The Todd Herman Show

Is Tim Walz Mostly Dumb Or Mostly Evil? How Did Kamala Harris do at protecting women and girls Ep-1797

Is Tim Walz mostly dumb or is he mostly evil? Just like the failed mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin, Walz also decided to allow Black Lives Matter Incorporated to take over a police station in Minneapolis. We'll talk about how bad the Black on Black killing got in Minnesota under Tim Walz, the guy who's on the ticket because he is white, chubby, and faced. The more America learns about how cold and fetid and putrid the heart of Kamala Harris is, the more they're gonna have to cheat to win this election. And, we’ll look at the panic over guns and how Kamilla Harris plays into all of this. 

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15 Aug 2024
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This season, Instacart has your back to school, as in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit, and they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first call your parents to say, "I'm sorry." And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long, get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last, minimum $10 per order, additional terms apply. So is Tim Walts mostly dumb or mostly evil? I mean, what is the mix? And how did Kamala Harris do at protecting women and girls, you know, when that was her big job? Plus, guns are not snakes. I can't say this clearly enough, they are literally not snakes. You may think they're snakes, they're not snakes, and Kamala Harris makes snakes look cuddly. Because started with this, the help of our YouTube channel, the Todd Herman show and with God Almighty. But Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. No, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exide, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times in which God has decided we should live. Welcome to the three stories version of the Todd Herman show. Big question about Tim Walts, is this guy mostly dumb or mostly evil? And why does it matter? It matters because we conservatives, those of us left, constitutional conservatives hopefully Christian, constitutional, conservative populist, that's a mouthful, but it does mean something to me. We're going to have to deal with this guy. Kamala Harris, if she is installed or maybe even wins the presidency legitimately, well, she'll go out and promote Kamala, that'll be her full time job. She's not a thinker, she's not a serious person, she's seriously craving for power, so she'll just enjoy the position and the perks. In the scenes though, you have a guy named Tim Walts, who is avaracious but also really, really bent on harming people. My question is, is the guy stupid or evil? And in what mix? Because he makes stupid decisions, but they're always stupid in one direction. They always harm families, they always harm children, they always cause crime. They always lead to tyranny. Is that a stupid guy or it's an evil guy? It matters. Because when you're confronting stupid people, your tactics are one way. When you're confronting evil people, they're another. Now it could be that Tim Walts is simply just dumb and spiritually bankrupt. Now we know the spiritually bankrupt part. You know them by their fruits. There is not a policy championed by Tim Walts that doesn't stand adverse to the word of God in every way, shape, matter, idea, faction, or form. And please don't come along and say, but he's for welfare. The Lord Jesus never, ever, ever, pled with government to do things. It's up to us. He never sought government power. He never interfaced with government. When he did interface with authorities, he showed them, well, restrained respect, but he was also very, very clear. You have no power over me, but that which my father grants. So please don't come with the welfare thing in Tim Walts or the border thing. The Lord Jesus taught us that yes, we are to be kind to sojourners, but let's remember why. We are sojourners here. Those of us who've given our lives to the Lord Jesus were sojourners here. This is not our home. Therefore, we are kind to other sojourners who are also to follow our laws. The apostles taught you follow the customs of the country you're in when you're out making disciples unless it calls on you to violate the word of God. That is a law above all laws. So Tim Walts is either mostly stupid or mostly evil, and I want to try to figure that out. He bears a striking resemblance to a lot of the West Coast dictators. Jay Inslee and Gavin Newsom, Kate Brown, the former dictator of Oregon. So we can start there because pattern recognition is super, super important. Because pattern recognition you could have in your life, do you have nights where you simply cannot get to sleep? How often? I mean, once in a while that's a human thing. It happens. You drink too much caffeine. Your mind's busy. It's tax day. There's a big decision to be made. That's human. It happens. If it's happening all the time, it's going to get worse. Lack of sleep begets lack of sleep because your body tenses up. If you're having a lot of anxiety, that's going to contribute to lack of sleep. We can solve that all. We can do it for free right now with magnesium breakthrough, a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough. My sleep protocol includes this a couple of hours before bedtime and it just helps me relax. I go to sleep. I stay asleep if I do wake up because I am in my mid 50s and we go visit the bathroom from time to time. I go back to sleep. Here's how you get the free bottle. It's not on Google. It's not on Amazon. It's not on stores. It's in one place. It is This is not an offer that can continue to put out because they go bankrupt. I mentioned that Tim Walts bears a striking resemblance to the West Coast governors. He does. One of the things we lived through just before we came over to the high mountains of free America or lived around because we did get out. I had to go back and forth from time to time to the studio where we did the morning show in Seattle and it was Antifa seizing six blocks of Seattle. Same thing happened in downtown Portland. They seized Portland. There was an attempt to seize Denver. It went on across the country in Minneapolis, et cetera. The shoot and move stuff that we saw in Louisville, Kentucky shoot and move tactics on American streets. Tim Walts, just like the corrupt and spiritually captured former mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin decided to give up a police station. Three Minneapolis police officers testified at the Minnesota Senate today. The officers are all board members for the Minneapolis Police Federation. And as as may Murphy reports, they offered up a scathing critique of government and police leaders during the riots following George Floyd's death. That's not what we stand for. Her voice shaking Minneapolis police sergeant Anna Hedberg says during the riots, officers were abandoned by state city and department leaders. To watch them go through that was so heartbreaking. To know that they could have died because we were not allowed to respond the way that we have been trained to respond during the riots. The officers were told they could not wear protective frog suits, but were still hit and injured with bottles, cement and more. Sergeant Hedberg blames state city and department leaders for the abandonment of a third precinct. I heard the governor say, give it up. It wasn't directly to me. It was through a phone call. The governor says give up the precinct. I mean, that's that's demoralizing for this whole state. And the three described a demoralized police force with dozens of officers planning to retire or quit. I believe I speak for every Minneapolis cop when I tell you that I've never been more publicly humiliated. They also described a city out of control. The crime is rampant and Minneapolis right now. Tim Walts is fine with that. Tim Walts endorsed a candidate, John Thompson, state representative, who went into neighborhoods called a sax and called teen girls, the KKK, through a bullhorn using a series of F words. We watched the fifth precinct be given over to Black Lives Matter Incorporated and Antifa in Seattle. They later, those groups got $1 billion in payoff to stop burning the city down. Cops lost their wedding rings because they were in their lockers. A lot of cops do not wear their wedding rings when they're on the street. Other cops lost their personal IDs because they don't take their personal IDs out for obvious reasons, I would think. Black Lives Matter Incorporated and Antifa got access to the computer systems, the HR systems, the files, the home addresses, the marital status or lack thereof of officers. I'm sure the same thing happened in Minneapolis. Just like on the West Coast, Tim Walts disarmed police as much as he could. He didn't take their guns, but he took everything else. They did the same thing in Seattle. "Oh no, you can't use that or that or that or that or that. You're left with shoot or surrender." Now, it could be that Tim Walts is just simply stupid and did not understand this would happen except he watched it. You can't be that dumb. You could be blind and hear it. I think that's a vote for evil. So how did Tim Walts do at protecting Black Lives? This is how Steve Saylor, approached it. He asked, "How did Tim Walts do at Black Lives Mattering?" And he did the research. From the video service, you're looking right there at a chart he put together based off of crime statistics. Here's a plug from the article. In 2018, the year before Walts became governor, 10.9 blacks per 100,000 died by homicide. By 2021, in the third year of Walts' governorship, the black rate of dying by homicide had almost tripled to 29.8%. Since then, it's come down, but 2023 was still dramatically worse for Black Lives Mattering in terms of not getting shot, typically by another black. Then the average for the decade preceding Walts is coming to power. During the decade before Walts, the black homicide victimization rate averaged 12.8 per annum, versus 23.4 during Walts' five years, 2019 to 2023, covered by the CDC, an increase of 83%. Whites were killed by homicide 22% more often under Walts than during the 10 previous years. Nationally, the black homicide victimization rate went up 45% from 2009 to 2018 to 2019-2023, compared to 83% in Minnesota. So there was a massive spike in black deaths. Largely, black men killing black men just at the beginning of the Brock Hussein Obama era. Brock Hussein Obama did nothing to approach crime in the cities because I think Brock Hussein Obama wants to crime in the cities because I know Brock Hussein Obama is an Alinsky I know he wants to tear the country apart. I know he understands what's going on. Tim Walts may not fully understand what's going on, but he can watch it with his eyes. That's another vote, another vote for evil. Tim Walts is also a man and he's loved by God, isn't that bizarre? God loves Tim Walts as much as he loves you or me. And we are to pray for Tim Walts as fervently as we pray for ourselves. Those who show mercy will be given mercy were to pray mercy upon Tim Walts. Tim Walts, who in my mind had absolutely no mercy for his own mother. She was in the age of 87, was 87 years old. She'd undergone heart surgery and then a very, very bad health thing came along that since this might end up on YouTube, I can't mention. And this was Tim Walts's treatment. And this is what we do in my family, but we can't, my 87 year old mother had heart surgery. We isolated her. Our goal was to bring her up here and live with us for a while. We can't bring her. So she is alone, we're dropping groceries at the door. We have to cause otherwise what that front page story is going to go on day after day after day. There's very little I can say about that because on a YouTube platform, I can't say anything about it, but you already know that's a vote for stupid, but there's also this. We know it's right. It's within us, even those of us who've never been exposed to law or the Lord Jesus, God encoded into us right from wrong, allowing your mother to die without human contact is wrong. It's cold. That's a vote for evil. If you're keeping track, we're at three out of three on Tim Walts being more evil than stupid. Number two, how did Kamala Harris do at protecting women and girls? Wasn't that her big thing to protect women and girls? When you look at Kamala Harris, what do you see? Do you see mostly women or mostly girls? I'm not talking about the physicality. I'm talking about attitude. I'm talking about genuine as the media used to like to say gravitas. Do you see a woman with any gravitas whatsoever? The affectations, the cackling, the laughter, the utter refusal to have any interaction with the press, even in a press conference setting, doesn't seem to me to be a significantly dignified, smart, powerful, respectful, confident woman. It seems to me to be the activities of a teen girl who does not want to give up and get up and give the class speech because she's not prepared, and Kamala Harris is never prepared. They will lock her in on the debates. They will go through the topics. This is one of the reasons why they always agree on the topics in advance so you can memorize, memorize, memorize your talking points. I saw a very good conservative woman, very brave, what the world would call culture warrior, give an incredible speech. It was on the West Coast, and it was inspiring, and I laughed, and I was filled with hope at certain points. Now I'm someone who has studied storycraft, so I was watching and said, "Oh wow, she's using the hero's journey structure." That's a story structure that was championed by a guy named Joseph Campbell, who's called the father of myth. He was an agnostic atheist, academic in Canada, who studied story structures across all cultures and regions, and the hero's journey is someone is a reluctant hero. They go through a series of steps. Some of those steps are they meet with shapeshifters and allies and gatekeepers. They have a darkest cave moment, and then they're rescued from without. Having been rescued from without, they come back with the magic elixir. So I watched this spot on hero's journey speech, and I was blown away so, so good. A few hours later, I saw the speech again with the exact same pauses, and the exact same stops and looks at the audience, and the exact same looks of exasperation. It was a great job of acting. I am not saying she did the wrong thing. I'm not saying it was a bad idea. She was promoting a book. I enjoyed it the second time. I wouldn't have enjoyed it the third or the fourth. In debate settings, I promise you, Kamala Harris will have memorized everything. Every step, every pause, they'll work with her on when to cackle and not cackle, as the media is recasting her cackling as joy, unanimously in the mockingbird media, suddenly it's joy. So how did Kamala Harris, though, do at that core duty as a woman, a black woman, right? What week is it? Black? Okay, as a black woman, how did she do at protecting other black women? That's a big question. Unfortunately, we can sort of analyze this in a pretty good way. I got a great note, great note headed into the program from a friend of mine who has the Eden Pure Oxi Leaf 2. He has been experimenting with this, and he's getting—I don't—God has somehow given him the role of experiment with this. He's the guy who had the rotten bear sausage in his truck that had destroyed the smell of his truck, so he put the Eden Pure Oxi Leaf 2 in it overnight, just plugged it into the wall, just took it straight out of the wall, the ozone went through the truck, the O3 molecules bonded to the bad smelling molecules from the rotten bear sausage, and the next day, his truck smelled like a thunderstorm. He did the same thing to his wife's car that had kid vomit in it. Yeah, he went out. Of course, they tried to clean this thing. His wife is very, very pregnant, so he did all the work because he's a good husband. That didn't get the kid puke smell out of it, so they put the Oxi Leaf in it. Oxi Leaf 2 thunderstorm device from That negated that smell. Now it's a rental. He's having a rental car because his truck is having some work done. He ended up with a smoker's car. Guess what he did? Yep. Eden Pure Oxi Leaf 2, the molecules bond to bad smelling molecules, be it from cat litter, smoking, gym sweats, or long haul truck or whatever, and it destroys them. So breathe the breath of fresh air, go to Use Code Todd 3 to get three of these devices, which equals whole home coverage for a $200 savings at Use Code Todd 3. Kamala Harris, she had a job. She was the attorney general, the chief law enforcement officer in the state of California, and she likes to talk about this. I was attorney general of a border state. I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels, and human traffickers. I prosecuted them in case after case, and I won. We know our immigration system is broken, and we know what it takes to fix it. Comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship. Anyone watching this understands that she's reading lies from a teleprompter. Everybody understands that she has been, we were told, the last person in the room with figure had Biden when an important decision was to be made, like the following. When it became obvious, they were flooding the border with illegal immigrants in an effort to overthrow the electoral college count, which is working because there are 23 extra seats in Congress, about that, that exist solely because of illegal immigration. When it became obvious, they decided to lower the count on border encounters. How did they do that? They let people skip the border by flying them in over our border in airplanes using an app and then distributing them around the country. Everybody has watched this. This is one of the reasons why President Trump's support among black voters has tripled up to 22%. Black people, news flash, are humans. They can watch as illegal immigrants are given $2,200 a month and $10,000 in cash and are allowed to take over schools to live in, and entire hotels to live in, that's electoral college count. It's not a kindness to allow coyotes to traffic people because those people end up in economic slavery. Children end up in sex slavery as sex traffic victims. We know this. The Department of Homeland Security tells us this. America has a sex trafficking issue. California shines in that. Kamala Harris, given her bully pulpit, could have gone to the state of California and said, are you insane? Scott Wiener, a state senator there, is pushing legislation and successfully got it passed that allowed men to carry out their perverse sexual desires and the bodies of children. Do I need to quote the Lord Jesus? Okay, I will. As you treat the least of these, so you treat me. Every man under the auspice of that law, who carries out his perverse sexual desires on children, the least of these is doing it to Jesus. I don't think that's going to work for you in eternity unless you repent. She could have come along and said, you are insane. You are lowering the penalties for trafficking children. You are lowering them from felonies to misdemeanors? And that's going on in the state of California. It's still a debate. In this election year, I don't think Gavin Newsom will sign that bill. He might delay it if he can. She didn't use her bully pulpit for that, not once, not a single time. They could have fixed the board, but of course they didn't and we know that's purposeful. And what has that led to? Not every single illegal immigrant is a criminal far from it, but criminals are using illegal immigration because the cartels understand when they get into these West Coast cities like Los Angeles, they're a special class of people. They're not going to be charged with the U.S. or their traffickers aren't. It's a case in Washington state. They won't charge illegal immigrants with felonies because that'll put them in prison and the DHS can come and get them. How did Kamala Harris do as a law enforcement agent, the chief one? This comes from the U.K., Daily Mail. That rage is Kamala Harris at Kamala Harris as pedophile who brutally raped and murdered an eight-year-old neighbor set to go free thanks to woke California juvenile justice law the VP authored. So when Kamala Harris was the attorney general, she decided to make a priority out of authoring a new law. This is a poll from the article from the U.K., again from the U.K., not the United States, of course. A violent pedophile who brutally raped and murdered his eight-year-old neighbor could be released from jail this fall due to a 2016 justice reform authored by Kamala Harris during her tenure as California's attorney general. Adrian Jerry A. J. Gonzalez, 24, which is 15 when he lured Madison Middleton into his mother's apartment with promise of ice cream before strangling, stabbing, and raping her. They got to have mercy. The brutal killer then wrapped her body in a plastic bag and threw it into dumpster outside the Santa Cruz apartment complex where they both lived. The killer is benefitted from California's 2016 Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act, also known as Proposition 57, which changed the rules on juvenile offenders and meant those who committed crimes before they turned 17 can only be moved to an adult court following a full hearing. Criminals convicted of juvenile court are automatically eligible for parole when they turned 25, meaning Gonzalez, will have served just three years if he's released in stark contrast to the two life terms he would face in adult court. If you could have a reasonable debate about pretending a 50 year old is an adult, you could also change the laws. You could change it this way. A 15 year old who commits a murder like this is going to transfer into adult jail automatically. That's not what Kamala Harris wanted. You must understand this and I beg you, I beg you to understand it. In fallen cities like Seattle, when they say zero youth incarceration, they mean it. I'll never forget being on a team radio show with some people and I was talking about, I did a little editorial statement about the zero youth incarceration movement in one of the guests or the co-hosts said to me, do you actually think they mean this? You know this is just political posturing. You know they don't intend to do this and it looked him in the eye and said, why are they entertaining plans to tear down the jail? The youth detention facility, they mean it. Kamala Harris, how did she do protecting women and girls exactly as you would think she would when her goal is disruption? Is it really her goal? Her goal is power. The defining characteristic of Kamala Harris is this. Kamala Harris' moral structure has the shape of water. Whatever container it needs to go into, it will fill. And upside down cross, like a satan is serving in the White House, cool. The Black Lives Matter Incorporated Communist Fist, cool. The Crescent Star, cool. A pen to sign a law or to write one that automatically makes it possible to release pedophiles like that. Cool. Whatever. It's just water. Story number three also involves Kamala Harris, although in an offhanded way. Guns are not snakes. I know that's obvious to anyone who's intelligent, probably people who aren't intelligent, but there's a reason that I say that. One of the most entertaining moments I've ever had in my life came when we lived across the street from a gun grabber. And the gun grabber was not aggressive, not someone who hated gun owners, but she was just of the mind that all guns are very, very dangerous. We had this interaction at one point. It was just out in the street. Her kids were playing. I'd gotten to know her husband a tiny little bit, not a bunch. He was a Boeing engineer, a really cool guy. Interesting dude, though, didn't store food in his house at all, like when the snowstorms came, we had a massive, massive snowstorm in Seattle that knocked out our neighborhood from power. I think about seven days. Day two, this is the guy who knocked on my door downstairs and I opened it. He said, "Do you have food?" Day two, day two, guy had four kids. Day two, he knocked on the door, "Do you have food?" And I sat there for a second thinking, "Wow, you know what? This is a great time for me to provide an object lesson to a guy, but I remembered his kids and then I remembered the Lord Jesus. I do unto others as you'd have done unto you. Someone needs your shirt off of your cloak, also them off of them, your shirt." So I said, "Of course." I gave him some survival food and then he said, "How are you having a fire?" I gave him some wood. Where are you getting your wood? I showed him where I was getting my wood, a Boeing engineer, a thousand times smarter than me. His wife was a doctor turned pharmaceutical rep and when I went over to the house and helped deliver this stuff, we got into this brief conversation and she said, "You know, we're neighbors. It's a shame we don't spend some time together." So they came over to the house one day with their kids. We were just talking his neighbors. She said something to me. She said, "Do you, I hate to ask this, but I know this is very uncomfortable." I guess she noticed some things in my house, like conservative books. Maybe she noticed an NRI thing or two and she said, "I hate to ask this and it's so uncomfortable when she's looking around and our little girl was kind of excited, kind of nervous to have other kids over older than her." We just had this coming just because I just need to know, "Do you have any guns in your house?" Yes. And her face went action. We should like to see them. They're locked up. That would really make me feel better. So I'll tell you what happened in a second because the gun grabbers are back. Every town for gun safety is back. They have more ways to attack. This time it's not just gun owners, it's gun tubers. People who actually talk about guns on YouTube or review them or use them in videos will show you that in a second. There's things that I can't show you. I couldn't possibly put myself up to showing you what's inside my joints. How would I do that? It opened them up. Can't do that. But I can tell you with the volume of exercise under which I'm putting myself in preparation for seal fit, it should be that my joints are really, really aching. I'm a guy in my mid-50s. When I'm talking about this, I'm talking about being on a three-a-day stretch right now for the past three days, actually six out of the past five days, five out of the six days, then three-a-day workouts. So my joint should be aching. Now it might be that my body's used to the volume or I'm used to the pain. I think it's much more likely that this has to do with native path collagen. So if you are not taking collagen, you're not doing everything you can to preserve your joints and to accelerate the recovery of your muscles. Native path collagen formula is scientifically back to do all those things, accelerate tissue recovery, increase bone mineral density, reduce wrinkles, enhance hair thickness, strengthen weaker damaged nails, and because they concentrate on the type 1 in 3 collagen, the only ones that really matter, they're in 90% of our body. It also gets in and helps your joints maintain themselves like protecting your cartilage. They outsource their quality control. They have a third party look at their products to make sure it doesn't contain any heavy metals or any toxins because they are obsessed with quality at native path collagen. They've sold 4 million jars of collagen to over 1 million happy customers. You can become one of them. Right now when you visit, you can stock up a native path collagen at an incredible discount up to 45% off plus. You will enjoy free shipping. Every order comes with a 365 day money back guarantee so you can try it risk free. The website again is for up to 45% off, So this pharmaceutical rep, Dr. Cherne Pharmaceutical Rep, wanted to see where my guns were stored. So took her downstairs, walked into the guest bedroom we built up, really nice bedroom, and showed her my gun safe, which was in the back room, back closet at a walk-in closet so you couldn't even find the gun safe unless you were really trying to find it. It was behind close. So pulled it open, opened the safe, and showed it to her. She stepped back like three feet, backpedaled, and put her hands up in front of her. And I said, they're not, I actually said this, they're not snakes. They're not going to jump at you. It's okay. And then she looked at me and she goes, "Uh, you must really like hunting." As a comforter, I said, "Yeah, I'm a hunter. I grew up hunting, but I'm no longer a hunter. I haven't been for many, many years. Nothing against hunting. I'd like to go again. I just don't." Now, later, I had an opportunity to be in her home. And this is probably why we were never in her home again. She invited us over. So my daughter and I went over. And the girls and boys welcomed her, older than her, played games, sitting there in the front room. And I happened to walk past her office because I'd always been curious about the interior of that home. We had thought of buying that home and the one next to it as investment properties. So I walked past her office and lo and behold, what do I see? We go into the kitchen and she's making coffee. And I said to her, "I know this is really uncomfortable and I just hate to bring this up." I just, "Do you have any bottles of pharmaceuticals sitting around?" "Oh, oh my gosh, yeah, they're in my office. Are they locked up in a safe because I'd hate for kids to get access to those and overdose and die?" "Oh my gosh, oh, oh, oh, oh," and I said, "Can I see where they're at?" So walked over to the office that I'd seen. She saw them. She starts shuffling them in the boxes, shuts the door, and says, "Oh, oh, it's, it's all keep an eye on it. Does it lock? We'll keep an eye on it." She was red face and flustered and embarrassed and her husband, when I went back into the kitchen, looked at me and he said, "Well done. Guns are not snakes and gun tubers are not doing anything wrong. They're reviewing a perfectly legal product that doesn't stop every town for gun safety from wanting to interrogate gun tubers or at least mess with them. What information do we have, what information do we need to understand better, how social media advertising is being targeted at young people, especially when it comes to ghost guns. To ghost guns. This is a made up problem. You know how few people have ghost guns? Being targeted at young people, ghost guns. Back to the video. "I'm happy to get you additional research on this, but basically what I know is as we all know our algorithms are catering to what they think we want. And there's not a lot of oversight as to how ads are being pushed on certain people. We see this with guns. We see this with other extremist violence, the way in which people are being influenced by what they're being shown on there, not just what video is coming up next on YouTube, but what ads are coming up next to it. I guess my perspective is in order to combat this, there needs to be strong utilization of consumer protection laws. We have regulations about advertising. We have regulations about illegal advertising. Guns are, if you are a child, you can't illegally own a gun in Pennsylvania, but if you're being pushed these kinds of ads, it is sending the wrong kind of message. It's sending the wrong kind of message in a brick and mortar store and it's sending the wrong kind of message on the side of a YouTube video. So the YouTube is the problem because kids, having seen an ad, can make it legal to go buy a gun. Fact of the matter is this. With kids, I'm far more concerned about irresponsible pharmaceutical use, which in 99% of the cases is every use. Please hear me. We, mostly me, gave in to fear and put our daughter in some pharmaceuticals. My wife has done everything to help her step down because the pharmaceutical companies don't want these people to step down. These drugs are addictive. And by the way, the whole dopamine thing that's a serotonin reuptake problem that never occurred, that never really happened. The research shows that now. So much more concerned about that, but there's no effort to stop pharmaceutical advertising. And that's absolutely targeted at kids. Hey, if you're sad, take a pill. And kids can go get that. They can also get wrong sex hormones and surgery. That's also targeted kids. Now, every time for gun safety, there's focus on gun safety. YouTube videos are not the cause of gun safety issues. You know what it is? Cultures like Kamala Harris, who she promotes the idea of black culture of being thug culture. This is how she pretends to be black. Hey, Kamala Harris, who's the greatest living rapper? She cackles. Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, Tupac. No, he's been dead for 25 years. I keep doing that. It's pandering. Or as we've talked about in previous videos, allowing Black Lives Matter Incorporated to run wild or allowing gangs to run wild as Tim Waltz did, her running mate. Guns are not snakes. But gangs are snake-like, striking out, and hurting people. Sometimes it's difficult for me to not be absolutely outraged and to begin to hate Kamala Harris. But we can't. We have to love our enemy and have to pray for them. And I do think she's an enemy. She's been running a series of ads, talking about how tough she was as a law enforcement officer, how tough she was on crime. Kamala Harris has spent decades fighting violent crime. As a border state prosecutor, she took on drug cartels and jail gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border. As vice president, she backed the toughest border control bill in decades. And as president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. Fixing the border is tough. So is Kamala Harris. I'm Kamala Harris, and I approve this message. She approved the message it has an image of a sheriff named Mike Bordeaux with its New York Post reports. Mike Bordeaux became aware that Kamala Harris was using his image in an ad. In light of a recent political ad put out by Kamala Harris featuring Sheriff Bordeaux, as well as other local law enforcement, the sheriff wants to make it abundantly clear the image is being used without his permission. And he does not, all caps, endorse Harris for president or any other political office. So there are county sheriff Mike Bordeaux said in a statement, the truth is Harris never cared about the cartels. Did nothing to stop people from illegally crossing the border. Harris is a pretender. She's willing to do anything for power. As I've said before, her morals are the shape of water into any container you want, just so long as it brings her more power. Kamala Harris makes snakes seem cuddly. And on the topic of guns and gun safety, did you happen to notice the parade that occurred in Afghanistan and look at all this equipment that Taliban has, the Taliban, that champions acid attacks on girls, rapes of women, does not allow girls to attend school, puts women back in bondage. How many of those are American helicopters and American troops left behind in billions of dollars of amounts like Kamala Harris? Remember this, Kamala Harris was asked, she was bragging about being the last person in the room when big decisions were made. And she was confronted on the Afghanistan decision. Do you stand by it? She said she did. And interestingly enough, she somehow stopped herself from cackling, though I could see it happening internally, cackling. Guns are not snakes. Kamala Harris isn't a snake either, but she makes snakes seem cuddly. She's far, far more dangerous to this country and to people's souls than every single gun in the gun safe of responsible gun owners in the United States of America. Lord, thank you for warning us about people like Kamala Harris in times of disease. This is the Todd Herman show, please, go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk with a lot of Christ. [MUSIC PLAYING]