Basement Bar: Beers & Babble


1h 8m
Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - The following podcast is brought to you by the 99 Network. New machines premiere spot for all your local podcast needs. Hold up. - Do you love terrible B movies, fans of wrestling and power Rangers? Step into Amityville Studios and join Rick and Eric for some side-splitting laughter and great banter on why to arrange a conversations. Find it where all podcasts can be found. Wide a range of conversations with Rick and Eric. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Warning. This podcast has led to a mature nature. Spencer and Eddie don't know what they're talking about but in no way should be taken seriously. They are idiots. In fact, this podcast should not be listened or viewed by anyone, but regardless, welcome to the Facebook bar. Beers and Babbles. Cheers. - We're fucking a right. - Check, check, check, check, check, check. - No cash? - No cash for what? - Aw, geez. That one right over your head didn't. - Aw, fucking shit. (laughing) - Hey, guess who's back again? - Back again, again, again. - Jakey's back, down, back. Tell your friends. - Hey, yeah, hey. - This is the Fort Babble knee. (laughing) - I like that. - Oh, Fort Babble knee. - I like that, yeah. - Part two, the sequel. - The sequel, no reckoning. Welcome back to basement bar, Beers and Babble. We were supposed to have a couple of guests and one of them-- - Loves camping. - Made better plans. (laughing) He just loves camping. - Yeah. We don't have-- - We don't have a campground. - We don't have a campground. - Yeah, yeah, we don't have a campground. (laughing) - You know, we don't slide him. That's completely fine. But his better half Jake came in. - Oh, yeah. - Better and sexy right now. - Ooh. - I like that I hear. - Yeah. - That's what I hear. That's what I hear. That's what I go by. - Yeah. - Yeah, man. - So we're excited to have Jake back in the bar and yeah, he brought a bunch of Beers with him again. He didn't have to do that. He's so nice. - I love sharing Beers. - So we love you. - So I brought lots of options. - It's his favorite pastime. - Yeah. - Oh, 100%. If you just want to do this whenever, come read my seller. - Yeah. - It's crazy dude. It's literally half the space. But I think I already said that. - Most people have wine sellers and you have a beer seller. - Yeah. - Hell yeah. - Yeah, I know. That's the thing we can respect on basement bars. Beers about, you know. - You're not. - Beautiful beer seller. - Yeah. What you been listening to? - Honestly, mine hasn't changed much from last time. - Lots of Zach Bryan, Morgan Wallen. I've been throwing in some weekend as Romans for my metal side. I prevail. - Go back to the old classics. - My old school emo days, yes sir. - Better days. Zach Bryan and John Mayer. - Fire. - That is a very good tune. - That whole album. Dude 28 gets me every time. - Yeah. I was really digging into Zach Bryan's voice today. I was like, wow, he really does have that like. - Is it pink? - It's like a little airy. - Pink skies? I think it's pink skies. - Mm-hmm. - It's like a little airy every time. - Oh really? - It's like something like I bet God heard you coming. There's some shit like that. And it's like, you know, you know. - Oh hell yeah. He was like, where the fuck did Taco Bell at? (laughing) For that man used to destroy it before he couldn't have it anymore. But yeah, Zach Bryan, hell yeah. Still. - Yeah. - Keeping it going. Going strong. - Yup. Well you saw him. So that makes sense. - Well if you're gonna be anything, you'd be consistent. - Yup. (laughing) - What about you? - I've been listening to the Crossfated Sports Team. - Aiol. - Because I need to brush up on my foosball. - Aiol. - Has the NFL, or not the draft, but the fantasy football draft. - Yup. - Is coming up here in a couple of weeks. Yeah. I'm gonna be there with all three of us. - Yeah. - Hell yeah. - I just realized that too. I was like, oh shit. - Yeah. This is my first time doing a like live draft. - Yeah, same here. - I'm very excited. - I did one with Tony, the host of Crossfated years ago. And it was just on the computer. And I hit easy pick, like the mega millions, and ended up taking second place. - Well, this isn't my first-- - See how it goes. - This isn't my first draft. - Yeah, but you at least know like the people in football and which teams are good. - Honestly, the ranking system ESPN provides you is like within a 94% accuracy. - Oh yeah. - So if you go with that, you're bound to do well. - They're saying that-- - Lots of people that do auto drafts when like regular-- - Oh yeah, they're predicting that actually the auto draft this year is going to be better. You're going to have way better chances than doing it on your own. My boss was telling me that. - Oh, but if everybody else is-- - He's like really big in the football. And me and Derek were cheesing him today. We were like, our Derek comes out and he's like, yeah, he's going to do an easy pick. And I was like, what, not good with luck? And he goes, I fucking hate luck. He's like, I don't trust it. He's like, I'd rather stay on the safe side of luck and fucking suck and go, at least I trusted my numbers, 'cause he's a big numbers guy. - Ah, okay. - I'm just like, fuck off, but I think we're good. 'Cause they suckered me in to do their fantasy league. 'Cause he's like, all right, I'll go one more spot. And I was like, I don't want to do two. I'm doing a dynasty, which I'm locked in for life. And he goes, if you do it up, pay for your buy. And I said, run it up. - How much is buying? - 25. - There you go, there you go. - But it's a work league. And now I have my big, big boss's number. I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause he like, he popped in, he was like, yup, this is blank. And I was like, oh, save, save. - Oh shit. - You won't get some, you won't get me lunch tomorrow? - Yeah, I was about to say, um, yep. - My seat, so that Friday, it starts at seven. And then the next day is our company golf outing. So I get out of work at five. So I have to immediately come over here and grab the PA system, because I have to do all the announcing for the awards and tally. I'm kind of co-hosted it with Anne up there. And so, and Cindy, sorry Cindy, she does a lot of work. So. - God bless Cindy. - Yeah, for real, yeah. And then, yeah, and then come over to your house and then not get too wasted that I can be back up at six a.m. to get over there to start setting everything up. - Oh, we're getting fucking twisted. - We're getting fucking twins. - I'm pretty sure it's like, drink to draft, I do. - Yeah, you have to drink a beer every draft pick. - Oh my God. No, there's no way I'd be standing. - You know how many players are in each roster? - You know how many people would be sleeping at your house? - Do you know how many players are in each roster? I told you this. - 22. - It's like 27. - Damn it. - Oh, that's literally what I was going to say. Something bitch. - God shit. - You should have said it. - It's not. - It's not. - Yeah, so that'll be fun. That's the butts, it'll be great. - It is going to be fun. - Yeah. - I'm excited. You know what I'm excited for though? Well, I didn't tell you who I was listening to. Damn it. - Oh yeah, what are you listening to? - On the way home, I almost fell asleep, so I put on some Morgan Wall and never listened to him before. It was all right. It was all right. Other than that, I've been listening to myself because I did something really fun this past weekend. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Tell us about that. - What'd you do? - I played Munger, Potato Festival, yeah. - Yeah. - I did, I did, I did. - Yeah, that was a lot of fun. - Yeah, I messed up so many times and not a single person fucking noticed, noticed. - Yeah, I didn't notice at all. - Yeah, that's awesome. - And you had to play somebody else's kid? - Yeah, I didn't like it. - That was weird. - Yeah, I didn't like it at all. - It sounded nice, very nice sounding kid. - I heard you loved it. - Yeah, who fucking told you that, it wasn't me. That's for damn sure. God damn it, I forgot ice. Ain't that a bitch? - Oh. - And that'll be fine. - But anyway, I got here in my hand. I have the Triple Jam Vodka from my last podcast. We were talking to- - Yeah, thanks to Justin Scherzer, yeah. - Fucking a right, brought this over. But it's a spin-off, not a spin-off, but it's like their beer that they made, or their cider. - Yeah, it's a cider, yeah. - Yeah, and they turned it into a fuck. - Yeah, Gypsy took the cider and turned it into vodka. - Shout out to Kevin from Blake's- - So we're all, yeah. - Oh, nice. - Oh, yeah. - Hell yes. - He's like one of the marketing guys. He's pretty high up there now. - Fuckin' anyways. - Shout out. - We're all gonna try this, you gotta mix it with Sprite, but this is cranberry Sprite. You know that special sheet, you get around the old holidays. A little topper. - It's gotta be the cranberry though. - No, it can be regular. - We had it with regular. - He said lemonade works really well, Kyle. - This might not be good because it's cranberry Sprite. - Yeah, we'll find out. - That's another berry. - It's a triple jam, man. Nothing can go wrong with that. - Oops all berries. - It is warm. - Ooh. - It is warm, but it's good. - Thank you. - It just tastes like juice, you know? - I literally could have slammed it if I didn't have to share with Eddie. (laughing) - Oh, that's good. - Yeah. - Even warm, that's good. That's dangerous. - Did you imagine? I was just like, I'm a fuck all Saturday. Just walk away. - Oh Jesus, no, no. I wouldn't be walking. Stand up and go home and just boom boom right now. - Holy shit. That could be a pool drink though. You're in the pool. Couple of that in a nice pool. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh yeah, fuck. - Camping. - Anything, honestly. Fucking on a podcast. - Yeah. - Crazy man. - Yeah. - Vodka on the radio. - Yeah, but monger. God, I got to see so many people. So many friends. There was a lot of people taking pictures. We got some wonderful pictures and God, I look good in the hat. - Yeah, I didn't even post the ones I did. - I got a lot of good ones. - Yeah, good, good, good. No, but it was fun. It was fun. Then it's looked like a sheriff. He was awesome. - It looks like a G dude. - Yeah, he was a rock star. Yeah, I like that, but no, it was a lot of fun. I got to see you guys there. You guys were enjoying the festivities. - Oh yeah. - Were you taking advantage of the free beer? - So I didn't realize that at first and so I paid 20 bucks for tickets originally. But I went through them pretty quick and then started going through the ticket tickets. - I was just about to say you were on the contract as a free beer. We had six, yes, we had six flat. Yeah, it was dad, you, and then the band. - Oh, cool. - So you got to win up there and been like, yeah. You see that? - Well, I eventually did. But you know, it's all right, it's for a good cause. - It was a good scene because-- - It was a big meeting in the beginning or whatever the fuck. - I mean, honestly, if I paid 20 bucks for the whole day, like, yeah, I get that try, I'm sure, you know, I'm not angry about it. - Not angry at all. - That's exactly all I felt though. I got there, I dropped 20 bucks on beer tickets and I was like, shit, I got a buddy who's supposed to be working the beer tent later. Why the fuck did I do this? And then Spencer told me, hey, just come see me over here for tickets. And I was like, well, shit, dad. - Yeah, that's why you just had it all. - Can I tell your secret with the fireball shots? - Oh, I was going to ask, I was going to ask. - Or should we keep it secret? - No, Dennis just has a fucking steel stomach, man. - Yeah, oh yeah, that was wild. They were doing, so they were doing shots every like three songs and it was helping to promote, you know, sales at the tent and everything. And so Roger, Ryan, like, brought him a bunch of fireball shots and then Roger'd go up and put him on stage and then Roger was like, here, grab a few, throw him at Dennis. And yeah, literally like everything's songs, this band was doing fucking fireball shots. It was wild. - Dude, sometimes this would take too. - So well, it was insane. - Yeah, it was super cool. - Why are you going to tell our secret? - Are you sure? - No, yeah. - Well, I found out later because it hurt. - 'Cause that first, that first, I was like, oh fuck. - I was like, these dudes are hammering, like, they're, are they even to make it to second set? And Roger pulls me aside and he goes, the ones with black tops on them. Like, marker was written on the top. Those are just apple juice. And I went, no. I was like, that's fucking brilliant. Oh, dude, it was awesome. So I grabbed one of those and Tiffany was already like, be careful, you haven't eaten a lot today. And I ran right up to her and I was like, whoa, and then shot that. - Oh my God, that's all it is. - She's like, son of a bitch, but it was apple juice tea. - No, I loved it. I kind of saw when you had walked up when, it must have been after Dad had told you, but you dropped off like the next Cheers ones, you know? And we were doing it in hopes like people would see that and be like, fuck, we gotta get this band fireball shots because they're just hammering them and they're not playing any worse. And Eddie came up and was like, had the biggest fucking like evil grin on his face. I was like, hi motherfuckers, I'm on to you. - Well, I think Donna told Robin and Robin told me that's how I found out. - Oh yeah, yeah. - I was like, oh my God, that's genius. - Oh yeah, we had, yeah, so many people went up to Dennis and we were just like, how did you take that many shots and still jump over your leg at like the last little bit? 'Cause he jumped over his leg during Edge, which is the last song we played. And it's like, that motherfucker's been taking so many fireball shots, drinking beer. Like, what is happening? How was he doing this? And yeah, he didn't really tell people. He's just like, yeah, I'm fucking, I'm cooked right now, I'm done. (laughing) He's like, I wanna go sit down. - I'm just functioning, yeah. (laughing) - So it was just kind of funny, you know? He did a good job. He told some people that he knew, but like other people were just like, are you okay, neither of them. Yeah, I'm all right. Had to play the show, it was great. - I think it went really, really well. The transition between the bands was neat. It was, you know, it was, yeah, it flowed a lot better this year. And Sunset Boulevard was really good. - Oh my God, gee. Shout out to see the drummer of Sunset Boulevard. What a great fucking dude. - Was the transition good? 'Cause I got there at six and there was another stage just starting to play. - Well, no, I'm talking between them and Sunset. - Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. - It got a little hairy last year. - Yeah, it did. - Yeah, but it worked, I think it's 'cause they put their shit up there beforehand, but then that was kind of weird because of-- - It wasn't that, it was basically the good timing. Ryan did it right. - Oh, 'cause you started an hour early, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yep, we stopped at eight. They went on at nine instead of going, hey, you're done at eight, you guys are starting at eight. That doesn't, how? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - No. - Gotta have 15, 20 minutes in between. - Right, yeah, you gotta, people gotta buy beer. - Yeah. - You know, people gotta get in. - Yeah, people gotta buy fireball. People gotta, you know, people gotta let their ears rest. - Yeah. - So, no, it was really good to do that hour, but I do wanna shout out G from Sunset Boulevard. What a great, great, great dude. We got his contact information. We actually played a venue that, the bass is from Sunset Boulevard, owns the diesel lounge down by Detroit. - Oh, the chisels? - Oh, the chisels? - Yeah, so he owns diesel lounge, and-- - Damn! - The diesel goes horribly-- - The diesel lounge is so cool, and we had such a blast playing it, so we're gonna actually play quite a bit of shows with Sunset Boulevard. They like the so much that they want us to start playing with them. No, really? G, G told us, and John got G's number. My phone was dead, and I was sad. So, we're gonna play later this year and the beginning and next year at the diesel lounge. So, check out chapter four. - Boys of fall at the diesel, and then my cousin-- - In the big room is a little one. - The big room. - Okay, we played the big room, and our shit was in a little one, and G was wondering where we had our shit, 'cause he's like, "Did you play the little one?" 'Cause he bartends at the big one. It's like a bar right in the center, and back, you know? 'Cause the thing got-- - I've never been there. - Oh, it's really fucking cool. - It's a fucking great time tonight here. - Are you how many people fit in that big fucking thing? - It's insane. - G told me 800 people, 800 people. Yeah, that's crazy. I was like, "Damn." 'Cause when we went, there was like, well, fucking 25 people. You know, there just wasn't a lot. It was like a logo gig. - We drove C chapter four. - No, it was crazy. When we were, back when we were at Winter Haven Motel, we drove two, I think it was about two hours, two hours and 15 minutes. We got stuck in traffic on 75, too. We finally get there. It's downpour rain, so we load in, right? Did all that. Played first. Which was cool, 'cause we got to set our shit up, and it was perfect just the way we wanted, and we played a fucking hell of a show. It was awesome. 30 buck. We said, "John goes, that ain't even enough to fill my fucking--" - That's what you got, paid? Yup. - Okey. - Total? - Yeah, we did sell $180 in merch. - That's good. - But $30? And they were like, "Thank you guys so much for coming." And we were like, "Yeah, absolutely." And he goes, "Any other father bands?" And they were like, "Yeah, they drove like 30 minutes." We were like, "That's fucking far, bro." - Did you get food and drinks included? - Oh yeah, two drinks each. Which by the way, when you get a rum and coke there, they go fucking tough, dude. They do like, they just keep going. Yeah, it's like-- - Probably got 12 down a rum and coke. - Nope, that's exactly what it was, but we got two of them for free, and I went to go get a third and choose like $12, and I'm like, "Fuck it." I was like, 12 for three, basically. - Yeah, so, but-- - See, I thought we did bad when it was 2008, and my acapella group had a weekly gig at this big bar, and I can't remember the fucking name of it, but it was on Dort Highway in Flint. And so we used to drive down there and sing for two hours down there, and we got-- - Machine shop? - No, no, no, big. It was a big, I don't think it's open anymore. We had a golf driving range attached to it, and like bumper cars and shit, and all that. - I do want to play machine shop, isn't it? - Yeah, it's great. Yeah, it was a real nice log cabin looking, it was real, real cool, it was nice place. We got paid 50 bucks plus drinks and food. - Oh, it's cool. - Yeah. - Was it like a certain amount of each or no? - No, no, so we drank, and they had, their towels were 32 ounce mugs, so we'd have a bunch of those and make the girls drive us back, and I was like, man, 50 bucks for five, but we get $10, so I was like, yeah, but we get food and drinks, but one of the other members was like, yeah, but it's only $10 per person per week, we're coming down to Flint, and like, you know, you got to rub it out, and I was like, okay, well, sorry. So to get $30, I know, that's what I mean. So $30 for a two hour drive, and only two drinks, I was like, oh, well, we're not that bad. - Yeah. - That's worth this final loan though. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, to drink $100 for the bell call. - Even if you're like, fine, not every week, when we do it once a month, it's still fun in a good time, you know? - And we would have liked it a lot more, it was just, you know? - Yeah. - Like we played a row of people. (laughing) - Well, and that's where we, there was like 10 people in the place every week, it was not like they were trying to drum up and we'd advertise, and you know, Facebook had only been out a couple years, and we were trying to do that, and there still wasn't enough, and they ended up going out of business, I don't even think it's open still to this day anymore, you know, but it was fun while it lasted, it just that drive kind of sock here, these guys. - Plain view, I've heard of him, I've never seen him. - I have not. - Okay, that's my cousin's band, he just moved back to Michigan. - Wow. - From where? He was in South Carolina, North Carolina, okay. - Oh, okay. - Is it country? No alternative rock. - Oh, okay. - That's why I was like, oh shit, he's back, he's looking for gigs, they're looking for gigs, maybe, you know? - Yeah. - Oh yeah, Jason's flying in from Colorado in a couple weeks, and I was like, fuck, we can have you on the show? He's like, I'm literally gonna have no time at all, he's like, I gotta see if he-- - I don't wanna be on the show, what the fuck is going on? - I know. - He hits us. - He does, it sucks. - He's a real good guy though. - He's so fun. - He's so fun. - He really is. - And we had a great time, and you can catch him, actually, on the Patreon. - Yes, thank you, I was trying to think of the word. - You're like, what's the word? - Yeah, on the Patreon, I know I'm gonna be putting those episodes up next week, against what, he doesn't want me to, but fuck him. So, he doesn't listen to the show anyway. (laughs) I love you, sorry. - They'll be on as long as he doesn't hear it, and then once he hears it, they'll be off. So, get in there now. - Yeah, Patreon, get in there. - $7 a month, and you can access to the whole network, and it's - Right, so you'll pay $15 for a fucking Big Mac, but won't put $7, and here's some funny shit. Like, get after it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The very first episode we ever recorded, the Lost Files are up right now, so the second episode goes up next week. - Let's go. - Yeah. - Go listen to some funny shit. - Yeah. - Oh, and our video conversation, watching Spooky Shit with Eric, will be up there soon as well. - Nice. (laughs) - Like, Spencer's like, oh. (laughs) - Well, I was just frustrated the whole time, so Eric's gonna be like, "Well, I was crazy, "I'm just kidding." Fuckin', what? I had money in my account. (laughs) - Oh, yeah, you were fighting with me? - I was fighting with Amazon for no reason. - Yeah. - All to find out that one of the fives was the three, and I was like, what is going on? You know how many calls I got from the fraud department? - No, a lot. - Oh, my God, dude. So I had just threw some money at some dumb shit a couple of days ago. - Yeah, she do. - And it didn't take my debit card. Well, I have a lock on it that's like anything under this amount, it won't go. I don't know why I ever did it. I set it up, that's my fault. That's why I put it on my credit card. Like a smart young gentleman. - Yeah. - And so I put it on my credit card like, I could pay me please, you know, like two grand plus. And yeah, I got calls all day, and I finally, I finally answered one, and I was like, "Who are you?" And I was like, "Hi, this is dumb, the national thing." "Did you use your card to purchase this?" And I was like, "No, 'cause it didn't fucking go through." And she was like, "Oh?" And I was like, "Yeah, it denied me." So I had to use my card card, but that was me. And she was like, "Well, do you want to turn that off?" I'm like, "Fuckin' yes." I was like, "If someone steals my information, I'll see it 'cause I check my bank statements all the time, you know, I do." - That happened to me one of the thanksgivings when we're out at Anne Chris and Uncle Demi's. The day before, 'cause that was the year I brought all my, my computer and the PA system to do karaoke. I bought this program for karaoke. It was a real neat program, and it was only like five bucks or something, but it was from a French company, and it wouldn't let me fucking buy the program. And I was like, "What the fuck is happening?" And so I was like, "Son of a, you know, fuck it." So I just virtual dejaded and whatever, the free version. And then two days later, they're like, "Hey, we had a lot of fraudulent charges coming from France and everything." I was like, "No, bitch! That was me!" - Yeah, I know. - Don't you hate that? - Well, you know, no, I mean, I get it. I'm glad, you know, 'cause you wouldn't want just crazy shit that happened. - Yeah, but at the same time, like, okay, first of all, the fucking U.S. citizens get fucked enough, right? So why don't they just let you buy it? And if it wasn't you, they just reimburse it and let the thieves get away. You know, they do it for everything else, but come to fuck. - I know, right? Really, it doesn't shit like that. You know, they're just like, "No!" - Well, that's why you should always use the credit card and not a debit card. - I guess. - You can dispute the shit, 'cause on a debit card, they just give you the finger. - Yeah. - And they're like, "No, that was your money, fuck you." But your credit card actually has checks and balances against that, so. - That's cool, I like that. No, I love my credit card. I am using a lot, except like my transfer thing. I need to get out of my fucking last bank because it takes like three days to get money in my other account from that account. - I fucking hate that. That's why I quit using A, starts with an A, I don't know. But my one bank account, it was like, it was stupid, 'cause I would try to pay shit from that and then it would take so fucking long. - And then you're like worried, you're like, "You're gonna fuck up my credit!" Like, "Hurry!" - Yeah, you know. - Oh, it was stupid. - Well, and then today, it said that, like, I went into my one account that I'm transferring out of, right? And it was gone, okay? So I was like, "Sweet!" So I went to my MSU account and it wasn't there. - It ain't there yet! - But then it said, yeah, but then it said, completed. And I said, "Where the fuck did I send it?" - Oh, did you say the record? - Yeah, so I called my mom and I was like, "Did I just transfer that fucking money into your account?" And she was like, "What are you talking about?" And I was like, "Look." And she's like, "No." - I'm like, "Just give me a fucking..." - I literally have a podcast topic written down in my phone out of the, you know, the general ones. One of them just says Spencer versus Venmo, 'cause you seem to have a bunch of issues with all these fucking programs. - Fucking Spencer, let's talk about that from that. - Spencer versus the world, man. - Dude, it really is, honestly. Everyone's against me. It's fucking, except fillies. That's probably why I like them so much, because fillies never make me shit. - I'm so excited for it, Philly, tonight. - I'm doing a Philly, don't I? - Oh, yeah. - What's that? - And beer. - Yeah, I like beer. - Fillies and beer. - Sometimes beer. - Cheers, fillies and beer. - Cheers to fillies and beers. - Oh, you too. - I know. - We all need new drinks. - All right. But, yeah, fucking, I don't know if I ever... - I like it. - I don't know, I don't know. - Yeah, I can tell you that, sorry. - You want a natty? Is that what you want? - Yeah, 'cause they've been in there a while, so. - So, anyway, we're fucking-- - I think she forgot about 'em, so. - We're chilling at the palace. - This is not the current logo, is it? - That's not a natty daddy, that's just a natural idea. - It's been in there a while. - Okay, okay. - No, but-- - Who is this? - Alicia's. - Oh yeah. - Sorry Alicia's-- - I was like-- - I was like-- - I was like trying to think of her now. We were chilling at the palace one day, and I went to go send Eddie something on Venmo, and I just said, I think I said like-- - Oh yeah, that's right, 'cause that was a night that we went to your house when we were spooky shit. You can't swear on Venmo. - Yeah, I know, well I know that, because then it said like, incomplete. So then I'm thinking, I have the fucking money, so I get all pissed, and then I was like, oh wait, it says prompt, so I was just like, love you, and I was like, didn't? And I was like, fuck you Venmo, like, why can't I swear on Venmo? I just wanted to call him a little bitch, you know? - Yep. - No? - There's 20 bucks for being a little bitch. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - The letters, you know, make the, oh, the U is zero. - Oh yeah, well that's actually really funny though, because I would do that honestly all the time. I just send people like a dollar, and just go, fuck you. (laughing) So like it dings you're like, why did Spencer send me money and open it up, and you have to read it? - Dang it, you're a fraud alert, fuck you. - There's a lot of one in two dollars, like normally that's what fraud people do, like they try to see if it'll go through, and if it goes through, then they spend thousands of dollars. - Yeah. - And I'm over here just like, no that's just how I insult people, it's like paying them, so they can't get mad, they're like, well I give you a plug. - Well I'll give you it out. - Yeah. (laughing) - He's a good guy, you know what he means, well he's fine. - That's like the word. - Yeah, type C chord by chance. - Uh, maybe. - Hey, I tell you what, I think it's a time for a beer. Beer to eat. - Beer to eat. - Beer to eat. - Beer to eat. - Beer. - Beer. - I'd have a beer, but you better know, yeah. Beer of the week. (upbeat music) - I just want everybody to know that me and Eddie just got an argument given each other compliments. (laughing) - It's pretty cute, it kind of reminded me of Pitch Perfect Two, where she's like, you're so tall and your sweat smells like cinnamon, son of a bitch. (laughing) - Like, you said for fucking Jesus, no, you. - You're the genius, yeah. (laughing) - Well Jake was very kind and he brought the beer of the week with us. It is French toast bastard. - Get the founder. - From Founder's Brewery in Grand Rapids, Michigan. - Smell that. - It is an 11.1% 50 IBU scotch ale. - Ooh. - Boy. - Ooh, baby. - Cheers. - Cheers, boys. - Prost. - This is much needed after today. - My God, these in a super, super. - See, this pisses me off 'cause sometimes when we do basement bars, beers, and bags, when we get our own beers of the week, some of them are bad, but I've never had a bad beer from you or Dean. - I've served you bad beers. - But maybe expired beers, but not like bad tasting beers. - So I will say that this is five years old and the cinnamon has faded. - Yeah, the 2019, no longer in production, yeah. - And it feels like some has lost. So I will say that if I can find a fresher one, I'll bring a fresher one for us to try. - I like it. - I think it's fantastic. I think he'll like the fresher one there. Way more maple, way more cinnamon. - So what are you giving it? - Three five. - Three five. - Interesting. - Okay, so let's go five out of ten. - Out of five. - Yeah, all tapped. - Three five 'cause I normally would give it like a four, two five or a four five, but it's faded, you know? - Yeah, we do untapped here. - Well, I'm about to be faded drinking this. I give it a 4.5. - Really, he like that? - Yeah, that's good shit. - Yeah, I'm sticking with a four on that. I like that a lot. That's nice. - I'll lock it a lot. - Oh, and I can tag Jake too. - Hell yeah. - I don't know if that has anything to do with like how much I needed a beer today. I started thinking about beer at 10 o'clock this morning. Boy. - Good. - As you should. - As I should, but it wasn't a weekend. Like it was like work and someone just asked the wrong fucking question. And I was like, boy, oh boy. - I need a fucking beer, yeah. - The fact that I stayed in the facility today for lunch was crazy. I'm just kidding. - That is wild. (laughing) - Oh no. - Yup. - Did I just exit out of me? - Suck out my desk and almost cried. I was like, little beer. - Oh fuck. It refreshed. Good thing I screen shot it. - Fuck my pictures back. (laughing) - No, not that for beer. Terrific. - Hey, yo. - That's right, ladies and gentlemen. The basement bar beers in battle. We'll bring to you, beer trivia. - All right. Beer trivia. Okay. - It's like a Detroit basketball, isn't it? - Smoocz. - Upon the orders of Major William Horton, which one of the original 13 colonies gifted arriving settlers a welcome package consisting of 44 gallons of beer? - Massachusetts. - No. - Virginia. - Vermont. - No. - Rhode Island. - No. - Pennsylvania. - No. - North or South? - Georgia. (laughing) Drinking water was often contaminated and considered unsafe. So new settlement. - Flint. Oh shit, we already answered. - Oh shit. (laughing) I mean the Flint River in Georgia. Yeah. (laughing) The, yeah, welcome to Georgia. Here's your 44 gallons of beer. - What are we going boys? - I know, right? (laughing) - They still doing that, they still offer that? - Hell yeah. No, that's neat. - Yeah, that's really neat. - Yeah, I didn't want to say anything 'cause I don't really know my 13 colonies very well. - I'm just joking. - I didn't think Georgia was one of the 13. - Why had a boy? You went to Detroit, I went to Garber. Hell yeah. (laughing) - I didn't go to Detroit. - No, you didn't go to Detroit. I'm sorry. I don't know high school that you went to. But I do, I have seen videos of a high school and it's crazy. - Oh yeah? - Is it one of them like triple aid? - We have 3,300. - It's not Texas one. - It's not Texas one. We've got probably like a 500 graduating class, 2000 kids solo. - That's what I'm saying. - Still, that's wild. - Yeah, I graduated with like 98 kids. - Yeah. - Did you, 'cause we had 185 in my class. - Yeah, well, you got to like-- - Are you garbage? - I was at 183. - Yeah, 185. (laughing) - Yeah, Garber. - I'm not saying they let anybody graduate back then but just like, we're fucking stupid. So, they were like, well! - They did start requiring a lot more after I left. - Yeah, not only that, but like if you got pregnant, everybody kicked your ass out to central and, you know, if you like drugs, then you gave them to Garber. - Or Winona. - Yeah, oh yeah. - Yeah. - And then Western over there, you just used-- - Western was good. Western were good kids. - Glenn. - Everybody I know went to Western was-- - Fuck John Glenn, I'm gonna tell you why. Preppy. - Yeah, but a lot of, I mean, they have a great theater program. Their athletes are fucking wild. - Oh yeah, no, John Glenn's great. - Yeah, John Glenn is great. It was just when I was there, it was like, you know, like, you'd see the popular kids. - You were from the Garber expected. - Yeah, yeah, and, but I still like John Glenn. I don't have anybody for them. - Everybody used to call Garber Preppy. - Like, I know that's what Lisa says about Dean. - Yeah, we used to be Preppy, but then like, drugs went to Garber, baby mamas went to central, Preppy went to John Glenn, and then Western, you just like corn on the cob. - Were drugs that bad? Like, what are we talking? - Just marijuana and-- - That's everywhere now. - Slight cocaine. - That's everywhere now. - Well, it's everywhere now, but it wasn't back in the day. Mate, you know, you could get in a lot of trouble. We used to have drug dogs coming once a week. - Wow. - To Garber? - I think we had a drug dog. - Third drug. - Third drug. - Drug dogs around here? - You know what the dirtiest thing is though? Oh yeah, we-- - Oh, they tried to go after Kerberts because he had some like, keep like, shake and fucking-- - That's crazy. Well yeah, the craziest, the shittiest thing they did is, well, there was one time I got really scared, but it wasn't because of that, but-- - All right, again, I both look at each other before laughing, they didn't wanna find his dildo. - So I kind of knew the trade secret. They would say, they would put us in a lockdown, right? They'd put us in a lockdown, and I was like, oh shit, do we need to get under desks? And they'd go, no, you can stay seated. We're just in a lockdown, and I knew drug dog, right? So then, my junior year, when I literally needed to get the fuck to my locker and out to my car before anything reached my locker, I walked up to my teacher and I was like, listen, I'm gonna be honest with you, it's either you go and let me take a shit and I come right back, or I will literally shit in the middle of your classroom. And first of all, the kids aren't gonna like it and you're really not gonna like it. And Disher goes, get the fuck back. And I was like, okay, sorry, I went to my locker, went out to my car, went to my locker again, went to his class, and he goes, what took you so long? And I was like, I had, can you let a man shit? And he was like, fair enough, it wasn't a piss. And I was like, yeah, I had a boy, I had a boy. I continued reading Huck Finn. - Nice. - Yep. - We had a girl. - Saved by the clothes. - Saved by the clothes. - What's that? - We had a girl piss herself in the class one time. Yeah, that was real weird. Like right in the middle of the class, just sat there, just let it happen. And it just, and it started like- - Terrifying. - And everybody, everybody just ignored it 'cause like, you don't know what the fuck to say 'cause like you feel really bad. - Was this like a special needs individual or like? - No, I think she was pregnant, honestly. And like, that shit just happens. Like knowing now, you know, that shit just kind of happens. And so, like I feel bad now. Back then we were like, what the fuck? But now, you know. - But yeah, it's kind of weird. - It's juicy, pissed and glad. - Yeah, I know, right? Like yeah, yeah. But then, you know, think back now, we're like, oh fuck, I feel real bad for her. - I see, I thought you were in another way. I thought you were in a weed story in high school? - Nope. - We used to have kids that would roll J's in French class, in crayon papers. And then they smoked them during movie times in French class. - That's wild. - Wild. - Wild. - Yeah, you know them classrooms were huge 'cause if you would, I mean, you couldn't even fucking do a silent fucking fart in one of my classes. - Yeah, we had 24 kids. - 24 kids. - Really? - 'Cause that, yeah, we had about 20 kids. - They smoked in a classroom like that? Dog, light, that was awesome. - Dog, lights off TV on. Watchin' movie, you're sittin' in the way back the teacher came in and see you. - And you're just here though. - You know? - Exactly. - What? - Bam. - They're like, right above me. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - So when they, so dissection class, they did like rats? So when they, rats died before we killed 'em? - So when ate the rats' testicles. - Oh my God! - Two years above me. - Yeah, you may, you may went to a phone. - Was that a bet? - Hopefully it was about money. - It was about 100 bucks. - Oh, well that, alright. - Yeah, 'cause that motherfucker, yeah, I could see that, but if that motherfucker-- - Did he cook 'em first at least? - No, no, no, no. - Or like a Bunsen burner? - And they're like smaller than peanuts. - Like peanut halves, they just swallowed 'em. - Oh! - Oh! - Under bucks though? - That vending machine's gonna be yours. - I don't even like mushrooms. I'm not gonna eat fucking rat balls, like. - Swallow 'em, and you get that-- - Like when I order that Philly tonight, it's gonna be meat and cheese. - No mushrooms. - No fucking any, that didn't mean cheese. - Oh, I'm getting the work. - The blasphemous. - No, I'm gonna get the jalapeños. - Oh. - Jalapeños. - Can't fuck up a jalapeños. - Well, actually, that's actually, you can't fuck up a Philly, even if you add jalapeños, you couldn't fuck it up. You do be like in the spicy shit though. - I love spicy. - You do. - Me too. - You do. - I get my two stackers with my Diablo sauce for lunch. - Stackers are so good. - They're so fucking good. - Dude, have you tried the new chicken? - No. - It's so good. Highly recommended. - Oh good. - He can't have chicken. - I forgot. - Yeah. You guys are like polar opposites. - Yeah, I know. (laughing) - You know what's kind of funny though, this is a perfect transition, because we just went on an ADHD rant and we all got it. What do we do to combat it? - I literally procrastinate clean. Yeah, procrastination clean. So like when I know there's a big thing I need to do and I don't want to fucking do it, I end up like cleaning and doing other little shit and I stay productive, but it's not the thing I need to fucking do. Or if I have to wait, I fucking, I look like a character at a fucking selection menu. (laughing) - I got shit. - It's like I need to take dog juice in here. - I call the dance move. - Just in the back of my head, I'm hearing bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, - My thing was melee, fucking. - Yeah. - That's what I think of as fucking Mario do. - Dude, Haley was so good. - Oh, I'm an animal. Not even gonna lie. - Yeah, I'd school you. - Oh, yeah. (laughing) - Yeah. - He doesn't even fucking go dude. - I got a set fucking alarmer, alarms on my phone all the time to be like, remember to do this dumb shit. And then I found this girl on Instagram this morning who her whole Instagram is about helping people with ADHD and shit. And she like wrote out all these cool, not checklists, but worksheets. Like kindergarten fucking worksheets of like, you did a thing, here's your dopamine color in the fucking bubble or color in this frog or like this thing or like write this shit down. And it's, so I printed them off at work and I started doing it today. And part of it was, remember to drink water. And like, do you drink your glass of water? Did you have a snack? And I was like, fuck yeah. And I bubbled that shit in. I was like, yeah. (laughing) - That's awesome. - I literally went back to fucking kindergarten and I was so productive today. And like, I cannot understand. - I want some of them work. - Dude, it's wild. Yeah, I'll send it to you. They're fucking wild. Yeah, it was really, really cool. But yeah, that's, yeah, that's it. - That's what you do? - Or, you know, you start a podcast and you're like. - Yeah. (laughing) - And then it comes back and you're like, hey, this, but that, you know? - But that, yeah. You write three things down and you're like, why the fuck do we go for an hour and a half off of three fucking things? - My thing is doing like an hour to complete a five minute task. I suck at it, you know? Like, I always get distracted. So if I'm really trying to focus and someone, it's always someone talking to me, right? I'll stop and have a conversation. 'Cause I don't want to be rude. But then I just cut that out. So like, when I'm really trying to focus, I don't stop moving. So someone could be like, hey, like, I did it at Munga this past week and I was going to get the money and I either had to get the money now or we had to wait. And I was like, no, I'm not fucking shit right now, you know? So I was walking and I had four people that I knew really well that I really wanted to say hi to. Say hi and like reach out and grab me. And I was like, oh my gosh. You know, like ripped them off, why I kept walking? I was like, so nice to see you. I'll be back. Never seen them again. But at least I made it to the green. I made it to the money, you know? So, but you just keep walking. You gotta do the task, you know? My big thing is giving myself a goal. So if I have a list, I gotta do five things today. Okay, after work, I'm like, okay, four to five, I'm gonna take care of X task and then I'm gonna reward myself. I can play my game for half an hour. Then I go do the next one. So reward. - Yeah, there you go. Rewards are a good one, yeah? - I like that, yeah. My worst thing is object permanence. If it's not right in front of my fucking face, it does not exist. It's gone. - And it's so bad. Like I have to, I keep the notes. Like I have the notepad app on my phone, where I have to write it to do, which is like shit that I need to do later, whatever, write it down, or I keep a physical notepad. But the best thing I saw today was the refrigerator. And they were like, take all your condiments out of the fucking door and put them in the drawers where the vegetables go. Then put the fucking vegetables in like the shit, you know, that you never eat and you end up throwing away in your fucking door. And I was like, 'cause I'm gonna need the condiments. I'm gonna search for those. But all the other shit that ends up going bad in my fridge, if you put it in the door, you see it every fucking time and you're like, oh fuck yeah, I need to eat these. I was like, oh, I'm absolutely doing that this week. I'm fucking rearranging my fridge to that. - That's cool. - 'Cause that's so bad. - 'Cause that's so bad. - That's gonna be weird though when I come over and I'm gonna look up in the main thing. - There's some blood that's in the fridge. - Yeah. - I just be like, yeah, what are these carrots though? - I'm gonna eat your butter tray. - Yeah, and you're like, oh fuck yeah, I grabbed some of those 13. - Whoa, when you open it, watch out. - I would eat so much better if I had the shit in front of me, you know, 'cause you never think about her. You put stuff in the back. And on one of those worksheets where she's talking about groceries and stuff, you're like, here's your grocery, whatever. There's a section that says, do not buy. And she's like, write the shit in there. Otherwise, this is how you end up with three half eaten things of bagels or like 13 cans of beans because you keep thinking, fuck, do I have beans? I don't know if I have a bit. No, write it in the do not buy. You have fucking beans. Because it may not be what you're looking at, but you know when you're walking around the grocery store, you're like, oh fuck, I need that. No, you don't bitch, it's in do not buy. Yeah, and I was like, genius. - Yeah, that's really smart. I was actually really sad. I went to a restaurant not too long ago. We know it, Jake doesn't know it yet, but he ought to. I went to Pintown the other day and I got me a wrap in fries and then I know they have this thing called a sriracha bourbon. - Oh, that sounds fire. - Oh my God, it's one of the best sauces ever. The dip of fry in is unreal. - Sriracha bourbon. - Sriracha bourbon, so it looks like barbecue sauce, but it's a bourbon sriracha. - That sounds like the most amazing thing. - Yeah, and I talked now two waitresses and do giving me a like a jar cup of it. Like it's like a styrofoam, like take home. - Yeah. - Kids cup full of that shit and they're both sitting in the back of my fridge bad. - And I'm like, it's not on the page. - It's me, 'cause there's so many things like potatoes. - Every meal, just bring it out. - Every now, it's like, it's basically-- - Stop listing stuff, every meal. - It's basically the same as like Chick-fil-A sauce. You know, I could eat that with damn near everything. - Cane sauce. - Or cane sauce, it's just like that. That shit is so good. And I know like, it's not like I can rely on Robin 'cause she doesn't like it, it's too spicy. This shit's so fucking good. - Pepper spicy. - Next time we go, because next time it is-- - I know. - Next time we go, we're getting that sriracha bourbon. You're gonna-- - Hell here is it. - Pin down, just pin down. - You have, you have not lived until you went to Pin down. You would love it, that's a gray bar. It's not like, it's not like party. - RIPL's. - It's yeah, it's actually, but it's-- - Oh, do they come to their senses? - It's a good, it's a good place to be. I don't know, it's just fun. You can go there and you can drink. - Good vibes. - You can get hammered there and not even think you're hammered until you step behind the wheel and shit. - Low note, baby. - Yeah, basically, but the low note was like, yeah, we're doing shots all the time. This, you just drink it and then a shock gets put in front of you and it's like, where did this come from? Doesn't matter, drink it. You're like, facts. - Now, can I shout her out? We have no affiliation to this, but I'm gonna put her stuff in the description of the show and all that because she's doing the Lord's word. This is Kristen West of The Centered Life. So, find out on Instagram, The Centered Life and the link will be in the show notes and everything because holy fuck, like all her shit is stuff I'd never heard before and is already helping me and I know there's a bunch of people like me, so definitely check her out. - Hell yeah, is that the ADHD girl? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good stuff. - Kristen West. Good for you. - Yeah, The Centered Life. - Oh yeah, The Centered Life. Check her out on Instagram. - Hey dad, can I get one more thing for my birthday? - Uh oh, sure, why not? - One of the canned responses. Oh yeah, my son's birthday's coming up next week and then my birthday's the week after. So, I asked him, I was like, what do you want for your birthday? He's like, could I get a Game Boy advanced and Pokemon cards? I was like, fuck yeah, you can. - Hell yeah, you can. - This kid is growing up so good. - It's, it's, it's. - Game Boy advanced? - Yeah, 'cause he wants to play his Pokemon games, his old school game. - No, no, I know, I'm so with it. I love it. What kid wants a Game Boy advanced nowadays, right? - Yeah, that's why I'm saying. - Game Boy advanced was my console. - That's what I'm saying, dude. - They love hours and days. I'm just sunk into it. - We got to dig out in the barrel 'cause I have a bunch of Game Boy advanced games. - Oh shit. - And he needs crash. - That'd be great. - He needs crash. - Oh yeah. - I ran through that game so many times. - Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, baby. - Yeah. - Dude Tony from Cross Faded is a huge Yu-Gi-Oh fan. - Oh, I have three books of Yu-Gi-Oh cards out there. - No shit. - Yeah, Yu-Gi-Oh. - Tony, it might buy those from you. - All right, I could, I could use a new drum kit. Why not? (laughing) Oh man. - The fucking Dollar General across the road from my house. - The one that just popped up randomly. - Yeah, it sells Yu-Gi-Oh cards. - That's fucking awesome. - That's like what? They've got whole Pokemon, Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh. I was like, Dollar General, fuck. This place, fuck. - I used to, I know shit, dude. That's why they pop up. - Do you love J-POP you on guards? - I get clothes, silverware, my groceries, and fucking Pokemon cards. Hell, I can get a Bluetooth headset. Dude, Dollar General's taking over the world. - It really is. Do they pop up anyway? I love the one on Bay Road though. That's my favorite one. You don't wanna know why. - Why is that? - So fucking off center from the road. You got the road comin' like this, right? And this thing's like, if it, the storefront should be on the road like this. - Oh yeah, like what? - And it's like this. (laughing) - It's so off-fucking- - You do decide. - It is, it is. - I love the Dollar General. We used to pass on the way to Chesening. That was just in the middle of fucking nowhere. - Right, I pass that every fucking day and there's always somebody getting out of their car. It's never going in their car. It's always getting out of their car and it doesn't matter if it's fucking 7.30, 7.15, 7 o'clock, it doesn't fucking matter, or if it's five o'clock comin' home. That place is fucking packed. They're doin' well. And they're in the middle of BFE. Like yeah, it's just cornfield, cornfield, Dollar General, tree. - Yeah, yeah, tree is yup. And then you get that really creepy gas station where you know if Dollar General posted up a fucking gas pump, that place is packed. - Oh yeah, yeah. - 'Cause no one wants to go to fucking good times pizza, dude, fuck that place. - It's not even great time. Why wouldn't it be, why would you not name it? - Yeah, you're just having a good time pizza. - Yeah. - It's where, where Mediocre excels. - Yeah, dude, swear to God. That play, it doesn't have a single window. It's all just like, so what they did was like-- - It's like a Jehovah's Witness temple. - They plywood every window, but they at least like painted it the same colors as the siding. So it's like, oh, they just don't have windows. Swear to God, swear to God. It's like, oh, that one was shot. Like they'll tell you when it was shot out, you know? (laughing) No, but there's a dude, it's kind of funny. I don't know, maybe we'll cut this out later. - Hey pal, yeah, use, yay. I see you lookin' at that sports illustrated for a little bit more than the swimsuits. If you do really like sports, I highly suggest checkin' out Cross Faded Sports on the 99 Network. These boys are out there spittin' all the facts about all the sports. So if you like sports and anything beyond that, and you like drinkin' and a little bit of that thing, then yeah, I highly suggest Cross Faded Sports on the 99 Network. - All right, thank you. Yeah, but that story that I just told, yeah. - Yeah, can't say that on YouTube. I said, can we go watch Deadpool 3 and have a guy's day? - Oh, hell yeah! - Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. - Wait a minute, I wasn't saw Deadpool 2 with you guys. I ought to be invited. - Well yeah, it's a guy's day. - All right. - Why not? - I know Tiffany wants to see it too. - Say, say, Uncle Spencer wants to come too, Kenny. - Yay, love you. Aw, I love you too, buddy. Uncle, fuck. - Uncle Spencer wants to come too, can he? I am that old man who speaks into my phone. - You are, he ought to wear his glasses. - Did that at work the other day? And one of the guys started making fun of me hardcore. I was like, do you see the grays in my beard? I yell at my phone. - Yeah, that's fucking awesome. So me and Jake have something really exciting. We're about to go do this weekend. - Oh shit, what's that? - Well, Jake is no longer gonna be a single man. Unfortunate. - Womp, womp. - No, I'm just kidding. (laughs) So, we're throwing them a bachelor party. - Yay! - But for some crazy fuck reason, this is his second one. So, (laughs) - Let's go. - Wait, what? - I liked the party. - I liked the party. - Second bachelor party with a different girl. - No, no. - Second Jack, second Jack was a party. - I was like, did one of them, no. - No, no, no, so well? - No, second bachelor party, same wife. - Oh, okay. - But this one he has to do with the girls too. So we're doing a combined bachelor bachelorette. Staying in different houses though, because that man's house is about to be lit as fuck. - Lit, that's full. - Yeah, they're gonna be like ready for breakfast and be like, fuck, we haven't stopped yet. - Where are you going up north or something? - Traversy. - Oh, hell yeah, there you go. Gotta go to the coin slot arcade. - You gotta, you oughta write this down. - Gotta go right brain, right brain. - Love, right brain. - Yeah, we're goin' to right brain. - North Peak. - Yeah, North Peak. - North Peak. - North Peak for lunch. - Do you like disc golfin'? - Nah. - Just 20 minutes outside, like Northwest is Miles Kimberly. There's a little town and one of the most beautiful disc golf courses I've ever played, nice, so nice. - I might throw the fish around in the back, I don't know why, but-- - Oh shit, you see what he said? - Absolutely, fuck yeah, sick. - Hell yeah. - Good shit. - Wait, I wanna see Deadpool 3. (laughing) - Well, I'll figure out what day we're goin', if you're goin'. - Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. - Hang on. - When's his birthday? - I know, right, I got a math here. This is gonna be, what fuck is today? Oh, it's gonna be this weekend. - Ohhh. - Uncle Smith-- - Gonna hit him with a never mind he can't. (laughing) - Can Uncle-- - Can Uncle Craig, Uncle Craig lives in Jacksonville, Florida now, buddy. If he can't. (laughing) - No, man, I tell you what, yeah, we're gonna go do a batch party and we're gonna get totally fucked up. I was cheesing him the other day, I was telling Dennis about how we have to take him to a batch party and I was like, yeah, we just gotta bring one beer for this fuck. - For me? - Yeah, but then-- - Oh, wait, what though? - No, but he needs two beers, the first and the last. - Yeah, that's true, but he was so twisted at Munger, he came up, he was like 15 yards away, and he goes-- - Stop! - You fucking talking about me? I was like, yeah. He's like, fuck you, I was like, whoa. (laughing) - That's my story tonight. - No, it's not, you have much other things you did that night and I'm gonna add onto your fucking stories what I'm gonna do. 'Cause I guarantee you black out at some point. - I don't think I blacked out. - You don't think you blacked out? - I might green die, I didn't black out. - Oh, well, that's fair enough. Little bit of both. A lot of bit of one, a little bit of the other. - No, it was a lot of bit of both, I'm not gonna lie to you guys. - I didn't see how many beers are going out. - What, this weekend? With the Munger? - Yeah, oh shit. - Yeah, what's, what's, is it about that time, or is it? - Oh, yeah, Philly cheese steak, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang. (laughing) - Last call for alcohol. - Oh. (cheerful music) ♪ This is the last call for alcohol this evening ♪ ♪ Drink up, drink up, drink up ♪ ♪ And order again ♪ ♪ This is the last call for alcohol ♪ ♪ For alcohol ♪ - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - We gotta harmonize one day on that. - Let's go, let's go, let's go. - Fuck, wait, wait, wait, you've got Friday. - Jake has Saturday, Eddie. - And then you have S-A. - And then you have S-A. - To you what? - D-A-Y. - Night. (laughing) - Oh no, I'm gonna go Sunday. - Oh shit. - I'll do Sunday. - All right, Jake, you're first then with, oh no, I am. Fuck me, I'm Friday. - Yeah. - Friday, I don't know if you're that monger. - Friday, he bailed on my bitch ass. - Me? - Yeah. - I went to Munger. - I know you're girlfriend, so you're supposed to come to the campground with me. - I was never supposed to, I said I was. I told her early in the week that I was gonna be, what did I say, what did I say? I told her-- - Are you about your friendship each $5? - No, I was, I was, oh, this is what I said. I was like Friday, Saturday, I'm non-existent. And she was like, what does that even mean? I was like, got a big guy, got a-- - I'll be out playing it. - Yeah, and I told her I was gonna go out to Munger Friday and she didn't want to go, she don't like to be her tent, that's understandable. So I came here and I picked up Raj. This man was fucking ready to go. He comes out, lights up to smoke, he goes. What's the plan? I said, we gotta pick up Dennis, he goes, fuck yeah. Let me suck this down, we'll get on it. - He's like, here come the mummies, I'm coming with my pants, why not sure? - He's like, he's like, let me suck this down. You go talk to my, your mom, I was like, fair enough. So I went talk to mom and she looked at me and she goes, 'cause we got tanked on Thursday at her little get-together. By the way-- - Oh, you were tanked. - On Thursday, dude, I was fucking gone. And that was three hours before I left, dude. All right, so, yeah, I was fucking tanked. So then she asked me, she was like, are you getting tanked tonight? And I've never heard that phrase on my mom's mom. I'd never even fucking heard that. That's why I'm using it so much. But I was cooked. Anyway, I was like, no, we'll be all right, we'll be fine. And we go and pick up Dennis afterwards, right? Raj's hype, he gets in the truck. Dennis comes out with dad's favorite beer in hand. - Oh shit, he had a course? - He had three of them, nope, he had oatmeal light. - Oh, that's right. - The old stuff, right? - Yeah, I forget, yeah. - He likes the worst sponsors, so he hates it. - Oh, I don't like it. Raj does, though. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So he gets-- - But old Milwaukee light is his absolute, yeah. - Yeah, that is Raj's top fucking beer. So, I don't even know, like, I can't remember the last time Jack sold it, but he still had it from then. But it was fucking ice cold, I'm like, what the fuck? So he gets in the truck and he's like, "Roger, here's a roadie." And Raj looks, and he goes, (gasps) And he turns back to me, he's like, I love you so much. And I was like, oh, I was like, oh. And Dennis sets it in my couple, then he goes, "And here's your roadie." And then I said back, I was like, thanks, Dennis, not here. And here's mine. And fucking just down the-- (laughs) I was like, out of boy, finishes it, picks up another one, cracks it, we go, right? I'm like, all right. Munger is straight back roads from where Dennis lives. It's just like, shoot out there, pull in the parking, right? 'Cause we parked out in the grass. So we get there and we're not finished with a beer, so we step out and we start doing a thing, and I don't let pop smoke in my truck. So he stepped out, we had a smoke, and we were chilling, and then we headed straight to the beer tent. We just wanted to get it done and over with pay for your wristband, you know, whatever. We walk in, and it's Jessica, our cousin. So we're like, hey! And we're like, who's this? There's always two people working in the booth, and she was like, oh, this is Jessica. Me and my dad look at each other and Raj goes, look. Jess, you and I both know I'm blind, but I do not see double. I fucking died, dude, I started laughing so fucking hard. We should've got our wristbands for free, but we didn't, we had to pay for them. So I bought dads, Dennis bought his, and we had a beer, we went out and checked the, I think it was, no, not the cold cut trio they played before us, they were awesome, but so many else out at the thing, and they had more lefties in the band than the righty. The drummer was the lefty, the guitarist was the lefty, and then the bassist was the righty. We were like, wow, what the fuck? They were playing us on stage. - Yeah, pretty cool. - We watched that, we smashed two beers real quick, made Raj chug his. - What time is this? - This is 6.30. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, then we went to Shannon's and had a couple, 'cause Dalton was walking and, or-- - Dalton was there? - Yeah, Dalton was working, he's a lead bartender there. - Oh shit, yeah, yeah, yeah. So we got, you know, all little buzz on, then we went back to the beer tent, and Dennis used to pull your term out of the book, and he was like, I'm about to get proper hammered boys, let's go! And Raj is like, I'm joining in, I was like, fuck it, I gotta drive, but not for another six hours, so let's go! So I walked over there, we all get like three beers, and we're carrying 'em, and Zach was there. - Okay. - So I was like, Zach, can I get nine bush lights? And he goes, yeah, two tickets, I'm like, all right. (laughing) So I'll do two tickets, and there he brought us nine bush lights. By the way, each bush light there was two tickets. - Two tickets. - Yeah, I eat, so I-- - That's what I meant. Zach hooked it up. - Yeah, yeah. - So I paid two tickets for nine beers, and we went up to the stage, and we were just getting ready for this band, you know? And then we're good, and then the family tradition came on, and they were fucking awesome. - They're awesome. - So then John, or John, Kira, John, Kira, and Kira's brother Brandon, who you know. - Yeah, yeah. - They all showed up. - They pulled up, because they came from the Derby, and then Mason and Libby pulled up, and we were like, oh shit, like, what is going on here? - Yeah, and me and Dennis and Roger already tanked, right? And Roger comes up, and I know where he's like, all right, motherfuckers, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna hit the dance floor, we're gonna hit it tough. And then he just dips, and we just ran to the dance floor. We were dancing non-stop all night. You know how Brandon is on a dance floor? That guy's an animal. Best dancer on this side of the Mississippi. So we're getting after it or whatever. And then the intermission comes on, they step off for like 15, 20 minutes, and they're playing like crazy music, 'cause the dance floor is hopping, right? And it was the song, "Everybody's Hands Go Up." - Oh yeah, and they say that. - And so we're dancing to that. And two women had walked behind me, right? And the first one was walking, and she was having a good time. I was like, oh, don't let me get in your way, 'cause I was frozen, 'cause the hands were up, bro. And she started laughing, right? Her friend behind it didn't think it was that funny. So I put him down, and she came around here, she was walking back this way. As soon as she was here, she smacked my beer, right? - Oh, shit. - Clean out of my hand, right into Brandon's chest. - Oh no. - So Brandon clutches it. - Oh, he caught it? - Little bit of spillage, but not much. Held it up, gave it to me, and I was like, what the fuck, bitch, blah, blah, blah. And Brandon goes, hey, it's cool, it's cool, it's cool. I'ma go smack her. So I grabbed my beer, and he started going, and I was like, Brandon, no, no, no, no, no. Let me do this. So we're arguing about who wants to smack this bitch, right? I turn around, and then there's Dennis right in my face going, no, brother, no, brother. Let me do it. John's like, boys, we cannot talk about smacking women. It's not okay. So he was like, speaks, go find your dad, man. We haven't seen Roger in like fucking two hours. I was like, oh yeah, you probably right. - Roger's crying, like I can't fucking see your body. - Yeah, yeah, so I go, I'm fine. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But anyway, the night went crazy. Roger ended up getting really cold. We went back to Shannon's, because Dennis was, I didn't know he was this trash, but we went back to Shannon's. He got a beer, didn't pay for it, but Dalton was working. He didn't pay for it, just got a beer, took one sip, and there was a table trying to start shit with everybody, and at Munger, you just don't like to see it. - Yeah, you hate that. - Yeah, everyone's nice there. So Dennis looked at me and he's like, "Should we do something?" I was like, absolutely not. Like we're both not okay. I was fine, 'cause I had to drive, but I was like-- - I think he'd be like, absolutely. - Yeah, no, if I was in the right mind, you know I would, but I was like, "No, Dennis, we're all right." He took one sip of his beer, looked to this couple, and they were like looking at him all nice and stuff like that, and he goes, "Aww, set his beer down full as fuck." Didn't even clear the neck of the bottle, and he was like, "I'm ready when you guys are." And I was like, "What the fuck?" So it took him home. Long story short, he left his phone in my car. I didn't wake up until like 1.30. I had to get here and packed in the trailer by two o'clock. I didn't wake up until 1.30. Yeah, we were done in rings. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's why in the morning, we were all just like, "Boys, I don't know how we did it." And John goes, "We didn't, we fucked up, "but we gotta play later." Yeah, but Munga was a great time. That was my Friday, so leading in to Friday, I ended up playing Saturday in Jake was there. What do you got? - Yeah, so me and the-- - Yes, well-- - Fiancé over there, and her sister, which is Spencer's boyfriend, girlfriend. There we go. (laughing) - What? - Oh, whoopee, what? Scratch. (laughing) And so the three of us went down there to go see Spencer's concert there, and we get there and I buy some tickets for some drinks. It's a good old time. Everything's flowing, not too many people are there yet. Go say, "Hi, Eddie and Raj." And then, man, from there, it just kinda went downhill. Not like in a bad way, but the beers just were flowing. - Oh, yeah. - I just, I had a buddy at the beer stand, and man, he was just loading him up, and then I started pulling out my little pen there, my little penjament for the good stuff. - My little penjament? - And then I got really, really crossed, and I was trying to talk to Smeeks, and I was yelling at him, then me and Reagan, small Smeeks is a vape, and then we were absolutely trashed. And so, it was a good time. I remember getting home, I don't remember much, but hell, let me tell you, I drew so-- - I know you smashed some Taco Bell. - So... - No. - Do Robin did a Taco Bell for me? - Mm-hmm. - Then I would black down. (laughing) I don't remember Taco Bell, period. - Yeah, all I'm saying is Robin hit Taco Bell and said that you guys smashed it, too, so. - Good, Robin's a good one. - Yeah, she is good one. - I can't believe she both were the asses, we were so annoying. (laughing) Good. - I thoroughly enjoyed Reagan. I was telling her some crazy shit. - I know, I haven't seen her a long time. - Yeah, she was-- - Reagan got rocked. - Yeah, it was-- - Oh, good. - She is such a blast when she gets drinkin' like that. - It's like once every three, four months, man. It's like, it's a little tough. - 'Cause normally, if I'm drunk and I tell her a story, she's just like, "Yeah." But when I told her a story, she was laughin' her ass off and I was like, "Wow, she is fuckin' gone," right? (laughing) I was like, "I love this right now." (laughing) - She drank you funny? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, actually, yeah. It's kind of crazy. - I like it. - You know? - Yeah, she really did, you know? She drank so much that she actually thought I was a fuckin' joke. (laughing) It's not hard to do. (laughing) - No, that's awesome, though. No, he was twisted. It was funny. It was a good time. - I talked to so many people, and I don't know any of them are, other than like, "Dance, John." - Yeah, Mason, you got to be Mason, yeah. I know Mason was like, "Jakes a solid fuckin' dude." I was like, "What did you talk to him?" I was like, "What the fuck?" - I remember it's really talking to him. (laughing) - He was like, "He's a five solid fuckin' dude." - Yeah. - Yeah, 'cause Dennis was like, "I like Jake." That was funny, 'cause they shook hands, and I was like, "Give him a hug." And Dennis was like, "Fuck it, come here." I was like, "All right!" - Yeah, you know how Dennis is. He's like, "He's gonna do whatever I tell him." He's like, "No, I'm just kidding." Just kidding. Love you, Dennis. - Dennis your boy? - Little 5150, little fuckin' new aunt boy. Little fuckin' expensive ass aunt boy. - Yeah, that bitch is loud, though. - Yeah, that's nice, dude. - That's nice, dude. - It sounds real nice. Hell yeah. - Well, Sunday Fundays. - Oh, yeah, Sunday. - Sunday Fundays. So this is not at Munger. This is old. I'm gonna take you back a decade or more. Where we used to have Sunday Fundays at Bay City Bills. - Oh. - So the Cracker Barrel crew, when I worked at Cracker Barrel, would go to Bay City Bills on Sundays. - Okay. - And we had Sunday Fundays. - Saturday. - It would be wild. Paul was always barreting him, and we're having a good fuckin' time. And, you know, I remember Lauren getting up dancing on the bar a few times and stuff. We'd be playing darts and everything. And there's one night, we shut down the bar, and we'd go home, and we were like, "Fuck, man, I don't wanna go home." I called Paul back up, and I was like, "Hey, man, "why do we have to close the bar?" I was like, "Can we please stay?" And he's like, "No, man, "I'm literally about to walk out the door." Everything shut down. I was like, "I will give you $50." And he's like, "All right, come on back." (laughing) There you go. - That's awesome. - And so he turned the fryer back on, made some modsticks and shit. We ended up playing darts until 4.30 in the morning. - Oh, that's awesome. Did he play with you? - Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We got blasted. It was so much fun. Just fuckin' shut the shades, keep the lights down, though. - Yep, yep. - Yeah, 'cause if cops pull up, that ruins the whole thing. - Oh, yeah. - It does, 'cause they can enforce after two. - Yeah, yeah, they can shut your shit down. So as long as you just, if the cops ever come, all the customers get in the back and the worker just says, "Hey, man, I'm still cleaning." It was a fuckin' wild night. - Yeah, it was at 13 years ago. Holy shit. - Wow. - Damn. - Yep. - See, I wish. I haven't, like, if I lived in Chesting, I'd have everybody on lock. I'm not gonna lie. I'd be able to stay at that bar till 4 o'clock in the morning. I made, I made-- - And that's a bowling alley. That'd be bonkers. - Me and Dennis so much fun. Me and Dennis made a bartender close the bar down at nine. So she and her coworker, Ben, could come to the bar with us. And they were, they're, like, married. And we made them come to the bar with us, like, another bar, 'cause we were like, "Who's here?" And they were like, "Well, this person and this person, which you know these people, but I'm not gonna say I'm on air." - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - They were like, "Well, they're coming back. They always come at, like, 10, and they stay till midnight." And I was like, "Yeah, but if you shut it down at, like, 9.30, they'll just think you're closed." And they were like, "All right, well, you and Dennis helped me clean up." So we're like, "Fuck it, yeah." And they did that, and then we went and played darts and stuff, and he'll fucklins. - Nice. - He'll make fucks. - Oh, yeah. - Make fucklins is fun too. Make fartlins, I apologize. That's a good place. - It is a real good place. - Yeah, I do enjoy it. - It's a lot of fun. - Yeah, it is. - Well, good. - Fuckin' ain't right, dude. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Keepin' open a bar. I wish. - Love it. - It's not nowadays, people could offend it. (laughing) - Well shit, talkin' about offending people. I feel bad. I wanna give some shout outs. - Okay. - Shout out to fuckin' Brussels, who's still staying with it, and it's actually like one of cross-fated sports largest listeners is fuckin' Brussels. - Hell yeah, they outta start talkin' about soccer more. - Right, yeah. Food to ball. - Yeah. - Yeah, the other food to ball. - Yeah, shout out to Brussels, Germany. We've been gettin' a lot of German donka, minofroins, absolutely. And yeah, thank you guys so much. Thank you, Jake, for comin' on out, of course. - Yes, thank you. - Part two, there ought to be another one. - Yeah. - 'Cause you gotta follow up. - You gotta have a trilogy. - The Obino Dino. - Yeah, whatever you want. - Yeah, really. - Hell yeah. - You want to run down? - You know all the books? - I don't know. We didn't, we talked about it, but he never responded. - Oh, he never has the date with you. - I texted him, and he hasn't responded, so. - Look at the old thinkie out here. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. But thank you so much to Ideal Party Store on Salzburg and Johnson there, to I want that kettle corn. Small town builders, absolutely. Everybody, thank you so much. And as Ernest Hemingway said, oh, go ahead. - Well, another one, another one we got. Hayden Cobbly Drywall. - Hayden Cobbly Drywall. - Yeah, proud sponsor of basement bars, bees and bad ones. - Yeah, absolutely, yeah. Well, as Ernest Hemingway said, always do sober. What she has said, you do drop. Cheers. - Cheers. 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