McHale in a, oh God, why can't I remember her name? The girl who plays, we're in a mother fucker. I know her name. - Oh, Jillian Jacobs. - Yes, thank you. Dude, they're off doing the bear right now, I guess, so. - Oh, she's in the bear too. - She's in the bear, yeah. - I didn't get that far into it. I did get to Joel, but. - How much of the bear have you seen? - I saw a season one. - Well, you gotta watch season two. - Is it good? - Yes. - Okay. - Did you like season one? - Yeah, I just wasn't into the plot. Like, I felt like the plot was not that interesting. - You might be cooked. 'Cause it's just not a very plot heavy show. - But does it get, like, I don't know, is there, like, payoffs to the, like, money being in the fucking tomato cans? - Oh, absolutely, yeah. That's literally what season two is about. - Okay. I'll watch it. - It's really good. - You might have to, like, if I haven't watched it, just make me do it, but. - All right, bet. - I'll get around it. - Yeah, so after Ironheart, we have Fantastic Four. It looks fantastic. I love the theme. It looks really good. - Yeah, I, this seems like Kevin-- - I need it to be good. - Kevin's baby, so hopefully it turns out. - Yeah. Captain America still looks not good. - I don't care about this movie. - And it's like, even if you removed a fucking Sabra, I just, like, Reese, I need you to welcome me here, so they put that character in, right? Everybody's like, this is stupid and dumb why the fuck are you doing this, yeah? - Okay, can you actually explain why it's stupid? - No, no, yeah, yeah, I got you. So basically the history is she is a Israeli superhero and there is just, in her comics and stories, there's just a lot of really fucked up stuff towards Palestinian people. - Yeah, there's kind of like this really shitty, weird thing with Hulk and her and like a dead Palestinian kid, it's really fucked up a lot of her comic history. - So they're bringing her in this movie and basically changing everything about her, right? Which begs the question, why not just make a new character, you know? And so they, all right, so welcome to me here. They bring her in, they put her in this movie and they're like, all right, we're gonna do this. And everybody online is like, this is dumb and stupid, why the fuck are you doing this? And then October 7th happens and then Israel starts their siege on Gaza and Israel becomes more of a controversial figure than ever. Like the public's perception on Israel's objectively changed a lot in the past year. And then they reshoot the fucking movie, right? So walk with me here, Reese, walk with me here. You add in Giancarlo Esposito into this movie in the reshoots, but you don't take that character out. Like I'm just, I'm gonna ignore the moral implications here, right? I'm just gonna ignore that. From a business standpoint, how the fuck does that make sense, Reese? - I have no idea why they, I have not. - Because it's like people are like, I ain't watching this fucking movie because of that. And I'm like, I can't blame you. I'm not like a big like person who's like, I don't like, I don't totally, like there's like a bad person in the cast of a movie. I'm not really convinced a boycott it personally, but it's like when the actual movie is peddling a character like that, I can't really argue with anybody who's like, yeah, I'm not watching this shit. - Like you said, like they re-shot it. They had a chance to, they could literally take Giancarlo Esposito's character, literally swap him out for, I already forgot the fucking, 'cause I keep thinking, okay, keep thinking it's silver-sable, 'cause I haven't done it in the Spider-Man game, but yeah, but why, why? I had no idea about this. I was like one of the most fucking offensive things I've ever heard. It's just insane to me that they're that fucking ignorant, you know? It's just, you can make new characters, you've done it before, Phil Coulson, original character, not in the comics, right? Like you've had no problem doing this in the past, and it's worked out just dandy. You know, Luis, Kurt, Dave, and Ant-Man, they're basically new characters. Hope is barely in the fucking comics if I remember correctly. So it's like you've had no problem doing this before, you have hundreds of characters, you can-- - Yeah, and the characters they are from the comics, they sometimes just completely change everything about him. - Yeah, literally. So it's like, it's so baffling to me, it just makes no goddamn sense. - Yeah, that actually feels like somebody within the company is just trying to tank Marvel. Like, that's the only explanation that makes sense. - And I, all right, so I'm just gonna, I'm not Jewish, I'm gonna preface this by saying that, but a lot of Jewish comic fans were really upset with the way that it was handled in "Moonlight." And it's, I feel for a lot of them because this is just like even more frustrating for a lot of like anti-Zionist comic book, like fans that are Jewish. I did, like they are just getting very shafted with the way that Marvel has been handling their Jewish characters lately. And I really feel for a lot of them because I've read a lot of stuff on Twitter from a lot of like really die hard like comic "Moonlight" fans. Yeah, man, it's just baffling. I don't know what their thought process is there. - It is weird how blind they seem to be. - I don't know, I'm not excited for it. And again, as I said, even if they took Sabra out, it just doesn't look very good. It looks like Winter Soldier liked to me, and that's sad, 'cause I like Sam as a character. And I think he just deserves a better movie than this. - Yeah, and like give me a reason to care about him. - Yeah. - 'Cause he's gonna lead the Avengers now. Like there's a line in that trailer, it's like Harrison Ford's like, "You should put together the new Avengers." Like if he's the new like centerpiece of this team, like I need him to, I need something more than this. - Yeah, all right. And then the last thing we're gonna cover today is Daredevil Born again, which is the big one. The big juice, the big thing. - Yes. - Oh boy, all right. Dude, take everything I said about Captain America and then do the opposite of it, 'cause this looks so good. - Yep, I'm nervous like with the fact that they shot a substantial amount of it already, and then are kind of like scraping it together with scraps or less, but we'll see. Like, I'm not gonna say anything about this, 'cause I just, I really want it to be good. I kind of need it to be good, or am I just never watch a Marvel thing again, like? - Honestly, I know I've said before that I'm on this ship 'til it's completely sunk. And that will continue to be the case, but if Daredevil is bad, like genuinely bad, then yeah, you're gonna lose me quite a bit more than I already am. Like, that is, in my opinion, Daredevil season one through three, along with a couple other seasons of the Netflix stuff, is better than anything Marvel Studios has ever put out, like at all. - Yeah. - I think Daredevil season one, Daredevil season three, Punisher season one, Jessica Jones season one, maybe Luke K season two. We'll see on my rewatch. It's better than anything Marvel Studios has ever put out. I firmly believe that. - Yeah, I don't know. They shot a lot of it without connecting it. So, what I hope is that we don't feel that in this season. - Yes. - Yeah. - Like, I hope it's not, you can look at the plot and be like, oh, well, this is the part where they insert the continuity shit. Like, you know? - Yeah, yeah, I'm with you there. But everything Muse looks incredible. Muse looks like-- - I agree. - Really fucking creepy. I love the design. White Tiger looks sick. - Yep. Like, just speaking of the new additions, yeah, they look awesome. And I've heard a lot of people kind of against the idea of Fisk and Matt teaming up, but I don't hate it. I can't lie. - It'll depend how it goes. Like, I think we need like some conflict between them. Like-- - I agree, but even in the trailer, Matt's like, yeah, you step out of line, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you, you know? And I like the idea of them being forced to team up because in the context of Muse, because Muse hates Kingpin, right? And I like the idea that it's just kind of like the enemy of my enemy type deal, right? - Yeah, I'll just have to see how it plays out. - Yeah, after season three, there's only so many places you can take that dynamic with them kind of both knowing who they are. But also, we're turning, we have, we have Foggi, Karen, Dex, and Frank, which is all very exciting. Yeah, it's crazy. They went back and re-shot every Vanessa scene to Henri Cass, Vanessa. Isn't that crazy? - Yeah, that's not obvious either, 'cause yeah. - Yeah, so for those who don't know, what they did was they cast a new actress to play Vanessa, they shot a bunch of scenes with her, and then they went back, brought back the original Netflix actress, and they re-shot every scene with Vanessa in it. That's insane. But yeah, it looks like a more expensive version of the Netflix show, that's the thing. It's exciting. It's really exciting and terrifying, but the thing that's gonna make this show interesting is Frank had two seasons of his own after he split off from Daredevil. So you're not just dealing with their history in Daredevil season two, and Karen is a big part of the Punisher Show, right? Don't forget that. And granted, the show runner now wrote some Punisher season one. So I'm not necessarily worried about the history of that show being ignored, but it's just you had 13 seasons of television that you are now retroactively saying, okay, this is canon now. And it's just you're gonna have to tiptoe kind, there's a lot of continuity, you're gonna have to stay in line with, from defenders, from Jessica Jones, you know, all of that. There's a lot of crossover between those shows, like Foggy pops up in Luke Cage, he pops up in Jessica Jones for a little bit. Karen is in fucking Punisher a lot, right? So Mahoney is in, I think Mahoney's coming back, I'm pretty sure he's gonna be back and born again. He was in Punisher a lot. He popped up in Jessica Jones. Like there's just a lot of bleeding over between those shows, and that's something you gotta kind of be aware of. And a big thing is at the end of Punisher season two, I won't really spoil it if you haven't seen it, I guess, if you're, but it's like a six year time, sorry, six month time gap at the end, which will place it after the events of Infinity War. It's a very brief scene. So they don't acknowledge the blip, but it's like five minutes, if that, and it's just them on a mission. It's just a couple of characters. So Frank was alive during the blip. If the Netflix shows are canon, then Punisher season two is set. The ending of it is set after Infinity War. It's just little nuances like that. A lot of people would overlook, and I'm really hoping they don't. - Yeah, and given their track record of, they kind of just let the people in charge just do whatever they want. Like they don't really cross-check continuity super well. So we'll see. Especially they shot this to not even be fucking connected originally, so. - Yeah, which is just, it's crazy to think about, man. It just doesn't, I don't-- - What do they gain from doing that? Other than they can just like, kind of, you know, write whatever they want to. - I just, I genuinely don't think that the people originally working on the show understood why people like the original series. - Yeah, you're probably right. - 'Cause they brought back, they brought back the three most popular people from the Netflix series. I think it's pretty safe to say, Charlie Cox Vincet and John Bartholle, the three most acclaimed characters. And they only brought them back. And I think that says a lot about their understanding of that series. - Yeah, 'cause it's also not, it's not just those actors, it's the character dynamics that make them so. - What they go through. Something that I pointed out when they announced that Foggy and Karen were coming back was that, so I counted it up. I wish I had these stats on me. I should've brought them up before we started. But Karen has more screen time than Iron Man does, collectively. Foggy almost has more. Matt obviously has like quadruple. - Yeah. - So these are characters that I've spent more time with these characters than I had any of the other MCU characters. You know, it's just, it's something that you were gonna have to be really fucking careful with. And I'm still not totally convinced they're gonna pull it off, but I want them to more than anything. - Yeah, I think if anything, season two, they'll give us some hard confirmations for continuity, but like, I don't know, the season they might just hopefully like dance around it without actually completely ruining it. That's like, I think best case scenario. - It's crazy that they somehow managed to do that. So let's see, no way home. She-Hulk, Echo, and Hawkeye. They managed to do that. Isn't that kind of nuts? - Yeah, I was waiting in like Hawkeye, especially for them to give some confirmations. - Me too. - Oh, I was too. - It seems like they were directed kind of to not touch it. But that's weird knowing that they knew their plan was to just reboot it. - Yeah, they brought Matt back, put him in the same suit, gave him the same theme. It's just so fucking bizarre. The day that Echo dropped, and they finally said, oh yeah, this is all canon, was such a good day for me. I was so happy. 'Cause I remember opening up Disney Plus and looking and seeing the Defender saga in the timeline. And I was like, God fucking damn it, finally. - Yeah, I wish that show was good or interesting, 'cause I didn't watch. I had to turn on- - How much did it see? - I was like that board. - I saw the first episode. I don't even think I finished it. - The first episode is strange, but it gets better. Yeah, it was fine. It's a little messy, but yeah. All right, any closing thoughts before we wrap this up? - I do wanna say one thing. I was, when I was editing the last one, I realized I sounded like an 88 about it. And I've also like thought about it more about the Robert Dine Jr. shit. Fuck that, Captain. I just wanna clear my name, all right? In like 10 years, if I'm at a job interview and they're like, did you say that you thought Robert Dine- - You did say that and you attracted now. - I attracted now. I did mostly just wanna play devil's advocate. I'm not gonna lie, but- - That's valid. We'll be back soon with something. Thank you guys for listening. And yeah, any closing thoughts, Reese? - No, just thanks everybody for tuning in. We love you very much. - All right. - And happy Andor. - Yes.