The Todd Herman Show

Fake Woman Boxer Sues Elon Musk and JK Rowling for CyberBullying; CNN Says it’s Okay for Kamala Harris to Promote Faked News Ep-1800

J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk are being targeted for cyberbullying. This is by the man who beat the garbage out of women in the Olympics and then went and fought another man for a female title. He's suing J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk. We'll talk about that. And in a very related story, a man who calls himself Paula Stone Williams, former president of the Orchard Group Church Planting Network, is out to support Christians for Kamala Harris. And we will look at how CNN is saying it's okay to promote fake headlines all the while the rage against “misinformation” on the right.

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16 Aug 2024
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Plus, tone suggestions to help you navigate even the most difficult work conversations. 96% of users agree. Grammarly helps them craft more impactful writing. Sign up and download Grammarly for free at That's Grammarly, easier said, done. So fake woman boxer. As you said, the sue Elon Musk and JK Rowling for cyberbullying. This would be a male boxer who beat a woman's face in, forcing her to quit a fight. CNN says it's okay for Kamala Harris to promote fake news headlines. And I'm not talking about finding news that's fake. I'm talking about actually faking up headlines and pretending they come from so-called news organizations. And Tim Waltz likes to hang out and promote the work of imams who are notorious for praising Adolf Hitler. We'll talk about all of this with the help of God Almighty. The Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats in tyrants everywhere. No. From the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. Welcome to the three-story version of the Todd Herman show, where we dig in to things cultural. And, of course, not religious, because that's not really a word I like. Not secular because it doesn't exist, but all on the green earth God created. Those of us who follow the Lord Jesus are to be in the world and not of it, but being in it means we must know what's going on in it. You remember because it's only a couple weeks ago, or a month, when we got to watch a man beat the garbage out of a woman, in fact two men. Two men competed for women's boxing championships in the United States, or the Olympics, World Olympics. One of these guys was banned by another sports organization because, of course, he has male chromosomes because he's a man. When he beat this woman up, she was bleeding from the eyes. She stopped the fight 46 seconds in and said this is unjust and went to her corner. She gave a press statement later, talking about her dad, who I believe was an Olympian, had caused her to want to compete in the Olympics. She trained her whole life for this. The subtext to this being that she was unfairly beaten up by a man. Later she came out to apologize because she'd hurt his feelings. She was wrong. She thought things. I firmly guarantee you, the International Olympic Committee took her aside and said if you want any endorsements, if you want any training money, if you want to change weight classes, so they don't have to fight against this guy, if you want to ever fight again in any Olympic sanctioned event anywhere, you will go out and you will be a good girl and you will say thank you for beating my face in and probably breaking my nose. Well, this guy has decided to sue some pretty major figures for cyberbullying. It would be a farce if it wasn't so tragic. I'll give you the details on this and then introduce you to a man who pretends to be a woman named Paula Stone Williams. Paula Stone Williams is going to be an important player in the Evangelicals for Harris movement. Paula Stone Williams, being a man pretending to be a woman, also considers himself to be a hero on a hero's journey. I'll give you some of his words as he pretends to be a woman for money and fame. I'll do that in a second. Eden Pure Oxie Leaf 2, the Thunderstorm device we have in our studios has saved my friend Ben on three separate occasions. It also did this. Guy has been a longtime fan, I hate that word, a longtime family member of the program, decided to use the Eden Pure Oxie Leaf 2 to revive a classic car he'd had stored in his garage. I once had a jaguar that I loved, but it just became a problem car and it sat in the garage for a long time and it would just stink, stink, stink. He had the same thing, his car wasn't, I probably just didn't drive it. He put the Oxie Leaf 2 Thunderstorm device in it overnight and the old moldy, like just rotten old smell of a car lock down for six, seven, eight months, was gone. This is not an air filter, those things are loud, you have to replace the filters every year for two to four hundred bucks. You simply plug this into the wall and it begins producing ozone and you'll smell it in about three minutes. Those particles bond to the molecules that create bad smells, be it from cat litter, we've got two of these devices at home, one in the studio, be it from kid puke left over in a car. Yeah, you clean it out, the smell remains, it zaps that, cigarette smoke, even in a car environment. So you've got kids going to dorms, give them one, if you've got RVs that get musty, put them in there, multiple uses for it and I'm going to save you two hundred dollars. You can get three of these devices that's whole home coverage for a two hundred dollar savings. Just go to, enter code Todd3, that's, enter code Todd3, you'll breathe the breath of fresh air again and save two hundred bucks. So those boxers decided to sue Elon Musk and JK Rowling. JK Rowling and Elon Musk are named in a lawsuit among others, according to the lawyer who put this all together. Of course, this is an effort to get fame and more money into blackmail JK Rowling and Elon Musk. It's being done in France, so they can find, I guess, Elon Musk's business. They can go after him as an individual, I don't think he has to go to France, I don't think he can be extradited for this. Here's the piece from JK Rowling and Elon Musk have both been named in a criminal complaint filed to French authorities over alleged aggravated cyber harassment against an Algerian boxer, newly crowned Olympic champion. The Paris-based attorney for this boxer said that both figures were mentioned in the body of the complaint posted to an anti-online hatred center of the Paris prosecutor's office on Friday. In a statement to variety, the Paris prosecutor's office, national center for the fight against online hatred, confirmed that received the complaint by the boxer, then announced the investigation had been launched. Can we all just behold for a moment the brutal, brutal comparison of a man who absolutely beat a woman's face in, not just one woman, and then patted her on the back in an absolutely patronizing act. He smirked. He's the one with the male chromosomes. You don't get more hate-filled than beating a woman in the face as a man. You have actual abuse sanctioned by the international Olympic community. You have cyberbullying going to be the punishment in France. When the Bible told us there would be a time when good would be called evil and evil would be called good, did you think it would manifest in this method? And again, I'm going to ask this question. If a Christian pastor lost his temper with his wife in public, just imagine this. Say it's on the pulpit. They've had an argument. He's preaching a sermon. He asks his wife to come out and they're going to do a thing together. Sometimes husbands and wives do this. And she cracks wise and he turns around and slaps her once. Indefensible. Yeah. What would be the response from the world? Well, there's your Christian. There's your hypocrite. There's your pastor. When we see the way the world treats Christians who, for instance, are famous football players, who give a speech like Harrison Butker did. And Harrison Butker said he's deeply thankful that his wife stayed home to raise their kids and the man wept. He's abusive. He wants to control women. He, a man who lives his life according to the tenets of the Lord Jesus, coming under and lifting up his wife as she comes under and lifts up him as he fully admitted in that speech. He couldn't play football with that his wife, not for a living. He credited her with that. And he's abusive. A man who beats multiple women in the face, one of them probably breaking her nose is the victim. The fact of the matter is this, that for many people, gender rebellion, which is far different from gender dysphoria, gender dysphoria is a disease. It's painful. I've known people who have it. It's painful. Gender rebellion, something altogether different. It reeks of narcissism. It reeks of controlling others. And it's working, obviously at the International Olympic Committee. Christians for Kamala posted this on YouTube. It's Paula Stone Williams, former president of the Orchard Group, that's a church planting network. And this is this man pretending to be a woman talking about why we must support Kamala Harris. The last year, 592 anti-transgender laws were introduced in state legislatures throughout the United States. Nope. There's not been one single anti so-called transgender law. There have been laws upholding the reality of biological sex and stopping children from being chemically and surgically mutilated. There has been not one single anti-transgender law. There's been laws saying that boys can't compete in girls sports and men can't compete in women's sports. That is simply recognizing biological reality. 90 of them were signed into law in over 20 different states. Who was driving those laws? Well, of course, it was Republican legislatures, but people assume it was Republicans. Two studies show us it was not Republicans per se driving those laws, because 61% of Republicans believe transgender people should have the same civil rights as everybody else. They should. People who want to pretend to be transgendered should have the same civil rights as everyone else. The right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. The right to free speech. The right to own a weapon. The right to not have unreasonable search and seizure. It's not be forced to testify against themselves. They should have all the same civil rights. That's not an issue. What issue is you want us to have our rights taken, like forcing us to lie? So who was driving those laws? Who is still driving those laws? It is the people I grew up with. It is the people who taught me about Jesus. It is the people to whom I preached. It is evangelical Christians. 87% of whom believe that genders immediately determined at birth. 87% of Christians believe that babies are born male or female. Wow. Not only does that match the word of God, God created us in His image. Male and female He created us. It matches biological objective reality. 67% of whom believe we already give too many civil rights to transgender people. I don't worry about myself. I mean, whatever happens, I'll be fine. I'm older than dirt. And I will not live long enough to lose my white male entitlement. That's the truth. I will not live long enough to lose my white male entitlements. But I'm a woman. I serve as Mayor Pro Tem here in Lions, Colorado. I have no difficulties here. I'm not concerned about me. All my friends, it's the kids. It's the kids. It is. Yeah. It's the kids. You know, transgender children have a suicide completion rate 13 times higher than their peers. Do you mean to tell me that when a child has no, no connection to observable material fact, that child becomes confused and bereft of hope? You mean to tell me that when adults surround a child and allow that child to believe that their actual body is a lie, that they have suicide completion rates that are that high? Let's not mention the fact that wrong sex hormones and surgery don't help. They often increase suicidal intent. But yes, it's for the children. So just yesterday, I got a call from grandparents in New England asking if I would talk to their daughter in Tennessee. About her child who needs medical care and cannot receive it in Tennessee. The child does not need medical care. Here's a fact. We use talk therapy for everything. For instance, kids who cut. Cutting your body works. It actually works. It reduces endorphins that redirect the mental pain to the physical pain. It's actually a mental relief because your body can only deal with so much pain in one area. So when you cut, it reduces the mental pain. It's a terrible idea. It'll eventually make you sick. It will scar you for life. So what do we do? We talk. We try to get down to what is the root of the pain. In the case of kids who are confused about their gender, one of my favorite examples of this is a little boy who was about six years old and he had determined that he was a girl. Now he was in Canada. He was blessed to see a psychologist who actually practiced science. He talked to the little boy and had him draw pictures of boys and girls. In his pictures, all the boys were throwing rocks or playing with toy guns or they were wrestling, roughhousing and all the girls were dancing and creating art. Things like that. So he had some stereotypical gender roles and he asked the boy, "What do you like to do?" The little boy said, "I like to dance. I like to paint. I like to make believe. I like to put on fake plays. I like to act and sing." You know what that terrible doctor did? He said, "Would you like to meet other boys who do that?" And the boy said, "There's other boys who do that?" Yeah, "Would you like to meet some of them?" He took the boy to a drama class, little kids, learning to perform. Guess what he figured out? Oh, I'm not a girl. I'm a boy who likes to dance and sing and perform, like countless boys have done. That would be called a conversion therapy in the world of Paul of Stone Williams. That little boy needed to be shot up with wrong sex hormones and have his body sliced apart. Back to Christians for Kamala. My co-worker, a licensed counselor, just today saw two transgender children who came here because of the medical care that's available to them here in Colorado that's not available where they came from. I'm frightened for the children, but now I hope you will give and I hope you will give again and again and again and I hope you will take every opportunity you have and you will remember the children, all those kids who have every right to live an authentic life. Does that man seem authentic to you? See, he's done what he can to feminize his voice. Does he look authentic to you? He's an adult. He can do as he wishes. If I meet him, I will call him Paul of Stone Williams or Paul. I will not pretend he's a woman. Paul of Stone Williams considers himself to be a transgender, a so-called transgender pastor on a hero's journey. Well, that's actually what Paula Stone Williams named this video, a transgender pastor on a hero's journey. Well, at least that's what the headline says and he okayed it. He tells a sad tale about what happened when he decided to announce to the world, though I am visibly male, I'm actually female. I was the CEO of a large religious nonprofit, the host of a national television show, the editor at large of a national magazine. It was a successful, well-educated white American male. But the poet and mystic Thomas Merton said it's a difficult thing to climb to the top of the ladder of success. Only to realize when you get there that your ladder's been leaning against the wrong wall. I knew from the time I was three or four years of age, I was transgender. In my naivete, I thought I got to choose. I thought a gender fairie would arrive and say, "Okay, what's it going to be that a last-no gender fairie arrived?" So, I just lived my life. I didn't hate being a boy. I just knew I wasn't one. Went to college, got married, had kids built a career. But the call toward authenticity has all the subtlety of a smoke alarm. And eventually decisions have to be made, and so I came out as transgender and promptly lost every single one of my jobs. I'd never had a bad review, and I lost every single job. In all 50 states of the United States, you cannot be fired for being transgender. But in all 50, you can be fired if you're transgender and you work for a religious corporation. That's true. I'm sure that was very painful, and it seems very, very unfair, and it's probably very hurtful. You're still a person who had the skills. You're a great communicator. All those things are true. You're also asking people to lie. You cannot be a Christian pastor and ask people to lie. You cannot be a Christian pastor and say, "I will not serve." Non-serving, that's what Satan said, "I will not continue to be a man." You could have come and said to your flock, "I am sure. I've struggled with this. I've struggled with these feelings." And if it was a good Christian body, they would take you in and say, "That has to be so difficult." I meet on a weekly basis with men, and often there's soul-bearing. Brothers talk about struggles, sometimes with porn. That's a big, embarrassing thing for a guy to admit. Several weeks ago, our brother said, "I relapsed, first time in 15 years." Can't believe I did that. We didn't kick him out. We embraced his honesty. Religious organizations, as you call them, Paul Stone Williams, are only, only religious. When you agree? The fact is this. The Bible is very clear. Christian churches either follow the Bible or they don't. And if it's just one issue, if they say, "Hey, you know what? Let's just allow people to pretend to be the opposite sex." It already creates a crack in the body of Christ, who has already been crucified. We're not to do that again. Then it does something else. It invites a question. If we gave in on this one, why not the next one? I'm sorry you went through that pain. I hope that this new identity is working for you. I will not lie along with you, nor will I pretend that what you've done is good for children. What does show you an image? And for people listening on audio, I'll explain the image. It's a series of headlines. It says VP Harris' economic vision, lower costs and higher values. That came from AP News. USA Today, Tim Waltz Military Service, 24 years in the National Guard. That came from USA Today. Who is Kamala Harris? Vice President Kamala Harris, Inflation is down, Only issue is those are fake. Those are not real headlines. The campaign for Kamala Harris created those headlines. They fake them. And media organizations are defending that. Here's CNN sitting down to defend this technique that the Kamala Harris campaign has championed. During the break in terms of is this something that's normal? Is this something that campaigns have been using? How do you defend kind of the? Yeah, well, this is part of paid advertising. If you are somebody who's reading a news outlet on your phone, you'll see embedded ads come up sometimes in those stories that on first glance look like a story by the outlet you're reading. But if you look at it more closely, it says sponsored content. This is something that the search engines do. It's part of the way they generate ad revenue. So there's nothing about it that is, you know, violates their terms or isn't any way unethical. I mean, this is part of the way that paid advertising works. And, you know, you'll see it. It's certainly not just political campaigns who do it. I mean, just as I am reading things online, sometimes I'll double, you know, sort of like double look at something because it seems it feels like it's an authentic piece of content. And then you see it's paid. So it is incumbent on the viewer, the reader, to have a discerning eye. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I get it. I get it. When the people who run Kamala Harris and populate her teleprompter with things to say and tell her to laugh in a joyous way, when they go out and create actual fake news headlines. Hey, you know what? Buyer beware, baby. It's on you. These are the same organizations that have called for speech codes and for more disinformation policing. It's amusing. It's amusing that they think it's not obvious. This is the actual view of people who get to be guessed at CNN to defend this. If the Trump campaign had decided to do this, you know exactly how this would be seen on CNN. It would be seen in the reverse. This is the guy who created the phrase fake news, creating fake news. They defend it, and they do it in this way, that it's up to us. Okay, if it's up to us, maybe we could turn to CNN for some help with this, since this appeared on CNN. Maybe we could go through a couple of examples of CNN really helping us to understand the intricacies of news, you know, making it clear, such as a time when Jake Tapper decided to respond to Donald Trump with all caps on Twitter. I'll share that with you in a second. I am looking at my watch. It is right now 9/11 in the morning as we're recording this on that specific coast time. And I am expecting to get a note from Matt and Wade a optimizer saying, "Okay, stop." They cannot continue to give away. Magnesium breakthrough for free. It can't happen. Magnesium breakthrough is what I use to control stress. It helps with regularity. And it is especially good at helping people sleep because it controls stress. Magnesium is responsible for regulating or driving 600 body interactions, and 80% of Americans are short on magnesium. Now, you can say, "Look, I eat really well. I'm as regimented in my diet as you are, Todd. Okay, I take magnesium breakthrough. Want to know why?" Because the way our food system has been changed, most of us don't get to magnesium we should get from our vegetables, which, you know, used to supply it. You can replace that magnesium and have the experience that I have, which is cup bars before bed to take two magnesium breakthrough pills. And I suddenly start to feel warm and relaxed. It's remarkable. As long as I've taken it, I still sometimes am surprised at how quickly it works. I go to sleep better, I stay asleep longer, and if I do wake up, I go back to sleep more successfully. The only way to get the free bottle of magnesium breakthrough is not at Google, not at Amazon, not even the buy-up to measures website. There's only one website. It's That's So CNN says it's perfectly okay, or a guest on CNN from Axios. She's a writer at Axios. She says it's okay for people in campaigns to create fake news headlines, fake articles, post them, and encourage people to click on them. And then it's buyer beware. It's up to the consumer. Okay. What about when Jake Tapper took to Twitter and went with all caps at President Trump? Here's what President Trump wrote on Twitter. I hear that fake news CNN just reported that I'm isolated in the White House wondering out loud, when will life return to normal? Does anybody really believe that there was no leak they made it up there, corrupt fake news? Jake Tapper replies. The public needs test. The sick need ventilators. Health care workers need PPE. That was on March 25th, 2020. Let's behold again what Jake Tapper said in all caps. The public needs tests. Okay, Jake Tapper. The PCR tests were frauds. They encouraged false positives. Even the New York Times reported that. Even the New York Times admitted. In fact, they were the first to admit it. To talk about the rate of false positives in a massive article, the sick need ventilators. Factually this, Jake, ventilators probably killed more people than they saved. And again, factually, Jake, people were put on ventilators when they didn't need them at all. I can name for you two cases where people were put on ventilators against their will and against their families' expressed orders. When their oxygen levels were between 96 and 98%, they didn't need ventilators. Hospital workers need PPE. It has long been established that no, Jake, even, even, the big, big important masks. They didn't stop the virus. They can't. They're physically incapable of that. But buyer beware. Buyer beware. CNN takes a different take altogether when it involves Donald Trump. This is Jake Tapper throwing a fit about Donald Trump being welcomed by supporters and listen to Jake Tapper's analysis of this court case. There is national security laws and then obstructing and refusing to cooperate with the FBI. Whatever this spectacle is that's unfolding before us, let's remember what this case is about. Let's remember what this indictment charges. Again, Donald Trump is charged with a series of federal felonies for mishandling the most sensitive government documents that we have. And for obstruction of justice, along with Wal Nada, who is charged with intentionally setting up lies to the grand jury to the FBI. Any way you look at this, and again, despite whatever may be going on in that restaurant, this case isn't going to be settled legally in a cafe. It's going to be settled in the court basically the facts in law. The folks in the control room, I don't need to see any more of that. He's trying to turn this in. He's trying to turn it into a spectacle, into a campaign ad. That's enough of that. We've seen it already. Let's go over again the 37 charges that Donald Trump is facing right now. We don't have to go into each one. But Ellie, if you could basically detail what are the allegations here? We have counts one to 30. President Trump was trying to turn it into a campaign ad. Wait. No, wait. I thought that was okay. CNN took their cameras to the event. President Trump's supporters saying happy birthday to him. That's a campaign ad. And Jake Tapper doesn't want to see any more. The Kamala Harris campaign takes fake headlines, promotes them through the Google search engine through the Google ad buying service. And that's okay. That's not fake news. And apparently Jake Tapper is okay with that. Is he going to make a statement on this? CNN is the cornerstone of what it means to be in a dying industry. That is the industry of news filtering and fake news promoting. They can't see it and they can't see what they're doing to themselves. But other people can certainly see it. All of us who just watch this can. Story number three. Tim Waltz is, as we've determined in the program, 90% evil, 10% stupid. Now, I wonder if it's always been that way. I wonder if at some point Tim Waltz would say, "Well, probably 40% stupid." And then evil got in on him. There's no doubt that Tim Waltz is evil if you simply observe the fruits of what Tim Waltz has produced. Record high deaths of black men via murder in the state of Minnesota twice the national average, which is skyrocketed, 83% up under Tim Waltz's dictatorship of the state of Minnesota. It went up 45% during a similar period of time in other states. Of course, that was during, in after the Brock Hussein Obama presidency, a man who did nothing to stop black on black crime. One of the presidents who was most uniquely positioned to do that. Tim Waltz's Minnesota has become a place that is vulcanized. There are cities that are now Muslim cities and counties that are now Muslim counties. And what that does to a nation that's trying to hold itself together, because there are those of us who'd like to hold the United States together, even though many of us are tempted to say, "Hey, you know what? Let's go ahead and just have the national divorce. It's already going on anyway." I mean, if we take ourselves as kids in a broken family, we can look and see the national divorce is happening. The fact is that people who have kids or want to have kids are leaving the cities and going to the suburbs, people who don't want kids are launching themselves into the cities. Tim Waltz's Minnesota is also a place that has embraced violent riots. Well, the right kind of riots. Not the wrong kind of riots. And, of course, it's embraced Islam. Well, those things can go part in parcel. Not all Muslims are violent people by any long shot. But when a nation imports people without investigating who they are or their points of view and without caring, or just in the case of the Afghanistan withdrawal, just sucks a bunch of people in immediately, not even bothering to take five seconds to look at who they are, when we do not encourage the becoming of a neighborhood. Because that's what immigration's supposed to be, is that we all become a neighborhood. I don't want you to come to America thinking you have to give up your faith. That's un-American. I don't want you to come to America thinking you have to agree with all our policies. That's also un-American. What I do want is this. That you come here because you love our Constitution. You love it because it promises that you get to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. That you love it because it restrains government. That you love it because it encourages liberty, which is different from freedom. Freedom is the ability to do whatever you want to whom everyone. Liberty is freedom within constraints. That you love a system that is designed to be, in many ways, a meritocracy that culturally helps the downtrodden culturally. The more often done through philanthropy, the better. What I do not want is people coming to the United States with the intention of installing a Muslim theocracy. That's what Sharia law does. You can pretend otherwise, but Islam is always followed by Sharia law. 83% of Muslims at one point, according to an international survey, thought you should be killed for leaving the faith. That's radical. I don't want people in the United States who think you should be killed for leaving the Islamic faith. I don't want people in the United States who believe that women should have to wear. The burqa, that's un-American. If a family makes that decision, I guess there's little I can do, but I don't want to import people like that. I don't want to import people in New America who want to see Israel wiped off the map and Jewish people killed. I don't want those ideas promoted under our college campuses. I don't want sleeper cells in our country of terrorists who are ready to be activated and become kinetic. And you know what I do want? More opportunities like I've had to have fascinating discussions with Islamic people. It's happened to me in New York City, it's happened to me in Washington, D.C. to sit and learn. To talk about, for instance, the difference in music from some of these cultures, it's utterly fascinating. Or to have a gentleman explain to me how he saw the beauty of the Quran. And I just listened politely and tried to learn what I could. Of course, we need to be curious and interested in the people with whom we interact. We're called to love people. Part of loving people is being curious about people. Then there's Tim Walts. Tim Walts is 90% evil, 10% stupid. We've determined this on the program. But Tim Walts is everybody's favorite uncle. He's on the Kamala Harris campaign because he is chubby, white, gray haired and has red cheeks. That's why. He's also deeply radical and deeply dangerous. Just go look at the people with whom he hangs out. They're not people who mean this country well. They're in fact the form of enemies that my friend Tim Crookshank fought against. Tim, as you know, is a retired Navy SEAL. He was deployed three times on our behalf. He was a medic attached to the SEAL teams. He was also a buds instructor. I'm mentioning Tim because my friends at Native Path Crill did something phenomenal. I want to thank him for this. Native Path Crill is what I've taken to stop taking ibuprofen. I used to eat four ibuprofen nearly every night. Often I'd eat it again in the morning. I thought I was fighting inflammation. Do you think that too? Ibuprofen actually causes inflammation. It actually destroys your gut lining which leads to things getting into your bloodstream. Particles that shouldn't be in your bloodstream getting into your bloodstream that causes more inflammation so you eat more ibuprofen. My friends at Native Path Crill heard Tim on our program. Tim came on to talk about as much as he was able the death of his dear wife Liz. Tim talked about what it's like to be a team member. Now supported as his wife died by guys with whom he was in war. He talked about his family. How his daughters stepped up. When I saw the interview it was very difficult. At one point I just said to say stop. Stop. You don't need to talk about this. Tim wasn't ready. The people at Native Path Crill saw that and they heard Tim say this. I was talking about Native Path Crill and how it fights inflammation. How it's 6,000 times more potent than vitamin C which can help of course fight off any form of illness in your body. It can help your immune system. It's a potent antioxidant. It decreases inflammation. It actually allows me to exercise the next day even after 12 hour workout. It allows me to do that. They heard Tim who again was a physician's assistant in real life. Say that. I want that. Because that stuff I need. What's it called? It's a Native Path Crill. You know what they did? They sent him a year's supply to his house. Because they wanted to thank him for what he did for us. Visit and go see what deals are waiting for you. This is a company who puts patriotism up front and whose products work. that's Here's Tim Waltz, 90% evil, 10% stupid. This is a video that's been unearthed exclusively by the DC Examiner. He's here with an imam named Asad Zaman, a master teacher who by the way, is notorious for promoting the thoughts of Adolf Hitler. It's not President Trump having mind comp thanks to the bed. It's actually promoting the thoughts of Hitler as in he likes the thoughts of Hitler. I would like to first of all say thank you to imam. I am a teacher so when I see a master teacher I know it. And over the time we've spent together one of the things I've had the privilege of is seeing the things in life through the eye of a master teacher to try and get the understanding. A master teacher who likes the ideas of Adolf Hitler. Now Tim Waltz has said that he doesn't have any personal relationship with Zaman. Except he knows he's a master teacher. How do you come upon that knowledge of a guy you don't have any personal relationship with? We already know that Tim Waltz lies. He lies consistently about his rank that he achieved in the National Guard. There's a three and a half minute video I could play for you of him lying about his rank. He lied about taking weapons of war into war because he never went to war. All military service is honorable, all of it. Doesn't matter if you go to war, it's all honorable so long as you serve honorably. But you don't lie about it. Tim Waltz is Jay Inslee. Tim Waltz is Gavin Newsom. They're all one person with all one goal, power, and they're willing to do anything to it, including causing up to people who want to bring Sharia law into the country. It's not just Minnesota. It's many, many of the falling democracies or republics. There's a guy named David Spring, and he's been sentenced to 18 months in jail. And he said some horrible, horrible rude things. This is from the British press The sentence handed out to David Spring is the latest shocking example of how low the bar has now been set in terms of free speech. In response to rioting that occurred after the murder of three girls in Southport last month, Spring attended a demonstration of around 700 people in London on July 31st, which turned disorderly. Police body cam footage that was played in court showed Spring calling police officers terrible words for using women's body parts, making hostile gestures and joining in with chance who the F is a law and you're not English anymore. So he's been sentenced to prison, well, jail for 18 months. It's not just in Minnesota where we're seeing the very, very special people given very, very special privileges. I played for you earlier this week the celebration of the creation of the call to prayer, promoting the call to prayer from a government body. It is not that I'm calling on governments to stop people from practicing their faith. God forbid you can't have a Christian theocracy. The minute you install a theocracy, it's not Christian anymore because Jesus Christ never forced a person to do anything. Eventually, eventually every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that will happen. But prior to that, Jesus hasn't forced anyone to do anything. The same people who worry about the so-called Christian theocracy under President Trump are not worried that they're importing a large number of people who want to have a Muslim theocracy. That's what Sharia law brings. Tim Waltz is 90% evil, 10% stupid, and he's on the ticket because he is chubby with red cheeks, white skin, and gray hair. It's the ultimate DEI recruit. Lord, thank you for reminding us there's one way to you. We only get to the Father through the Son, for Jesus Christ is the truth the way in the life. Thank you for providing that soul pathway to you. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go do well. Be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music)