Redemption with James Arthur Ray

#113 - Live Somewhere that Aligns with and Moves Your Soul

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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We’ve been discussing over the last few episodes how to transmute your body into a powerhouse. Obviously, this includes the mind as well because mind and body are tightly interdependent and interwoven.

Will power is off and on… environment is 24/7.

Basically, where you live and the environment you surround yourself with is either incredibly empowering or incredibly disempowering.

Choose wisely.

(upbeat music) - Welcome to our podcast. We're continuing our series on how to transmute your body into a powerhouse. And today we want to talk about living somewhere that aligns with and moves your soul. Now, we've been discussing over the last few episodes how to transmute your body into a powerhouse, obviously. Now, this includes the mind as well as the body. Why does it include the mind if we're talking about transmuting your body, very small? - Because your mind has an effect on your body. It reflects onto your body. - It definitely does, and vice versa. - If you have a toxic mind, and therefore you have a toxic body. - If you have a toxic body, then you have a toxic mind. You know, there's a whole field of study in medicine now called psychoneuroimmunology, which is a mouthful. And it basically says that you can't separate the mind and the body. You have to look at both of them when you're looking at causation for what's going on in your body. So the mind and the body are tightly interdependent and interwoven. You see, willpower is off and on. Environment is 24/7. And hopefully that makes sense to you. So basically where you live and the environment that you surround yourself with is either incredibly empowering. - Or incredibly disempowering. - That's right. There's no neutral, it's either/or. Everything is either moving you forward and adding to your life or it's moving you back, holding you back and taking away from your life. So you have to choose wisely. Now, Bertson and I lived in LA for years. - Unfortunately. - And it really didn't resonate, as you can tell, with who we were and certainly who we are now. About six years ago, we made the decision to leave. - Yeah. It's probably one of the best decisions we've made. - It was one of the best decisions we've ever made. And it took some doing because Bertson wasn't sure she wanted to come to Nevada. - I live in the desert. - In the desert 'cause it's kind of hot here sometimes. - Just a little bit, just a tiny bit. - But we did move to Nevada, which may surprise you. But we're not in Vegas. All right, we're in Henderson, which is a nice, quiet, clean suburb. Now, the weather here overall is great for us. It doesn't snow. And while it gets hot in July and August, the rest of the years is pretty-- - It's pretty nice. - Pretty great weather. The cost of living is reasonable, unlike LA. There's very little traffic. - Unlike LA. - LA, there's a lot less crowds. - Unlike LA. - The polar opposite of LA. I guess there are some places that would provide us with more exposure to nature, possibly. - The dirt mountains they see. - Yeah, the dirt mountains, you know, some a lot more trees and mountains and lakes and oceans. But there, you know, always is a trade-off. No matter where you go, there's a trade-off. And so, one thing that's really nice about living in Henderson is the much more limited exposure to pollution, which vastly improved over LA. You know, which significantly improves your overall well-being. Here's something that we're really fond of. What happens every weekend that you're really excited about? - We have a farmer's market. - Yes, we do. We do, we even know-- - We do, our neighborhood farmer. - We know his name and he knows our name. And he's a personal friend. And they come to our neighborhood two times a month and they provide organic eggs, grass-fed and finished beef, all natural organic honey, handmade organic sourdough bread. - This is amazing. - Which we very little of because we tend to avoid starch, but it's great and it's clean when we occasionally do eat it. - And we know where our food is coming. - We know exactly where it's coming from. We know how he treats his animals as well. We've had long conversations with him about it. Here's another thing. You know, how far is our gym from our home? - Maybe like 10 minutes, is that right? - Maybe, maybe 10, 20, somewhere in there. But you could drive 45 minutes to a grocery store. - 45 minutes to get back to your house, which is like probably three houses down. - And that's right, that's right. Whole foods is really close in the less frequent times that we go there because we're able to most often get everything we need from the farmer's market, which we prefer. - Sure. - Bearsabah sometimes runs in the mornings, not as often as you used to. - No, thank God. - With wild coyotes. - Yes. - And rabbits, whales. And they're just full of all kinds of birds and rabbits and quails. - Hogs. - Hogs, yeah, for sure. - Rats. - Rats. - So, while we may enjoy early, we may enjoy mountain views in some places and a little more jungle foliage. We would have to give up some other things that we have here. Now, will we stay here forever, bear some money? - I don't think so. - Yeah, who knows, we don't really know. Forever's a long, long time. - Sure. - But our point here is to encourage you to live somewhere that resonates with your soul, that really resonates with you, supports you in who you are and what's important to you. For example, if you're a big outdoor enthusiast, big sea life is probably not the best option for you. You know, living in Manhattan is just not a really good choice. Everything counts and everything, as we stated earlier, is either moving you forward or it's-- - Holding you back. - Holding you back. There's no neutral. So, when it comes to where you live and the environment you surround yourself in, 24/7, choose wisely. You'll be grateful when you do. Wanna thank you for a couple of moments a day. - Thank you for being helpful. God bless. - See you next week. - Bye. 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