Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Friday August 16th, 2024 - FULL SHOW

2h 47m
Broadcast on:
16 Aug 2024
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Well happy Friday we made it everybody. Ben & Woods 97-3 the fan. Great to be here with you on a Friday Friday as you just heard in the open. We are Ben & Woods. We are a 97-3 the fan. Let's get our heads right on a Friday. I am Woodsy and that to my right is Paul Rindel. He is the executive producer. Good morning. Paulie. Good morning. To my left is Higgins. Ben Higgins. Posting his martini last night. Vacation Ben. Oh my god. Staycation Ben. Staycation Ben. What do you think by the way? You look. Are you impressed? Exactly. Literally the exact same. What do you mean? What do you think of my beard? Oh my god. I just noticed. This is a week. That's a week. That's a week. That's why I've never had one before but there we go. There's a week of vacation. He has a little stub. Look at this. There it is. This is what I get on Staycation. This is Staycation Bearded Ben. Six years of working with you. I've never seen one hair on your chinny chin. It takes a while. Really you've got to work at it here. So this is a week. This is a weekend. So I think that you should let it flow. Am I insane? Look at him. Don't you? Oh yeah. Why can't they're not going to make you? I see people on the news with beards. I just don't know that I'll ever get to an actual beard. All right. Well now you can't shave it. Look at mine. Dr. Richard Kimball. Rally beard. That's what I'm saying. They've been playing so well. You can't shave it. Now especially going to rally started long before the beard. It did. But now that we have Colorado, our arch nemesis and literally the... If you're the San Diego Padres, the Colorado Rockies are the best baseball team of all time. They're the 98 Yankees. They're the 98 Padres. They're the Mariners at 116. They're the Bulls. The 72 and 10 Bulls. They're the Dolphins. You can't shave that. You can shave it. But wait till after the weekend because you don't have anything to do with it. Well I'm definitely waiting until at least Sunday night, which is when I'm on TV. How good does that look everybody? Pottery sweet rot. Can anyone see anything? I mean if I hadn't pointed it out with anyone... You didn't notice what I looked at him. But I felt it dude. It sees actually has some stubble there. I did not know he was capable of growing stubble because he has always said he's really not. It takes a week to get to stubble. That's amazing. I want to see what it looks like after... It looks like after a few days. Pottery sweet the Rockies. You don't shave until the regular season. Look at this. I'll keep it on until they lose. I'll keep it on until they lose. That's fine. That's a good deal. Which if they sweep them means I'll have it on TV on Sunday night. Which would be interesting. Which would be... They would go... Is everything alright with Ben? Is Ben okay? Because you are always fresh faced. I knew I was on staycation this week so people come back from staycations with beer. No one wants to shave on staycation. I don't really like shaving all that much anyway but this is... Somebody said the other day and it stuck with me and I didn't bring attention to it in the chat. But I yawned in the middle of the show. I do apologize. But they said when Woodsy yawns he looks like the cowardly lion. And I've been thinking about it for a long time. Let me do like a fake. Let me see if I can summon a yawn and you tell me. Yeah, I see that. I saw that. It's this like weird white and gray facial hair that I have. Yeah, I need some courage. Yeah, I need some courage. I need some courage. There's no question. Well, I think it looks good. I think you should let it flow. I mean you have to let it flow now. You don't want to... I don't want to be the one that breaks up the streak. Ray says, "The Yankees would still let you play." Yeah. I am on the bench. Holly, let me see what's your word. Holly's on the bench. Yeah, we're bench. You're still in the lineup. Ben, you're getting the start today. I'm requesting a trade. Yeah, you want to get the hell out of there. That's awesome. Yeah, let it cry. I've never seen that man. Six years. Bad boy Ben is finally here. I can't wait for the leather vest version of Ben. What if he just went like full midlife crisis? Midlife crisis Harley guy would be my favorite. Harley guy. Yeah, he shows up on out. It's like a Harley, but it's like a little Harley. Like it's like a real little like a sportster. And it's like still cool, but it's not like big chopper, you know, full midlife crisis. But I think it looks really good. I think you should let it flow. And hopefully you do. You can't shave it until they lose. Alright, that's the deal. That's an easy bet. I would love to be the one that gets them through this weekend in Colorado. Yeah, man. I'm telling you, I'm telling you, me too, I am as nervous for these games as I've been all season. And I am every time we play a Coorsfield. We had Bob Scanlon on maybe last year. And I brought it up. And he like, he tried to like poo poo it on the air. And I was like, Scan, have you seen the record there? Like, you know what these guys are, they play, they play a game busters when they play the Padres. Buddy Blacks must have that chip on his shoulder because he likes beating his former team certainly. But yeah, man, it's, this is one of those series. If somebody goes, well, yeah, I got you all expenses paid tickets. Got great seats for you. All expenses paid. Come on out to Denver. Watch these three games. Let's say there's no way. The expletives that fly out of my mouth when we're playing this team are there. They're NC 17. I mean, every word in the, in my vocabulary comes out. The C word, the MF, the CS, all of it comes out against these guys. So that's what I'm looking forward to this weekend, a weekend of very, very high blood pressure. Ivan wants to know where I got my shirt. This is Tony Gwen hitting a beach ball. Thank you. Oh, there's a comparison on the screen between woods and the cowardly lion. A little pop up for you in a second. Oh, my God. Now, it's more the nose than the actual beard and the king. I don't have studio. I don't have jowls like that yet. I do not have jowls like that yet. Damn it, Paul. I hate that you're so quick on the, quick on the uptake there, buddy. I got this shirt at baseball. My beautiful wife and about it for me. Tony Gwen hitting a beach ball, which is really, really cool. Because he saw the ball really well. It looked like a beach ball coming in. That's exactly right. That's exactly right. So, oh, we got Cal Quantrell today. So that should be fun. Anyway, so we'll get into all that this weekend. How was your staycation is going? Well, it's almost over. I cut back a little from five cocktails to four yesterday just to, you know, moderate myself for the Friday show. I didn't want to be as hungover as I was yesterday. I had a painkiller by the pool. Tony, I had a painkiller too. Did you? Yeah, but the actual pill because I went to the dentist yesterday. Ouch. And remember when I had the oral surgery, they had to lengthen my crown and it was a gum surgery. It didn't feel great, but they gave me some Percocet after, which, you know, worth it. But it didn't hurt at all. Like I took one, the night I got home, and it was like, I'm good. The next day I felt great. This one I went in to get, I broke a tooth while I was in Hawaii on a, on a rib. That's what you're supposed to eat the bones. You know the one little like, you know the edge part. Yeah, you think it's neat. Yeah, you think it's neat. And then you eat, then you run into it and it was gone. So I, I spit out the, it was like a portion of a tooth. And so this was the tooth we were going to crown anyway. So I lay down yesterday. He starts taking pictures. He goes, whoo, you got lucky. And I go, why? And he goes, it broke perfectly. We were going to crown this one anyway. So you're actually in good shape because I do have to dig out this filling and all that. This is not going to be great. So it gives me three shots in my mouth. It never feels good to numb the paint. They start working on it and I give it the wits. I go, and he goes, oh, do you feel that? I go, yeah. And he goes, oh, hang on. Let me give you another shot. So he gives me two more shots in my mouth. So five shots deep and I'm laying there just sweating. And I, I had a headache from the anxiety of going to the dentist anyway. So then the drill comes out and then the smell of burning tooth comes in and then I swallow a mouthful of burnt tooth water. They're spit. Swallow that. So I'm laying there. I haven't eaten anything, by the way. I had that one cookie and I'm laying there going, this is absolute torture. It was just torture. Finally, after about an hour and 20 minutes in there, I got up and he said, all right, we're all done. And I was like, I text you guys. I feel like somebody held me down, took a hammer and hit me in the face with it. But I had those perk sets that I had to save. So I went home and had a painkiller myself. And everything was right as rain after that. But man, the dentist is a, it's such a necessary evil. And I love, I love my dentist. Paul, you go to my dentist. Dr. Skeens is the goat. Here's the problem. Dr. Skeens. Yes. Dr. Skeens. Like Paul is eating. He's the dentist of the year. No, he's not. He was the runner. He was the runner. I know. It's Dr. Merrill. So, listen, he's the literal goat of dentists. That being said, he's, I think he's too detail oriented. He's, he's too good. And I was like, I think you got it. I think we're good. Let's just move on. It doesn't have to be perfect. I'm 49. I don't have much time left anyway. Let's just get, let's half ass this thing so I can get out of here and get out of this pain that I'm in. He's too, he's like, well, just one more thing. Let me go. I'm like, oh my God, please. They're always perfect. Yeah. And this dude is, I mean, he is the best. But so it was not, it wasn't my favorite, my favorite day. We have the round table. And then we went right into the dentist and, and that was that. But speaking of the round table, I thought we had a good one yesterday here on 97 three, the fan brought to you by round table pizza, pizza royalty. I will say this, I'm not sitting next to you, Tony, when junior anymore, because I kept looking up at the camera. And it was me and next to him. And I said, this isn't fair. I, he's like, he's like, he's like, devastatingly handsome. And I was sitting next to him. And he was talking, I was looking at it and I'm like, I don't want to sit next to him. Put me in the middle, put me in the middle of L.O. and, and, and Craig and have somebody else. No, I'm just saying, like, like, I, I wasn't fair. I didn't want to, I don't want to sit next to him. I love Tony when junior, but sitting next to him, I was like, this sucks. Like, if you walked in a bar and we were sitting at the bar and you're a single lady, you'd be like, that's the one. That's the guy I like right there. Very, very handsome, dude. Put together the whole thing built. If you, if you were a single woman and you walked in a bar and they were having a Padres round table. Yeah. In the middle of the bar. Right. Yeah, your eyes would go straight to Tony. Because he is so handsome. He has hat on backwards. He had his cool earring and I'm just sitting there. It's just a slob. And I was like, this sucks, man. It sucks, man. Not even with my stubble now. I mean, maybe give me on my best day and Tony's worst day. No, don't do this. Do not do this. Do not do this. Don't do this again. No, you will lose in handsome contest for Tony. When junior telling you every time he is, he's so handsome. And I thought you did a great job, but that was not an easy one to moderate yesterday because the team's playing great. All of our worries are now that's that that was as of yesterday. There could be a whole different one on Thursday. I hope it's not. I hope the good vibes continue and the team keeps winning. But it is. It was a we actually had a really fun time chopping it up. It was nice to have everybody back together. It's been a while since the entire crew got together for a round table. And yeah, I mean, the reason why you're so nervous about Coors Field this weekend though is there are now actual stakes and consequences. When you play well, it just means that every loss stings a little bit more. It's the last time they go out there, right? Yeah. This is the last series against the Rockies this season. Can you imagine like if we had like three at the end right at the end of the year in Denver, not a chance? I want to ask. I want to ask Shilty today when we talk to him at nine o'clock. You know, we kicked it around. I don't know. I don't know if he'll answer this question or if he'll, you know, if there is the right answer. But, but if you you got 18 games in 18 days, would you rather start? I start in Coors Field for the first three or end at Coors Field for the last three. Because I my gut tells me I think I'd rather start there. Get it out of the way. I think you'd rather end knowing that at the end of the series, whatever happens, you've got a day off to reset. The worst possible outcome is Coors Field craziness and you got to eat the whole bullpen up for the first three days. Now you're looking at 15 straight more after that without a chance to really reset it. But they're nice and they're nice and reset right now after what Martin Perez did on Wednesday and then the off day yesterday. They're going into this series, locked and loaded and ready to go for the next 18. Yeah, yeah, they are. It is funny to like how, how we look at that. I was thinking about it yesterday, how we look at bullpen resetting. And we all do this. I do it. We all do it. Guys, it's fine. They had a day off. They're good. Like it's an auto recharge. Like just because the, just because Brian Hoing had a day off yesterday, he immediately wakes up and he's like, ah, like the video game. Like three hits before you're dead. So this, you got some hearts that recharged your, your character up to full strength again. You opened a chest and the heart came out and you got it. And so you're like, I'm now, I now feel because that's how life works. Totally. Oh, totally. You know, hey, see how rested I am after a day off? No, it's not auto. We all think it though, don't we? Yeah. We all, we, I'm like, we threw seven pitches on Monday. He threw 12 on Tuesday. Then he had Wednesday off. He's got to be ready to go at full strength on Thursday. It's dumb. It's stupid. We shouldn't do it. But it's the way that we are programmed. It's just the way of this business. Guys, the bullpen should be totally fine. They had two days. We have said that. Hey, he had an extra day of rest. That's no reason for you. That's why everybody shows up to work Monday morning feeling absolutely fabulous, right? Just perfect. No one's ever. No one's ever had a case of the Mondays, right? Mondays, the greatest day because everyone's so rested and ready to go and feeling great. You've got two days off. You should be raring to go. It is just absurd. And I'll tell you this right now. We shouldn't do it. And I know that that's not how it works in the big league bullpen and with the pitchers. I know it is a, it's constant communication with those guys, constant communication. So looking forward to talking to the skipper at nine. I will set the menu when we come back. Obviously no game yesterday, but still a good day for your San Diego Padres yesterday. Well, they opened their chest, got their recharging hearts. Some other teams in the pennant race were playing and not doing so well. So we'll talk about all of that coming up. Kelly's got to check the traffic on a Friday morning. Hopefully it'll be a good one for everybody out there. We're Ben and Woods and Paul and San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3. The fam. It's a Friar Friday, everybody. Happy Friar Friday to you. And here's what's coming up on the program today. Obviously, we will start looking ahead to the Padres Rocky series. I also want to talk about some of the reporting that went on yesterday with John Heyman in the New York Post. A lot of Padres adjacent reporting at a piece about the chances of every team to sign Juan Soto as a free agent in the off season. They very well were upset some Padres fans. He also linked the Padres to certain pitcher who won a Cy Young award here is now in San Francisco and could be a free agent again in another report. So lots of Heyman esque activities yesterday involving your San Diego Padres. Yeah, we're doing rookie of the year voting is going to be about a month away and the the contest is getting quite close. According to odds makers, we can talk more about Paul Skins and Jackson Merrill. Yeah, but are we sleeping completely on Jackson Churio? Are we completely? I was watching the game yesterday against the Dodgers. He's got pretty insane numbers as well. There's also a rookie also an outfielder. Are we completely thinking that this is a two man race right now with Jackson Merrill and Paul Skins? Did they bring him up soon enough? Yeah, he's eligible. He is. Well, I mean, he's eligible. Two seventy four fifteen homers. How many bags? Sixteen seventeen. He has. Let's see. Sixteen stolen bases. He's played a hundred and eight games. He's got a three war, which is right in line with where I think Jackson Merrill is a three point one. And it's true like Terbee in the or yeah, Terbee forty four in the chats. His cheerio has been hot since June. Yeah, he's been on a heater, dude. Like, are we completely? No, I know we're small market to here in San Diego, but Milwaukee also doesn't really get the pub, even though Devin Williams completely swiped a rookie of the year from Jake Croninworth. I feel like they owe us one for that one. It's concerning, though, that the Jackson vote could get split. Yes. And while the name is irrelevant, the fact that there will be people who favor position players and some who favor pitchers. Sure. Skeens his vote, maybe show to Imanaga. He was the right way. He was the run away at the beginning of the year. He started like seven and I would have a point seven ninety R.A. or something. He was crazy. But that is that's an interesting point. And you know, I didn't even care about this at all until I was reminded that the Padres would get an extra first round draft deck. If the if Jackson Merrill wins the rookie of the year, which is absolute gold to AJ Preller, just a free draft first round pick out of nowhere that didn't really have to do anything for. That's fantastic. That's someone he trades away in a year to, you know, add a starting pitcher to a pennant race that they didn't have to pay anything for. Yeah. So that's to me the reason why you're pushing here hard for Jackson Merrill to try to win the rookie of the year award, but the odds have completely shifted. And we'll talk about that coming up a little bit later on the show today. I got our regular Friday and weekday features, including take on Woods and don't do this. And then in the second half of Ben and Woods, Jordan Schusterman will join us from says for this family barbecue. It is that's our eight o'clock feature. Those guys are always great. Rhyndal report at eight thirty five and then at nine o'clock. Yep. Prior Friday, we got the manager. The skipper Mike Schilt will join us from Denver, Colorado as his team. Not only gets set to start a quick road trip, but a stretch of 18 games in 18 days. 18 and 18, baby. A real grind here for the Padres at this stage of the season. It's almost crazy because they were so far ahead in games played. You think, where are all these? What happened? All these off days they should be having. No kidding. Used a lot of them since the all-star break. But now that comes to an end and they've got 18 games in 18 days and then they'll have a few down the stretch. The last, you know, couple of weeks in September before the season is over and hopefully it's on to the up host season for your San Diego Padres. 18 and 18 could be the name of the documentary when the San Diego Padres win the World Series this year. 18 games. What if we win all 18? I mean, where's the rally road? Is he still here? I got it. Got to get the day started by giving the little rally road to kiss and please God, let us be Colorado. Let us be calm. Chris Ello is pretty confident. He said, "Don't worry. Let's even get two out of three." I said, "Chris, every time I start feeling confident about beating the Rockies, for some reason, the Brendan Rogers and the Charlie Blackmans and all those guys." Would you take two out of three right now? No chance. But there's no chance of a sweet. I'd give you my first, my second born son, which, who you hate. I would give him to you right now for the weekend. I'm not the only one according to our chat. By the way, this morning. My wife was, I'm early in the church to come get your kids. They're terrible. Both of them. But do you want the Uncle Teddy to your kids when they act? Yes. Yeah. They're my kids when they're turds. So they're mostly my kids. My Padres and your Padres. My Padres and your Padres. But, you know, two out of three, well, it sounds great. You're giving up a game to the Diamondbacks. You just swept the Colorado Rockies. They did better. I don't care. I don't care. You have to keep up with the Joneses is this point of the season. I take two out of three and I don't look back. Don't you guys. I think in Coorsfield. Coorsfield. You take two out of three and you don't look back and you're never going to take that at Pekko Park. Against them? Yeah. For some reason? Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. I'm so spun. I'm so spun about this series. I hate it. I hate it every year. I wish we never played those guys. I don't like them. I don't like anything about them. I don't like any of their players. I can't stand them. So this is like, this is my World Series this weekend. All right. Well, we'll talk about the matchups of that series coming up in our next segment as we get rolling on Ben and Woods on a Friday. Glad to have everybody with us on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the fan. Baseball coverage on 97 through the fan is presented by T-Mobile switched to T-Mobile. You can get tons of benefits. Still save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon is their savings calculator to find out how at So Padres opened their three game series against the Colorado Rockies tonight at Coorsfield. We got the matchups for the series. At least the probable matchups for you. We will talk about the next three days right after a check of traffic here at 97 through the fan. All right. So tonight's a series opener. It's a 5/40 first pitch at Coorsfield for 40 eco water. So Cal pregame show with Sam Levitt and the Padres will be once again facing former Friar Cal Quantrell who will be making his first start since Padres beat him on August 4th. And I was trying to see why didn't he start? Apparently he came out of that outing in which the Padres won 10 to 2 with some forearm soreness and they pushed him back from what it would have been his next scheduled start until today when he will return to the mound against the same team. Now he didn't give up all of those 10 runs. I think he only gave up four of them. But that was a game the Padres actually played fairly well against the Colorado Rockies. And got that one for the Padres tonight on the mound will be Matt Waldron who has not been quite as Matt Waldron sharp in his last few outings still has some of those first inning difficulties. And you know, Coorsfield, you just you worried because just the slightest bit of difficulties can really get out of hand sometimes there. So I'm sure everyone's going to be keeping a close eye and keeping their fingers crossed that Matt Waldron can survive some of those early struggles dodge the one beginning that is occasionally a problem. What he does. He's been outstanding. He's been really terrific. But it's that one inning that does seem to get him when he gets got. And we'll see what happens of course. Well, pitch great. Last time at Coorsfield did not seem to be bothered at all by the thin air, the altitude knuckleball still knuckles. Hey, doesn't the knuckleball need a lot of heavy air to bounce around and didn't seem like he needed it in Colorado. But we'll see, you know, knuckleball every day seems to be a little bit different. You never know exactly what you're going to get. Yeah. And you know, again, I've talked before many times about first licks and you're going to have an opportunity to to stake Matt Waldron to a lead tonight. I think it's important. I think it's always important when you're on the road to try to strike first. It's a very obvious statement. But nowhere in no situation is it more important than maybe tonight with Matt Waldron on the bump with, you know, playing at the house of Horrors that is Coorsfield. So it'd be nice to get out to a nice two, three, four, nothing lead because you do you do figure based on current trends. Matt Waldron, there's a good possibility he gives up one or two himself. So yeah, man, these games are a war of attrition. There's just no question about it. Stuff is going to play there. You know, our buddy in the chat prolific prolific. The great said, look, no excuses, man. We are the best batting average in baseball. You know, one of the most prolific offenses in baseball. And I said, yeah, that's great. You're absolutely right. But you also have to prevent runs, you know, preventing runs in Coorsfield is as important as scoring them. So you always have your hands full when you go to that place. You've seen some, you've seen it this week. The Braves blew a seven run lead or something. And it just weird stuff happens there, man. The outfield is vast. And the ball travels very, very well. And that, you know, that should be good for your offense. But it can also be pretty gnarly on your pitching. Tomorrow is Dylan Cease against Kyle Freel in the left hander who they have not faced this season have not exactly fared well. I think he's beaten the pottery six times the previous two years. They've also gotten him last start in 2023. They did get some runs and he's not quite the same pitcher. He was three and four with a five, seven, five. E. R. Reagan Coorsfield inflated. So, you know, one and a half with, but that's that's something, you know, I mean, they've done much better against lefties. That that storyline has pretty much been put to bed. But I always still think about it because of what happened earlier in the season. Dylan Cease did not have his best two starts on the road trip. One wasn't his fault. It was rain and he got one inning and then had to come out and then he lost is obviously the other game of the road trip, a rare pot raise loss here in the month of August. So he'll be looking to bounce back. I'm sure he will be very motivated to, you know, carry his weight and join with the rest of his teammates who have been pretty much lights out this month when he goes in tomorrow's second game of the series. I think that's 30 minutes earlier at five, 10. And then in the series finale on Sunday, 12, 10 star Joe Musgrove will make his second start back from the injured list against Bradley Blalock, who is, I believe, a 23 year old that I don't know much about woods. Do you know anything about Bradley Blalock? No, I'm not currently up on my Bradley Blalock stats, but all I see is that he's on with a 405 ERA, probably a young kid getting a few starts under his belt. But yeah, Joe, it's going to be interesting to see how Joe stuff plays of course field. Look, man, again, it's course field. So it's, it's, you literally feel like you can be the best team in baseball, which you are the hottest team in baseball right now. And that place can can help believe. I don't want to be like the wet blanket, but I just, we've watched too many of these games over the last few years. Good idea to let Joe pitch in course field in a second game. Yeah, I think like a test or is that one where if you could swing it, save him from Monday when he's back home in San Diego. I mean, you know, I think it's your last year. You take Friday and Saturday. Does that change the equation? If you take Friday and Saturday, it may make me make, you know, a different decision. If I was the skipper, I'm not, but they have a plan. They want to stick to it. They got it. It's not just about Joe. You got to keep everybody else on track. He's still on a pitch count. So, you know, hey, man, 65 pitches and give us your best three and a third or two, maybe 70. Maybe he got five in this one after you. I think he went to 63 in his last one. I don't know. I don't know. That matters, especially for a guy like Joe, like the makeup of his character. He just wants the ball. He wants to get out there. But I'm thinking, I'm trying to get you confidence going. We're trying to build you up a little bit. Maybe not course. You know, and Ben and I were talking about this yesterday. We talked about a plan, you know, and I think is it foolish if you're Mike Schilt, AJ Preller, you know, any of the people that are involved in the holistic planning of, of, you know, the next 18 games, because you can't go into it. Just sitting on your ass and not doing anything, right? You have to have some sort of plan. But the plan can change in what? An inning? Two innings? You know, if Matt Waldron goes out, I feel like if Matt Waldron goes out tonight and gets lit up, he just stays in for six, right? You just kind of, probably he's done that a couple of times this year. He has five and then stayed in for six innings and kind of bounced back. But the thing about Coors is you also know you give up five runs. You can answer back with seven. You know, you just, you're never really out of a game in Coors Field either. But I do think, I do think, Polly, it's an interesting point that you bring up because if you want to stick to the plan, doesn't the plan revolve around how much you've used the bullpen on Friday night and Saturday night as well? If you have to go nuts using everybody to win the first two games and then you throw Joe Musgrove out there on Sunday on a pitch count, right? It just, the plan is, I'm not saying it's wasted time or energy because it's not. You cannot just go in there willy-nilly and be like, let's let the chips fall where they may. But the plan can change so quickly in that ballpark, which is what makes it so weird. And I guess, I guess if I was a fan of another team, I'd be like, it's kind of cool. Those guys got to like, change everything to go play in Coors Field. Not when you play those guys 20 times a year and you play them 10 times or whatever at their, at their house. It's really like, it's kind of excruciating watch as a fan. I would like to say that the one thing that gives me some confidence about this series is that the Padres are sending three competitors to the mound. Not, and really everyone in their rotation throwing Michael King and now Martin Perez, what we've seen, they have competitors who aren't afraid. You know, Coors Field's not going to intimidate them. They're going to go out there and give you their all. They're not going to be thrown by a thin air, whatever. All of those guys are going to go out and compete and I get it. They lost two or three when they went to Coors Field, including that, that horrific game in which they were up big and gave up six runs in the bottom of the eighth inning and lost 10 to nine. It was a pivotal game of the first half of the season. If they win that one, they went two or three and they win that series at Coors Field and no one really cares. You just move on. It was just one horrifically bad inning. Mostly, it was Wandy Peralta, just his worst outing of the year that it just went all off the rails, which happens sometimes at Coors Field. Otherwise, they competed well in that series. They won one game. Michael King lost the first one. They scored runs, they scored some runs. It wasn't, it wasn't the nightmare that I think we kind of make it out to be. That last one was a nightmare. The last inning of the last game was a nightmare that turned what would have been a solid two out of three performance into something that kind of scarred all of us in the first half of the season. So I fully expect them to go in, compete really well. They should take this series. I know you're very happy with two out of three. They're much better than the Colorado Rock. They're a much better team than the Colorado Rockies. Who didn't do anything. If trade deadline, they simply just need to go. They simply need to go and swept. Take care of business and do what they are supposed to do. And hopefully nothing weird. Coors Fieldy happens. You know, you get some of those bloops. You get sometimes your pitchers get a little unlucky and it can snowball away from you. Coors where it can't necessarily at other places. But there's no reason you shouldn't feel pretty confident going into this series other than our collective trauma as Padres fans over the years. And really the collective trauma is not really well. This would be just like this team to go into a slide or a skid no. I don't feel that with this team. I don't at all, really. But these three games. Oh yeah, they actually split. It was a four game series. Yeah, Dylan Cease won the first game, Matt Waldron won the third game. Both pitch really well. Give up one and two runs in those games. And they're back on the mountain these next two days. Good. Good. That's good. That's good. So anyway, I wanted to bring up a couple of reports, kind of almost conflicting reports from John Heyman in the New York Post. And really the reports locally are usually always better than what you get nationally from reporters as dialed in as they are. Even the Jeff Parsons of the world can't compete generally with local reporting. So when John Heyman says that the odds of you Darvish coming back or 50 50 or maybe even better. Great. But what does he really know that we don't already know. We've kind of heard around the same thing. It might not happen. It's just kind of a guess. But he did have that reporting yesterday. But in the same piece, he also said that the Padres in free agency this offseason could say the Padres love Blake Snell could make a play for him this winter to bring him back as a free agent, assuming Blake Snell opts out and declines his $30 million player option, which around baseball, they think he will, unless he gets hurt in the next month and just wants to collect that 30 million he's planning on hitting free agency again. And according to John Heyman, the Padres will be a team that will be a very active pursuer of Blake Snell this offseason, which to me is interesting. Not not that I'm surprised that they like Blake Snell. I know the Padres and AJ Preller like Blake Snell a lot. The question is, what's the direction this next offseason for the San Diego Padres? I know it's a little early to be talking about off season. Clearly. It's way early. But you know, Blake Snell would be a pricey addition to the team. Yeah. After a year in which they scaled the payroll. Way back to get under the luxury tax level. Is this report an indication that they might be willing to scale up again, you know, in this next off season, knowing that they've got Dylan Cease for one more year. They've got Luis Arise for one more year. They've got Michael King for one more year is next year, potentially year where the Padres look at their roster and go, okay, we can, we can go over the luxury tax limit again like we did the previous couple of years because this would be a perfect year to go for it. And then we'll figure out where we are, who we want to offer contracts to and kind of reset. But is there a plan in place? And I haven't heard anything locally about this to, you know, make another investment in the roster this off season. I think there's going to be an investment in the roster. I think, you know, target number one, as Kevin says in the chat is Rocky Sasaki. That's completely different pool of money that you're pulling from, but you do have as good a chance to get Rocky Sasaki as any other team in baseball. And, you know, we know that the work has been put in. We know that the work is continuing to be put in on Rocky Sasaki at Peter Sideler's Memorial. AJ Preller actually mentioned Rocky Sasaki that day. So I think that's probably target number one. But again, as you said, that's a different pool, that's the international pool of money. That's the groundwork you've laid with you, Darvish, his mentor, being the most active GM on the, you know, Asian front in Japan as AJ Preller, his learning Japanese and continuing to practice it for all these years, trying to make him feel comfortable. Not just him, but any potential acquisition, you know, Yuki Matsui, all of them. This is what AJ Preller has done. This is why he works, you know, as hard as he works, try to give himself a chance at players like this. I would totally imagine that he is your first target, number one, because he's really, really good. Number two, that he's very, very affordable for a while. And that's the guy that you go out and you get. And I think I don't want to, Blake's now should never be looked at as some consolation prize, because again, different pools of money affects different things, certainly. But I do think Roki is target number. I'm to the point with Roki, I'll crowdsource a billboard. Like we should do something like that, something big to get Roki Sasaki here, not that they can't do that in LA, because I know that they want him very badly as well. He's got, they have Shohei Otani. They've got Yamamoto. They certainly, you would think the Padres and the Dodgers are the two favorites for Roki Sasaki's services in assuming he does come over this offseason as has been speculated. But I also imagine that teams like the Yankees will make a tremendous push for Roki Sasaki. He is, but they can't offer more than the other teams can. They all can offer right around the same. He's a phenom, you know, so to speak. So we'll see how that plays out. But yeah, man, it's a little bit early. And I do think, I don't think that I think it really depends on how the rest of this season plays out. I don't. I don't think if the Padres, you know, go out and win the World Series this year that they say, all right, now it's time to not continue to go for it, or even if they make the World Series or something like that. I think they're going to continue to, if AJ Preller is the GM and President of Baseball Ops for a long time as he, as he probably should be right now, yeah, I think this is, I mean, he's not going to do anything differently. You know, he's still going to try to win baseball games. That's what he loves to do. Of course. Yeah. Now, the other Haman report that involves a free agent to be this offseason in the San Diego Padres was one that I saw a lot of Padres fans upset about, and that was his column on the odds of each team to sign one Soto. And the off season and his main point is that the Yankees are probably pretty heavy favorites, like at least even money, he thinks, followed by teams, the Mets and the Dodgers and the Giants were his top four. But he included the Padres at the back end. He did his top 10 and he had the Padres at number 10. And the comment that he made got a lot of Padres fans upset. He said, had their beloved owner, Peter Seidler, lived, they'd be much higher than 100 to 1 and 10 on the list. I didn't have an issue with him putting the Padres 10th. I think people thought that I did. I never had an issue with, I don't think they're higher than 10. I don't think they are either, nor do I think that they're even going to really pursue one Soto. I was surprised they were even in the time. I think, I really think as much as I liked one Soto, I think that ship is sailed. I do. Yeah, I do somewhat agree that, you know, if Peter Seidler was still here and everything was going, he might have an inkling that he wants to get one Soto back after trading. He might have never traded. I don't think he ever left. And he may have never left. So in that sense, what John Haman is saying has a kernel there to it. Sure. People were just upset with how he said it, I think, and the phrasing of it. It was the phrasing. That's all that got me as I went. That's a weird way to put it. It's just a weird way to your writer. It's a weird way to put it invoking the name of Peter Seidler like that. I thought it was a little odd. Crafts. It's not just weird. It's just weird. That's the best way I can describe it. It's just weird. It was very strange. But no, I do not expect the Padres to be players for one Soto this offseason. And it's fine. They got value for him. Big time value in Michael King and Kyle Higashyoka and Randy Vasquez and Johnny Brito. And in Drew Thorpe, who they helped flip to turn into Dillon Seats. Without those guys, you're not sitting here of 16 games above 500 and fighting for an NLS title. I mean, at this point, it looks like a total, total masterclass, but it's probably that trade. All right, we'll come back. We've got some take on Woods chance to qualify for a trip to Las Vegas. We've got a big shift in the odds in the Rookie of the Year award race in the National League. Talk about all that coming up next year with Bennett Woods, a 97-3 the fan. Selling a little? Or a lot? Shopify helps you do your thing. However, you cha-ching. Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business. From the launcher online shop stage to the first real-life store stage, all the way to the "Did we just hit a million orders?" stage. Shopify is here to help you grow. Whether you're selling scented soap or offering outdoor outfits, Shopify helps you sell everywhere. From their all-in-one e-commerce platform to their in-person POS system, wherever and whatever you're selling, Shopify has got you covered. Shopify helps you turn browsers into buyers with the Internet's best converting checkout, 15% better on average compared to other leading commerce platforms. And sell more with less effort thanks to Shopify Magic, your AI-powered all-star. 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Because he thinks that's the final piece of the puzzle for the San Diego Padres. I will once get reiterate, not only are the Padres playing fantastic baseball right now, I still think they are the best bunters in Major League Baseball. They bunt a lot. They bunt a lot. They bunt effectively. I've had to get up. They've done a great job on their bunting. I can't even remember the last time they bunted and it didn't work out. Uh, crony tried to lay one down the other day. Did he? That's a tough pitch to hand. A red. You could get a red in his grades. Right. That's a D. Maybe a D minus. Steve really likes, um, he really wants the... Steve, if you're listening, you can call in 833-288-0973. We see the videos. You tag Ben. I'm glad it's not me because I would... I'd probably... I'm glad that you are the ambassador, the bunting ambassador for Steve and, uh... I mean, if you want... If your manager calls for a bun, you want them to be able to lay it down successfully. Correct. But don't you submit Steve that Mike Schiltz knows what he's doing and has... I mean, they're the number one offense in baseball right now. He's not the kind of guy who, at least based on our interactions with him, Mike Schiltz. He's not the kind of guy that overlooks fundamentals. Yeah, I'd say that's a good... That's a good way to put it. It's not really nearly about such things. No, in fact, it's something, you know, you think, uh, that he preaches quite a bit. Yeah, it's in the other chat, uh, because it's chatting through Facebook, so that populates to the other chat. Uh, he's not in the YouTube chat per se, right? I don't know how to explain that. Yeah, we get them all, uh, aggregated together, so whether you're on YouTube or... Yeah, YouTube, Twitch, Facebook... We get to see them all right now, so he chatted through the Facebook stream and I just saw that one pop up. Now, listen, if he, uh, if they, yeah, somebody just said, if they bunting the World Series to win a game, I'll give you. I will personally, personally, make sure you're on a float. In the parade. So, they may. They're good bunters. They're good bunters. They're good bunters. Yeah. They have more sacrifice buns, I think, than every other team with the Diamondbacks, and they have more buns hints than any other team in baseball. Yeah. They're really good bunters. Yeah. They're really good. So, I, again, I think, I don't think it's misguided. I know that that's his passion. Bunting is his passion. Um, and... And teaching music. And teaching music. As my late father-in-law said, find your passions and explore them fiercely. And he, he's like, who's the greatest explorer of all time? Vasco De Gama. Okay. He's the... De Gama of Bunting, right? So, he... They're all problematic. There they are. That's, they are. I can't think of one. Who's like a really... I don't want to ride with. Coronado. He's a really... He's a really cool explorer. He... That's Steve. He is exploring his passions as fiercely as he can. And his passion is bunting and the bunting graded system. It's weird too because I'm teaching... Or I'm coaching this year. Uh, and it's... We're moving up, right? We're no longer in T-ball. Machine pitch. I... It's... Is it weird that I won't teach any of those kids how to bun? Not one of them. And in fact, they'll probably be severe punishments for any of them that do buns. You're taking it to extremes, but yeah. Not severe per se, but like... What are you doing? You're bunting? You're not bunting. You're seven. You're not bunting. Swing away. Man, let's go. We don't do that. We don't do that yet. You're fine, man. You're fine. So, if Steve, if you're listening, you want to call in... Listen, I'm going to tell you this though. I'm going to say this maybe for the last time. I'm not... We're not playing that for Mike Schilt. All right. I think he would slit our throats. If we said, "Schilty, do you have three minutes? I want you to listen to something one of our audience members sent in." Here you go. I can't do it. But Ben has his phone number. Ben could text it to him. If Ben was a man, she would do it. You would text it to Mike Schilt. Just not going to do that. That would likely be the last manager's report. Now C20 Moreno says it is weird that I'm not going to teach them how to bun. Why would I teach a seven-year-old how to bun? I'm not... The thing is, man, I'm not trying to win baseball games, right? I'm not out there trying to win baseball games. If we win, that'd be great. I love to win. I want to teach that winning is cool and fun. But I want to teach them how to hit and field and run the bases and things like that. I don't want... I'm not going to teach about a bun. They'll learn how to bun later. It's good hand-eye coordination skills. You don't need to bun... You don't need to bun off of a pitching machine, right? That's like... If somebody bunted against me in Little League, I think I'd be mad. I think I would be mad. I'd be like, "What are you doing?" I'd be like, "What are you doing?" You're trying to advance the runner? You're trying to... It's weird to me. It's weird. I want to teach these guys how to hit and give them a little confidence up there. Quickly, it was good day yesterday, even though the Padres didn't play. They got a lot of help around Major League Baseball and the Brewers. Rallyed to beat the Dodgers 6-4 with three in the eighth inning, pulling out a four-game split, which means Padres and Diamondbacks now just two games behind the Dodgers in the N.O.S. That's as close as the race has been since April 24th. Dodgers actually have someone breathing down their necks. And I talked to a Dodger fan just a couple days ago. He said, "This is good for the Dodgers." They need this. I think that's it. This has been the problem in the last few years. They've had nothing to play for in July, August, and September. Then you do a great job. Actually are... And I really believed it. They're actually happy about the fact that the Dodgers don't have a 12-game lead at this point in the season. We'll see how it works out. But that's where the Dodgers are. The Giants beat the Braves. Six to nothing. Logan Webb with seven and two-thirds shutout innings. That means Atlanta now falls four and a half games behind the Padres and the Diamondbacks. They still hold that third wildcard spot because the Mets lost. They had a five-nothing lead and blew it against the Oakland A's at home. Mason Miller dodged a couple of base runners in the end. Went more than an inning to get the save. And the A's won seven to six, which means the Mets are now six and a half games behind the Padres and Diamondbacks. That's the first non-play-off position. It's now a full six and a half games behind where the Padres are right now. So to miss out on the postseason, you'd have to give up six and a half games in the standings over the last 40. Impossible? No, not impossible. But very difficult to do. And you'd have to have two teams pass you as well. Well, you know, for that to happen. You need both Braves and the Mets to come back and get you. So the Padres put themselves in a really good position at this point. And yesterday was very helpful for the San Diego Padres on that front. We need a contestant for real or take on Woods. If you want to call in and play against Woods in our musical trivia challenge and try to qualify for the trip to Las Vegas and the carry-underwood tickets call right now eight, three, two, eight, zero, ninety seven, three, eight, three, two, eight, zero, ninety seven, three. While you do that, I just wanted to point out. So everyone in baseball has agendas. Whether it's teams, fans, even the media, we have agendas. We want to be entertaining and we want people to listen to us. Newspaper writers want people to read their columns. TV, you know, ESPN wants people to watch. Everyone has an agenda to maybe make things more exciting than they seem sometimes. The one outlet that doesn't really, I mean, they have an agenda, but it doesn't involve eyeballs is the odds makers. Their only agenda is to try to even the odds on both sides. They want bets 50% of bets on one side, 50% of bets on the other side. So they know their agenda is not to make money. Well, yeah, and their agenda is then to make money by trying to make those odds as fair as possible. And the change in the nationally rookie of the year, odds has been dramatic over the last week. One month ago, Paul Skins was minus 5,000 to win the rookie of the year. That's, that means you bet $1, you bet $50 to win $1 on Paul Skins. That is an overwhelming, like you would think, insurmountable favorite. Those odds have almost come down to barely even money, like two to one at this point, with Jackson Merrill just under one to two plus one 60 as almost a co-favorite now to win the nationally rookie of the year in an enormous shift in the betting markets. ESPN's bet, ESPN bet, like their new system that they have says that in the span of a week, Paul Skins went from minus 4,000 one to 40 to minus 225. Jackson Merrill in that same span of a week has improved from plus 1,400 to just plus one 60. God, that would have been good odds to get in it plus 1,400. So there is one more or two months ago. There is one better that they have who bet a long time ago. He bet $1,000, 10, $100 bets, and he got Skins at 50 to one. This was probably before they even called him up. That would have been, and if he wins, it'll pay out over $50,000. $5,100 or $51,000. And it looked like it was just sure thing a month ago. Like, okay, this is a lock. He just sold those wagers out on the prop swap market for $28,000. So took half his money to get out of his bet right now, essentially. Got a little nervous. I mean, look, he turned 1,000 into $28,000. That's still good. Good smart betting. Wow. Now, someone may end up winning it if Paul Skins does get the rookie of the year, and someone may be out $28,000 if Jackson Merrill comes back and takes the award away. That's pretty amazing. So pretty crazy, huh? Yep. All right. We got some contestants calling in. Let's get to it. It is time to take on Woods. It's time for take on Woods. What? What? All right. Take on Woods brought to you by Valvoling instant oil change only takes 15 minutes. You don't have to get out of your car for directions and discounts. Go to That's Let's go to line three. Is this art? Yes. So art, are you ready to play Take on Woods? Yeah. All right. You're our contestant. If you can beat or tie Woods who has left the studio, he does not get to hear this part of the game. You will qualify for our grand prize drawing at the end of the month. It is a two night stay at the beautiful Resorts World Las Vegas and two tickets to carry Underwood. Her residency underway right now at Resorts World Theater tickets on sale at It's A-X-S dot com and R-W Las Vegas dot com. To give you a little advantage, we let you pick the category and keep Woods in the dark. Here is your choices for today. We got Spreckensy Deutsch, those are German/Songs bands but also popular here in the United States. We've got 24 hour bands. Those are five bands that have a time of day in their name. And our new category is called The End of Life. And it's a two second song category in which every answer ends in the word life. So we've got Spreckensy Deutsch, 24 hour bands, or The End of Life art. What would you like to play? The End of Life. Ah, The End of Life. The always exciting all two second song category. So this is how this one works. No questions, just music today. Polly has five different songs queued up for you. To score the point, you need to give me the title and the artist of each song to get the full credit for that point. If you don't know one, you can say pass, we'll come back to the music if there's time left in your 60 seconds. Art, you understand? Yeah. Alright, listen carefully. We're going to put 60 seconds on the clock and remember the category, The End of Life. So all these song titles end in the word life. You need to give me the song title and the artist to score the point. Art, you ready to play, Polly? You ready to play? I'm ready. Alright, 60 seconds on the clock, Art, your time begins when Paul plays our first song. Good luck Art. Let's take on Woods. Next song. Number three. It's in my life, Beetle. Correct, song number four. Alright, song number five. It's my life. No, that's not correct. What did you just say? That's right. It's my life by Bon Jovi. One more time. The second song. We're running out of time. Alright, well we got two. We got two. I don't know if that's going to be enough, but you got it's my life there by Bon Jovi. It's larger than life was that last one by the Backstreet Boys. Semi-charmed life by Third Eye Blind. In my life by the Beatles you got. And best day of my life by the American authors. Prediction, Woods is getting the first three. Yeah, I don't know about the fourth and definitely not the fifth. That's what I think too. Alright, Art's score is locked in. Art. Love it. Woods, you do not get the category, but I do have to tell you. It's an all two second song day. Alright. You know how that works? 60 seconds on the clock. Your time begins when Paul plays the music. Good luck Woods. Let's take on Art. It's Bon Jovi, but I'll come back to the title. Alright, song number two. Semi-charmed life by Third Eye Blind. Correct. Song number three. That's in my life by the Beatles. Correct. Song number four. Best day of my life by the American authors. That is correct. Song number five. Oh, you could have gotten that one. No, go back to song number one. It's my life. That is correct. That's four out of five and that is a four to win for Woodsie today. The end of life, all of these songs ending in the word life. It's larger than life by the backstreet boys. So close. You're very close. Couldn't have even taken a guess on that one. I did take a guess. He did. Just not a very good one. Alright, Woodsie gets the win today. We will put in a new category on Monday. Sorry, Art. See how you do. Art, thank you for calling. Thank you for playing. Wasn't your day today on Take on Woods. Paulie's got our T-set for Don't Do This, which is coming up next. Oh, yes. Can't play music and... Yeah, at the same time. Sorry. The T's is just a simple... Are you going to give him that hook? Dude, I bet on that thing. She's back. She's back. She's never going away. That is coming up next with Ben and Woods. We'll be back after a check. Kelly's traffic here on 97.3 The Fan. Don't do this. It's time for Don't Do This. What were you thinking? Three stories from the world of sports that make us all shake our heads. Why? How many times do I have to tell you? I'm sorry, I fudged up, guys. You idiot. You moron. Don't do that. The apple sometimes does far fall from the tree. Don't do this. Do not tweet that. With Ben and Woods. I like a Nickelback song or two. On 97.3 The Fan. Sadly, we have a few shout-out to their families coming up a little bit later in this hour. We have like a trilogy. We'll hold on to that for the moment as we get to our daily dose of Don't Do This. Started today by Stephen Woods. It's like a three-parter. I mean, obviously we all know the story of Hayley Welch. Yes, we all know who Hayley Welch is. She's the... You gotta give him that hook to it. And all that bad. Since that viral video went down, she's sold trading cards and all kinds of things. The New York Mets thought it would be a good idea to have her come out and throw out the first pitch, the Hock To a Girl. And so she did. Went out and threw out the first pitch and they called her an MLB actually tweeted out. Hey Dad, what is she throwing out the first pitch? What is she famous for again, Dad? Correct. You gotta give him that hook to it. Spit on that thing. She's on the Internet, son. Yeah, she's on the Internet. So MLB... Hock Toa. I mean, not that every team doesn't have some problematic first pitch thrower out. Yeah, we threw it out for the Padres. Dancilio threw one out. It happens. It does happen. One of the worst first pitches of all time, by the way, just for the record. Literally. It's like 50 Cent. Gary Delabate. Dancilate. That guy. Hock Toa's pitch was actually pretty good. Dad. But MLB actually tweeted it out. Viral Sensation. Hayley Welch throws up the first pitch. So that's the first don't do this, right? That's actually blow... That's blow is huge. Yes, cough up a huge lead. Okay, lose the game. From W.F.A.N. Salakata. Now, I often think New York media is very performative. Very performative. I felt this one. I really felt this one from Sal. Who is a Mets fan? Listen to this reaction. The Yankees have Aaron Judge and won Soto. Breaking records. Ruth, Mano, Gary, and the Mets have Grimace, and now Hock Toa. Come on, Viral, I can't take it. I can't take it anymore. Tristiculous. And then one of my fans gets so ticked off and upset. It's embarrassing. Is it the biggest deal in the world? No, absolutely. Does it mean anything on the field? No. But that's the problem. The product on the field isn't good enough, and you're coming up with these silly gimmicks that are laughing stock. It's a joke. Hock Toa. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. It's embarrassing. Ow! Ow! Not old. It's not freaking yanking! The yanking! Have Aaron judge! That's what we've got! It's so grimace! It's not Toa. When you're a die-hard fan, obviously, you want your team to win a championship for the second most important thing you want. Just please don't embarrass me as a fan, team. Like, don't do embarrassing things. That's what it is! Sorry that I have associated with you and thrown my lot behind you all these years. Don't embarrass me. I'd rather grimace than the goose is loose. Oh, I'd rather have Hawked Toa girl than the let's go. I mean, the Padres at least didn't have anything to do with the goose. No, no. Rapper guys. They didn't throw anything. They didn't invite them out to throw the first pitch or tweet it out or anything. No. And then the third part of this, Tim Healy, who is a Mets beat writer, writes this yesterday. Mets beat writer for Newsday Sports. The Hawked Toa girl throughout the first pitch at the Mets game for some reason. They introduced her as viral sensation. Then, update. I am not allowed to mention in Newsday who threw out the first pitch for the Mets today. His bosses wouldn't let him talk about it. You're just, like, saying her actual man? Anything. He's not just not even allowed to mention who did it. Healy Welch or Hawked Toa or anything else, so. I think she's a lovely young woman. I do too. Big fan. Big fan. Making the most out of her meteoric rise to fame. She's squeezing it all out, man. Whoa. Alright, so story number two here for Don't Do This. There are certain fan bases out there that feel like they're just better than the rest. And that their teams don't commit the same kind of mistakes that other teams do. I would think the Notre Dame fan base, of which Woods is part of, has that attitude, right? Fire. Easy. Fire. Standers. Easy. It's hard to get into Notre Dame. It is? I mean, they throw these things at the program. Like, we have better behavior, whatever. Which is why this story was pretty shocking. Notre Dame has suspended its men's swimming program for at least one year. They're talking about, like, one or two guys or the coach. I'm talking about the entire program. Can you imagine if they did the football team? Oh, by the way, we're not playing football this year. No, they're just not going to swim this year. Well, what happened with the swimming program? Well, I'm devastated, by the way. According to a person with knowledge of the situation, members of the team had set up a makeshift internal sports book where athletes could wager on their own times posted by themselves or teammates at meet. They essentially had, they just started betting on their own events and meets with their bodies, though, right? Correct. Yeah. All right. So it would be like me saying me, Ben and Paulie, saying, like, I'm going to beat you today. I'll bet I'll bet you 50 bucks I'm going to beat you today. All right. Let's go. Pretty much. Wow. That would never happen at a college. Ever. I think that's a very harsh punishment for the Notre Dame swim team. What am I going to do with my Tuesday afternoons now? If I can't watch the swimming team, you're swimming gets that you had been doing all this time. What am I going to do now with that? Well, listen, I guess it's better than stealing a national title and football. But what do I know? Listen, all right. And I will wrap us up with some doo-doo this. Good news. Dee-dee mega doo-doo. How about this, guys? How about a combined no hitter for our beloved San Antonio missions day? Yeah. Oh, there's double a affiliate. Look at that. Well done. Gradually Rodriguez and Ryan Ox combined for a no hitter. Very, very impressive stuff. Nice. Yeah. Nice. Burger, I think, went. Got a text about it this morning. And Ryan Burger went six and two thirds through really, really well. No hit, obviously. They're 87 pitches, 65 for strikes, mid 90s fastball, vertical break rising, big induced vertical break rising fastball. Very, very good. Good stuff from the guys. Bradley throws. He's a 20-year-old. He throws 100 miles an hour, so very, very good stuff for the San Antonio missions. And there's that gutted farm system that we hear so much about, Ben, for our San Diego potteries. I had heard that we had traded every single player that we had that was of any value. But the guys that were just drafted, they're all playing really well. And then the guys that have been in the system for a year or two, they're playing well also. So the future continues to be right. You very rarely will ever see a nine inning single pitcher, no hitter in the minor leagues anymore. I actually think it's probably not something you would ever really want to do. No. I mean, they're so careful with pitch counts now that it simply is unthinkable that you would let a pitcher go nine innings in the minor leagues at this point. So they're almost all combined no hitters in the minor leagues when they do happen. Congratulations to the Padres trio of double layers who got the no hitter yesterday and that is don't and do do this for a Friday. That was don't do this with Ben and Woods 97 3 the fan. All right. We'll come back as Wood said, we got a trio of shout out to their families kind of a sad day yesterday that we'll throw out there and continue some Padres talk. If you want to join us 833288 097 3 more Ben Woods on the way on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan selling a little or a lot Shopify helps you do your thing. However, you touching Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business from the launcher online shop stage to the first real life store stage all the way to the did we just hit a million orders stage Shopify is here to help you grow whether you're selling scented soap or offering outdoor outfits Shopify helps you sell everywhere from their all in one e-commerce platform to their in person POS system wherever and whatever you're selling Shopify has got you covered Shopify helps you turn browsers into buyers with the Internet's best converting checkout 15% better on average compared to other leading commerce platforms and sell more with less effort thanks to Shopify magic your AI powered all star Shopify powers 10% of all e-commerce in the US and Shopify is the global forest behind all birds frothy's and Brooklyn and millions of other entrepreneurs of every size across 175 countries plus Shopify's award winning 24/7 help is there to support your success every step of the way because businesses that grow grow with Shopify sign up for a $1 per month trial period at Shopify dot com slash Odyssey podcast all lowercase go to Shopify dot com slash Odyssey podcast now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in Shopify dot com slash Odyssey podcast Just heard it in the tease but I did want to congratulate our friend Landon Donovan on his new job going to be taking over as interim head coach of the San Diego wave back on the sidelines local soccer after they have made some change it's been a tough season for the wave and you know they fired Casey Stoney and then they had the interim coach Paul Buckle but I was always a temporary and now the season set to really resume following the Olympics here coming up on August 24th Landon Donovan is going to be the new coach at least on an interim basis don't know if he wants the job full time if this is like a audition like a tryout potentially for full time you know whether he wants to get obviously MLS coaching I think was something he aspired to at some point I don't know if San Diego FC they're still looking for a head coach they just hired their sporting director their GM this week is well introducing him so some local soccer news just out there today so good luck to Landon Donovan with the wave though we had three shout outs to their families that we needed to get to you today so they all came down yesterday and I wanted to know how familiar either of you are were with the first one Greg kin ever heard of Greg kin Greg kin nope I've not heard the song we just came back from with was Jeopardy by the Greg Kinband huge hit in the 80s remember that Jeopardy Paulie play the next of the breakup song that's this is the one that you may know oh my god you never heard this before Bali I maybe heard it Benny would not have I've heard this put a name to the song couple hits yeah four or five hits in the 80s so I was that the time yeah this is a time to move up up up up up up up up up up right definitely heard that great kid band the great kid bands we passed away the age of seventy five complications from Alzheimer's which is just brutal so that part in the song the up up up up up up up up up up he was playing the song for his bandmates and he just threw that in and it in his mind he's like I'm gonna write words for that later like that was just a placeholder as he was playing them like the chords and everything and they looked at him and they go dude that song is a monster just like it is leave it just like it is so he left the ah ah ah ah is in there he had a huge hit with that then he left the music business Benny became a a radio personality in San Francisco for many many years he was a radio disc jockey at KUFX Classic Rock station from 96 through 2012 he was a horror horror can say that word a horror story novelist as well had a really good career a really funny guy very dry kind of sardonic guy really sharp though like very very sharp dude so he passed away the age of seventy five yesterday alright shout out to his family that's a great kid we've got two more to get to yeah we will take a quick check of traffic and then continue with the shout outs next I've told you guys I was a huge game show enthusiast in my youth I watched all of them Bob Barker on the price is right jeopardy will a fortune press your luck password the twenty four five thousand dollar pyramid and Hollywood squares which when really young the original host of Hollywood squares was getting Peter Marshall and Peter Marshall passed away yesterday at the age of 98 98 what happened long run tragic I know a tragic that's a hat tip man 98 but I didn't I saw I I looked it up because I kind of remembered him and then he was a panelist on the later edition that Tom Berger on hosted every once in a while so I remembered his face and remembered his name but I kind of jumped into a rabbit hole yesterday when Peter Marshall died and I didn't realize that there is a major sports connection as well to Peter Marshall because Peter Marshall was just his stage name that he used in Hollywood very professional sounding Peter Marshall like Dan Steers very professional sounding name but he was actually born Ralph Pierre Lecock in 1926 and when he became a host on television and radio he adopted the name Peter Marshall as the stage name that he used why no no idea why Ralph Pierre Lecock was not something that he thought sell well in middle America welcome to Hollywood squares I'm Ralph Lecock but and this is where the rabbit hole went down you might be familiar with first baseman outfielder of the 1970s Pete Lecock who is actually Ralph Pierre Lecock junior he was Peter Marshall's son he didn't go like Pete no he just went by Pete Lecock as the major league baseball player for the Cubs and the Royals who very famously hit a grand slam off of Bob Gibson in Bob Gibson's final career appearance so and shout out to his family to Peter Marshall a.k.a. Ralph Pierre Lecock you know what Mr. Lecock gets the full into you yes we have any hope we can see more unity and more peace when already things are so difficult true so shout out to his family including the great Pete Lecock as well well Ralph Pierre Lecock yeah she gets that's very good just his name Peter Lecock Peter grandparents parents real joke I mean at least they didn't go with Richard yeah he's a real Richard well shout out to his family for sure this one made me real real sad yesterday now you guys know I'm a big I'm a big 80s hair guy but this is there they were they were more than a than a hair band now Paulie if I said the name Jack Russell of the band Great White would that mean well you too anything to either of you is a Jack Russell I think of a dog yeah that's all I think of very cute yeah you know nothing high energy dogs nothing from nothing Great White doesn't ring any bells I there's there's some sort of like news story there's a huge news story involving and it's not a it's not a good one yeah but you'd never heard Great White Paulie give me a little give me a little what he got oh listen to this oh so they had their own band they had their own songs they did a whole album of Led Zeppelin covers I'm gonna say this I'm gonna stand by it he's as good as Robert Plant that doing Robert Plant Wow listen to this he's as good so this isn't Led Zeppelin does not Led Zeppelin bro there's a whole double album it's unreal listen to how good that is yeah I just would have assumed this was correct I mean it's they did their own music as well yeah they did not like I like the very bluesy and their biggest hits probably once bitten twice shy huge huge hits in the 80s but things got so bad for him and them they played a you know he was on the road man playing to 400 people in Warwick Rhode Island and they went and played a club in in Warwick that that's what it was yeah I actually watched the doc I went on as I do went down the rabbit hole last night watch there's a documentary about it and it's got footage of him hours before the show meeting fans putting fans on the guest list getting a tattoo putting you know he's just a very genuine and nice guy doing interviews and stuff like that and they get up on stage and it's during the first song and they have a little bit of pyro pyrotechnics you know you know a couple of little things that shoot up and it's been something that that had happened at that club a million times every band that came in did a little bit of pyro you know it's a club so you couldn't go crazy but for whatever reason man smart hit one of the walls and the walls had illegal insulation in it and it went up in flames and 100 people perished at that night that's the story I remember and it was so devastating he lost his guitar player and he got blamed for many many years by you know people it wasn't it wasn't really his fault I mean they weren't negligent they did everything according to plan and he really took a turn man got into drugs and alcohol pretty heavily later on and that I think recovered but then he passed away from Louie body dementia yesterday I was really bummed because I mean I think about like eighth grade dancing with girls to save your love and like I just loved I loved his voice I love that band I love their Led Zeppelin stuff as well really good guitar player really good blues singer so shout out to your family Jack Russell such a sad story dude such a sad story so it's weird man when like these are guys I agree it's weird like these guys and then they pass away and you're like oh God you know it's like they're such a part of my youth and when they start dropping off it's just makes you face your own more talent it really does and it's pretty dicey man pretty dicey but I his voice if you get a moment today and you have Spotify or Apple music just go put in great white Led Zeppelin did have your mind blown they do such a great job doing that so shout out to his family well um that was a sad segment yeah but you know what we still have to live on and move on and plan for the future and if you want to start planning for the future next spring already the Padres and Major League Baseball announced their 2025 spring training schedule yesterday and boy does it start early the first training game next year for the Padres Friday February 21st against the Seattle Mariners and while they have not yet announced then what what then the report dates are for pitchers and catchers and full squad those will come January 15 later but you got to figure well the the full squad needs at least four four or five days before they start playing games so that's probably around the the 15th or the 16th which means pitchers usually get five or six days before that so we're talking like February around 10th or 11th probably for the start of spring training when pitchers and catchers report so by the time you know the World Series rolls around like next season will be right around the corner the Super Bowl which is always there there used to be like a three week two week there's a two week gap between the Super Bowl and spring training it's every year it's gotten shorter and shorter so the Super Bowl is scheduled to be played February 9th 2025 in New Orleans likely the next that day or the next day probably pitchers and catchers will now report to spring training it's like the greatest thing that ever happened to us ever I mean that that period between the Super Bowl and pitchers and catchers is well it's dead it's a dead period not a lot going on is there is there reasoning behind this now we this is going to be the first year for us in a while where it hasn't been some weird janky start to the season right there's no Korea series we're we're off the hook no lock out no lock out covid no covid we hold as far as we know knock on wood monkey pox but yeah I think that is there a reason for moving it up what is the other than general creep I think they try and they've tried to add a couple more off days into the season remember like we all start break used to be just three days now it's four days for every team and they've tried to stretch out I think a couple more off days throughout the season which means of course either you push back the world series even further which is hard to do it's already getting into November or you start a little bit earlier which is also difficult to do because in late March when the season starts winds opening day March 28th or 9th next year somewhere around that seven you still can have really bad weather and cold weather on the east coast and in the north at certain points so there's that kind of March 27th yeah they've kind of reached the limits of how early and how late they can now go in major league baseball without completely risking you know weeks of bad weather so this is pretty much it but yeah they're getting started even earlier and I think they're right on the edge of where they can now be in spring training where the players feel about that right they're like all right I would say that when they get the news they go it's like they probably go that's so soon but if you get more off days every player I always talk to once Christmas is over they're usually ready to go they like okay let's just get back and going but they also feel like spring training is too long is a little bit too long but long for the pitchers to stretch out and players will always say yeah we could show up the last week or two and we'd be fine but the pitchers need those weeks to ramp up and get back into form so they really haven't found any better way to do that other than a fairly long month and a half spring training our boss Michael says we're going to freeze out there at spring training well I guess it's all dependent on when we go number one but he said we are approved well there's two for space here's been so early well remember I don't really cold guys I almost died from the heat last year at spring training remember we had no shade so I like stroked out at the end of Ben & Woods RV oh mobile studio park it in the parking lot yeah right there we just do the show you know like barstool they do like the bus in with the boys I think they do like they go to NFL training camps and their interviews in the in the bus in the van or whatever love it the Ben the Ben bus the Ben bus we need a sponsor yeah it's Michael some local RV canopy and air street the RV yeah I threw up last year we'll throw some candy we're living in the RV as well absolutely no okay we're not living there we're just go ahead Ben & Woods Ben bus mobile studio yeah I think it's a great idea it's a great idea all right well we're going to start start your planning now alright uh second half of Ben & Woods includes a more journey and death leopard tickets we've got of course the manager at nine o'clock and Mike shild on a fryer Friday and coming up next talk to our friend Jordan Schusterman from sense but his family barbecue baseball talk on the way on San Diego's number one sports station ninety seven three the fan selling a little or a lot Shopify helps you do your thing however you cha-ching Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business from the launcher online shop stage to the first real-life store stage all the way to the did we just hit a million orders stage Shopify is here to help you grow whether you're selling scented soap or offering outdoor outfits Shopify helps you sell everywhere from their all-in-one e-commerce platform to their in-person POS system wherever and whatever you're selling Shopify has got you covered Shopify helps you turn browsers into buyers with the internet's best converting checkout fifteen percent better on average compared to other leading commerce platforms and sell more with less effort thanks to Shopify magic your AI powered all-star Shopify power is 10% of all e-commerce in the US and Shopify is the global forest behind all birds frothy's and Brooklyn and millions of other entrepreneurs of every size across one hundred and seventy five countries plus Shopify's award-winning twenty four seven help is there to support your success every step of the way because businesses that grow grow with Shopify sign up for a one dollar per month trial period at Shopify dot com slash Odyssey podcast all lowercase go to Shopify dot com slash Odyssey podcast now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in Shopify dot com slash Odyssey podcast All right we are halfway home on a Friday bed in woods 97 3 the fan I've got the nervous pit in my stomach it comes with a series at Coors Field I know I'm being really dramatic about it but yeah man these games make me very very nervous I really believe in the team it doesn't it doesn't shake my belief in the team but I really don't like Coors Field I really feel like the Rockies play their best baseball against us so that's what we're looking forward to this weekend but we still have two hours left on the program got Mike Schoke coming up in an hour got Paul Reiner the executive producer is here and Ben Higgins your friendly neighborhood sports anchor joins us as well go waiting on Jordan right now he's running a little bit behind but soon so just quickly obviously the Padres are four and six against the Rockies this year which means they would need to sweep the series to win the season series against the Rockies but it's unlikely that that will mean anything as they won't end up you know in any playoff tiebreakers with the Rockies the only potential place where a tiebreaker could come into play so they've already won the season series with the Dodgers we know that there's seven and three with three to play so they've clinched that one they're five and five against the Diamondbacks with three left if they win that series they'll own all the tiebreakers whether it's a two way tie or a three way tie with the Diamondbacks and Dodgers the only way it could come into play if the Padres lose that series to the Diamondbacks and the Diamondbacks take the tiebreaker the season series tiebreaker and then it finishes in a three way tie between the teams and you've split so there's no it goes to the next tiebreaker which would be division record which would then make these games against the Rockies part of that three way tiebreaker that's all that's many steps down the road yes but yes there is in a sense a little bit extra on the line in these games just because they are NL West games so now it's also women I don't think we've even mentioned this it's a players weekend oh yeah which I feel like I haven't seen the Padres participate in players weekend and years I remember like the old uniforms they had like hedgy was like hedgehog or something yeah I just haven't seen them in recent years this is right up Jordan and Jake's it truly is before we bring them on I just wanted to post this if you're watching on the YouTube stream Jackson Merrill MLB just posted Jackson Merrill's gonna have a glow in the dark lightsaber bat this weekend like he's actually he gets to use this in the game it's a Victus bat it really does glow in the dark now they won't be dark at the games they'll have lots of lights on look at the handle to it looks like a national lightsaber that's pretty badass that's cool I'll never forget my dad asking jerks and profar if Victus is a new is that a new brand remember that do didn't only ask him but pulled him aside stopped him on his way by hey this is a bat this never heard is that is that new dad leave him the love fondling him so they'll have the best thing they never have so they'll get to pick whatever they want on the back of their jersey again players weekend I think so like our next guest he might have like Shusti on the back of his jersey on players weekend and there he is we've got Jordan Schusterman from SES with his family barbecue our weekly conversation presented by Gran old barbecue good morning Jordan how are you hey guys good to see you sorry I was late I was busy on my own podcast talking about the San Diego Padres one of our best teams at baseball go back and go finish it we would just talk as much about the Padres as you want bro I love your I haven't seen you in forever I was in Hawaii I've been gone I missed you you're fantastic and I love your at the bottom there it says number one Brian hoeing fan your number your number two Brian hoeing fan we love Brian hoeing we love Brian hoeing we love Brian hoeing we love Brian what a find what a grab from AJ Preller I had heard some really good stuff about him before he got here and he has delivered so far yeah and the reason why I wanted to obviously spend 20 minutes this morning talking about Brian hoeing is like that is not it's not I mean it's easy to say now right neck nine scoreless innings whatever but I think one of the most any fusible things for the deadline of any team I said this about multiple teams this had us about Seattle is that like relievers are out there to be had yeah and so it's not a small thing to just add another one to your trade and we understand that the reason why the trade package was so big was for Tanner Scott but it was also for a reliever and Brian hoeing who like while his numbers were pretty good Miami this year like with team control like that's part of that too and if you can add capable guys it just takes so many pitchers to get through a regular season let alone what we're talking we all we spent so much time about how does this bullpen so scary in October you got to get there first and I think that he's helped kind of bridge the gap where the rotation as we know still certainly has some questions and I think that guys like him are so important for bridging those those fifth six and seven things you don't notice them as much because it's not the night but it really is so important I think that was huge for them to get I just I remember growing up and the Yankees had a guy named Romero Mendoza and that dude was just so under the radar but when Romero Mendoza came in it was zeroes and he hung zeroes every time to get it to you know I'm a Rivera Rivera or but like even more get it to the set the Graham Lloyd yeah the Jeff Nelson's you know somebody went out at a bad start Romero Mendoza came in hung zeroes Yankees come back those guys are so undervalued Jordan they're so undervalued some of the potteries didn't really have until they found Brian Holing yeah he's the only one that jumps out of my mind right now but I know that there are you know hundreds throughout baseball history yeah and especially because like you know they had these starters like these these kind of swing man types where you thought they could fill those roles whether it's a burrito or a Vasquez right but it's like sometimes that works out or like any L honestly before yeah trade like sometimes those guys work out but it's even better if they're already used to being relievers because then you're not just being like oh it's easy like this guy normally does four five we'll just have him throw to any disability game it doesn't always work that easily you know we do have a guy that's more used to being a reliever it's it definitely helps so yeah man it's good I think that that is definitely an underrated part of that deal so Jordan yesterday we did our our round table our weekly commercial free hour with all the hosts and I throw out a bunch of different questions we had our we had our draft and basically it's a question everyone has to give a different answer but the question was you have $100 but you have to bet it right now on one team to win the World Series who are you picking and because I think it's a really tough question right now you know earlier in the season there were some clear favorites now I mean there's like nine teams and I go I can make a pretty good case for all of them yeah so I think I would still say the Phillies which is kind of a boring answer but I thought you were gonna say something more analyst related but maybe we'll get into that too we will but I mean like the Phillies have the like second worst record since the all-star break they've been just dropping like a stone the last month it is very true however when you still look at the roster and you just try and find the roster that like when they're at their best has the fewest holes I mean some of these other teams like Cleveland like with the great record like I'm still looking at the rotation I just say I don't know I I don't understand the ceiling for Cleveland's rotation to me is just lower the ceiling for Baltimore's bullpen is lower the ceiling for the Yankees I would say they're pitching at this point too is questionable whereas the Phillies we've seen them operating at full strength and they have some of the best starting pitching the league and they have one of the best labs in the league when it's all clicking and they have a bullpen that has been improved enough to where there are some questions there but not as much as somebody's other team so I don't feel great about it right Houston a team that's looked awesome recently is another team that I just still have a lot of questions on the mound you know in terms of starting rotation so maybe it's just a matter of the year I mean we Jake wrote this week and we talked about on the podcast about and this is related right we're probably not gonna have a hundred win team this year for the first time in ten years and that kind of speaks to what you're getting at because normally we can default to a Dodgers to a Braves and I wouldn't be surprised if a healthy version of the Dodgers kind of gets back up into that conversation but they have questions too certainly and I like to think that that makes it that makes it more fun this time it sure does man and I we're talking to Jordan Schusterman from says to his family barbecue and we've been saying it like crazy if you had told me right now that San Diego Padres will be a couple of games back of the Los Angeles Dodgers I would and this this date I would have said you're absolutely nuts there's no way we're we're just what the hell happened we're just playing for a wild card at this point and now I mean not only is the division you know in reach Jordan it's it's it's attainable it really is and you look how you look how maybe they're pitching sometimes you look at how the potteries are pitching and hitting and you go yeah it's absolutely attainable I'm not going to lose my mind if they don't win it but it's for a man and Diamondbacks though the Diamondbacks are a team that really really scare me I don't watch enough to say oh well it's very clear why this is happening very clear why it's happening a lot of things are going their way as well just like they are for us we're getting a lot of breaks go our way but they are it they're a pretty terrifying team if I'm the Dodgers I'm sweating a little bit totally and that's that's what makes this race so so interesting and I wrote about the Dbacks today Yahoo and I my colleague Russ Doris who wrote about the Padres so we kind of had both of them covered but talked about both those teams in the pod today that's the thing is is for so long you know the Padres or at least recently and I know we know what happened with the Diamondbacks last year in the postseason but we weren't thinking about them in that context during the regular season but at the same time they were the Dbacks was interesting is also the difference between how they've charted their regular seasons last year they peaked a lot earlier it's it seems weird now to remember the Dbacks were in first place early July last year yeah and they really bungled it with a with a terrible July and August and then ultimately snuck in and we know what happened after that but that's what I mean I'm just low you were running through the schedule and I got to give you credit Ben boy man I I am as big of a dork as it gets I can't do tiebreaker math I can't do it I cannot so my eyes glazed over a little bit when he starts because I don't follow even yeah I don't even want to think about the word tiebreaker until like the last three days so credit to you and I know that well never existed in baseball before it just went to a game 163 but they don't do that anymore sure you know and that's that's in the old days when I win football season and you know every team was nine and seven and you had to figure out who gets the wild card oh everyone went right to me I was that's definitely my my forte now we talked about the contenders that we're not surprised about internationally I want to ask you about the one that really is shocking and they don't talk about it enough the Milwaukee Brewers yeah lose their manager lose Corbin Burns yeah lose Devin Williams now Yellich is out for the season with back surgery they should it should have been terrible this year right I mean that's what we were all kind of figuring and yet here they are they just took two more from the Dodgers they're right there not only for to win a division but best could get the one or two seed they're fighting for that as well how are they doing this in Milwaukee yeah and I think we've asked similar questions about them and Cleveland and Tampa Bay when you compare those now Milwaukee's been a little bit different because they have had some big money guys of course they invest in Yellich and he was awesome and then he'll go and down is is terrible because he really was not maybe not back to MVP peak but back to being one of the best hitters you know in the nationally one of the best outfielders how are they doing this is a great question I do think that we're all collectively under rating their offensive unit because they have one of the best catchers in baseball in William Contreras and that is impacting both sides of the ball so that that's a great example of just like how much having an awesome catcher can impact winning is having someone like William Contreras but you know Reese Hoskins is generally had some Reese Hoskins he's been a little bit less but of course coming back to me there's no surprise will you Domus is a top short stop now that Jackson Churio is playing like the top prospect he was he was kind of promised to be dude was born in 2004 all right we could be a little patient if he's struggling a little bit you know to start the season he has been outstanding too I know indirectly you know started some spice when I tweeted a Twitter poll about which Jackson would you rather have for the next 10 years between Churio, Merrill and Holiday and I was surprised that those results were so lopsided in favor of Holiday but that speaks to just how awesome Merrill and Churio have been recently no disrespect to Holiday but I do think that that offense now will be tested without y'all it already has been recently and that's where it's like can this offense continue to be good and then what in the world is this rotation Freddie Peralta who's we feel like the one thing that we could have counted on has been good he's been good he's been good he's still racking up the strikeouts but not necessarily you know a cyan contender like we thought he maybe could be and you say they lose Corbin Burns they trade away Corbin Burns on purpose yeah it's not like they're you know Craig Council you know slipping out the back door I go into the Cubs like no that that was a decision that they made and Joey Ortiz has been really good for them but obviously you look at their team right now and you're like man they really need Corbin Burns and so how that kind of manifests itself that match up this weekend Milwaukee and Cleveland I think there's a ton of parallels between those two teams both now how it's gone and what we kind of the questions we have about them moving forward really excited to see how that series plays out this weekend and man I'll tell you when we did this on the roundtable yesterday I'm looking for odds I'm looking to get paid here they you know if I'm taking a hundred bucks I'm putting on a World Series contender your Mariners got to pick it up because they've got the starting pitching once they get there but they're three and a half out of the wild card right now is that right and they're playing skings today is that good skings today oh yeah guys guys tonight is I mean I tweeted this yesterday we got Mariners coming off one of the more embarrassing sweeps imaginable you lose by a hundred runs on Tuesday and then you lose basically identical games on Wednesday and Thursday in just a horrific fashion and now we go to Pittsburgh and what do you got you got Paul Skins and a pirates team that has lost 10 in a row we need you bad we need you guys tonight because we want Paul Skins to get bodied you know so Jackson Merrill yeah I mean we're big yeah we're big M's fans I mean we're natural rivals anyway the better cop and all of that so that's we need you guys to handle business it would be very baseball for Paul Skins to get blasted by this lifeless offense but yeah I mean one of these teams is gonna somehow feel even worse tonight yeah so that's something but to your point like the reason you're bringing this up not just and you know how can we help Jackson Merrill is is the truth the sad truth the aggravating maddening truth is that they have the best rotation and baseball at this point I don't even really think it's particularly close because the Phillies have fallen off they are so far ahead in every category and whip and quality starts and innings pitch per outing I mean they get 14 shut out from Brian Wu and Bryce Miller who are their four and five starters and they lose both games crazy I mean it's an unbelievable luxury that they have built and deserve credit for building and that they can't find an offense to support it is both ridiculous and very appropriate yesterday on the anniversary of Felix Hernandez is perfect yeah it's like mind-numbing if you're an M's fan I mean you've got you've got what it takes to absolutely crush teams in in the postseason just up there last we were watching Mets and Mariners team over the park and everybody all my buddies were all super hyped on the best best they've looked all season was last weekend and yeah and that's the thing so many of these good teams were saying who's starting the second game of the postseason there's got five guys you're like yep sounds good yeah but does anybody know which team has the lowest team ERA since the all-star break the only sub three team a ERA since the all-star break I think I know is it going is it your Padres it is the San Diego Padres to have the lowest ERA since the all-star break right there so maybe some competition with those Seattle Mariners Jordan appreciated as always have a good couple of weeks we'll chat with you when things are really starting to get intense right around the start of September again oh yeah oh yeah hey guys go beat the Rockies all right we got it we're gonna do such a challenge for us really is really is thank you guys Jordan Schusterman says for his family barbecue brought to you by Granville barbecue our friends next time you're at the ballpark at it you did simply the best would you have had the pulled pork sandwich very nice delicious with the spicy mustard oh my oh so good standing every time you're not at the at the game North Park or out in Flint Springs always the best spot for barbecue in San Diego by the way you mentioned it we haven't brought it up yet Jackson Cheerio doing big things born in 2004 you see the pitcher who was born in 1980 who's back in the big leagues again or at least in the minor leagues stick mountain yes back not with your San Diego potter is this time we'll get to that and more coming up with Ben and woods don't go away Ronald report and Mike shill all ahead on San Diego's number one sports station ninety seven three to fan praying that my kids don't get wind of the Jackson Merrill glow in the dark Star Wars lightsaber bat that he's going to be using for players weekend because then they're gonna want one yeah dude so I'm just buying one well and $8,000 I mean don't think my wife won't go out and do it it's bananas you know that there are we're watching the league world series last night you guys watching you know but I got a story in the round or more about their four times so yes I have watched a lot of little league world series in my time do you know that there's batting gloves for kids now they're you know what they cost cost $100 batting gloves for kids oh yeah $100 for kids they're gonna grow out of them I can't remember the name of them but they come in a I saw them at dicks and they come in a bag what what makes $100 batting glove $100 like I I use golf gloves yeah and I get like three for 16 bucks to Costco yeah you do the Kirkland yeah they're great there's nothing wrong with them I could you probably use them for baseball right I use I use Callaway because I'm teen Callaway that's true I'm a brand loyalist $100 they have bolts on them they look like like lightning bolts kind of actual lightning are they electric with their Bruce bolt that's it good I was there and I was with bow and Taylor and Hannah I picked up this bag and I saw it said Bruce bolt on it and I picked it up and I went who's Bruce bolt I have no idea we're gonna dicks sporting goods yeah kind of box right yeah $75 $95 $105 yes good God do the kids that now do they have those the oven mitts for sliding yet I yeah can you buy the answer the answer to your question is when you mean the kids you mean other kids well I mean like my kids will never use the offer will you see those at a little league or even a high school game now where they put on the sliding oven we were at camp and at baseball camp this summer and this kid would hit a single and reach in his back pocket and pull his and his dad was just wearing him out get that sliding man on bro make sure to get the sliding bit on I was dying now none of these dudes slide head first so they're just doing it because that's what the big leaguers say they're wearing the sliding bits and then you put in sliding first yes yes it's a slight sliding it's just up here we are in we're at Dix the other day yes the sliding mitts up in the air and they're sliding it first and I I was crying laughing and I we were addiction and Bo was looking at go don't even ask don't even ask he goes I'm not and I go well you good don't and I looked at Hannah and I go don't even think about it don't even think about buying these guys sliding mitts for the love of god I'm not going to so quit asking yes yeah dad I want Bruce bolts and sliding mitts I'm not going to so quit asking it's not happening boating these batting gloves dude he's he's kind of old he's got a little flair but he's kind of old school too but I couldn't believe it every kid and every kid had like the $500 back and he was nuts watching this and I'm looking at Hannah you can just see her eyes get wide and I'm like please don't please don't do this do not do this it's me now turning the tables on her don't do this don't do you idiot you moron please don't do this it's pretty nuts I mean I'm assuming I don't really talk to big leaguers about the sliding mitts but I I so they do really protect you from injury is that that's the purpose right I've never you not jam your fingers is it if you get spiked I mean are they like steel toad like steel toe boots at the end I never someone steps on them are you still are you going to be safe I've never I've never put one on and I will say this I know adult league gets a lot of you look like you're about to take a casserole out of the exactly what it looks like you're trying to do adult league gets a lot of crap but and and you see guys where an arm you know an arm guard which is fine I followed one off my foot the other day I've never done that and I'm I've never worn any sort of like armor at all but we have guys that wear that cuz they don't want to get hit in the elbow and stuff I will say Polly I've never seen a sliding bit out there of you now ever I've never seen one I saw them they sell them yeah I see them on the racks right there I hope they I hope I don't but yeah so anyway hundred dollar batting gloves is there is a thing now you're so lucky your kids aren't little you weren't you wouldn't buy you know no I mean they did little league but yeah they had bad they didn't have gloves I mean that mitts but they didn't have batting gloves or anything when they did little league no chance somebody on the tier one the tier two team they wears and they wear them team act wears them come on bro Paris right now now I'm on the victus website my right did to tease kind of put them on the map yes they were they were just a low level brand before to tease their low level I don't remember seeing a lot of victus before to tease a good bat so you can get it says now it's as locked in the vault but they do have the lightsaber bat how much three hundred and twenty dollar maybe it's not the kids they need to worry about maybe it's their old man actually no there's light saber is not it looks cool they also have they have the pencil bat looks like a pencil I think this problem with the glow in the dark dark bat is that you never play baseball in the dark yeah it is something that you absolutely need lighting for you know you can't do even engulf there's those like you know glow in the dark balls and you will occasionally do that you don't want to try to hit a fastball coming at you in the dark joslin who's very involved in the league says this is incredible we had a kid who rubber banded a dollar tree kitchen meant to his arm we would yell your cooking bro it's mom was horrified I feel like if I was a kid my dad would have made me do that he would have made me but they don't prevent intro I'm assuming that one the other ones have plates and I'm assuming there's some yes though so there is some plate plating in the finger area of those sliding gloves it's not just it's not just a soft padded glow like an oven bit have you ever slid head first in your life poly I don't think I ever have so is the protection is the protection from injury more than me it's sliding into the bag but isn't it harder to like hold on to the bag and grab it and keep yourself from falling sliding off when you have that on there because you because guys do that they over slide the bag and they're trying to reach and grab and hold on to that extra length a little bit a little tiny bit tiny bit I would think it'd be a lot it's interesting what a brave new world we live in that's so good all right well listen how much for the Jackson Merrill bad it's not they're not selling it yet it says locked in the vault so I'm not sure if they're like going to release it after players weekend okay thing but yeah you can get the blue glow in the dark may the fourth be with you bat for three hundred and twenty dollars it's why Joey has called it if if Jackson Merrill homers with that bat they need to like with Robert Suarez's intro immediately turn all the lights off and have him do a big big flip of the bat where it's then I'm not gonna do that Colorado that's a good point but you have to bring that back home yeah I'm gonna use that at home at some point all right all right well we'll come back Paul he's got a rindle report for us including some interesting Hollywood casting news that came out yesterday that a lot of people fairly surprised at the decision of who's gonna play John Madden in the John Madden story I mean it's it's pretty identical casting I love it coming up next here on ninety seven three the fan selling a little or a lot Shopify helps you do your thing however you chaching Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business from the launcher online shop stage to the first 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podcast all lowercase go to Shopify dot com slash Odyssey podcast now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in Shopify dot com slash Odyssey podcast it's a statewide or let's have which one let's have a zap that's that one I thought so the music doesn't sound the same when great white plays it but the vocals sound as good but some of that earlier case you missed it shout out to his family we've got a round a report coming up and then don't forget top of the hour it's fryer Friday Mike shilt will be with us from Colorado and yeah we've been kind of figuring out what to ask Mike shilt things are going really really well yeah you don't want to mess it up right well I'm not mess it up but it's definitely easier to you know when something goes wrong you know explain this explain that you know those are common easy questions to go to but you know things are going really well I mean we've got just I mean it's going to be a fairly positive interview is when I shoot the breeze I'm taking shoot the breeze and and talk about you know 18 and 18 and Fernando Taty's junior potentially coming back we'll see if we I mean we're supposed to get the Padres of the next update was coming around mid August on Taty so we're here on August 16th very mid literally is mid mid of August maybe they have some new news I know he was in Arizona while they were on the road trip working out he's back with the team with the last few days is he with them now is he staying home I don't know we'll see if we can get an update from Mike Chilt on Fernando Taty's junior who is sitting right there we talked about a little bit in the roundtable the return of Fernando Taty's junior is nothing but a positive for the Padres he's would be replacing a platoon of David Peralta and Bryce Johnson which is done they've done a really good job of filling in but they're not Fernando Taty's junior no one is but it's the one area of the roster where you really can improve right there well the cool thing too is with the guy like Peralta playing as well as he has Fernando Taty's junior is coming back from a pretty serious injury so you feel pretty good about what you have in case he doesn't need a day offer and the good thing about you know Peralta being left-handed is that you can give Taty's a couple days off against righties and show real good about Peralta in the lineup those days don't forget Bryce Johnson a switch was Johnson's which hitting which when Taty's is back Bryce Johnson's spot on the roster is somewhat tenuous i would say so i mean he will be valuable for pinch running situations but they also have Tyler Wade who's already valuable for that so that's definitely a decision that's coming not yet but soon for your San Diego Padres first though check traffic and then Paul you'll get into his headlines with today's rondel report next year on 97.3 the fam started here with our addition today's addition of the rondel report now tuned it to the mother greatest welcome to the rondel report with Paul rindel hi Paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindel report hey Paul how you doing okay how are you on 97.3 the fan are you ready to blast the mood i need some help please that was good can i get a whole yeah all right oh boy what do you want to do what do you want to do i'm really in a pinch here radio woods says we have to take the call well spot mom before we get to the rondel report perhaps this is the steven coronano steve are you there yes hi ben hi steven how are you i'm doing just a shade above phenomenal thank you now i picture you right now either sitting in front of your piano or in the backyard working on your bonding that's just based on the evidence that i have that's what i picture i'm about 10 inches away from one of my piano keyboards beautiful two other key boarder about five feet away excellent ours and ukulele's and stuff like that i'm a i'm a fellow musician and i'm going to tell you this steve i'm also a fellow bunter and you know why i loathe bunting so much is because it reminds me of the crappy hitter that i was the unconfident hitter that was so afraid to get in the box and said let me let me lay down a bun so i can get a pat on my fanny with out of boy woodsie way to give up and out i we admire so much your commitment to uh the bunt the bunt and ben i think made the point on twitter with you steve the potteries have been pretty good at it this year yes i've been shocked higgy laid down a bunch the other yes they're all doing it well everybody's doing it well man everyone never went jake crony worth got his second but how fired up he was yes yes yes this is this is what this is this is why we can't say anything to mike chills right he already is you know wondering about us and now we bring this up and i just i don't know steve this is what how about this you know i think we're all uh in agreement we want this podry season to last forever yes yes and the way for it to last forever is to play in the world series and win the 2024 world series hundred percent hundred percent maybe you could entertain one question to mr mike chilp ask mike chilp does he know if any major league team grades the players on their ability to lay down the suicide squeeze bunt with trends and having that chart in their dugout you know just because you asked so nicely and have been so persistent there's no chance steve i'm not asking that either i can't do it i'll wear it i'll do it that's fine i'll do it i'll do it for you steve i'll do it because wow it crucial playoff game you're right here with a runner at third with less than two outs we gotta have that run i will do it i will do it i'll ask all right i'll ask you it's coming out all right thank you steve what if we're calling what a gem he is i love it i love it what a great dude sorry thank you for uh thank you for that for a moment there that had to be done all right you see it all the time somebody catches a uh monumental baseball at a game they trade it with the player for a bat or just a chance to meet the player usually it's you know a milestone the first hit first home run first you know whatever had something happen yesterday up in san francisco makavicov there is a guy named makavicov dave who is out there literally every night every game every game yeah it is coming out there and michael harris of the braves had a grand slam yesterday and they wanted the braves wanted to get that ball back first grand slam right i believe that is true his first grand slam and yeah first career grand slam and it was in the water makavicov dave paddled his kayak over and he grabbed the ball the bally bally sports south broadcast they asked for an update on whether or not the braves were able to get that ball back they were not and here's why hey the Yates did they ever get that baseball back well brian and last night we did talk about a local giants fan who refers to himself as makavicov dave he sits at a kayak down in that cove every game on the water trying to retrieve a ball that might make its way it he was able to recover michael harris's grand slam ball and afterwards two brave staff members went outside just asked for a ball hey you know it would mean a lot to him we want to get into him and case it and he said no they asked what it would take in terms of negotiation and he said nothing going to my grave with this ball it's the first grand slam ball that i've ever recovered then he started responding to fans with the selfie with that ball on his social media account saying well small gesture you know there's one thing and so brave said what is that and he said well i want to be a giants team employee so not necessarily a small gesture there but michael harris says well sounds like i'm just gonna have to hit another grand slam so dave is not making many friends in the island clubhouse or in the atlanta area who did dave? who did dave? my man said i will give the braves this ball back if i can get a job with the same Francisco giant coincidentally the giants have just announced they've let bob melvin go as manager he will be replaced by mccovee covee dave and the rest of the season celebrates based on what i see on twitter if that's the case i mean like it'd be a thing if it were if it were a giants player and he caught it and they said we'd like to get that ball back dave and he said fine give me a job but what are the braves care right brave what are they going to do far on hi this is uh you know bill from the galaxy and thought that's how it's about this here any change you can give of uh mccovee covee dave a job would like to do that michael harris grands something you're scouting department maybe or i mean you got to shoot your shot tyler says it's called leverage i mean he doesn't have any leverage sounds like you have a better chance of getting that ball back from zach hampel than you do from a covee covee dave no kidding i'm taking it to my grave with me yeah junior gm to the next level says the deep prior project i mean is there a position like ball recovery team but he can like the official giant ball recovery team yeah sure mccovee cove ambassador yes perfect perfect so yesterday i'm on instagram i'm scrolling around and uh bar stool sports posted a screenshot of a batting lineup from the little league world series the statin island new york lineup and the caption was statin island little league world series lineup looks like an extras list from the sopranos so we'll put it up here on the stream and we can just go through it uh leading off at third base they have vin rogerio rogerio rogerio rogerio or rogerio uh steven grippo is the pitcher peter jiacchio jiacchio jiacchio with the catcher jaker marrows playing first baton clean up chase kuro is uh in center field alex torres at short dean scary jello and zag white zag white joe irachi dylan de gada nicky mcclean and jason roquio hey there he is hey italian paul cithin this this team instead of uh hotdogs after the game it's all gobble gobble gobble gobble kennoli god that's so good no idea if i want to lost steven grippo peter jiacchio finally to pay off ben's tees here quickly we got like a minute or two uh john madden has a biopic coming out from amazon mgm studios and they have casted one nicholas cage to play john the nickage the nickage leaving las vegas con air national treasure nick cage i mean it's identical if you really think all three of us look much more like john madden than nickage does yeah but there's hollywood makeup is it young john madden cuz i'm sure it's younger than so i don't know john madden so david o russell he was the guy who made silver linings playbook it's great american hustle i think he made uh the fighter as well so this is not really you know the life that knows it's good i think knows is not bad actually so this won't be like a movie on the life and career as much of john madden it's gonna be actually about the genesis of the madden video game that's period i'd rather have a bio pick on john madden i need to hear nicholas cage go boom tough acting tonight it's gonna be that in the end doing the voice is going to be so good yeah we'll have that we'll have the preview as soon as it's out we'll play it yeah i can't get jr and i saw this a couple times yesterday says that ah this would have been phillip cmore hoffman's oh yeah i'm just perfect for him nailed it which was would have been the best not a biopic of the man in the typical way nor a sports drama rather than madden is in part according to source is a video game movie it's the origin origin story of madden nfl one of the biggest video game franchises of all time i uh am a huge nick cage fan my wife is not we were watching a nick cage movie with the kid i was watching a nick cage movie with the kids the other day she got really upset she doesn't like nick cage just got upset about it he can't even remember which one it was it wasn't like one of those it wasn't one leaving Las Vegas it wasn't national treasure no it wasn't national treasure it's a good kid's kind of movie i can't remember what it was she's a full of love national treasure yeah 100 percent she's not a nick cage fan and i am a huge i have to steal the declaration of independent huge nick cage fan he does have an affectation in a lot of his roles he is so so doesn't sound at all like john madden but i mean if he's an actor yeah you can pull it off he's brilliant brilliant all right it's time raised a lot eyebrows though when the casting was announced i like nick nick cage is john madden yeah raising Arizona is brilliant you ever see raising Arizona yeah cone brothers it's really good raising Arizona all right here we go all right uh i'm gonna do it weekly conversation you don't have to be mike shilt the bunting question and uh and much more you don't have to on our fry or friday managers report which will kick off our final hour of the week as the potrays get ready to open a three-game series in coars field against the colorado rockies later today 541st pitch 440 eco water soak out pre-game show more venom woods with mike shilt coming up next on sanny egos number one sports station 97 3 a fan potrays baseball is back tonight after a day off and beginning a stretch of 18 games in 18 days potrays are right in the thick of things two games behind the dodgers in the annal west tied with the diamond bank to top the wild card standings and it is time right now for our managers report brought to you by sandy ego county credit union it's not big bank banking it's better and joining us from denver colorado side of coars field potrays manager mike shilt is with us uh mike it is good to have you on congratulations so and again another great week the team is playing great how's everything going it's going well how about yourselves we're pretty good we're enjoying watching your team play i'm a best ere and baseball since the all-star break best batting average you've been talking about marrying those two together or since early in the season and now we get to see what it's like it's pretty nice yeah it's really nice yeah it's a roof effort one three twenty six everybody contributing everybody on point everybody uh doing their part so it's uh it's gone it's great group i got to get this one out of the way shilty because we've got a uh we've got a listener his name is steve from cornotto and he i mean his emails may have found his his way to you at some point but he is obsessed with the art of the bunt and the san diego potteries have done a really good job i think all of your guys to a man uh when needed to and called upon to lay down a bunt have really executed this year and it's it's kind of been a big part of the game but he has been wearing us out to ask you do you grade your pull do you grade your players on their bunting abilities is there a a grade a color code like a system a system of some sort to grade your players on bunting that's all he wants to know and i told them i will ask him this has been going on for like months this has been going on for months by the way yeah that's it's there i mean it's been you know we talk about being a holistic offense you know offense offense and machine and you know a big part of that or eight part of that is you can have a deal with the game cause for us as thottie says which i love um and bunnies part of that you know sure you'll be able to see the game play the game um mike makoy who's one of our hitting coaches but also um has been you know a second responsibility done a nice job with working with the bonners every day we don't have any like really color code we just um that we just work on it yeah i've got some time on it some more than others you know on the part of their game but you know we expect there it might be able to execute and there was a situation called for and calls for a bot and it's their form whether to hit or sacrifice or save and please and i think that will satisfy him because i hope so i think he just wanted to know that there was a dedicated coach i've been telling him but we've been telling them they leave the baseball and in bunting it's great it is it's it's it's been great and and the offense is obviously clicking uh shilty i wanted to ask you this just kind of a general question you know with with everything going on um the the you know winning streak and winning a bunch of games in a row and do you ever find yourself you give yourself a moment to kind of stop and take it all in and i think one of the things that stands out to me is like when Robert Suarez walks in to close out a game and the the lights go out the music comes on i realize there's still you know there's the potential of another half inning if if if something goes bad and you got to be planning for that but do you give yourself a moment as the manager to go whoo this is uh this is pretty exciting uh you know you appreciate and enjoy the trying club has uh you know you know you celebrate with them you know how much hard work identification effort goes into players to perform and uh you know you step back and just appreciate a nice play or a big hit or you know a guy make a good pitches or you know stepping up in a high level situation um so you do appreciate that but you know for the most words you kind of gotta stay on the on the on the on point you know yourself because you got a responsibility to to be ready for you know any and everything and you know but Suarez you know the it's cool what he what they do when he comes in you know to close it down um but uh you know i'm just excited that we get the opportunity to bring Robert into win a ball game mike i've mentioned you know how tight the standings are right now but i as you look on the field whether you guys are playing the guardians or the Orioles or the Brewers or the Dodgers your team's certainly right there with all of them which means in my mind you guys are are contenders going forward now you've been a part of championship organization before with the St. Louis Cardinals do you see some similarities between some of those top Cardinals teams that that were there at the end that won a World Series and the team that you have right now yeah i uh i do you know it's something we continue to strive for and that's um just normalizing the excellence of you know they can in competitions you know relative to your regardless or regardless rather you know who we're playing um or what the circumstances are you know they game night game um road home opponent you know we're going to be aware of the uh in respect to our opponent obviously but you know it's really about you know what we do how we do it and how we do it together and how we execute it and there's a you know it's a consistent dedication that sounds easy but it's a real challenge to bring it to that degree every day regardless of environment for the length of what is a long season um but it is a separation for guys individually and it's changed collectively and it's a good to trace it you know winning clubs out you're talking to a potteries manager mike shilt here on bed and woods this morning you've talked a lot uh this season about the grit squad and yeah i mean never more evident and then than in the last week the the blowout squad did show up and that was a nice one but uh the grit squad made up of guys that sometimes don't get everyday opportunity shilty like tyler wait and and poly and i were down there we ran into the other day was watching him and his pre-game work and you talked about how crisp all of the guys are every single day whether or not they're in the lineup you know because they never know when they're going to be called on and you really have gotten contributions from so many of those guys when you think grit squad who are a few of those guys that pop up in your mind yeah i mean you know we talked about it you just mentioned one up for sure um it's a one through twenty six man or ostrich you know um they're all like that you know the guys that you know again i respect the heck of all of them but you know for weighty um so not you know play as much as i'm sure he'd probably like but you know accepts the role that he has that's in nicely when he gets called upon and the roles that he's been he's been allowed and give um been fantastic you know so on oh same deal um you know look up brian hoeing's a nice job coming in and being able to pick up any different areas been really tremendous um you know brian hoeing's way back to the clean eight um you know so so anyways just uh you know bunch of guys really looking to compete and stay ready for whatever the situation calls for you know and i get the sense when you say grit squad that you also mean you know manny and zander and you know the guys who have been there and done that before yeah it's not just it's not just the guys that are coming off the bench either yeah it's the whole the whole team and yeah no it's it's not it's a team it's grittiness that i mean actually you can be applied as much to those guys as anybody because you know grit means you know it's got quite a lot of different connotations for people but you know for me it's about you know finding a way regardless of circumstances and to my point earlier about guys that you know play every day and are getting after it and competing regardless of circumstances you know up down you know on road like i said i think that's that's a lot of grittiness come with that and that's uh i feel like it's great talking to you what mike shield here i'm vena woods this morning and and listen you guys have had some some pretty gnarly stretches this year as far as games in a row 18 games in 18 days skip is there a uh is there what goes into the i guess planning of of 18 and 18 or is there is there a is there a reason to sit and try to plot it out when it may spell so unpredictable right i mean how much planning can go into 18 games in 18 days i mean there's a combination i mean you know let's with crystal balls and then we do take it over one seven time but there's some planning that obviously goes into rotation but you know when the game starts how things you're going to go there's always going to just press and turn here and there you know there's uh planning on how we're going to be efficient with our pre-game work and how we're going to make sure we're ready to play and have the appropriate mental and physical energy for the games themselves and then there's uh you know the decision about when to give a god blow and and uh make sure that you know we see the the narrow focus and then also look at the bigger picture of what we're looking at from uh you know season so there's always a little bit of marriage about it you talked also this week about the your warriors and i think that was in the context of when i tiler weighed uh took it in the face just you know sliding in at home play make sure he scored that run and being ready to go the next day and warriors has you know like grit its own connotations i think to a lot of people it means playing through pain and injuries and working and coming back and one of those guys that i think is definitely a warrior is joe musgrove you got him back this week obviously just having any starting picture back his innings and the outs that he gets but in particular with joe what what does him coming back do you feel do for your team to have him in your rotation yeah we got a couple of little warriors the guys that this show up play hard i mean you know you mentioned weight yet you're taking a shot with a nose on the big time nation running play pro four i mean just name them um you know playing playing banged up a little bit um but yeah joe coming back he's just i like the ultimate warrior man he's he's uh obviously big physical guy but you know it's got the intensity in the heart you know to match the presence um and make the presence even stronger he's uh he's impressive guy and it's good to have him back we've got my warrior force well keep you guys you know keep doing what you're doing it's been so much fun to watch this day the one other guy i'm imagining um that that would be fun to kind of pencil in the lineup at some point would be Fernando Tatisse jr i know the fan base missus him uh we miss watching a play i know you do as well uh how's he doing what is there any update on on his status yeah looking forward and to come back um definitely for what we've always done this year and we're going to do moving forward and excited to have him back i don't have any real specific deadline timeline for you with toddy he's um good moves in to feel him good so we're increasing base longevity but beyond that there's no no like hey this is happening in this particular day but the girls and getting the batch or anything like that it's not on the favor quite yet we're getting closer getting getting closer i like that i know and there's still a month and a half left in the regular season and and hopefully more games after that obviously you guys you're in good position and uh where we're pulling for you good luck this weekend and no colorado is always long before you got here my colorado has always been a tough place for a lot of teams but i definitely won that the pot raise hopefully can get over this weekend get another series win and keep moving forward good luck all right appreciate a guy you all the nice day thank you mike shilt manager the san diego pot raise our managers report brought to you by san diego county credit union it's not big bank banking it is better you can tell he loves he loves his guys ready warriors i mean those were his words not ours uh you know i heard him talk about both of those things multiple times uh this week because they weren't just because they've won 19 out of 23 it's not come easily i mean most of those games they had to fight tooth and nail a lot of them had to be come from behind wins dramatic late wins you need to do a lot of little things right to win those games so they've had to be gritty uh even as they have gone on this run that is unprecedented in pot raise history never won 19 out of 23 games before see if you make it 20 out of 24 today and obviously the breaking news from that interview is very clearly that uh mike makoy has been working with the bunters every single day and getting them dialed in and helping them out to improve their bunter no color code no that's just disappointed that there's no color code they use their eyes they use their eyes and they they you know you know that was a good one you go that was a bad bunt that was poorly executed that was well executed that's really all you need yeah the guys don't have to go back there locker and go oh god i got an orange today like both my six-year-old when he comes home from school he has either like a pink checkmark or a orange one or like a red one he's never gotten a red never never gotten a red he usually sits orange a lot of times he'll bring home a pink but they don't make them do that because they're professional baseball players they're not going to give them a little report when having a green means good i don't know i don't know we're going city connect yeah it's like city connect progress reports from school that's right that's right all right uh that's uh that was mike shilt if you got some thoughts you want to join us our last couple of segments eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three also still have some tickets to give away to def leopard and journey coming to petco park at the end of the month that is still ahead we'll be right back after a check traffic here on ninety seven three the fan thanks again to the skipper mike shilt if they can have another good week starts out tonight again 540 against the Colorado Rockies we gave you some of the scores yesterday helpful out of town scoreboard while the Padres were off with the Dodgers losing to the brewers uh the Braves lost to the Giants the A's even helped with the win over the Mets and um i have the uh the a key series for you this weekend that will involve nationally playoff chases so the la Dodgers are headed now to st. Louis to take on the Cardinals three the Cardinals have been kind of reeling wouldn't mind if they stabilize themselves this weekend and one of one or two of those games against the Dodgers to help out the diamondbacks hit the road for interleak play this weekend they take on the Tampa Bay Rays that's a tough place to play st. Pete is it look at their record at home there's 14 people there down the stands but that can be tough that I guess people in environment that's true I did hear mookie bets and kenley janson say that the 2020 world series was harder to win because there were no fans in the stands as a true statement then again it was harder there's a team that's used to playing kind of in an atmosphere free box it's probably there are some diamondbacks fair which you can tell they went to the world series last year was where they played four years at chase field the Rays are 59 and 61 they are 31 and 34 at home they have a minus 56 run differential i'm predicting a diamondback sweep again even on the road yes oh so no chance to catch up any ground there gotta keep winning on our end the uh the Atlanta Braves are here in southern california they'll be taking on the angels for three in inter league play the Mets host skip shoe mockers Miami Marlins continue to fight even without uh really major league caliber baseball players on their team they're also in grit squad maybe um four and six in their last maybe Jake burger can stay he is red hot that would be nice go ahead and three or four more against the Mets would you this weekend guys locked in man locked in the brewers uh host the Cleveland guardians that's tough that's tough series two midwestern division leaders battling in inter league play that's a big one and then the the nationals and fillies continue a four game series that started yesterday and i i mean i think it's worthwhile now bringing up every team here when you look at the standings because the podrays right now are just if you look at the overall nationally standings the fillies have the best record they're 71 and 50 dodgers 71 and 51 half game back brewer 69 and 52 two games back and then it's the diamondbacks and podrays 69 and 53 just two and a half games back of the fillies five teams within two and a half games for the best record in the national league right now remember those first those first two teams assuming their division winners will get the buy in the first round into the division series of the playoffs that is insane it's insane what's happened i don't know that we've given enough credence it's insane what has happened and all five of those teams including the podrays well diamondbacks to the lowest 93.5% playoff chances podrays 95.6 brewers 95.7 and then the fillies and dodgers are both still over 99% chance to make the playoffs which means it's down to the Braves at 76% then it's the Mets drop all the way to 18% the Giants at 7.4 and then everybody else has 5% or less chance below them to kind of sneak up and basically just trying to steal that last wildcard spot that the Braves currently hold but they're they're four and a half games behind the podrays and diamondbacks now and two and a half games ahead or two games ahead of the Mets for that last playoff spot such a big run here man such a big run in the next 18 days 18 games in 18 days is your body ready is your mind ready oh i i like 18 games in 18 days save that i do i do too i don't like coming in at not i don't like coming in when there's no game the night before end up talking about Pierre LeCock and everything else i don't like not having a game at night to watch hundred percent part of my daily routine what did you watch last night you know you're on staycation i was on staycation what you were doing last night then if you're on staycation poly what did you watch last night did i watch last night i don't remember what else what the better was out of it bro let's do oh you know what i watched i watched a 30 for 30 on SMU football you ever see that one really yes like when they got in with the trouble they got the trouble got the death penalty and everything it was actually riveting now and you compare it to what they have now with NIL and you go you know i mean it's like you guys like man $50,000 in a briefcase you know when i walked in the room and they offered my mom a house and you know eric dickerson's gold transam the texas a&m gave him and then the next day he ended up signing with the the SMU mustangs and talking about the SMU coach walking away just as all the sanctions came down he went through the NFL and started coaching for the Patriots bro it was riveting riveting stuff it's funny because there have been a couple of programs well they've all those big time programs have skirted the rules oh yeah there's been a couple that have had their hands swatted harder well SMU above all well so i didn't U.S.C. got in a lot of trouble for doing what everybody else was doing as well around the regi bush time i didn't know this but SMU got popped all right and sanctioned and then did it again the next year and then did it again the year after that so they're like all right man we've given you three strikes we have to give you the death penalty everything they got at the time they deserved absolutely 100 percent and when you watch this thing you forget man when they had Craig James and Eric Dickerson in the same backfield it was the gnarliest like they just rolled teams and you know one season they're playing they went like 11 games and they're ineligible they can't do anything so they beat Arkansas they called it the polyester bowl and they won a southwest conference championship but they couldn't play for the national title but it was really really good really really good so that's one of those ESPN 30 for 30s that popped up and i was just kind of in the mood and and it was really well done though all those are i mean if there's a 30 for 30 on something you can it can be about sailing and you're like they didn't make the documentary for no reason correct like it's all every one of those is really captivating so it was really good sports always has the yeah that's the great theater and the drama oh and they do such a good job and usually there's a huge backstory behind anybody successes or failures that lends itself to good documentary television you bid idea but we're gonna have to wait for 18 days we need to start telling people what they should watch on what's that random day so they'll play the tigers i think it is in september on monday and then they're off tuesday and then games two and three of that series will be wednesday thursday and that's because you can't play 21 days in a row yeah so for some reason they had to break up one of those series at some points so the play the tigers the day off then the tigers again twice more yeah it's a three game series so it's game one favorite off day favorite day oh yeah you don't want to miss labor day because that's a big crowd day yeah but you can't play all of them in a row because of major league rules and you know the players union and how they've orchestrated it so they just said we'll take the tuesday off should be weird because we have jesse agler on tuesday's specifically because they play every tuesday every tuesday except for one that there'll be no game that day yeah do we push jesse back to wednesday that week and what do we do here we have to he answered interesting all right uh you know monday we won't be here some of the other quarks of the schedule the partners have a lot of inner league games left yeah it seems like a lot of teams do here at this point of the season but you just mentioned the the tigers they get the twins next week they still have the astros they still have the white socks to play i mean that's 12 games right there they sell two more against the mariners i think right to finish off the better cup so that's 14 of their last 40 games um you know it was about 40 35 40 percent of their remaining games are actually inner league games don't know if that makes a ton of sense in the playoff chase when you want to see the the head-to-head matchups but that's what you get when you've kind of balance the schedule out that you got to get these games in at some point and you know the pottery still have a bunch of inner league games remaining this season good all right well one starts tonight want to know all right uh we've got some tickets to give away last pair this week we've been given away all week long to see duff leopard and journey at petco park on august 30th tickets are on sale at but you can win two more right now fifth caller at 833 288 097 three fifth caller 833 288 097 3 hook you up with our last pair of tickets to def leopard journey at petco park on august 30th which presumably is a pod race road game because well you can't do a concert on the same day you do a pod race game right game concert sometimes but this is not one of those that's not one of them this is a big one and it's less than 18 days away so that'll be on a pod race road trip day i will come back last segment of the week it's ready any else didn't get me in at 10 o'clock and final thoughts on a friday on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan got a winner of our tickets for journey and def leopard poly yes all right we got one congratulations to the winner tom all right everyone in the chats wondering whether there was a winner or not poly is pretty good about it if you don't get the phone in if the phone doesn't get answered in the next in the first you know 60 seconds or so i'm sorry it probably wasn't your day but uh try again next time we have a prize now while we were on our break uh what's you got a special delivery into the studio what'd you get what'd you get what's bag so uh told you guys about our buddy ricki who is the uh pod race trainer ricki where the ricki what the great great great great great ricki has touched places on my body that honestly my wife hasn't touched in a long long time it's been a while i think you're shoulders yeah my shoulder my arm she has my lower back she's not a big fan of rubbing me down by any stretch you know i don't she doesn't give me massages ricki doesn't boiling you up no rubbing you down not a fan she just she won't she requested but doesn't reciprocal it's not reciprocal it's not a it's not a give-and-take relationship in that sense should i give it back no just give it back pleasure giver i uh ricki his daughter juliana was making those necklaces and annie howlbrunn reported on them zander was wearing it zander was wearing it and i said man my kids would love those and so i know ricki so i texted ricki and said hey i'm coming to the ballpark i'll take two price unknown price unknown now i i said i'll take two and he said okay rad what colors do you want so i told them i would like pod race brown and gold and we talked about it on the air and zander bought one and the banny bought one and jackson bought one and um you know they're helping her earn her keep to her class trip up to new york boston dc so i saw ricki i ved mode him he goes dude i forgot the necklaces i left him i'm like no worries i'll see you again dude i'm not going anywhere so they're marketing director chris conley just dropped these off he had had him on his desk because he was coming up here and so he dropped him off so i got him but what i how i screwed up was once i talked about it on the air at about 40 tier ones reach out and say i want to can you get me four woods yeah i want three woods yeah i'm down how do i get them well so what did you do you passed along all the requests or what he and so i had a conversation with ricki and i said i think i screwed up man i said all of our a lot of our audience wants to get these in there they're in my dms asking i said i don't know how to see she does she's 13 i think she doesn't have a website right and she's not a staff there's no staff she's making them herself at the page there's no way to we're having a problem when it comes to distribution i see production is fine production is good distribution is an issue why don't you just go and pick them all up and from from her and then deliver them out to your tier ones you know all your tier ones you're gonna see them you want me to be a necklace delivery driver a mule that makes sense right i mean this is not i i just don't know ricki i mean the tier ones don't know ricki you know ricki so you are the yeah you're the middle man you're the middle man i don't this is for juliana she's raising money for the class trip why are you you know me you know that this would make me feel guilty you know that pretend it's a period for a jersey i'll kill everyone that was a great story if you haven't heard that story i am known as the not you know not the nice car but the guy that's like all right yeah sure the pushover the pushover right i'll do it all right sounds good you have trouble saying that i do i always have poly always have our buddy stewie got a jersey was it a dh gate jerk was it like a i think it was like a knockoff jersey Fernando tatis june might have been a padre's jersey and then they're for oversight i don't know so he dms me hey bro you heading down to the ball park and he does something yeah maybe he goes can you stop by the team store for me and grab me a period i said what and he said i need you to grab me a period at the team store and i said what are you talking about and he said did you they forgot the period on the end of june your june are just for nando tatis jure right and i said um no i'm not going to drive to the teacher to get you a period i'm now this wasn't like a long time friend no i mean i know i haven't played ball against him with him but what am i period delivery man uber it was too much it was too i'll be honest it was too big of an ask and so now i'm having trouble figuring out how to help ricki who i love with distribution here so i don't know and then i feel back it's like i got mine yeah you did so i don't i don't want to see them that because they're awesome now just make it even worse on everybody oh sparkly yeah nice what does nander say zander goes they look like they could be 25 grand they were not that much but my kids will love them they'll wear them you the sparkles in real life are better than on camera yeah they're really cool so i nice they're gonna wear one on sunday league i just don't know i will not wear one these are for the kids but uh i mean i can understand why you may have to wait next time you're down at the ballpark ricki has them all in a big bag and then you take it and you bring them all to the game to where to the game what game tier one i thought you said the tier ones oh no the tier one's baseball team or audience that we call the tier one oh i thought it was your baseball players they want okay all i got to show up with a bag yeah oh you mean like just general around sand and all over the county yeah all right where do you live Ramona all right i'm on my way oh you want me to put it in mailbox okay can i grab you anything while i'm out maybe a sandwich bring it to you while i'm there how about this all right here's my solution hopefully fingers crossed podrays will have a playoff game or two in october yes and when they do that hopefully we will be doing some sort of special show on remote or a playoff viewing party okay and when that happens cool we'll coordinate with ricki and juliana to i think the trip fill all the orders and then we'll bring them all to the viewing party slash appearance and that's where the distribution will take place does that make sense if you want to order one you have to be there to pick up right now people wanting i'll take two i'll take two you know well why you're doing this i'll take one what if you were what if juliana kicked you back like ten percent i don't want any effort how about this i'll just give her the money for her trip dirt bag and you have to be to take that for a two-year-old girl yeah he would do it he would do it in a second well i'm gonna pay for my guess right he would do it in a heart this i mean this is i mean part of this delivery driver's get paid this is a lesson she's earning money part of the business lesson is that you've got business expenses and if you have uh if you have a if you have a classroom you live on part of the charges that you have to you know materials labor delivery is part of the business costs that you have to learn about rollin just said in the chat i got one i'm so excited you're lying girl don't do this then so a i don't know when the i don't know when the trip is so what if it's what if it's before the playoffs well we can arrange a loan her and she can just pay it back in installments again i will literally ricky just text me the very fair interest rake and charge a very fair interest rate to juliana just text me the balance and i'll just pay it so that everyone leaves me alone i'll just pay it i always get myself at these jams i'm trying to do something nice and my dumb ass just forgot to not mention it on the air um oh man yeah how do you just not said anything well oh you know and i liked any story so i was trying to support how about this go down to um you know like michaels just buy a bunch of beads and string make me make the necklaces make the necklaces yourself and then people can you can just sell them on your own they put poly can help you set up a fancy store don't bother me he's like he's such a delegator why don't you do it you do it i do one thing i'm not getting you one i'm not getting no one's asked me for any necklaces i'm not making any money off of this deal oh seems like a you enterprise holy cow dude i'm gonna end up renting a u-hole driving around the county like here you go look i'll say this i don't know how to here's so think about it like Ivan says i want one all right let's just say for giggles we're gonna do an appearance we're gonna do an appearance down the road yes we're looking delicious right ben's idea is gonna be competing sorry juliana sorry to mark it squeeze her out competing business so so if should people think this is right Ivan says i want one so what if i then and now have to go take everyone's order what do they Venmo me i gotta give them all ricki's info they send it to him then he gives me the necklaces then i have to distribute them you have to bring your receipt to to ail smith when we're doing a remote how do i do this next year juliana is going to do a golf tournament to compete with the ben let's open to raise money and now we're going to be in the hot water because we're going to have more competition she does a christmas in the holidays i can't say or something i just i don't ricki yeah i mean ricki if ricki wants to come on the show and promote i'm happy to do that because i love ricki i would do anything for him in fact i will pay for your daughter's whole trip just give me the stuff get yourself out of it get me out of it drop the hook get me off the hook i should have probably you know what i probably should have done i probably should have just bought 50 of them and then i could have distributed them out people could come to the station you pick it up at the front desk or something they're all hanging on the doorknob with your name on it drop shipping you're just gonna be you're just drop shipping it's the honor bar i'll do the honor bar oh dude i didn't get the reader note this is a drop skipping drop shipping scheme from steven woods taking juliana's hard work and profiting off of it on social media great job they turned out great oh robin said he actually did get one so he she vouched for him all right yeah he he figured it out holy cow well good luck juliana i got i got my two not trying to rub it in all right business plans aside we're gonna check traffic one final time and write out a traffic things been likes to to take his home on a friday i like a juicy sweet strawberries i like a good marching man i like a good thin pancake i like a nickelback song or two i like a barbecue chicken pizza i really like those seeds i like a midnight buffet i like the smell of soft scrub i like more of a small dairier i like cake i like it shear i like both a hamburger and a cheeseburger i like clocks i like how i've kind of set up my life i like grasshopper pie oh no i like it creamy i like good firm banana i like just looking out of the sea i like eating i like moist i like curry i like big butts i like fried brussel sprouts i like more of a firm feel like i like corn i like Nordstrom i do like musicals i like pepperoni i like nice hotels i like nick getting a start to that i like nuts i like steff curry i like that song i like squirt i like sake i like sandy agastate i like uh straight up i like the beef and broccoli i like to mix it up i like science experiments i like that song i like the crispiness of the waffle i really like cheese i like the little lunch meat i like very straight lines i like cantaloney i like a well crafted headline i like brown sugar i like maps i'll say i like just in turn i like going to golf games i like diving into chores i like sugar i do like butter finger i like blue and silver not bad colors i like the time change i like Major League baseball's new rule i like the radio i like geography i like the knuckle method i like skippy i like the knuckle method i like bob melvin i really do i like jace tingler too i like this step i like being right i still do like movie scores i like good food i like maps i like when interviews can turn into organic conversation i do like a chauffeur's french red pizza i like having the wind go through my hair i think i like shows that the characters have an arc i like the full lettuce tomato onion experience as well i like those kind of burgers i like the big overflowing bag of fries i like those little smarties rolls i liked what i saw from seth lugo i like this competitive fire i like walking around between the different lands steve curd though i like that i like living on the coast i like watching tiger still i like the idea of that matchup i liked what i saw in the pre-season i like the aloneness sometimes of texas hold up i like watching sandy state basketball i like those cashew buttered cashews i like cold clear sake i like a lot of things i like chick fillet sauce i just like rankings i like steve windwood i like pie gal poker i like to be informed on subjects i like chicago i like tumpetty i like the idea of another left-handed bat in the lineup for sure i do like a good matt damein film i like being on the same page i like broccoli i like brussel sprouts i like a lot of things i like this shirt i like wipe out i liked my arm one i like sandy and just stayed at home i like when a baseball player can be more than just a baseball player i like vanilla i like the atmosphere i like the felt on a poker table just kind of how it feels under your fingers when you're there i like rhubarb pie i like the windows see changing the subject i like that i like just the standard yellow peep i like how sandy acoustics playing right now i like finer things i like calling a game i like fiction more than non-fiction just like the cream i actually like playing golf with other people i've liked everything i've seen so far from mike shill i like mexican food i like just the solar system i do like steak i like specifics i like going to seven mile casino during the day i like that people are there having a good time i like my new eating schedule i liked what i was eating i like the variety of a menu at sammy i do like a good midnight buffet i haven't in the chat says uh i like bens beard well hopefully it'll still be around on monday because as promised if the pot raise do not lose i will uh i will keep my scraggly nothing beard at least uh into the next week i really love it on you this the reason you see it is that i've never kind of done the staycation where i i'm off tv so i don't have to shave yeah but i'm still here where you can see me normally i'm back i shave i'm back on tv but i have kept it and uh i am now a week in and i look like woods does in about 20 minutes after he shaves that's true remember the last time i shave my face fully remember what i look like not good it's very jarring it's jarring yeah when i walked in the room all i was like oh it really it really will make you hey it's like i look at myself in the mirror and i'm like you're the literally the worst looking thing i've ever seen all right double kiss to the rally roach because it's the Rockies big one big one also by the way i put it in text ricki i'm going to try to figure out how to get you buffoons some necklaces and now let's be honest i'll probably end up driving around on a saturday hand delivering them to get an ice cream truck so you can make it yeah necklaces i texted ricki i have no promises but uh apparently i'll be working on necklace distribution for the rest of the day everybody i have a great weekend andy and elston are coming up next that'll do it for us for our executive producer and imaging director paul rindall for steven woods i'm bet hagan's will talk to you monday with a little sammy leavitt news for you long 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