What’s On Disney Plus Podcast

Less Demand For Marvel & Star Wars Disney+ Originals? | Disney Plus News

In this What's On Disney Plus Podcast episode, Roger discusses some of today's biggest Disney+ news, including: “Only Murders In The Building” Season 4 Trailer Reaction Marvel’s “Kraven The Hunter” Trailer Reaction Demand For Marvel & Star Wars Disney+ Originals Declining Question Of The Day   You can subscribe to my podcast on many different platforms, including Apple, YouTube, Podbean and Spotify. If you enjoy our podcast, please consider supporting it via our Patreon or as a YouTube Channel Membership from as little as $2 a month and get access to exclusive content and much more. What did you think of today's Disney+ news?  Let me know on social media!

Broadcast on:
14 Aug 2024
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In this What's On Disney Plus Podcast episode, Roger discusses some of today's biggest Disney+ news, including:


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Come on up, I'm gonna be talking about the new season that only murders in the building, craving the hunter, and also demand for Marvel and Star Wars shows has gone down. But before you go any further, make sure you do hit that subscribe button to keep up with the latest Disney+ News. Hi, it's Roger here, found what's on at It's time for a quick Disney+ News roundup. Let's start off with talking about the brand new season of only murders in the building. So this one is gonna be returning on Tuesday, the 27th of August. It's gonna be premiering the two episodes, weekly episode after that every Tuesday. And this is gonna be on Hulu, and Hulu on Disney+ in the United States, and on Disney+ around the world. The new trailer very much kind of leans in on the fact that they've headed off to Hollywood, and they've now got free actors now playing them, and they're following them, and they kind of head back to New York, where they end up finding Jane Lynch's body. And yeah, it's looking really good. I really enjoyed this show. The chemistry between all the characters just worked so well, and I am really looking forward to seeing what they do with this one. So I am at that point of like how much further can they push this show, obviously, with Steve Martin, but I'm sure getting much older. But this has a, just a who's who cast in here as well, just it just looks incredible, really looking forward to watching it. I think this one's gonna be a big hit for the full season. But yeah, I think this, yeah. Didn't know that about it, this one to me is probably, I'm hoping that I wanna watch the most over the next few months on Disney+. But let me know your thoughts on the trailer. Did you like it? Maybe not, I'd love to hear that in the comments below. Shifting gears now, let's now talk about another trailer which dropped today, which was Craven the Hunter. So this is a new Marvel film that's coming out in December in cinemas. So this is part of Sony's universe. So it's all kind of the Spider-Man movies without Spider-Man. So we've had more of this. And now we're gonna be getting Craven the Hunter. This new trailer, I thought looks really good. It's definitely looks much more interesting than say, for example, Madam Webb. There's plenty of violence in here. Loads of bloodthirsty action, just killing. It's definitely kind of something I think it's gonna do very well. I think this is gonna reach a much better audience than Madam Webb. I think obviously with the boost that Deadpool and Wolverine were about R-rated, this movie's also R-rated. It's just, there's a lot of him running away. That's the kind of the key thing here. Also a big key scene with the debut of Rhino in this film. Obviously, I mean, at some point you would imagine they wanna get the Spider villains together to face Spider-Man, like you would expect with these kind of things. So I'm not sure Craven was always one of my favorite villains from the animated series from the '90s. So it's that kind of weird thing of like, do I wanna see him as the hero? I don't know. But the trailer did a really good job. I wanna go see this. I probably will go see this one when it comes out in cinemas. Madam Webb, I didn't even bother with. Morbius, I didn't even bother with either. I just waited until they came out. Actually Madam Webb, I've not even seen yet. It was probably a good thing. But which is kind of the point. Madam Webb, I didn't wanna watch it. And that got to that point. Whereas I do think Craven's got that thing about it. I actually think it looks a little bit more, I mean Venom 3 looks fun as well. But there's just something about Craven which I think just looks really interesting. But whether or not this is gonna be the end of the Sony kind of Marvel verse thing. I think I don't even know if they should be releasing it in December. I think they should be like, holding off a little bit on that one. But having that one and Venom. But then this gives the whole of Marvel a little bit of space then with what they're doing. But I am hoping that Marvel and Sony can kind of come to a deal where they go like, "Can we just sort out the mighty verse "and you guys come in with us?" That would be a lot easier. But let me know what you think of the trailer for Craven. Let me know in the comments below. Shifting gears now, let's now talk about the demand for Star Wars and Marvel Originals on Disney Plus. Now according to a recent article from The Rat, which gave some information from Para Analytics, which highlighted that the demand for Marvel and Star Wars to Originals has drastically reduced year on year and especially Star Wars seems to have been really, really impacted by this. Like on the graph, Marvel is kind of like kind of almost a straight line compared to Star Wars, which just went down. Now, I think this is all down to a number of different reasons. Now first off, there is no doubt we can say, Disney kind of flew out the gate with Disney Plus. It did really well. Having the pandemic hit and then they ramped up even more and Chapik just went, "Build me more, I want more." And so therefore they then created loads of shows and loads of stuff called Marvel and Star Wars. And essentially Marvel and Star Wars was carrying Disney Plus for those years. Those were the main reasons to get it if you're in an adult. And that has been a massive big thing. Of course, we then saw the reduction in the quality as they were putting out more and more stuff. The shows were getting worse. People weren't connecting with them the same. They weren't as good, which has meant that people are less interested. We've also seen this drastic reduction in the amount of stuff that's been released in the last year compared to 2022. You know, there was multiple shows being released. Now there's only been like so far one Marvel show and one Star Wars show so far this year. And I think that's for the best. In order to build up these brands again, they cannot just keep just throwing stuff against the wall and just seeing what sticks past that point now. We want quality. We don't just want quantity. And I also think as well, the whole superhero fatigue thing. I know some people don't agree with it. Some people do. And yeah, quality is all part of it. But I think it's not just the fact that Marvel was churning out so much. You had DC churning out lots of stuff. Netflix and Amazon and everyone was putting out all these different superhero shows. And I think they all just got too much. I think there was too much of all of it across the whole board. I'm a superhero fan. And there's some stuff that I just does not watch because it's just like, oh, I'll just something else. I'll watch it later. And I think that is a big problem for just the whole genre. And so by pulling back, I think that's going to help, they're also trying to save money. And we've really seen as well with them, like pulling back on how much stuff they're making, they had so much stuff in the can that they were able to basically spread it out over a few years. There's some major releases coming out next year, already wrapped, already finished. Some of them, like Ironheart, finished filming a couple of years ago. They've just drastically shut down. And I do think that, you know, Disney has worked out, that's, you know, Marvel and Star Wars is something that they can't rely on to just continually increase Disney Plus. It reached an audience, and it just kind of went down after that. And I think quality is a major reason for that. You know, the acolyte just never hit the same level as anything else. No, the show argued me a lot of people did not like it, did not like a lot of stuff of it compared to the Mandalorian. And yeah, you know, it was definitely not on par. I think, you know, the book of Boba Fett wasn't so good. Obi-Wan Kenobi had some problems. I mean, I always said, right, when I was watching it, that we ended up with that whole act with her getting kidnapped for the second time. Like, did we need to do that one again? They could have cut that back. I do think we're gonna be getting a lot less, and they're refocusing on theatrical, but yeah, there's no doubt about it. The data does show that, you know, the climb of viewership of these brands is there. I'm very clear to see. I also think the problem as well is that they were so reliant on Marvel and Star Wars to boost up Disney Plus. They were exploring all these other originals, and they just weren't connecting. And then they ultimately decided, I think, that the answer really was in their general entertainment was the Hulu stuff. Once they kind of made that decision to go for it and buy it out from Comcast, we're just in that awkward stage where they can't fully merge them together. 'Cause I think that's the key thing. If you take all the stuff from the Hulu site, so things like only murders in the building, and the old man and things like that, suddenly then you've got these other shows which can take off the pressure for Marvel and Star Wars where Disney Plus was so reliant on them, and they never had anything else really to kind of fill the void. And they were expensive shows to make. You know, these big fantasy shows cost so much more to make than, you know, a police drama or a hospital drama or something like that. But yeah, I think we're definitely in that zone now. We can definitely see the numbers are there, and I don't think it's gonna change. I think it might change in the future like we've daredevil. I think that's gonna have a good chance of doing it. I don't think Agatha is gonna have a huge impact on viewership. It could be really good. I'm looking forward to watching it, and I think it looks interesting, but I know there's a lot of people that are not into that show. They're not interested. And also skeleton crew, to me it looks fun. It looks like a 1980s kind of kids adventure thing. I love those things back in the 80s, so I'm definitely in on that. But again, audiences now are so split in what they want because Marvel and Disney have been sort of giving us different things all the time and get different audiences. But I'd love to know your thoughts on all of this. Do you think the client is real? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below. And our question today, which comes from Indigo, who says maybe if they stop counseling good shows, it might be able to keep them running a bit longer, so annoyed about Renegade now, is there any chance another platform would pick it up? So let's go with the idea of picking it up. Generally, you know, Netflix and stuff coming in and picking up old shows and renewing them and reviving them. Usually it's done when they believe that there is an audience there that they can captivize and get them to come over and subscribe to. The simple truth is something like Renegade now did not have that audience to pull people in on. Generally, I think you tend to see most of them tend to be like linear television shows, which have kind of had an audience. I just want to finish off the story. But even that, we are seeing a lot less of this. All of the studios are all spending less. They don't, and if you're about to invest some money in a show, do you want to spend money on a show which has already been canceled and has already shown that the viewership isn't there, or do you want to try something new? You know, we are seeing a massive change within the industry of reductions of how much stuff they're making. And yeah, so if a show gets canceled, they'll just move on to something else. And all the studios are all looking for something else. If they find a hit, they'll go for it. But if something looks a little bit whiffy, they'll move on. So I don't finish any chance of it getting picked up by another network. I mean, if there's a bug for similar story, they might try it, but I just don't think they will do. With regards to letting shows run a little bit longer, I 100% agree with review of I do feel like with us getting shorter seasons, you know, like these six, eight, 10, 12 episodes, sometimes it doesn't give us long enough to connect with these characters. And I do think for some shows, especially with some show formats, we need a little bit longer for that to happen. I definitely feel like with comedies, like comedy shows, we need a little bit longer to get used to those characters and kind of form those attachments and let them evolve. But yeah, I think we are at a weird point with these limited shows and stuff. I think there's a lot of benefits to them, but also I think we've seen very easily that they're very quick to pull the trigger on them and not do them anymore. And they're all as bad as each other. No major studios any different, but I would love them to be a little bit more committed. We're going to do three seasons of this show and we're going to do this and we're going to film them. So now I think like we're Percy Jackson is like, commit. If our season was good, lock them in, you film it regardless. Because if you get to season three and then you say it's been canceled, all that's down the drain. Get that, finish the story as if you're a W.R.A.P and you need to do that. But I do think, I don't know if there's anything wrong with doing like a three seasons and coming to an end, but at the same time, canceling stuff after one season, you know, on a business sense, it does make sense if it's not working. And you know, that's always been the case for decades, but now I do think they really need to do a little bit better with this. But let me know your thoughts on this in the comments below. Go check us out over at Consider becoming a YouTube channel. I'm going to help support the channel. And on that note, guys, thank you very much. See you guys soon, latest. (upbeat music) (clicking) [BLANK_AUDIO]