
Showdown Episode 122 8-9-24

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2024
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[music] Welcome to Showdown. I'm Mark Caesan. And it is Friday, August the 9th. One month from the next debate. It appears that we don't have to wait a month to hear Donald going absolutely berserk, which he has. And it's even more than that, because he's normally, you know, psychopathic, and we understand that. And we know that he's a damaged man. Say people say that, and that's true, I mean, these are all psychological evaluations done by people at afar, although his niece, she's had a chance to actually take his pulse, I guess. But the thing is, Donald's gone nuts. I mean, he was already nuts. And I think I know the reason, which really you probably wouldn't find hard to believe. He probably read that brand new Marquette Poll, Marquette University, it's a good poll. It's an organization that is considered to be responsible and their polls are believed. People think that when Marquette University takes a poll, that they're playing it straight. And what did they find? What a surprise, Kamala Harris is up by eight points, eight points. And believe me, if you're watching Fox, you haven't heard that or, you know, if you're just hunkering down somewhere trying to avoid hearing the bad news, okay, you, you won't know this, but I guarantee you, Donald knows. And because he knows, he doesn't know what to do. He is completely hysterical. So how do I know he's hysterical? This is so easy. I'm assuming that you've probably heard the helicopter story by now, just for the heck of it. Joe, have you heard the helicopter? Wow, okay. So maybe you haven't heard it. I don't know, but here's the helicopter story. I watched him tell it. I had no reason to believe that it wasn't true, except for the fact that it's Donald Trump and nothing he says is ever true. So here's the story that he told. Surprised everybody hasn't heard it, but okay, it's right out here. It was part of that idiotic press conference he did. So he was on a helicopter with Willie Brown. Willie Brown is a politician in California. And he did have a relationship with Kamala Harris. Now people get bent out of shape about it and they say that she was sleeping her way up to some kind of successful position. But that's not it. Come on. It's not how it works. You don't get to be attorney general of California because you slept with somebody. Anyway, Kamala had a relationship with Willie Brown. So Donald says that he was on a helicopter with Willie Brown. And he says claims that the helicopter was crashing and that only in the last minute was it saved and they had a very dangerous emergency landing at the end, but they survived. And then he says, Donald says, that while they were on this helicopter, that Willie Brown told Donald things about Kamala, that Donald knows now because he got this directly from Willie Brown. They had gone out because they were surveying a part of California where they had a forest fire. Well, look, here's the funny part of this. Not if it's true, unbelievable. Who would make this up? So here's what actually happened. Donald was on a helicopter. He was with Jerry Brown, the governor of California. And they were all surveying the forest fires, which as you may remember, at the end, Donald came up with the brilliant idea that all they had to do was rake the leaves and they wouldn't have any more forest fires, but forget that. All this business about Willie Brown and the stories about Kamala Harris, and by the way, Gavin Newsom was also on this helicopter that day. This is totally bizarre. Newsom said there was no problem, not, not a threatened crash, not, not even some, you know, the air wasn't unsettled, they just rode in the helicopter, nothing. No Willie Brown and no stories about Kamala Harris. This is all fabricated by Donald. I think you would want to ask, why is he doing this? Why make up stories like this? And certainly if you're going to make up stories about helicopter rides with people that weren't there, I mean, wouldn't you want to do something to cover yourself? So when you tell the story, you don't look like a complete moron when the people come forward and say, Hey, this never happened. Well, doesn't bother Donald. Obviously, he's some kind of a psychopath, he's, he's got serious trouble. But that's the reason I think that he's telling all these stories, that he's looking at these polls and realizes that Kamala is running away with this election. Look, you know that this enthusiasm is not made up. People are excited about her. You could say, you don't know why that would be okay. You could say you don't like her, but to start making up crazy helicopter stories, all you're asking for is to be made to look like a, a greater fool than you already are. I just don't understand it. Maybe he's freaked out because he's lost $7 billion at least on that idiotic company or whatever you want to call it that he's got, and he's only got about $3 billion left. Today, it was a good day. He only lost $20,000. It was only slightly down. What else Donald's saying, I mean, this is not normal. He says we're on the verge of World War three. He says, it's going to start soon and it's going to be worse than you can imagine. Well, first of all, how could World War three be worse than you would imagine? I mean, if World War three starts, I can't think of anything that would be worse because it blew up the planet, but at any rate, he says World War three is about to start and he's excited about it too. You should hear how he says it. I mean, it's like, wow, look what I look what I've got. World War three, and I can blame it on them and everybody would be dead. And then the next thing is, he says that the economy and the stock market are in a complete free fall and a crash will ensue worse than anything anybody's ever seen. Well, that is possible. First of all, it's always possible, but it's especially possible now. There's some numbers out here that I've talked about and they're not good. And so what does that have to do with anything? What he should be doing is saying, look, if these things happen, this is what we have to do. Here's what the policy should be in order to address a collapsing stock market or an economy that was just coming apart at the seams. So what does he have to say about it? Here's what he says that the Federal Reserve is no good. They don't know what they're doing. And he says, frankly, he says he knows far more than the Federal Reserve. And the reason, I mean, it's a better reason than the way he knows about nuclear weapons because his uncle or his cousin or somebody was a scientist and he got a piosmosis. So he didn't, at least didn't say that one, but he is saying that he has made so much money in his life, a complete lie, as we know, and that he's so successful as a business person that he knows far more than all of these economists at the Federal Reserve. And so what he wants to do is he wants to change the way we run the Federal Reserve. He wants the Federal Reserve to be under the control of the president instead of being independent as it currently is. Well, I mean, I can tell you in the history of the United States, we've had these enormous debates about a, a national bank and what we should allow, what we shouldn't and why. And of course, you know, Hamilton and Jefferson, all these people waiting on it because it's sort of a big deal. And then we came up with this, the Federal Reserve in 1913. It was used to some benefit in, in 1932, could have been better. And then of course Ben Bernanke did many things better when it came into the 2000s and we needed help. Lots of it. So Donald says he's better than everybody. You know, it's the old story, I alone can fix it. In fact, a lot of people are saying this, that what's happening in the campaign is that Donald sees that everything is unraveling and he's going to lose big. And by the way, he says that, that he has special polls that show that he's winning by a landslide, sure. Just like the special votes that he had in that last election, it's all nonsense. However, Donald says he's going to win by a landslide and he just has nothing to worry about. And if that's true, my only question is, why is he so worried? Because this guy is scared. This guy is flipped out. The things that he is saying are ridiculous. Even to the extent that his VP genius has, has been calling Tim Walts a communist. And the thing about it is this is a very old trick, which by the way, if you look at the date, first week of August, this is when 50 years ago, Richard Nixon had to quit. He quit because he had always done bad things and he got caught finally. But one of the things he was most famous for is when he ran against a woman and her name was Helen Gahagan Douglas. And they were running in California for Congress and Douglas, very, very smart lady. And she was supported by Eleanor Roosevelt. Sounds like a communist to me. Of course, there are people out there that feel that way. They think that's true. They don't think that's funny. They think that Eleanor was a communist as well as Franklin. In any event, Nixon went berserk on Helen Gahagan Douglas and he called her everything you can imagine, including a communist. And back then, early 1950s, when Joe McCarthy was still going, well, you could get away with that. It worked. No, I got you. Thank you very much, Joe. And we'll be, we'll be over there in a little bit very soon. So yeah, this is the playbook. This is the Richard Nixon playbook. Call people communists, but I don't think in 2024 it's working. Maybe it is. Not on Earth one, maybe on Earth two, but I'll tell you this. I see that nice smile in the background there. So I'm not going to make you wait anymore. I know Jim is coming. And that's good too. So let's just get you on here, Amy. And that that's okay. Hi, Amy Carter. How are you? I'm very well. Thank you. How are you? You wanted to come into the studio, but something happened, so. I had surgery a week ago today, so a little slow, excuse me, let me close my door. Okay. Well, that's all right. We don't want that. We don't want that communist dog to, yeah, cause any problems in there. We got Jim in here too. That's very good. A little early. That's fine. I'm perfectly, I'm perfectly good with all that. Anyway, you all know, and by the way, I got a scratchy voice to say, I'm sorry, so. But that's okay. We'll get through it. You know what, I talked about some of the things that Donald's up to right now. Let me ask you this, because I really am trying to learn and maybe some other people can learn too. So one of the things that he did yesterday, which to me is just unbelievable. He made up a story. You all know the helicopter story? I just heard about it today. I don't know a lot about it. I apologize. So you know about Jim? I do. Okay. Well, I'll tell you what then. Let me introduce it my way, and then you guys can have at it. So Donald got in a helicopter. He was surveilling the area in California where they had a forest fire. And while he was up there, he had a conversation with Willie Brown who had an affair with Kamala Harris. And while they were up there, Willie Brown told Donald a lot of things about Kamala that are just really bad that we should all know about. Now he remembers this vividly, he said, because the helicopter, when it was going to land, it was very erratic and it almost crashed. And so it was an emergency landing. But they all survived and everything worked out fine. There's only one problem. What's the problem, Jim? Do you know? If I may, I believe what you're asking is, is it legit? I guess they're suggesting that Willie is saying that he was never, never had that conversation. No, it's worse than that. I'm not very sure. I don't know the story. I really shouldn't speak too much. No, it's okay. No, I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you the story and then you'll be able to speak perfectly. Willie Brown wasn't in the helicopter. Jerry Brown, the governor of California, was in the helicopter with Gavin Newsom and Donald, and they were surveilling the fire. Willie Brown was nowhere to be found. He wasn't in there. So he made it up. What do you think? Well, I would certainly hope that's not the case. If it is, then obviously, yeah, he should be held accountable for that, but I really don't know much about it, so I can't speak to it too in depth. I would think in all honesty, if it wasn't Willie and it was the southern person, maybe they did have some conversations about Kamala, did the southern gentleman. I'm sure he's very a well-known gentleman, so he probably held a lot of conversations with Kamala in the past, so maybe they did have a conversation. He just got the names wrong, which, again, isn't the most professional thing in the world, but it could happen. He's a very busy man. He's got a lot going on. He just got shot, so these things can happen, but I don't know a lot about it, so again, I would have to deal with research. But, yeah, I mean, if that is the case, then we do need to be held accountable. Well, well, Governor Brown and News Gavin Newsom both say that the helicopter ride was no problem, nothing happened, it didn't almost crash, and nobody knew anything about Willie Brown. Anyway, they all support Kamala, so they weren't telling anything, anyway, what do you think, Jim? Well, he said she said, "I don't hold a lot of stock in any of that anyway, I mean, everybody doesn't agree with that." Go ahead, Jim. You're talking about a helicopter full of Democrats. Yeah. I don't believe a word they say. I mean, I don't believe it happened the way Trump said it happened, that's exactly what I believe. Now, what if you find out, because they've got to have logs as to who was in that helicopter, what if you find out that Donald wasn't with Willie Brown at all? Then what? I mean, we could play what ifs all the time, but I don't think I'll find it out. Yeah, I mean, in time, and when that information does come out, maybe we can speak more on it. But, as of right now, I don't think anybody has enough information to really make it. Yeah. I mean, you know that there's got to be nothing but lies spread from here on out for the next three months. Unfortunately. They're going to do anything they can to knock Trump down. I mean, we know that. We know the Democrats lie. I mean, it's a common trait for a Democrat, but sorry, Mark, but I mean... Can I start off by giving you a little bit of history of my... Amy, I'd love to hear it. Okay. So I used to be a Democrat. I'm from the St. Louis area, but on the Illinois side. So I'm from Illinois. I currently live in Indiana. I also lived in Florida for some time. So I've kind of experienced both sides of the fence when it comes to the politics of different states and how they play out. But what I can tell you is that I grew up in a very strict Democratic family. My grandfather was a huge financial backer in Illinois for some important Democrats. And then my husband was a union pipe fitter in the area. So, you know, we obviously voted Democrat for a long time. Sure. I voted for Obama the first time, the second time I did not. And I think that's about when I started to change my beliefs, my opinions on government. I was also getting a little bit older and paying a little more attention. I think when we're younger, we do what we're told, but, you know, our parents do or what our family tells us to do or what our employers tell us to do. But as we get older, we pay a little more attention. We learn a little more. We become our own selves. And we start to vote and pay attention to things that we can believe in that we experience. And so I did change. I became a Republican a little before Trump came in. I am obviously one of those people that believed at the time that I just did not want another politician in office because I didn't trust any of them anymore. What did you think they were doing wrong? I just don't trust the government anymore. And I am a huge American patriot. I love America. I, firefighter, EMT, I've got, I have two children in the military. Like I, I am a huge love of, I have a huge love for this country. And I want nothing but the best. We live in the best country in the world. And everything we do in this country affects the world. I think we can, you know, a lot of other countries also, you know, they rely on what happens here with our government. And so it concerns me that I just see a lot of really bad things happening in the world these days. And I just, I feel like, I just feel like the Democrats of today are very different from the Democrats 30 years ago. I've seen a huge switch, a huge sway in, in, in everything. And I just don't feel comfortable with it anymore. And I don't trust our government. I have no trust whatsoever in our government. And I, and, you know, we, the people, all of us, we need to stop being so divisive. We need to come together and we need to remind them who runs this country because we're not running it. We have no say, not you, not me, no one. And I think it goes to show, you know, with the last election, whether you believe it was rigged or not, there was some really tricky business going on there. And, you know, how do you know that? I don't. I feel it. And I'm not a huge conspiracy theorist. I'm not, but I, I do have my, you know, I just have my opinions on it. Sure. I really think they're just in tricky business. And listen, I'm not one to say it doesn't go on both sides, but I just, I don't know. I just have a little more comfort on the Republican side these days. Yeah. And by the way, just to give you a little background on me, I was 50 years ago, some, you know, about 50, 60 years ago, 55 years ago, okay, being accurate. I was a radical leftist hippie with hair longer than yours. Nice beard. Still got a nice beard, but no more hair. And, and I was a, I was anti-war against the Vietnam War, worked on, on civil rights things. And I was part of the draft resistance helped people to resist the draft and either leave the country or whatever they had to do to stay out of the war. So that's what, that's what I was doing when I was young now, so then you, you wouldn't ever use it against someone who wasn't in the military as, as someone who wants to become a president. You wouldn't say, Oh, they, they dodged the draft. Therefore they could never be, you know, a candidate or would that still be something you would hold against them? Oh, no, no, no, I, listen, but the only different, that's not an issue for me. But, but of course there is one issue for me, which is you heard what I just told you. I was a draft resistor. I was anti-war. I was a hippie with long hair. I mean, I was involved and engaged in that, that radical left politics of 1968 to 72 when I went to UCLA. But let me also say all these years later, I have grown up. Right, Jim? Hey, no, all these years later, I'm probably just a little more radical than I was then more radical, more radical left, more radical left. No, not differently. I'm just, I'm just teasing you. No, I'm extreme left and I was extreme left then. So what, what, what really I'm wondering about Amy and I, I kid, but what I'm really wondering about is how do you feel that the Democrats are different today than they were then because I don't exactly see it. And, and I think that most of these Democrats then and now see themselves in the tradition of Franklin Roosevelt. What you think? Well, I would have to say that as a former Democrat, I felt like back then, that we won't have to talk about how old I am, but I was born in 74. So I may not have been able to experience some of the things you experienced, but even in, in the 90s, when I was coming up and getting involved in things and, and running some of the campaign trail with some other Democrats. For me personally, I felt like the Democratic Party was a little more understanding. And like you said, a little more free willed and not violent, not just but now I don't feel that way. And, and that's kind of what changed me is that I saw a sway in the way that in violence in, in just, you're the anti war, but yet look at all these riots. Look at all of the, you know, just, just staying. Well, Amy, look back, back in 90s, you know, 80s and 90s when we were growing up, most of the time you didn't even know who Democrats were or who was a Republican because it wasn't a big deal. Really? Everybody got, everybody got along. Are you sure about? Are you sure? I felt that way personally in my experience. I mean, I look at 30 years old then and I can tell you that there were some pretty strong differences and feelings against each other. There were but nothing like today. I mean, you got probably not the internet. The internet has right opened up. You got Democrats telling people to burn down cities. I mean, what happened years ago was absolutely insane. Okay, but they burned down. They burned down Watts in 1965. Believe me. It was burned all the way to the ground. How many cities did they burn down recently in the last couple of years? What was it? Well, I mean, I'm looking Minneapolis who, you know, we are the Democratic VP now. Sure. I'll ask you a question mark. Yeah, go ahead. No, of course. Your candidate now for president Kamala Harris is was part of the biggest part of the big lie about Joe Biden's health. That's all came out. Where everybody that you know, he was okay to run for president and they were all lying to the American people. It's all coming out now. I think we a lot of us knew it back then, but you know, they're coming out and how they were lying about his health. And then when he had to stop aside, it right there just said just a month earlier, weeks earlier, they were saying, Oh, no, he's totally fine. We're the conspiracy theorist. We're making up that he is talking about that. And he didn't step aside. Let's be clear. I mean, even Obama went after him and said, you need to move on out, buddy. And he fought it until he couldn't fight it anymore. And where the heck is he now? He's still if he is still our president, where is he? Well, he's been actually out talking with Kamala and with others. He's been speaking. No, no, no, they're both out there a lot. But let me say this, Joe had problems that were obvious and the problems were he's old. I mean, who didn't know that Joe Biden was old, right? But do you think it was okay for them to lie about his health? Well, wait a second. I'm not sure they lied about anything. You saw it and I saw it. The man had a problem, but, but listen to this, why he didn't listen while he was having his problem. He negotiated a deal with Vladimir Putin to bring all those people back from Russia. Did he? He said that last week. Mark, Mark, I've done more research on it. I can't order running things. He can't even get his order right at McDonald's. How do you think he really negotiated that deal? I'm not so sure that I think he's the one who's actually been running things. I mean, my opinion, Kamala and the team has been running things out of the camera has, I think, behind the scenes. Well, yeah, I think there are two. There's a lot of people behind the scenes. I think, you know, we have to be honest that, you know, and then she waited until after until after. So my thing is with this whole situation is they tried the Democrats. When I say they, I mean the Democrats, I apologize for being vague. But we were crazy. There was nothing wrong with him. He's perfectly fine. And then after he did his debate, oh, okay, maybe there's something wrong with him. Yeah, maybe you guys, and they wouldn't say it this way. Maybe you guys were right. But here's the thing. If he can't do the job, he needs to step down, which means Kamala is president right now. I don't think that job. I don't think that's what he's. I don't think that's what they're saying. I think they're, I think that what they're saying, in fact, I'm going to tell you what they're saying, they're saying that it's apparent, as old as he is, that he cannot tell the story of what it is that he's trying to accomplish. It's gotten beyond him. We've heard him. He's struggling up there. He can't do it. And if he can't do it, which means he should not be president right now. Well, wait a second, all these people, all these heads of countries in Europe that meet with him say he's fine in their meetings. He just, he just can't. They head of Germany. They head of England. They head of France. They all say he's fine. They've met with them. They met with them last week. Oh, you mean the country, the country, which I've been to France. I love France. So do I. I was, that's very nice. You're talking about the ones that are hosting the Olympics right now that just had that huge debacle. Yeah, I can't imagine they would want to. I mean, you could have the bottles. I mean, everybody can have a debacle. I mean, look, I'm just saying that maybe there's a slightly different way of looking at all of this that still says that Joe Biden shouldn't be president. I don't, I think it's a good thing that Joe is out and Kamala is in and listen to this. And part of it is because he's old, but, but here's the thing. Kamala has lit this country on fire with enthusiasm. I understand not you guys, but, but you understand if, if people are excited by her, that's how democracy works. Explain to me why she was the least back when she was running back when she was running. She had the lowest numbers as far as primary. She 90 more. How did that change out there? Yeah. That's because of how this was handled. If it was handled properly and, and, and the American people were given the right to choose who's, who's, who's being chosen as the next president candidate for the Democrats. I don't think they would have chosen her. Well, let me ask you this. You don't think anybody's manipulating me, do you, Jim? No, no, I think you're just crazy. Yeah. Right. Absolutely. Listen, no, listen, no, that's an important point. I've been crazy since I was a kid and I'm crazy now. Okay. I've got very specific political ideas and nobody could manipulate me. So when I tell you, and by the way, I love the country too. I'm not an agent of, of another country. So all I'm saying is, I want the best for the United States and you want the best. And, and, and, and it's all I'm thinking is that if people that were watching don't behave in ways that are acceptable, then maybe we should have some concern. But I want you to think about that for a second because I got some ads I got to do here. After we do a little business, we'll be right back. All right. Okay. Terrific. So the first thing I want to do is encourage people to go to wenties for dinner and believe me, I don't care if you're a radical leftist or way on the right. It doesn't matter. Wenties is a great place to eat. They've got wings. They've got hamburgers and cheeseburgers and patty melts. Everybody loves their wings, by the way. They're really unique. They're great. They've got smoked meats, really good smoked meats. They've got pizza, salads, the best drinks. Everybody loves them. Now for me, I love the, the iced tea, but hey, there are other drinks too. You can choose. Wenties is, it's a great place to eat in Chesterfield Valley. And now for me, Amy, I've already told this to Jim last week, but I love the baby back ribs. The baby back ribs and onion rings. Love it. So this is a great place to eat. And after you've eaten all this great stuff, because you don't want people to think that you're ridiculous. See, instead of eating more, you just leave, get in your car, and you drive out to defiance Missouri, and they've got another wenties out there, and you can go do the whole thing all over again. And they'll think that you're just a hungry guy or a woman. Yeah. Okay. So that's wenties. Ben and his wife have done a great job, build a great restaurant, and we want you to try wenties. Now, if you're interested in jewelry, my very, very close friends, Al and his son AJ are at 4506 Hampton and that is Jules on Hampton. And they've got cases and cases and cases of jewelry in that store. You can go through there and look at their jewelry. You can bring jewelry to sell to them and you can sell and buy and make deals. Believe me, Al's a great guy, and he really wants to take care of his customers. You'll love him. He's also a great jewelry designer. He designs jewelry creatively or he'll do things that you want. All in all, it's a great jewelry store, 4506 Hampton in St. Louis, and they even fix watches. But I have a feeling he can't fix my voice, but don't worry. I'm going to make it the next 20 minutes will be fine. It's the old Bill Clinton trick. Okay. The third thing is the St. Louis suit company in Clayton. And you can see me in my suit here. And I can tell you that over the years, I've always believed that when you're going to go out and cause a lot of trouble, it's good to wear a suit and a tie because then you don't get in as much trouble for it. People aren't as upset. They think you're a really nice person. They don't realize that you're radical left. They don't know that. And by the way, I don't burn anything down and never have Amy. So yeah, you don't have to worry about that. But the thing is that you can get beautiful suits and shirts and shoes and ties that I got a tie on right now. I can tell you this nice blue pattern and it's silk. And this is a $5 tie, $5. Nobody can believe it. And it's at Forsyth in central in Clayton. They've been there for 30 years. They've sold these ties for $5 for 30 years and they still do. And then they even have overcoats in the summer, which people would say, who needs an overcoat in the summer? But you're going to need it in the winter. So go buy it at a low price because they're going to raise the price when the snow comes. But at any rate, there it is. St. Louis suit company in Clayton, Forsyth in central, 30 years. Okay. So, what do you guys think? Have I convinced you? You're all radical left us now? Not quite yet. Well, what do you think what do you think Donald's going to do for you? Give me that one. I'd love to hear that one. Okay. That's what he did before. Back when I used to build forward to feed my kids and had $1.80. Yes. I mean, do you want to talk about inflation, immigration? Do you want to talk about the energy crisis? Well, wait, you got a good one. Let's talk about immigration. Okay. So if I tell you that the people who come across those borders in the South are involved in less crime than anybody in the United States that they are a very low crime group and that we, white people like us that grew up here, born here, were the ones that are committing the crime. If I told you that and if I proved it to you, what would you think? First thing I would say is fentanyl. The second thing I would say is look who's crossing the border. It's not women and children and elderly looking for amnesty, looking for a safer place. It's all middle-aged men from not only Mexico, but from across all the countries in the world. Well, yeah. I mean, they are invading us. It's an infestation of middle-aged men who are at military age level. I would say that maybe we haven't seen the worst yet, but fentanyl, if you want to talk about that, that's what I would say. Those are the first two things I would say. Everybody that crossed the border are a bad person, absolutely not. But I mean, we got what, 20, last week I said 1,000, what I meant million, but we've had what, 20 million people, I think, is the number? Last I checked, they claimed 11 points, something million, but I'm not sure if I'm in trouble with that. What about all the people that are DACA kids that grew up here and that work here and love this country? You know, I'm all for immigration. I think that's what this country is about. I have nothing. I don't think anyone truly has anything against legal immigration. Absolutely. And I think that we can't pretend that these people being bust and blamed in, you know, we know why they're being brought into this country. And then you can talk about, you know, as far as, listen, if I go to vote, are they going to ask me for my ID? Sure. Are they going to ask an illegal immigrant if they have an ID? Sure. They're saying they're not. They ask people for their IDs. Yeah, but with that right now, they're saying that if you are an illegal, or I'm sorry, if you are an immigrant in this country, regardless of your, your status, whether you're legal or not, if you don't have an identification, they're trying to pass it, they're trying to pass it, I pray they don't, that they can vote. We know why that is. Well, let me ask you this. If they passed a law saying that everybody had to have an ID, which I really think people do have to have IDs, but let's say they don't. Well, I've never voted without an ID. But anyway, let me ask you this. Would you, would you be okay if the United States government helped all the people that can't get an ID to get one? No, because they did not come here legally. No, what, what if it's a, what if it's an old lady? She's not here legally. No, no, no, no. What if it's an old lady in the inner city who was born in the United States has lived here for 75, 80 years, and she needs help because she doesn't have any car. She has to take the bus. She needs, she needs help to go vote and to get an ID. Would you help her? Legal, legal, legal, legal. She's legal. Born here. If she can prove she was born here, then yes, absolutely. Okay. I personally would take her to help her. Well, you see, okay. See, we agree on that. But if she's here illegally and she can't. No, no, no. Forget that. Well, excuse me, I will not. Nobody wants the illegal people to vote. And you know what the secretary of state's all say? They don't. I don't believe that. I mean, why else is it being allowed? Why else has it in the last three years been allowed that so millions and millions of illegal immigrants, I can't say the A word, are in this country. Yeah. And why do you want some to vote? No, no, no, he doesn't because he's not going to do it. No, none of these people want anybody to vote that's not legal. And I got people here on the chat, DRC and Greg, and they're they're having a ball over here telling me that sort of what you are. Okay, you know, they don't, they don't like my opinion on the IDs. And you know, that here, here's one that they're bringing up. We discussed this the other day. You know who Maduro is in Venezuela? I do not. I apologize. Okay, so he just ran for president of Venezuela and he lost. But he claimed he won and he took over the government. So if you don't know about it, you're going to have to read before we can talk about that one. Yes, but but but but check that out because Donald sort of idolizes the guy. And and and and and the reason apparently is because he was able to do what Donald couldn't do, which was to take over our government even after you lose the election. When you say take over the government, I mean, I think most people that understand how the government works, the president doesn't have the all saying, you know, he has to go through the Senate. He has to go through certain so nobody can do that. That's why he couldn't do it. You're right. You're right. That's why he couldn't do it. But he tried. Well, I but I don't think that he was trying to take over the government. I think he was trying to say that there was a lot of errors in our voting system, which there was, which I personally believe there was. I mean, Georgia just recently owned. We got four mail and ballots sent to our house that we didn't request. And we always vote in person. Now we we tore them up and threw them away. I took pictures of them and actually posted them on Facebook four years ago. But we got four mail and ballots sent to our house that we didn't request. And you can't use them. I go to you. No, I'm saying you could not have used them. Okay. Well, anyway, mail and ballots. You're obviously not showing your idea, right? Well, you you are when you go in and request the ballot. Yes. You don't have to go under. You can request a ballot online. Well, I I've never gotten one. Okay. I've never gotten one online. And that would be okay with me too, by the way, but because they check and I go down in person. They check and I go down in person. They ask my name. They pull out a thing because I'm registered. They hand it to me. I go back in and I do my thing, but not once ever if I had to use an ID, nor is any person I've ever spoken with with you. I mean, I voted since 1972 and I always use an ID. I mean, they asked for an ID and I wouldn't argue with them. I mean, what am I going to say? No, I won't give you my ID. They asked me for it. I'm going to do this year. If they ask me for one and I'm just going to say I'm not from this country and then I'm going to vote 15 times if they let me know what they're going to do, they're going to call the police. Well, right, as they should, right, as they should. Yeah, but unfortunately, our police really don't they don't have that a lot of them are told not to do anything when it comes to the illegal immigrants, leave them alone. I'm amazed that you believe that. I really am, but I mean, I know you do, but I do, but I am being a bit facetious, but at the same time, yeah, I mean, there's something to be said about that. Sure. Yeah, we played a clip on here the other day where Ronald Reagan said that we need to to open the doors to this country and let everybody in and just keep letting them in and and that they they actually grow our country, make it creative, make it younger, more vibrant. Then you do, but there's a setting. There's a system in place for our own safety, and it's a necessity because if we don't know who's coming in our country, we don't know how to track them down when they do something bad. We don't know how to help them accountable when somebody gets murdered. We don't have fingerprints. We don't have, I mean, there's a lot to be. Some I got kicked out here. No, we're all here. I see you, Jim. Yeah, we're all here. No, anyway, I'm just saying, what if we just vet them when they come in, which we should, I've said, listen to this, Amy, tell me if you like this. I've said, you know, you know, the Peace Corps, right? Okay. So what if we send a million high school graduates down to the border and when the people come across, we attach these young kids to families that come in, and they help these families to figure out how to fill out documents, to get cards, to fit in here, to become American citizens, to get jobs. I mean, in the perfect world, great. But I think there's a lot of room for error there. You can't just have high school kids doing it because, you know, I just, they did all kinds of stuff in the Peace Corps. They did it in Africa. If they could do it in Africa, they could do it here. Africa's a little different than the United States more dangerous, don't you think? Sure, sure. Okay. Well, so I'm saying, I'm saying, send them down to the border, and you're going to pull. I'm not saying don't consider doing it the way they're supposed to, just like the lady I was saying, and France is an example who wants to come live in our country. She's got to go through how many years of being. Well, don't make it here. Well, maybe it shouldn't be years, but it definitely needs to be something because we need to know who's coming in this country. Okay, I'm with you. I want to know who they are. I agree with you. I want to know who they are. Right, right. I mean, for our own safety, for the people that are already in the country, paying taxes, signing up for the military, doing the right things. And like I said, I mean, try going to Canada. If you want to be a, you want to move into Canada, look how long their system is. Okay, but I'm just saying this. Let's open the border. We're not saying no, immigration. No, no, I'm saying, let's open up the border. Just open it up. It's open. No, it's not. Okay. But let's, let's, let's open the border and let's set up a vetting system. And let's be sure that we know all the people who come in here. I mean, we, we take a census. Sometimes that takes years to figure out because I don't know what about who they are. We do a census on 320 million people and we find where they are. Go ahead, Jim. She asked you a question real quick. Sure. I had to use my phone today because my laptop blew up. So every time my phone rings, it kicks me out. So I was reading some of your people talking on here. And one of the guys asked you a question that I thought was kind of interesting. Go ahead. What if, what if some of these illegals wanted to set up in your front yard? Would you be okay with that? Well, obviously not for a very simple reason. Nobody would be okay with it. And, and nobody is. Nobody does that. That's not what we do. And there's nowhere in the United States where anybody's doing that. And we, and, and what, wait, I don't mind if my taxes help to support people to get a place where they can live and where they can find a job and they can fit into our country because it's going to benefit all of us. Go ahead, Amy. Pick me, pick me. Okay, I'm going to give you a little history on, on me. So I had a child very young. Okay. And I relied on the welfare system for a few years. I went to school. I, I did the things I was supposed to do to get off of the welfare system. I received $300 to pay for my rent. And I received a couple hundred dollars for groceries every month. Now this was back in the 90s. So it's, you know, inflation's different. But that was the hardest thing for me to do as an American was to get accepted into that program to get help from me and my child. And I get it. I'm, I'm accountable for my actions. I needed the help to finish school. I didn't want to be, you know, one of the dropouts that never did anything with my life. And, you know, I didn't want to be one of those people. So, and we, and we want to help people like that. But go ahead. But it was very little and it was designed not to let me get off of it. So it should be more. It's, I agree. I agree. But if you look at what's being given to the illegal immigrants at this point, some of it's more than what our veterans are getting, some of it's more than our own, our own country people are getting. And I just think that as such a slap in the face, and well, the problem, by the way, with that one is Amy, I'm going to tell you that we don't give them anything. But I know, you know, there are people who believe that we do. But I'm just saying this. I know from people that I respect and, and, and that tell me what I, you know, what I need to know, not, not on the news, but, you know, people who, and they're, they don't do that. That doesn't happen. I live here in Chicago. I live here in Chicago. Sure. I see what's happening. And I see how. And sorry, but I know this, they're almost out of time. Yeah. You've seen what happened in Chicago recently, when they gave out, what was it? $80 billion to all these illegals, and did not help any of the interscenting people. And that's the reason why they started that group of African Americans for Trump. It's turning. I'm seeing it with my own eyes. These people are being pushed out of their own communities because the, the, the build up of the immigration, the, just the destruction of the communities alone. And you look at inflation because of it. I mean, we are spending so much money on, on these illegal immigrants. And, you know, you can argue all day long about, well, who's going to pick the strawberries and who's going to be the hotel employees. That's not, that's not what we're going with this. We're talking about people that aren't working. And if you go around Chicago, anywhere in Chicago, because I live near Chicago, you will see exactly where our money's going. It's, it's infested with drugs and illegal activity. And I can't even walk around anymore. Okay. Well, you two, this is to be continued. Yes. And, and first of all, this is brought to you by St. Louis suit company and wenties and jewels on Hampton. And I'm Mark Kason and this is showdown. Good night.