FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Dale Leicht from Lagniappe talked Mobile City Council - Mobile Mornings - Thursday 8-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five was shot to tough. Yeah, I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer? We got I mean the deal We got drink pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a bade council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't suck And away we go FM talk one of six five midday mobile our number two on this Thursday and we are at the Mobile Convention Center for the 2024 this is expo for the mobile chamber appreciate everybody stopping by and Saying hello people getting FM talk one of six five goodies plus the buckets the much coveted FM talk one of six five buckets You got a chance to win one today Just drop your business card in here and we'll do that drawing here at the end of the event I just and I've got my man Dale leash We're gonna talk to you with lane nap in just one second, but I will say I've looked at your text a couple different Tax we we talked last hour about that Number that Secretary of State West Allen came out with the number of people that are legally here but non-citizens that are registered to vote in federal elections pretty shocking on that and also workforce Participation rates and what can be done here locally? I think some interesting ideas on the text line and we'll get to those as well talk about interesting ideas the crowd goes wild the man the myth My friend Dale leash from lane at lane at mobile calm. Hey, man Hey, hey, are there beer in those buckets? Well, there could be yes We could serve them up that way and these these are the not like you know the beer buckets you get like at a place They're those likes pales right and you can put like five or six in these buckets the FM talk one of six five buckets You could put the better part of an 18 pack if you packed them care carefully in there Yeah, yeah, that's wild. All right. See cool. So yeah, I guess it you know It's it's a weird thing that after 30 years in the radio business and You have premium items from everybody gives away huggers and stickers and pens and we do all that stuff But I said, you know what we ought to give away. Let's give away a bucket So yeah, we got low-code buckets here, and they're cool. They got the extra they got the rope handle and a handle on the bottom They're cool. I'll get you. I know a guy. I'll get you hooked up with one. Okay. All right. All right. Cool. All right Start off with this over at lane at mobile dot com Story up today the former Gulf Coast Technology Center commander offered a city job after firing You had me at the headline here Dale. What's going on? Yeah, yeah, talk to talk to Kevin Levy and this attorney Chris Callahan Yesterday and and they they reiterated a story that has probably made some waves last week as well That a couple of days after he was let go as commander of the Gulf Coast Technology Center. He was called into a meeting with With chiefing staff James Barber and mayor Sandy Simpson and basically offered Offered some sort of the idea was to offer him some sort of job You know so that he could he could remain in employment at the city. He just In a statement the mayor basically said he couldn't remain on as Gulf Coast Technology Center commander because of the report from the special council And some of the concerns in there so so They they were gonna offer him a different job. There was no really no details given on what kind of job He was going to be offered Kevin Kevin said he wasn't given that information said the meeting didn't last Long enough for him to have done to have heard what the details were and so so that's kind of where that's kind of where that story starts, right? And I want to I want to I think because we're conflating to two things here I want to I want to kind of okay good cuz cuz cuz my mind you know people's minds jump to something here So so yeah What are the what are the minds what are the minds jumping to and I'll see if I can answer well I mean it's the idea that okay, you're not we've heard this discussed before I mean, I know former chief pryan said, you know, he was being fired, but then at the same time He was being offered to stay on his consultant consultant job, and you're like wait I'm not good enough to keep this job, but you want to entertain me as consultant and then the first sign of it is yeah Yeah, this seems like I mean adjacent to that kind of discussion or am I missing something? No, no I let me let me get to the fact of I'm not good enough to be this in this shot But you're offering me another one that I mean that is that is that is correct, right? think about it this way like They were the city was concerned specifically about the fact that Levy in the report is alleged to have lied to investigators about Authoring the 321 the insight the peer review thing the peer review study. He authored that and then and and they say he tried to pass it off as if the company the company that was contracted to analyze the the Shot spotter was the one that was the one that wrote it that that is the let that is that is what the ledge His attorney Chris Callahan says that at no point did Did his high ropes administration? Did they not know that he wrote the they're claiming that he they always knew that he wrote the report? but you know we have we have emails that that suggest that At least an emails to Paul pryne we have emails to Paul pryne where we're levy that Levy doesn't necessarily come out and say he wrote the report So to say that there's a question as to who wrote the report. I think that that's that's a fair assessment So there's that and I think think some of those concerns related to Who author the report and whether or not he you know lied under oath in an investigation? We're questionable enough for him to not be the commander of the Gulf Coast Technology Center anymore from the city's perspective So I think that's why they can keep him on in one rule, but but he couldn't be commander of the Gulf Coast They know I don't but I don't I'm just maybe I'm too simple, but if you're saying that this thing you did was right I don't know what term they use but doing something you shouldn't have done signing I mean then why would you then offer him another job if if it's at the core of this you made this mistake You made this choice here to do something that was I don't know if you used to term illegal or not the rules or whatever But then you turn around and offer him another job. It just leaves me kind of questioning why you do that Right. I hear you and I just wanted to and I don't have an answer that. I'm not the city I'm just telling what they what they told me in the statement. I would also I would also say that like The people are at there are there is a sense that that the administration somehow You know had this report hired Bill Athena's that he that he was hired because of the city He was hired by the council with a council investigation and if you'll remember The administration seemed to You know be against the hiring of a special counsel arguing that they had done To the AG's office. Yeah, you guys remember that discussion so now now that we're every you know We have we've heard some arguments In the public and among others that the the city hired Athena I just want to point out as a as a reporter that that is not that is not the case that was the council They are technically two separate entities. I guess you need to say yeah Because people hear the city and they think the council as well But you mean executive branch versus legislative Correct. You have the legislative branch Investigate the executive branch in this case there in this case. They are not the same Now whether Whether or not you you want to say that it was all done as sort of a you know a way to find a scapegoat I you know it's it's whatever it is but as far as who hired who the city council hired a Venus and not the not the not the administration. So I just want to put that out there as well Because that that was something that bothered me, but but yeah, you know, you know, this is you know, I Basically there was the secret kind of the secret meeting Where we're we're we're leaving says that he thought they were going to talk about like settlement and compensation Because you know this this whole thing in the media and and and him being fired have Cost him at least one job already that he could have had After the firing so so, you know, he thought maybe they were going to talk to me compensate me for for this whole situation and instead He claims that instead they just they offered him a job and tried to try to tell him that Callahan was Was lying about about things his attorney was so so that's kind of that's kind of where the disagreement is on the meeting itself And and so of course I always ask these questions. So what's next here? Well, I mean Callahan and and and Bibi I think are hoping that there's some sort of compensation and moving forward There's some sort of settlement, but you write something to stop stop negotiating right with them. That is what that is what Callahan says City officials might have a different take on that. I don't know for sure, but according to Callahan they have stopped communicating with them and they they think that that means that they're going to sort of They're gonna sort of find more Issues with him moving forward that the city that the city will come out with more Allegations to make him look bad So I maybe maybe they will maybe we'll see something but it's an attorney said he wouldn't be surprised But that was the case well the in the term that you know, we keep hearing people talk about is I say some people have said this is scapegoating right that they're trying to find somebody to be the scapegoats for this and I guess it or I don't know. I mean is it you know prime sense that you know that Skate building himself and and Levy and that sounds like Levy saying the same thing Yeah, yeah, and I you know I would have told you at the beginning of all this that he that pride in and Levy were we're on opposite Opposite into this so it's interesting that they are it makes me pay attention to it more it does it that And I don't know like I'm not sitting here passing judgment. What's true? What's not true, but right when I see disparate does make you interest like yes It does and so kind of like when it's kind of like when AOC and Ted Cruz get together on legislation You're like something must really be messed up. That's right. That's true. It might let's pay attention to this one for sure Also, if we needed any more drama as At the city level this one you write about I talked about last week for a left town And I guess it came up in council meeting this week the the Dove hunting and quail hunting Inside city limits now the quail thing if somebody's got some quail inside the city limits. They got a viable cover You're too. Let me know I'll bring the dog and we'll show up But this is like I in the discussion this I remember something from long ago and I don't know maybe Other people in the audience are used to be an area behind what's now here in lakes and kind of off of 65 I guess south of 90 that they used to dove hunt even though it was in the city limits back then friend of mine's dad had some kind of insight they They said back then it was 40 acres or something so they could have dove hunts there I think they had some fantastic shoots now This has come back up because of annexation. Somebody wants I guess their dove field got brought in the city and now there's Ordinance to deal with that Yeah, it's an amendment to the ordinance that would basically the ordinance says you know You can't shoot a gun within city limits. That's pretty obvious people have followed that we're not followed that Try new years try new years listen to it outside. Yeah, right, right, right So people have have kind of followed that maybe not followed that as much for years now But so they amended that ordinance to say no shooting within the city limits unless you have 10 acres or more of land That is 700 feet at least seven hundred feet from like a school a part a Roadway any sort of thing. So we're talking big open big open field But you can't go to your you can't go out on your back porch and shoot a dove. Yeah, not legal Polygon legally. Yeah, right legally. So and you can only use seven and a half shot. Yeah It's gonna be seven and a half or bigger. I know that the way the story so seven and a half eight or nine I would imagine they didn't put that in there, but yeah, so birdshot nothing that has any pellets any bigger than seven Correct, correct. There's got to be birdshot. It's got to be four small birds. Yeah, yes Yeah, so you know and those those don't carry as far so people who don't know that stuff That's what now interesting thing to though. It's like you quote here and I don't have it right in front of me Oh, here it is Or maybe you didn't that? One of the citizens here spring to mass Brought this up and I wonder about this. It says everyone she said everyone has to be treated equal This should have been discussed before annexation was put on the table. We aren't second-class citizens in fact We were here first. So is the argument here that? Because these areas would be given the right in these bigger fields to hunt does then people should be able to be shooting Seven and a half or bigger shot in the rest of the city of Mobile. Is that I? Think I think yeah, I think that You could make that argument. I think it's the opposite I think because other areas aren't allowed to shoot, you know birds in their backyards that yeah They shouldn't be yeah, they shouldn't be yeah Yeah, you kind of flipped it on a team saying but you know, you know, I you know, I think it's yeah I think it's more along the lines of if we can't do it. They can't do it so You know and that was as you know the issue of fairness came up a lot In the annexation discussion, so I think it was just another another part of that I mean, I you can put You can put restrictions on on something like this to make it so that it's only we can zone you that's what about say You can zone like I don't think there's The concrete's real hard under that argument there Because I mean there's all kind of things in the city that you might be able to do in one area and I can't do the other You can't have a strip mall downtown, but you can't on airport like that same that's the same thing You know should be should be dove on zoning Dove zoning. I mean, that's basically what it is, right? Yes It's basically dove hunt zoning if you have the right if you have the right size property the right size lot You could dove hunt on it the same thing with any other zoning that you that you uh so using that argument Like you'd have to get rid of all zoning in the city or you'd have to make it all the same and we know We know that that doesn't work We have code downtown because everything's closer together and we have smaller lots and we have we have strip malls and stuff On the other areas of town because there's more property. It's just the way it works. Yeah, the precedent has been set All right, people want to check out the new the new issue of lane app or check it out like I do online Give them the directions to do that Lania mobile calm is the website, you know, click on the click on the subscription button get a subscription to your house You know, right through your computer screen. All the breaking news is on the website Everything we ever do is on the website to check it out Check out the purple box is a new stand every week for the paper. Thank you And there he goes by man Dale leash. We'll be right back This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on heaven talk one oh six five But welcome back FM talk one of six five and midday mobile we are at the mobile convention center for the mobile chambers Business Expo 2024 makes sense. It's 2024 be odd if it was a different year Good to see everybody out here and still time to get in till three o'clock Folks coming in and by the way, too If you're just looking for something to you know, you're out looking for something to do the food in here A lot of food vendors too and people going by I'm not going to call Dalton out my name But going by and grabbing a great food samples that are here as well So come by and see us and go get yourself something to eat a heads up to a fall is well Yeah, I'm on the on the calendar fall comes up sometime in September right fall arrives here Yeah, late October something like that another reason to get out and enjoy Riding outside riding bicycles. I've been doing it all summer But if you have if you wait seasonal, that's fine, too Clint Jamison has a huge stock right now of the e-bikes. I've been talking about the electric bikes I've been riding one. I guess two two plus years now got me back into riding bicycles here in my fifties above my e-bike I've got a a magnum from scout But he has 75 in stock at any point for you come in and take a test ride on those e-bikes And there's different like any kind like regular non-electric bicycles same thing. There's e-bikes for on-road There's hybrids. There's ones that are more for off-road. There's all kind of different configurations There's the amount of battery power distance all those things Fit for different people for different reasons I think is Clint knows this stuff inside and out and can get you on the right bike for you You can take the test ride on it and see what I've been talking about And if you're going for a non e-bike 400 of the non-electric bikes in stock at any point So you're getting a bicycle for the kids back to school getting one for riding around this fall or like I see so many people with campers They've got those e-bikes with them, too So they take the camper they park the camper wherever they're going for the weekend and they use those e-bikes to get around town Great selection and great expertise when it comes to regular or e-bikes. It's my friend Clint Jameson We've been knowing this guy been riding likes like he never lit up I've been doing it his whole life and we've done each other 20 years so go see him He's at the corner of airport and little flower in Midtown kind of right across from Bruce Chris adventure - earth calm That's the website but best to go see him in person adventure earth bicycles everything inside To get you outside all right, so we'll get a few text here and then we'll have some time here We'll come back from the news to get more Ontario asking we bow hunt coyotes in the city, you know if you don't get caught that was my question But I'm not gonna drag Dale Lee she doesn't hunt into that conversation because I was gonna say okay Well, if we're doing that what about, you know archery equipment For bow hunting for deer and so they like there's a lot - I'm not gonna not gonna put that on Dale Lee She's gonna say what the heck are you talking about all right come back. We'll get your text and your calls at three four three zero one zero six It's midday mobile glad you're here You This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five All right, welcome back the demo wheel FM talk one oh six five we are on location at the convention center for the Mobile chambers business Expo and yeah, get get out here and enjoy it still open till three o'clock people still coming in so stop by Also, I mean, there's a lot of FM talk one of fix six five goodies adult and I don't want to load back up So, you know come get those here too, and then we don't have to load them back in the band So these are the way that things go all right speaking of things going on run I got an email from a buddy forest at blue water yacht sales and service and you know We've been talking about the brokerage services where they are selling you know high-end use boats And I've explained to you why I think if you've heard in the past why you should use them to sell your high-end use boat I'd have a whole conversation with with force and said okay Why am I gonna have you do it versus me doing it and he pointed out that they get you top dollar on the boat But you don't have to do all the legwork and get the boat sold But the nice thing is to with their brokerage they get the best in the use boat inventory out there They got tons of new boats, of course, and they still have that incentive pricing on him, but he sends out Email the other day. He said okay. Here's August. It's called August last hurrah So get out on the water in August because you know this whole idea that After the rodeo some people are like, oh the fish and season's over gosh You're so much more warm weather ahead of us. He put this one up this week Vote of the week. So here you I get this hey Sullivan vote of the week a 2023 Jupiter 32 This thing is gorgeous It combines luxury and performance in the ultimate on water experience And he said you take advantage of the Yamaha crews through summer promotion enjoy extra discounts on y'all Hot-outboard motors plus extended warranties give you extra peace of mind Now this boat is the feature, but it's one of many yes 32 foot Jupiter with twin Yamaha F 300 on it and You get a chance to save a lot of money on it and check that boat out But that's just one of many and if you do the service work on your own boat like I've said or you want them to do the service work They're a Yamaha five-star certified Mechanic on staff plus they do the work on mercury's and if you do the work yourself Kelsey in the parts department has what you need To do the maintenance on your boat and fix it up So check them out blue water yacht sales in two locations on the East I 65 belt line and an orange beach marina Online at blue water yacht sales dot net so check them out and thanks for teasing me with that force I appreciate it's good good looking boat. All right to the text line at three four three zero one zero six Let's go back to we're gonna do this chronologically I'll go back in time here and bring it up because I know there's a lot of y'all I've not gotten to yet the conversation from last hour or two was the story that Secretary of State West Allen had been on the show with me a few weeks ago and said something he was looking into but hadn't gotten the data yet And then this data is out and Andrea Ramey had put out the story the secretary of State West Allen said in this investigation 3251 people who are here legally in Alabama But not us citizens are registered to vote in Alabama. So once again, that's not illegal folks It'll go these are people legally in the country But they're on federal voter rolls I mean you got to be a citizen to vote, right? So how did this happen and and he in the story from Andrea and you can check it out on WPMI or my NBC 15 dot-com I'll put it up on the Twitter feed as well You may say like well, how does that happen and there's some discussion there how these situations happen? But it's significant because remember the Save Act legislation that went through The the House and got stopped by the Senate and of course would have been vetoed by President Biden had questioned How many people that were non-citizens were voting in the United States and the easy thing people would jump to say Oh, it's illegal folks, but what about legal folks are here? How are they registered to vote in federal elections? And how did they get there? So I think it obviously is going to bear out a lot more conversation But Secretary of State, West Allen had to go through a Couple different attempts to get this information, but yes coming out over 3,000 in the state of Alabama They're registered to vote even though they're not a citizen. All right, so to your text about that. Let's see Okay, okay dirt digger Now we know how they stole the election in 2020. We got to the federal government Maybe here's the thing or that like that's what I talked about with Bradley Byrne in last hour You know, he's saying well, it could make it different. He was making a pragmatic argument like he could make a difference in election like a L2 or something okay but more importantly to me, I guess because The the idealism of it right that it's just it's my my beef with the census when the census factors in Non-citizens in an area to a portion representation It's not the way the founders said it. This is not anything against I welcome people your legal immigrant here. Cool. Be be part of it That's cool. You just don't get to vote till your citizen Well, the same thing in the census when the apportion representation for people who aren't citizens slightly Completely antithesis to how our system works Right, this textor says do legal aliens pay federal income tax? Isn't that taxation without representation if they can't vote in a federal election? It would be if they were a citizen texture Right so they do pay the way I understand you're illegal. Yeah, I mean you're you're getting the deduction, which is a net benefit, of course to we the people somebody who's not a citizen paying in maybe they're going to be maybe they won't but They they they're not given the rights of citizens like representation Or taxation with you know with representation because they're not a citizen. It's a different thing But he says so if they're unable to vote, how did they get registered and how can they be stopped? Well, that's the good question, but buddy. That's why we'll get Secretary Secretary West Allen on the show back on the show to talk about it because that's My question too. That's delving into that. So how did this happen? How did we get here? What's the what's the hustle to put it in you know, some of these what's the houses? How do you work this you get a driver's license? They said you can have non citizen driver's license Do you get that and then use that to get registered to vote even though you don't have a social security number? Fair questions. We're gonna ask these Irish Indian says who lets the non registered votes registered non registered folks votes You're I get what you're asking It would be it this is what we're getting at. How do they go from not being a citizen? I think my best guess here. I have no facts here is somehow they get a Non-citizen driver's license and then nobody checks that there's no social with that All right, we also talked about About unions when Bradley Byrne was on about his op-ed of yellow hammer news. I'm at the unions are bad for Alabama now Compared to where it was 50 years ago You know, I've been I'm about a 70 30 on that Where I see stories where unions I don't think are helping the workers and they're not doing what they Were tasked to do with way back then, but in 30 percent of the time. I'm still somebody goes Yeah, maybe some collective bargaining is worth doing there for the people Uh, but Earl says can union leaders keep bosses accountable to the laws they break like a mayor? I don't know Uh, tim says john. I'm in the union Uh, bern doesn't know anything about unions most of the unions are based in washington and they backed the democrats But most of the members I know vote republican. Well, tim so that's the interesting thing If you read through some of the stories around this and I think there's actually the addendum there on yellow hammer uh that Yeah in the south a lot of people The the the the union leadership is oriented with the democrats But the but the people vote republican, but they're using the number of people and let me see if I can find that paragraph here They're using the number of people That are represented under that union To move things politically even though the individual union member doesn't know what it is They're using it to move things Uh, here it is. Here's what it says says for example. So i'm not the uh, UAW says just as past may 56 percent of the workers at the Mercedes-Benz facility advanced voted against joining the UAW Workers at facility understood what workers at a Nissan facility in new jersey recently Cooted when they voted to de-certify UAW the union isn't especially interested in helping workers so much as they are Interested in capturing more dues paying members now. This is from an op ed from Bradley bern. All right This is a opinion piece says further the union has trouble has shown a troubling eagerness to infringe on worker freedoms to accomplish its goal So the UAW poses a clear and present danger to both worker freedoms and alabama's economic growth First it seeks to pressure employers into here we go into neutrality agreements Which prohibit employers from sharing information about the union such as past corruption scandals with employees when the pressure tactics fail The union will call on his powerful friends in washington dc for example Earlier this year 33 u.s senators from states like michigan massachusetts and vermont Said a threatening letter to international auto manufacturing executives Strongly implying that they need to accept neutrality agreements to benefit from federal incentives designed to promote ev manufacturing So in that case, it's not really even the opinion of the individual union members now. I'm off the op ed from Bradley bern and I am back talking on my own It's that they're using this Not for it's not for the votes in a in an election Which that's part of it But it's to be used to move legislation and knowing that you know You have these many people that are backing this union even though the individual members of the union probably have have an idea I have no idea that that's going on Uh, we start talking about what people can make here Uh, the texture said welders can make 30 to 50 dollars an hour Yeah, and if you didn't hear that you go back and listen to last hour's podcast I just asked this question because he you know former congressman bern who is CEO and president of the mobile chamber told a story about a kid who Coming out of high school was the top of welder in his class And he asked him what he was going to do when he graduated and he said he was going to get a job at burger king And They asked him like why aren't she going to weld he said well he didn't know what opportunities were there Now There's a breakdown there now you kids are kids are knuckleheads and you got to tell them and tell them and tell them again We all know that But at some point there shouldn't be a reason for a kid that's in a welding class at a high school little in the best in that class Would not know That there's a job out there waiting for them to make that kind of money. It just seems preposterous Uh, we talked about the labor participation rate Uh and how it's uh in element where at 50 Think 52 percent or was it 56 percent meaning that out of people that could that are in the working age Only that many of them are trying to get a job Remember unemployment numbers you see are based on people actively trying to get a job who are not getting a job The other part is people are not actively why? And we discussed the fact that it may be transportation or child care for people At a mass who is paying for those people to stay at home listen a lot of those situations they may not be it may be when some of the situations as stay-at-home moms, right or stay-at-home dad and they are doing one income That's a a normal thing, but in some of their questions they've asked people here They're saying oh for ladies for women more than men. Hey, they would go to work if they had some kind of affordable Child care. I mean, why would you ask a woman to to spend everything she's going to make at her job to put a uh put a person in and you know to To put their child in child care. I mean if it's going to be even if it's just a little bit of earning over what You would get. Why are you gonna? Why are you gonna keep people from staying home with their kids to go make just pennies on the dollar out there? So I get it. How do you incentivize that? T-bone says 50 percent of the available of the able-bodied adults in my house are participating in the workforce Uh, so only half that's more lack of inspiration versus lack of transportation. So that's gonna be out there as well. Sure Uh, but I think there's probably you know, you look at that the labor participation rate and you want to say well All these people are just lazy not working. Maybe there's some Maybe there's good amount, but there's a lot of other reasons people aren't going to work If you don't have transportation don't have child care, so how do we address that? Uh, michael says stay-at-home moms have skyrockets sky rocketed since covid and that's not a bad thing Why do we want to push moms away from their god-designed role? Well, a lot of families though need that you know need that extra income So and a lot of women probably at a certain point that kids get old enough You know, uh, they're not in school full-time, but they're trying to or even child care that's on the The after-school care, right? And having a situation like that where somebody can because they can't leave work at three Maybe more options. Maybe more options out there for that Uh, nick v says i'm not a fan of unions, but we can't say they don't provide anything positive They provide apprenticeship training for their members and typically their employees are very good at what they do I know this well because i'm a managing partner of a construction staffing firm with branches in 10 states And when we're lucky enough to hire away a union employee, they are normally better off Better than the guys off the street. So there you go, and we'll continue to read these texts And uh get more from yet three four three zero one zero six coming right back more bid day mobile So This is mid-day mobile with shawn celibate on fm talk one oh six five (music) Right now welcome back mid-day mobile and uh, we are live at the convention center for the mobile business expo That's going on and it goes on till three o'clock today I want to read a couple text here and then i'll get my buddy on here and and talk about some some policy Well, we've been talking policy today. I will say this from uh, I got a text here from front of mine who uh says uh I said listen and shawn, i'm listening to your discussion of the non-citizens being registered to vote And so this is that story once again that west alan has come out with secretary state that said point three thousand plus three thousand Three thousand two hundred and fifty one people in his audit that are now they're they're legally here So everybody's like oh, no, they're legally here, which cool welcome board. We're glad you're here Uh, but they're registered to vote in federal elections, but they're not citizens You know, I'm just I'm stuck in old old school civics class and go get into the people who get to vote are citizens If you're not a citizen and you're working here cool. We're glad you're here. You just don't You just don't vote because you're I can't go to another country and vote as a non citizen So my buddy said listen your discussion about non citizens being registered to vote no pushback on the audit the voter rolls but a few thoughts are the Three million eight hundred and twelve thousand nine hundred and thirteen registered voters in alabama Uh, the non citizens registering as a rounding error. Okay, so this and talking about yeah, okay So this is what came up last time when they pushed the save act in the house when the republicans did and they said well There's no need to do this You know, there's there's none of people and this doesn't really happen So but then why the response from the left so strongly on it, you know what what's the old? If you're uh taking flak you're over the target So maybe there's something to it But I can also and this person knows me well enough that I can also look at it idealistically, which I tend to have a little idealistic You know bent to me If you're not a citizen, you don't get to vote. I don't care if it's one or it's three thousand or three hundred thousand I know pragmatically you talking about how it can sway election this and that i'm just still stuck in my You know high school, you know government and economics class and stuck on the fact that You got to be a citizen to vote. So there's that all right a couple more texts here We've got a whole bunch to uh if I don't get to these we'll get to some of these tomorrow talking about workforce participation In the state. I just thought it was interesting to hear that conversation from Bradley barn that they got the uh like transportation thing they're trying to address here in the city with getting people who don't have vehicles because they're asking Workforce participation rate is high way higher here than it is in most states I mean way less than most states in other words, the people who aren't are higher And why is that they address transportation and then child care and I just brought up I said, okay Well, if these bigger businesses that are in in our area that are saying hey, we need you know You'll hear these stories. They're lacking 1200 workers 1700 workers And if some of those are people you address because of vehicles getting them there Maybe they could subsidize that and also even on a child care where somebody says they can't get to work Because mom or dad stays home with the kid, but if they had additional child care Not so hard to get into something more flexible. They could come to work Well, if the city and the business thinks it's uh and businesses think it's that important Maybe you have them work with government to put something out there so people can come to work because it's a uh Uh, yeah So I mean super mom says child care is so expensive because of what the day cares have to charge due to the insurance They have to carry that's what needs to be worked on. That's what Prices parents out of day care being affordable Yeah, you've got the two things the affordability And then the availability thing too, and I just hear from friends minds that have younger kids They're like, oh, yeah, we're on a waitlist to get into daycare and they're talking about years in this So seems like um As something we could address out there. All right. I would get I get this man's opinion on wow I've got yours turned way up high there for some reason, but it works. Don't be so loud line We'll try my best not to be so loud. All right So it's but I think the cure to all of this is if you can ensure that all these workers Got a Sean Sullivan level salary. No, no, this would be a problem. That's right. I'm just rolling it That's why I have the big band Pull the money in it. Thank you for having me on so it from and it's oh Oakview group. Oakview group marketing man extraordinaire ryan foster pablo Um, yeah, it just it is kind of something to think about if we have this Low workforce participation rate. So people say the unemployment looks good But you have this 43 percent of people are going Yeah, I'm not gonna come to work and a lot of them may have a reason disability Uh, they decide as a family one stays on all those things, but there's some percentage of people that might want to work But they're not trying to work that is true. There's always going to be those and I do wonder you know What this math is this factoring in snowbirds retirees who literally don't need to work and I forget what they've been excluded I would hope there's a cut. Yeah, it is work age and I I gotta go back and look at the parameters. Yeah, but you know, I mean What was 65 back in the old days is not 65 today people at that age are still working. That is true Maybe you have a bunch of bitcoin, you know millionaires who've just checked out at 43 or something I'm not one of them. Neither am I or we know that's why we're here talking. Hey, you mentioned this and this has been a I think you hear it football stadiums at venues all over the place Yeah, that are having a with a clear bag or clear. Yes That is, uh, you know what we're doing at the Sanger theater and mobile Uh, you know, we're going to a clear bag policy effective September 1st all public events. You will need a clear bag And this is mainly directed towards the ladies. Okay, that you will have a 12 by 12 by 8 Maximum size clear bag going by 12 a yes so a gallon ziplock pretty much yeah, um a little bit bigger than that but You can also bring a small purse or clutch no bigger than like six by eight Inside your clear bag and that can be non clear that can be your standard wallet your purse You know, but it can't be any bigger than like a six by eight So they are implementing that policy Starting September 1st and of course no backpacks no camel back things, you know when you're coming to a concert downtown You want to make sure you do say that somebody might have a camel back full of a delicious mixed drink That's entirely possible. And yes, we can really just theorize that but yes None of those things are going to be allowed. So but if people are bringing a diaper bag to bring their kids down to seach Disney jr. Something like that Absolutely, you can bring your diaper bag if you have a medical device that your device comes in a bag You can bring that but 91 starting so starting September 1st. Yeah clear bags only When you're coming into shows at the Sanger theater and of course people can get more info mobile Sanger comm get all the info on it there and if you have any questions feel free to shoot them at us All right. Just tell them the paul fine bums next it said paul fine bums next on fm talk one oh six five [Music]