Jesse Kelly Show

Communists are bitter freaks

Broadcast on:
16 Aug 2024
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Lucky land slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes, excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I? Never win and tell well there you have it you could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land play for free right now Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary vgw group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply? This is a podcast from wor it is the Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday and after that It's practically the weekend man. It's Friday. Well, it's not Friday yet, but that after the show is whatever So we're gonna discuss The communist base play somebody oh here for from some street communists a little bit of RFK junior talk that kind of went sideways Really quickly the pipe bomb story remember the pipe bomber from January 60. Yeah Julie Kelly's done some reporting on that that really got interesting all that and a lot more coming up on The world famous Jesse Kelly show this hour some emails and other things I'm gonna play something for you real quick This is not my audio. I want to make sure I give credit Turning point USA is the one who put this out there. I played played it a little bit earlier, but It's a long bit of audio. I'll probably stop it from time to time but the Democrat base the Democrat base They're completely different people than we are It's like there are different species and I'm gonna explain why here in a moment I'll play the audio for you, but have you noticed have you seen either on the news maybe an ad? Maybe you've seen it on social media. Have you seen them? Attempting to make JD Vance look terrible by digging up old pictures of him There there's there's a picture floating around online of JD Vance. I don't know whether he'd had too much to drink or whatever it was think it was from his Marine Corps days He looks like he's passed out on the floor. I had too much drink. He passed out on the floor There's another picture of JD Vance That it almost looks like it's certainly a gag He's got it. There are a bunch of girls in the men's room and they act like the girls look like they're using the urinal You know and they're turning around looking at the camera posing smiling laughing It looks like a gag picture and JD Vance is in there with them. He's not doing anything inappropriate It's just kind of a big gag everyone's glow that it looks like just high school kids goof enough being normal and Democrats are running a campaign right now of JD Vance with these pictures of hey look JD Vance was at a party Look JD Vance was hanging out with girls in high school and on the right You me we may find these attacks to be confusing because you look at it and you say to yourself Okay, maybe not the best judgment in the world. I wouldn't recommend passing out on the floor, but He was a young man. He was a young Marine. I'm not exactly shocked. Maybe you've done similar things in your past Okay, JD Vance was goofing off with some chicks his senior year high school Um, all right, that's kind of how high school goes. Maybe you're looking at these attacks and saying to yourself Why do they think these attacks will stick? This is JD Vance acting normal Remember something These people are malcontents Communists Almost all of them, especially the street communists They are malcontents. They are bitter Their life isn't normal for whatever reason They are the deranged freaks who are angry about life Maybe it started in high school. Maybe it started before and maybe it was in college Maybe I don't know but these are not people who have lived a normal existence So you can look at JD Vance playing beer pong in the Marine Corps, and you say well, yeah, that's called being in the Marine Corps But to a crazy person to a bitter street communist who feels they've been denied So many things in life to a bitter angry street communist Maybe those pictures really do create a visceral reaction. Oh my gosh, that guy talked to girls in high school. Ah and so I Want to play this audio for you from TP USA. It was done outside of a Kamala Harris rally And they're interviewing the people why they're there if you're asking yourself What kind of a person would possibly be freaked out by a picture of JD Vance a young Marine playing beer pong? Well Allow me to introduce you to those people today. We're trying to find out from the attendees What Kamala Harris's greatest accomplishment has been at VP? Um, I mean honestly, I'm not too into politics. I'm just here for the vibe Oh, I'm gonna pause this several times. It's really long. So just buckle up I'm not really into politics. I'm just here for the vibe Do you know how many times I have heard stories like this from former communists or people who have a brother's sister friend? Who's now a communist? Where there it's not as if they're there? Just because they're true believers They're there because their societal outcasts lonely angry bitter and a Kamala Harris rally while they may not have any personal knowledge or affinity to Kamala Harris a Kamala Harris rally is where the bitter losers gather to be losers together. Oh, I don't know Anything about a Harris. I'm here for the vibe Becoming the first female vice president This guy He's excited because she's the first female vice president Could you imagine the follow-up questions if you got to probe into that guy's psyche? Why that made him excited? He's been so bludgeoned by propaganda He's been so bludgeoned by endless women are oppressed women are oppressed women are oppressed propaganda That what excites him is she made it to be vice president She's never made a single decision as vice president that as in any way improved that guy's life And yet it's almost like a programmed response from a cult member, which they're in That's what excites him. She's becoming the VP is the best country. Yeah, absolutely being a good person. Yeah She's I mean, she's she's I don't know She seems really good for women Harris is there with the energy. She has a lot of enthusiasm So it's important to get behind her. What is Kamala is like top accomplishment. You think You remember the audio we played for you Chris grab it if you can find it remember the audio We played of the Hamas protests. I believe it was on Columbia's campus It might have been NYU, but I think it was Columbia Where they were out there and they were asking I mean all these you know kill all the Jews protesters and they went and found these two young ladies And they asked one of them. Hey, why are you? Why are you here? What do you what are you hopped up about? Are you mean you were just passionate about Palestine? You hate Israel you hate Jews you hear for political reasons or something like that I'll just paraphrase for you here. We're not digging it up on time, but a paraphrase for you They they go to these girls And they ask one of them. Why are you here? Is it I really don't know? I don't know why I'm here I'm not I'm not really sure now. This is a lady who's out at night in a loud Potentially violent protest has no idea why she's there Then she turns to her friend. Hey, do you know why we're here Sarah? I just made up that name That she didn't call her that and her friend has no idea either none Just kind of there. Well, I don't know. I believe her friend says if I remember right. I wish I was better educated it's weird for top Like contributions to policy or policy as BP I wasn't in on the policy making decisions with president Biden. So I don't know policies, oh my gosh, see I wish they would tell us more about that cuz I honestly don't know um, I Don't know all Chris you found it. I'll play it play And what would you say is the main goal with tonight's protest? I think the goal is just showing our part support for Palestine and demanding that NYU stuff I honestly don't know all of what NYU's doing. Is there something that NYU's doing? I really don't know. I'm pretty sure they're you know what and why he's doing that one about Israel Do you know what we're doing here? I don't what's NYU doing? I don't know. I wish I was more educated These people are deranged freaks in a cult They don't even know why they believe what they believe all they know is they're part of the herd The herd is going one way and if they just stay part of the herd Don't think don't ask questions Don't look to the right Don't look to the left and you definitely don't break away from the herd if they stay part of the herd and go wherever the herd is going Then that will be a safe place and they will be cared for the Communist is a cult like religious zealot He is a herd animal and they don't even know why they believe what they believe I've told you this some before I'll give it to you again because it's so much fun I use it every chance I get the next time you run into liberal aunt Peggy Ask her why she hates Donald Trump Don't make sure she stays focused ask her why She'll bring up January 6th and say oh, yeah, don't don't don't fight her on that Agree with her say yeah, man January 6th. That was an insurrection. That was a horrible day But Peggy did you like him before that day? You were a Trump fan before that day. She'll deny it. Of course. Well, no ask her why She hates him with the fire of a thousand sons ask her why and Then you'll know what we're up against. I'll finish this in a moment before I do that allow me to do this You you want a functional brain. I hope that's that's a good thing to have a functional brain. Well, uh, chocks male vitality stack You know what it does for you ladies. There's a female vitality stack for you It lifts the fog you may not even know you have in your mind You need these things to focus you need energy gentlemen Without testosterone, you can't even think logically. Did you know that it's not just about making babies It's a necessary thing for men and our tea levels are in free fall We've lost half our tea levels in the last 50 years down 50% and 50 years Go start some natural herbal supplements from chalk call them Text them if you have questions. I'm sure you do they take those and they'll discuss it with you Five zero chalk 3,000 that's five zero CHO Q 3,000 let's tell them I sent you we'll be back truth attitude Just is the Jesse Kelly show coming back to the sultry sounds of the Eagles and remember tomorrow What Chris when I do that with my voice? I sound like the Eagles. I sound almost said yeah I do I sound identical to him and you can email the show and should email the show you're asked dr Jesse questions for tomorrow Jesse at Jesse Kelly's show calm. Let's finish walking through this Disaster together TP USA went out interviewed a bunch of people that are Kamala Harris rally asking them why they're there why they're supporting her and Look we're dealing with the completely different species Just totally different. Oh, I know she's done some good work with immigration even though they say opposites What do they say? Well? What is it? She's the she's the borders are All these immigrants are coming over you know to cross the border right now, which I don't think they are Dome was made the borders are on camera by president Obiden Oh Biden, that's actually not a bad way. I didn't do that on purpose by Joe Biden He made her borders are on per on camera Dome accepted it on camera as far as the people who are coming over These are documented facts Even the White House doesn't deny The immigrant numbers that are pouring into this country even Democrats themselves Don't deny all these people are coming to this woman She was never borders are and these people aren't even coming. Are you all finished? It's only like got like 23 seconds left Are you starting to understand? What we talk about when we say we're dealing with insane people? they're insane because they live in a world Entirely of make believe a world that has been constructed for them and the craziest part of all of it is They want to live in that world most of them They prefer to live in that world because it's just safer Seems more acceptable to stay in the cult. So it is Is there an issue at the border has Kamala done anything about it or was there not anything to do about it? So they're just kind of making things up So I don't think there's an issue with the border at all They say the border crisis is causing all these drug issues and it's causing crime But in my opinion, there's crime everywhere. You can go to New York You can go to Canada. You can go anywhere across the world and there's gonna be crime regardless Yeah, so let's go to New York and see how that's working Savino says the suspects in these crimes are in large groups what he calls wolf packs like this mugging on August 1st He says they take off with things like wallets phones and bags So you could imagine the feeling imagine the feeling of that individual Predominantly tourists or soft targets sitting on a bench And then ultimately being victimized by these wolf pack type robberies. It's tremendously concerning and it's a new phenomena Not only to Central Park, but really to the area. He says many of the suspects in these crimes live in city-run migrant shelters and All documented into liberal Aunt Peggy. None of this is happening We are dealing with insane people who aren't even the same species speaking of which our FK Jr I gotta be honest. I didn't know much about him and I still don't know that much about him. I know he's a Kennedy I know he has some very correct views about how evil big pharma is in this country And he certainly he certainly was right on he's the best one of any of the candidates when it comes to Covid and big pharma stuff so I'll at least give him that but This is kind of ending sad because it was revealed recently That he tried to get he tried to drop out of the race and get a cabinet position with Trump Hey, I'll drop out Trump if you give me a cabinet position and Trump basically laughed in his face and said yeah No, I don't think so. Well Apparently he's still dating because here's the headline from today RFK Jr. sought a Harris meeting to get a cabinet job So he was selling himself as this independent candidate and I really didn't have an opinion I still didn't have an opinion I understand people who are going that way but I'm this outsider. I'm this independent candidate and now we're three months before the election and He's just trying to sell his endorsement for a cabinet position. I should know that's illegal by by the way You're not allowed to do that it they all do it. I they all do it. It's not an accident every president's Ambassadors, you know, oh look at my new ambassador degrees. Oh, what's that? He's a guy who raised a hundred thousand dollars for my campaign No way. I'm it said I understand how it's done But you're not allowed to be quite so open and honest about it That's kind of sad Let's get to some emails oracle. You said the other day the facts the Democrats don't seem worried about the election bothers you You put it into words what you put into words what I was feeling. It's weird Do you think it's because they have Republicans in another no-win situation? No, I don't know I don't know why I'm looking at what I'm looking at Democrats aren't even doing interviews Democrats aren't even running on any campaign of substance that the most substance they've come out with is either no tax on tips Which is just Trump's campaign stance or today? Dome came out on she came out for price controls Which is just standard fair communism that will of course Cosmin to people to go into starvation and poverty. It doesn't work. It's never worked It's insane, but other than that they really haven't taken any positions and They're acting pretty confident about an election and I don't know why look Maybe the why is just as simple you always have to act like you're winning everyone No matter how you could be pulling down 25 points You have to stand in front of your supporters and say and we're gonna do it tomorrow night And we're gonna shock the world and we're totally going to win this You know no one stands up the night before the election and says man, I don't like our chances You don't hear that ever. So maybe that's just what we're seeing but man They seem like They're pretty confident. That's all it was saying. They seem pretty confident to me. I'm pretty confident I'm confident in rough greens Rough greens is going to keep Fred living longer. I Have veterinarian after veterinarian Email me to this show and they say all Jesse we swear by it Jesse We tell everyone to give it to their dogs Jesse would because the stuff works. Here's why it works Your dog doesn't get nutrition Dog food is dead. There's no nutrition. It's empty calories. I don't care what special blend you give Muffy if it's brown. It's dead. It's garbage Rough greens is the all natural nutritional supplement. You pour it on your dog's food It's vitamins minerals Diiotics anti-oxidants it what you'll see differences in your dog That's how amazing this stuff is your dog's coat is breath is energy level Just like you if you never got nutrition and all of a sudden started to get nutrition That's rough greens for your dog column free jumpstart trial bag 833 33 my dog or rough greens calm slash Jesse We'll be back the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday You are almost there the week is almost over if you miss any part of the show down though the whole thing on I heart Spotify iTunes so I Have I have a situation and I can't decide if it's a situation We'll get to the pipe bomb stuff in a moment. I can't decide if it's a situation quite yet And I can't decide how I want to deal with it quite yet so I have a neighbor and I need to clarify that I I Get along well with him but We're not friends. We don't hang out He's a very nice guy Great family Look remember when that tornado tore through and ripped my fence down and it blew into his put my trampoline into his swimming pool Remember that he was so cool about that didn't care less couldn't care less Jewish producer Chris me the wife. We went over there that night and yank That's when we re-enk the trampoline output it back put the fence back up prepared a couple He's like he's that kind of cool some and vice versa something goes wrong He lost his trash came a little while ago He texted me about it And I said I'll send my boys out to take a look my boys went scour in the neighborhood found his trash can bring it back Okay, so we have that kind of a friendly Relationship so we're good to go there, and I needed to clarify this are we hanging out? You know the playing corn hole on Friday night now. We're not but we get along His yard It's bad as in He never mose it He never moses long and I look you know, it's me. I don't give a crap I'm not some stickler out there with the ruler. I don't have a green thumb That's not who I am, but you know, I don't allow trash all over my place I don't allow my yard to look like a jungle just out of respect for my neighbors out of respect for the neighborhood his yard a Foot deep The all Chris on if it's not a foot look if it's not a foot It's eight nine inches of grass. It is and it gets really pronounced on the day where I'm oh my lawn and My lawns a normal thing, and it's you can see it there It's it's like you're venturing into a forest and Obviously, this is not a big deal, and I don't want to make it a big deal That's my hesitation was saying something. I don't want to take a good neighborly neighbor Kind of guy who will bring you some eggs and sugar if your wife that runs out when she's making cookies I don't want to take a neighborly neighbor and make an enemy of a neighborly neighbor But it is a problem. It's a Chris said it can pose a health risk I'm not going to report the guy to the friggin HOA. I'm also not a snitch if I have to say something I'm not going to go to these people who's get a title to the teacher. I'm gonna go talk to him man-to-man See you said go talk to him Chris. I get that, but how exactly here's my problem? Chris has to anything work related Chris edits my text messages or emails because I'm so Incredibly rude and Chris like it. Can I look at that before you send it and in my personal life? My wife does the same thing when I'm sending something. Hey, let me look at that before you hit send I don't do that Well, personally because I'm it'll come off as rude. I just can't decide if it's a big enough deal To march over there and say something. What do you even say? What do you even say dude? You're what Chris said let you just let your wife say something You don't send your wife over there to fight your battles for you You've got to say it you've got to say it and she's way too nice to say it the choices are I Go over there and I tell him or I let it go. There's not a third option from what I can tell what Chris Oh Chris that's so that's such a chick move Chris said I should make a passing comment Just tell him hey the lawn's looking a little long. I've always thought it was more polite to be ruder and more direct And hey Bob your lawn looks like crap a lot. Are you ever good planning on mowing that thing? I always thought that would come across better. Maybe I'm wrong what Chris Okay, that's fair Chris said that's that's exactly why he checks my emails before I send them. Okay, I you know what? That's fair. All right. That's fair. You remember the pipe bomber member January 6th January 6th the the the day to end all days Democrats have spent three and a half years now pretending like it was worse than Pearl Harbor that they've said that remember that day Do you remember? the pipe bomber Remember we were told there's a pipe bomber someone said a pipe bomb at the DNC in the RNC We were told that time and time again. There was a pipe bomber someone said a pipe bomb someone said a pipe bomb, okay? Let me tell you a couple little tidbits about the pipe bomb the pipe bomber This is just a couple little tidbits an older tidbit if you've been listening for a while you already knew this But here's an older tidbit You know your cell phone you got one sitting beside you right now You understand that there are a few data collection companies They're collecting they have all the info for your cell phone meaning where you are They know by the foot to the foot. They know where you are if you put your phone in your pocket and walk down The block they know if you go drive to Tennessee, they know They know every step of the way your cell phone is constantly uploading Location data everyone's is everyone. There's no exception to this and companies are collecting it and keeping that data, right? You get that right? Did you know that? the pipe bomber he had a cell phone on him and Some journalist Darren Beatty being one of them elicited these gigantic data collection companies for the cell phone information of The cell phones that were in the area at the time the pipe bombs were being sent or set and did you know? that data Has been scrambled and lost How powerful does an entity have to be? To inform the data centers that they need to scramble the geolocation data for the cell phone That's a true story. Do you know that and that? Pairs nicely with this. This is courtesy of Julie Kelly. I want to make sure she gets credit for it You've heard you know Julie. She's been on the show many times before She's been doing some digging and this one's on her sub stack, which is called declassified. That's her sub stack So the pipe bomber there's a lot more to this article, but I just want to give you this little tidbit the pipe bomber You know DC's covered in cameras. I don't know if you've ever been but it doesn't matter. Just know it's weird How many cameras there are you're walking down the sidewalk you're looking up there are just especially up around Capitol Hill There are cameras everywhere and they're not subtle. They're huge out in the open. They're pointing this way that way It has got to be the most surveilled city outside of Las Vegas. There's just cameras everywhere the pipe bomber he He routinely steps out of the field of view of the cameras to set his pipe bombs but Let me ask you What's the field of view with the cameras? Every camera is different. We have cameras right here in the studio. In fact, I'm staring at one right now I don't know which one I'm on on the simulcast, but there's a certain field of view there they could zoom in and narrow that field of view They could zoom out and expand that field of view. That's how cameras work Let me ask you again What's the field of view of the street cameras in Washington, DC? Do you know? Oh, you don't do you That's funny. I don't know either. In fact That's not really something Anyone outside of government people. That's not something anyone would know Now, of course government people know DC police Secret Service FBI Government people know the field of view of those cameras They would know how to step outside of the field of view, but I Can't think of a single civilian maybe a reporter or something who would know that Hmm that is interesting story gets very very interesting the more you think about it, doesn't it? You know what else is interesting? food lines bread lines Kabala Harris finally came out with a policy position today It's been all over the news price controls for groceries Grocery stores run on average 2% or less of profit Kabala Harris is running for president on Causing starvation That's what price controls on food would do it would cause so much dislocation in the supply lines Not people in Zimbabwe American citizens would starve to death We're talking grocery stores with empty shelves. Do you have an emergency food kit yet? Did you think when we talk about this stuff? This is in some kind of distant future the people attacking the food supplier attacking it right now right now My Patriot supply has a mega three-month food kit 33 varieties of foods and things like that Yeah, it's $300 off right now $300 off Go to prepare with Jesse Kelly calm and buy a mega three-month food kit for everyone who lives in your home Make sure you're ready for whatever the future brings prepare with Jesse Kelly calm We'll be back Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday But not the final segment of the week because we have another show tomorrow and that's it Well, don't shake your head Chris. It's a huge show Tomorrow's asked dr. Jesse Friday You know what to do get your questions emailed in now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm, all right All right Let's dig into a couple emails really quickly before we get the headlines I didn't get to and then we check out of here. I mean we can't look I can't do anymore this I was thinking about playing this whole thing for you But it's so brutal dome sat down with Tim walls and these two people who don't know each other and don't care about each other at all And they're just good. There's they're they're empty people They're just communists. That's all they are ambitious communists They had to pretend to sit and talk like normal people what here's a little bit. Tell me about Your dad. I was 19 my little brother I think was eight eight or nine when he passed after he died my mom was a stay-at-home mom She became our rock and now she had to go out and get work because the medical bills broke her and So security and so security survivor benefits. We're fine pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. We had no boots That's the booze. So programs that are just fundamental to keeping people from dropping into poverty But to live with dignity you keep talking about that Notice how even they're hey, let's just get to know each other stuff It's all just campaign talking points single mother picture. We needed help government. Have she's Jessica pink flower. It's not nice Should be a pinko commie flower you said that some days you walk into your studio in shorts and flip-flops Do you paint your toenails blue since you can't die your lack of hair? Flip flops can only be worn by men in three situations The beach pool lake in similar places a communal shower like the gym or dorm and three at home Men do not wear flip-flops in public in any other plates outside of the previously listed period Nobody should be exposed to your hideous painted toenails. You can say my name you feminine jarhead His name is Ross. Okay. I Would accept this argument Ross if in only if You are from a hot state if you're from Arizona Southern, California New Mexico, Texas, Bama, Mississippi George other really anywhere in the deep South Georgia, Florida any of these places where it gets Scorching hot Then if you're from one of those places, then I will accept that it's never okay to wear shorts and flip-flops now I need to clarify I Don't think it looks good and I don't make a habit of it and I don't do it if I'm going out I you know, you never get to see me out at a restaurant with the fam in shorts and flip-flops You're just not going to see that I don't do it anymore But I don't I won't do that if I'm driving right from the house Into the studio in the heat index is a hundred and twelve today Why can't I wear shorts and flip-flops? No one ever is ever gonna know except for Chris and Michael? What's the big deal? I? Disagree I disagree Jesse as a late 20s male who wants a family. I'm very concerned about our country's future Seeing how blind half the country is the government propaganda is sad They're willing to cast a vote for a person who hasn't even expressed real ideas If Kamala wins may God have mercy on our nation my faith in Christ is the only thing that gives me peace well, you know Harris or no Harris commies no commies Democrat Republican God is still God Keep your eyes were the supposed to and now Headlines we didn't get to you Left-wing nonprofits discuss strategy to stay under the radar in tweak language to dodge discrimination lawsuits This has been a huge failure of Republican state AGs as I've said many times before There's a huge dark money group dark money groups commie groups who pose as non-profits But they're highly political always campaigning on behalf of Democrats and for some reason read state AGs Don't want to dig in and blow this very illegal network up Revealed Disney funds puberty blockers and sex changes for employees children still taking the kids to Disney World Disney Land bunch of other places you could go DOJ suddenly located Biden biographer transcripts created by Robert her This combined with the fact we know now more about Hunter Biden's corruption in Ukraine is just evidence of how corrupt the media How corrupt everything is all these things were hidden all these things were covered up While Joe Biden needed to win reelection as soon as he stopped needing to leave a night needing to win reelection They just started exposing all of it. It's communism Kamala's first economic plan proposes price controls to combat inflation Just I want you to do me a favor do some reading on the history of how price controls go It's horrific 100% of the time, which is of course why communists do it Tim walls plays the victim after stolen valor exposed You should never denigrate another person's service record This is exactly why you need to stay on the offense tell family tell friends about Tim walls about his stolen valor This is hurting them It's hurting them with normies normie veterans probably even some Democrat veterans They do not take kindly to this stuff at all Spread it far and wide u.s. Army intelligence analyst pleads guilty to charges of conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information export control violations and bribery Every time I talk to somebody in the service They warn me that there are now reversives in the service all over the place because of the years of commie Infiltration and think about this you get one of these commie dirt balls in let's call it let's say the army and China comes and presents him with information that could damage America and maybe lie in his pockets Well, this guy is a dirty commie who hates America. Anyway, he's going to jump on that It just it exposed us to a whole lot. I'm gonna expose you to ask now Just I didn't mean it like that tomorrow's asked dr. Jesse Friday, and I'm gonna expose you to that So email your questions. All right. 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