Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Worship Call 1132 What God had purposed - 2024/08/16

Jesus is Annointed. He has won the victory. and now is our Joshua moment. which side will you choose to stand on.

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16 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> Welcome to worship call with Bible teacher Buzz Law back. Buzz is the pastor of Grace Chapel, Bible Ministries located in Duncan, South Carolina. This ministry is dedicated to the verse by verse teaching of God's word and discipleship programs aimed at strengthening the faith of God's people. Now here's today's message. Where we are today is the fact that there was beginning three great rebellions. The, actually this is Friday, August 16th, forgot to change it, but there are three great rebellions that we find in the book of Genesis, the rebellion of man, the rebellion of angels, and the rebellion of Babel. Jesus, both of these has to do with the rejecting God's plan. But it was our Lord who came and he didn't come rebellious against God's plan against God or God's plan. And he perfectly and perfect submission proved himself worthy. And he himself now sits at the right hand of the father waiting to be established on his throne in Jerusalem. This is the 16th day or this is the 6th day of the week and God's created order 16th day of the 8th month, 2024th year of our Lord. And this is another fine day in the Lord. Let's pray father and have a thank you for this opportunity to fellowshiping your word this morning. We pray him and follow the God, Holy Spirit will open our hearts to these things. We ask that you make a source of blessing and challenge as we continue to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord, David, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray, amen. Let me fix that right now so that we be on record. Let's see on here, let's say this is Friday and it is August 16th. Looks good, don't it? All right, there we go. All right, finishing up as we said, three great rebellions, the rebellion of man and the rebellion of angels and rebellion of Babel. And in six days, starting with the first one and six days, God created the heavens and the earth and he created in pristine. He prayed in actuality, he recreated him. And on the six day, he created man. And when we get to chapter two of Genesis, it speaks, brings a little bit more detail in that, that there was no one to cultivate the ground. And the ground was watered by mist underneath. Man was created in order to be the dominion rule. He was the, he was the state of theocratic administrator, you might say. He was, he was a sworn into God. He was established to, and God's plan that man would rule over the, over the creation that we find that in Genesis 126, where it reads, "Then God said, let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over the earth." And over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them, man and female, he created them. God blessed them and God said to them, "Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that bowels out of that moves on the earth." God did not create an atom to be an independent agent. That there would be a rule. God set the rule, and that rule of course we know was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And what happened in the garden was the fact that authority got screwed up. There was the rebellion. That rebellion started with the woman. When it was the tree that she was deceived by the serpent, Satan, to take from the tree, and she took from the tree, and what she did was she gave the serpent authority which he did not have. And then she subordinate herself under it. And then Adam did the same thing, that he gave authority to the woman that she did not have, and he himself subordinate himself under it. Take a look at our society today, that will preach in our society today, that what the woman did was demasculize Adam, and Adam allowed himself to be, and he subordinate herself under it. And there we have the rebellion, and both of them rejecting God. Both of them going against God's plan, with no repentance, but God still has a plan. But what God purposed from the beginning, he intends to see to its culmination. Well, Adam and the woman was exiled from the garden, but they were given the problems of redeemer that we find in Genesis 3.15, that I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your seed and her seed, and he's going to crush your head, and you're going to bruise his heel. So there's a promise of a serpent crusher that's coming. Satan answers this. He rebels, or he goes against this, by the next big rebellion. And we find that next big rebellion in Genesis 6. Genesis 6 verse 1 through 4. Now it came about, let me back up for just a minute, I've missed something here, let me just excuse me just for a moment. A man's purpose in the garden, God created it all good, he created it pristine, but the earth wasn't in as pristine mode, it was still needed guarding, it still needed, or that man was placed in the garden. And his mandate was to keep it into garden. And because he let his guard down, that's where the rebellion began. And what man was to do was to subdue the earth, was to make the earth like Eden. But two things happened when Adam fell, two things, one, the relationship, the broken relationship, that went. Second of all was the pristine environment, or the environment by which man lived in, and as goes the man's volition, so goes the environment. Now we move to the second rebellion, and that's in Genesis 1 through 4. And this was Satan's answer to that, preventing the serpent crusher from ever coming. And in Genesis 6 starting with verse 1, "Now came about when men began to multiply on to face the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took them as wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the Lord said, 'My spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he is also flesh; nevertheless his days shall be 120 years.' The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards when the sons of God came to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, those whom the mighty men who were of old men of renown. The sons of God here, sons of God, Benelahim, are angels. They are angels, and they cohabitated with the daughters of man. And there's no other way, I don't have time to argue with this, but there's no other way to interpret this. And it seems weird, but a lot of things are weird in the Bible as well, but they're true. That angels took on human wives and produced this bastardized race called the Nephilim. If you've got the King James, you probably read giant there, but these Nephilim were an offspring between the angels and man. Again, it was a corruption of the race, and this was the rebellion, and it was put down, but it wasn't done away with. Because what we read here, very important here, is that, right here, my spirit, because also nevertheless in the day, okay, let me see what was up here, now begin to multiply in the sons of the daughters of men, whoever they choose. Then the Lord said, "My spirit will, because the Nephilim were on the earth, here in Verse 4, and the Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards when the sons of God came to the daughters of men." So it was before the flood and after the flood, and it may be all the way up to this day, and maybe we don't see it so much in this day, but the end will be like in the days of the day. It may be like in the days of Noah, and this God hasn't done fully yet. The lake of fire was made for Satan as angels, and right now those angels that had taken on human wives, they are now in the place called Tartars in Hades. Can this happen again? Well, that's still in question. Was it totally cut off? We don't know. So there is the angelic rebellion. The third, very quickly going through this, the third rebellion out of cover today is in Genesis chapter 11, and it's the rebellion of the nations. After the flood, which started to reboot the human race, man Noah was given a mandate. He blessed them and told them to multiply and be fruitful until the earth. But man under the authority of Nimrod, under the ruler of Nimrod, must have been a very dynamic ruler, and men began to multiply, but they remained in one general location. Again, the plan of Satan, because if you decentralized, he's not in the present, he's not everywhere present, so to collecting all the people into one locale under one world government. Satan can have authority over all the people and all the souls by his representative and his representative was apparently Nimrod. But these people look at the rebellion in this here. Now the whole earth used the same language. In the same words, they came about as a journey east, that they found a plane in the land of Shenar and settled there. And they said to one another, look at their self-determination, what they're going to do in their plans. They said to one of them, "Come let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly." And they used brick for stone and they used tar for mortar. They said, "Come let us build for ourselves a city and a tower whose top will reach into heaven." And then us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see what the city of the tower, which the sons of men had built. So here is the third rebellion, and it's the rebellion of the nations. A rebellion is the rejection of God and God's sovereignty. And again we have must go, come back to the fact that here is the world. Why is the world the way it is? Is it because of God? No, it's because the rejection in the rebellion against God. And there are those that blasphemously say that if God really exists, how come there's so much evil and sin in the world? Well, if such God is a good God, why is it? Because man has responsibility for the freedom that God has given them. And negative volition leads to a destructive life, and we should understand that we have freedom. Yes, there is individual freedom. In the way you exercise freedom, you're going to be accountable. If God's not accountable, you're accountable. And as man rebelled against God, he is also accountable. But what God had established from the beginning, and what he purposed from the beginning, God intends to bring about to its consummation, to bring it back to what he had purposed before. God cannot allow rebellion to continue and be perpetuated without him condoning it. There must be justice, and justice will prevail. But prior to that justice coming, which is called the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, prior to that coming, it is a, and that's going to be against the wicked. Before he judges the wicked in the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, he is going to reverse the effects of the fall, the effects of the fall, the fall of the angelic fall, and also the effects of the national rebellion. All of that's going to be answered. You think God is quiet? Well, no, those are going to be answered too. And in God's going to establish, see, we have time right now. Let's go to another, well, just remember our verse in Psalm 2. Man is given the opportunity to change the allegiance, to repent from the rebellion, and turn to the sovereign God. "Why are the nations in an uproar?" says Psalm 2. "And the people devising on vain things, the kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take their accounts together against the Lord, and against His adored it, say, 'Let us tear our fetters apart and cast away the cords from us.'" Now, it talks about the rulers, talks about the king, but you also have the responsibility. You also have who are you going to bow a knee to, the kings of this world, or the king of kings? And he who sits in heaven laughs, the Lord scuffs at them, and then he will speak to them in his anger, the great and terrible day of the Lord, and terrifies them with his fury, saying, "But as for me, I have a star, my king." And I will show you the creed of the Lord. He said to me, "You are my son. Today I have forgotten you." And so there's going to be a reversal. And this is where we have in Matthew chapter 28, and the Lord says, "All authority has been given to me. All authority on heaven and on earth and under the earth." And he is the one that's coming to reverse the rebellion, and he's going to rule with an iron rod. Proverbs 29-2 says, "When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rules men groan." And again in Matthew 28-18, and Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth." The reversal, see Jesus is the last Adam, and he's coming to do what the first Adam failed to do. He has won the election, you might say. It's like, let's do it like this, in our nation, in how our elections are set up, let's take the presidential election. And the election takes place in November. And then there's November, December, and January before the president takes office, the inauguration. And here it is that Jesus has been anointed. Also, let's look at another thing, like David. David, who was anointed as a young man, it was some years afterwards before he actually took office of the kingship. And his kingship started with a small habron down south. And then that was three and a half years, and the remaining 40 years that he had was over the whole nation of Israel. So there was a progression there. Well, our Lord has won, he has been deemed worthy, he has been tested, he has been brought through. He's been tested far greater than what the first Adam had. And in obedience, he went to the cross, he rose again, he's at the right hand of the file. He is on the father's throne at this time. He's not, he's not in Jerusalem, he's coming back, he's going to be installed on throne. That has not yet happened, and it is a literal Jesus that's going to sit on the literal throne. So, just like we are, we are positionally, we are positionally royal family of God with all the ranks and privileges. But yet we are still in the world. And we are like in a holding pattern before the sons of God, before we are revealed as the children of light and revealed for who we are. So we're going from position to experiential when Jesus returns and we are established that's humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God. And we will be, we will be established at the proper time. And so first Jesus will rule for a thousand years. And then when his throne is established, it's just like David ruled for the southern kingdom. Somebody said that it may have been Tommy Ice that the first thousand years is like a prop porch to eternity. And then he's going to take and the son of David will rule forever on into eternity. And that's over generations, over thousands of generations. Let's look at Exodus 26. But showing loving kindness to thousands, to those who love me keep my commandment. Let's move on to Deuteronomy 7-9. "Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God and faithful God, He keeps the covenant and His loving kindness to thousands generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments." So there's going to be generations after generations when into eternity, future. So there is a relatively small window opportunity to come out of rebellion. Time gives us the opportunity. The Lord has declared Himself the authority. He is worthy. Ephesians chapter 1 says He is worthy of praise and glorification. And so we have the opportunity to choose where the time in which we live from the time that Jesus set down at the right handed Father to this very day is our Joshua moment. Choosing which side we are going to choose. Choosing this day when we will serve. As far as me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Should be within each of our hearts. In a typical fashion in 2 Samuel 18 and leading up to there was the rebellion of Absalom, the son of David. And David ended up getting exiled from the kingdom. And the great rebellion was again, was Absalom against his father. And on the way out, when David was leaving the king, he had this little punk guy who did his day out. There were a lot of punks in 2 Samuel. This guy was called Chiminai. You remember him, Chimai? And Chimai on the way out. Chimai was an opportunist. He's going to line himself with whoever he can make some points with. So he was cussing David and cutting David down and all that as David was leaving. And somebody said shall we cut him down with a sword? David said no, no, leave him alone. And so they went up. Well, when the Absalom rebellion was put down, now you have David coming back. And here you get Chimai. Now he's coming back and he's prostating himself before the David. And begging for forgiveness, begging for repentance. This time we should not be rebellion against the one who's outside the kingdom. See, this is not the kingdom yet. It has not been restored. It has not been restored. It will not be restored until Jesus, the son of David, will return and sit upon his throne. Now is the time that our heart should be changed over to him and bowing me to his authority. And I'm not just talking about unbelievers. I'm talking about you too as you and I, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. We should be in his word. We should be looking. See, we don't want to have to come to the Lord in ignorance. He knows us. But do we know him? Will we honor him with a heart that's filled with doctrine and whose life was lived in light of who and what Christ is? So the concrete king is yet on his throne, but he's on his father's throne. And the news of the victory is going out to every nation to this day. It's going out to every nation in every tribe. You look back in 2 Samuel 18. You also see that when an onward where Absalom had died, he was killed and they won the victory. The rebellion was put down. The king is coming back. And the news is going out to the news is going out that the victory has been won. And this is the time in which that news is going out to every nation and every tribe that Jesus Christ is the winner, that Jesus Christ is Lord. And first of all, to every soul that repents, that says in his heart, believes in his heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. He will shall be saved. It is time of grace, time to heed the message and turn from the rebellion. All again, it will come back to Matthew 28, the great commission. And the great commission is that news. And we should not lose this fact that we, that ours, let's read this whole thing again. And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples, make learners, make teachers, spread the news. Happy are the feet that brings the good news to every tribe and every nation." Paul writes, he says, "How will we know if there is not a preacher?" And there is a message priest, there is a message to proclaim. And this is not just for the apostles, but to establish the churches where pastors will equip the congregations, to be students themselves. And because before you can be a teacher, you must also be a student. And then to pass on these things and to make disciples of all nations. And how do we do that again by baptizing them? And that's the conversion, that's bringing them in, that's, there is the real baptism, which is spiritual baptism, that is identification by the spirit. And then there is the ritual baptism, which is by water, which is a declaration of the reality that the birth, the new birth and the giving of the spirit. And under the authority of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all I have commanded, because it's the matter of coming out of the rebellion. It is coming out, the rebellion began when the woman exercised her freedom to reject the authority of God and did what the Lord commanded not to do, which was not to take from the tree. And same with Adam, and we all felt when Adam fell. He exercised his freedom of will to go against God and to rebel against God. We, on the other hand, God, we have an opportunity to repent, to turn back from that darkness. We entered into this world as a progeny of Adam, as being those that are under death penalty because Adam had sinned through Adam's sin entered into this world and through sin we all die. But now how do we repent by doing what God has commanded? Again, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you to bring our own hearts out of the rebellion. See, it's not just about grace. We are in grace. And in that grace we exercise our freedom to align ourselves with the authority of God. And though I am with you always, even to the end of the age. And the Lord is on the presence, He's with us, the Spirit is with us, and we have all the assets to do what God has commanded us to do. There is no excuse not to fill the Great Commission. And again, I'll go through the Kingdom Now crowd that say, "This is the Kingdom and we're doing Kingdom work and that's what the church is here to do." That's a far cry from the Great Commission and you're distracted. We need to come back to be students of the Word of God and to share that message of Christ. Well, it is the center thing of all the churches, of every pulpit, is to share the gospel of Christ. I just read back and commentary, I'll just open it up and let me see if I find it in here. It was a great line and it's very pertinent here and it's in here. Turn back one page. Yes, here it is. First Corinthians 9, 16, "Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel." That will conclude our life of Christ series. And I'm not sure where we will be going on Monday and still, I still don't know, still don't know. And be a prayer on that and we'll just, I'll leave that. When we start up, we went back and forth to several ideas so we'll see what the Lord and the Spirit guides us to learning on Monday. Thank you for being with us through the series. I do appreciate you all and the encouragement that you've given to stick with it and go through it. And it's been a pleasure doing it. We've enjoyed the mornings and I'm excited to see what the Spirit's going to have for us come Monday morning and what format we're going to do. So I hope you're here with us. And so anyway, until as close out in prayer, I don't have a thank you for this opportunity that we've had to study your word and study the life of Christ. There's so much we've missed, so much, as John has said, that if all the books could fill everything that he's ever done and said that it wouldn't be enough enough to fill them in this world. And certainly we've missed so much and so much doctrine even through this length of studying about the life there's so much more to learn. Any doctrine is never complete. There's always something else to learn. So I pray Heavenly Father students help us to respond and help us to continue to grow in grace knowing that our Lord is sitting at the right hand of Father and knowing that there is a day coming when he's going to leave the right hand. And he's going to return to this earth to set up his administrative kingdom. Thank you Heavenly Father, these truths made a sanctify our hearts and our minds and Christ name to pray. Amen. All right, not a fine day in the Lord. It is the weekend. Stay motivated in it. Lord, will and spirit guide and rapture pending. And remember pray for the guidance on where next study is going from Monday morning. So until then, we'll see you. Thank you for joining us. You can hear this message again as well as previous lessons. 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