The Church Answers Podcast

“The Day the Church Died" The Pains and Pleasures of Writing a Fictional Book - An Interview with Kevin Mills

Thom and Jess welcome Kevin Mills, author of “The Day the Church Died.” In this episode, they discuss the differences in writing a fiction book versus a nonfiction book.

Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
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Welcome to the Church Answers podcast presented by Chaney & Associates. Chaney & Associates are the accounting firm for the church. Now get ready for fast-paced insights on key issues affecting the local church today. We release three episodes each week, so make sure you've seen or heard them all. And now, here is the CEO of Church Answers, Tom Rayner. This has been a three-part series with Kevin Meals, the author of the book, The Day the Church Died, a fictional account that has a lot of truth in it, a fascinating book, a book that I read before is published and just said, "Man, this is going to be a good one." And we're delighted to interview him because he knows a lot about the church. He's been a faithful pastor, a faithful missionary. He knows this world and we want to hear from him, but we really want to hear about this book as well. We're about to, if you did not listen or view to the previous episodes, the episodes are 211, 212, and this one is 213. So I was referring to them in a previous episode, it was 123. No, 211, 212 and 213 are the episodes for the whole series dealing with The Day the Church died. As always, we thank Chaney & Associates, the accounting firm for the church, the accounting firm for over 1,100 churches, the accounting firm, that is always putting all of their data in the cloud, they never lose anything. And every time I recommend someone from a church, to have their church, use Chaney for bookkeeping and accounting services, they come back and say, "Thank you." They don't talk about cost at all, they just say, "This has been one of the most beneficial things we have done." So look at the show notes for Chaney & Associates and go to my friends there and particularly Steve Chaney, the CEO and founder of The Company. Well, Kevin, we're to the third episode here and I thought the audience would enjoy hearing from you on writing a fiction book. We've had Jess on to talk about just the whole idea of publishing, particularly his company, Craft Publishing. And if you want to go to Craft Publishing, you can see that in the notes as well. His company continues to grow. Kevin was actually one of his earlier customers and made some recommendations that became customers of Jess as well. But instead of talking about Jess and Craft Publishing, you can go to the notes and find that out. I want to find out about writing a fiction book. You've written nonfiction, but now this one. Let's start off with what made you decide to write it as a fiction book. Yeah, I'm not sure that I decided to write it. I did not sit down and say I'd like to write a fictional book. What should it be about? It was dealing with a topic and then trying to figure out how to best describe the trends and everything that's happening that eventually almost stumbled into writing a fictional book. The reason was I wanted to really paint a picture that would help people see what is going on. In an earlier episode, I told you that I was in Guatemala last week. So if I tell you that 50% of the children in Guatemala are starving, that stat may just wash over you. But if I tell you about a little boy and going into his house and dirt floors and no electricity, you began to feel compassion for this little boy. And so the story format was to really get people to feel where we're headed as a church and as a culture and hopefully I was able to achieve that. So the fictional format happened almost by accident. I'm going to piggyback on a shameless promotion Kevin, of course I'm not beyond shameless promotions at any time. We're releasing this series of podcasts on August 8. So, you know, if this is August 8 and you're listening to it, this is brand new. Well, in relation to August 8, five days earlier, I released my first fiction book. And I don't know how it's going to do, but it's called, where have all the church members gone. And it is a fictional book in the in the writing style of Patrick Lynchione if you've ever read his. And the reason I wrote a story is not that different than yours, but I wanted pastors to be able to put something in the hands of church members, where they could understand principles and things that are going on that church leaders and I read from a statistical or research or major principal point of view. And so I told the story of a church in Roseville, North Carolina, Roseville is real, but this church is not. And I told that story and it's a very similar reason. So you've got the day the church that I've got a similar uplifting title, where have all the church members gone. And both of us has have contributed to the dull drums of church leaders today. So thank you for doing that, Kevin, and Sam. Don't be thoroughly depressed by the time it's over. Yes, I'll turn Sam is my co host on the other podcast and so I accidentally called just Sam. So I don't think you've been insulted by your big brother's name but now that it's like. Yeah, I guess I would be too, because you are the favorite Rainer of most of the favorite Rainer male anyway, most people. I mean, art would have been a little better, but yeah, the fact you call me Sam that that hurts a little bit more, but I have not written a fiction book. So I'm, I'm the one coming from the mindset of if I'm here in this podcast and thinking, what would that be like? I have had the chance to write nonfiction. But the idea of like, how would I even begin like, and obviously you said Kevin, you stumbled upon this, but having wrote fiction and nonfiction. Is there are there any fundamental differences, obviously, besides the fact one's fiction one's on fiction, but in terms of writing and prep and, you know, looking at the overall picture. What are the major differences you would say more the writing process that took place for this book compared to other books. Yes, so normally I would say the difference is the two major differences writing fiction and nonfiction is that the, the work on nonfiction is in the research and making sure that you're getting the information correctly. You have to communicate it you have to craft it in a way that's easy to understand, but you're, you're, you're the majority of your work is on the informational side and a fiction book normally, the majority of the work is on the creative side and so you're having to create this. The story this world you're having to create these scenarios and so that's where the majority of the work comes. You guys have, have read this book, and you know, in this particular book. I had both of those happening and so I felt like I really had the, the, the labor from both of those happening in this particular book. Yeah, okay, that's good yeah to think about all the information that I typically write you know when I'm writing in a nonfiction way but trying to put that in with the creative story that that's, that would be a lot of work but also that that have to be a lot of fun. So if you could give me advice, say, say I wanted to write a fiction book I wanted to do what you've done. And I'm thinking if there's listeners out there they're probably in the same position I am. What would be the vice like how would you even begin the process like what would be some key elements that you'd give me to say just if you're going to start writing a fictional book. Here's a few things that you need to take consideration to. I would say number one, ask your question yourself the question why do you want to write the book. And if the answer to that question is to make loads of money. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that. 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I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that. more thriving small groups now because of what you wrote. - Well, and just to let you all know, we're talking about two books. So we're talking about his fictional book, The Day the Church Dad. We're talking about his nonfiction book on leading small groups, which is kind of a PS on here, but you need to hear it because he's been very effective in the nonfiction area. I have no doubt that this great new entree is going to be well received too. Kevin, I know that you're on the road. You're somewhere in Alabama. Your church is in Macon, Georgia. So you're not too far away, but thank you for being here, especially after you told us that you were at a camp last week and had some type of stomach problem, just like Jess was at a camp two weeks ago and had stomach problems. I'm not going to camp. (laughing) But thank you for being here, Kevin. - Thank you for having me, Tom and Jess. - Well, as always, we thank you for listening and viewing the church answers podcast. We serve you and we are delighted to serve you to the listener and viewer. And let us know how we can improve thing. Give us the ratings and reviews. Give us the thumbs up. But at the same time, stay in touch with us. Make a comment if you have something that you want to say or something that you want to ask. We're here for you and we will be continuing to release these short burst podcasts three a week, Jess is with me most of the time. And we're delighted that we had Kevin Mills with us this time. As always, we thank you. We appreciate you and we'll see you next week, hopefully as you continue to be a part of the church answers podcast. - You have been listening to the church answers podcast presented by Chaney and Associates. Chaney and Associates are the accounting firm for the church. You need to focus on ministry. Chaney will focus on finances. Also, please subscribe and give a review to the church answers podcast on YouTube and on your favorite podcasting app. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)