K'hal Mevakshei Hashem #2

The Gates of Damascus - The Future Boundaries of Yerushalayim

Broadcast on:
13 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Harav Yussie Zakutinsky Shlita

(singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) All right. (singing in foreign language) I could mite and mite so we can say it. Either way, it's a mite. Good mite. All right. So, this thing is on. Do you want any of that? Yeah. Yeah, there we go. Okay. All right. So let's learn. Before this year, every issue goes so far, we say that it's one of the hardest year to not necessarily prepare for, but to give 'cause you know, you're tired and whatever, but that's not really the encudas, that you're not really allowed to learn so much right now. So, we're a bit caught in between, when we're supposed to do a juggle, I mean, so we're gonna learn. But it'll be the Terris Tfilah and the Terris Avoiden. So we know that to go for that we're in right now, it's been for a few hours already, but tissue of after hot sauce is a time that's a little bit confusing. On the one hand, the denim of Avela still are in, in terms of the things that we do al-Pialoch, al-Pidin are still in full swing. By the other hand, things that are more mini-based, like sitting on the floor and so on, we're not giving shalom to each other, that's a little bit more lighter. So we're standing, you know, we're sitting at chairs and so on. It's a time that by minchub, as a shalom will say, the Terris Tfilah Nachim, which Shainan, the Ramab brings down Shalom al-Qaredi, that that's an indication that there's some level of N'hamma going on right now. So that's right to deal with what exactly is the source of N'hamma point after hot sauce. But you see this, it almost feels like a little bit of a tug of war, you know. Is it Avela, is it already holding by, getting closer to Tuba, so which one is it? Clearly it's both. And clearly in Penemius, I'll write this to somehow find the N'hamma Nachimma within that veils itself, not taking away from that veils, but somehow them both being the same N'hamma. So that's what we're going to try to investigate for the next few minutes. I'll begin like this as a famous Kumar at the end of Makus, when it was the story, but there's one particular part of the story that's, you know, easily passed over. I'll just run through it quickly that, you know, I'm sure you're all familiar with this. And we're going to say Shukha Makhas, that there was a Misa with her Vikiva in the Khachamem, that Roy Aylum Yushalayim, they were traveling to Yushalayim. Yushalayim Yushalayim Yushalayim Yushalayim Yushalayim, Yushalayim, Yushalayim, Yushalayim, the once they got to the Mount Yushalayim, a certain point outside Yushalayim, but that you have a vist, you have a good view from there. Khara Bigdayim, the Ripkriya. He even said, "You're the Harbias." And then when they got to the Harbias, so then the Guru says the famous story. Roy Shul, she got to the Miss Khachamem, he saw a fox run in and out to the Khachacham, a school in Bhajan. They begin to cry, Rabbi Khiva's laughing, they ask Rabbi Khiva, "Why are you laughing?" He says, "Why are you crying?" He says, "Why are you crying?" They place the Khachacham, you know, such a place that it should have Shulayim going in there, foxes going in there. It says, "Is there a pair of Umas?" And nevertheless, Shulayim are there, so we shouldn't cry. It says, "That's why I'm laughing." Because once we have clear evidence that the nivu of Khorban has been completed in a very strong way, that means the nivuus of Nakham will be, will take place as well. And they respond, "Iqiv nakhantan qiyurantan," that's the famous, you know. What's interesting is, is the first line, the opening line, what's the point of the story? Why is this being recorded? The reason for this story is being recorded is for the mice of what happened by the Harbias, that's the point, (speaks in foreign language) that's the point of the mice. So why does the Gamaa record the first part that they were going towards Vishalayim and they were created when they got to Harbiasayim? Some related to the subject of the story. The story should say, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) What happened before? It doesn't tell us, the hotel stops before me, but there's other mice in the took place. Why does the Gamaa have to introduce the story with this Indian that when they got to Harbiasayim, they ripped Korean. And then when they got to Harbias, the actual story that we were interested in, the Gamaa is interested in telling us takes place. So evidently, this Indian of ripping Korea by Harbiasayim is a significant point and to appreciate the Indian of aqiv nakhantan qiv nakhantan, which as we'll see is the Indian of the second half of Tishuvov is important to, in order to understand that you have to, that it has to come with (speaks in foreign language) of ripping Korea by Harbiasayim. So what's this Indian of ripping Korea by Harbiasayim? So it's a, it's a, it's a (speaks in foreign language) I'll share with you just some of the basic ideas and then we'll see where it takes us. It's a (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) tells us the following (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Amor Belozar. So the statement that goes back to Belozar. Where Belozar said that there are certain things that a person sees, they have to rip Korea. So the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) the person sees the cities of (speaks in foreign language) the very distral in desolation. Then (speaks in foreign language) you say a certain (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) and you rip. You should lie in the (speaks in foreign language) if you see (speaks in foreign language) in a state of desolation. Or we say a certain (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) and you rip. (speaks in foreign language) when you see the (speaks in foreign language) in its destruction. So also another (speaks in foreign language) you say the (speaks in foreign language) that's (speaks in foreign language) and then (speaks in foreign language) to explain that if a person sees your (speaks in foreign language) and then sees the (speaks in foreign language) so you have to make a new (speaks in foreign language) or maybe just extend the old (speaks in foreign language) several other things goes on to explain that if you rip, if a person rip for your (speaks in foreign language) the base (speaks in foreign language) deserves its own (speaks in foreign language) so if a person rip for your (speaks in foreign language) and you have to make a separate (speaks in foreign language) but if somehow you saw the (speaks in foreign language) first, where I actually gives the example, you were in a wagon or something so you didn't see where you were being brought. You're just going to have the wagon, you're seeing the (speaks in foreign language) so then you rip a (speaks in foreign language) and then when you leave that place and you see your (speaks in foreign language) you could just make an extension of the (speaks in foreign language) for your (speaks in foreign language) but that's the discussion I was. Then the (speaks in foreign language) brings down a (speaks in foreign language) that sort of also talks about these (speaks in foreign language) and the (speaks in foreign language) says (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) let's say (speaks in foreign language) that this (speaks in foreign language) you're ripping, you're able to do it once you get to this place of (speaks in foreign language) now what's unclear from the (speaks in foreign language) is what this place of (speaks in foreign language) and what (speaks in foreign language) are you ripping when you get to (speaks in foreign language) are you ripping for your (speaks in foreign language) the price is talking about these (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) that's the (speaks in foreign language) so it's definitely one of the two. But the question is when you get to (speaks in foreign language) you rip for what? And it's not yet to know because (speaks in foreign language) it told us that there's differences in (speaks in foreign language) about the (speaks in foreign language) versus the (speaks in foreign language) is different from something to say. And then you have to know when you see the other one, are you making a new (speaks in foreign language) or are you making an extension of the old? So if you're ripping by how it's (speaks in foreign language) you have to know what you're ripping for. So what is that about? So the (speaks in foreign language) like I said, the (speaks in foreign language) what the (speaks in foreign language) is (speaks in foreign language) you get to (speaks in foreign language) and you rip it for what? So what is this place of (speaks in foreign language) and what is it related to? So that's (speaks in foreign language) is in (speaks in foreign language) is (speaks in foreign language) a little bit of background. (speaks in foreign language) is that when a person brought (speaks in foreign language) when we bring (speaks in foreign language) there's certain (speaks in foreign language) that all (speaks in foreign language) have a certain limitation of space of where you're allowed to eat them. Depending on the severity of the (speaks in foreign language) the space is more limited. So (speaks in foreign language) for example, has to be eaten with any (speaks in foreign language) so the (speaks in foreign language) is like this, it's (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) that's a person's traveling from (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) and he realizes that he has some (speaks in foreign language) he has some (speaks in foreign language) he has some meat from a carbon in his baggage. But now the problem is, once the (speaks in foreign language) left its boundaries, it's now, it has to be burnt. You're not allowed to eat it anymore. Now technically the (speaks in foreign language) is that if (speaks in foreign language) have to be burnt and destroyed, they have to be destroyed in the same place that you eat them. So really what this person should be doing is going back to your (speaks in foreign language) to now burn the cudgeon that he realized he was carrying. But the mission says (speaks in foreign language) the mission says (speaks in foreign language) if he passed the place of (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) then (speaks in foreign language) just burn it where you are. In (speaks in foreign language) if you're still within the boundaries of (speaks in foreign language) then (speaks in foreign language) then (speaks in foreign language) and you have to go back to burn in the proper place. But once you pass (speaks in foreign language) then it's already, it's already too far. We're not going to be much real. That's the mission. So what is this place? It's (speaks in foreign language) that the government might put in talks about with Creole. So what's the (speaks in foreign language) So Rashi entices. Rashi says his follows. (speaks in foreign language) is (speaks in foreign language) is the name of the village (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) So Rashi says (speaks in foreign language) is a particular location. And this spot had a particular vantage point that you can see the base (speaks in foreign language) So that's what (speaks in foreign language) and so that's what the mission is saying. When you get passed (speaks in foreign language) you're ready too far just burning where you are. If you're before it's safe and then go back. But (speaks in foreign language) is a particular point where you can see base (speaks in foreign language) you can see at this point it was a base (speaks in foreign language) obviously no base (speaks in foreign language) That's Rashi. (speaks in foreign language) Now like that, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Rashi says (speaks in foreign language) that it's a village that you can see base (speaks in foreign language) Tays (speaks in foreign language) has cautious on that. (speaks in foreign language) So Tays (speaks in foreign language) from (speaks in foreign language) from the (speaks in foreign language) that Nafar (speaks in foreign language) was not a particular, not a particular like spot, but sorry for a means a particular distance from (speaks in foreign language) that you can see (speaks in foreign language) in a circumference. That's when you get, there's a certain point of where, there's (speaks in foreign language) the walls of (speaks in foreign language) and then you keep on moving away from the walls at some point you stop seeing them. The point of where the farthest place where you can see (speaks in foreign language) that's called (speaks in foreign language) and that's not a particular spot. That's the circumference of the city at a certain distance. The last place that you can see clearly the walls of your (speaks in foreign language) that's called (speaks in foreign language) Okay, so we have (speaks in foreign language) Tays (speaks in foreign language) is what (speaks in foreign language) Tays (speaks in foreign language) means the place from which, the farthest point that you can see higher bias. And Tays (speaks in foreign language) Tays (speaks in foreign language) means the place that you can the farthest point that you can see (speaks in foreign language) So again we had a (speaks in foreign language) and my (speaks in foreign language) you have to rip cream when you see the higher bias (speaks in foreign language) and when you, or when you see your (speaks in foreign language) and said the (speaks in foreign language) when you see (speaks in foreign language) what type of (speaks in foreign language) are you ripping for the base (speaks in foreign language) or even for your (speaks in foreign language) which one? Some (speaks in foreign language) in this (speaks in foreign language) I guess between (speaks in foreign language) Tays (speaks in foreign language) Rashi that says (speaks in foreign language) is a place to see the base (speaks in foreign language) that's its significance. So when the (speaks in foreign language) when the Gomara says in my cotton that when you get the (speaks in foreign language) you can rip, that's a rip for the base (speaks in foreign language) the base (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) is just so intense that even from a distant place once you see it, you rip for the base (speaks in foreign language) and get closer, you're a (speaks in foreign language) that's the sheet of (speaks in foreign language) the sheet of places is that (speaks in foreign language) is that siphon doesn't have a significance versus in terms of base (speaks in foreign language) siphon is a place where you can see your (speaks in foreign language) so when the (speaks in foreign language) when you get the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) so (speaks in foreign language) is this (speaks in foreign language) is it for (speaks in foreign language) is it for base (speaks in foreign language) okay, simple. The problem is the (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) when the (speaks in foreign language) talks about this place of (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) like (speaks in foreign language) that siphon is a particular location from which you can see the base (speaks in foreign language) fine. If that's true, then when the (speaks in foreign language) records the (speaks in foreign language) that when you get to siphon, you have to rip. You should record that as the ripping for what? For the base (speaks in foreign language) that's what siphon is a place you can see base (speaks in foreign language) that's its significance. But yet, the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) records the (speaks in foreign language) and he says the same thing we saw before. (speaks in foreign language) if a person saw the cities of you that destroyed, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) if you see (speaks in foreign language) in its destruction, again you say (speaks in foreign language) and says the (speaks in foreign language) when it comes to the ripping of your (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) where is the spot from which you could be now obligated to rip? (speaks in foreign language) So it's a (speaks in foreign language) The (speaks in foreign language) in (speaks in foreign language) says what's the significance of (speaks in foreign language) that's the spot that you can see base (speaks in foreign language) yet the (speaks in foreign language) says and when you get to that spot, rip on your (speaks in foreign language) what's one of the other, I don't get it. Rashi said it's the place that you see base (speaks in foreign language) and you're ripping on base (speaks in foreign language) tell you just said it's where you see (speaks in foreign language) you're ripping on your (speaks in foreign language) The Raman says it's where you see the base (speaks in foreign language) you're ripping on your (speaks in foreign language) what's going on with you? So it's like this, there's a (speaks in foreign language) there's a (speaks in foreign language) there's a (speaks in foreign language) in precious (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Safri says like this, this Safri in (speaks in foreign language) in precious (speaks in foreign language) has a whole back and forth between (speaks in foreign language) between (speaks in foreign language) and (speaks in foreign language) and (speaks in foreign language) as you can tell that he came from Damascus. So (speaks in foreign language) and (speaks in foreign language) is they're having this conversation like this. So like Mar says that (speaks in foreign language) said the following (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) So (speaks in foreign language) how do I know that when (speaks in foreign language) the borders of your (speaks in foreign language) which line will expand right now this idea that when (speaks in foreign language) it's how it will expand, everything is getting bigger. So your (speaks in foreign language) So said (speaks in foreign language) how do I know that (speaks in foreign language) comes your (speaks in foreign language) the borders of your (speaks in foreign language) will be by Damascus, by Damascus. That's where it's going to be. How do I know? (speaks in foreign language) So (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) that domestic will be its place of (speaks in foreign language) and said (speaks in foreign language) and we know that the place of (speaks in foreign language) is always a reference to (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) So says (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) The answer is (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) So you just says, (speaks in foreign language) has it possible (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) that we wanted the (speaks in foreign language) and the city of (speaks in foreign language) will be built on its foundations, on its ruins, you know, on its foundations. Its foundations are in the spot of (speaks in foreign language) now, not domestic. So when you tell me that it goes to domestic, then it's not being built on its (speaks in foreign language) it's not being built on its foundations. So (speaks in foreign language) So (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) It says (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) that it's describing again, (speaks in foreign language) and so on, (speaks in foreign language) and the (speaks in foreign language) is being described as being expansive, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) What does that mean? So (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Again, how this will work out, we'll have to see where their own eyes, but it says, (speaks in foreign language) the way you're showing is going to expand is that it's gonna be like a (speaks in foreign language) like a, like a (speaks in foreign language) where it's, where it's narrow on the bottom. And then, like by the, by the trunk. And then when the branches come, it's what? So you're showing the foundation will be where it is right now, you're showing. And that's where it's going to be built. But then, you know, it'll be raised up like it was, you know, like a city. But then it's going to expand out all the way to domestic, okay? That's where it's going to be. (speaks in foreign language) So both are true. (speaks in foreign language) but it'll be in the city or (speaks in foreign language) because that's the way the city's gonna be. It's gonna be the foundation it's gonna be in your (speaks in foreign language) you know, the proper, the old, the, the old, the (speaks in foreign language) But from there, it'll expand out. Now the truth is, this is not just the obscure, I mean, it is obscure, so free, but it's also, it really the backdrop to appreciate and to understand the (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) INA on the days, which also talks about the expansion of (speaks in foreign language) and the (speaks in foreign language) is like this. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) There are (speaks in foreign language) wanted to give (speaks in foreign language) a definitive measurement. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) go to (speaks in foreign language) and measure it. (speaks in foreign language) that your (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) with many cities by the guy in the world. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) and you never establish there has to be this big. It's as much as they people need, they wanna make expansions, they expand the city. And you (speaks in foreign language) that your name is in the city. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) you're putting a limitation on it. So (speaks in foreign language) so immediately going back to the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) go tell the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) of your (speaks in foreign language) that your (speaks in foreign language) will be an open expansive city without limitation. So in the posture of (speaks in foreign language) it's like this (speaks in foreign language) this back and forth. (speaks in foreign language) first things won't make a limitation for some reason. And (speaks in foreign language) it's not a good idea. (speaks in foreign language) why should you share lives? (speaks in foreign language) I can find you right. It'll be open. But once we have this to free, then we understand that it's not a (speaks in foreign language) is that they're both true. There are a bunch of (speaks in foreign language) for whatever reason is that your (speaks in foreign language) should have a goal to it. Your (speaks in foreign language) to it, that's going to be. As (speaks in foreign language) but at the same time, it's also going to be expansive because it's going to then move above its foundations and then expand that word like a tangent tree. So that's the (speaks in foreign language) based in the (speaks in foreign language) that's the (speaks in foreign language) of what this one was talking about. The (speaks in foreign language) are completely each other. (speaks in foreign language) one aspect and (speaks in foreign language) are trying to bring out another aspect. (speaks in foreign language) what do we see from this? We see that in the future, Ushalim is going to be expanded all the way to domestic. What was interesting is when the (speaks in foreign language) are bringing out this point of Ushalim's ability to expand and its future expansion, the (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) were why should Ushalim deserve expansion? Why should it deserve that? Because (speaks in foreign language) are saying Ushalim is no different than any other city. They're giving reasons why (speaks in foreign language) to be expensive and the explanations were (speaks in foreign language) your name is in the city, the (speaks in foreign language) Sadikim are in the city. Those three things that the (speaks in foreign language) said your name, the (speaks in foreign language) and (speaks in foreign language) are really one of the same thing. That's the base of (speaks in foreign language) the base of (speaks in foreign language) is a place where it says in (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) the base of (speaks in foreign language) is a place who's upon which (speaks in foreign language) name rests. That's what makes it a base of (speaks in foreign language) Sadikim are also (speaks in foreign language) so all three (speaks in foreign language) are saying or revolving on the central (speaks in foreign language) the center one which is (speaks in foreign language) the context of the (speaks in foreign language) is the name of (speaks in foreign language) and its ability to affect the population and its surroundings and it's not just contained in that building. So that's when (speaks in foreign language) in other words. What comes out from the (speaks in foreign language) conversation with (speaks in foreign language) is the following thing. (speaks in foreign language) is going to be expanded. But the source of its ability to expand is the base of (speaks in foreign language) so the expansion of the base of (speaks in foreign language) is fuel, the expansion of the (speaks in foreign language) is in fact fuel by the base of (speaks in foreign language) that's what we see from the (speaks in foreign language) now let's go back to the (speaks in foreign language) Ramah, you're standing at a distance from (speaks in foreign language) you're not in your (speaks in foreign language) you're not even close to, you're not even like about to enter. If you want to rip, if you're (speaks in foreign language) over (speaks in foreign language) then you have to be either in (speaks in foreign language) about to walk in, you have to be. All of a sudden with (speaks in foreign language) once you get to (speaks in foreign language) you can rip (speaks in foreign language) why? It's not the shot that (speaks in foreign language) is such a terrible thing that even from a distance you have to rip (speaks in foreign language) no, the (speaks in foreign language) that once you get to (speaks in foreign language) is because, (speaks in foreign language) is going to be there also, based on the expanded dimensions of your (speaks in foreign language) you're in your (speaks in foreign language) but since we saw, and that's why you're able to (speaks in foreign language) because you're in your (speaks in foreign language) but since we saw that the (speaks in foreign language) explain that the source of the expansion of your (speaks in foreign language) its ability to expand is because of (speaks in foreign language) so your ability to connect to the future expanded dimensions of your (speaks in foreign language) depend on your (speaks in foreign language) so it says the (speaks in foreign language) when you get to (speaks in foreign language) you rip in Korea on the future of your (speaks in foreign language) that's going to be where you're standing. But the only way you can connect to that is because you can see how it buys. So it says the (speaks in foreign language) so I think it's a place that you see the base (speaks in foreign language) or the (speaks in foreign language) and that's what gives you the ability to rip Korea on your (speaks in foreign language) because that's right now, where are you standing right now? Without a base (speaks in foreign language) you're standing outside your (speaks in foreign language) but through his Scottish (speaks in foreign language) that fuels the expansion of your (speaks in foreign language) and once your (speaks in foreign language) it means that's where you're standing right now so you grew up in Korea on your (speaks in foreign language) but what we see from this is something, what's contained in this (speaks in foreign language) therefore is an amazing truth, which is that this expansion of your (speaks in foreign language) is not only something that will take place in the future, the (speaks in foreign language) the expansion is already there or the, it's almost as if the expanded dimensions of your (speaks in foreign language) already exist (speaks in foreign language) they already exist in potential, it's just a matter of it being (speaks in foreign language) of it being revealed by (speaks in foreign language) and by this person he is this (speaks in foreign language) of rip and Korea on your (speaks in foreign language) from the place that he can see the base (speaks in foreign language) he's tapping into the (speaks in foreign language) the potential, the mysterious reality behind the scenes which is that your (speaks in foreign language) has already been expanded. Now that (speaks in foreign language) what's ironic is that that (speaks in foreign language) of the expansion of your (speaks in foreign language) doesn't affect by Kuchakalem, it doesn't affect any (speaks in foreign language) except for (speaks in foreign language) that are like negative. So rip and Korea, mourning over your (speaks in foreign language) we sort of recognize the reality of the expanded version of your (speaks in foreign language) which we haven't seen yet. Or the (speaks in foreign language) when the person realizes that he messed up and he has Kuchakalem in his suitcase and you should have had it with him. So then we also recognize that (speaks in foreign language) is like a certain (speaks in foreign language) it's a significant spot. But this Indian of the expanded borders of your (speaks in foreign language) already existing and not being something new that comes later on with (speaks in foreign language) but it's (speaks in foreign language) right now, it's just that we don't see it yet where it hasn't been worked out by (speaks in foreign language) it already is rooted and is hinted to in the surah in the very type of expansion that (speaks in foreign language) 'cause all the scribes are from the safry and based on the (speaks in foreign language) that the description of the expansion of your (speaks in foreign language) is that it's still (speaks in foreign language) it's still built on it's old foundations. But from that spot, then it will expand upward and outward. Like that's a funny thing. So that's why if you take a look at the (speaks in foreign language) the more thing goes on to say that the more is hinting to it, it doesn't really explain so much. But the (speaks in foreign language) records that your (speaks in foreign language) is going to be the entrance of your (speaks in foreign language) is going to be very high and even though it's (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) as you would imagine, you have to, that's a big ladder, but you know, how do you get up? So the ultimate says that the (speaks in foreign language) despite the fact that it's going to be so high, it's not going to be (speaks in foreign language) it's made will be difficult to get there. So you call it (speaks in foreign language) and the (speaks in foreign language) will have the strength like a (speaks in foreign language) will just be able to ascend. Why is your (speaks in foreign language) why are the gates, why are the gates not on the floor? I'm gonna get it. The answer is the (speaks in foreign language) referencing this side of the safry. By the place of your (speaks in foreign language) that's where borders are. But by the time you actually get the gates which you're in the mess, it's high up, like (speaks in foreign language) So you see that (speaks in foreign language) and it's expansiveness is something, it's an expansion, but the expansion is what is contained and it's old (speaks in foreign language) and it's old borders. And the reason for that is is because it's what (speaks in foreign language) are revealing to us is the secret is that the expansion of your (speaks in foreign language) already exists now. It's not a new (speaks in foreign language) There is such an idea in (speaks in foreign language) of adding to the city of (speaks in foreign language) There's a process of doing that. There's a whole (speaks in foreign language) of how to do that. You have to have (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) There's a whole (speaks in foreign language) There's a whole ceremony how to expand the borders of your (speaks in foreign language) That's not going to be necessary when (speaks in foreign language) When a (speaks in foreign language) reveals this truth that your (speaks in foreign language) expands to the (speaks in foreign language) It's not going to need the technical details of expanding the city. Why not? The answer is it's not an expansion of the city. It's a revelation of what the city always was. Or the (speaks in foreign language) the city always had. The city of (speaks in foreign language) always had the ability to expand all the way to (speaks in foreign language) Our eyes couldn't see it. We don't have the (speaks in foreign language) to bring it out. And ironically, that year the trip in Creole from a vantage point of (speaks in foreign language) you can do it. 'Cause as I said, the two, the two, the two (speaks in foreign language) that we're seeing from this (speaks in foreign language) about the expansion of (speaks in foreign language) is number one, it already is there. The kleifas are already there. And number two, what's fueling that expansion is the base of English. Fine, so now let's investigate the opinions of this. Now, by the way, just on the side, we're not gonna go into this (speaks in foreign language) right now, but just, but just, you know, in parentheses, this Indian of the eventual expansion of your (speaks in foreign language) all the way to domestic, which is interesting because even though the (speaks in foreign language) describes your (speaks in foreign language) as like a (speaks in foreign language) right, like a (speaks in foreign language) if you imagine a tree, so it's expanded on both sides. But what's interesting is the more it doesn't give the borders and the boundaries of how southern your (speaks in foreign language) the only place, the demarcation that talks about how far your (speaks in foreign language) goes is up north and all the way to domestic. The site, there's a site over here, which is the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Your (speaks in foreign language) is a place of obviously (speaks in foreign language) mouth is based on it. The north of (speaks in foreign language) that it's that's the territory (speaks in foreign language) that's the place, that's the (speaks in foreign language) territory, (speaks in foreign language) whose mouth exists in the north of (speaks in foreign language) So he said about himself, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) is in the north, (speaks in foreign language) is in the south, (speaks in foreign language) the ultimate (speaks in foreign language) is the (speaks in foreign language) between the two of them. (speaks in foreign language) is going to be expanded all the way to the north. That's why it's interesting. I've mentioned this many, many times that the (speaks in foreign language) of uniting (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) is by who? (speaks in foreign language) Why does it mark in the example of the (speaks in foreign language) Old trees are like that, no? Every tree starts off narrow and then gets white. That's what a tree is, with (speaks in foreign language) In the (speaks in foreign language) that reads the rights in the (speaks in foreign language) that shows the meaning correspond to the different meters. The (speaks in foreign language) corresponds to (speaks in foreign language) which means conquest. Who's the mean of (speaks in foreign language) It's (speaks in foreign language) The (speaks in foreign language) is what allows the expansion (speaks in foreign language) That's the (speaks in foreign language) what's going on in this (speaks in foreign language) But let's go people, let's try to understand the (speaks in foreign language) of what's being called to us by this ending of your (speaks in foreign language) being expanded. The fueling of that expansion is by (speaks in foreign language) but the (speaks in foreign language) the expansion exists now. Okay, so the (speaks in foreign language) the root of this takes us all the way back to the beginning of creation. I'm gonna go up the kitzer. I'm sure some of you have heard this before and if you haven't, then that's real learning and fishable, I shouldn't do it, so we'll take the kitzer. So the result says in the beginning of its time like this, the result says in the beginning before there was time, before anything, before creation, all there was was Ainsai. All there was was the infinite light of God so assuming all of reality. All there was was that, that was reality. But in order for there to be, Eilum is in order for there to be worlds, (speaks in foreign language) and everything that exists as we know it. The (speaks in foreign language) had to create an empty space (speaks in foreign language) to make it a lot of point in empty space and the result describes the process that the (speaks in foreign language) was in some sense. The (speaks in foreign language) constricted his light. Almost if you could imagine in these words are, an infinite ocean of light and in the center most point, which is paradoxical as is infinite, the center most point, the light removes, or expands itself outward, leaving a sphere of emptiness. In that emptiness, that's called the (speaks in foreign language) Okay, now you have the (speaks in foreign language) now you have the space for creation, but you don't have the energy to, you don't have the creative, you don't have the material and you don't have the creative energy, you just have the space. Let's say it like that. So what the (speaks in foreign language) So there is also (speaks in foreign language) what the (speaks in foreign language) did then was that he took the surrounding infinite light and he was (speaks in foreign language) a cave, a ray of that infinite light into the (speaks in foreign language) not all the way down, there's details about this, into that infinite, into that (speaks in foreign language) and from there now you have energy. Now you have (speaks in foreign language) now you have the creative possibility and from that cave, from that ray of light, from there emerges worlds, from there emerges all the (speaks in foreign language) within the space of the (speaks in foreign language) let's understand. The secret of Yushalayim and the (speaks in foreign language) everything is reflected in Yushalayim and (speaks in foreign language) Yushalayim is a code word for the whole world. Yushalayim is a code word for (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) you have the city of Yushalayim with its walls. It's an interesting thing. The walls of Yushalayim are very much a part of not only the psychological and the emotional attachment to Yushalayim is the walls of the city, (speaks in foreign language) but even in (speaks in foreign language) the vulam of Yushalayim is a significant factor, the (speaks in foreign language) of all cities wanted to put a (speaks in foreign language) Yushalayim represents the (speaks in foreign language) the empty space, the sphere within which reality exists as Yushalayim. The (speaks in foreign language) is that point of the Kaav. The point of that ray of infinite light that enters into the (speaks in foreign language) creating, creating reality and things emerging out of that. All the, everything that's Yushalayim that is pushing on a simple level center around (speaks in foreign language) it's center around (speaks in foreign language) So the (speaks in foreign language) means that Kaav and Yushalayim means the (speaks in foreign language) Okay. So it comes to see this and (speaks in foreign language) reveals to us the following side. And it's something that (speaks in foreign language) famously talks about in one of these (speaks in foreign language) but it's an underpinning of all (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) which is the following thing. Is that, there's two main functions of what the Kaav does, that ray of light that comes into reality. There's two functions of that. Simple shot when you learn (speaks in foreign language) So what emerges clearly is, like I said before, is that Kaav is the root of existence. Everything that exists is feeding off of that Kaav. That's the root of reality. The (speaks in foreign language) is the space that it exists within. But see this comes to explain that there's a deeper purpose of that Kaav. And the deepest purpose of that Kaav is to reveal the hidden light of their (speaks in foreign language) that always still remains within the (speaks in foreign language) So even when the (speaks in foreign language) created this (speaks in foreign language) that restricted his light. See this tells us that that was only to our, for our perspective. And it's only to allow us to exist. And even that experience itself was a divine experience. And anything God does is automatically infinite. Even when God creates finite space, if He's doing it, it means it's still infinite. And this is the secret of the (speaks in foreign language) The secret of the (speaks in foreign language) is that it's not so empty. But what it's filled with doesn't take away from its measurement. The fininity of that space, allowing reality to exist, doesn't take away from the fact that it's still saturated with infinite light. And the infinite light doesn't take away from the fact that it's still a finite space. You see this retour that the purpose of the calve, the deepest purpose of the calve is to give reality the tools within which to discover the infinite light of God that actually still is contained within the space itself. Now let me explain how this manifests itself in a void. One of the great principles of the (speaks in foreign language) and very often it's lost in terms of what the (speaks in foreign language) is where it's rooted from. Everything that the (speaks in foreign language) is rooted in the (speaks in foreign language) which itself is rooted in our entire and in our (speaks in foreign language) as well as we're seeing as we'll see right now. But one of the basic rules of this (speaks in foreign language) is that when a person learns Tyra, a person, (speaks in foreign language) feel Tyra (speaks in foreign language) when a person learns Tyra, a person has to become sensitive to then find the (speaks in foreign language) in the different (speaks in foreign language) the command even says a lotion like this. He says that a yid who after learning does not become more sensitive to Hashem's presence in the more mundane aspects of this life or her life, it's a sin that they weren't learning. It's a sin that the Torah was incomplete. So that's a beautiful vart and it's a beautiful (speaks in foreign language) for people that are not sitting learning all day. What's the (speaks in foreign language) The (speaks in foreign language) the Roshash writes in (speaks in foreign language) Sean Shurabi says that the sight of the calf that comes into the empty space, that's Tyra, that's the sight of Tyra. The empty space is the sight of everything else. Come see this and see this reveals to us that the secret of the calf is not just to give light from the calf, that's to illuminate learning. That's the calf itself. But the secret of the calf is to give us the ability and the tools to discover the (speaks in foreign language) that still exists within the (speaks in foreign language) translate in (speaks in foreign language) when a person learns their learning has to give them the ability to define God in everything. And if they're not finding God in everything in these (speaks in foreign language) they're always shacked to the (speaks in foreign language) This surah, this Indian of the calf coming in and revealing the infinite light of God that already exists in the (speaks in foreign language) and by its very definition, that light of God that already exists in the (speaks in foreign language) is a light that's eternal and forever. It's a light that precedes creation. It's captured by this site of Yushalayim and its expansiveness. Yushalayim, again, what was Yushalayim? Yushalayim is the (speaks in foreign language) is the anti-space. It's the meat that has (speaks in foreign language) it has (speaks in foreign language) but yet, (speaks in foreign language) from within its (speaks in foreign language) its (speaks in foreign language) it's still being built in its foundation, but from within its (speaks in foreign language) it's expanding all the way to the north. It means the site of the expansion of Yushalayim is the revelation of the infinite light of God that always was in the (speaks in foreign language) that's why it's not an expansion that's then going to happen. It always is even right now. That's the nature of this expansion. Since the expansion is the infinite light of Hashem, well, if it's an infinite light of Hashem, then automatically it's gonna have a beginning and an end. For character, the light of the expansion itself is coming from the light that precedes creation. That means to whatever degree this expansion has shite us in this expansion that has already happened, that has to have already happened. It has to be from within the government itself. And since the Walshamt of Torq, that the way to have a shite us to that hidden light within the (speaks in foreign language) is through the Ka'v and the Ka'v is the mikdosh. It's the Ramaphasq, that in order to have a shite us to watch the infinite light that's contained in Yushalayim right now, you have to have a shite us to mikdosh. When you stand from Tseifim and you see the base of mikdosh, the Harabi is then you could acknowledge the fact that you're also standing in Yushalayim even if you're outside the Wals. So you rip Kree on Yushalayim from Tseifim 'cause you see the base of mikdosh because the base of mikdosh is the Ka'v and the Ka'v gives us the Ka'v is to see the infinite light of a shite within the (speaks in foreign language) So when you have the base of mikdosh, then you realize Yushalayim is all the way to domestic even right now. And so that's the site of what's going on in this, in this Hazal. But now let's take it one step further. Once we see that the kriya over Yushalayim as the Ka'v says, and you're Ha'v to it from Tseifim to Eilah, from once he had Tseifim, we can then now suggest that the type of kriya over Yushalayim is a fundamentally different type of kriya than anything else. For example, I mentioned the, again I mentioned the Ka'v in the Ka'v in the Ka'v says that Harayah, Ari, Udu, Bekhovana, if you see the cities of Yuhud and destruction, you have to rip Kreeya. And you see Yushalayim also you have to rip Kreeya. Or in Ban, in one of the storm, Taras Adam. So he asked the questioner in Ban. What, Yushalayim is also one of the Ariyudah. So once you tell me the Ha'vah that you have to rip Kreeya on the Ariyudah, then Yushalayim is contained within that. Why does the Ka'vah have to then say, and if you see Yushalayim also you have to rip Kreeya. So if you wanna just say that the point of the Ka'vah is just to make the extra detail that for Yushalayim, you have this Eilahim boundary, then just say that. But the Ka'vah doesn't say that. The Ka'vah repeats itself. You see Ariyudah, you have to rip Kreeya. You see Ariyudah, you shall lie and you have to rip Kreeya. And where do you rip Kreeya from, you know, from? Well, kind of according to the Rishan, they rip and Kreeya over, you know, from Rashi and Taras over Rishan, from Saifam. But that extra line that if you see Rishalayim you have to rip Kreeya, it's unnecessary. Of course, it's one of the Ariyudah. The answer is, according to what we're saying, it's a whole different Nah'vahidah. When you rip and Kreeya over Ariyudah, you rip and Kreeya over something that has been lost. You lost the city of whatever the city that you're ripping, you know, whatever the city is that you're mourning over, the river Kreeya doesn't exist anymore. But you're hoping one day it'll be rebuilt. But the Mysuk Kreeya, that valus that you're feeling is an availous over some, it's Kavala, the Avden Blamishtach. The Blamishtach. But the Kreeya and you shall lie and it's not like that. Vahrayah, you rip Kreeya from Saifam. If you rip and Kreeya from Saifam, that means that you're acknowledging that you shall lie and it already exists. Not only does he or shall I exist, he or shall I exist, they're the messer. (speaking in foreign language) Mysuk Kreeya is already making the evil. He has to just be in his shakhanas. The sight of Kreeya from Saifam is, you're not ripping Kreeya on Kavala, the Avden Blamishtach. You rip and Kreeya in frustration over our inability to see what's in front of our own eyes. That's the Kreeya and Mishalah. It's different (speaking in foreign language) Therefore the price, it has to live both. (speaking in foreign language) You rip Kreeya. (speaking in foreign language) What is your Kreeya? It's a different (speaking in foreign language) It's like we saw, you know, the last thing that you say before the end of Shakhras, right? (speaking in foreign language) So there, what is it, what's going on to remember? (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So we're saying that we're crying over (speaking in foreign language) like a woman in childbirth, and like Nat Lolaina, like a woman who was to her husband. Those are two different types of crying. A woman, you know, someone that lost someone, that's (speaking in foreign language) and that's rip and Kreeya, that's (speaking in foreign language) and that's giving birth. She's also crying, but it's a whole different (speaking in foreign language) She's not really crying even, I mean she's crying, but it's not morning, that's even just, that's the avoid of crying in order to push something out from hiding. That's how we move from pre-hat size to post-hat size with the late CN, because that's the difference between before-hat size tissue above and after-hat size tissue. Before-hat size tissue above, even though every part of the day has a little bit of both. But the ikr, the first part of tissue above is like rip and Kreeya over (speaking in foreign language) The second half of tissue above is also rip and Kreeya. It's also a valus. But that valus is (speaking in foreign language) it's not safe in valor. You rip and Kreeya over your shelline. Let's go back to the very beginning. You start with a mice thing where they end up markets, right? I think Mar says in markets, (speaking in foreign language) and they're going to use a lion. When they got the heart siphoned to rip Kreeya, and then they got the heart bias, and all mice and soo, the hammer crying would keep his laughing and he gives him comfort to keep in the Cantonese. Yes, the question in the beginning, why does it have to start with that lion? They got to your shelline, but they got to siphoned to rip Kreeya. That's not part of the story. The point of the story, if you're just coming to tell us the halocha that you have to rip here from siphoned, that's the marmite cotton. When you get to time this, either you've learned by cotton or ready, or you're about to. It's in the same volume. Okay, so this is unnecessary. The reason why this story's being recorded in shots is for the mice of a hard bias with the foxes and laughing, and that's the point. So why does a gamer have to introduce it with this Indian rip and Kreeya from siphoned? The answer is, that's the sight of Arabic he was saying. Where when McKee was laughing, he was still, he also ripped Kreeya on the base of him, and he's laughing. So what type of business is that? That's what they're asking, what are you laughing for? Not only the questions, why are you laughing? So how are you laughing right now? Why, why? (speaking in foreign language) But you see where Rebecca even did, and what's Rebecca's response? What your response is, when I see the hoorban, the hoorban reminds me of the iris that are beneath it. Rebecca's saying that when you rip Kreeya when you're morning based on mikdash, don't do it pre-hat size, do it after hat size. Do it in a way of where your Kreeya is an expression of your anticipation and your frustration over not seeing what's already there. The Gamar is hinting that Al-Pihalaka, Al-Pidin, the root of that, is the Kreeya from Saif. That's his being hinted. In order to explain legitimacy of Rabbi Akiva, which is Akiva Nakhantan, Akiva Nakhantano, that there's an Indian of mourning, but the mourning is in a way that's full of take for the hope of anticipation. That's fueled by the Kaif, that's Ramhah writes in one place that the word Kaif, it comes to the word of the word take for it, you just hope, that's what's fueling the Kreeya, the guy standing by Saifen, and he's ripping over your shalayim, but only because he sees the base of mikdash which is the sight of the Kaif, which is hopefulness. His hopefulness is fueling his avales, because his avales is not mourning over some that's lost and can't be found until mashiachan's what we're gonna do. His Kreeya is mourning is the sight of seeing of a maisah that's bringing out of him a primious in order to find the primious that's there. And this is the irony of all ironies, is that in order to find that primious de ka'in'yan, which is the orange sight that exists within the Kaif, within the halalah, within the empty space, it sometimes requires a person to fall into a place of like mamish, a lagiish, almost, almost. And then from there he could find the orange sight, because this is the irony as long as if you're holding onto the Kaif, when the Kaif is shining brightly, then you're not forced to find the infinite light of God that's hiding in the halalah upon him. So if a person is strong in Tyron, he's having a good day, and the Kaif is shining brightly, and there's a base of mikdash built, and everything is gavaldic, then he's not forced to find the infinite light of God that never left from the Timson. He's not forced to find that. So, and then what happens is that he actually can develop a ashkafah, and develop a perspective that there is no light in the halalah upon him, and only the light that exists is in the Kaif. That's only because he was never forced to look. But if not the way we want the Eden that are kavdiki, and let them have the Kaif, it's gavaldic, you need that. But those Eden that are forced into that world of the halalah upon him, because the Kaif is maybe not as strong, or whatever the matzev is, then that's when they're forced to find the iron side that exists within the halalah upon him, and then they're able to find it. It's dafkah when the person is in the context of ripping Kriya, that's when this truth emerges. In all, like I said before, in all the sagas in halacha, the only places in halacha, not that I can say that, but as far as I know, the only places in halacha were this truth of the expanded territory of Rishalayim. Existing already right now emerges, is in, by ripping Kriya over the Khurban, and a person that messed up and brought Kutchim outside of the Ghulan, and he now has the Chuvan burned the Kutchim. That's the only places where you have a Remes, this Indian, that the borders of Rishalayim already reached the Messe. And the light of the infant light, if your punishment exists within the Khulban. It's because those are the types of Indian that are able to discover that light, because they don't have any other choice. They don't have any other choice, because the Kaav seems to be shut off a little bit, or at least not as bright as it is. And they're not in the space of the Kaav, they're in the farther reaches of the hemisphere, you know? So they have no choice but to force themselves to find that. That's dafkah, that's dafkah, that's dafkah even a cantonu, that's the nafkah mother of Akiva brings us, that's dafkah, that's dafkah, that's dafkah. And this takes Tishwah into Tuba, and it takes us into the Amnurai, Bhulu. It's realizing that from that place, from that place of Khurban, we realize that Ghoula is mamish there, and Adarab, realizing that doesn't make a person more lax in their avi, they're quite the opposite. The guy's ripped in Crea. And he's ripped in Crea, and it's like he's alive, knowing that it's right beneath the surface of the kaya, it's just not the poilyat, makes the motivation that much stark, and that much more potent, and it's more, and you realize, and it becomes more sensitive to the Tsar of the Shrinath dasheem in this process. Because if Dafkah is already filling the empty space, if Dafkah has shams light is not there, then the only victim is us. Okay, so you're Michael, so a person could be Michael. But if the infant light of a sham is already there, but for some reason, it's not manifest, then it's not just our problems, it could be also the revolution's problem. And then we could be Michael and Arinyan, or we could be Michael and Ashamsinyan. And so then that Vaita of Avelus, not Vaita of hoping for Mashiev, becomes something that's beyond us, and bigger than us, and more necessary than just for us. And that's the ikrinachamirabikiva, ikrinachamirabikiva, ikrinachamirabikiva, isn't just like, okay, now we sit back. Your ikrinachamirabikiva, the Ramam says, in ilk smalakamirabikiva, was that sadik that he was the nice, the kalma of our koshpah, where ikrinachamirabikiva was extremely passionate about Gula, if there was anyone that cared desperately about Mashiev, was your ikrinachamirabikiva. And it's the same right ikrinachamirabikiva that was able to give comfort over court-based and English. How do you have that? If Golis is not so bad, Vairaya or ikrinachamirabikiva is giving comfort, and that means you're not one Mashiev so much, it's for caret. The ikrinachamirabikiva and ikrinachamirabikiva was letting the ikrinachamirabikiva in on this secret that the light of Gula, light of Mashiev was always within it. (speaking in foreign language) The infinite light of ikrinacham already exists in the khaloponim. So whose ikrinachamirabikiva is it that it's not noticed? Not just for us. So what's the ikrinachamirabikiva? That's why you want Mashiev. And that pushed her ikrinachamirabikiva even more, nonetheless. And so that's the ikrinachamirabikiva, this time we go on to the mental, you put a thousand fill in and so on. It's the ikrinachamirabikiva, it's not taken away from the ikrinachamirabikiva, it's moving from kriya over ariyudha to kriya over your shalim mishus mat. So if you have to have eyes to see, to be able to see it. Shrinacham was the ikrinachamirabikiva in this list of our, of our getting together and our learning. I'll tell you, I'll tell you one thing, just one thing before I know it's already late, and we have to put on some quick way to get it, but just one thing I'll say, and I have, it's an opportunity 'cause most people are here. There's probably more people from this morning, but mamish, I'll show up with a type of, well, it's mamish, it's, it's, it's, isn't it such, I mean, at this point we're used to it. The Spanish have finished. Young people. And to avoid the ikrinachamirabikiva, and like, they're not melancholy, not to avoid the ikrinachamirabikiva. Like, I would want to come be part of the show, you know what I'm saying? Can't none of your abbicans say that, that they would want to be part of the show, that they're, you know, I would pay, I would pay, however, should they won't take my money. No, I should have to apply for that. I should have asked all of you, come to Salva, you should learn Salva, right with Vinyana, I should have asked everyone in the gila, and from there, we'll call you, so, that we should be the generation to be side, right with Vinyana, but it's, well, it's a graph from there, remain lonely. (audience applauding) (upbeat music)