Billy & Lisa in the Morning

The Family Drama Is Real!

Have fun at the Pats game to those going! The Billy & Lisa crew cover a whole bunch of topics during today’s show, and we kicked it all off by talking about Lisa’s book club and monkey pox! Then, we got a perfume lesson from a listener. We then discussed Justin’s family drama which then carried over to Topic Time!  Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app! 

Broadcast on:
15 Aug 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun. For the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over 100 social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VQW Group, void prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms of condition supply. Now, this morning's show in Boston. Billy and Lisa in the morning. It's just a great start to my day on Kiss 108. Hey everybody, good morning. Welcome in to the Billy and Lisa morning's show. And here we go. What's the weather today, Lisa? You know, a little bit of everything. We're going to see a little bit of sun, excuse me, this morning, hazy. And then clouds and then some rain showers this afternoon. But they're saying it should not affect the Pat's game. But it might affect the tailgaters. Right. So it's like mid-afternoon. Yes, tailgates for a pre-season game. You'd be surprised. You know when people are anxious if you're a huge football fan, right? I guess it. It's just used to drink and eat a hot dog. It actually makes more sense to tailgate for the pre-season than it does for the regular season. Right, because the weather is so good. Yeah, true. Yeah, Matthew Judon won't be there. No, did he get traded? Are you going to? Yes, your day. Oh, Falcons. Yeah. I loved a very nice guy. Yeah. Very much in the community. Yes, if you bought a Judon jersey, you're-- It's now a collector's sign. Exactly. It's also very good, too. Yeah, really good. Full-time pro-player. Yeah. So he's now on his way to the Falcons. And we've got a game with the Eagles tonight. And there's-- A lot of birds. Yeah. Everybody's flying everywhere. Your favorite. So there's that tonight, Pat Eagles. And Aaron Judge of the Yankees. We don't talk about them much. He broke a new record last night. The fastest player ever to hit 300 home runs. Didn't he do it like just in half the time or something? He did it in 955 games. The second player, the other player, was 1,087. Babe Ruth did it in 3,000 games. Wow. Wow. 987. He was also drunk. Yeah. He was overweight, drunk. Time's your difference. Time's your difference. Do you realize that Babe Ruth probably wouldn't even made it to the league? No. Enough from Babe Ruth. Yeah. The greatest baseball player to ever live is probably like a junior level. Yeah, and you don't get much Babe Ruth talk. Not really. You know, on Morning Radio shows. So there's that. How was the book club event last night done of it? It was fabulous. I have to say, showcase just such a good job. We had beautiful hors d'oeuvres. Everyone came out the movie. It ends with us starring Blake Lively. I loved-- I want to put that out there. I was like-- I had like an ugly cry going by the end of the film. It's a very dark subject. It's about domestic violence, the book by Kathleen Hoover. But I think they did it very well. And I loved it. So go see it. And you met the baby, the book club baby last night? The book club Courtney came with Emma. So cute. I posted some stuff on Instagram. I actually sent you guys some pictures from last night's event. So yeah, we had our first book club baby in attendance. So when is the next book club event? I just posted the link this morning. It's also on the Kiss Instagram, or you could go to and register today. It will sell out. It's at Josson, Maine on August 28th with local author and interior designer Aaron Gates. And we'll be at the beautiful Josson, Maine store in Burlington. And I think you guys are all coming, right? Oh, absolutely. It's the 28th? Yeah. OK. August 28th. Oh, literally 30 days away. Does it end? Does it ever stop? The book club just keep on coming. It keeps on rolling. I have to say, we had a lot of new book club members last night. I've seen a lot of new faces. I love that. So I think having more events gives people more of an opportunity to join in, you know, because things sell out. Especially if you want to come to Josson, Maine. The only Joss me in the world. It is. The store is gorgeous. I've shopped there. It is a beautiful store, beautiful store. Boy, you're like the Taylor Swift of book clubs now. Everything sells out immediately. And by the way, Taylor has her first or five shows in-- Oh, Dad, and we says getting like the same cut as Taylor. Oh, my God. She could just do book clubs only. She wouldn't need us. Let's talk about that. We have a Taylor superfan who's going to be calling into the show tomorrow. Why are you faring a lead here? I know I'm getting that. I'm stalling on purpose. I'm stalling on purpose. Give it away your whole entertainment report. Quickly, we have a name for the ticket tag at 710 this morning, the Sabrina tickets. OK, Justin has been dying to play this. This is involving my future trip to Africa. Go ahead, have some fun, Justin. Well, this is breaking news. This just came out yesterday. The World Health Organization tonight is declaring MPOCs, formerly known as Monkey POCs, a global public health emergency, as a new form of the virus is now rapidly spreading across Africa. Cases have been detected in more than a dozen countries, with more than 14,000 cases there, 524 deaths. This year alone. 524? That's not a low number. No, it's not. And it's growing. Yeah, so you got to love this, right? So I saw the report, and people were sending me the report, and I think I sent it to you. You did. So I said to my wife, Michelle, I said, you know, I don't know about this trip to Africa. This is a global pandemic on the way, and people's skin is falling off, and they're dying. And she said, don't even go there. We're going-- we would have to go to Africa if there was an army of guys with flamethrowers waiting at the terminal in Africa, which still have to go. What if they raised the level, like the threat level? She would still go. She would swim to Africa if she had to. Is it contagious? Because I don't want you coming back and giving me monkey paws. Of course it is. It's very meaningful. I meant-- OK, so you need to like, you can't come back. Well, see, that's the thing. You're going to have to be in quarantine. I'm going to be stuck there in a cement room with the pawks. You're going to be in one of those suits, you know, from like outbreak. I didn't know, like, how does it transfer? Just like by being in the same room as somebody? I don't know, but I do know that your skin rots. Yeah. Well, yeah, when you-- when the patient, you know, comes down with the monkey pawks. When the patient first gets the virus, plans to flu-like symptoms. And two or three days, pink lesions begin to appear all over his body, along with small pustules that soon erupt. Is that all? I think there's a lot more to it, too. Anyway, yeah, there's that. The big story this morning, take a tag. We announced the name. And this is the final shot. Seven, 10 this morning for the Zabrina tickets in Boston, and the grand prize we announced tomorrow. That's a trip we fly you and put you up in a hotel in Nashville for Zabrina. Did we mention it's spreading, Billy? It's spreading like a brush fire. You can isolate the sick, and I mean, really isolate them, Billy. We got to get everybody else back into the houses. We got to keep on there. Oh, man. Honey, we can't go to Africa. You are looking for any excuse. This could actually end up being the excuse that we think gets way out of hand. I pray there's an announcement. There's a total ban on traveling. Do you want us to tell her that, like, if you go, you can't come to work for, like, a month after? She won't care. Won't care. Oh, god. Anyway, entertainment is up next. OK, stand by. From the Planet Fitness Kids 108 Studios, we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on kiss 108. All right, Justin, let's go get me some talkbacks, and then we'll get to entertainment. You can leave a talkback for the show. You can get your voice heard on the radio any time during the show, but if you do it in the 6 a.m. hour, we call that the 6 a.m. club. Good morning. Does this make me part of the 6 a.m. club? I don't know if I can do it. It's a little too early. Like 40 minutes too early. Why don't you go back to bed? She have a root canal or something. It sounded like her mouth was swollen. I think she just woke up. But you can leave-- you know what? Go back to bed in next hour. You can leave another talkback. How's that? You know who is a part of the 6 a.m. club, though. You know who. Good morning. It's the mail of the South Bend. In honor of you, Chuyah University of the show, I'm inviting you all down to P-town this weekend, because this weekend is carnival, down in P-town. Lisa, you can get dressed up for the parade. Billy, you're almost in honor every day already. Winnie, newly gay Winnie can come. And Justin, I have a tight pair of black shorts for you to wear. Have a great weekend. Yeah. All right, you want to show those quads off? Oh, you should have saw the pump I had yesterday. I posted a video on my Instagram with me. I was literally on the ground almost passed out. It was insane, the workout. It was just 100 rep squats, crazy. You were going after it. Yeah, we were really pushing it, pushing it hard. Yeah, you've got to get after it. You've got to get after it. All right, fit into those shorts. Now, the entertainment update with the Billy Cod stuff. All right, the Patriots and the Eagles have a preseason game. How did you let Stadium tonight, Pat? Second preseason game. The patch yesterday, trading four-time pro baller, Matthew Judon, to the Falcons for a third round picnic. Judon has been fighting for a new contract for quite a while. This was him just a couple of weeks ago. As much as everybody want to see me stay around here for a long time. It's really not up to me, bro. I pay myself a lot of money and just stay around here for a long time. But it's not up to me, man. So you got to ask those. You got to ask those guys that's making those decisions. I love him. I pay me. They made their decision. Apparently, not everybody wanted him to stick around for a long time. The front office decided it was time to go to Atlanta. I mean, they're rebuilding. I guess they're really taking that serious. They're becoming the team. What do they have left? I don't know. Drake May. Joe Milton. He looked pretty good. Joe Milton looks good. He looked good, didn't he? He looks good. I can't believe they didn't make a big deal out of Joe Milton and how good he did look at the first-- Well, everyone's like, oh, well, he's playing against people that are going to be working at, like, Duncan, you know, weeks, because you know, something you'll get cut after preseason, so. Well, how about this Will Levisky? He's the quarterback for the Titans, and he's out with a new cologne that smells like mayonnaise. $8 a bottle. It is already sold out. This is-- They tried to define you. But you are the ingredient to your own success. Pushes. You. Eggy. Eggy. Smell my greatness. Will Levis, number eight, parfoam, the mayonnaise? You know what's so funny? If you look him up, he looks like mayonnaise. No, he's actually a very good looking guy. No, but like, he's like, he's like ghost white. He'd do very well at carnival in P-town this weekend. Let me tell you. He gets mayonnaise vibes. I'm sorry. I can see it. The good news is they're planning to restock the cologne. His contract, by the way, with Hellman's, includes a lifetime supply of mayonnaise. Does anyone need that? I mean, Hellman's is a great mayonnaise. But any-- let's take a poll. Anyone in the room want to smell like mayonnaise? No. No, I do like mayonnaise, though. I'm a big mayonnaise guy. You're not me. You're not? No. I like mayonnaise. I like mayonnaise. I like mayonnaise. I like mayonnaise. No. It's good. The mayonnaise. I don't think smelling like it that way. Is this like a joke? No. I was laughing. I thought it was a joke. It is kind of-- No, he's lying down with a jar of Hellman's, and he's sticking his finger like that. But is it a PR stunt with Hellman? It kind of is, but the perfume is real. Yeah. The commercial's a parody, obviously. He's a big fan of mayonnaise. He always talks about it and posts about it. Yeah. But you can buy the bottle and they're going to restock it soon. Yeah, and Lisa, I got to ask you something. What's the difference between parfume and cologne? Well, I think parfume is more expensive than cologne. OK, and it sounds more expensive. Yeah, that's the number one thing that I've always done. I'm sorry. Is everything parfume and perfume? Yeah, well, it's perfume. Oh, OK, Billy's fine. What is toilet water? I don't know, Bill. I think toilet water-- Because they sell that too, right? Yeah, it's the water that you flush in toilet water. I think it's maybe a lighter version of the parfume. OK. Yeah, it's almost like a body mist, maybe. Right. The next thing is going to be a toilet water before the fall. Everything now is unisex. Yeah. Like, if you go, you could buy everything as-- You know what? You could smell like whatever you want, no matter what your sex is. Exactly. So the series based on the life of Aaron Hernandez, where's Aaron, comes to FX September 17th and the first trailer dropped yesterday. You don't know the kind of thoughts I had up. It's like a demon. What if God made me this way? I can't wait to see it. Yeah. Well, Justin and I were looking at the trailer and some of the actors in the trailer and in the movie, and we didn't recognize any of them. But right away, producer Riley said, oh, I know all of them. I actually-- I thought the same thing. And I actually think it's good that I don't know who any in the mark, because then I can really feel like it's-- You know what I mean? Yeah, the actor that plays Aaron apparently was in the Hunger Games prequel. That's when producer Riley told me. You know what my rule is? If you don't recognize them, they were in one of the vampire movies. You're right. Anyway, that comes out September 17th. The series is done by the same people who gave us American Horror Story, the O.J. story, and the Jeffrey Dahmer project on Netflix. Yeah, usually everything that Ryan Murphy does is good. I love how he started his biggest first make. He was Glee, and now he does all the star stuff. Another Aaron making news this morning. Aaron Judge of the Yankees. Where is Aaron? OK, right here, he just became the fastest player ever to hit 300 home runs. We've got the play-by-play. Aaron Judge has a permanent green light, a 3-0. Happy New Year, to left field history, number 300 for Aaron Judge. Well, this guy can swing a bat, huh? He's got quite the arms. Red Sox, by the way, lost to the Rangers and 10 innings the last night. They'll be in Baltimore, turn out with the Orioles. The new season of Emily and Paris starts streaming today on Netflix. It's Sam going home and watching it. I can't wait. Oh, no, I have to go buy Netflix, because I didn't-- I've been trying to steal it as much as I can, because now you can't share it. I have to stay on my sister's, and I have to go and reset it. It's annoying, but now I just have to buy it, because I love Emily and Paris. You could have Netflix and nothing else and survive. No, I don't feel that way, because I feel like we're so in-day with stuff that there's something in Netflix, and there's something in Apple TV. Yeah, in HBO Max, there's three for me. Netflix is annoying and now it's like what 20 bucks a month almost? Taylor Swift has the first of five sold out shows in London tonight, 90,000 fans every single night. And Lisa, I got to ask you, you came in this morning talking about a prenup for Taylor and Travis that might get in the way of an engagement. So they're saying that they are ready to get married. What? That's the story. I mean, it's one of these tablets, but they're saying that the only thing that's keeping them from announcing is that they need to figure out what that prenup number is going to be. That's a serious number, because he's worth between probably $70,000 and $100 million. That's what they're saying, range-wise. And she's worth a billion. Plus. Right. Yeah. Yeah. How much I think she's taken home after five sold out shows, 90,000 per show? I feel like if you're him, be a man and just be like, you know what? I'll leave with what I came with. Yeah, whatever you want. Or if they come up with a number, just say, great. Because it's more than what she had. Right. She might be afraid of him going after hers if they broke up. I don't think he doesn't give those vibes. He really doesn't. I mean, if you make $100 million on your own, I really don't think I need someone to-- And it's only going to make more. They're talking about a $100 million deal now for the podcast. His earning potential is like going to skyrocket. It already has been skyrocking before he met her with the whole first Kelsey versus Kelsey. And you know what I mean? They're mom. And now you add in the podcast. And now you add in her, like, he'll be good. At least to your book club event last night was about the Blake-Alively movie. What's the controversy around this movie now? Oh my god, there has been so much drama behind the scenes. It's with the director who also stars in the movie Justin Belldoni. I guess Blake didn't get along with him. They didn't see eye to eye on the project. Supposedly, Blake brought her husband in, Ryan Reynolds, to rewrite some of the scenes that involved the domestic violence. I saw the movie last night. I thought it was very well done and well handled. So whatever happened, we don't know. But go see the movie. It was really well done. And isn't she taking some heat on social because she's kind of taking the whole part line? The way that she was promoting the film, a lot of people are having a hard time with because she was promoting it as more of a rom-com. When if you read the book by Colleen Hoover, it is very dark. It is about the cycle of domestic violence. She was like, grab your girls. Right, wear your floral dresses. So that part of it I didn't quite get. I don't know why she did that. But she did post something on Tuesday night with a long letter to people and talking about domestic violence and how you can seek help. I won't say the one thing to that threw me off was on the interview where they asked someone ever before. I said, well, how would you, if someone came to you with that type of information, like looking for help, like whatever, she's like, would they want like my Google location or my email? Like, it was really like-- It was very cavalier. Yeah, that's a good word for it. I will say Jenny Slate, who's from Milton, is in the movie and is great. So that's another reason to go see it. Also, when this morning, Pete Davidson apparently checked out of rehab after just two weeks. That's not a good sign, right, Justin? I mean, I can't speak on his getting help, but he seems to do this a lot. He goes in for a short time and comes out. So we wish him the best. And Usher last night canceled his show in Atlanta his hometown last minute, just a couple of hours before the show, and yet he's still going to do tomorrow night and Saturday night in Atlanta. But he's promising his fans. He will reschedule the show. But that was his first show of this whole tour. Well, he says he has to focus on his body and let it heal. Is that from the rehearsing for the show? Well, he does a physical show. But there's that. And we're brought to you by Boston Vision. Are you tired or fumbling for the glasses? Wrestling with the contact lenses? Say goodbye to blurry vision. Say hello to clarity with the LASIC surgery with Boston Vision. The team at Boston Vision, really the place with the pros go to get their LASIC, including Patriots head coach Gerard Mayo. So don't wait. Book your free, no obligation valuation today at Boston and tell them coach Mayo sent you you'll save 300 bucks on your procedure. And there you go. The man is. Ryan Seacrest here. When you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. One of the best ways to do that is by going to Chumbakasino has all your favorite social casino games, like spin slots, bingo, and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes. So hop on to now and live the Chumbalife. Sponsored by Chumbakasino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. From the Planet Fitness Kiss 108 studios. We're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. OK, we're back. And this is it. This is your final shot at the Sabrina Carpenter ticket tag. I'm going to announce the name. Do not piss me off, OK? We need a winner here. OK, I'm going to give you the name and you'll have 15 minutes to get back to us or hopefully whoever you tagged will get to you so you can get to us. But here's the name. Ready? Where'd it go? Oh, ah! At Mia Elizabeth_01. That's it. I can't say it again, right? We're going to go to the rules. OK, 15 minutes. The clock is running. And so that'll be it. And then we'll take-- we're going to have three winners to choose from tomorrow for. Well, it depends today. We only have two winners if we don't get a point. Oh, my god, seven, eight, seven, eight, nine, nine, nine. Yeah, if that person does not call back in 15 minutes, we'll do it again at eight, 10. And then if it doesn't happen, then nine, 10. OK. It could only be one of two. And then tomorrow, we will announce the grand prize winner who will see Sabrina Carpenter here in Boston and then will fly you to Nashville and put you up at a hotel so you can see Sabrina Carpenter in Nashville. What an amazing experience. Yeah. I wish I was home and not working here, so I could call in, but whatever. OK, the clock is running 15 minutes. Is it? You have talkbacks in there, Justin? Yeah, so in your entertainment report, last hour, we do that on the 640 and 840. We were talking about perfume. You had all these questions about toilet versus perfume. Yeah, toilet water. None of us really knew. Hi, guys. I happened to have been at the perfume museum in Paris in July. Ode toilet has the least amount of concentration of the perfume or the flower where perfume has the highest concentration. There's also Ode perfume that is a little bit lower than perfume. But perfume, it takes about eight tons of rose petals in order to have one liter. Well, there you go. Yeah, so it's more concentrated. That's why it's more expensive. Did I say toilet water? You did. It's Ode toilet. But why is the word toilet in something that's supposed to smell nice? I never understood that. I don't know. Maybe she knows the museum. You know what? Hit us back up on the on the top. Anybody can hit us up on the top back, Mike. It's the it's a little microphone icon on the iHeartApp when you stream us live. And you know, we're on vacation last week. We missed our two year anniversary. That kind of went by quietly, didn't it? Hey, Billy, Lisa, Justin, and Winnie. It's regular guy, Bob. Happy anniversary. And I remember your very first day as the Billy and Lisa show. And if I recall, I was the very first talk back that you played congratulating you for the new show. And I was branded as regular guy, Bob. Congratulations again. Oh, we haven't heard from him. Yeah, he hasn't been around. I don't know what he's doing. Didn't he go to Florida? No, that was talk back, Tommy. Oh, yeah, I don't know what what's up. He can, you know what? Leave us another talk back. Let us know where you're back. Well, they come in and out. It's so easy, right, Justin? Do you have the original talk? You know what's funny? I was looking for it. And I just ran out of time of looking. We had to go back on the air. Oh, yeah. Dig deep. He was very active for a while, especially early on. He was-- it was every day. Yeah. So we got to keep looking, but anyway. Captain Mike here from the Talkback Mafia. Joining the 6 AM club, wishing you guys a happy second anniversary. As Justin knows, I was an angry Talkbacker at the beginning. But you have flipped me. All he is except for Winnie. All right, coming up next, we're talking about some family drama. Big Hollywood star. That's next. Lillian Lisa. Kiss 108. Let's go to the phones. I think we could have our final qualifier for the ticket tag for Sabrina Carpenter. And that final person is you, Mia. Oh, my gosh. Are you serious? Yeah, now, I don't know how this works. I know you call in and producer Riley will take the call. Does producer Riley tell you that you won? They told me I'd like she did, but I am like, I can't-- I just woke up. My mom texted me, and I just woke up, and I'm like freaking out. See, that's the way it's supposed to work. Oh, you know Bob heard her name. I'm sorry. Freaking. I'm going to get me out of here. Oh, my God. I'm literally like shaking right now. Wow, so did you tag your mom? I tagged my cousin. So you listened to Sabrina Carpenter, like literally no one's business. Wow. Oh, my gosh. So you're-- we called a great winner. So Mia, here's the deal. You're the final qualifier. So what are the odds tomorrow? So one in three, because we didn't have a winner the other day. So you have a 33% chance of going to Nashville. Incredible. Yeah. Yeah, so if you don't win tomorrow, Mia, basically you don't have any luck at all, because, I mean, one in three, those are great odds. She has great luck, really. She's still going to the one out of thousands that she's going to the show here. And she's still going to the show. That's right. She's going to see Sabrina in Boston. Mia, we're so happy for you. Yeah, this is amazing. All right, thank you guys so much. I have a niece, Mia. All right, now you can go back to sleep. Yeah, and Mia, not yet. Hang on, you're going to talk to producer Riley. And congratulations on seeing Sabrina in Boston. But good luck on the grand prize. Going to Nashville as well. We'll announce it tomorrow. She's not going to be able to go back. No, this isn't quite a goal. She's going to call everybody. Everybody. Wake him up. She's going to write on Instagram. Right here at TikTok. Tell everybody. As she should. That's pretty cool. Yeah, of course, of course she should. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, she should post a picture on Instagram of her in bed under the covers, saying, I just won Sabrina Carpenter on his kiss. Yeah, very cool. So tomorrow we will draw the grand prize winner tomorrow. And yeah, that person will be off to Nashville. Very cool. Anyway, at least you got some family drama there. Oh, yeah, we do with Rob Schneider. And Elle King is daughter. Yeah, this has been unfolding all week long. Yeah, she's been putting him on blast. Yeah, Elle King is, you know, she's daughter to Rob Schneider, a big legendary Hollywood actor. And she went on a podcast earlier this week. Actually, Jelly Roll's wife's podcast. And it's kind of interesting because Bunny, who's interviewing her, was like, I'm a huge fan of your dad, you know, a deuce Bigelow, and everything. And then it kind of got a little crazy. It turned. Listen to this. My dad forgot about every single birthday. Like, I spent my 18th birthday in a summer school. And they brought me cupcakes and I came home. My dad forgot my birthday. And people finally started asking out my dad. My dad called me and was like, don't talk about me in the press. I go for like four or five years without talking to my dad. He never helped me. I never wanted his help. He also didn't have a very good reputation. I disagree with a lot of the things that he says. You're talking about drag and, you know, anti-gay rights. And it's like, get. Oh, no, I never heard that. I had no idea. He's just talking about his ass. And I want to use this opportunity to say, I disagree. I do not agree with what he said. Yikes. Boy, that took a turn, didn't it? Yeah, this is a sad situation. Wow. She also said in the podcast that he sent her to Fat Camp. Yeah. And didn't tell her. Yeah. But then Rob went on to Carlsen. That's a great place to clear the air. Tucker Carlson. We're going with Tucker. Yeah, Tucker's not that bad. Yeah, this drops today, this episode. And, you know, honestly, I'm going to play the audio. Gotta give it to Rob, you know, owning up, owning up to it. I want to just tell my daughter, well, I love you. I wish I was the father of my 20s that you needed. Clearly, I wasn't. And I hope you can forgive me for my shortcomings. I love you completely. I love you entirely. I just want you to be well and happy with you and your beautiful baby lucky. I wish you the best. I feel terrible. And I just want you to know that I don't take anything you say personally. Shouldn't that have come sooner in her life? Yeah, but especially to because, OK, he's 60. She's 35. So he was in his 30s and 40s when he was raising her. Like, he's like, oh, you are a young kid. You were an adult that just didn't treat your daughter, right? You know what I mean? I think he-- the way he worded it was, like, in my 20s, like, you know? I mean, at least he's owning up to it, you know? And he doesn't make-- doesn't, like, cancel out what he did and, you know, the kind of father he was. And whether she'll forgive him. But, you know, he's not, I mean, not trying to make excuses. Didn't we play an El King song on Kiss not too long ago? We did. She did have a song called X's and O's. Right, yeah. She did have more country. She's more country. Yeah, no, yeah. But she started out kind of poppy. It's really sad. Family drama is always just-- just really, really sad. You know, I'm dealing with some family drama in my family. I'm not going to say who-- you know, what family members. But two of my family members are currently not speaking. Ask me why, Lisa. Why? Because one is-- wants Trump and one wants-- Oh, no. --and no way. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. But that's more common than you think. It-- it really is. And it's like-- I'm in the middle of it. Like, come on. But also the Rob Schneider El King thing. That's a part of it, too. I mean, Rob Schneider has very controversial views. Like, you can type acts. Yeah. It's, you know, a lot of things. And El's very, you know. Yeah, he was-- been very critical of the LGBT community. Yeah. But your situation, Justin, was a big story for a while that families were splitting up over politics, which, to me, is crazy. Yeah, I mean, listen, I know. It's very toxic. And my thing is, you know, in whoever the president's going to be in four years, it's going to change. It always changes. Family is forever. Yeah, right. You know, so to break up a relationship like that is just ridiculous. Can I ask how close-- are they? Like, people-- they're similarly interested? Immediate. OK. Because, like, you've beat people with big families. Look, it's happened in my family where people aren't speaking because of it. They posted something on Facebook. If someone else posted something, it's bad. You should be allowed to have your own opinion on something. I mean, it should split up a family. I agree. But I do think some people think it's morals, like, depending on what the one person represents. Well, they judge you as a person. Yes. It's like, oh, which I don't think is right. But if you could say-- I'm just playing devil's advocate. I'm really political, but you could say, well, if you believe what this person believes, then you clearly don't align with my moral values. I don't know if I like you as a person. So you lose a family member over it? Yes, no, you lose a family is what you make it, right? I consider you guys more family than some of my family members. I have a huge family. My mom's 1 to 13. I have 35 first cousins. Like, I don't talk to half of them because there's so many of them. You just don't bond with everybody. Yeah. I mean, who are you going to vote for as a personal decision? I understand that people judge you on that. But it's still your decision. What do you know? That's just the bottom line of it all. But I guess the essence of our conversation, it started with Rob Schneider and his daughter and Elle putting him on blast for his bad behavior. So I guess that's really like, do you think that's OK? Well, we're going to find out. Like, air your dirty laundry. Should have been a private conversation. Yes, yes, but we're going to find out because the good news is topic time is next. It is. Family drama. And by the way, should you put another family member or a significant other, or whatever, on blast, or should you keep it private? And do you have family drama? You want to air out here on the Billie and Lisa? I want that. I have come with names, location, receipts. I want to know. And Winnie, do I have to be a member of your family? I'm sure you're an honorary member of my family, though. Topic time is next 6179311108, or you can send Justin to talk back, right, buddy? To do so, you have to be streaming us, listening live on the iHeartRadio app, tap that red microphone, and leave a message. Join in. 6108. What is the topic? Today, we're going to be talking about Billie and Lisa present topic time. Talk amongst yourself. Topic time. OK, here we are. Topic time. By the way, if you want to give us a call 6179311108, I know Justin's gotten a lot of talk back. So a few minutes ago, we were talking about family drama. Rob Schneider was a well-known actor. Well, he shot his movies right in Marblehead. He did. The grown-ups movies, but he's got a lot of movies under his belt. And apparently, he's the father of El King, and El King has gone public with the fact that he was a horrible father. Yes, he's not happy. And we've played El King music right here on Kiss. What was it, Xs and O's? It was. You impressed that I knew that? I am so impressed. So anyway, we're taking your calls. We're going to talk back about family drama. What kinds of things will divide a family? Justin was saying just one single political conversation. All of a sudden, two members of his family aren't speaking. Same thing happened in my family. And you've got drama going on, but it doesn't have to be politics. There are so many other things, and the question becomes, well, do you go public with it? Aren't there some things that should stay private? You want to start with talk back? I do, yeah, but also social media is a big thing. Yeah, it just adds to it. It adds to it as well. Yeah, it's crazy. Hey, guys, so family drama. My aunt, when I was in my early 20s, I announced loudly that she thought I was a stripper. I mean, I was in college full-time and didn't have time to do that anyway. But so 10 years later, I found out she was sleeping on her boss. I sent my uncle anonymous letters through the mail, and was like, you need to investigate this, because she's definitely doing that with him. And he did, and not a divorce. Oh, my God, that was family revenge. Anonymous letters. Wow. Wait a minute. Oh, my gosh. She was in college just studying, and he somehow thought she was-- No, someone said that she was a stripper, and they started putting that out there. And she's like, right, she wasn't. So then, years later, she got her revenge. She found out that that aunt was cheating on her uncle with her boss, and she put her uncle on the case. And now the big mouth aunt is divorced. Is divorced. Wow. Oh, that's crazy. That's some pretty juicy drama right there. There's a good start. The Anonymous letter writer. Hey, it's your girl, Sarah. Sarah from Maine. And my dirty family laundry is that my stepmother is the absolute wicked witch of the West. And I had to put up with it for years and years and years. And she made it pretty clear. She didn't like me, and she didn't want me around. And I finally blew up one day, and now we don't speak. And my life is so much better for it. Yeah, I like that phrase, dirty family drama. I wonder if she speaks to her dad, though. Whoever's married to her, except mom. She can clarify that for us. But Sarah from Maine, who we love, she's a longtime talk backer, lives in Maine, obviously. She strikes me as the type of person that'll cut someone out of her life with no worries. Doesn't she? She does. She gives them a hug. Just from her talk back. And that's all. Yeah, go ahead. I'm sorry, go ahead. That's OK. My kid's father ended up sleeping with my favorite aunt, my blood relative aunt. One week after we broke up, we were together for seven years. And I found out three months later, after she was safe to make eight, left at my house. Oh, OK. That's auntie. Oh, my god. Things are getting dirty. Auntie sleeping around. What's up with the aunties today? As an auntie, I feel like I need to feel weird about this. But isn't it weird? It seems like every family has a weird aunt or a weird uncle, right? That everybody kind of-- Yeah, I love all my aunts and uncles are all great. Really? You like all of them? Yes, I do, actually. They're all good people. I had a really weird uncle. But what am I going to go there? I'm not going to have to now. No, he just used to roam around the neighborhood randomly. That's weird. OK. Talking to strangers and yelling at strangers. Oh, OK. He was known all over town. As what? As the yelling guy? Yeah, or it became to me, no, Billy's weird uncles. Well, out there. Yeah, so yeah, everybody's got drama. Everybody, right? Family drama. Yeah. You can't escape it. Least, you have any weird uncles? Oh, hey, how's it going? [LAUGHTER] That's Uncle Mom. He's my favorite weird uncles. Oh, he's the favorite. He's my favorite uncle. I wish he was my uncle. He's the best. I'll keep going. My brother and I had a moment where we were not talking after a second child was born. And just to see how upsetting it was for my mother and just family in general that's around us, it wasn't worth it. It just wasn't worth it. And we're well beyond that at this point. Oh, that's nice that they figured it out. Yeah, there's also always an aunt or uncle that it's the big decision at wedding time. Oh, do we really have to invite her? Yeah. Every family has one of those, right? Yeah. Or the weird cousin. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like, where are we going to sit the weird cousin? Why, cool. Now, let's go to the phones. Lisa, you're first on the phones, and what have you got for us? Give us some drama. Hi, can you hear me? Yeah, go ahead, Least. OK, hi, no, I'm Mrs. Calling because you guys were talking about the whole political thing and families. And my family kind of tries to stay out of political things. But a couple of years ago, my daughter came out as transgender. So that's like a hot topic, obviously, right now, with like politics. And so I was really nervous when I told my family members, like my dad and my brother and my close friends. And for me, luckily, everybody was good with it. But I did have to say, like, you know, I'm very quiet. And I don't like to cause drama. But I did have to say, you know, if anybody does have a problem with it and it's going to make my child feel uncomfortable, I will have to make a tough decision of not talking to you. So with the whole politics right now, I don't really speak up when I hear somebody talking. But I do have to admit, when somebody does say that they're voting for Trump, it does make me feel a certain way inside. And I won't say anything to them directly. But I'm struggling with that right now and trying to figure out, like, do I block somebody on Facebook if they're making comments and things that-- because for me, it's sort of like a-- it's not just a political decision. It's sort of like the rights for my child's decision. So I feel like that's getting difficult for people. Yeah, absolutely. And she's right. You're right. It's not a political decision. You know what it is? It's your family and it's your business. Yeah. So what happens, though, is like, I get nervous and worried when I hear that people are going to vote in one direction, because I get worried that rights are going to get taken away. Whether they end up getting taken away or not, I don't know what will happen in the future. But I think that's where a lot of people are sort of coming from, for like just LGBT rights in general and worrying about if they're going to sort of reverse directions. All right, that's a good one. That's kind of what you were saying earlier, Winnie. Yeah, no, I mean, I was saying-- I think I was saying, like, now that I'm dating a girl, I've never dated-- I've ever been in the same sex relationship. So I kind of think of it differently now. I've never really leaned one. I'm more probably democratic. But I'm thinking I'm like, damn, like certain policies on the right side, I literally just can't vote. Even if I'm like, oh, maybe I don't like this or that. Like, no, I can't. Like, I could never. It doesn't matter who's running. It's just certain policies. You just can't get on. Let's go back to the phones and Curtis. Curtis, where have you got to give us some drama? Hey, there. It's Curtis, the florist. Hi, Curtis, the florist. Are the moms in? Yeah, the hardy moms, right? Yeah. So I grew up in a very conservative Christian family. My father was a pastor, no drinking, no dancing, no smoking, no card playing. My mother decided to have any intervention for my homosexuality on Christmas day in front of the entire family. Oh, oh my god. Yeah. Yeah, not that good. It's kind of-- oh, it was horrific. But it kind of ties in with what the last caller was saying is now, with everything going on, my concern with what could happen with the LGBTQIA rights and the reversal of that, it's become another argument with the family. And yeah, it's tough. And so it's a constant struggle. My mom's still like, I'm 58 years old. Oh, this is your bad choices. And they just don't get it. Yeah. And it's just concerning and disturbing. I got to ask Curtis, were you blindsided by the intervention? I had no idea it was coming. No one did. No one did, not even my father. And my father actually was the one in my family that didn't care. Yeah. Just loved me unconditionally. And it came out of nowhere. She handed out books to my-- This is the unhappy lifestyle and sexuality. You need to understand it and then a story about these gay people that are now straight. Yes. It's like-- Well, yeah, we're losing you here, Curtis. Yeah, I feel bad. That's true. That's true. Cut out, yeah. If you dated a man, you know that sexuality is not a choice. Because who would choose today to man? No one's cheering. Why are you looking at me? That's why I know that she was looking directly at me. You're making a choice. No, you're not. No one's choosing to date a man. I love that when she does it, when she says things like that. She looks right in Billy's head. Yeah. Are you saying it's like these people are like, oh, you're choosing homosexuality. No one's choosing a man. I'll tell you that. Oh, man. All right, let's keep going. A lot of family drama, sadly. Our families that end up estranged is really over money. There's always an issue where this one wasn't left any money in the will or vice versa. But it's really sad that that is a lot of family drama. So money is a big thing that I've obviously noticed as well. In my family, it's happening right now as well. I have a cousin who is dead to me. It's actually like fight on site when I see him. Oh, dead to you? Dead to me. Yeah, and it has to do with money. It has to do with-- you know what it usually is? As I'm getting older, I'm learning the house, the family house. Well, some people are obsessed with it. You know, like your grandmother's house? Yeah, like your grandmother's house. You know, when they get older and they pass away, or how it gets passed on, there is so much drama in there. Well, that's why it's always good if you can put a will together, because some of the stuff is already decided. But even with the will, they're still drama. They're still drama. But they're like, is that a can't trust or something? What's that? Is the house in a trust? It is not in a trust. It should be. Yeah, it should be. I can't really go into the whole story. Well, Lisa and I were talking about this-- A state planning is like-- That money, a lot of times, especially with wills in estates, and who's leaving what to whom. You see the true colors of somebody when it comes to money. Oh, yeah, the evil. People will go into houses and steal things out of the house before other family members get there. It's horrible. Yeah, yeah. There's some drama right there. Yeah, how much does he owe you? He doesn't owe me anything. It's not my house. But the person that lives in the house that he's going to inherit some money from is still alive, and he is basically just waiting. Now, this goes to the big payout. Yeah, yeah, he wants to be bought out. Now, this cousin you describe as fight on sight. Does he know how much you're working out? He's not going to come anywhere near me. He knows. Yeah, but guess what? Guess what? There's going to come a day where he's going to have to show up to sign a piece of paper to get the money that he wants. Yeah. Just saying. And you'll be there with your quads. Maybe not. Just have the plan. See the man on the floor right now. This guy's in trouble. This is called premeditated. I would just say that I have not been in a physical fight in 16 years. I don't plan on being one any time soon. OK. If you do, can you let us know so I can come? You can come film it for everyone. And by the way, I don't think stomping qualifies as a fight. Oh no. You just stomp them up. All right, I'm in. First of all, seven anonymous letters. Ladies should be in the next season of The Watcher. Also, Rob Schneider's daughter, she's just trying to get some attention, publicity. Keep your mouth shut and stop airing your dirty laundry. So that was the discussion. Like, should you be doing this? See, I don't necessarily agree because she didn't bring it up. Like, buddy did. You know what I mean? It wasn't like she was like, let me come and tell you how-- No, Bonnie started with an innocent question. And then I jumped over it. Yeah, I don't think Bonnie knew where that conversation was going. I think Bonnie said, like, yeah, I'm a big fan of your father. How's your dad doing? And then I went sideways. I don't like my dad. I don't talk to my dad. My dad sucks. I want to fag him. And do you want to hear why? Yeah. I don't know. I'm not-- she waited a long time because she's been famous for a while now. We're just finding out. Yeah, but don't use problems in the family to get followers. It's-- keep it private. Yeah, well, she opened her mouth and now it went viral. And we played the audio of her dad, Rob Schneider, kind of apologizing. But wow, a lot of family drama on a Thursday. I have three uncles, two who are biologically related. Love them. Talk to them. The third, he's my uncle by marriage to my aunt. And he's in prison for murders. Oaks. It is Ryan C. Krez here. People always say it's good, too unwind. But that's easier said than done. The exception, Chamba Casino. To actually make it easier done than said, or at least the same. Chamba Casino is an online social casino with hundreds of casino-style games like Slots and Blackjack. Play for fun. Play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. 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