Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Mike Shildt Calls In From Denver Before Padres vs Rockies

Padres skipper Mike Shildt joined Ben & Woods on Friday morning for The Manager's Report! Listen here as Shildt talks about the great run that the Padres have been on for the last few weeks, if there are any similarities between this 2024 Padres team and some of the World Series St. Louis Cardinals teams he was a part of, Joe Musgrove's return to the team, and MUCH more!

Broadcast on:
16 Aug 2024
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and it is time right now for our manager's report brought to you by San Diego County Credit Union. It's not big bank banking. It's better and joining us from Denver, Colorado side of Coors Field. Padre's manager Mike Schult is with us. Mike, it is good to have you on. Congratulations. And again, another great week. The team is playing great. How's everything going? We're pretty good. We're enjoying watching your team play. I'm a best CRA in baseball since the All-Star break. Best batting average. You've been talking about marrying those two together or since early in the season. And now we get to see what it's like. It's pretty nice. Yeah, it's really nice. Yeah, it's a group effort one through 26. Everybody contributing. Everybody on point. Everybody doing their part. So it's, it's gone. It's a great group. I got to get this one out of the way, Shilty, because we've got a, we've got a listener. His name is Steve from Coronado. And he, I mean, his emails may have found his, his way to you at some point, but he is obsessed with the art of the bunt. And the San Diego Padres have done a really good job. I think all of your guys to a man, when needed to and called upon to lay down a bun have really executed this year. And it's, it's kind of been a big part of the game. But he has been wearing us out to ask you, do you grade your, do you grade your players on their bunting abilities? Is there a grade, a color code, like a system, a system of some sort to grade your players on bunting? That's all he wants to know. And I told them, I will ask him, this has been going on for like months. This has been going on for months, by the way. Yeah, that's there. I mean, it's been, you know, we talk about being a holistic offense, you know, offense, offense, a machine, and, you know, big part of that or eight part of that is, you know, we do the game calls for us. As Tati says, which I love. And bunnies part of that, you know, sure, you'll be able to see the game play the game. Mike McCoy, who's one of our hitting coaches has also been, you know, a second responsibility, a nice job with working with the bonners every day. We don't have any like, really color code. We just come that we just work on it. Yeah, God, some of the time on it, some more than others on the part of their game. But, you know, we expect there might be able to execute, you know, whatever situation calls forward calls for a bot. And it's their form, whether it's a hit or sacrifice or savings, please. And I think that will satisfy him because I think he just wanted to know that there was a dedicated coach. I've been telling him, but we've been telling them that they leave the baseball in one thing. It's great. It is. It's been great. And the offense is obviously clicking, uh, guilty. I wanted to ask you this, just kind of a general question, you know, with, with everything going on, um, the, the, you know, winning streak and winning a bunch of games in a row. And do you ever find your set? You give yourself a moment to kind of stop and take it all in. And I think one of the things that stands out to me is like when Robert Suarez walks in to close out a game and the lights go out, the music comes on. I realize there's still, you know, there's the potential of another half inning. If, if, if something goes bad and you got to be planning for that, but do you give yourself a moment as the manager to go? Whoo. This is, uh, this is pretty exciting. Uh, you know, you appreciate and enjoy the trying club has a, you know, you celebrate with them, you know, how much hard work, identification effort goes in the players to perform and, uh, you get, you know, you step back and just appreciate a nice play or a big hit or, you know, a guy making good pitches or, you know, stepping up in a high level situation. Um, so you do appreciate that. But, you know, for the most part, you kind of got to stay on the, on the, on the, on point, you know, yourself, it's a responsibility too to be ready for, you know, any and everything. And, you know, the storage, you know, the, it's cool what they, what they do when he comes in, you know, to close it down. Um, but, uh, you know, I'm just excited that we get the opportunity to bring Robert into win a ball game. Mike, I mentioned, you know, how tight the standings are right now, but as you look on the field, whether you guys are playing the guardians or the Orioles or the Brewers or the Dodgers, your team's certainly right there with all of them, which means in my mind, you guys are, are contenders going forward. Now you've been a part of championship organization before with the St. Louis Cardinals. Do you see some similarities between some of those top Cardinals teams that were there at the end that won a World Series and the team that you have right now? Yeah, I do. You know, it's something we continue to strive for. And that's, um, just normalizing the excellence of, you know, they can send competitions, you know, relative to your goal. So regardless of regardless, rather as a who or play, um, or what the circumstances are, you know, they game night game, um, road, home, opponent, you know, we're going to be aware of the, uh, and respect our opponent, obviously, but, you know, it's really about, you know, what we do, how we do it and, um, how we do it together and how we execute. And there's a, you know, it's a consistent dedication that sounds easy, but it's a real challenge to bring it to that degree every day, regardless of environment for the length of what is a long season. Um, but it is a separate for guys individually and change like a million to get to traits that, you know, winning clubs have. You're talking to a potteries manager, Mike Schilt here on Ben and Woods this morning. You've talked a lot this season about the grit squad and yeah, I mean, never more evident. And then then in the last week, the blowout squad did show up and that was a nice one, but, uh, the grit squad made up of guys that sometimes don't get every day opportunity. She'll do like Tyler Wade and Paulie and I were down there. We ran into the other day was watching him and his pregame work. And you talked about how crisp all of the guys are every single day, whether or not they're in the lineup, you know, because they never know when they're going to be called on. And you really have gotten contributions from so many of those guys, when you think grit squad, who are a few of those guys that pop up in your mind. Yeah, I mean, you know, we talked about it. You just mentioned one up for sure. It's a one through 26th man or officer, you know, they're all like that. You know, the guys that, you know, yeah, I respect the heck at all of them. But, you know, for weighty, um, so not, you know, play as much as I'm sure he'd probably like, but, you know, accepts the role that he has that's in nicely when he gets called upon. And the roles that he's been allowed and give, um, been fantastic, you know, so on. Oh, same deal. Um, you know, look up, Brian Owen's a nice job coming in and being able to pick up any different areas, been really tremendous. You know, Brian really came in the other day to a clean eight, um, you know, so. So anyway, it's just a bunch of guys really looking to compete and stay ready for whatever the situation calls for, you know, I get the sense when you say grit squad that you also mean, you know, Manny and Zander and, you know, the guys who have been there and done that before. Yeah, it's not just, it's not just guys that are coming off the bench either. Yeah, it's the whole, the whole team. And yeah, no, it's, it's not, it's a team. It's grittiness that I mean, actually you can be applied as much to those guys as anybody because, you know, grit means, you know, it's got quite a lot of different connotations for people. But, you know, for me, it's about, you know, finding a way regardless of circumstances. And to my point earlier about guys that, you know, play every day or getting after it. And regardless of circumstances, you know, up down, you know, on road, like I said, that's a lot of grittiness with that selling a little or a lot. Shopify helps you do your thing. However, you chaching Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business, from the launcher online shop stage to the first real life store stage, all the way to the, did we just hit a million orders stage? Shopify is here to help you grow, whether you're selling scented soap or offering outdoor outfits. Shopify helps you sell everywhere, from their all in one e-commerce platform to their in person POS system. 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And listen, you guys have had some some pretty gnarly stretches this year as far as games in a row, 18 games in 18 days skip. Is there a, is there, what goes into the, I guess, planning of of 18 and 18, or is there, is there a, is there a reason to sit and try to plot it out when it may spell so unpredictable, right? I mean, how much planning can go into 18 games in 18 days? I mean, there's a combination. I mean, you know, let's put out crystal balls. You know, we do take it over a one-seven time, but there's some planning that goes into rotation. But, you know, when the game starts, I think you're going to go. There's always going to be stress and turn here and there. You know, there's planning on how we're going to be efficient with our pre-game work and how we're going to make sure we're ready to play and have the appropriate mental and physical energy for the games themselves. And then there's, you know, the decision about when to give a God blow and, and make sure that, you know, we see the, the, the narrow focus and then also look at the bigger picture of what we're looking at from a, you know, season. So there's always a little bit of a marriage about it. You talked also this week about the your warriors and I think that was in the context of when Tyler Wade took it in the face, you know, sliding in at home plate, make sure he scored that run and being ready to go the next day. And warriors has, you know, like grit, its own connotations. I think to a lot of people, it means playing through pain and injuries and working and coming back. And one of those guys that I think is definitely a warrior is Joe Musgrove. You got him back this week, obviously just having any starting pitch your back is innings and the outs that he gets. But in particular with Joe, what, what does him coming back do you feel do for your team to have him in your rotation? Yeah, we got to pop out to a little warriors. The guys that just show up play hard. I mean, you know, you mentioned Wade, you have to take a shot with the nose on the big time. They should run a play pro four. I mean, just name them, you know, playing, playing banged up a little bit. But yeah, Joe coming back, he's the ultimate warrior, man. He's obviously a big physical guy, but you know, he's got the intensity in the heart, you know, to match the presence and make the presence even stronger. He's a he's impressive guy and it's good to have him back. He's definitely a warrior for us. Well, keep you guys, you know, keep doing what you're doing. It's been so much fun to watch this day. The one other guy I'm imagining that that would be fun to kind of pencil in the lineup at some point would be Fernando Tatis Jr. I know the fan base misses him. We miss watching a play. I know you do as well. How's he doing? What is there any update on on his status? Yeah, looking forward and to come back. Definitely for what we've always done this year and we're going to do moving forward and excited to have him back and don't have any real specific data or timeline for you. With Toddy, he's good moves in to feeling good, start increasing baseball activity. But beyond that, there's no, no, like, hey, this is happening in this particular day, but go out and get some of that to anyone's data. It's not on the table quite yet. We're getting closer getting getting closer. I like that. You know, and there's still a month and a half left in the regular season and hopefully more games after that. Obviously, you guys are in good position and where we're pulling for you. Good luck this weekend and no Colorado's always long before you got here. My Colorado has always been a tough place for a lot of teams, but definitely one that the Padres hopefully can get over this weekend, get another series when and keep moving forward. Good luck. All right. Appreciate it. You all the nice day. Thank you. Mike Shelton, manager of the San Diego Padres, our manager's report brought to you by San Diego County Credit Union. It's not big bank banking. It is better trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with North sides and bullion. As you're not so secret ingredient, you can skip the drive through and do dinner at home. Nor taste combos provide a menu of delicious, affordable and well-balanced meals that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less. Visit to get quick and easy recipe ideas for your home cooked weeknight dinners. It's not fast food, but it's so good.