The Hated, Adored, Never Ignored Podcast

Manchester United Season Preview | De Ligt to start against Fulham!

Tom is joined by Vin and Viraaj to look ahead to the 24/25 season for Manchester United and their rivals.

1h 15m
Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Tom is joined by Vin and Viraaj to look ahead to the 24/25 season for Manchester United and their rivals.

(upbeat music) - Hated adored, never ignored. So Premier League football is finally back. And no matter what the emotions of sort of the previous season brought, you can't help but dream. That's part of being a Manchester United fan. I've been watching that bloody added as Originals promo at the cliff with Wonderworld playing, Kobe Maynuk, Anacho, Hoyle and Robbo, Yapstam, et cetera. You can't help it, it just captures the imagination. And yes, it was a great last year. Now I'm albeit finished brilliantly with the Cup final against Manchester City, but it's a new year. That's one of the things that I, why can't we dream? Every club dreams this time of year. If switched by dreaming of survival in a cup run and a appearance at Wembley, Arsenal are dreaming of a title, Sheffield Wednesday, or whoever will be dreaming of promotion and beating their rivals, et cetera. We have that right as well. We have that right to dream as well. Leicester can finish 17th one season and next season win the Premier League. There's no reason why we can't finish eight and then win the league. Now it wouldn't be putting money on title number 21 coming. But hopefully this season preview, which we've recorded, can provide you and generate a little bit of positivity ahead of the opening weekend of the season against Fulham, well, I've been Friday. I was obviously Friday night football in the UK, but I was joined by Avin and Viraj for today's episode. But before we get started, this week's trivia. And as I've seen, obviously, as everyone else has, David Dehaia has finally found a new club. Thank God I hated his absence from football, but he probably enjoyed it. Fair play. If someone could put their feet up, it's probably the Manchester United goalkeeper who was in between the stakes for a very long time. So glad to see David Dehaia back after well-earned rest. But my question to you is, Sir Alex Ferguson famously missed in Manchester United match to Jan Scout, David Dehaia. Who was the opponent? So my question to you, who was the opponent when Saralex Ferguson famously missed in Manchester United match was a competitive match to go on Scout, David Dehaia? I think Sir Alex only ever missed two games. I think maybe it was the third one, but the two I do know about was this one where he was scouting David Dehaia, and the other was a Manchester Derby arm in the year 2002, attended his son's wedding. But David Beckham scored a brilliant free kick that day away at Main Road. But that's my question to you. So get that one. Stay tuned to the end of the show to get the answer there. If you don't already know it, and enjoy the preview. (upbeat music) So as said, joined by Viraj and Ben Hill, both been on the podcast before, and we're gonna dissect all things, Manchester's not a Fulham, Manchester United, the season ahead, and also looking at one or two rivals. And speaking of rivals, the thing that's just where we're gonna start because 10 minutes before we click record, Omar Barata, who has finally found home at a proper football club from one of our rivals in Manchester City, has spoken to the fans. Now I'm sure Edward Wood has spoken to the fans before during his time, and Richard Arnold, joined Viraj to all those people. I'm sure they have sort of put panda paper and addressed the fans. Look, Omar Barata's a business man, and we're full of sort of a lot of hype at the moment, but we never bought into what Edward Wood or Richard Arnold was saying. They're very much sort of toe on the company line, and they're just sort of trying to appease the fans. With Omar Barata, who has that firsthand experience, what it takes to succeed at a football club at the highest level, this just feels a little bit more, it might be biased, I might be blinded by the PR around the club at the moment, but it just feels, in my opinion, a little bit more genuine, and someone who understands the value of getting the fans on site, and the importance fans can have on a football club, and look, he's at Manchester City, so he's gonna find Manchester City. A lot more, or just a lot more of them in a general sense of the word, but a lot more sort of football-focused, and a lot more sort of proud and richer history amongst the fan base. But I won't read out his full match day program, he has written in the match day program, ahead of the full match, but I'll just put out one or two things he has said on Twitter, or they have posted on Twitter, but he says, "It is impossible to understand "how big Manchester City know it really is "until you're on the inside. "That's one advantage all of you had over me, "but I'm catching up and I feel more and more every day. "It is a very easy place to fall in love with. "When I walked through the doors for the first time "last month, I was struck by the enormity of the club "and what it means to our fans here in Manchester "and all over the world." Now, I'll come to you first then. As I said, nice words, and look, he can't go wrong with words like that. The jump from Manchester City to Manchester City. How do you think he values that in regards to his jump into a bigger club? Of course, there is no comparison between the two clubs. However, in regards to the job on his desk or when he rocks up to work, Manchester City is a very good football team, he's a very well-run football club in regards to getting the job done and succeeding in terms of winning trophies and financial level, very viable now, et cetera. So, the jump for Omar Brada to Manchester tonight, to Manchester City. In our eyes, it's a jump up. It's a step up. If you look at it in regards to football, a lot would say it's a step down in regards to Manchester City. He had been on the top table for so long a man United have had a disappointing 10 years. How do you think he overall views this move across the town? - Thanks for having me, Tom. And it's actually a very good statement that was provided to the supporters from Omar Brada. But one thing I see from his statements that he takes this one as a challenge. As you said, City is a proper run football club, unfortunately, at this time being. And United is more like a sleeping giant in case if I can say that. So, to pick United, given the history and the tradition that our club has, to pick United from there, from lying low and not really performing well, and to bring it to the heights of what City is currently doing, it's more like a challenge for him. And when I look more into the statements, he talks about how his dad was used to tell stories about Sabobi Chalta and George Best while he was growing up. And how much he understands about the history, whether it's the tragedy of Munich, or whether it's the us winning the European Championship 10 years down the line. So, it's really good to hear that as a footballing person, he is aware of the culture, tradition, and the richness associated with the club. And I wouldn't actually mind that whether it's coming from a former city employee or anything of that time, because I still see him as a person who is taking this huge challenge, getting into the game, getting into the club and trying to lead the club back to the greatness, the deserved greatness, I would say. - Viraj, what impact do you think Omar Brandez had at the moment? We booked at the Dan Ashworth arrival from Newcastle in terms of was he working behind the scenes? Was he allowed to work? Was he going to take garden in leave? Omar Brandez, I think, had some type of gardening lead or two or three months, sort of thing, before moving from Manchester, or making that move official. Obviously, it's technically, sort of on the books, illegal for him to be working during that period, or when he was at Manchester. It's illegal for him to be working at Manchester United, but these things happened, phone calls, meetings happened, sort of the end of it behind closed doors. What impact do you, because there has been a change in Manchester United in the last couple of months, since any of us has come in. So, Jim Ratcliffe, the impact is there. There's no doubt there has been a change. Now, everyone is responsible. Everyone plays their partner. So, Jim Ratcliffe, at the top of the table, will take a lot of that credit into it. Okay, he's the catalyst. He's the reason this has changed. It does feel in regards to the importance of a CEO in any business, but especially we've seen the failings around Manchester United the importance, and sometimes in terms of, in a negative way for Manchester United, we've sort of experienced that. But what impact do you think he has had in the short time that he's been here? Is he, I've said to Jim Ratcliffe, is the catalyst? Is there a case Omar Brida has been the catalyst? Or do you put it down to Jason Markovs and Dan Ashworth? There are Tim Harwell. If you could put a percentage on it almost, the impact Omar Brida has had in this early stage. - I think he's obviously definitely had an impact. Maybe a bit early, those doors to say to what extent. Obviously, Jason Markovs was the first one to come in in the sense of he was there and looking at what things were. As you said, to an extent Omar Brida would have been involved in every decision that has been made even before he started, including probably the biggest one. For me, this season was giving Eric Tanaga an extra year on his deal. So like I said, it's a bit early doors to see to what extent his, him as an individual has an impact. But he would assume he's been the one who's had a final sign of sporting decisions. I mean, you look at who everyone's reporting to. It is Omar Brida, Wilcox reports to, Ashworth Ashworth eventually goes and reports to Omar Brida. So for me, everything starts from him. You can include David Brelsford in there as well. But for me, everything starts with him. He's the one, Arkin, who will have a final say on who, let's say further down the line, you know, Eric gets the sack. Who will be the next manager? Who will play deserve a contract in the future? You know, that clip, that was very popular in Twitter when he was first announced with him and the city's sporting director, going over the players and, you know, going through all of those kind of things. I think that's the kind of impact I see him having. You know, players contracts, what kind of players would come in, how much we should spend on a particular player, all those kind of things. I mean, you've seen City just walk away from so many players in the past where they're very not this way too much, you know. Declan Arce being the latest example last season. So I'm very optimistic in that regard. He obviously comes from a very, very well-run club to United where nobody knew he was making the final decision. So optimistic, definitely. And then just excited to see what the next few years held for us. Yeah, definitely. If anyone can hear any sort of background noises, my dog, he can't contain his excitement. He's walking around the office and bumping into things with his collar. I'm going to take it off him in a little bit. But just on that, Vin, and before we get into the season preview, I'll come back to Viraj as well. But just on the, you mentioned, the impact Viraj has had on sign of the type of player, the type of personalities we want to bring in that falls under Jason Wilcox banner as well, and Dan Ashworth. But Vin, in regards to a huge criticism that has been labeled at area 10 hard walk. And that's a criticism at times, but not just that, so just sort of raised eyebrows and some questions, even if it's a fine bit of business. The question is there in and around, bringing in plays that he's worked with before, bringing Dutch players or someone who's played at Ajax, or someone who's played it in the reserves of Bayern Munich, et cetera. There's been so many signings and so many bits of evidence of him signing plays who he knows or he has a past relationship with. We said, okay, if we're bringing a football department to take away that power from area 10 hard, that will change and we'll be getting people who sort of don't have that relationship with area 10 hard. Everyone's agreed with that. Okay, that's the way forward to Manchester United and let's sort of lessen the power area 10 hard as in the transfer window. So, we've all addressed that. Let's move forward as a football club. The first two signings, well, I don't want to say first two signings, but I made two big money signings in Mads Rowey and Matayas Delito have come through the door and here they are, both have an experience with area 10 hard. Now, I have no issue with it, but I do see the headlines when it goes wrong. We just see that with Anthony, but we're not seeing the headlines with Los Angeles Martinez. It is all dependent on how a player performs. If Mads Rowey is absolutely woeful, we're going to say, why is area 10 hard? We're out of sign plays that he added, I actually think Matayas Delito does fantastic. We're going to say, yeah, but manager should be able to bring in plays they know and that is why we're very fickle and we'll just be making our judgments simply based on how they perform and that is football and that is life. But where do you sit on that in regards to Dan Ashworth and Jason Markov's company and taking the majority of the power away from entertainer? Obviously still in consultation with him, of course, in regards to perceivably taking away this power. However, the first two signings company and obviously Xerxes. So I do doesn't buy a Munich link as well and the Dutch link, of course, but in regards to these big money signings have come in and they scream. I don't want to say in a bad way, but they scream a Anthony sign or a Alessandro Martinez in a good way to show thoughts on this bit of business. Have we moved in another direction? Is it just coincidence that the two players that sort of everyone on the board likes to show thoughts on it? - So personally, I want to start off by saying I don't have any problems with a manager trying to sign the players. He knows who actually fits his system, right? And it's not like Eric Tanhag is the first player to do that, I'm sorry, the first manager to do that. Harry Redknap had signed players whom he knows who can do the job. And same as Maureena, why? Because the manager has a very limited timeframe to give you goals, like to give or tick the objectives and to renew trophies or to show improvements. So given the amount of time, the manager doesn't want to gamble on getting all the players that he or he doesn't know about to come over and train tactically his system, the his philosophy on how to play. So what is the easiest way to do? See if any other players who fit the age gap, one of the things Surgeon Radcliffe mentioned, who fit the system, whether they are adaptable to play and can heart system or they are adaptable to play in any other system, the footballing committee will make if we move away from Eric Tanhag. So those decisions are taken and then they go ahead and sign the players. It might be a mere coincidence. Like for instance, who is probably the other central defender we could have signed for that amount of money who also has a really good playing capability and also who has been, I wouldn't call it like really world class, but I can say who is proven enough that he can do the job. Who is currently available for 35 to 40 million? No one, right? Like people like the club like Everton were asking for 75 million for an yet to be proven player like Jared Granthwaite. So when you are put in a very limited space of options, like A, you cannot spend a lot of money. B, he should fit the system and C, he should fit the age gap. And there are not many options that are around here. Not many players are there in the market. So, and even after that, if you go ahead and sign the player, of course, we are still talking about before game one, and still we go ahead and sign the player, we are yet to see how they achieve. And it's not about how they have been performing in the last few seasons as well. So I really don't get it. And I think there is a bit of a recency bias from the media, and even from the fans when they see Rick Tanhag going ahead and signing the players that might probably have played in the Dutch league or probably played under him or played against him, it's just a recency bias, everyone does that. So, yeah, I don't have any fuss around it. It's just for the sake of talking points, people are throwing up statements out there that, yeah. I put it down on the options as well. And now there's been many coincidences that that's where the discussion obviously does sort of start in regards to how many times can it be a coincidence. But it's interesting, I think, Derek Brantheway at the World. Does he have a history playing in Holland as well? Was he Rude Van Dystroy's club from memory? So that would have been interesting. If he was coming in, is that Rude Van Dystroy signing? But Virauchine, at your two cents, while Vin was just saying there, but also I'll throw the question to you. In and around, Derek Brantheway, in regards to, you look at our past business, whether you want to throw Anthony in there for 80 million, Popog, for 90 million. The amount of money we spend on Alexa Sanchez, De Maria, Lukaku, all these signings, which sort of really didn't work out. And you think, why did we spend this amount of money on this player, et cetera, absolutely ludicrous business. I'm not getting into a discussion around who I prefer to let, or Brantheway, if no, everyone will know, I do sort of sign on the fence of Mattiah's delete in regards to the better sign. But just in regards to Caution, mine back, not even a couple of years, last year, two years, two years ago, if you will design Mattiah's delete, he's someone, okay, 70, 80 million. And you do look at a Derek Brantheway, who is valued, let's say, on payback, and what football believes he would go for, around 60, 70 million pounds, Manchester United have what, I think a lot of football, sort of the football and world would agree, is a better defender in Mattiah's delete, now how it's going to translate to England, who knows, Tom will tell. And sort of first off, we'll back in Mazzarelli for what he's spending probably less than 60 million pounds. So I've got two good players which the manager wants, the manager knows for less than what arguably a lot of people will play that a lot of people didn't want, or a lot of people don't really see the hype. But Caution, mineback, one or two years, will be spending 120 million on these two players, but we have got them for around 60 million in total. So just your thoughts on those, that'd been a business in and around what could have been the case under Ed Woodward sign and Jared Brantheway, let's say a Harry Maguire 2.0 for 70, 80 million, but going down the European route, I've done it to say it's anti-English or European sort of thing, but going down a different route, and suddenly getting what we believe, and football believes are two better players for less cost than what Jared Brantheway would have cost. - Yeah, if I was given the option between Brantheway and if let's say the price was the same, I would have just gone with the legit space stuff. He's got big club experience, obviously, buying a new rent is on small clubs. He's, we also, what he did at IX, just at 18 years old, leading that team into the semi-final, it's just five minutes away from the Champions League final as well. He's young, but he's got the experience. That for me is the biggest comparison between Brantheway and Delete. Just that big club experience. You mentioned Maguire, 80 million pounds from the start. I could see a lot of similarities between those two transfers. English sense about young, probably pay 80 million for him. Only one season in England, he comes to you, not a dude, people like to talk when anything around you, and none of the English sense about coming for that price. I think you just, you know, what to expect. He's just everyone talking, "Oh, another big signing, "will it work?" He has two bad games, three bad games in a row, and everyone's like, "Okay, he's the next time I'm a guy. "He's flocked at, you know, the other, the other." You know, considering all those things, I would have preferred to delete anyways, considering how much we've bought him for. I think it's a big steal, I reckon. Helps us that he was out of favor of buying, definitely. But I can definitely get behind this signing, and for the price we bought him as well. And referring to what would have done, you know, you never know, two years ago, when he left from Juventus to buying, if we do make enough for a similar price as well buying, then he ends up by, you know, same story again, 80 million or a young defender, doesn't work out five bad games, and everyone's talking, you know, talking down on him. And I'm very sure, even now, you probably would have come across those poorness and comments, or polls calls. - I saw, it was, I said, did see polls calls, and look, I love polls calls at anything that says, "I do listen." I mean, polls calls very much think like a fan, and that's how you want polls calls to speak. You want him to get his honest opinion, and he'll be looking at my honest opinion, saying, "What the hell am I talking about?" Sometimes you hate to disagree with legends and people who know far more about the game, but sometimes you're gonna have to disagree, and polls calls, I don't think, "What should a great deal of European football?" That's just my hunch, in regards to his lifestyle, sort of thing, and I do disagree with his take on the ties. Little bit obviously, very welcome to it, but the one I just wanna straight out call it, is Graham Sunis, saying the ties delete his lightweight, and I just think, you don't even have to watch him play, just physically look at a photo of him and say, "Okay, he's not lightweight, he's quite a solid man," and especially the way he plays the game. So, Graham Sunis is just, Graham Sunis, there's nothing, any of us are gonna say, he's going to change that, but before we get into sort of, we'll actually discuss one of Graham Sunis clubs, and then we'll discuss one or two rivals, as well, and we'll obviously finish with a full and preview. Looking ahead to the season, Vin, in regards to the discussion, we always have his fans this time, he has expectations, what's the expectation? And a common thread across all clubs now is, okay, you don't meet that expectation, something has to happen, what has to happen, the football manager gets sacked, that is simply what happens. If you don't meet the expectations, that is the end result, and fans really have that black and white. So, to view on things that, and to some extent, I do agree with it, and to some, I completely disagree with it, because let's start towards Arsenal, and we'll get into Arsenal in a little bit more detail. In a separate, I think Arsenal's always a great example in and around this, 'cause I have so many of my profile fans on the internet, which you're sort of engaged with, and you listen to their opinions, you watch for their meltdowns, et cetera. And I do look at Arsenal at the moment, and they have to win a trip, they have to win the league. A tutor has to get out of the line. If he doesn't do it, sack him. And I understand that line of thinking, but I also think of sort of looking from the point of view, but let's draw up a hypothetical situation with Arsenal, where they win 35 games next season in the Premier League, score 100-something goals, draw one-one away at the Eddie head, or even beat Manchester City, but draw the Emirates, et cetera, and lose out on goal difference, Manchester City win 36 games. And I just think, you can't sack a manager for that, or they've gone all the way to the Champions League final, and a VAR decision has robbed them in the 93rd minute, and cost them. They were on the books to do a league and cup double. They're beaten by an absolute juggernaut, by goal difference and robbed of a VAR decision. So suddenly, second place, and what could have been first place in the Champions League, is great success, but a bounce at the ball, and a wrong refereeing decision, they're second at no trophy. And I just think, is that a situation where Arsenal fans, because they didn't win a trophy, are going to sack the manager. I think that's an absolute ludicrous decision, sort of thing. So if we sit here with Eric Tan-Harg, and say it has to be top four in a trophy, is the expectation, but we finish 13th, but win the Europa League lead cup, and FA Cup, did we meet the expectation or not? I think you do always need to apply context when we're having this. So I think all of us probably got to see here, and say our expectation is top four in a trophy. Now it's top four, does that mean top five? How many teams have only in the Champions League, next year with English quota? I'm not sure, but I'll go to you what your expectation is, and just to find out what that means to you, is it a demand, is it a preference, is it a expectation? And if that is met or not met, sort of what context are you going to apply to your decision-making in May? - So I will still keep in mind what Serge and Radcliffe mentioned when he took over the club, that the problems with the United, whether it's regarding the performance, the playing field, or how we actually bring the philosophy into the field is not gonna be done in one transfer window, even though we are all happy with the way the transfer window business is currently taking place, we need to be a bit realistic around it. With Eretin Hart getting an extra year in the contract as Radcliffe earlier mentioned, I think to be very realistic, I would say top four and knock out stages in the Europolly. I know people will be really annoyed with the way my predictions are, or probably my objectives are coming through, but I would rather say top four for the revenue and to look at how the spot depth is at this moment, realistically speaking, and also keeping in mind that this time the Europolly and the Champions League formats have changed. We need to keep in mind of that. And that's why I'm predicting, and I'm mentioning towards knock out stages in the Europolly. I'm not going that we are gonna win it. Anything of these two, I'm really happy. But we need to be achieving top four for our revenue purposes. That's something that needs to be achieved. - On that with Europa League, and look, I understand different managers, different times, different players, and again, you apply context to different situations. But on that, look, I tend to be a little bit more sort of aggressive with Europa League this year. I do think I haven't gone through with a fine tooth cream and to see exactly who the opposition is, but I know Champions League teams do not come down into the Europolly, so we don't have to worry about that. Little challenge should have come February time, but just in regards to old guests, if I had the betting odds in front of me, old guests Manchester United are pretty close to favourites of the Europolly, maybe second or third, maybe one of these halinkabs, I'm not sure. But just in and around that, cast your mind back to Jose Mourinho when he came in. Now, again, different times, different squad, different competition, et cetera. But there was a pretty much, I wouldn't say a demand to win the trophy or get out of my club. But there was a pretty much a demand to go and win that Europolly. Now, I'm not sort of placing that on Eric Tanharg's doorstep now, but what I would say is, in terms of an expectation, I would expect, again, you don't know how you're going to go. You get all the weight of the semi-final and VAR robs you. Well, we've got an injury crisis and we have to play the kids and we lose out on a wagull, sort of thing like, who knows how that is going to unfold. But I do have a far more optimistic, or I wouldn't say optimistic in regards to prediction. But I'm expecting big things in the Europolly this year. I do think Manchester United and Eric Tanharg will go for it. And look, I don't have to demand him win the final. I think it's in Bilbao, not that I'm checking flight, saw hotels yet to watch Manchester United and the European final. But just cast your mind back then to that time where Jose Mourinho came in and comparing it to now. Because there was, from my memory, there was a demand, pretty much a demand for Jose Mourinho to go win it. And I just think I would almost be placing that towards Eric Tanharg now as well. Yeah, I remember that that time period very vividly. And the main reason is like we went ahead and hired someone like the serial winner like Mourinho, who is really good in not just in winning leagues, but also winning trophies. Again, even though as Eric Tanharg had won so many, I wouldn't say so many, but a good number of trophies in his career, and especially winning two trophies with United over the last two years, I wouldn't still go ahead and compare him with Mourinho, right? So, as much as I love both the managers. So, and at that time, it was around that time when Leicester won the league and all the teams performed really bad or something of that kind. And there wasn't much competition for a top five or a top six, right? So, we had this entitled opinions. Of course, as a United fan, we are always entitled, rightly, we had these entitled opinions that we should be getting into Champions League. Like, we cannot afford to stay away from Champions League no matter what. And I think it was the second or third time we have been away from Champions League since Sorel X Ferguson retired. And I think that, and we were still far away from reality at that time. And then, and I think that came with the expectations. And of course, Mourinho delivered. But after that, we have seen how poorly and weirdly we have performed in all the competitions, whether it's under Ole or whether it's under Ragnarok, or even in the first two seasons under Erich and Hogg. So, now we are more realistically aware. We are more pragmatic on what our expectations should be, even though I might be sounding delusional that we should be finishing top four no matter what. I think we are more in terms with what the club can achieve, what the square can achieve. And also keeping in mind, Mourinho had proven winners like Paul Pogba and Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Juan Marta David DeHea with him. Then Hogg doesn't have that. Like, then Hogg is right now brooding a team filled with youngsters and talents earning Earth from different leagues. So, I think that's what comes with my prediction or that comes with my objective setting for Erich and Hogg under United. I'm more realistic and I'm more aware of the powers we have and how the teams, other teams are coping with their strengths. Back then, there was just top four and now we have a top eight, right? So, keeping everything in mind, I think that's where I'm lying with my objectives. And that's why I might be a bit accommodative to what the expectations from Erich and Hogg are from this season. - Where do you see Viraju in regards to not prioritising? You can prioritise them if you want. That's only a natural thing and obviously, we want to finish shots high up the league as possible. You want to win the league for God's sake. In regards to that is where we'll see our progression. We want Manchester to win the league. Or if we finish eight last year, okay, if we finish third or fourth or third, okay, that's progression. We can see visible progression, but we obviously want trophies. We want cups along the way. So, obviously, beside the obvious hand. So, yes, finish higher up the league and let's say a top four or maybe a top five in regards to whatever qualifies us for next season's champions leagues. In regards to the cups, there are ten hugs. One of those domestic cups. Now, he's won the league cup and the FA cup. Now, you could be very easy and just say, okay, finish the cycle and go with a European cup. Not the European cup, but a European cup in the Europa League that then he's won all three. But is there a preference now? Obviously, the Europa League does give you that back door in the next season's champions league as a league place in doesn't England, but is there in regards to the cups? You can't watch your preferred league cup of the FA cup. Obviously, it's the FA cup, but who knows? You might get Chelsea away in the third round of the league cup and Liverpool away in the fourth round of the FA cup, but suddenly you're out of it. You can never, you need a little bit of luck along the way. You need a good cup run. Thank God, we had Coventry in the semi-final, the FA cup sort of thing. So you can never really pin your hat on, okay? This has to be the FA cup or this has to be our league cup. But do you think there is a priority/focus on the Europa League this year just in regards to, he has won the other two cups. He needs to go and sort of deliver on a different kind of stage compared to, obviously, he needs to improve in the league and deliver in the league. But in regards to that sort of so-called success by lifting a trophy, he needs to prove it elsewhere. And on what I mean by elsewhere is sort of on the European stage, rather than, let's say, I don't want to say a lucky cup run, but in regards to, it kind of can be lucky in the FA Cup, but it doesn't really judge our team's guard. If you get a run of Arsenal Liverpool, Chelsea, Tottenham, and when the FA Cup, that's one hell of a run. And you can sort of prove that you're a fantastic team. If your cup run is Yovall town, Exeter, Rotherham and Coventry, well, you got a little bit lucky. It's not really sort of something you can judge a team on. So they're just your thoughts in regards to a little bit of prioritising of the Cup's this year. - I think that's exactly the way I'm thinking. He's won both the domestic cups last two seasons. For me, it's, you have to prioritise you, hopefully. I haven't, like you said, you and I haven't looked at all the teams, but we are probably one of the favourites to go and win it. Even in his first season of the quarter finals, we didn't go on a deep cup run. I would just expect to build on that, you know? First season, yeah, we did all right. We want to go ahead. Ideally, that's the cup I want to win. I want to win the Europa League. And I don't mind if you miss out on both of the domestic cups for me, it's at least the top five finish and the Europa League. It's not an expectation. Like I wouldn't be 10-hour out if you don't win the Europa League. But for me, you have to prioritise that without a doubt, I think you have to go and prove yourself at the European level again. What do you mean? I agree, but in regards to the word, and I've used the word there, but there's all in regards to priority. OK, here we are having a discussion around the cups. OK, he's won the other two domestic cups in England. I go, the priority now is Europa. We saw in Jose Mourinho's season, which I was discussing with Vinmeir, Jose Mourinho really prioritised the Europa League. Well, we threw away the League. We're not finishing six, I think, in the League. That's season, I was just going to go on to Scott Potomone. I was getting his debut. Maddy Willock was always on the bench. Angel Gomez got a debut from a bit of Josh Harrop, sort of thing. He really threw away and focused on that Europa. And he was so close, we played Selta Bigo, an old traffic in the semi-final. We should have gone out now. Who was that Manchester City striker? Open goal, Eric Bay. He had an absolute nightmare, sort of thing. We should have gone out in the semi-final Europa League. Well, so lucky. And we ended up going through. In regards to prioritising the Europa League. And we don't know what situation we're going to find in with players and transfers and injuries and suspensions and our form, et cetera. But prioritising the Europa League in comparison to the League. Where do you sit on that in regards to, do you have a... My focus is always, when the Europa League had finished 10th and you get an achievement, that is better than finishing second, getting in the Champions League and no trophy. Everyone's sitting in total, they're in opinion, sort of thing. But how do you sort of weigh up at the moment the balance of Europa League? Slashley, if you get the domestic cups, the Europa League and Premier League. Where is that balance for you in regards to prioritising? I think I'll agree with you on, I'd rather finish 10th than Europa League. Because you do get a trophy, you do still end up in the Champions League. But at the same time, being realistic, you know, let's say you finished eight last season, I mean, we did finish eight last season and then you go 10th and a trophy. Yes, that trophy is very nice. But where does Eric Tullogg stand then? You know, he's got two seasons where, across 38 games, you haven't managed to make it into those Champions League spots. So it's a very difficult question to answer. But personally, deep down, I'd still like us to... I don't mind a lot of League finish, if it means we can go and win the Europa League. Definitely. It's always been a point for me in regards to that. Yes, you do want to finish as high as possible. No one remembers the season where you finish third and you get Champions League football. That's not, OK, in our situation, it is something not to celebrate, but it is somewhat of an achievement in regards to taking steps forward. But it's about trophies. Lastly, I do not care that we finish eight. We've been made sure to see on the final day of the season. But what was that... We'll watch a movie, Moneyball, in regards to Billy Bean talking at the end, in regards to their way and up, what success looks like and everything. And he says, "If you don't win the last game of the season, no one gives a shit." And it's one of those things. Now, the last game of the season has to end up in a trophy, not in regards to the League calendar. But we won that last game of the season, and that's all that matters. Now, yes, the League position wasn't great, but you do remember the trophies and the days out of Wembley over finishing fourth or third or whatever the case may be. So, moving on now, we will have a quick look around the grounds at our Premier League rivals. Now, a lot of us could look at the League table and called teams like Tottenham, West Ham, Aston Villa, all these loved rivals in regards to our League position. But we are going to look at the traditional big club. I say big clubs at Manchester City are one of those. We're going to put in there, but we'll look at City Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea and their transfer business. And look, some are having a little bit of transfer business. Some are having what Chelsea would call no idea. But we'll touch on Chelsea in a little bit, but it's absolutely chaos. What is happening there? But we'll start on City. As we said, we touched on Omar Baradah at the start of the episode, and sort of the difference he is making at Manchester United. Manchester City, Viraj. But just in regards to here, this is a weird one because, in my opinion, I know the winner of the Champions League or the Club World Cup is technically the best team in the world. For me, Manchester City are the best team in the world. I think they've got the best manager and they've got the best manager with the best striker or the most impactful striker in Erland Harland and who a lot would agree, he's probably the best player in the world last season in Roderick. I do see Manchester City the best team in the world. We beat them a couple of weeks ago in the FA Cup final, the all-important final. So, some would say, man, you know, in terms of the pound-to-pound rankings. Move above them. But, um, what do you made of Manchester City's business? Because there's so many avenues of what we can look at this in regards to... We always knew from Sir Alex Ferguson's time in regards to when you're strong, that is the most important time to strengthen. And that's what Pep Guardiola has done very well in recent times in regards to the one that they've gone and improved and won again, sort of thing. However, there are 115 charges laying over their head and there's sort of the hearing has been set for about a month's time and it looks like the findings that hearing will be around the new year, maybe January, February, but then you will assume we'll go to some type of an appeals process and we'll be looking at maybe a decision by the end of the season. But with that in mind, do you think that is potentially slowing down their incoming transfer business in regards to you don't want to be a Manchester City director and spend 80 million pounds on a player, then in the year's time, you're in link two. And you think, hang on, what do we do with this player? We've just spent huge amounts of money on. Or do you think they're just in a situation where they're like anyone else in regards to looking at this PSR situation and all the finances and do you think they're just a little bit smart in their business in regards to no one's out there who's really going to improve it. Next question. Rather, they miss in a trick. And yeah, they should be sort of getting a little bit more business done than what they actually are. If you look at City Squad, they're basically two teams anyways, like, I personally don't see where they need to strengthen. Obviously, Gil you know, the virus has just left to go. It's like a Madrid. Maybe they might go in front of the striker. But then Pep won the link without a striker as well. So it's a very tough one with City. They've gone boarding that winger from Gervarana. I think he looked very sharp against you in the community shield. The last 10, 15 minutes. But yeah, I personally just don't see where they need to strengthen. Unless they go out and buy a striker. I know Oscar Bob got an injury yesterday, that news break as well. So maybe they go and look for another attacking option to replace him. But I personally just go on to the way I shouldn't see the need to strengthen or where they should be looking at. I think they've done what they need to do. They're boarding another attacker. I probably don't even see them replacing all the rays in that sense. I also just saw this morning that I saw in the evening that Calvin Phillips has agreed to alone. Yeah, I've just seen him go on to his switch. Yes, sorry, there you go. You've played about three games that you've switched before. He gets injured and you've figured it's Calvin Phillips, the four year returns to Manchester City game of the season. And Pep Guardiola makes a fat jerk about him. But Vinnie, in regards to Manchester City, could be a very simple question. Favourite to win the title. I take a favourites, but do you expect them to win the title? The amount of talent they have and the talent of the manager, they are always the go-to winners for the title. But I think this season, I think a couple of teams are going to give them a tough fight. If my predictions are right, I think this will be the closest season that they'll be going through after that one-point gap that they had with Liverpool. So I'm expecting them to win it. But again, given the amount of charges that's been against them, I'm not sure if they're going to get a points reduction. But if I take all of those things out of the picture, I think they might be ending up winning the title. It's fascinating when you see the betting notes and I'm not too much of a betting man. I do like a bet hero there and I've got a few bets on this weekend on the UFC. The UFC is in Australia this weekend, but if you are a betting man, Manchester City have bigger favourites to get relegated than teams like West Ham, because the bookies aren't often wrong. The bookies have a little bit of insight here or there, and they wouldn't be making those odds willy-nilly sort of thing. And I think Manchester City pay much $17 to be relegated, just in regards to that hanging over their head. In regards to that charge, that's the last I did set a couple of weeks ago. So their favourites to either come first or 20 if nothing in between. They're not going to finish second or third. It's either first or 20th with Manchester City. But if you're actually moving on to Arsenal, now if someone is going to, if you just look at the trajectory of seasons and plays in Peru or teams in Peru and sort of thing on their paths, if there is one team that is going to be Manchester City, you would guess Arsenal and the UFC could throw Liverpool in there, etc. Hopefully, you can say Manchester United. But the betting men would say Arsenal closes to Manchester City for a variety of reasons. What do you make of Arsenal? Because if you look at their fans online, you can always get a different picture of what reality is and they're screaming and shouting, "We want this and that." And half of them are saying, "No, we're going to go win the travel" sort of thing. Where do you sit on Arsenal? Because when you're behind Manchester City, the one thing you need to do with the transfer window is improve. Have Arsenal improved? Look, they're brought in a defender, is he good? Who knows? Italian defenders don't often perform brilliantly in England. He might be the exception, he might be fantastic. But the jury is out on him, especially now. Arsenal in my opinion had a pretty solid defence anyway. So, obviously, he is likely going to improve that, but has that got to make up the difference on Manchester City? I'm not sure, but what he made of Arsenal, their transfer business and throw in to that in and around the situation, around Artetto, in regards to the discussion we'll have in earlier, is his job secure. Because he can have an absolutely brilliant season, he can win, or he can come second on the old difference. He can make a champion, say, final lose penalty shootout, lose a FA Cup final to a VR decision and lose a League Cup final and a penalty shootout. So, he's a kick of the ball away from winning the quadruple, or a complete failure in Arsenal's book. Yeah, I think Arsenal are probably the most improved team in the last four, three, four years. I think they are the only ones in my eyes that can go and challenge. City, I agree with win. I think City, for me, are the favourites to win it. Are still being right behind them. That top two is locked for me. It's going to be either Arsenal winning it and City behind them, or City winning it and Arsenal behind them. In regards to their transfer business, I know they're also linked to midfielders from Salted Out, being Marina, if I'm not wrong. I mean, I think they really need another striker. I think they need an early Holland in their team. It looks like the difference, because we sit here and talk about goal difference. Well, we look at the 6-1, the Man City beat Manchester United 6-1, and we lost the League on goal difference that day. So, that's the difference, the goal difference is the difference. It's not really the difference. When you think about it in regards to someone's on plus 20 goal difference, or someone's on plus 18, that is not the difference. It's not a difference of two goals, or if someone has a 20 goal that is differential. That is never the difference. The difference is only ever one goal. If you control one loss into a draw, or one draw into a win, just one goal, it's not about a big score one or anything. That makes a goal difference null and void. You don't have to worry about goal difference. If you score one goal, or concede one goal less. So, always look at that. And you do look at the difference between what Arsenal have, and what Erlen Harlan makes for Manchester City, regardless of his ability, regardless of Pep's ability, regardless of the 115 charges, the best striker in the League in a game, if a chance falls to him, can score. And the only one goal goes to win a game. And her Erlen Harlan, in my opinion, is a difference maker. Yeah, and unfortunately he is a huge reason why Manchester City won the treble. Roger is fantastic. All that Phil Foden's fantastic. Guardiola is brilliant. Erlen Harlan, since he's come in, he's been the difference in my opinion, between Manchester City and Arsenal. Yep, completely. I think, you know, them going and signing the striker could be like us signing up in on Percy in 2013 and winning the League. I completely can relate to those two situations. And I think maybe someone like Anozim and Napoli want to shift him. Ana is another Italian player, but I'd just take a punter name if they can, getting for a relatively cheaper price. I'll bring him in. And you never know next year, you know, season, like you said, that one extra goal. Mark Windham, the League. Yeah, for me, I think their biggest party should be. And that in our number nine, definitely. Well, quickly move on to Liverpool then. And everyone who knows me knows I don't want to spend too much time on them, but it's a very interesting situation around them. And I draw comparisons to the Glazers and Australia's Ferguson in regards to Klopp. And FSG now live for fans. And I'm not privy to all their discussions and all their opinions and all their feelings towards their owners, but there is a very split down the middle divide amongst their fans. Some are FSG and some are FSG out. That's up for them to debate amongst themselves. From the outside, looking in and out, I could be lazy and just point the finger at American owners in regards to FSG and the Glazers. And we've seen photos of them at dinner tables, the other sort of thing. And I can very easily make a lazy judgment and say that they're the same sort of owners. Now, one has had sort of so-called success in recent times, and the Glazers definitely haven't. But I've always felt they're very similar in regards to them. And not so much their model or their business model, but in regards to their ambitions, what they view as success. Now, Sir Alex Ferguson had to deal with the Glazers from 2005. Now, Sir Alex Ferguson was very successful, but the club was rotting away from 2005 when the Glazers took over. The club was declining. But Sir Alex Ferguson was able to paper over the cracks and had great success. It wasn't until he left in 2013. All those cracks sort of appeared at the top and we said, "Oh, what on Earth were Alex Ferguson doing? How was he able to achieve his greatness?" I very much look at FSG. Some of their decisions over the last couple have been very reminiscent of what the Glazers were doing in 2008, 2009, 2010. The club was able to win on, not always win, but always sort of, it was always been successful in Liverpool's eyes. So it was always a feel-good factor around Liverpool. Now that I think Yoden Klopp has left, you draw comparisons from the window, Sir Alex Ferguson, left and David Moyse, chasing all these players. All these players rejected the last 20 minutes of deadline day. You bring in marijuana and filani for an inflated price. And I just look at what Liverpool are currently going through. Yoden Klopp has left this new guy's come in. Their main target, Zuber Mendes, rejected them sort of in. They haven't signed any players. Why not two players are leaving? It's a challenge for the new manager. So we could have a discussion around their owners and I hope and pray for that downfall, but I truly believe there is sort of quite sort of drastic sort of similarities between when Sir Alex Ferguson left and when Yoden Klopp has left. So I'm just sure thoughts in and around the Liverpool situation, am I sort of thinking a little bit more in hope? And I've gotten a little bit off the ball and they actually find, and Arnie Slots are going to come in and sort of hit the ground running? Or do you think there are, hopefully, some deep-rooted problems at Anfield? If you look at the last few seasons under Klopp, the Liverpool's performances were more like tapering over the cracks. They weren't really great in how they were achieving their league positions and they had a terrible, terrible title defence, right? Like, of course, they can blame the injuries, but injury blame can only be valid when it comes to Liverpool, but we can't use that as a reason when we go through that. And you were right, comically, I feel the transfer window under Moist is the same as the transfer window under Arnie Slots. There is not much balance and I think even their CEO also changed, right? Their CEO also left with Yoden Klopp. So there is a lot of changes over there and, of course, the player that they've been targeting throughout the entire transfer window is not going to sign for them, so which means they are now chasing the leftovers to sign somewhere like in the midfield where they are lacking, usually. And, of course, with a manager who has never been proven in the league and with a team that is kind of aging in certain areas and a team where the defence have been really shambolic, I really feel they will fail massively to achieve what Yoden Klopp achieved in the last season. And I really, really hope that the league position Moist achieved or Ryan Giggs achieved under the first season after Sir Alex Ferguson is a higher position as compared to what Liverpool will achieve this particular season. That's the way I look at it and I want to be surprised if Slots not going to be part of the job 18 months from now. Look, I would love that to be the case and look who knows. I think Liverpool are one of those clubs, they're either going to come second or first or, as you say, completely capitulate and hopefully it is the latter. We'll touch on Chelsea and their manager and sort of looking forwards towards that sack race who is potentially likely to lose their job first. But look, a lot of my sort of feeling in my opinion there towards Liverpool is obviously a lot of hope. But I do believe that is the case of a special win in Virgil Van Dyke and Mahamad Salalev or situation. Those contract negotiations over the years, the toll that will take but fingers crossed for Liverpool down for a play them in a few weeks. I think they're our third game at all traffic or our second game at all traffic, our third game over the season. That's a big one for both clubs and Eric Tanau is going to have to get it. I think that they're our third game at all traffic and Eric Tanau's first season and was our first win. We lost our first two games, then we'll fall kind of a town for the third game and Eric Tanau got the win. But you use that word in regards to clubs or treatments. Yes, I agree and that is the view of Klopp's time. You go back and look at Klopp's time. He was brilliant. Unfortunately, he was brilliant for Liverpool. You go back and look at the numbers though. He didn't achieve much. Yes, he didn't win all the trophies. But for his longevity, he didn't win much. So they won one Premier League title. Same as Claudio Ranieri. Can he do a leash for that sort of thing? But yes, he was brilliant for them. I'm sure Liverpool fans love him. But I mean, actually didn't win that much in regards to his longevity. But maybe that's sour grapes from me. But you do weigh up the sort of accolades and people will put him in the sort of Premier League category. And I just, he's a Liverpool great. Not a Premier League great, in my opinion. But moving ahead, Viraj and the Chelsea, before we go on to their London rivals for them and our match preview. But just on Chelsea, just some of you, we can't go through the signings because we've got to be here all week in regards to listing off who they are. But just your general feel of what Chelsea did. I personally think it's an absolute disaster. I think Chelsea didn't end themselves a whole. They won't be able to get out of in five or ten years. Now, I don't know what the current, what the financial landscape will look like in five, ten years, both in football or just globally in general. I just don't think there is any, any way this works. And that's my opinion. And again, I like my opinions around Liverpool. Maybe that is hope more than reality. But I'm just some of your thoughts on what is happening at Chelsea because we all like shining new toys. We all like these transfers. We all want to see new players come in off spoken of Chelsea fans that they don't like this. They don't like what's happening. Like everyone likes new signing. But they, it's be going beyond a new signing every week. Every couple of days, there's a new shiny new toy for 50, 60 million pound and eight-year contracts. I'm just thinking some of your thoughts on what on earth is happening at the bridge. Oh, I think, I think it's an absolute joke. You know, they're, they're pretty much signing a player a day at this point. You never know, you just wake up in your life year, for which your amount of hair we go, Chelsea's not another player. You know, I look at it as, I think they're just buying as much talent as they can and just trying to sell them one. That's, that's what I reckon their model is. I don't think they are, they are this team who are looking to, to win the Premier League in the next five years. You know, the buying talent that will get in the next five years to win it. It could happen. You never know. But I don't think that's, that's what they are looking at when they are building the team. When you have 40, 45 players registered in your score are, are really done. I think that's how you, you're looking at it because you do always need that, that level of experience as well, which I think, Chelsea, like in every single department, be that the manager, the players, the sporting directors, I think everyone. I mean, that's in Slack's experience. You know, they just offered Cole Pong or another to your extension on his deal. He, he's at the club for technically he, he'll be at the club for the next nine years, ten years. I can see why they did that. I think it was more about giving him the wage increase rather than extending his contract by a few years. But I completely agree with you. I, I think the Chelsea models, it is a complete disaster. I, I don't see them being successful in, in, in the next five years. Well, then in regards to, we, we do remember a couple of years ago as pre-COVID and social, I came in Chelsea, had that transfer ban. They had one of their play better seasons in recent times in regards to that. Quite a young squad. Mason Mountain was coming through Tammy Abraham, et cetera. They had quite a good season under Frank Blampard. And obviously whatever happened happened after that. But in regards to, we do remember they got a transfer ban. And obviously that is crazy when you think of what Chelsea in terms of the last 20 years, they've always been about transfer. So suddenly they hit with this transfer ban. Is there a case? Now we don't understand why. I definitely don't understand all the complexities in and around these sort of financial rules and the impacts they have and what's going to result in a fine or what's going to result in a transfer ban, et cetera. But is there a case where, I don't know if this is, well, it would be illegal if they get sort of punished for it. But is there a case where Chelsea and their model have almost just gone stuff it? We'll pick up whatever fine wedges by all the players now. We'll get a two year transfer ban. We won't be able to buy any plays. But we've got all the players already. Is there a case where they're so close to that financial sort of line where they're going to go over it? They might as well go all the way over it. And sort of stockpile all these players. Take the two year ban, whether or not buying any players. But they've got 20 players in reserve. Is there a little bit of sort of thinking along those lines? Do you think or am I sort of clutching at straws? I think there is a possibility. I have never thought about it in that dimension. I was more under the opinion that the American owners, they don't have a clue and they talk like football is just like... Yeah, it gives you two look at what he's doing. He doesn't have a clue. Yeah. But given the amount of players that they are signing and the age gap and given the Brexit laws that might soon be available and that might soon be active. I'm not sure in what way they are looking to make a benefit out of it. And we're out saying like probably they're trying to buy them and move on. But look at the prices at which they are buying these players. Like the players would have had like five games, five good games in a 30 game season and they are hyping up the players and they are increasing the value. I think the only good thing Chelsea, the new managers, the new owners of Chelsea have done good is to find the loophole of deal and monetization when they are buying the players, which we are currently benefiting. If I am... So much going to have to explain that in more in finer detail to me. Because in my opinion, that has always been happening in regards to, I think, Rommelier Lekaku who's trained to affect a couple of years ago sort of thing. I understand that and I understand that and obviously far sort of smarter minds than myself in terms of finding that loophole. That has always been a case, I'm sure when we signed, let's say Dwight York, well we didn't pay 19 million upfront to Aston Villa in the 90s. I'm sure that was over length of his contract. Maybe I'm wrong there. But I've always said, and there might be sort of more complexities to the loophole, especially in and around how those wages are paid. But I always find that Chelsea, the only club suddenly doing that. I just thought, aren't their smarter minds around football? Rommelier would be doing that. I think it's catching up the eye more because of these new PSR rules. Because when you are signing the player and when you're not putting it as a 20 million dollar, I'm sorry, if it's a 20 million fee and we're not paying or the club is not paying the entire 20 million at a stretch, the 15 million balance can be accommodated in terms of a loss. Exactly. So I think that's the probable loophole that we are saying or we are seeing. You never know the new PSR, the independent regulators, they can come in and they can just say, all of these are not going to be valid anymore. So either fix your books or you're getting a transfer ban. You never know what's going to happen. I'm all eyes and ears on what happens with this whole Manchester City case. Because that's going to set some precedent or that's going to write up some of the other clubs who are already under point deduction and fines. So I'm kind of looking forward to it. It's going to be a bumpy ride for the season. But hopefully it all ends well for our benefit. The city gets point detection or they are getting relegated or profits are being awarded for teams coming second. You never know what happens there. So yeah, I'm just looking forward to what actually the decisions, the regulations and all these lawmakers state and how it brings. I know we are deviating from Chelsea. But yeah, what a joke Chelsea is, isn't it? Absolutely loving it. It's very upsetting in regards to scrolling through Twitter and for bits. I'm on a new bombshell every 20 minutes. It's brilliant to watch. But it's brilliant to watch a rival do it. Even if they think they're getting some sort of short term sort of joy out of it. I don't think it's going to work. So it is fascinating to watch. But I would hate it to be at my club even though we do need a few new signings. Now, speaking of a few new signings, we're going to see some hopefully for them. So there's just discussing all things Premier League and expectations for the season. But it's not about 38 games. It's about one game on Friday, Friday night in the UK Saturday morning in Sydney. So match day one. Too much confidence levels in regards to match. It's not a full of an old traffic. We're a revenge towards Dave. He was a home debut against Fulham, scored two goals against Edwin van Dessa. We saw scored two goals as well that day for the opposition. The best opening day I've ever seen was Chris down in Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney running right in 607. It was off the back of the World Cup. It was Rooney and Ronaldo. They're going to speak to each other. 20 minutes of football against Fulham on that opening day was the greatest football I've ever seen in my life. It was unbelievable. I think we'll fire them up after 20 minutes. Rooney and Ronaldo running absolutely right. Now, you look at that on paper. Me and United Fulham, old traffic. Job done. Go get the three points. A couple of months ago, Fulham beat us old traffic. So it is not the same. It is not the same sort of time. Which we do wish it was. Talk to me about your thinking in and around your confidence levels. Talk to me through Joshua Xerxes, Matias Dalit, Mazzrauer, et cetera. Are we going to see them? Are we not going to see them? Some of your thoughts for me. I think overall, very confident. I think we saw a lot of good things against City. I know the midfield wasn't there. Strongest midfield. People were pointed at a lot of things that weren't perfect in that game. But I felt, I took a lot of positives from the game. More positives than negatives, definitely. And I'm very confident going into the game. I think Dalit starts. I think Mazzrauer starts. Xerxes, I don't think so. I think he might get a 20 minute cameo or 10 minute cameo towards the end of it. But just going off the fact that he got zero minutes against community shield. I don't think it's just going to put him in for the first 90 minutes. But look, I'm predicting everyone will. I still think maybe the defence might take a bit longer to gel together. New players, all those kind of things. But it'll be a very united thing to do, you know, a week of positivity. And then you go lose one little two. Full of one in the first. At least it wasn't. He's a very united thing to do. Yeah, at least it won't be Scotland, Tom and A. One nil who knows. Yeah. He's quite united. But it could be pre-season. Perma could be Andreas Pereira. I wouldn't shock me. He's actually done very well since going to Florida. I'm pleased with Pereira. Always had a little bit of time for him, even though he did cause a scrape frustration. It is good to see him doing very well at full on. But just on that back four, Verich mentions in terms of he thinks Mattias Dalit will start. I think all of us on paper when we're putting our start in the lemons, see what we think Gary Teneharg is going to do out and put out an hour before kickoff. When we all do it, we look at that back four. And I think pretty much unanimous months, the fan base, if we could put out a back four who's available, obviously Luke Shorey's injured. We'll go Diego Dalit right back. Mosrowi to left back. Maybe some would sort of flip them. Mosrowi left on the right. Dalit on the left, et cetera. That's up for personal interpretation. But so Dalit on the right. Mosrowi on the left. Losandro Martinez and Mattias Dalit in the middle. I think that's what pretty much everyone would go for. Correct me if I'm wrong. I just don't think this week is going to happen. Now, Losandro Martinez would say disaster against Manchester City at left back. That didn't cover himself in much glory. It left back. I just think starting Dalit and Mosrowi. Now, I would, I'd just see a situation where Harry Teneharg doesn't. Just in regards to changing half of your back four. For the first day I'm going to see that it's not ideal. Now, we're not in an ideal situation anyway. Whatever back four he was to choose. But I just think that is quite a big change. I don't think that'll be the case. I think Mattias Dalit will start. But I think he'll be starting next to Harry Maguire. I will personally start with Johnny Evans, if that was to be the case. But I do think it'll be Dalit and Maguire with my Teneharg's keep any spot at left back. So just your thoughts. Now, I hope I'm wrong. I would go for my initial prep preferred back four. But what are you thinking in around there and the debuts for Dalit and Mosrowi? I think there is a, if I'm very pragmatic. Fulham got a very. Aerial. Aerial. Part of my thinking as well. Matt Maguire and Dalit. I just think that they're on the balls in the box. I wouldn't be shocked if that's the line up. Exactly. And they've got wingers. I'm not sure if William and Adam are priori are still paying for Fulham a bit. I haven't been looking at their sport for a while. So if they are, we need to be really on our toes given the. Face and given the, you know, the willful tactics that. Both the fingers bring it. If they are starting. I would actually go for. Masrowi and. Dallow as the wing backs and of course, Dalit and. This under Martinez in the center back, but I'm not sure how fit. Less under Martinez is or even Harry Maguire is because both of them haven't played much. For for quite a while. Even Maguire had a good preseason, but he hasn't played as much as. Tony events played so I won't be surprised if Johnny Evans. That's the game. All I want is a better performance than our last season's opening day fixture because that was, that was really poor. And. I would rather and I'm, I think I'm going for a three one victory, but again, you never know how these predictions go. And I'm actually looking at Bruno playing a false nine. Bruno playing a false nine. A lot of people will hate it, but I think. If you are changing so much in the defense, we need to keep something. That's close to how we started the community shield. So that's where I feel if he changed the defense. Probably we wouldn't change much in the midfield and we wouldn't change much in the final third. So. That's where I'm hoping. You mentioned Bruno from Amazon to wrap up while sort of come around to both of you in regards to almost picking a sort of a main man on who do you think is going to be the difference maker. If Manchester United are to sort of be successful on the day, but there are just a quick question. You just popped up into my mind in regards to almost the elephant in the room, which we haven't really discussed, but he's still there. Luke Shaw, he's the man that is sort of almost sort of trending on Twitter amongst the Manchester United fan base. Where do you sit on that in regards to we discussed the Dutch sign in early in regards to, in my opinion, it's probably a coincidence in regards to the board, like in the same players that every 10 hard words in my opinion, I put it down to coincidence. I might be wrong. That's the way I view it. With Luke Shaw's injury, I just put it down to maybe just one of those things. However, the evidence and that the history we have doesn't shine sort of nicely on Luke Shaw's side in regards to getting fit for England and not for United, then suddenly he's back. Other players are fit. He's not sort of thing. I just think it is hard on Luke. I've got a lot of time for Luke Shaw and I do have personal bias. I said our highlights as a Manchester United fan was being invited onto the training pitch with Luke Shaw and to meet him be on the same field as Manchester United and to meet Luke Shaw. So I do have a personal bias there, but the evidence is weighing up against him in regards to his, not his performance. When he's on the field and he performs, he's really left back and he makes our team far stronger. But in regards to, I don't want to use harsh words, but we have to be honest, that professionalism in regards to making himself available for Manchester United compared to what we do see for England. Just where do you see on that? Because we'll be having a far different discussion in my opinion if Luke Shaw was fit and available and ready to get left back. I think our outlook on the next three, four weeks is far, I think it is positive, but it's a hell of a lot more positive with him there. And it's not. And when it's not, are you putting it down to him, or it's just one of those things that sometimes they play and get injured? I think I've got mixed feelings in this one. I really like Luke Shaw as well. I think for me, he's probably the best left back, best left back in the league for me. He has to take some blame for it. I mean, you know, when you know that you haven't played a single game for your knowledge, it's fab. And you, even when you have gone to England, you know that you might not be fit for the first few games. I think he only thought he made was in the final. And often you have to take some blame. You are risking the fact that you're going to come back and, you know, in your history, you probably won't be fit for your knowledge, but that there's a very hard chance of that. But at the same time, I think I also agree with you. It could be. It could be a complete coincidence like the signings that we've seen now. But for me, I think we have to move on from him. That's my personal opinion. I don't think he can give you 50 games a season. I don't think he can give you 40 games a season. But for me, it's like, whenever you put that word if, or sorry, when if he's a great player, but that's if he's fit kind of thing that for me is a big problem with any player like I'd rather have a consistent. If you're a big star of 10, then a player giving me, you know, five, eight out of 10 in the season, but then not been available for the, for the remainder of the season. But yeah, like I said, it's mixed feelings as much as I like him. And I want him to stay fit. I reckon, I reckon it's time to move on. And look in terms of a discussion around Dan Ashworth and Omar Baradar, et cetera. Business wise, forget what we see on the football pitch now preference business wise. You do look at a situation around Luke Shaw, his age, his injury record, et cetera. I think a lot of us would pick Luke Shaw if he's fit and available, but business wise, if you are looking to move a player on, it probably isn't around. He's a player or a profile like Luke Shaw. I think that is quite interesting. But look, it is getting late in the night. And the clock is ticking towards Manchester. Now, if you can, he's snoring in the background. It is my dog. He has fallen fast asleep. He's been bored of his chat, which I definitely have not. I can chat here all night about Manchester United with YouTube, but we will start to wrap it up and then you're both giving your predictions and just touch on Luke Shaw there. In regards to main man, I think a lot of us would point at Bruno Fernandez. Is he the difference maker in this one or is there someone else you sort of think if Manchester is not an artist, it will be the man will be celebrating at full time. I think it will be Bruno Fernandez. He has had quite an OK record in the opening game of the season with the past few seasons or ever since he is signed for us. So that will be one, but what I'm looking forward. I know it's out of context on service, but what I'm looking forward to this one this season is our midfield and defense protecting our goalkeeper. That's one of the main things on the key improvements I'm looking forward to in the season. So I'm saying Bruno Fernandez right now, but it might be a completely different picture towards the end of the season. I'm going to be uploading Manchester delight or probably linear or when the season ends. So, when you're a forgotten man cash from about two, three weeks ago when he was signed in the buzz. And now I completely forgot to be adding because he's fallen the third or fourth in the pecking order that's sent it back we play won't seem to Christmas be mentioned that being in that protection also in terms of the way that the floors in our game last year where teams will just sort of run through a real sort of heart stopping sort of the feeling we had throughout the whole games and heart attacks and the dramatic finishes you talk about wanting to see better football and sort of more protection and I completely agree and I see the point of you. How can you say no to these four threes and four fours and that's a football is in regards to the drama I completely agree but I'm when Manchester United are five all at halftime with full on will hate it but also be a part of it. They absolutely loves it and it will be interesting I'm confident going into this game but I'm confident if we're playing a way to burn a barrel away the way that he had, I'm confident if Manchester is not play well. Unfortunately Manchester is not said I don't play well and that gives me no confidence but he mentioned it's not turn up and play well and their plays do their job, we're better than four, we'll beat four. It's up to them. It's not up to the fans, it's not up to the manager, a lot of people will say it's the manager when you cross that line controllable and pass the ball to a red shirt. I think that's what we sound simple but I think we've struggled with the simplicity of football in recent times and when we get it right, we get it right. It's up to them to deliver so I'm very much appreciate Vin and Viraj joining us for that very much enjoyable. Have a good weekend guys well I say weekend it starts very early on Saturday for us is Saturday five a.m. kick off for us so it'll set the tone and I do think there's decent kick offs on a Saturday night at Liverpool kick off on nine thirty our time Saturday night. So hopefully Manchester is not going to go top of the table. First thing Saturday morning and we can watch Kieran McKenna and Ipswich upset. The scouts is on Saturday night and get our season off to a good start but enjoy your weekend gents. Many thanks for the lads for jumping on the pod there very much enjoyed it and hopefully many of the chats we do have this season is sort of discussing positive performances, positive results and a successful season at the end of it and sort of unlike the therapy sessions we've been having for far too many years on a weekly basis as Manchester United fans but that's the hands of the players and the manager to deliver that for us. We can just sort of sit here and hope and that is what we're going to do but fingers crossed all goes well both this weekend and the season ahead so many thanks for the boys for jumping on if you do want to get involved with the podcast this year. Obviously just getting in touch with me everyone is welcome on to have their say whether it be around a match or performance or anything like that or a bit of news or something throughout Manchester United's history. You do want to discuss feel free to get involved and we'll chat anything and all things Manchester United so very much enjoyed that there is also a discord page for the podcast and we'll set up a little group around 20 or so in there at the moment which is good just a bit of a group chat and we had sort of different topics and channels in there whenever you're boarding they'll throw something in there and two minutes later you'll be having a discussion with a fellow red so we go into my Twitter page Tom and UFC eight. The link is in there or just send me a message and I can send you a link for that discord group very much enjoy that and thanks to all the lads who have got involved with that so far and to finish off this week. I'm not sure if you're obviously my question to you was, which match did Sralex Ferguson family famously miss when he went to Skat David to Haya or who was the opponent I should say it was in the 2010 league cup. It was against scumthorpe United. There's an interesting one there. I do remember the Manchester City one he did miss in the year 2000 at main road with David Beckham scored the free kick. I did believe that's correct and pull me up on that if I am wrong but he did miss the scumthorpe league cup tie in 2000. In 2010 when he went to scout David to Haya and what I would say as a successful scout admission David I think goes into the Manchester legend legend category tough so 10 years from Manchester United over he's someone who can hold his head up quite high so I'm good to see him back in football at Fiorentina definitely keep an eye on him this season but all eyes this week for and Manchester United fingers cross next week's chat will be a good one and I think it will. I'll go to United until then have a good weekend and we'll chat you soon cheers. [MUSIC]