The Todd Herman Show

Two Currencies You Can Trade to Make Better Returns than The S&P 500 Ep-1799

There's a lot to talk with him about. Stock futures didn't change much even though there was a key inflation discussion. There is a faster way, better way to make more money than the S&P 500 over the past century. Want to know what it is? It has to do with trading one foreign currency for another foreign currency. You make more money than you did in the stock market. Has this anything to do with the DEI focus and the failures there plus Boeing?
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Broadcast on:
16 Aug 2024
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There is a requirement you must meet if you're going to go to work for the people who run Kamala Harris and the people who are running the campaign around Kamala Harris and we've determined 90% evil, 10% stupid Tim Walts. It's interesting because there's another group who has the same exact requirement and they're aligned with Kamala Harris and the people who run her to a T. Now they're not going to be promoted by pharma. Did I say pharma? Yeah, it's pharma. We'll talk about that, plus the separate country of Washington state. Congratulations. Smoke rules have gotten exactly what they voted for. We'll talk about all this with the help of where you get a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough and with God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God is the saddest we should live. So if you want to be part of the Kamala Harris campaign, you have to, you have to, go get injected with the mRNA or have been injected. Interestingly enough, that's also true of the Satanic Temple. No, they're doing an event in Boston. Satanic convention requires proof of the COVID vaccination. They're not vaccines. We know that. Interesting the way these things align. There is no daylight between the Kamala Harris campaign and the people who run the Kamala Harris campaign and Satanism. And it used to be that this was a hyperbolic statement. You'd say something like this and people look at you like you're odd. I'm watching more and more conservatives use this language because it's becoming more and more obvious. There is a guy named Jeffrey Marsh. You know, Jeffrey Marsh is. Jeffrey Marsh is a man who doesn't make any efforts to look like a woman other than putting on shades of makeup and wearing pearls and stuff. He keeps his five o'clock shadow on purpose. And we played some videos of him on the program. I've known about this guy for years, almost a decade. And in my judgment, he's probably the most successful groomer of kids into the trans cult from afar. There exists. And that's his whole drive in life. He's a guy who's famous and infamous, I should say, for telling kids to hate their families. If your mom and dad won't pretend along with you that you're the opposite sex, I will be your parent. He's given them resources as I understand that on how to leave home where to go. And for people who don't know, there are glitter homes on the West Coast in the separate countries run by people who are big denizens of the sexual left. And they will take kids in. So in pro kidnapping countries like Washington, which is a pro kidnapping country, a kid can show to one of those houses and start the process of emancipation. Quite legally, at the age of 13, quite legally, there's nothing you can do. Jeffrey Marsh has been pushing this. So why have I gone from the COVID shots required for Cammy Harris's campaign to the Satanic convention requiring proof of the COVID shots for their convention coming up in Boston to Jeffrey Marsh? Because Jeffrey Marsh has been invited as a special guest to the Democrat convention. Jeffrey Marsh, who encourages confused and hurting children to leave their families, has been invited as a special guest at the Democrat convention. If you think about that, it makes perfect sense because the Democrats, of course, are anti-life, their anti-family, their anti-child, and their pro sexual left in every possible measure. So that is just a precursor to what's going on in the separate country of Washington state, because in the separate country of Washington state, we have this. The post-millennial is out with a report on what happens when you elect pro crime leftists. And the pro crime leftists, having been elected, are getting exactly what they wanted. It's not even a question now. The rankings are out. Now, I have friends who are still located. They're friends who are cops to this moment there. I have three or four friends who are probably, I'm looking at my watch right now, probably just getting off the street knowing which shift they work. Two of them are shift commanders. One of them is higher up than that in the Seattle Police Department. So what we're seeing there, and I'll go through the report in a second, is the perfect analog for what we've seen in Minnesota. Because Jay Inslee is Tim Walts, and Gavin Newsom is Jay Inslee and Tim Walts put together. I'll tell you about that in just a second, because it matters that we're going to be facing this nationwide. Like I told you, if I didn't, I'll tell you the story again, because it's hilarious. I have a friend of mine who's turned into the test bunny for, I shouldn't say bunny, he's a grown man. He's turned into the primary tester of the Eden Pure Oxi Leaf 2 system. He is in one dude, bought this for his medical clinic. He has a small office in a gym, and he treats athletes, some of them just normal people like me, some of them very, very elite athletes. And he wants the place to smell good, so he got the Oxi Leaf 2 thunderstorm device. He bought three of them. They've got two in the house. So far, he's used it to remove, utterly decimate the smell of rotted meat from his truck. That happened overnight. He put the Oxi Leaf 2 thunderstorm device in it, and it smelled like a thunderstorm the next day or the day after thunderstorm. His wife had kid vomit in her car. It baked in the sun. My friend went in and cleaned it out and vacuumed it. Everything good. His wife is very, very pregnant with her second child. She wasn't going to do it. That didn't work. So he put the device in the car, the Oxi Leaf 2 thunderstorm. Again, next day, the smell was gone. This time, it was a rental vehicle because my friend's truck is in a shot. The rental vehicle he got came as a smoker's vehicle. The rental company tried to cover it up with the fake new car smell, but of course, my friend could smell that because it's stuck to high heaven. He put the Oxi Leaf 2 thunderstorm device in the car. The next day, it smelled like the day after a thunderstorm. It's not magic. It's science. These O3 molecules, the ozone molecules produced by this air nut, filter, air purifier, bond to the bad smelling molecules and they utterly destroy them. When that happens, the smell of thunderstorm takes over. No matter what the problem is, you can get it cleared up and I'm going to save you $200 on whole home coverage with three of these devices. Enjoy fresh air today. Go to, put in discount code TOD3. That's T-U-D-D, the number three, to save $200 at, and enter the code TOD3. Washington State, congratulations. You are the most violent state in the United States. This comes from the post-millennial. Washington State was ranked the most dangerous state to live in for 2024 due to rampant crime according to a new study from Wallachob, which ranked all 50 states for safety based upon violent crime, property crime, trafficker related fatalities and total law enforcement employees per capita. The Evergreen State came in dead last, making it the most dangerous place in the United States to live this year. Washington beat out Oregon, Colorado, California and other Democrat-controlled states to take the dubious honor. The safety ranking is evaluated by looking at the violent crime and property crime rights, traffic related fatalities per capita and total law enforcement employees per capita of a given state. This is all on purpose. It's 2024 and we began warning about this when I began my local radio career in Seattle. One of the first things I did in local radio was to start a local feature called Smells Like Seattle Spirit. If you've been with this program for a long time, A, thank you, B, you remember that feature. Just a little bit of insight and information on that because I thought it was funny. I was cautioned against doing that feature. I was told by radio people no one in conservative radio wants to hear local news and I said you're doing it wrong. No, you're doing it the wrong way. What people want to hear is how their local politics are affected by national politics and what people in Seattle want to know is who are the personalities behind this stuff. It was at that time that I warned and I said on the air multiple times and people who've been with the program a long time can witness this. I'm not saying masseuse, say, or make predictions or anything but it was obvious. It's powder recognition. I said Seattle is Detroit itself. Seattle is going to Detroit itself. Why? Because they legalized crime in every possible capacity. It is legal to walk around selling fentanyl and buying it. It is legal to walk around injecting yourself with heroin. It is functionally legal to do all these things. They then capped what the police could do to stop violence. When it came to the massive riots planned in advance, probably through the White House, the Black Lives Matter Incorporated and Antifa riots, every time the cops made progress turning those around, the bosses in government took a tool away from them. "Oh, you can't use pepper spray." No, no. A little boy got pepper sprayed right because his parents took him to the protest, to the riots, cars being turned over, people trying to steal police guns out of cars, and they walked him towards the pepper spray. So they could say to the cops, "See this little boy? We're doing this so he'll hate you for the rest of his life. This is the kid who's going to grow up hating you. We're creating generations of..." It's on video. Every time the police made progress, they took something, "Oh, no. You can't use those beanbags. You can't shoot people with beanbags." "Oh, no. You can't use that gas." No, wait. No. You can't have that helmet. Wait. No. You can't have your frogman suit. You can't be protected. You can't wear that body armor. That's not fair. They don't have it. That culminated one night in a cop being hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat, an aluminum baseball bat. The only thing that saved that cop's life was he was a bicycle cop and his bike helmet saved his life, otherwise his skull would have been crushed. That was done by the son of a former state representative. And he was there with a lawyer, a law, recent law graduate from the University of Washington, who was helping him to make Molotov cocktails. It started with making all of this legal. It started with making crime legal, and it metastasized into these settings now. There are these realities in separate countries of Washington, and I'm sure in Minnesota. I'll never forget getting a phone call from a woman who lived in Pierce County, which is south of Seattle. She said, "You've got to help me. You have to help me. I've got to bring attention to this." She brought pictures. She brought video. They owned property that had a rural portion of it, so there was a great big bit of acreage. About 40 people had seized a couple of acres of her land. They came in overnight, and they built structures. Now, they weren't beautiful houses. They didn't have foundations or anything like that. But they were tree houses. They built fences. They brought in camera monitors. They brought in motion detecting cameras. They brought in lights. They stole power from her house and surrounding houses. And they ran that all like a camp. They built it overnight. Her kids playing noticed that people had built what they called a fort. And this woman thinking, "Well, a camp is probably just kids." Went and looked at it. 40 adults overnight built this structure that they were defending. She called the sheriff. And the sheriff said, "There's not much we can do, man. We have to file papers. You'll have to go through a court process. You're going to have to try to evict these people." She called me to come on the radio, to talk about it on the radio. We did. And then I said this, "Look, here's what we're going to do. We're going to gather some guys I know who used to serve in the military. We'll come down. We'll kick these guys out. And then we'll let the course decide." And I got a phone call from one of the Pierce County cops and said, "Hey, I get it. But you got to understand something. You are not walking into a bunch of bunnies. These guys are armed. We already know what they have. They've got swords. They've got guns. Some of the things they'll do is squirt you with diseased blood." They said, "They've got that tactic down." This was in Pierce County, Washington, south of Seattle. And it was six or seven years ago. This has been allowed to continue. As this has all gone on, what's happened to the economy? Insurance rates have skyrocketed both for car and home insurance. It's very, very difficult to get home insurance in certain neighborhoods, almost impossible to get car insurance in some of the neighborhoods. But what else has happened? The downtown core has rotted. Nike left. Amazon made a massive billion dollar investment. They left. Starbucks HQ relocated. Some of the most legendary businesses in the history of Seattle relocated. All of this was foreseeable. The fact that anyone like Tim Walts is being considered to be VP when Tim Walts is exactly this is insane. But remember this. The Satanic temples having their event in Boston, their convention. They require the COVID shots. The people who want to work for the Cammy Harris campaign are going to have to have the COVID shots. In the separate country of Washington, they pushed the COVID shot dick-tats. It's all one party. All of it. There's so much to talk about on the economy as we wait for Zach Abraham to arrive. A lot of it is new news, such as the Cammy Harris plan to have price controls. We'll talk about why that never works. I mean, a lot of people know, but we'll get down to the details about why that never works. Here's something that will work for you. It's called native path collagen. I've talked a lot about the use of it for exercise. And this is something that, of course, I'm concentrating on building up for seal fit. The fact that it helps accelerate tissue recovery and it's scientifically back to promote bone density. I haven't spent a lot of time on the aesthetics of this. This is something that helps get hair thicker. It helps protect nails. It helps reduce wrinkles. And it's scientifically backed in another way. Native path collagen is taken to a third party. They analyze it to make sure it's safe because other companies, they skimp on that. The third parties look for heavy metals. They look for toxins. Native path collagen is very, very set on purity. That's one of the reasons they're called native path. If you look at the ingredients, they're slim. In fact, they only have two types of collagen fibers in this, type 1 and 3, which are found in 90% of our bodies. So things like cartilage, what I'm interested in. Muscle recovery, what I'm interested in. And people who want to get thicker hair and reduce wrinkles, well, that's all available too. Here's what you could do. Go to native path, probably get native path. Get native and you can stock up on native path collagen. Get native You can save up to 45% off. Everybody will enjoy free shipping, get native path, 365 day money back guarantee, get native path, get native The Cammie Harris campaign is not only requiring people to get injected, they're now beginning to speak of the economy. And Cammie Harris, now breaking my own rule, figurehead Kamala Harris, has decided to help fight inflation by flooding the housing market with money. Now let's think about that. She's proposing providing, that is you being forced to provide, up to a $25,000 down payment in support of first-time home buyers, and much more generous support for first-generation homeowners. This is according to campaign officials. So she intends to fight inflation by making the world much more flood with money. And how do we get this money? What's conjured? We know that we conjure money through the Federal Reserve. We know we conjure it through quantitative easing. Does Kamala Harris understand any of this? It doesn't matter. Because at the same time she's doing this, she's talking about price controls. She has determined what the right price for everything is. You know who else has done that? Maduros. Every single leftist dictator has tried this. It's been tried in every leftist country, and it's coming at the same time as Kamala Harris is facing a guy who's a CEO. I hope that President Trump will become CEO Trump in this debate, particularly on these economic policies. Because I guarantee what Kamala Harris is going to try to do in the debate, she's going to try to go to Trump into a fight over being a felon. I can see her opening statement in my mind as I can see her saying, "What a time in America." You know, I was a prosecutor for years and faced people like this man, who was a convicted, felt 36 times convicted felon, and now I'm debating one for President. Ha-ha-ha! She's going to try to go to. I hope that President Trump will be CEO Trump, the Chief Economist Trump, and to talk in very, very clear terms about how this is madness. It's pretty simple to do. How does providing fake, free money to people so they can purchase houses? How does that drive down the cost of housing? Why would anyone decide to lower the cost of housing? He can use as an analog, of course, big universities. Big universities get massive amounts of government money, billions and billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars, and they don't lower their costs. Why should they? The guaranteed money always keeps flowing. The President Trump has to take on the role of CEO Trump and ask Kamala Harris to defend statements like this and plays like this. She can't. She can only do it based on feelings. So I hope that President Trump's team is getting him ready with precise data such as this. When you guys did this in 2008 and 2009, you spent the first decade prior to that flooding money into the system, approving loans and forcing banks to approve loans for companies and individuals who couldn't ever pay them back. We all saw the housing crash happen. It happened because of steps like this. You're going through the same motions this time, the same way but worse, because you're also going to flood the system with money. He can point to Harvard's endowment. Most people don't think that's fair. Yale's endowment. Most people don't think that's fair. And he can say, what is the caring and fairness in taking Americans who've worked hard for this money and forcing them to write checks to people who can't have any hope of paying the house off or paying it down? President Trump does that and provides examples of where government inflow into systems has created more and higher costs. He wins. He can do it with healthcare. You guys said Obamacare was going to fix everything and you flooded the healthcare system with money, healthcare providers haven't been asked to streamline their work at all. They haven't been asked to. In fact, they've been forced to do the opposite. He can remind Americans that for every single doctor you pay to look at you, there are 17 paper pushers, bookkeepers, accountants in the background, 17. I always keep that in mind if I ever have to go see a doctor. If a doctor is looking at me, I picture 17 bureaucrats standing around me. He can do that and say, look what's happened to healthcare costs. There's no reason to drive them down. President Trump can also then go to big universities. And he doesn't need to get into the social issues or so-called social issues he can. At the same time as they were having anti-Israel marches, Harvard continues to raise its rates. It continues to make it harder to get to colleges. We continue to pour money into it. It's the same thing with housing. You will drive up the costs of housing while you do this, and you will drive up inflation. President Trump can tie this together and have people understand that the economy core goods, the costs of those, have gone up 20%. He can win this debate based on numbers as being a CEO, as Kamala Harris attempts to cackle and laugh. And of course, she's going to come back and say, it was you who drove jobs down. It was under your administration where jobs come down. I hope President Trump is ready to step in and make a fantastic statement. You want to see President Trump break news during a debate? President Trump should admit to a massive mistake during the debate. No, think of this. It's never been done. It's never been done. If President Trump were to do this, I don't think Kamala Harris would be able to quickly react. I mean, I have an idea what she might try to say. It would start with cackling. I'll talk about that in a second because it has to do with health care. I had a discussion yesterday with my oldest and dearest friends, a guy I consider to be not kind of a brother, a brother. And he and I were talking about our lives and giving each other counsel to his Christian men. And he communicated to me a terrible, terrible health issue he's having. It's not pain, but it's discomfort. And it's causing rashes inside his body. He's a well-paid guy. He's a brilliant man. And he's seeing a ton of doctors who are trying to help him with this. But every symptom he mentioned had to do with inflammation. Every single symptom. Now, mind you, this is a guy who I believe saved my life twice. He's a guy who brought me to the Lord. If I learned that he needed a kidney, I would stop the show. I would go give it to him. If he needed a second one, I'd give him my other one. I love him that much. So I said to him, "Brother, I hope that you will please, please, please let me introduce you to my friends who run renew health care in Port of South, to Mexico." I said the stem cells ethically gathered from placentas and umbilical cords only. The first thing they do is fight inflammation. And I've heard so much about inflammation causing great, great harm to people. Neuropathy. You might have this. The buzzing of the limbs. It has to be so annoying. Sometimes it becomes very, very painful. Or you have inefficiencies and movement. This can be driven by lower back, lumbar things. You can't close your hands. You've loosened your grip. You can't really hold on to things anymore. That has to be incredibly frustrating, not to mention scary. Renewed out health care can help you with these things and with even neurological damage. The stem cells are building cells. They will build cells for whatever part of the body they're inserted in. In my case, it's been a shoulder. It's been an ankle. I know people who've done these. They have great results with lower lumbar related issues. That's why so many pro golfers go there. So I absolutely told my friend, my brother, this guy who saved my life at least twice about that. If I'm telling him and I'm telling you, then I truly believe in this. I've seen the results. I've lived them. Go to That's Please tell them you're a friend of the program. They will look at your medical records. They can even talk with your doctors and they'll determine if they think they can help you. If they think so, they'll tell you the percentage. In my case, they said with my shoulder, my first shoulder, "Hey, it's 50/50." You know, we really don't like 50/50 odds. With my second shoulder, they said absolutely immediate after shoulder surgery will speed up the healing, and they did. It's been remarkable. Go to That's, and they'll tell you if they can help you or not. The thing that President Trump should do in this debate with Kamala Harris is he's being CEO Trump, and as he explains, as I've just talked about, why her insane plans, which, of course, are designed to drive up inflation. Let's not pretend this is designed to help. President Trump can then talk about Harvard. He can then talk about health care costs. The more money you put into health care, the higher the costs go. For every retiree, everyone on Medicare, everyone on Medicaid, the costs continue to go up, and doctors make less money. So we're seeing doctors leaving time and time again. We're seeing doctors going out and creating clinics that don't take insurance. One of the fastest growing segments in health care. We've got concierge medical clinics where doctors refuse to take insurance because they can't afford to take insurance. If President Trump makes this case, he can come back and say, "And you want to do with housing what Obamacare did to health care. You want to do with housing what you've done to the costs of colleges. You want to do to the country what you did to our economy." President Trump should say this. The worst mistake I ever made as President was giving in to people like you. People like Tony Fauci. That is a mistake I will never make again. I will never again trust bureaucrats who do not have the best interest of Americans at heart. I knew it at the time. I said that COVID was going to go away and it has for most people except for the people who've gotten these shots. It would take a massive, massive stretch. A humility for President Trump to say such a thing because he continues to insist that the shots have actually helped people. But can you imagine how big a deal it would be if President Trump did that? I think it would be monumental. Kamala Harris would stand there and get back on her heels and probably laugh and cackle and try some way to come around on that saying something like, "Well, you hired your son-in-law. Yeah, you did a great job, too. You got the Israeli Peace Pack done. What have you done?" It's going to be a fascinating debate because, of course, ABC News is going to be twisting the scales. President Trump can also speak about how badly rigged the financial system is, and this is something else that President Trump should do. This would make massive, massive news. And Kamala Harris would have to try to confront this. He would make her fight on ground. She can't defend. Kamala Harris cannot go toe to toe with President Trump on anything related to the economy or business or job creation or currencies. Carol Merx wrote on Twitter's February 2007 investment specialist at Beggler's Begglin, big 10 investments, largest weighted portfolio in some of the biggest investment worlds. He wrote this on Twitter dash X. "Borrowing money in Japanese yen and investing it in Mexican pesos has delivered better returns this century than the S&P 500 as illustrated in the attached chart." Now think of this. The S&P 500 representing the world's largest economy in the United States, the top companies in the United States, in the S&P 500, and you make more money doing what he calls a carry trade. I'll try to explain this. He writes, "The strategy is known as the carry trade. It involves borrowing money in a country with low interest rates and investing it in a country with high interest rates. The profit arises not only from the difference between borrowing at a low rate and lending at a higher rate, but also from currency movements. The currency of a country with low interest rates tends to depreciate while the currency rate of a country with high interest rates tends to appreciate. It's unusual for a country like Japan to maintain extremely low interest rates for 25 years. As a result, speculators have come to believe this trend will continue indefinitely, leading them to take on increasingly larger amounts and riskier positions such as borrowing in Japan to invest in stocks elsewhere in the world. What we're watching is the degradation of the stock market from something that actually represented value creation, actual rigor in companies running their finances, P&L statements and performance, et cetera, and, and, I'm not saying it should be illegal, but I'm saying that President Trump should expose this. What would it be like for a guy who's made so much money to come out and say, "Our money creation system is rigged and you are people who rigged it? How could it get to the end of the day? How could it get to the end of the day? How could it get to the end of the day? How could it get to the end of the day? When I was running the Trump companies before I left my happy life, and President Trump would say it that way, to come and rescue the country before I left my happy life, you had the CEO of Disney, Bob Eiger, go into your political mentor's office in the White House, Barack Obama. He walked in and was an economic advisor to your political mentor, Barack Obama. He walked into that room knowing that Disney had paid zero tax. And he began to advocate for Americans like me to pay more taxes, more importantly, since I can afford it, praise God. He was advocating for normal Americans to pay more taxes and for companies to pay more taxes, completely, completely blind to the fact that he himself had arranged for Disney to pay zero corporate tax. You rigged this system, Kamala. You and Joe Biden rigged this system, Kamala. It'd be difficult for them to talk through that, to talk around it, because it's true. He can go through a name every, every round door, revolving door instance, where people left the regulatory systems and gone back into banking and then come back into the regulatory systems. President Trump could know this by heart. The fact is, the system is rigged, and this is one of the reasons why shiny-shoot Republicans are as against President Trump as they're against Kamala Harris. In fact, many of them would prefer Kamala Harris, because then they can keep their precious dear, dear Republican Party. I'm not as good at talking about this as Zach Abraham, but I'll tell you one thing. It can't last. This is unsustainable, and President Trump being CEO Trump during a debate is one way to draw attention to this. I'll just tell you just got a note from Zach. He's not going to make it today, and he apologizes. So if I've been, well, trying to really stretch the show a little bit, I apologize, too. Not my best show. Some good information. I apologize that it was a little bit sloppy. Don't feel great about it, but it is something we will not do again. We will never do an attempt at a live connection with a guest again. I apologize for that. You can reach Zach at, I encourage you to subscribe to his radio show, and get to see how he does it, because he's very, very gifted at it. It's This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [Music]