FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

AL-2 hopeful Caroleene Dobson for Congress - Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 8-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
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I saw the light. I saw the light. No more darkness. No more night. Now I'm so happy. No sorrow inside. Pray the Lord. I saw the light. Welcome back to the Chuppore Show, and if you talk 106.5, they should be with us on this Thursday. Morning 251343. 0106, text me and I got a bunch of text to get to here. Lots going on. Still coming to program about an hour from Malley from Worry Fogle from Alabama today and then in that 11 o'clock hour, my colleague at 18 19 news, Daniel Taylor. So please stay tuned for that. Joining us now, she's running in the second congressional district to get Shamari figures for that seat. Newly drawn, but we're always pleased to have Carley Dobson with us. Carley, good morning, are you? Good morning, Jeff. Thanks so much for having me. I'm doing great. How are you? Doing well, doing well. Thanks for making time for us. I know you're busy out there. Well, before we get into some of the issues of the day, talk to us a little bit about the campaign. Yes, no, it's been growing great. Just a lot of time on the road here in Montgomery this morning. We'll end the day in Washington County and then be down your way tomorrow. So just trying to keep the tires hot. We've had a lot of great momentum, outraged figures in the second quarter. Only one of two Republican non-incomments to do that in the entire country. So anyone listening who's contributed, very, very grateful for that. And we're recently named a young gun by the National Republican Congressional Committee. That's a short list of the races. They're really actively supporting for first-time Republican candidate. So very excited to have a lot of on the ground momentum in the district and also a lot of national support. Steve Scalise is also kind of mailing out details, but he will be coming to Mobile in October for an event to kind of rally the troops also. So really grateful to him for that. No, you know, we've heard a lot from you throughout this campaign going all the way back to the primary. Kelly, I don't know what your opponent's running on. And I mean, I follow this stuff closely. And I don't know if you, but like you look at what's going on at the top of the ticket with the presidential race and the complaint being Kamala Harris. I mean, she's a blank slate. It seems like the same thing is going on with your opponent. Right, right. No, I mean, and we've got some significant problems in this country. Our open borders, the rise of crime, the lack of opportunities in our country due to rising inflation, which has been caused by the Biden and Harris administration, rampant and reckless spending in combination with their efforts to undermine American energy independence. So, you know, if you look at the problems that are facing day to day Americans, you know, trying to buy a box of cereal at eight dollars, gas prices having increased, a collective 38% to Biden and Harris took office. There's these are problems that are affecting each and every one of us. And it's making it impossible to live the American dream. I saw yesterday that in order to have the quality of life that we, you and I did, you know, say our parents made 80,000 dollars a year to replicate when we were growing up, to replicate that same standard of living. We've got to make almost $250,000 just to replicate, you know, just a financially secure middle class family life. And so it's estimated that not only for this next generation, but the generation after that, that neither of them will have the standard of living that our parents generation did. So it's really disturbing and there already kind of, there's already been a reparable damage to our economy and to the futures of your kids and my kids and we've got to stop that. And the Democrats, you know, you know, in common with marketing is, you know, she's going to fix it. Well, she's been the, the, the sole instigator of that, that problem for the past three years. She is as part of the Biden administration. My opponent figures as also part of the Biden administrator, part of Biden transition team, part of the weaponized Department of Justice. So they've been the problem and Americans are not better off than they were three and a half years ago. We've got to have changed. We've got to have people that are going to Washington to work to deliver results to the people of District two, not folks that are already in Washington that want to you know, pad their career and keep their lobbyists friends happy. Well, tell you the thing we're hearing today is kind of scary to me. They're talking about price controls. I mean, this is right out of like a Soviet style type of economic playbook that's been tried in this country before. It doesn't work. But that's, that's one thing we're hearing or at least a trouble and be a floated out. I mean, they have, they don't really have any answers for the rampant inflation, do they? No, no, none. And I mean, again, growing up in the country on the farm, one of our parents favorite expressions was nip it in the bud. But with so many of the problems that we have, we've got to get to the root source of the issue. When it's inflation, well, what the two things we could do immediately that would have an impact on inflation and high interest rates. We, we could, we could cut back on our spending and we could unleash American energy independence. We have the capability to be energy, family energy independent, but as Senator Brit said in her address at the RNC, we can be energy dominant. We really have a moral obligation not only to Americans, but to the world to utilize every God given, you know, renewable and non-renewable resource to further that effort. Those are two things that we could do immediately that would make a change. Again, and then you're talking about other issues, crime, drug, nip it in the bud. We've got to secure the border. We've got to enforce the same Mexico policy. You know, we've got to actually have meaningful foreign policy stances when it comes to Mexico. You know, Mexico has just basically turned their country over to the cartel. And I think, you know, we don't, when our borders are, has been to the border once, you know, how, how often as she met with, with Shine Bomb or any of the Mexican officials, I think we're never, we're never truly going to see a decrease in the number of people wanting to come here illegally until Central and South America actually have stability. And so I think we need a much more developed foreign body of foreign policy towards our neighbors in the south if we're going to be secure. Joining by Carolyn Dobson, she is the Republican nominee and Alabama's second congressional district contest in November. No thing, and there's really a story that's really hit home here up in North Alabama. But I mean, just the immigration/migration and the way, way some of these refugees or whatever you want to call them undocumented are being moved around coming to Alabama, immigration issue, I think is lingering out there, the media are downplaying it, but right now, at least back here at home, it is, it is very much front and center. Oh, absolutely. I mean, and you look at also the drugs as well. I think in 2022, about 1300 Albanians died of Sentinel overdose. Much of that was actually manufactured in China, and then entered the US through our open southern border. So it's, you know, it's actually the impact of illegal aliens in our community, some of whom are criminals that are not apprehended at the border because of the Biden-Harris policy. But then also just the contraband that is literally coming across the border like drugs that are impacting. I mean, I had a god brother who died of a Sentinel overdose here in Montgomery. I think it's unfortunately really hard to find someone who has not been touched by the Sentinel crisis. Yeah, and I mean, it's just, it's a matter of just really cracking down and, you know, does, do you think Republicans will have the stomach? Should they emerge victorious in November? I mean, I think you said it on this show a couple of months ago, I mean, we're just, we're going to start deporting a lot of the those who are here illegally. Yes, because, you know, and again, you know, I feel for people that are refugees that want a better life for their families, but because the Biden-Harris administration has just opened the floodgates without any system of vetting, you know, we now have 8 to 10 estimated 8 to 10 million illegal aliens, non-taxpayers living here that are going to be such a strain on our social services, which were already drained, you know, and so, I mean, you look at social security, you look at the cost of healthcare, and then you have Kamala Harris saying that any person that's within our border is entitled to free health care. Any person within our borders is titled entitled to free education. I mean, folks, we don't, we already don't have the money. It was $35 trillion in debt. We're spending more on debt service than we are on defense costs, and that, I mean, we will collapse unless we really take some effort to try to alleviate the burden that, again, borders our Harris has placed on our country and its resources. I mean, is that still, and I ask you this every time you come on, is that really still what you're hearing when you're on the stump? Yes, you know, definitely folks have a lot of heartburn about our open borders, and that's across the board. I mean, that's not really a, and it shouldn't be. I mean, that's a matter of our national sovereignty. That really shouldn't be a political thing, and so I feel like a cross-party line was speaking to a group of mostly Democrats the other day, but they were nodding their heads when I was talking about the open border because it's harming, again, not only with the drugs and the crime, but just the influx of people is making it so much harder for the American worker to seek employment for them to have a job and, again, not be paying for social services for non-tax payers who've never contributed anything to America. And you're right. They're burning on the local infrastructure. People understand, I'd articulate this all the time. Yeah, sure, these people will come here and maybe they'll work on the farm or the factory or whatever, but there's also this added cost, right, that you don't realize. There's more traffic on the roads. There's a longer wait at the hospital. There's a need for English bilingual teachers because a lot of these migrants or immigrants do are accepted into the public schools, and we don't really think of that because it's not right out there in front, and we just kind of see, I guess, some of the things that go on culturally or whatever, but that's such a big part of this. Yes, and also, but I mean, if in securing the border, in enforcing the stay in Mexico policy, we also have to have meaningful reform when it comes to legal migrant worker programs, H2A programs and H2B programs, which so many of the industries industry to agriculture, timber, construction, rely on these workers. Unfortunately, I mean, this just shows the hypocrisy of the Biden-Harris administration, but unfortunately, right now, an American business owner who is trying to go through the system and legally get a migrant worker to work on his nursery, for instance, and Sims. There are 100 nurseries that are based in Sims, so they utilize a lot of migrant workers or try to. If they don't fill out the form exactly right, they're far more likely to face repercussions, fines, potentially be shut down by the federal government for not, you know, exactly complying with the very complicated and burdensome red tape of our migrant worker programs, then they're more likely to face government action than a criminal who just walks across our southern border is likely to actually be apprehended and deported. So there's such a double standard right now, and we've got to make it easier for our business owners to, again, are just trying to get workers. There are some areas, unfortunately, in this district where the workforce is just not there or it's not engaged. I'm sure as you know, the workforce participation right now, BAM is 53%, so that means there are 47% of our able-bodied population is choosing not to work. You know, and so, you know, there certainly is a need for migrant workers, and if we're going to have immigration reform, we can't ignore that part either. Caroline, one of the questions I got yesterday, and I think you have some supporters out there, but they're not really quite sure how to coordinate with the campaign or what they need to do. Do you have an email or a website or something if people want to help out with the campaign? No, and I'm so grateful, and we will take any and all help. This race is going to be very close. We are working hard to prevail, but it's going to take each and every one of us. It's all going to be all about turnout and election integrity. So we've got teams of folks, volunteers, if you're interested in door knocking or phone banking, or you just want a yard sign or find some other way to help, we'd love to have you. We also are recruiting poll watchers because, again, election integrity is so very key to ensuring that we have a fair election. So if you're interested in any or for all of those, check out our website, We are also opening a mobile headquarters. So August 21st, 6pm, we will have a grand opening of our mobile headquarters. And that is, I don't have the address right off the top of my head. Why not? I do, sorry. Okay, yes, sorry. It's 3964 Airport Boulevard Sweet Sea. But yeah, that information is on our website about the grand opening. We'd love to have anyone who wants to come join us. But, yeah, no, mobile is so very important to the future of Alabama. And I'm very grateful to everyone who's indicated interest and been willing to help in this effort and going to be spending the majority of my time down in Mobile between now and November and hopefully outwards. That's the, for those of you listening, it's a Pine Brook shopping center. You know, if you've been watching politics in Alabama for the, or in Mobile for the last few years, there's always a Republican headquarters or something out there at that Pine Brook shopping center. So that's what August 21st and what time? 6pm. 6pm. So there you go. Those of you asking how to get coordinate with the Dobson campaign. There's your opportunity. Carolyn, we always appreciate it. Best of luck to you. We'll talk again soon. Okay, that sounds great. Have a good morning. All right. Carolyn Dobson, ladies and gentlemen, we got to get a break here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porch show. I'll have to talk 106.5.