The Sports Brewery Podcast
360: Episode 324 - 8-15-24
Braga, King, and Ski talk:
:15: Neighbors with eight cars, the new Madden movie, failed political word play.
17:28: The ridiculous arrogance of Raygun, the weird love for Starbury, the legend of Steph Curry, not taking for granted Lebron/KD/Steph.
46:45: Preseason CFB predictions, top 3 athletes turned actors.
- Duration:
- 1h 20m
- Broadcast on:
- 16 Aug 2024
- Audio Format:
- mp3
(upbeat music) ♪ I was so dumb but I hopped on a plane ♪ ♪ I was drove right back to the 541 ♪ - I kinda wanna jump in on, I'm gonna piggyback king here on some neighbor bullshit. - Okay. - So I need your guys to pin in on this neighbor stuff. - Love it. - So there's a house like three houses down from my house. I don't know how many people live in this house. It seems like maybe there's eight to 10 people that might be living in this house. - Too many people in one house. - And on top of it, that means they have about eight cars that are associated with this house. And one of them likes to park right on the edge of our driveway. And our driveway's set to where there's a fence and a tree and a bush and it's a fairly busy street. So with a car parked right in the corner there and you're backing out, it's tough to see cars and or people coming by and talk to the guy a month or two ago. It's like, hey, is there any way you could just park like just five feet farther back, just so he could see. They said, all right, and then sure enough, car has been parked right on the corner of the curb again. And it's just like, fuck, there's no laws and stuff about where you could park on city streets. I get that, but it's like, there should be common courtesy of a neighborhood of, especially if you're rolling eight to 10 cars, they have like three cars that don't work that are parked in front of their place. So it's like, yeah, I don't care if you're parked there, just help us out so it's easier to back out of our driveway. - So I don't want to be that neighbor that brings it up again, is am I warranted to bring it up again? - Yes, so a couple things, like yes, you are absolutely warranted to bring it up again. 'Cause it's not like you were being a dick the first time and it's not like you're going to be a dick this time. Just be like, hey man, friendly reminder, like I don't want to hit your car. So like, if you'd like to preserve your car and make sure everything's fine, just maybe move it five feet. And then if they don't do it, then you report them to the city for having cars that don't work, like junker cars on the property. - Oh, the ones in? (indistinct) - Yeah, I don't know what the law is of like, cars break down, I get that. But it's like multiple cars not running. It's just like, yeah, me and my neighbor just decided it's like Jesus. They have like a 16 year old girl that's like just learning to drive and like just got a car and it's like, yeah, have fun having her have like parallel park in front of her house. You get to her house, I'm like, good luck. - Yeah. - Like how, so I mean, I'm trying to picture it 'cause I don't think I've ever been to your house. They have, which is weird, by the way, they have, so like your property, like where does it end and there's begins? Is it? - No, there are three houses down. They're not even-- - They're egregious. - Yeah, they're not even my neighbor. - Yeah, they're egregious. - They also have a van that's parked. So there's the driveway and then the car that the problem car is the one parked just to the left. - I think you do have-- - You have my cars parked a one car driveway. - Like you then, this shouldn't really be coming from you. Like this should be coming from your neighbor, right? - It's more of my girlfriend is the one that is pulling out of the driveway a lot. - No, but I'm saying they're parking in front of your neighbor's house. And then the neighbor next to them too. - Well, yeah, they're kind of, they do have a car on next to my neighbor too. But then there's also a van just on the other side of my house where that is associated with that house where I'm not sure if someone's quasi living out of it or not, but I don't know, it's one house that's, you should know, they have a, the person who I'm guessing probably owns them now, oh, they rent, I'm pretty sure. It's been a rental house. First on that is on the lease there. They have a giant truck with a giant chargers flag on it. So take that with what you may have, but what the house I'm dealing with is. - Yeah, I don't know the rules for cars parked, but that feels like too much. I feel like there is a broken down car law in some regards that you can't. - They have some kind, right? They're absolutely has to be like, they could be a jerk and park in front of your house like they are. Okay, that's hard to like litigate or whatever, but I feel like there has to be something where you cannot have like three junker cars that just don't work taking up space. There has to be something. - I wanna say there is. - Yeah, that's the thing, right? You're allowed to have them like on your property, I think, but I think there's lines there too, that the city draws 'cause then it's like a fire hazard or something at that point, right? But like leaving junkers on like the public street is super duper not allowed. I'm pretty sure. So yeah. - But I said, all of a sudden I do that, but I don't wanna, I don't like to be that kind of neighbor 'cause it really does. - Are the junkers all in their driveway? - No, they have two in their driveway and then two parked on the street in front of their house. - I think the one's on the street, you can actually do the thing where you call them and they have to move like, I can't remember what it is. It's like, it's something weird, like 5,000 feet or so. It's something weird. I think the one's on the street, you can. It'll be a slow play 'cause I'll put that orange sticker on it. - Oh yeah. - But there's no way you can have all those junker cars on the city street. - The junker ones aren't even, those ones aren't even the real problem. They just taken up the space where they would normally park their car instead of park a ride on the edge of my driveway, which is the problem car. - And again, like you asked them nicely, like. - I definitely did. - I'm sure what you could do again. - I also don't get, I mean, there's a mid to early 20s kids that are funneling in at all this house. I'm like, I lived as that. I had a buddy that was at my house all the time that would park halfway on the sidewalk and stuff in this big-ass truck. I'm like, I know how to be the dumb kid that doesn't give a shit about parking stuff. But it's like, first to ask, I was like, I thought I got through, but yeah. - I think they made a movie about this, didn't they? With like Seth Rogen and what's this phrase? From the Ephron, like, where like they were. - The fat house. - Yeah, well, I mean, you got fucking like eight cars. So you got at least eight people in that place. - I said, it's bordering on like being those people on like next door and shit and like those problems. I'm sure I haven't been on there. I'm sure there's probably some of my neighbors that are on there like complaining about this house. - WCP just shared a link that I'm gonna try to open without it fucking fully breaking the computer. By the way, we're chunky as shit right now. So I have no idea if the audio is gonna pull through and we like convert this to a podcast. I have no idea what's going on right now, but. - And I think we were a body-pause podcast, but apparently not, apparently not, sir. - Not allowed to be chunky on this one. - Not allowed to be chunky on this one. - We're in no chunky zone. - Yeah. - If I don't want to chunky miles, I get mad at myself every day. - Just gotta get this podcast on Sonos Zempik, then we'll be getting together. - Yeah, yeah. - You're biting out there lowering Medicare prices, baby. He's out there negotiating right now. Let's get that Ozempik down, so we can have a successful podcast. But seriously, it's, I don't know if it's gonna stop. I might wanna restart my computer. Is everybody okay with that? Will you guys come back in a couple minutes if I do that? 'Cause this is, usually we start out chunky and then it corrects itself as we go on. It's not doing that. We're like 10 minutes. - I'm having no problems in my end. - Really? Okay. It's just me and everything is going through my computer, so it's chunky for everybody watching it. So, yeah. - If they're complaining, then that's something. - Yeah. Are we good? People in the chat, are we good? Can we just power through it? - Yeah, we're, yeah, I think so. - Awesome. Matt Carney? Is that Matt Carney here? Wow, I haven't seen you in a while. Bit of a while. All right, fuck it. Welcome to the podcast, I'm Alex. - I think we're fine, I'm Matt Carney. - I'm Alex, he's Matt Carney, he's ski. Tweet at Matt Carney. Like, regarding the podcast. Definitely all, direct all of your. All of your corrections, like Matt Carney hears you, he values you. Send him your tweets at Matt Carney on Twitter. If you're still on Twitter, 'cause apparently nobody's on Twitter anymore, as of like last week. Also, join the Discord, Discord's the place you wanna be if you listen to this podcast and give a fuck about us. Sports Brewery and Discord, that's where we get our movie suggestions, list ideas, all that stuff. We got Nuttyan, who's in the chat right now, shared the free Big Ten Plus link and password earlier for us. So if you want. - Freely, free, free, free, air of Big Ten Plus. Like, so, you know, we have that. You don't, 'cause you're not in our Discord. Like, fucking figure it out. is where we're currently chunky., so, you know, do that thing. Movie on Sunday is King's Movie and it is the OG Twister. 1996, it is on Max. So, watch the original Twister, Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton. Listen to us talk about it on Sunday. - R.I.B. Billie. - What's that? - Is it R.I.P. Billie? - Yeah, big ups. Big ups Bill Paxton. How's Pullman doing? - Don't forget to bring a spot at Cal, it's a Twister joke, I'm at Curney. - It's like the one thing everybody, like, took away from that movie, 'cause there's a fucking flying cow. You guys heard about the Madden thing today, right? Like, the Madden movie? Do you hear about that? - I saw a quick little-- - Did you hear about this? Has anybody seen this? Did you hear about it? - Why are we making a John Madden movie? - With Nick Cage. - It doesn't make sense. - And by the way, David O. Russell is producing it. Like, he's like a really successful producer for a long time. And Nick Cage as John Madden. - Is there some exciting thing about Madden's life, like outside of football that-- - Are we not making films, see more Hoffman's anymore, that can be John Madden, like, what are we doing here? - Yeah, by the way, I got some hot takes for Sunday, when we talk about Twister was an old Phil Psi Hoffman. So we'll see. - Boomer sooner. (laughing) - Like, I always got the impression that Madden was like a really boring guy. Like, he was super interesting when he was an announcer. But like, as a coach, he was like a normal football coach. And when he retired, he just like lived in the Bay Area and like, didn't do stuff. Like, just hung out. And I know he like, like, the most interesting thing about him is that he would only travel on trains. That was-- - But the bus. - And the bus, yeah, trains in the bus. Yeah, wouldn't get on airplanes. - There must be some sort of hidden thing of like, all sorts of shenanigans happening on those buses. - Yeah, or there's like some childhood trauma we're gonna learn about, where he, like, I don't know, like somebody punched his mom on an airplane and-- - He was one of the survivors in that movie, "Alive." - I remember it. - That's why he was-- - 'Cause we were being soccer team. - That's why he was sort of a bigger guy. 'Cause of all the humans he ate. - Yep, he ate everything you can eat, see? All that long cake he ate. - Yeah, boom. - That's why he-- - That's why he had all those legs on the turkey, man. It's 'cause he was used to eating human legs. - You need your duck in me! Boom! - Yeah. - But I'm a thing though, I don't need to see this movie. There was nothing about mad at him in dreams, so it's like-- - No! - I like-- - I like how it goes to sell a movie. Now we're talking, now there's some dirt and grime in there that might get people's attention kind of thing. - You're attracted to the racism? What are we doing here? - Well, there's a lot of angles you could go with whatever you want. - Sexism. - Sexism, racism, alcoholism, it's all there. - Yeah, well, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Who's the Adam McKay? That feels like an Adam McKay mini-series, The Howard Co. Cell Show, which is mostly gonna not be true, but you know. - Aren't probably gonna be over the top. - I'm sure like Hank Azaria would do a fantastic Howard Co. Cell too. - Yeah, yeah, just 'cause Brock Meyer, I mean, he's basically the same guy, yeah. - Exactly. - Yeah. All right, yeah, so I am basically also not interested in that movie, so that makes three of us. - Thanks for bringing it up. - Yeah, you're well, lightning. - Good topic. - Yeah, we're doing great. We're doing great. - You guys watching really terrible portions or what? - How about-- - We got thoughts on that stuff as well. - I got a lot of thoughts on the post-birth abortions. I mean, I've heard plenty about that, so. - You just squash 'em. - Just squash 'em like a bug. - No way to do more about squashing babies than me. - Pop out and you squash 'em. - It's like Frogger. (both laughing) - Make the sound effects too. - The temps of the bus though. - Beautiful frog. Plus, she's the one driving that bus right over all the babies. - Not real black babies though. - Has old Donny T given up on the Kamabla thing? That was a weird thing. - I don't think I played well. - So, I don't think I stuck. - No, that's what I was gonna say. He's trying to get a lot of stuff to stick right now, and nothing's really working for him yet. I mean, I figure he'll come up with something eventually. I mean, he always does, but. - I don't know, he tried wacky wolves. - Yeah, that's... - Yeah, boy, the, again, like sort of the whole like Fox News circle is really struggling right now. Like, again, they're professionals at this. Like they're gonna come up with something, but like so far, no good. Like it is, it is like a lot of region so far. - It's a numbers game, something's bound to stick eventually. - That's what I'm saying. Like you, yeah, exactly. Shoot or shoot, right? - Yeah, exactly. - I do, I do, we're gonna eject from this very quickly, but I do love how politicians now are just doing like weird vibe checks, where you know, like six months ago, Chris Christie was out there in a Republican thing being calling him Donald Duck, as in, ducking, it was so bad. And today Biden called him Donald Dump. (laughing) - Did he really? - Yeah, he called Donald Dump. - He's got no Fox anymore, he's out in like five months, but like, okay, Joe. - Seriously, Fox? - They don't land either, but Donald Dump. - No, that shouldn't be people have tried that one and it never stopped. - That's kind of something you're 85 year old grandpa who's like real, not quite to dementia yet, but like real close to dementia. That's a joke he would probably make. - Yeah, not good, not good. - Not good, not good. All right, well, let's shift from wonderful topic to wonderful topic to ray gun. - Oh, I had no idea you were such. - I hate this game, I hate it. - I'm surprised you're not wearing the furry floppy. - You have the hat. - And your three-stripe suit, and your hard shell toes. I had no idea you were such a breaking tradition. - Yeah, yeah, it's about the culture, man, figure it out. - Breaking is a favorite sport. (laughing) - You got our hat on, man. It's kind of exactly the same thing. No, I legitimately really dislike her a lot. And it surprised me too, because I shouldn't care. Nobody should care. Like breaking at the Olympics was a passing thing that it literally happened one day. And then it was gone, and nobody really saw it happen other than this like chick who's gone viral, this ray gun person. And so like, you know, it's not that she got a zero. Like, you know, like it's okay, it's a little bit that she got a zero. Like she shouldn't have been there in the first place. Like she's awful, and there's like way better breakers on Earth than her. Like, I've seen better breaking from females at the WOW haul. I said it in the discord. Like Australians, I don't know what to tell you, man. - Yeah. - And you guys go right. Can you guys have put up at least a one in breaking? (laughing) - I know. - Can you tell? - Oh. - You could have done like a stahler. All you gotta do is that little, you know, hop back and forth that you do before you get into something. - Yeah, yeah. Like the dance where you like cross your feet. Like that's all you gotta do. She wasn't even doing that. Like, come on, man. - No, exactly. I feel like you could have got a point at least. That's a point. - That was like the first thing you learned right? - I'm scared pretty much today. Apparently there are no points given in breaking. She just happened to lose by a combined score of 52 to nothing and all three matches. But she says there are no points given. I don't, I literally listened to her and I don't know what the hell she was saying. - That's close. - That they are 'cause there's a winner and a loser and that requires points too. - It was 52 to nothing after three matches. - Somebody got points. Somebody was awarded points. It wasn't her. - Yep. - She was Gambia against the dream team in '92. That's what happened there. But somehow was not embarrassed of getting trounced at that. - See, that's the thing. That's the thing is she is like this viral sensation now. She's gonna make like, she's gonna make millions of dollars off of this. And you know what? Like I guess like grifter's gonna grift like more power to her. Like I know what she's doing. But the fact that like, and you know like apparently Los Angeles wasn't gonna do breaking anyways 'cause they're just like flag football and baseball and softball and stuff they're adding, all this stuff. But like the whole world now thinks their sport is a joke. The whole fucking world. And you know what? Say what you will. Like breaking's always been a joke. Okay, it's not a real sport. Okay, cool. But like it was in the Olympics for the first time ever. It had a chance to be on the world spotlight and all anybody saw and remembers is her. And now she's gonna make like millions of dollars lose disingenuous stuff about like playing a victim and you know like her whole attitude is like it. You know, they asked her like, or do you think it was short-sighted to not have breaking in the Olympics like in LA? And she was like, oh I bet they're feeling dumb about that now with how like big with how much we're talking about it. It's like, dude, dude. Like you're the worst. Like you're the worst. Like you single-handedly made your sport a joke around the world and you're gonna be rich off of it. And you're playing a victim and acting arrogant about it. Like you're the worst. Go away. So the two things that you know, one, is there like international competition for breaking? I haven't looked it up 'cause if there's not, I mean that's the only thing I would dictate this being a sport enough to be in Olympics to start with. And then two, how did they not have the first one be in LA? I mean, it was born in like New York but I feel like it came to everyone's minds a lot in like the LA area. Yeah, we saw that skateboard. We saw that skateboarding movie by the way. Yeah, breaking. It was like breaking New York died 30 years ago. Exactly, it was streets in New York and then it was, you know, the boardwalk of Venice and shit like that. It's like quasi the home like one of the homes of breaking. The fact that it was so bad that couldn't capitalize on that, that's how bad this broad was for this quote unquote, sports. And again, they are capitalizing on it. She is capitalizing on it because she was so terrible. Let's see how much Mack. Hey, yeah. What's up? You want a little Regan did? She was breaking bad. I'm not corny. (laughing) We need it. Oh, Regan's gonna start another Cold War. That was a Cold TV show too. (laughing) Did anybody get that? Breaking gun. Did anybody get that Cold War joke I made about Regan? Oh boy. We're doing great. Okay, I'm wrong with Regan. I'm not corny. This is Premo podcasting. But I know it's not going to get to it, you know, obviously not, but is there any way the IOC can like ban Australia for having like a fraudulent entrant? It's a fraudulent entrant into. Okay, so you're talking about like her husband or something, right? 'Cause I didn't know. Did they scan the system to get it? So I did read up on that. That didn't actually happen. So like there was like a petition afterwards that made it seem like her husband was one of the judges in Australia when she was qualifying. And the Australian like committee or whatever, the breaking committee in Australia. They like, they came out and were like, no, that's a conflict of interest. We did not have him as a judge. So there's apparently a flourishing breaking community in Australia who's. - Apparently not. - They're all pretty upset. I know. So that's the first thing I looked up was like, how the fuck did she qualify? Like she's awful. Like again, like you and I could probably do like close, like, and the woman she went up against was like doing incredible stuff. And so you're telling me like nobody in Australia can do close to that? Like better than that? - Yeah, but so apparently the husband wasn't actually on that. Yeah. - Hey guys. - What's up Matt? - Have you heard what a Ice Cube's new song is? - That's cool. - Hit him with the Ray gun. ♪ One nation under a groove ♪ - I'm Matt Curry. - You see, we could have heard that song with breaking in Los Angeles. - Oh, look at the phone call this. - Well, I love that you're like venturing out into some like a new music genre. That's great, Matt. I'm proud of you. - Hey. - Yeah. - And nothing can stop us now. I'm Matt Curry. - Southie Jean represent. - No, but so I want to sign, I think we just ban Australia. Fuck their swimmers. Fuck all their other athletes now because that's how bad this breaker was for the Olympics. It's like, have you ever seen the video of, it was like a woman in like a hundred meter qualifying race. She was from like Somalia and she got in because like her mom's an ambassador. Have you seen the video of that? She runs like a 3,100 meter. - Hell yeah. - Yeah, it's like, yeah. - I love that. - You love that. - I love that. - It's renewables, normals. - Yeah. - It's not even relatable because that is so slow. - Is your mom not an ambassador for an Asian? - Mm. - Yeah, that's another thing part of that too. It's like we can't even act like this is like, oh, they're one of us. Like a normal person out there running an Olympic race. No, they're like just some rich kid. (laughs) - Yeah. - Who's like, whose parent is in the government. (laughs) Oh God. - No, but like I genuinely and you know, I can't help but sort of laugh at myself just because of how ridiculous it is. Like I genuinely, every time I see her face, I get angry. Like I cannot stand to see Ray Gunn's face. Like, oh. - You know, she's a goddamn liberal. - Teaches at like-- - Yeah. - Yeah, clearly. - Isn't she like a professor at some like-- - She's a professor of breaking. She has a PhD and teaches breaking. - Like what? - Chase her passions, man. - I would be, by the way, like imagine you're one of her students. - Australia grad school probably costs like 19 cents. Like they don't live in America. We're a little skewed on that. So you can get a master's in whatever and a doctorate. Did you make one or no? What? - I'm teaching break and-- - You bring in, you bring in like the proof of purchase from like 12 fosters and you get a degree. - Yeah, no net isn't up your ass in Australia. I can guarantee you that. - Imagine being one of your allies and fucking you up. Is it spamming your emails 'cause you're in Australia. I can guarantee you that. Maybe that's a flaw about America. - Message. - We, I was gonna say like imagine being one of her students. We're like, you're in her breaking class and she gives you a bad grade. Like you're like motherfucker, I saw you on TV. Like you don't know anything about breaking. Like, oh yeah, you're gonna give me an F. All right T-Rex, all right. Yeah, okay. - Kingaroo sir. - Was it? - She was doing the room. - That's a room? - Yeah, it's the room. - I've never seen her. I've never seen Roo Arms up here. She doesn't even know what a kangaroo is. Is she a plant? Are you from like a cetaceous period? - Is she a plant? - Is she from New Zealand? Is that what's happening here? Like she's a New Zealand plant trying to make Australia look bad. That's what's happening here. - I got to the bottom of it. - I got to the bottom of it. - I like that. The only, the only positive thing is that she is Australian and we will never hear from her again in America really. I feel bad for all the Australian people for that. - Let's see what Australia's got cooking for some random thing in 2020. I was going to say she would be on Fallon, but Fallon already did the joke that he was going to do. Because Fallon is like the only one who would legitimately have her on a show. Because he's-- - Do you guys like Fallon? - No, paid him. - No, he's not funny. His show's not funny. I like the roots a lot, but he's not funny. Oh, I like that from Nutty and put her on dancing with the stars. There you go. - I would watch-- - I would watch Australia, though. They have their own shit. - Yeah. - Like I said, we just, I think we'll get lucky and avoid her. - That's pretty good. That's pretty good. Okay, you know, again, like, I just-- - Well, I've just been surprised I don't fire it up you or as a peer. - I don't like it. - I know. I know, I oftentimes forget that you're from the BX. I oftentimes forget that. - Where? - Where are Brooklyn at? - You're a mid-80s child in Brooklyn. I forget, you and Michael Rapinport. Ranging around. Jay-Z lived in the stupid bob. I do forget that sometimes. Cool mode D and Grandmaster Flash were, you know, those were your inspirations. I get it, man. That's why you yell at us about-- - Oh, it's not a convenient store. It's about day go. - It's about day go. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. - You guys have any places where you could go and invite sodas and stuff? - No, you, it's anywhere in the morning you can get a, you can get a bagel with, with TVs on it. No. Only in New York. - Only in New York. - Only in New York. - It's place on us. - It's place on us. They're in judge. (laughing) - They're in our theater. - So what on the thing? - Oh, Captain, my Captain. - It's a robbery. - But by the way, Derek Mason. - I'm joking about this in the spring when the Knicks were in the playoffs and Stefan Marbury was called like, "Oh, it's legend." - What the fuck is Stefan Marbury doing in the Olympics court side as like an attraction? You were on the most, you were a veteran on the most disappointing Olympic team for American men. Ever. You guys got bronze. Like, Steph. - Yeah. - Stefan, Stefan, whatever the fuck? Starbury, I don't wanna hear from you. I took it. I was irritated as fuck. Seeing him sitting next to Carmelo during that. 'Cause Carmelo, what did everything about his NBA career? Before this round where KD surpassed him, he was the most decorated American Olympian for basketball. - For basketball. - Men's basketball who wanna be cover all the bases. But Stefan Marbury's sitting there and then Stefan Marbury is creating content afterwards because he hates LeBron and LeBron is like, "Well, then I don't give a shit about you." So now he's on this crusade about how LeBron is like the 19th best player of all time and we give that run. Why? He's Stefan Marbury. I know he ain't out the internet when he was in Minnesota. I get it. I'm that old. I remember. I do. But he was a failure in Minnesota. He was a failure as a Nick. I don't know where he went after that because he's... I know he went to China. - China. - Up on the guitar. - China. - But he's Stefan Marbury. Who the fuck cares about his opinion? Stop giving him a microphone. Don't let him on the Olympic sideline. He's Stefan Marbury. Where Sebastian tells me his opinion. Like, what the fuck are we doing? We're playing in Jennings with an opinion on Olympians and all-time Americans. What are we doing? We're zandony betting it with an opinion. Give him a microphone. Stefan Marbury, go away. You were never that good. Kevin Gardan was better than you. Stan, we said, I took your job in Minnesota. You're not that good. You're a bug and you're terrible and you're a brilliant legend because it's not a mistake. - You know, I feel better because you hate Stefan Marbury and I hate Ray Gunn. - Way more than I hate Ray Gunn. - What the hell, man? - Yeah. - What if we give a shit about something? - Well, Noah Eagle, I talk about nepotism. You know, Noah Eagle's really good at his job. - Yes. - Yeah. - What if it was your as a legend, New York Knicks all Stefan Marbury? - They didn't make the playoffs, Noah. He's not a legend. He's not a legend. - Booble says, Jeremy Lin as a Nick better than Stefan Marbury, isn't it? - Alfred Payton, better Nick than Stefan Marbury. - Alan Houston, where's Alan Houston? - Houston, of course. - Starbury's last season in NBA was with the Celtics in '09 and then it was China for eight years. - Yeah. - We can't let you, don't good. Great. - Eight years in China. - That's how good you are in NBA when you can feel out eight years in China. - Shame on you, Noah Eagle. - Shame on you, Duane Wade. Shame on you, NBC. Shame on you, Peacock. - By the way, we like, that gold medal game felt like two weeks ago, but we like, it was on Saturday. And I almost, I almost like forgot to talk about it on the podcast today because of that. - Well, because it was like Reagan, Reagan kind of outshined it with how bad that was. - Yeah. - It's like, the first thing we should have led in was with Steph just putting the dagger in the French. - One of the most insane, like, in a career of insane shooting performances, like that was fucking insane. Like what Steph did in the fourth quarter in that gold medal game was nuts. Like, and again, like, we've seen it from him before. He's the best shooter who's ever played basketball. But like, you know, the heat, he did like two heat checks and made both of them. And the last one was over wemby and like fading away against two guys from like four feet behind the three-point line. That's like, anybody else? Like, you're cut if you take a shot, like-- - I said this in the Discord too. It wasn't just him, you know, by himself, you know, with the Warriors pulling up in the clutch. He shot in double teams with Kevin Durant standing wide open on the three-point line. Durant in the front. - They knew the assignment. It was one pass, two pass, bang. - Clear out. - Let him go. And once he hit the second one, he can do whatever he want with the third one. Once he hit the third one, fucking goddamn. Just close your eyes. He's hitting that fourth. You just know he's hitting the fourth. Steph Curry is not like the best NBA player ever, of course. But Steph Curry is an avalanche of fuckery. We've never fucking seen. - Yep. - It is amazing to see him get on a heater because in that game, like he played well the entire game. I think he hit like seven or eight. - Three played while the whole Olympics, man. Like he was solid. - But what I'm saying is he hit four or three is the last two minutes and 23 seconds. And the degree of difficulty seemed to get stronger on all of them. And every time he shot it, no one cared. Nope, nope. And once he got rid of him, cash. You just knew there were cash. You just knew there were cash. Like he isn't insane. He is a problem. He is a puzzle piece that there is no connective thing to with every other player ever. 'Cause he's not the best player ever. But he's such a singular nuclear force. It's fucking insane. - He wasn't close to him really. Is it just dame for the most part? 'Cause when dame gets on his heaters, he's pulling up from mid court. - Yes, but dame has to be on a heater. 'Cause if dame is not on a heater, we've seen many of games where it's kind of a clunky four for 11 from three. The stat line looks great. I'm not just saying that 'cause he's no longer here. But we've seen, we've seen that where. But Steph is just, it's... - Yeah, like... - And there's... - Booble says it in the chat. Watching Steph has to be like the first time someone saw magic. Like, what the fuck is this? Like he says. And like it's, I feel the same. Like the first time people saw Shaq. Like just remember, like you've never seen a big man that athletic before who could run like that, who is just unstoppable. Like Steph's quick shooting and accuracy is something we'll probably never see again. Like his ability and confidence too. 'Cause he just, he shoots and turns around. Like he knows it's going, it's the quickest release ever. And he knows it's going in. It's like, and you know, it comes from work. Like we see all the clips of him doing all this like crazy shit all the time. - He just does that all day long. And so... - Like the, yeah. - The insane thing about Steph is like you were saying was the quick shooting. 'Cause like, dang. - It's amazing. - You can microwave it just as, you know, at his top of his game, the same. But he, he's not a catch and shoot guy like Steph is. Where Steph can catch the ball. And I think it was the last three against Wembley where he literally just caught it. And it was just up. And that was, and I think the second one was his actually most difficult. 'Cause he caught it, tried to go up and kind of had to hesitate for like a split second. And then toss it up. - Off balance. - And it was off balance. - And it was catching. - His ability to shoot is crazy. - His ability to shoot off balance is crazy because like the one you're talking about, like he was in position to shoot, like the defender jumped over him. And so his, like the way his feet ended up, they were like right next to each other, like sort of leaning back. And he just shoots it. And it goes in like, that's supposed to fuck you up. Like being put off your rhythm like that is supposed to fuck you up. And you cannot fuck up Steph. Like he's amazing. - And I feel like this could be just time bias. I guess maybe someone could say, oh Larry Bird, I feel like before Steph Ray Allen was considered the best catch and shoot three-pointer. - For sure. - Watch Ray Allen highlights and this is no disrespect. Ray Allen may have like one of like the top three NBA moments of all time hitting that three in game six in 2013 against Spurs. No disrespect. But when his catch and shoot is catch, set the feet, bend the knees, ball, elbow, perfect zipper. Steph's is just catch and his gather is so just and it's ungodly. - He's a chucker. You know, like he's a chucker. He's like, ah, and it goes in. - And I'm with you with that. 'Cause I mean, technically we all can assume in our mind that, you know, he's the best three-point shooter, right? I mean, he's only 12th all time and three-point percentage. But I'm looking over the list. Everyone else is like you're saying there, someone else has to get them the ball wide open to shoot the three. Steph does it himself a lot of the time too. That's the difference between like you brought up Ray Allen. Ray Allen had about a dribble or two max before he passed it off an inch. - Right. - So that would dribble around, take a double screen and stuff. That's the difference between him and all the close, better shooters. - The thing with percentage is I'm just making up a name. Dale Davis, maybe number nine all time. That's just a made up name. What were you? - Yeah, Dale Davis, not top 20. - Oh. - You could a Wesley person. How about that? - Wesley person. - But it's-- - Mitch Richmond. - You take out like probably like 500 Steph shots that are just him 45 feet away, just kind of fucking around. He checked. - I mean, it's just, it's-- - Yeah. - He's different. He's just different. - Take a guess. Number one all time, 3.2 percentage. - I was gonna say Ray Allen, but it's probably like Jamal Crawford. Ray Allen, not top 20. Crawford, no. - So it's gotta be something like the eighties. - Look at the complexion of our skin here is what you need to be focusing on. - JJ Redick. - Nope. Red's on there though. - Is it worth it? - Steve Kerr. - Steve Kerr! - And then-- - Steve Kerr. - Hubert Davis is two. Luke Knard is three. Draws in Petrovich, Joe Harris, Jason Capoto, Tim Legler. That's the toss seven. And then Seth, his brother's better than him. Seth Curry is eight. - By the way, congratulations on retirement today, Joe Harris. You were forever a bubble god. Matt and honor is on the list. - I think on Saturday, watching that game, I was just, you know, like once it started, it went like wound down. Steph made the shot, did the go to sleep. You're sort of like struck with a man. We're never gonna see anything like this again. Like Steph, LeBron, KD. Like that's never gonna happen again. You know, like never say never, but just like looking at American basketball right now and what it looks like. Like these are the three, like three of the best scorers in the history of basketball. And they're on the same team. And everyone, like each of them, bald out in Paris. Like, and like the effort was there. And they wanted it bad. Like you could tell Steph wanted it 'cause like he, it was his first Olympics. Like, like he really wanted it. And you could tell LeBron really wanted it. Like LeBron was like physical shit talking, authoritative LeBron, which you don't see very much in the NBA. - Play-offs is only when you see it right. - That's it, right? Like this big loud leader on the team. And then Durant just like, you know, I don't know. It's, I don't know what it is about Durant. Like when you watch him play in the NBA, he's like, he's not effective as he was with this team. I don't know. - Durant is still a very effective basketball player. - Clearly. - Yeah. - But to go against your point that will never, I guarantee they probably said this about the 92 dream team. You had Malone and Jordan and you had, you know, at the time, the all-time great scoring team. I just think it's going to be another 20 years, probably until... - Fair. - There's another group of three or four guys together. - Fair. - I think it's going to be that little lull here of... I mean, we brought it up last week too. Once these guys officially age out, we're going to have some four to eight years in there of, oh shit, what do we do with these young guys? - Yo, they better be good in LA. Like they better be good in Los Angeles. Like if they come out, if they come out and lay an egg in LA, like staple center, like a bronze in the staple center, like forget about it, forget about it. I know it's not stable center anymore, but... - I shouldn't do it. But I think as in the side of the new games or at the Intuit Dome where the clone is playing, I think. - Yeah, yeah, I believe they are too. But I mean, if you're at the post game of like, like Wendy's coming for throats now. - I know. - I think this was something that I might have gotten to then be fired up, coming after everything now. - Isn't now ski, tell me more. But say it slower this time. - Say it slower, bit. - Traverse three nights. (laughing) - But that goes into the future of these young kids and American young kids, they better watch out because... - Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, how many of those French guys do you even know on that team? - Like a few of them. - That's about it. - Yeah. - The other ones played pretty good. That one guy was physical with LeBron and you know, the elite NBA guys. - You know, a boo-sek-e or something? - Yeah. - I feel like I couldn't pick him out of a lineup. It was just like, I don't know who this guy is. - Well, it looks like Ben Wallace, his legs are just six inches tall. But somehow he's six foot nine. - Yeah. - Weird body composition on that guy. - Oh, Ben. - I don't know what it would be, which is bizarre to say. - It was Ben Wallace, right? Isn't that what they said? - Yeah. - Yeah. I just feel like his legs were like the size of this pencil. And the rest of his body was six foot eight. - Weird. - It's weird. - Turning the page. - Yes. - Before we get to our list, I kind of gave you guys a list. Did you guys see that in the text? - Yeah. - Of the college things? - Yeah, pulling that up right now. - I got my answers written down. - So I will lay this out. I kind of did it in the discord a couple of days ago, just as a moth chute. But I'm gonna give you guys a list. And it is a top 10 team that will flop. A team outside the top 20 that will make the college football playoff. The conference winners slash top four teams. It's the group of five team. It's a group of four, group of five, whatever it is now that gets in. Final four teams and the champion. And I will give you guys some time to filibuster 'cause I already put it out there. It's not that much of a surprise. But my top 10 flop, Michigan Wolverians. - Okay. - My team with you outside the top 20 to make the CFP, I said Iowa. And now I've seen the Kane McNamara highlights of practice. And I think he's eight for like 72. This brings, I'm not feeling as good. I'm not feeling as good about it. - Well, see, here's the thing, man. When you go up against one of the all-time greatest defenses. - You're gonna struggle. - Absolutely. - You're not going against Iowa defense every week. - Underfire, underfire, underference. - Well, wait, let's cover it. - Well, wait, let's go one thing at a time. Let's all do one at a time. Does that work? - Okay. - Can we do that? - Yeah. - Okay. - All right, so what's your top 10 flop teams? - My top 10 flop is Michigan. They will make the CFP. - Yeah, and I am with King as well on Michigan being the top 10 team that's on me. - I'm gonna go with Ole Miss because they're Ole Miss. - Hot and chatty, gosh, almighty. - I love me some Kiffin. Don't get me wrong, Coke, coconut up, get you some Kiffin, but it's fucking Ole Miss. Like, I guess that makes sense. 'Cause like, do you guys think four SEC teams that make the playoffs? - Maybe. (both laughing) - It would take four for Ole Miss to get in there. I had a B.M.A. Texas and Joe. - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. - Oh, yeah, that was like, yeah. - And the same thing with Michigan. - It's not too ready back, so, yeah. (both laughing) - Team outside the top, or, um, conference went, which, sorry. - Well, what? - So, yeah, it was outside the top 20 to make the CFP. - Yeah, same to CFP. - Okay, yeah. - I'll go, mmm, Arizona. - Ooh, yeah, my cat. - My cat. - I think your cats too. - Do you really? - I just think, yeah. - That's awesome, yeah. - I just think to have such an easy, easy way to win the big 12. - Easy road, and like a really talented quarterback, like really talented wide receiver who came back just in flow on defense, boys. - Oh, my God. (both laughing) - By the way, I was playing-- - You're kind of older. - I was a playin' a guy online in CFB 25, and I threw a pick six to Justin Flow the other day. (both laughing) - Does he have a big old neck brace in the game? - He does, yeah. - He does. - It, uh, it was disappointing. I still won, but, you know. Play as fuck up. All right, what's the next one? Conference winners/will be the top four teams. I have Georgia, Ohio State. Oh, I mess, uh, someone go ahead. I can't-- - All right, I'm with you. I got Georgia, I got the Ducks. I got Arizona, went in the big 12, and I, I punted on ACC. I just took Florida State. I got no idea about that shitty conference. Oh, I read that wrong. I had, okay, sorry. I skipped the line. I had Georgia, Ohio State, Utah, Florida State. - All right, yeah. - Yeah, Georgia, Oregon, Florida State, I guess. - Like-- - It's to be Miami, or Clemson, like-- - Miami, Clemson. - Like, uh, Stanford, DC, Stanford. How about Stanford? - SMU. - Yeah. (both laughing) - Yeah, I got-- - The group of five team that gets in, I have Boise State. - Okay. - Uh, SEC, I-- (sighs) - How about Texas? - Nice. - How about Texas? You know? Make a splash? I mean, it's not gonna happen. - But-- - Yeah, Texas for your group of five? - Well, no, no, 'cause I didn't pick an SEC team. - Oh, you didn't have an SEC team for my four. You're not worried about them having no running backs? - Yeah, and also, like, Sark. And, you know, like-- (both laughing) Yeah, yeah, I'm worried about that, uh-huh. - Yeah. (both laughing) I think, I-- Power five? I don't know. - I already meant this to Wayne. Oregon State, Washington State, Boise State, Fresno State. I am taking Memphis. Returning quarterback, that was-- Had a pretty good year, too. Returning wide receivers that are good, and the only game that they have any chance of really being underdogs in is they play Florida State, and they might be-- - I did. I think they go to Tulane. I think they go to-- - It's a green wave. - I think they go to the old green wave, yep, I think so. - I think Liberty runs the table in Conference USA. Like, I think, yeah. - I guess-- - I think they do it again. - I guess we'll find out this year it'll be a good litmus test 'cause-- - Yeah. - Boise State, they play the Ducks. If they lose, are they just automatically out? - Yes. - 'Cause you know they're probably gonna be in, you know there's gonna be an undefeated team, right? There always is, in the smaller conferences. I wonder, I'm gonna be intrigued to see what they do if they actually, like, look at the merits of the teams, or just see the undefeated team, and say they have to be in. - I would just say, if Boise's only lost is to Oregon, and Liberty goes undefeated, the committee's in a shitty situation. Let's just say Oregon's the five seed. Like, oh, would you wanna rematch? Again, at odds, so with Boise, or do you want kind of a bull rematch with fucking labor? There's no good answers there. It's-- - Yeah. - Booble says he's taken FIU, the Fighting Pit Bulls. - Yeah, full-standing, baby. - Mm-hmm. - Dolly. (both laughing) So, final four teams, Zevera. - Yep. - Yeah. - I got it. Georgia. - We kind of are. - I got Ohio State. - Kind of already did that. - In Oregon. - Yeah. - Well, I skipped. - Okay. - Ohio State, beating Oregon in Indianapolis, and Texas, and, yeah, I don't even know. (both laughing) I wrote independent wasn't working, the ink is bad. - Yeah. - So, I can't tell. - So, final four. Georgia, Oregon. I think this is Oregon's year, man. Like, I hate saying it 'cause I know it's not gonna happen 'cause it never fucking happens. But like, they're so good. Like, Oregon's roster is so good. So, Oregon, Georgia. (sighing) Yeah, who's gonna like, who's gonna sneak their way in? Alabama. - Absolutely. - Like, Oregon, Georgia, Alabama. Utah? - We even have Ohio State in their day. - Oh, yeah. - Well, I think so, so are we talking about like, yeah, we're talking about like, after the playoff start, and teams play each other. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Utah. - Yeah, yeah. - So, I got Georgia, Oregon. I got Ohio State and I got Arizona. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's weird me picking Arizona the other time and then Utah for this one, but you know, whatever. - Well, you know, it's gotta make the playoffs. - It's gonna make the playoffs. - It's tournament. - Yeah. But it could be weird to see potentially the ducks and the Buckeyes play each other three times. - Three times, yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause, you know, it's gotta be one of those, if the teams do what they do, they're gonna be probably the two seed and then the other one's gonna be the five or the six seed. And I think they'll work it away to where they won't play each other the next round. - That would assume that's how they would want to win. - I think that's how they would do it. Try to avoid conference match-ups maybe or something. I don't know, but yeah, I can see them playing each other three times. And then Georgia, then I guess my I'll finish it off at. Georgia beat Arizona. I have the ducks beating Ohio State. And unfortunately, I got Georgia winning at all. - Yeah, I got Georgia beating Oregon in the title. - I think Oregon's gonna win it. - Yeah, I like that. Bark it down, bark it down. ♪ Or no, we're all a matter ♪ ♪ We'll go hand it on ♪ ♪ We're a podcast champion ♪ ♪ It's a glory, glory man ♪ - That's a parody University of Oregon athletics. So we're not allowed to sue us. Like no, no season to sis. It's a weird alparity, fair use, we're allowed. Yeah. ♪ Gabriel better than Marcus ♪ ♪ 'Cause he won an Addison ♪ ♪ Change the name on the building ♪ ♪ 'Cause he's dealing Gabriel ♪ - No, no, no, no. - He's the real number eight. ♪ 'Cause you are a bumper ♪ ♪ Killing truth ♪ - Yeah. Again, Masoli's my number eight, but whatever. - Yeah, I feel like we are-- - Mark it down by the way, August 15th, 8.53 p.m. I said Oregon's gonna win the national title. Mark it down. - I feel like we're a very bad podcast for being like an Oregon duck podcast. Yeah, for the most part, we don't, we rarely pick the ducks to win at all or anything like that. - Yeah, I mean, you could have stopped at bad podcast. Like, how many years have we done? - I guarantee there are some Husky podcasts out there where they're legitimately picking the Huskies to win at all. - Well, they got a path, man. - Yeah, there's a path. - They can get by Michigan, Penn State, or, I mean, I'm just saying-- - They're against having it down here. They're about to get those-- - Change the line of fish, baby. I'm sure, I'm sure Jed Fish has talked about like, you know, these are second coming of saving or something. Like, I'm sure he's-- - So, so real quick, before we get to the list, like, can we have a quick, like, can we continue the conversation from Discord we were having the other day where it was, who's gonna be worse, like Colorado or Washington? 'Cause most of the Discord was saying Colorado is gonna be worse, and that's not true. Like, it's impossible, 'cause Washington is-- - What was how, wins? - Yeah, wins and losses. - Like, they'll have the same amount of wins. They're both gonna have four wins. - Like, oh, four. I think they'll get the four each year. - Dude, Colorado is in a worse conference. They have a good quarterback, a really good wide receiver, and that's, and Washington has neither of those things, and they're in a good conference. Like, Washington lost all of their starters, like, all of them. Like, and they have a new coach trying to install a new system. Like, they are going to be, like, insanely bad. - They got a veteran quarterback in-- - Will Rogers. - And, yeah, veteran quarterback. - Get out of here. Like, that's what Fender was saying, too. Like, he's like, yeah, I do have a better quarterback. No, they don't! No, they don't, I know we don't, like, we should do our Sanders. I know why, like, I get it. He's better than Rogers! Like, what are we saying? Can I just give you, just give you Washington's early season schedule. - Yes. - At home against Eastern Michigan. - Loss. - At Lumen Field, against Wazoo. - Loss. - Holy shit. - It's Northwestern. - Okay, all right. You got Northwestern. Against at Rutgers, right? - Not at Rutgers. - There's one, two, three, four. There's five games right there that, oh, and we burst it. I think I forgot to mention it. - You're traveling to the Chianos? Like, that's an L. That is an L. - Okay, that's right. And then they're scheduled good stuff. Home against Michigan, at Iowa, Indiana. Home against USC. - Loss. - At Penn State. - Loss. - Against UCLA, at Oregon. - Loss loss. - I think you don't win six games. I think at the end of the day, we're talking about six and six versus seven and five. - I would be surprised. - If Washington beats Wazoo, 'cause like I've mentioned before, Yogi Roth in spring training or spring practice and Wazoo's roster is better than Washington. So we'll see. If they beat Wazoo, I think they go six and six. And that's what we're saying Colorado will do as well. - Yeah, it goes seven and five. - Here's the flip side, Colorado. - I don't believe they're losing North Dakota State. - Yeah. - Home against North Dakota State, at Nebraska. - They'll lose to Nebraska. - At Colorado State. - They'll win. - Oh, that game last year was so good. - I was. - Oh man. - At home against Baylor. - Baylor Stinks. - At UCF. - Dallens. - Dallens. - Dallens. - The UCF. - All right. - Three. - At home against Kansas State. - Loss. - Loss. - Avery Johnson, the quarterback for K-State. - Avery Johnson. - Avery Johnson. - Avery Johnson. - Avery Johnson. - And then Booker's got at Arizona. - That's a loss. - That's a loss. - That's a home against Matty. - Don't win, that's win. - At Texas Tech, is Chuck still there somehow? - No, he's at Louisville actually. - Yeah, Louisville? - Yep. - I could see that being like a season defining win for like Deon and you know they end up getting bowl eligible because of it. - So how many wins do you have Matty right now? - Five. - And that's with Texas A&M, yeah. - Yeah, here's a tough thing at home against Utah. - Toss. - Loss. - At Kansas. Kansas, no. - Oh, I like that one. Yeah. - And then the year at home against okay state. - Oh my God. - Yeah. - I think it's six wins for Washington five for CU. - Okay. - Okay. - And hey. - And you know what, like we have our opinions, we people bring evidence and we can admit we're wrong sometimes. So they're probably gonna be the same. All right, cool. - Oh, we can't. - Yeah, we can't, we're not the same. Nobody knows more about winning than me. - You're also missing the biggest picture here, Braga. I mean, you dub just generates NFL talent at wide receiver and DB. There's like, there's like five NFL players on that roster right now at wide receiver and DB. - No, actually they transferred. One of them is playing at Oregon actually. NFL corners. - They don't bring in NFL guys. They create and they develop them. That's what you're missing. That's why they're gonna win more. That's why they're better in Colorado. - Clearly. Yeah, clearly. And the WCP does bring up Colorado is one of the worst coaches in the country. And I think fish is a good coach. Like, I just, he just doesn't have any players right now. So we'll see. We'll see. Thanks for indulging me in that. Let's, do we have anything else before we do our list? Like anything we want to touch on? Like the Zurs leaving root. - I'll just say, hey, good. I'm glad the Zurs are on antenna TV going forward. - Is that what's gonna happen? That's what they're saying. Okay. - They're gonna be on like UPN. - CW, UPN, something like that. - Well, that's what they used to be on, right? - Yeah. - They were. They definitely played games on UPN. - Channel four, right? - Channel four. - Yeah. - Right after that, well, we should, baby. - Uh-huh. - Yeah, leading to a large moment show. - Bro, like by the way, CW, like getting Oregon State and Washington State getting the blazers back. Like CW's on the come up. Time to invest. Invest in the CW. - Are they? - Are they? - Are they? - Are they? - Are they? - Are they? (both laughing) - All right, our list comes from Fender in the Discord, Sports Brewery in Discord. If you'd like an invitation to that, ask us for one, we'll send you one. Our Discord is a good time. It is best athlete, actors, and wrestlers. Actors, and wrestlers are included. That was a big caveat. Like when we're choosing the list that we had this week, we sort of all texted each other and I was like, hey, wrestlers, like that counts, right? 'Cause yes, that's a big one. 'Cause there's a lot of wrestlers who became actors, like big ones, so. - You'd be surprised. I wrote down six names. Now we have one wrestler. - Good for you. - Pretty shocked. - Good for you. - I know, I'm a little shocked. - All right. - You want to start us off? - No, 'cause I got a top three up six, it's tough. - Okay, so first, my number three is a wrestler, Dave Batista. - Batista's good. - Like Batista's good. - That's onion. - Yup. - Arties in the galaxy. - Yup. - Knock at the cabin. Little demon. - Do you guys like Batista now that he's slimmed down a little bit? - Has he? - I compared to what, yeah, like when he first started making movies, he was that crazy jack guy, like drag. - Yeah, well, he was like fresh off of wrestling where he's doing Royds all day and stuff, so, you know. - Yeah, he's slimmed a little bit, he wears glasses, that was a beer, he tries to do a little more. - A lot of time running on the dude. - Hey, he's a normal guy, yeah. Yeah, he wasn't doing, wasn't he? - That's right. - Yeah, man, he's a big deal. Shit, I don't know, like rethink my list a little bit. - Those direct TV commercials? - Yeah. - He was such a good actor in those, on the lake. (laughing) Streaming. - My number three is Carl Weathers. - Yay. - Professional football with the Raiders for a year, and then played for the BC Lions for a few years, and then went on to be Carl Weathers. - Legend. RIP, big ops Carl Weathers. - I have Carl Weathers. - He can get the CW. - The car, is that, is that his network? Is that his network? - Yeah. - Yeah, sure, yeah. - All right, last I saw him, he was on Mandalorian, baby. Big time. - I am gonna go, my number three with Randall Texcob. (horn honking) He was a fighter before he came in. I had like 16 fights. - I thought that was the X-Green Bay receiver. (laughing) - Well that's why I threw the Tex in there. - I was surprised by the Texc, I was like-- - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, Randall Cobb? (laughing) - Aaron-- - I mean, dig around. - The guy who Aaron Rodgers extended his career like four years just for the hell of it, even though he wasn't good at receiver. All right, cool. Three's from the chat, Booble says Carl Weathers as well. And WCP says Arnold Schwarzenegger. (horn honking) I think his-- - Weightlifting, that's tough. - I'm calling that a sport. - Right, 'cause it wasn't weightlifting, it was just like Mr. Olympus, right? - Yeah. I mean, that's what it was. - That's just showing up and being Jack. That's not actually doing anything. - Like being able to put on oil and flex. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I'll give it to him. - I'll give it to him. - If we're doing wrestlers, no, you know what? 'Cause like wrestling, you have to be really athletic. You just gotta be strong. - Yeah, sport. - You know what, they give out trophies, it's a sport. There. - All right. - Done. - All right. - I'm conditioned-- - By the way, there's a lot of questionable things that just became sports under my logic. Yeah. (laughing) All right, King, what's your two? - Well, it was Arnold, but apparently that's-- - No, you can have it. We just decided. - Okay, all right. Well, then Arnold sports an air. (horn honking) He turned into liquid metal. Terry Belia, he was, you know, he watched your hits. (horn honking) - You're like, you're skipping ahead to skis number one. (laughing) - No, no, I did not. My number one's guy. I'll get to my-- - We'll get it, yeah, okay. - My number two, Vinny Jones. From the, (horn honking) Vinny Jones, I don't know, like, it's been circulating on Instagram lately that all the clips of him playing professional soccer back in the day, but Vinny Jones, who was like in, he was like, lock stock and two smoking barrels. He was in snatch. He's in the-- - Yeah. - He's in the new gentleman show that's on prime, I think it is. Or is it Hulu? Not Hulu, yeah, he's a guy rich, he did. And he's great, so. Kenny Jones. - Yeah. Yeah, I recently just saw one of those videos where he was like the emergency goalie. - He was. - And made like ridiculous saves. - Yeah, like really, like really good. - You know, as an emergency goalie. - I had Vinny Jones, I'm moving on. My number two, how are you long? (horn honking) - Broken arrow. - Broken arrow, fire score. - Fire, fire, yeah. - He's actually, he's surprisingly still making a decent amount of stuff, too, you know. - Not bad. Wait, he's still in movies? - He's still doing stuff, yeah. - Really? - Yeah. - Like what? (laughing) - I was just looking it up, I was surprised to see how much he was still doing. - I'm like, I feel like I would remember seeing him in something, if he was in something. (laughing) - Yeah, yeah, you look that up. Two's from the chat. Booble says, "Came Neely." (horn honking) (horn honking) - Yep. - Here. - WCP says, "Shack." (horn honking) - I guess not as much I thought. He was just in the underdogs, in the movie MVP in the last two years. - Okay. - Not as much I thought. - I don't know. - Fuck his MVP. - I don't know, but he was in it. - Yeah. - I think Ski might've been overselling his pick a little bit. - I know, a little bit. I was actually thinking of one of my own dimensions. - "Shack" also, by the way, produced one of the best video games ever. "Shack, Foo." - "Sega Genesis, Legendary Games." - All right, King, what's your number one? - My number one, "Burt Reynolds." (horn honking) - Yeah. - "Strike Force," "Fangame," "Smoky" and "The Bandit," "Wally Sparks," "Mystery, Alaska." "Comp and a Little Man," or whatever the fuck that was called. "Comp and a Half." Was it "Comp and a Half"? - "One and a Half." - "Comp and a Little Man." - "Cobas or Broken Bridges." - I mean, come on. (horn honking) - "Burt Reynolds," "Friendly Corcel." - "Boogie Nights." - "Boogie Nights." - All right, I was-- - "Citizen Bruce." - I was gonna do "Sina" as my one, but because we're allowing-- - "Arymo Run." - Because we're allowing bodybuilders, I'm going Sean Connery. 'Cause if you don't know-- - "No, no, no, you're playing ball shy-ish." - "For a woman need to slap--" - "Just make a lot of rules if you go away." - "Woman need to slap--" - "Bam it all, give it to her." - There's a fine line between Connery and Bane. - "It's pretty close, Rowi." - "We named the dog Indiana." - "He was--" - "The dog was born in the darkness." (speaking in foreign language) - He was apparently, by the way, he was apparently third in "Mr. Universe" in 1953, Sean Connery was. Like, look it up, there's pictures of him being a bodybuilder, it's wild. You never expect-- - Is that back in the day where guys weren't even jacked or anything, they were just like-- - Yeah, all the workouts they did were big medicine balls and those straps that go around your waist and shake you. - Shake it, yeah. - Yeah, that's all they do, yeah. - Oh yeah. - All right, my number one, this was a tough, number one to pick. And I decided to go with Rowdy Rowdy Piper. - Wow, wow. - They were always sunny. You wanna know what my toss-up was? I left him off the list 'cause I didn't want to add him with him. Brian Bosworth. - Oh, look him up. - No, no, no, we're not doing it. - Brian Bosworth, no. - His first one. - How do I know that? - His first movie, Stone Cold, is actually a very good movie. - Producers, cut his mic, cut his mic. - Oh good. - I just threw my glasses because I don't wanna see anymore because I just heard that. That was awful. - The boss. - Even for an honorable mention, that's awful. - And Brian, you call this archeology. - Bosworth has 30 acting credits to him. - Do you even have lightning shaved into your hair? You're not tough. - I get in there. - You're doing this. - I get in there. - I'm gonna pick Stone Cold now. - Do you even have a cross on your earring? - Oh my God. All right, once from the chat, real quick. Boo-Boo-Boo does Terry Crews? - WCP does Half Thor Bjornson, AKA the major. - From Game of Thrones. - Is he an athlete or is he just huge? - I think he was the world's strongest man, events. - Was he? - Okay, yeah. - So he's like pulling trucks with his wrists. - Yeah, yeah, okay. - Lifting those giant boulders and putting one on the pedestals. - Yeah, carrying the boulder like, yep. - Question for you too. Did you guys think at all about putting OJ in your top three? - I did. When the list, when we first decided this was gonna be the list, I was like, "Oh, OJ, right?" And then I looked at more athletes and was like, "Okay, I cannot put OJ on the list. "Let's go ahead and not do it." - Yeah, you entertained OJ at least, right? - I did. - Just. - Yeah, I did, yeah. Like for a second, yeah. So I got some honorable mentions too. Andre the Giant. - Is it one movie? - Yeah, but it was like a really good movie. - Yeah. - Yeah, I'll give you that. - George Miracine, no, just kidding. (laughing) - Billy Crystal. - Yeah. (laughing) - What was the name, my Giant? - My Giant. - My Giant. - No, Billy Crystal owned him. He was his Giant. - No. - Yeah. Actually, that's it. That's all I had. And again, like, I got seen as an honorable mention for me. Like, seen are probably-- - Kind of learning. - Yeah, what? - Sean Connery's lines, they're not one liners, but they're very long. It makes the doing it in a bane voice very like hard. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - Like, it's like a fuck out, they're all fucking paragraphs. - Shakespeare. Yeah. - Yeah, it's terrible. - I got a couple more left off, got Stone Cold. Got Team's favorite movie, Marge Taxi, got Jim Brown. - Yeah. - Yeah, I don't know. Barbara Smith was in the Police Academy movies. - I'm not touching Jim Brown. If we're not doing the New Jersey, like-- - No, I'm not there. - Well, a little bit of us pick-- - Rock, right? - So let's just avoid former NFL runners. - I scream, yeah. - All right, so no running backs, all right. - Yeah, we didn't say the rock. - No one said the rocks, which I'm fine with personally. Yeah, I think that's it, right? Hogan, we mentioned Rodman, double team. - Yeah. - Oh, that's it, I think. - WCP says Bobon, 'cause he was in-- (buzzer buzzes) He's in John, like four, three. - Three and four, I think. At least been two of 'em. - Oh no, he was in one, and then he didn't make it to the next one. - Oh, I thought he made it, I thought he was in two. - It wasn't the first one. I think it was, I think it was the third one, where he fought him in the library, and yeah. It didn't end well for Bobon, let's just say that. - Kevin Durant was in a movie. - If the Edward's in now too, we saw that movie. (buzzer buzzes) - That's true, and actually, he was like really good in it. Like the sand, the hustle, right? - Yeah, hustle, yeah. - Yeah, he was actually really good in that. - It was just him talking shit on the basketball court, but yeah. - Yeah, he was a good villain in that, credit where it's due, I guess. Okay, anything else? - Don't corner, he dead. - Yeah. - Boy, gosh, he lives in the darkness now. - Can you do that with his Scottish accent? A little more Scottish. - A little more Scottish, yeah. - No. (laughing) - Eddie Hall, WCP says Eddie Hall is honorable mention. Who's that? I don't know who Eddie Hall is. He also says Kevin Nash, by the way. - Ah, Kevin Nash, there you go. - Kevin Nash, Kevin Nash, also-- - He's going to corner the John Wick movies. And-- - And Grandma's boy. - And Grandma's boy, yep. Was he in bench warmers, too? - And wasn't he Shredder, also, in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Was he? - I think he was Shredder. - Like wearing the costume? - Yeah, that's a man. - That's gonna happen. - That's cool. - Yeah, just get sleeping on him. - I know. - Kevin Nash. - I know, no joke. Eddie Hall is another strongest man guy, apparently. - Yeah. - Yeah, okay. - That was Jason Lee number nine on a list of famous athlete actors. - He skateboarded when, before he was an actor. - That's not, that's-- - And he wasn't like a professional skateboarder either. He just was good at it. I don't buy that either. Honorable mention LeBron, yeah. - Uh-huh, I guess. - I guess. - He was good in that movie. - What, in space room? - No, the one with one. Maybe Shredder one, no. - He was, yep. I'm playing like a version of himself. He was funny, yeah. - Okay, anything else? We good? - Oh, Gina, how do we miss Gina Carano? - Oh. - Yeah, she's right up this podcast style. - Julie, yeah. - Do we have to put her in with the NFL running backs or is she not that problematic, but-- - Yeah, problematic. - Not quite that problematic, but she's close. - Oh, WCP says Nash was also in the magic mic movies. So, Kevin Nash. - There we go. - We'll take your word for it. - Hey, I might move Kevin Nash to the top three now that we're listing things off here. - I know, now that we're like listing the credits. Geez. All right, cool. We're good. Thank you for watching. Thank you for listening. Movie on Sunday is Twister. It is on-- - Sean Connery, time 2020? - Yeah, he just wasn't-- - How did he miss that in 2020? - It's been done for several years. He wasn't in anything for 15 years. Where he just-- - I didn't miss it. - Show all you have to do with this. You just go, shh, shh, just add that. - He's been dead for several years. - And then it's Connery and Bane. It's like, yeah, dude. Oh boy. All right. Movie on Sunday is Twister. It's on Max. Watch it. Listen to us talk about it. A good, a bye. - Jesse Ventura also. [BLANK_AUDIO]
Braga, King, and Ski talk:
:15: Neighbors with eight cars, the new Madden movie, failed political word play.
17:28: The ridiculous arrogance of Raygun, the weird love for Starbury, the legend of Steph Curry, not taking for granted Lebron/KD/Steph.
46:45: Preseason CFB predictions, top 3 athletes turned actors.