Comic Book Rundown

Rundown Reviews #109 - The Terminator 1984

1h 14m
Broadcast on:
16 Aug 2024
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Sarah Conner is being targeted by a robot from the future. Her only hope, is a sex deprived man from the future that is infatuated with her. We watched The Terminator from 1984.

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Hosted by Joe Janero, Ron Hanes and Charlie Shaw

Edited by Joe Janero

Theme song provided by the other member of the Sex Turtles (Cam Malidor)

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The podcast you're about to listen to is part of the Professional Casual Network. To find more podcasts like this, please check out Uh, yeah, I'll have a large extra butter popcorn and she'll have snow caps. Really? Snow caps? They taste like cardboard. Okay. Come on, it's time for you to listen to. This review from D.C. to end the year with time more. One down the field. One down the field. One down the field. Here we go. Start ruining everything. Look, I mean, look, it's not ruining, it's just forgiving. Because I forgot about this movie. Brothers, genders, resistors. Welcome to another episode where we'll probably be my last because Ron's going to hurt my feeling so much that I can no longer be on this show. Welcome to the comic book rundown presents the rundown reviews. I, of course, am the man who no longer will be doing this introduction after this episode. And Chuck, Joe is here. Ron? All right. This is very important. Before you say anything, all right, what I wanted to say was I hope we're still friends after this because I just realized I've never seen this full movie before. That's weird. It is super weird. And on top of that, a lot of what I thought happened in this movie actually happens in the second movie. So, yeah, so for everybody who is listening and didn't actually check out what we're watching, we're watching the Terminator from 1984. And I have to agree with Ron the entire time I was waiting for our Schwarzenegger to beat up a biker and get the leather outfit. And he never did because that's the second movie. Yeah, he beat up real Paxton and that one dude that's always a bad guy in like every. Yeah. Yeah. And then kill the guy. So, this is unapologetically one. But before we get into it, hold on just one second. Let's just get this out of the way. Does this movie make sense? No. That's fine. It doesn't need to make sense because it's fucking awesome. Yes. It's still a really good movie. And I knew coming into this that Ron was probably just going to poke the biggest logical holes. Don't the fuck up, Ron? We know it doesn't make sense. Listen. Even even I, so let me let me start by. I also forgot this movie in the parts that happened in it. But also, but more so where they happen within the movie themselves. I remember the intro being way longer, like half the movie being like the war. And it's like three seconds. Because they use the same footage from the war in all three. You can't even call them like... There were like dream sequences. One was a dream sequence. Dream sequence of sorts. Like a nightmare flashback or something. Yeah. And then there was the actual one. But I remember it being... I always remember it being like half the movie originally. So, I did not remember that. We'll get into it when we get into spawn cape. But I don't remember Arnold Schwarzenegger looking so bad with the prosthetics. Or like the whole face thing, like where he doesn't even look like Arnold. I thought there was a whole other terminator. He looked like Arnold at Arnold. He threw me up because I'm like, wait. I was like, where the fuck did this terminator come from? Are we back in like a future past reminiscent thing? Also time in this. Yeah, time doesn't make any sense. Time is lost. He does for some reason lose his eyebrows, which doesn't make any sense. He got them burnt off. Yeah. So, after the tech noir club lever and Reese blew up the car, he ran through that. And ironically, Arnold, could you see his eyebrows get burnt off and his hair get like shorter because it got burnt? Apparently Arnold actually insured his eyebrows. Because he shaved them off. Because he was afraid they wouldn't grow back. What's up? Listen. I mean look, the man is smarter than all of us realistically. God bless Arnold Schwarzenegger. As we all know, Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of my favorite human beings of all time. He is sort of nothing on this planet except for death itself. Which is just a wild interview to watch. If you've ever watched the interview of him talking about how he's terrified of death, but he's not terrified of anything else, it is bone gently. We brought that up. I think he brought up the Conan. Yeah. Because he brought it up in the Conan O'Brien show. Arnold is afraid of me. Anyway. No, arguably this is probably Arnold Schwarzenegger's, I mean, it's his most known role. It's probably his best role. Like this one and two. The rest of them were. We'll get there eventually. I didn't mind three. I like three at the time. But I haven't watched it since like 2000. It is very much one of those things where like they were never going to. It came out in those three, I think. Then like two or three of that came out. It was T2 was so good. There was no way they were going to do better. And when you kind of get away from that expectation, the movie is really, really good. Well, I mean, they also waited 12 years before they made another one. Like there were seven years between the first one and the second one, and then 12 years between the second one and the third one. Right. Which is fine. But then the latest one, Dark Fate of Dark Fury, whatever I can remember what it's called. Dark Fate. Dark Fate. Thank you. Like that basically races anything after two and is the James Cameron's actual sequel. And so that's what? 20 years, 30 years? No, 30. When did it come out? 19, 20. Okay. So that had been almost 30 years. It had been 28 years. So it was 2000. Because the two came out in 1991. Yeah. So yeah, so. Yeah, it was 2019 because I saw that. 20 years. Hold on. And that was a girl I dated before COVID. So. Shout out to check Texas. That bitch was crazy. Oh, dead red flags all over the place. And I just ignored them like they were. Yeah. Yup. And she had a weird. She had a sex face. Anyway. So can we talk about why the fuck did Reese steal that poor. The homeless dude's pants with the shit staying in them. That's so much took my pants. I have heard Chuck say that so many times. It's like. It's listen, they had to keep the authenticity of homelessness in the 80s. So they really did need him to shit his pants. Then have another man take them and run away. I enjoyed the fact that for whatever reason, Reese is pretty much just the entire time. Like he found pants. That's the important thing. He's a burn victim and having like textures up against your burns actually feels really uncomfortable. Yeah. Jack it on. That's true. The jacket was worse than a shirt. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The French code, yeah, the quintessential 80s like I'm a punk guy is like canvas trench codes with a sawed off shotgun, but he sawed off the wrong part. I love. I love how he saws the the like arm. The stop off of it. Yeah. So he couldn't shove it up his arm better, I guess. And then he still looked fucking ridiculous. I had to walk with it. Oh, I love this movie. That's because he should have put it across his back and then just had to where he could spin it around to the front instead of having it and trying to tuck it under his armpit. So I've worked in food service industry, Ron, you have to chuck. I'm assuming you have at some point in your life. Yeah. Occasionally. If anybody ever talked to me the way that those people would have talked to me, I don't remember the customer being that rude. Of course, they were in Texas too, weren't they? Were they in Texas? I don't know. Everybody had a gun, so I assumed it was Texas. Fair. I think it does place it. Does it take place? For some reason, I always think these movies take place in Detroit. I don't know why. I thought of New York. All right. Look, wait. Somebody real quick look it up. That's not using their source of information for a camera. And while you guys are doing that, let's talk about how we only have five years left until the machine take over. No, so technically we have because he actually said when I was May or April, April of 1984 was when the movie is supposed to take place. Yes. But I feel like I remember him actually saying like the robots were in charge for decades is what he said. But I thought it was like 2000 and something. Well, actual like robots took over and started building like terminators and all those other machines. I don't remember either way or past it. Can we also talk about how Ginger and Sarah are just roommates? I think that would have been better than having Mike there just saying. Mike tells Matt. Mate was Matt. I don't know. In terms of them. Yep. I mean, look, Matt definitely seemed very interested in both of them. Yeah, like he was fine with that. I was laughing really hard when he was doing his like sexy phone talk. It's Los Angeles, California. We were. Oh, wait. Whoa, whoa. There was that many guns in Los Angeles. I mean, Guns N' Roses always talk about how digging dress LA was. That's because he looks like a woman and he was probably, never mind. You know, yeah, I mean, back in the 80s, LA used to be really bad. Oh, I believe it. I saw the dude standing behind her when she was on the payphone like fucking creeping out on her the whole time. Yeah. Although I did find out that a lot of, and maybe it was a lot of street stuff, but a lot of the background people were real people because apparently Cameron was doing a lot of guerilla filming for this movie. He didn't get us. I want to be one monkey in there. Stop it. The guerilla is not monkeys. But yeah, he just, he didn't get permits. So they were just filming like some, a lot of night shots where it was like three o'clock in the morning on the street when there was no police around. That's rad. Yeah. It's, it's funny to think that like, that's how like James Cameron, like it's screaming in the 80s. Like before he, I'm not even saying before he was popular because he still had like the abyss. Um, shit. What else did he do? I think he came out before this, didn't it? That was done. Yeah. I was carpeted. That was Cameron. Yeah. My fault. Prawny. The spawning. What was that? Piranha to the spawning. Was that in the 80s? Uh, 80s. It seems like a 90s movie. No, it was 80 something. It was before Terminator. That was the whole. Okay. Hold on. I can figure it out. I think. I just, I had pulled up the wiki on Terminator and it told me that James Cameron did that movie. Uh, hold on. I can't. Hold on. With my right hand. Oh, yeah. 1982. Yeah. Piranha to the spawning. Yeah. Oh, he also wrote the screenplay for Rambo first blood part two. Oh, he likes to do sequels. He does because we've got aliens coming up here, which was his, his. So, um, and Piranha to the spawning. Oh, the abyss was after the abyss is 89. So, so when I started watching this, I thought Arnold Schwarzenegger was supposed to be the bad guy in this, but then he goes through the, uh, flea station and starts killing all the cops. And did you notice how long it took for them to actually take a shot at him because he's white? Yeah. Doh. I mean, yeah, like realistically, he's not the bat. There are no bad, there are no bad guys except for the cops in this movie. They don't believe the victims. Um, they are 100% holding everybody, uh, you know, without probable cause. Uh, they, I mean, Sarah was staying there because she was feeling protected. Uh, and she, and yet did she use protection when she's met with threes later on? No. No, because she knew that she had to have a child. Yep. Which look, okay, look, I'm going to say it right now, I love, I love time travel movies. I love time travel movies. Can you name one time travel movie that's ever gotten it right? Back to the future is the closest. Chronicle was decent. Chronicle actually was decent, but back to the future is probably the closest. Which one is Chronicle? Uh, the shaky cam superhero movie. Yes. Right. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it is not superhero. I know the superhero one. I haven't seen the superhero one. Oh, you know, it's called Chronicle, they're not thinking of something else. Are you thinking of the one with Bruce Willis goes back in time to try to kill himself? No, ironically, the first time I watched Looper, I hated it. I didn't rewatch it. That's what it was called. Looper. Um, I didn't watch it because apparently I was, I was mad that they made Joseph Gordon love it to look like, uh, Bruce Willis and I'm like, this makes no sense, but, uh, that's my own thing. I don't like Bruce Willis. I don't like the other guy. The one I am thinking of is these got these, these kids, these college kids, um, they find this camera and on it is a, um, a birthday party of the one guy. And as he of like, when he was like seven or something, and as they're watching it, they see him now in the background and which they start to piece together that they can time travel. So they start time traveling, but as they are doing it, it starts to change the future every time they go back, like the butterfly effect, throw those, but not as like blatant. And I wish I could remember what it was called. I'll have to look into that, but like that's the one in my eyes that was probably fairly close to it. Um, but I, the whole thing though, like I know people will say, oh, you've got end game, which was, you know, it's time travel and that was accurate. That was not accurate to that, that's broke time travel rules. My whole thing is if you make your rules in a movie, as long as you keep, as long as you follow those rules that you make in the, in that movie, then you're fine. Um, the one, not real at one time, the, um, the one with Christopher Eve's and, uh, uh, Doc Quiddness and woman, oh, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, no, it's a romance. I can't remember what it's called. But that's like, that's another one where he, no, he goes, that's a very traveler's wife. That's a very tall man with a very small woman, it was a real good movie though. No, no, Christopher Reeves and Dr. Wood and medicine woman. I know, the, I was trying to, I couldn't remember, what about the intro of this one? It's not time travel, it's life. Isn't it called the astronauts wife? Aren't you making things up, Chuck? Somewhere in time is what it's called from 1980 on, uh, what about timeline, that one movie where it's got, uh, uh, that one, uh, drug butler and doctor and, and, uh, uh, Ron's gone and now he's back and I was back. That was weird. Hi. Yeah, timeline is another decent one. Um, and that one I think also is fairly, I'm using air quotes here, accurate with time travel. Realistically, realistically speaking, they, terminators like concept is like so simple. They fucked it up. Like they destroyed their own sense of like continuity and made it harder for them to write their, their own series because all it is is like, Hey, we're robots. This guy is going to be the thing that destroys us. So we're going to send one of our guys back in time to just kill, uh, to kill the mother. But then they, and like that could have been it that, that's the simple story is we're just sending this robot back in time to go kill him. Oh shit, they're trying to kill my mom. I'm going to send this dude to go try to save her to make sure that she stays alive so she can give birth where they fuck up is making it the guy who got sent back, being his dad. And that's again, that's where it's kind of starts being real, like you have to go back in order to conceive John or yeah, to conceive John Connor. Well, it's called a paradox guys is a paradox because if he wasn't, the other problem is is that because he's from a future that then doesn't exist after the end of this movie, John Connor should not exist. True. Okay. When Reese first meet Sarah, right? And he says, come with me if you want to live. I thought he meant go with him, but later on, we find out he meant something completely different. I mean, yes, that tracks. She was hot in this movie, though. I forget. I was talking to her mom before we started. I'm sure I've seen this movie. I have seen this movie start to finish a long time ago. There are parts I don't remember. I said at the beginning that I was thought was in this movie, but it was definitely from the second one. One thing I don't remember at all is the sex scene and how much they show. Like I remember the sex scene happening, but I do remember them actually showing anything. Yeah. I don't like the movie. Obviously they're going to show things. I mean, sure, but this was like ran the, ran the cusp of it, creating PG 13 and like shutting down a lot of this from happening. So sweet. That red dawn was 85. Yeah. Because if I could go back in time, I'd find out whoever did that and punch him right in the dick. Yeah. But then you then you'd fuck it all up and then we'd all be speaking Spanish. I'm fine. You know what I mean? Step on it. But we have to be still. Oh. Um, I, yeah, I, the easiest way to like fix this is just she's already pregnant. Like that. Exactly. She did have a boyfriend or whatever that stood her up that night. Yeah. Which ironically that that was the worst of James Cameron. Ah, ironically after this movie, James Cameron and Linda Hamilton do get married for a time. That's weird. Yeah. Tilly Quiz showed up for their dates and she dumped him. Basically. Um, yeah. Like that would have worked. But at one point during the movie, I think Linda or Linda, Sarah even asks, like, why do they just kill John at some other point in time? And there, and I already said something like they can't do that. Like it doesn't solve the problem. And I'm like, it kind of would, but I don't know, but like he made it, but then they figured that out in two that obviously they can tell him he's became exactly because they do that. And then they come back again for the third one, well, maybe, maybe there's just a point in time of his life where they can't kill him prior to that, but they thought it'd be easier to just take out his mom, maybe, I mean, maybe, uh, you know, he had, I mean, obviously he had protection set up in place for himself. It honestly starts to kind of beg the question. If they never sent the robot back in time, would the war have ever actually happened? Cause like obviously we're seeing the timeline of them sending a robot. So they got to send Reese. And like that's what creates this whole situation because now Sarah is aware and begins to train John to become this soldier and all these things. But if they just never sent a robot back, would do we actually know? Cause like we're a person that this is the loop, right? And that's, that's the paradox, that's the loop because, because of the second one, they find the arm that's left over and that's where they get the chip to make Skynetzment. Um, so that never actually happened. Did Skynet come in the play before? Right. I would like to see a new version or like a, a continuation where they go back and they try to kill her parents. And then it's in like the 1920s or whatever. And it's a robot, like it's just a row and they're like fighting the mob or something. I don't know. There'd be like, like do, do it like the, like he goes up there is none. There's some dude in a fucking fedora and, and he's like, Hey, Mac, and he's like, give me your clothes. And he's like, I don't know what you mean by that pal, but you're gonna taste my time again. Yeah, like I, I think that would be so like, just do it like how like prey was like part of the predator series where it's like, Oh, we can just, we can just keep sending, trying to kill them till we find the right one. You know what I mean? Like, speaking of that, so he, they find the phone book, which has the Sarah counters, only three. Only three. They don't know her middle name. Okay. Fine. But he starts killing them in order of the phone book and the, the news outlet just picks up on that immediately. Like I get that phone books are a thing in the eighties and that apparently news outlets had nothing else to do, but look through phone books, but like when they're saying, Oh, the same order, what about the third one? Like get the fuck out of here. Come on. Yeah. Listen, as I have watched with current events, the news sucks at giving us information. I mean, we had a rapid pace and we're in an era where we have internet information. So I can imagine in the eighties of this would have made some. Yeah. When we're watching it most of the time before the news actually, like tell the story. Yes. Anyway. All right. So when, when Reese leaves to get their supplies that needed to make their bombs and Sarah calls her mom, like who the fuck is just going to tell somebody exactly where they are when they are on the run from a fucking robot. She told she gave him the phone number. And you know what? You can do it. You can call it. Exactly. That's really why he did. But she also told her room number. She was in. That's true. Yeah. And she told me she was staying at the Ricki Tiki motel or whatever the fuck it was told. I think they were trying to get across it. Like she's naive. Like this is her being like she doesn't she doesn't 18 in this movie. She's 18 in this movie. Apparently. Wait, what? I mean, she is supposed to be 18 because in Terminator two on the file that I think Arnold looks at for John looks at. I can't remember which talking about Sarah. She is 29 in that movie and John Connor is 10 years old, allegedly, in that movie in T two. Wait, he's supposed to be 10 years old and that movie 10 years old, which means she had him at 19. Are you. Yeah. You're going to be way when we get to T two in a few weeks. Yeah. Talk about that. Uh, thanks. Okay. Okay. So I have another complaint to make about Reese then that's a little young still. Because he was definitely, he was definitely like late late twenties, early thirties. Yeah. But time, time is relative, man. You know what I mean? That's true. By the time that he got there, she was actually the pedophile because he wasn't even born yet. Yeah. Exactly. You're not wrong. How do you, how do you, how do you explain? Would John then know, would John know that Reese was his dad when he sent him back? See, and that's 100% he did. That was like the. That's why he gave him the picture of his mom to jerk off to and like Sarah even said, like, do I tell you who your dad is? If I do get me started with the whole, I've been in love with you since the moment. Right. Shut the fuck up. You geek. Cheese. Look, hey, no, no, check, check, check, check, it's while the machines walk all over you. You're looking, you're looking at the wrong way. Okay. All Reese was trying to do is legitimately getting her pants. Okay. So he was saying what he needed to say. That's only because he was probably like a virgin and that was the first woman he ever saw and touched and actually like, yeah, you're not actually super fair. Yeah. He was probably just tired of fucking robot faces. Hey, they got the skin right finally, but oh, I didn't appreciate the level of skulls. It happened like scattered among the debris of the future. Just skulls everywhere. The machines are just constantly rolling over them. It's awesome. They're really strong and they don't crush apparently, but that's the other thing. Like, when we saw them blowing people up, they like eviscerated them. How are these skulls laying around anywhere? Yeah. And let them left over from judgment day. There was no, I, that scene where the person gets obliterated like in the, it's either the flashback or the opening scene. That was the dream sequence. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And he just is like, oh no, like face like, it's like my guy. Come on. Have a little bit of something. What are we doing here? Passion? Maybe. But, but very seriously, like everything aside, the music in this movie is terrible. What? Dude, it was somebody that had like a keyboard that had the, the, the extra buttons on it. And they were just like, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. The only part, I mean, outside of the opening credit. Yes. Yeah. Okay. That's like a, that's more iconic to me than Star Wars, than my other name. I don't care. Would you say before I saw Star Wars, which means I saw this movie when I was like five. Nice. Not appropriate. God. No. Shout out to my dad. I will say though, um, it, the Terminator, Arnold is, uh, really smart, I guess, because the first thing he did, I guess after he got clothing was to go rent to the apartment. Because he had a base of operations to return to anytime he got entered. Yeah. Um, so did you realize that, uh, Uzi's come with infinite ammo? So I mean, he goes to the store, he goes to the gun shop, right? And you know, blows away the owner, which was fucking hilarious. Hey, you can do that. Yes, I can. Boom. But, uh, like he shoots that Uzi for the, basically most of the bar scene. And then all the way out the door and he is still shooting it before he like throws it at somebody or I don't know. But like it was, he used that gun so much that like, and you never once see him reload that gun. Uh, he reloads the, uh, bullets are, but maybe they're like tiny bullets in the, uh, in the clip. It was actually a BB gun and yeah. There you go. He retrofitted to have like extra power. Oh, also, um, when he finally sheds, completely sheds his human form and he's just the, uh, robot running, the stop motion that they did for that wasn't great. Oh, the robot standing up from the wreckage was awesome. Agreed. I, I, I will say like the stop motion, like claymation stuff, it's, it has a very nostalgic place in my heart. Like, yeah, I know it doesn't hold up, but in, it's kind of the movie and that's important. Yeah. It's like, it's like a part of the movie. I don't know. It's a part of the, it's a part of the time, man. Yeah. You know what? And you just kind of let the kayfabe exist for it. You know what I mean? We just acknowledge that this is not great, but we don't care. Yeah. I also want to bring up how terrible the driver Reese is. The first in the dream sequence when he is driving the, uh, the van and he's going everywhere. And then however fast he's going, that gunner is up there, getting your concussion left and right because he's going over all these hills, whatever. But then when he's in the 84 driving Sarah, he's the entire time doing this, like back and forth, but the car is still going straight, which is weird. Nobody, nobody ever taught him that you have to focus away from the front of the car. Exactly. So I'm just saying he is a terrible driver. I don't know where he learned to drive, but, uh, he needs to do better. That's like, that's like the famous, like, uh, 1980s driving trope is like, yeah, the way you're not going to. Yeah. It's to do that to indicate. Yeah. Yeah. Because it, I mean, it's, it's in the TV show all the time in the 80s and 90s, uh, in the movies. Yeah. They'll just make it look like a drive and you're gonna be fine. So, uh, Arnold ragdolling in this was freaking hilarious. Like when, uh, he gets, uh, was it throw it when it's either when he gets thrown off the motorcycle or when he gets thrown out of the car when they're, uh, chasing him? Like right after he loses his eyebrows. Hmm. Okay. I want it. I wanted to say about the motorcycles, but like it just like the, the one ragdoll scene. The, there's, it did, he does it again when he's being dragged, uh, by the semi when he gets like, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what it was. Yeah. Fucking hilarious. Like he folds like a napkin. It was like a hilarious to think because he's like a robot and he can barely move normally. And yeah, he's flopping everywhere and then like, yeah, and then all of a sudden he's just flopping everywhere. It's so good. Great. Although one thing I really wish would have happened is when the terminators, so it's at the end toward the, in the factory when they're walking up the stairs and the terminator is walking up the stairs. I kind of hoped, I kind of want to reach to like, just kind of poke them down the stairs and just wait with the pole, with the pole just like, yeah, doing that the entire time. Can we talk about the ocean violations that happened inside of that factory while they were there? So, first, first off that, that cage was not closed all the way, but the machine was still operating. I mean, come on. Okay. Now that's definitely eighties. And why we've got those, those cheesy videos is because of that. Hey, don't put your head inside the machine. I'm also like really interested in the fact that like, two little switchboards run the whole factory. It's like, that's not how that works. Have you been doing a factory? I have. I work in one. That's not how that works. Listen, Joe, you don't understand how things worked me eighties. Okay. I mean, you're not wrong. Eighties was definitely different. Yeah. You're a union representative. It's okay. Because they made it safe for you. So you don't get destroyed and murdered. And then also take out your age on Reagan and anybody that likes him because he's the reason why we went back to not having all that. Uh-huh. You can tell me about it. Ain't that wrong? I will say, speaking of less annoying things, we watched this on Tooby. We did? Oh, yeah. Hey, Pluto TV. You could fucking learn a thing or two. Yeah. Holy shit. You got a warning for when the ads would start. Yep. Yep. And then it was like 12 to 18 seconds worth of ads. Yeah. If that. And it was only like four of them. Yeah. Like you're able in the entire two hour movie. Yep. It was fantastic. Yeah. I think I'm going to have really like 35ish minutes. Something like that. Yeah. Yeah. So high five to Tooby, right? Tooby. Yeah. To free content. That's how you do it. It was great. Yeah. There's a lot of good stuff on Tooby. I was looking through. Absolutely. Absolutely. I'm finding a lot of stuff. How the HBO Max stuff is over there. Yeah. Well, that's... WB is fucking stupid. Let's just... I mean, yeah. I mean, yeah. We know. Yeah. We watch the movies, Joey. We'll watch a lot more. Yeah. Damn. Look at that. That's all my notes. Oh, no way. I have one more note. When they're escaping and they're in the car and he gets the stuff out of the car. And then they both just go like this and the car just rolls away. No car ever rolls that easy. Ever. That's fine. It was a neutral. Maybe they're downhill. I mean, it was a ditch, probably. No, because he said they had to push it off the road to where they could hide the car where people couldn't find it. And a ditch. Yeah. Anyway, you're talking about like they're getting their stuff. When they're making the plastiques, the bobs, and he's telling her that to be careful where he screws on when she screws on the top. And then when they're packing up, he's just rolling them in the bag like no big deal. Like, what the fuck? That's because the tops were already on him. Say it was fine. Although he does like fucking pucker his butthole when she like pretends to throw the bag or whatever. Yeah. The acting was not great. No. I remember it being, well, okay, Arnold is really good because Arnold was just being Arnold. He also had like 14 lines, which fun, do you know the story of like the most iconic thing he says in this movie and how it was actually ad-libbed because he kept fucking it up? It was, I saw it here because he said he said the wrong line, but yeah, go ahead. Yeah. So the story, how I understand it is, it's the famous I'll be back. And he's the line is supposed to be I will be back. Yes. But he keeps saying it wrong. I will be back. Yeah, I'll be back according to I'm to be it. It was originally, it was originally scripted. I'll come back out of the change. It almost became I will be back because force maker thought it sounded more machine like without a contraction. He also felt I'll be back sounded too feminine. It was the one major disagreement between sports and they can camera and all camera had to say to that was, I don't tell you how to act. So don't tell me how the right and then finally from my the source in your side of it was just finally cameras just like, all right, fucking never mind. Let's just move on. Because they took them like they apparently did it for like 14 or 15 takes because he kept screwing it up. Yeah. Yeah. And they would just redo it from the top of like him walking in and them running it every day, which is weird because that isn't all one shot. I don't know why they need to redo it every time. But finally he was just like, fuck it. We'll find a good take out of that. And now it's become the most iconic. Yeah. Pardon. Yeah. So apparently, according to me, James Cameron's original story idea was much more elaborate and involved Skynet sending two terminators back in time. The first one was a cyborg that would be defeated by human also sent back in time. The resistance actually sent two men, but one was to die during the time travel. A second terminator, one consisting of liquid metal that would be able to shapeshift would be sent by Skynet in response reluctantly as it is so experimental that it may alter the past beyond Skynet's intentions. Hmm. That sounds familiar. Cameron briefly considered clay animation in dark shots to portray the shapeshifter. But he soon realized that the concept was too ambitious for what he could achieve with contemporary techniques. He also knew that his reputation at the time wasn't big enough to sell a story of such scope to a studio. So he used only the first half of it. When a completely computer generated special effects proved to be successful in the abyss, he revived the idea of the liquid terminator for the sequel. Hmm. Nice. Well, current 2024 current day readers, look, you don't have to cram everything into one fucking movie. You can spread it out over two and make two cohesive stories instead of one with a bunch of bullshit. And then another one that you literally just do filler to try to get to a third one because God forbid he didn't make a third one. But the problem is that a second one is not guaranteed anymore, so that's why they shove everything in one movie. And then it stops. Yeah. No, you're 100% correct. You know what you should do? You should just write a good cohesive story with no intentions of doing a second one. Exactly. Just tell the fucking story. 100%. That's how the MCU started, like they were just telling a story with no intention of making sequels. Sequels came out because people went and saw the movies and really enjoyed them. What a crazy concept that we could actually like enjoy a story within one movie and then move on. And maybe we could bet her story in the second one. Yeah. That's weird. Yeah, that's weird. So there was also two deleted scenes which gave Skynet and the Future War some more background. The first was a scene where Sarah locates the cyber dying company that will be responsible for building Skynet and the terminators. She tries to convince Reece that they should destroy their building in order to prevent the dark future from ever happening. Reece tells her that his mission is conserving the future, not changing it. The second scene shows that cyber dying owns the factory where Sarah battles the Terminator and that one of their employees finds the Terminator's microchip which actually causes Skynet to exist in the first place, which we do kind of get a little bit of that in the second one. The scene was originally part of a larger subplot where Sarah and Kyle eventually agreed to blow up cyber dying, which is why they were making bombs in the first place, ending up inside the cyber dying factory while on the run for the Terminator wasn't a total coincidence as they were purposely heading that way, hoping to destroy it. This subplot did not did end up in novelization. Skynet's origin and destruction of cyber dying became major plot points for the sequel T2 just because he wanted to leave some questions yet unanswered, which he never regretted as he could make an entire sequel out of the unused ideas. And that's how you do it. That's how you make two films out of one idea. Yeah. Or write a fucking novelization, you know, Joey would love that. I would love that. Yeah. I like to read. I did Dynamite as a Dynamite comics that has Terminator. Yeah, they just did a Kickstarter for the entire Terminator like comic series and books I backed it. Did you? Yeah. So I'm going to tell you, you know, I mean, it's probably a good price. But if it's on Kickstarter, they're from a major company, boom, Dark Horse, Dynamite, it's going to come out in the stores at some point. It was a, it was a, it was a better price. Sure. Yes. That's what I'm saying. Like if you can get a good price there, I think it was like, I think it was all three parts for like 90 bucks or something. That's actually not bad. No, because they're a part of our special edition, special edition stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, I've learned that in the last couple of years because there's a couple, uh, fruit like was it a berserker, the one boom studios that Keanu Reeves wrote. I'm like, Oh, this is great. I backed it. And I got the three hardback Kickstarter edition, like covers, but then the book was coming out in stores. I'm like, well, that kind of well, I think the theory is, like, they got to make sure there's an audience there first to pay for police. So well, yes, but the, but the problem is it's these companies doing it, like boom studios doesn't need. Right. It was intended for big giant companies to use. It was supposed to be for small, upstart people, but as per usual, fucking capitalism ruins everything and it went in there. That's why Etsy sucks now. You can't trust Etsy. Cause that's he's just really good at it. Etsy nowadays is pretty much like 75% like fast flip, essentially what they do on Amazon. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The only ones that I really follow are like independent stores, I guess you will. The only few times I've used Etsy, which I haven't in a while, actually, I use it usually around Christmas. I'll get some like fun Christmas ideas. I don't buy anything pretty. Yeah. I don't buy anything from Etsy that I didn't find through Instagram specifically. Like I find the shop through Instagram and then I go directly through their link to Etsy to guarantee that it's like the, like a good like independent artist. That's the easiest way to do it. Don't Google search. Or not Google search. You don't like Etsy search because it will literally just give you like garbage company. You know, I guess I probably did that because I got a bunch of retro boxes for my Zelda games. Yeah. All back there. And I went through Etsy for all those and I got them from some guy overseas. Yeah. So it took forever to get over here. But yeah. You look great. Yeah. A lot of like all the 3D printed models stuff that I get. I only go through ones that I've found from Instagram. So just there. I've got a couple that I've used on Etsy. But yeah. Yeah. I think I might just find them on this screen as well. Yeah. Because I also want to use artists who actually have paid to be allowed to print the stuff. So which is like a big thing. So yeah. Yeah. A friend in there I work with that has a 3D printer. So if I can find the file, I could just give it to him and now I'll just pay him to do it. Right. Thingiverse. Whoo. What else do I have here? Oh, so when Arnold goes to the police station and does the I'll be back line. If you actually look at his glasses, you can see both of his eyes are still intact and this is after he had, you know, cut out the eye. We saw the robot eye, which I mean as much as terrible as the not Arnold looked, it was still practical, you know, which is better than them trying to do whatever sort of. It didn't look as good as the non practical Arnold that they had for. Tingle all the way. No. Jesus, the one with the Mars. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Because that one, like where he pulls the thing out of his nose, that thing is fucking hilarious. And that's 90s. Right? Yeah. Listen, you had a lot more fucking practical shit they had to pay for in that movie. So yeah. Like a paper machine booby. But I mean, that's just to say like the special effects on this one. While there wasn't a ton, I mean, like the lightning looked good. Obviously, we talked about the, uh, the terminator running and the background look, it does not motion look bad. But I mean, it still was believable. Like I wasn't as bad as it kind of looked. I still enjoyed watching it. It still worked for the movie. It still looks better. It still looks better in this lens than rubber people from like blade O two. Yeah. Agreed. Yeah. Yeah. Good. No, but does it look good for the? Yeah. It looks great. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, it doesn't, it still ages nicely. Yeah. Yeah. That's good stuff. So, uh, we do have anything else we want to talk about. I think I've gone through it. I covered all my notes. Yeah. No, just I think I had the same thing you guys did where I was like, I, I couldn't remember the sequence of events and stuff that I thought I remember in this one don't come until the, uh, the second one, the second one. The second one was so popular, like I've seen the second one numerous times. Yeah. Like that one is like, although there, there are things that I don't remember in the second one that I'm now starting to wonder if they cover like, do they talk like is the reason why they sent it, you know, sent the T two back and stuff. So I mean, we'll cover that in a couple of weeks, but I'm just curious if, if they explain the continuity errors, or if they just run with it and say, fuck it. So they don't remember the, if I remember correctly, a lot of the, because the, uh, sky net wet with the T 1000s, they were able to hijack the T eight hundreds to be on their side. There is this is the sides. That's right. I basically thought we'll send a terminator back because he could handle a human couldn't handle fighting a T 1000, but you know, an outdated model could definitely find a T 1000. Right. I guess. Well, I'm just wondering if, if the theory was, um, I don't know, just like, they're like, Oh, shit, like it didn't work. We need to go back and do it again, or like, did they know that it did work or was this always the timeline kind of thing? So I will find it. I feel like they, they only send back there's, this is always sends back somebody when the sky net sends back somebody, like, find out, do they ever actually explain how they find, how they figure that out. They don't do that. No, I don't think they do the second one, but I don't think they do. I don't think they, yeah, they don't feel like they don't ever mention it. They just do it. Yeah. Where's the technology for that? I know that gets explained in salvation, but still, well, I can talk. Salvation's a sleeper. That was a good movie. I liked salvation. Salvation was dope. I, I, some issue was, was one that I think I watched like once or twice. I'm like, yeah, it's fine. But I haven't. It's good. It's a good action movie after three. Perfectly fine action. Sure. But after three, I've only seen like salvation. I've seen once Genesis. I've seen once dark fate, I've seen once like, and I think there's one more. I know. I've seen Genesis. Is that the one where it's like nanotechnology and they're starting to incorporate with human? That it, no, that's dark fate. No. Yes. That is Genesis. Yeah. Yeah. Because because they go back and Amelia Clark is Sarah Connor. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like it's a different timeline or something. Yeah. It's the branching off the timeline and then dark fate brings it back. Dark fate basically erases three salvation and Genesis and is the direct sequel to two. Right. And then it doesn't make any fucking sense. Nope. None whatsoever. No. Because they even, they're even just like, none of this really happened. Also, there's new terminators and I'm from a different timeline. I think that John is dead. So like, then wire terminators coming back then, like what's the point of that? Yeah. Well, that figure something out. Yeah. Those terminators were cool though because they were like, there were TX's and the like liquid T 1000 separate. It was pretty dope. That dude, that scene where they separate and then come after it was. Yes. Okay. Yeah. It's really fucking right. Anyway. So as for kill count, I've got a total of 44, which includes two dogs and two trees. We're counting trees now. They're living things at the live shop. Okay. Yeah. That's that's fair. Still less than Batman of literally a robot sent to kill things. All right. So I guess he wasn't very good at it because okay, no, he was every time every time they showed his vision, like every time it showed like things from his point of view, I'm like, man, it's no wonder why they keep getting away. This motherfucker can't see anything. He's color blind. All I see is red. So angry. Yes. Sorry. No. Like according to what's his name, Drexel, the detective, whatever lieutenant, there was apparently 30 cops in the the police station and Arnold just mosed through all of them. Now, I only saw like 16 or 17 or 18, I can't remember how many I counted. And according to T two, they say only 17 people were killed. So I mean, people could have got injured, I guess. Oh, also according to him to be the gun that Reese gives Sarah when he goes up for supplies is Drexel's gun because there was a deleted scene that as they're trying to get away, they come across him and he's like, he starts to start to finally believe them that somebody's after Sarah. As long as he starts to believe, that's all the matter that he gives them his gun and then he dies. So interesting. Is there a director's cut version of this? I honestly don't know. I don't think possible Chuck, you better get out there and ask you want the director's kind of a Terminator, gave me the camera and cut, give me the snider cut of the camera and cut where it's nine and a half hours long and they blur all the colors. Oh my God, can you imagine what the snider cut vision of the Terminator would be? A lot of slow motion. Slow motion blur read it. Um, see, is there a director's cut of the term of Terminator? I don't know if there's one for T2, but I don't know if this one runs about 60 minutes longer. Among the new alternate scenes, the order release are shown fake forces there. That's two morons, dummies. There's an alternate version, I guess, according to IMDB, but in the 90s, the film was released on DVD and both it's cut and uncut form. Oh, I guess there's something out there. Arnold Heng's dong, I mean, you saw that, this one. Yeah, a little bit, no, not to the camera. It was very, it was very shadowy, like Batman's dong and Batman's damped. Yeah, dong's stupid, one veteran dong. Just hang dong. Who cares? Why? We got to make it weird. We make women get naked all the time. Right. Equal opportunity here. Let's go. Equal opportunity nudity. Oh, I like that. So what we got Game of Thrones, why we got Westworld, they definitely were showing dong in those two. Yeah. I should give Westworld another try. I like the original movie. I was trying to find it because it's off HBO, HBO dropped it. Yeah. Fucking stupid idiots. That was their move. It was theirs. It was their TV show and they're like, no, we don't want anymore, which is so stupid. They had one more season, they had, they could have, even if they didn't do a season five, they had just done like a two hour movie to wrap everything up. Whooping great. Nope. They don't want it because season three killed the momentum, lost viewership. Season four was great. I love season four. Anyway, sorry. HBO's stupid. I've never watched it, any of it. So I do season one was wonderful. Season two was was good. Season three was very confusing, but season four brought it all back and was. Basically teeing it up for an ending for season five. And then HBO was like, nope, we don't want anymore. Bye. Meanwhile, CW won't stop fucking making shit long after it needs to be done. Fucking hate. Let's fucking company anyway. All right. All right. All right. So nudity, product placement. All that was within the first like seven minutes. I knew the, oh, you mean, product placement, I'm like, knew that he was hour and some in, but no, wasn't it? They were nude, right? When they fucking, they were totally nude when they came to death, origin flashback, hero kills, dead parent, because resized. I mean, you're not technically wrong. Government interference because of the cops, animal cruelty, because I could beat that rat to death, and the dog, yeah, yeah, which, that Terminator was, um, another bodybuilder that Arnold knew, and he got him in there for that, that will explain why he was such a terrible actor. We had rejecting that destiny when Sarah's like, I don't want to be the mommy of the future. Uh, an unexplainable science, sexual innuendo and fight for control of something, the control of that thing being Sarah Connor's life. That's fair. Yeah, it's market for vagina specifically. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Uh, okay. Does this hold up? I mean, no, but in the best way possible, um, it's, it is nostalgic. It is the eighties. Some stuff looks still look. I still love like the fight with Reese. I think actually looked pretty fucking dope, even for what it was. Um, here's a, here's a question I have. Sorry to interrupt this, but I forgot about this while we were talking about it, because I didn't make a note of it when he is beating the shit out of Ginger's boyfriend, right? Yeah. He's like throwing him through every conceivable, like, shatterable thing. Why doesn't he just shoot him? Because he's, because he doesn't want to make any noise. I love the trope of the eighties of, I have headphones on, so I can't literally hear anything going on around me. Like, I feel this that happens in, um, and like Halloween as well. Yeah. It's like, do you all not remember how shitty those headphones were? You could hear everything. This is stupid. I still love it. I still thought it was funny. I think that happens in, in either some of the Friday thirteenths or some of the nightmares as well. Yeah. Yeah. That's so stupid. That's a very, very good horror trope. Yep. Ah. This is kind of a horror movie. Um, you could make it, you could make your argument for it. And I wouldn't say no, but it's more action even horror, I think. Yeah. So, like, if you just base it solely off of like the, like horror tropes, you know what I mean? Like, we have a final girl. Yeah. We have a slasher that, you know, a killer that ultimately can't be stopped. Yes. They're most of it. Um, there's reason, he's got a reason. And it's violent. I mean, I think. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think it, yeah, you could, I guess the aliens, which we will find out here soon. So actually, um, no, you're, you're not wrong, like I said, you can make your argument for it. And I wouldn't disagree. I would argue it's more than, uh, the crow, which was constantly, yeah, which it classified as well. You, yes. You had said that you had said it was classified as horror. It was, it's always been rolled into like the other horror show. I don't understand why though. I mean, maybe because it's so dark, but I ookie spooky. Yeah. I don't know. Anyway, golf curls. Anyway. Yeah. Well, you know. Anyway, shut up. Okay. Um, go away from that. Shit. I'm going to put it in the middle. I'm going to say 23 and four eighths out of 92, four eighths, uh, I don't know man. It doesn't fucking matter. Anyway, uh, can you put a fraction within a fraction? Who knows? I'll see why not. No, you can't. Why not? It's my, my scale. I can do it. What? You're not measuring it properly. Um, all right. So that gives us to our scores. No. Absolutely. Fuck you or not. Oop count. I'm sorry. Oop count. That is correct. And Ron has to rank all the women. We all know this. More boobs and, uh, wait, where was the other two? Uh, her friend when they were fooling around, they were there. I assure you. Technically, we have six because Arnie blasts his packs and those things are fucking ginormous. That is true. Yeah. He's had huge jahoves. Uh, I'll add those. Thank you. Uh. So anyway, six. I have five. Okay. All right. Chuck. All right. Chuck. Now, what is your score out of 10? All right. Is this a Terminator movie? Yeah. Because it's a fucking Terminator movie. It's a Terminator movie. It is. Terminator movie. What's on the comics? Um, look, I saw this one. I was probably too young and it was terrifying and awesome. I had action figures. It was the fucking best. It's still to this day is one of my favorite movies. Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of my favorite actors of all time for no reason other than I just enjoy him and everything he's ever been in. Arnold was the dad figure that Chuck never had. Hammond Stone Cold Steve Austin. They dual parented and I'm just, I love, I love how a modern your parentage is. Two fathers. No, no, no. Two fathers. Exactly. One Republican, one liberal is wild. I don't, I think he's, he's like a liberal Texan. It's weird. I'm going to say, oh, oh, uh, I'm going to say, what did I give Rogue one nine six? Uh, you gave Rogue one a nine point nine eight. Wow. Okay. Yeah. I'm going to say nine point one two, because I don't love the zoo. This is much as Rogue one, but it's still, it's still very near and dear to my heart. Yeah. Ron, I will happily watch this again on Toby with commercials. That's how good it is. I think it's leaving to be soon. So of course it is, of course it is, but that's, but you're right. This is definitely a movie. I would not. I would buy this off Amazon, like digital and just have it in my library to buy the collection. Why not? Yeah. Ron, what'd you got? All right. So does this movie have boobs? Yes, it does. Uh, has six of them. So that's already six points, right? Okay, but see, then it loses some points for the terrible plot. You can't poke like in the plot, um, we know it's bad. That's not fair, but I did enjoy the movie, um, like, I mean, sure, mostly I was making fun of a lot of it, but that actually brings me joy. So it's okay. Um, I gave it a five point nine seven. Oh, seriously. Oh, okay. It's rude. Yeah. It's really kind of, you know, I was sorry, but that's actually fairly high score anymore for me. You, yeah, that's actually pretty high for a movie that only had six babes. Um, I, I do kind of feel like maybe this movie, if we didn't get sequels and we've already seen them, we'd maybe score higher because I think a lot of the continuity and like what they tried to do kind of gets fucked ass when they try to do sequels to it. Like, if this movie just existed in a time capsule by itself, I don't think the continuity really matters anymore. Because we don't know what happens. You know what I mean? Yeah. Well, we know that John sends his dad back in time to fuck his mom, that's time travel paradox. Yes, but you're not wrong, I mean, honestly, and I'll, it's my turn for the score because I've seen Terminator 2 for this movie, which is bad because this is an awesome movie. This movie is, it's a product of its time, but it's still amazing. And like I just said before, I have no problem whatsoever watching this. I mean, it's been forever since I've seen it, but I've got no problem with ever watching this again. Like, if I ever want to do a double feature of Terminator, I'd watch this and then T2 because they just are perfect together. But that's, yeah, that's really kind of it. But regardless, I gave this a 8.37 really, really liked this movie. And even though it's been forever since I've seen it, it's still a great movie. It's a wonderful movie. But yeah, so with that score, we have a combined of 7.82. So which, yeah, I kind of, I kind of assumed to be in the eights. Ah, Ron. But we deserved better. So it drops it in at number 12. So it's at least our top 20 or top 15 should be our top 10, but blame around for that one. It's going to be right behind the dark knight at a 7.87 and right above blade at a 7.73. Interesting. I like it better than both those movies. I mean, I like it better than both those movies too, but I'm pretty sure that I scored it better than both those movies. So, well, no, I think that blade, blade, which blade? First blade. Oh, okay. I don't actually like it better than the first blade, but I definitely like it better than dark knight. But of course, some other people scored that movie way higher than it should have been scored. So both of you. Yeah. I scored really. Listen, I was drinking the Joey juice at that point, you know, is that what we're calling it now? Yeah. Yeah. When I started agreeing with Joey, it's just because I've been drinking the Kool-Aid. Love it. That's fair. I'd just say he has me. Everybody's bad. You know what I mean? Batman. Batman makes sense when you really. Yeah. I thought he was talking about the acting though. Wow. That's. That was just me being an asshole right there. Which ledger was a good after in that one. It was a second to final role. What was his last role? The imaginary of Dr. Pemasus or something like that. Oh, okay. Orium, something like that. So I watched that movie because I'm like, oh, it's his final role. I want to see it. It's on. Originally, it was going to be him in all that. But after he died, all of his friends, I guess, came in and made the movie with them in his roles. And by doing that, it made the movie better, but it still wasn't a good movie. If I had lost a Hoffman's in that movie too? Maybe? I don't remember. I know. No, I think that one. I think the one with Dustin Hoffman is the Mr. Maglorium's Wonder Emporium. Yeah, that's the one. That's what I'm going to do. That's got Natalie Portman and anything. I believe you're right. Yes. Alrighty. Well, it gets a bring lift to the end. So Chuck, where can I find you about each? Oh, yeah. You can find me on the intornance over at TikTok and Instagram, kicked out of the hood. No Ian kicked. You can find my hobby page, kicked out of the hobby, no Ian kicked. And that is it for right now. Oh, you can check out a backlog episodes of a lady's showdown, get ready for one. Those 10 episodes finally drop probably a year and Ron, nold, where can they find all your wonderful art? You can find my art on Instagram at GoodArtThisGame. You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @GoodAtThisGame and you can find me on this podcast. And also, I guess this weekend, time of recording this coming weekend, I'm going to be on another podcast. What? Yeah, I know, right? Congratulations, buddy. Yeah. Well, it's just because it's a kink podcast. Well, hey, by the time they hear this, I already know that podcast probably. So, yeah, what the text is what it's called and we'll be covering some kink stuff. So it should be fun. It's apparently going to be a live recording. So that's also exciting. So. Very awesome. Very cool. Yeah. Anyways, Joey, where can they find you? You guys can find me on Instagram and thread at comicbook rundown. You can email us, comicbook, write in the videos or your podcasting up a choice. If you do, we'll read it on an upcoming episode. We've got merch on Redbubble and Tea Public with new merch coming months, monthly, monthly, every few months. Sure. Kind of. Yeah, actually, I guess. And once they get done with the next one, we'll have a good joke from this one that he can turn into merch. God damn it, we're stupid. I don't know. It could be, it could be just Arnold's ass and somebody standing here, live in it. It says come with me if you want to live. I like the. Are you insane? It's moving. He says it's the next one. Yeah, but reset it. It's got to be determined. Okay. Fine. It's got to be Reese's ass. I like. So it'll have like burn marks and shit. I think the idea of him having giant jugs and restaying there be like, I know I have to kill him. But. Or just shooting him in the chest so they bounce. Oh, that's good. That's good. Yeah. And good. So, so we got some good stuff actually coming. Our song was done by Cam. So. Dr. Dad. Dr. Dad. Cam. Our next movie. Oh my God. We actually kind of mentioned it earlier. We'll check. Aliens. Aliens. Oh. Fuck. All right. I'm going to try to go into this with not my prejudice of the fact that this is not a horror movie. Well, sure. It's a comic movie. You're right. It's a comic movie. Yeah. I just I'm calling the total horror. I've never seen this movie. So I'm actually looking forward to watching it. You know, I so I've I've only seen it once and I don't remember a lot of it because I was so mad. I just stopped watching it. Really? Yeah. I think I saw it all the way to the I don't remember so it'll be interesting. This is the one similar to T two where people were like, Hey, you want to watch alien movie? Watch this one. Watch. Watch aliens. Because that's friendly. The other one. So I know. We'll see. I guess we'll see. Yeah. See. So thank you all for listening. We will catch you next time. La di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di di. Thanks so much for listening. If you enjoyed this show, check out all the other great shows here at the Professional Casual Network. Like what Danny, I'll tell you on Mondays we've got the lost omens podcast, our pathfinder to the actual play hosted by me playing through the extinction curse AP, also streaming on slash professional casual network at 7 p.m. Eastern time. You can check out. Oh yeah. The power phase, our Marvel crisis protocol live battle report show on Tuesdays, the podcast version of wait did I roll a wild our Marvel crisis protocol Povlog is available on Wednesdays alternating releases on Patreon. We have settling the Southlands, our homebrew wolf work actual play in the slithering a pathfinder second edition actual play. And on Thursdays live at 7 p.m. Eastern standard time on slash professional casual network. We've got wait. 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