The Todd Herman Show

What Would Jesus Think of Evangelicals for Harris? Ep-1796

The same people who are telling us that literal Orange Hitler Donald Trump is going to install a scary, horrible form of white nationalism are the same people who are helping to build a Muslim theocracy. They don't realize that wherever you import Islam, you're also importing Sharia law. They'll never celebrate the Christian faith the same way they are celebrating Islam. But when you look at Evangelicals for Harris, are they any better?

What does God’s Word say? 
John 14 NIV: 1-7
Jesus Comforts His Disciples
1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”
Jesus the Way to the Father
5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
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15 Aug 2024
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talk years ago with a very smart gentleman, he was a physician and we got to talking about faith and this is over breakfast in California and he asked me as a Christian how I came to believe that there was only one way to God and in the conversation I said I'm sorry I thought you were Christian. He said oh no I am my wife and I attend church and read the Bible we just don't accept that there's only one way to God and I'm sitting there at breakfast with this guy I barely know and I was a duty bound to say well I think we differ on what it means to be Christian. You said I know it's controversial but we just can't accept that God only created one way. The Bible is quite clear there is one way. Now we'll approach this from several different angles and we're going to look into evangelicals for Harris and some of the people in that group and related to that group and some of the things they're saying but I'll tell you what I said to that doctor, that gentleman, that seemed to make a dent because I think it's important that we begin making a dance in the evangelicals for Harris movement because it's working. President Trump has had great strides with black Americans up 22% triple what the support was before. The evangelicals for Harris is largely aimed at further distorting the black church. Yeah I want President Trump to win the election. I also don't want our neighbors to lose their souls. We'll talk about this with the help of and with God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these of the times so which God has decided we shall live. The Lord's very clear. John chapter 14 verses 1 through 7. The Lord spoke, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. My father's house has many rooms. If that were not so, would I have told you that I'm going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me, that you may also be where I am. You know the way to the places I am going." Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you're going. So how can we know the way?" Jesus answered, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. If you really know me, you know my father, as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him one way." So as we sat having breakfast and he'd said to me, this doctor, that he and his wife just couldn't believe that God would only create one way to him, I said, "Well, can we explore that?" He said, "Well, yeah, I don't think it's a number." I said, "Help me here." It is true, a more believable number than one. He said, "I just think that's putting God in a box." Okay, fair enough. Is there a way to God? We said, "That's just the challenge that we have, that I have trouble believing that God would limit the number of people who would come to him. I just, a loving God, I just don't think would have that limit." Finally, I said to him, "If there is no process to get to God, why then is there a God? Why does he exist? He could end this existence. He could not have us around him at all. If there's always, there's no way. And would a loving God just allow anything and everything? You're a doctor. There are ways to keep the human body healthy, right? There are things you should do and not do, right? He goes, "Absolutely agree. Our bodies, I think you and I agree are made by God." Correct? Yeah, obviously I believe we're made by God. I do believe we're made by God. I believe we're greater. Love of him. I simply don't think there's one way to him. Okay, bear with me. There are things you could look at patients in the eye and say, "If you do that, you're going to make yourself sick." I mean, there are legitimately things that are going to make you sick immediately, ingesting a poison may make you sick or kill you. You can go through that. There are things that are likely to harm you. There are things that are very likely, somewhat likely, correct? How do we know this? Well, because we just know how the body works. There are limits to what the, and he stopped. There are limits to what the body can sustain and remain healthy. I said the body of Christ is the same. There are things that can sustain and remain healthy in things it cannot. Said another way. This is something I recently said to my daughter. We're sitting in Los Angeles at this conversation and I said, "Do you want heaven to be like that?" And I pointed out towards Santa Monica in the pier that had become, well, trashed with homeless encampments. Do you want heaven to be like that, violent drug dealing perversions? No. Nor does God. There has to be a limit or heaven is here and then heaven is hell and hell is heaven. There's no delineation. What partnership can light and darkness have? God is light in him. There is no darkness at all. Seemed to make a dent. The Evangelicals for Harris campaign is so easy to intellectually depance that we could just do that. But let's do this in as loving way as possible as we could please because we are, those of us who have accepted the Lord Jesus as our Savior, we are the body of Christ. Let us also regard the fact that we are to care for our bodies and one of the ways you can do that is to make sure that you don't walk around in a constant state of anxiety or that you don't walk around in a constant case of being, well, let me say euphemistically backed up. I think you know what I mean. Magnesium breakthrough can help with all of that plus it helps you sleep through the night. It contains seven forms of magnesium, full spectrum, all organic, that is in stark contrast to the two fake synthetic forms of magnesium you would find in any of the Chinamarts. Because it's full spectrum it can help with the 600 body interactions that are either regulated or driven by magnesium but only the pure full spectrum magnesium can really help you with that. So alleviating anxiety can lead to better sleep and better regularity puts less stress on your organs and allows you to clean your blood out better. It's a win-win and now a win-win-win. I have no idea how long we can continue to speak these words. It can't be very long. You can have a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough right now. Go to and there you go. Free bottle to try. Don't try find it on Google or Amazon. It's not even in stores. It's only here. Evangelicals for Harris contain some special names of some special people even some people you might recognize like Drew McKissick, Ekemane Yuan, Patricia Ruiz, Contu, Dr. Jamar Tizby, we'll hear from Dr. Tizby here in a moment, state rep James Tallarico Raymond Chang, Dr. Reverend Jim Ball. Evangelicals for Harris. We'll dig into this. Let's start right here. We are told that when President Trump speaks of God, he's doing the thing that dictators and fascists do speaking of God. We're told that evangelicals for Harris though is the truth in the life and the way and the only way and the true form of Christianity. Let's go a little further upstream. When President Trump speaks of faith and restoring faith in God and doing things like saying Merry Christmas and not allowing kids to be chemically and surgically mutilated, once again he's doing the thing dictators do, when I mention things like I would like to have Christian leaders, I would like to have our country be run by people who have faith in Christ because I believe that's how the Bible design things. People of strong faith, consistent faith, make better decisions. Well, then I'm criticized as someone who wants a theocracy, even though the last thing I would ever ever want is a theocracy. Here's why. You cannot have a Christian theocracy. The moment you make it a theocracy, it stops being Christ-like. Jesus Christ didn't spend five minutes building an earthly government. Absolutely zero interest. Jesus Christ did not spend five minutes going and saying to the government, hey, make it a law that people follow me didn't care. Not his focus. Laws can't change souls. People to people contact in the cycle making efforts can and does change souls or you and I wouldn't even know who Jesus is and was and will always be. So the same people who are freaked out about Christian theocracies somehow don't notice the fact that they are importing Islamic theocracies. The man who is on Kamala Harris's ticket because he is gray-haired, chubby, red-cheeked, and white and also happens to be truly radical and we've determined in a show what's coming up. We're doing a doing analysis of if he's mostly evil or mostly stupid. I'm leaning towards mostly evil. Tim Walts and his state of Minnesota have welcomed in the buildings up of a Muslim theocracy because in the wake of Islam always come Sharia law. So the same people saying we need to have evangelicals for Harris because President Trump is misusing the Christian faith to install a theocracy and a thugocracy. Plus he's literally orange Hitler are okay with moments like this coming out of the state of Minnesota. This is a momentous occasion for inclusion and freedom of religion in Minneapolis. With the stroke of this pen we and our Muslim community will have the ability to hear the call to prayer in a Don five times a day but importantly this is not just about our Muslim community. This is about all of us that have some form of faith or religion from the church bells to the blow of the shofar to a Don and the call to prayer. This is about inclusion, peace, and freedom of religion. Assalamu alaykum and with this inshaAllah is done. Now I can't judge the hearts and souls and minds of the people signing that or the people standing behind the guy standing that. Jesus can the Lord does he knows he knows all their motives and he knows mine. What we can do is use some discernment here. When was the last time you saw a leftist celebrate the opening of a Christian church? When was the last time you saw them trying to make it easier for Christians to live out their faith in public? Can I just remind you that just this past week a appeals court had to revive a case in the separate country of Washington state where the union gospel mission gospel meaning the gospel the gospel of Jesus. The union gospel mission had sued Washington state and they're deeply corrupt spiritually captured purely evil. Well I can't say purely that's not fair evil attorney general Bob Ferguson who had made it a law in Washington state that the union gospel mission the gospel of Jesus Christ must hire people who hate the gospel of Jesus Christ if they hire anybody. They can't have standards. A gospel organization cannot have standards. So what did they do? And it was a union gospel mission in Yakima who sued Yakima Washington's smaller community. They stopped hiring people. They stopped promoting internal positions. They stopped promoting any positions. In other words they stopped speaking freely because they weren't allowed to. Now that's Washington state. This is Minnesota but Tim Waltz is Jay Inslee and Jay Inslee is Tim Waltz. Jay Inslee the dictator of the separate country of Washington. Tim Waltz the dictator of Minnesota the same exact moves. So when we talk about evangelicals for Harris are they coming out and saying wait hold on a second. Islam and Christianity are different faiths fully and Islam pledges the destruction of Christianity. See the the Bible is unchangeable. It's the inspired living complete and error word of God. The Quran has it changed. You can go pick up a copy. It's very difficult to read horribly written very very hard to at least in English to be fair. Maybe it's beautiful in their language. I don't know but I know this. Muhammad taught that when you're in a position of weakness be accommodating and nice. As you gain strength prepare for a time where you can be brutal and force people to convert at the tip of the sword. Just observe England and the two-tier justice system there where you have native Brits being put in prison for saying asking asking who the F is Allah chanting that. That's a rude question. The guy also used horrible rude words for women. He has a cussing streak 18 months in prison versus crowds of Muslim men calling for the rape of Jewish girls calling for it. Those charges were dropped. So evangelicals for Harris test number one. Are you defenders of the one way to God? Do you defend the gospel? If not, you're not Christian. You're nothing like Christian. Do you believe there's one way, one way to redemption? If not, you're not Christian. You could admire Jesus. You could admire the Bible. You could think he was a great philosopher. You can think the Bible has great ideas, but you cannot be Christian and say that the Bible is filled with errors because that's not what the Bible tells us. Well, I don't believe that portion of the Bible. Okay. Why do you believe any portion? Oh, it's my human mind. It's my wisdom. The Bible tells us fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Every objection like this self cancels eventually. There's a woman named Latasha Morrison and she is one of those people related to the movement. Evangelicals for Harris, she's right there with Dr. James Tisby and Lisa Sharon Harper and people like that. She talked about some ways that you can have a new form of redemption brand new. I mean, it's cleverly couch, but if you listen closely, it's very, very clear what she's saying. My friend Ben somehow continues to be my greatest tester of the clarity of the power of our Eden Pure Oxio Leaf 2 device. So Ben's truck is in the shop. He went to get a rental car. He took the rental car home, got, well, got in it and realized, oh, oh, good. Oh, great. They gave me a smoker's car. And no one hates anybody who smokes over here. If you smoke, I wish you would quit and work on that. In fact, there's good friends of my new smoke. I just wish they'd quit. But he didn't want the smoke smell. So pops in the car. Oh my gosh, I got the smoker's car. I've got the time he took it home and he took out the Oxio Leaf 2 thunderstorm device. He put it in overnight and Ben texted me this morning and said, I got another Eden Pure story for you. He put the device in overnight. The cigarette smell was gone. Not a hint of it. Plus, you know what else is gone? The fake new car garbage perfume smell that the car rental agency sprayed all over in there. That was gone. The car smelled like a thunderstorm. That's why it's called the Oxio Leaf 2 thunderstorm from Eden I know this works on cat litter smell. I know this works in a tight studio where we can't have the windows and doors open. We're in here all day, often me speaking for six hours a day. I am absolutely sure it will work in whatever space you need to not stink. It's not an air filter, so it's not loud. You don't have to replace the filters every year for two to four hundred bucks. You plug it into the wall. She's done. Here's how you can breathe the breath of fresh air again and save two hundred bucks. Go to and use code Todd3. You get a three pack of these, which equals whole home coverage at a two hundred dollar savings. use code Todd3 and breathe that breath of fresh air again. Latasha Morrison, part of the Evangelicals for Harris movement. Is it movement? Well, it's definitely astroturfed, but it's working. It's creating a movement, and it is destroying black churches. Much more importantly, it's destroying souls. Seminary, you know, are part of that. I was just at a seminary and how they're starting to change that, because when you start changing the guard and you start putting people of color in places and then also white people who have been transformed that are living this redeemed life and this transformation and understanding and inclusive life of all God's children, you know, start looking at and teaching from books that reflect the kingdom of God. Okay, let's just pause for a moment and understand that neither of us know, none of us know that woman's soul. God knows it. Here's the danger. Teaching from books. Teaching from books. Which books? There is one book that explains in full the kingdom of heaven and how to get there. And you can spend 10 lifetimes studying the Bible and continue to take things from it. One of the reasons it's called a living breathing word of God, the living breathing word of God, is at moments in your life, if you are truly walking with Christ, if you're truly abiding or trying to abide, if you're in a wrestling match with God, you'll be shocked at how often passages you've heard time and time and time again take on a new and vibrant meaning for you, glaring in your face, my gosh, I missed this. So the teaching from books to people who've been transformed, there's one transformation that is going from being dead in our transgressions, our sins and transgressions, to being born again in Jesus Christ. There is not this transition from being born again in Jesus Christ and then being made again new in DEI. And that's what I fear this lady is saying. You can now be extra reborn, super, super shiny. If you will simply agree with DEI statements, the Bible itself in the form of the Lord Jesus is anti-racism. The Lord Jesus himself explained and has re-explained to us through the disciples that there are in the body of Christ, there's no Greek nor Jew, no servant nor slave. It is a statement of equality but not equity. Equity, necessarily, as it is constructed by the left, necessarily involves coveting and theft. To take what you determine someone else should have and give it to them requires some form of coveting and requires some form of theft by force. So when Evangelicals for Harris says that the full transformation of white people and get that part of white people can only happen after white people accept a new sub-gospel of DEI, they are adding to the Word of God. John is very, very clear in Revelation. Do not add or subtract from this work. And that is said continuously throughout the Bible. Do not add or subtract from this. They're trying to add addendums. And speaking about racism as if it is only in the broken hearts, the sin-broken hearts of white people is in and of itself racism. Evangelicals for Harris is creating a sub-faith, a sub-redemption, a sub-baptism. Now that lady says it in the gentle way and I want to recognize I don't know her heart or her soul in order to you, but I know this. That in the construct of the social justice theory within the Christian faith, the destruction of one form of redemption is very, very clear. The original sin is whiteness and it can never be overcome. It can only be mitigated when you become a partner of DEI type movements, then, then it's mitigated. That's a dangerous teaching because it can confuse people as to what it is to be saved. If we go back to John chapter 14, verses 1 through 7, it's super, super clear. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe you believe in God, believe also in me. My father's house has many rooms. If that were not so, what would I have told you that I'm not, that I'm going to take you there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me, that you may also be where I am. You know the way to the place where I'm going. Thomas said to the Lord, "Lord, we don't know where you're going, so how can we know the way?" And Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except for me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." But there's going to be some other books coming along. And to be truly transformed, you're going to have to admit that all white people are racist and all black people are virtuous. Then you'll be truly transformed. Of course, the addition to the Word of God there stands to start contrast to what God taught. It's blasphemous. The evangelicals for Harris movement appears to be based solely upon blasphemy in my mind. The blasphemy of the theft of ideas. The theft of stewarding wise that what we're given in terms of spiritual gifts and lies. There's a really, really important lie from a woman named Lisa Sharon Harper, also connected to the evangelicals for Harris movement has to do with abortion and black babies. Abortion is huge business. People may not think this, but you think about Planned Parenthood and all the money they get to thief from taxpayers by force. And then you think about all the money they make selling baby parts. It's huge business. Did you know that Planned Parenthood is now the number one seller of wrong sex hormones? They're the number one seller of testosterone. You know, all those men's companies that advertise on programs like this, pushing testosterone supplements, Planned Parenthood has eclipsed them in sales. Money speaks. Sadly, our system is set up on money because we're in a fallen world. And it's not he who has the most if the end wins. That's not a Christian point of view, but there is this. Working in a corrupt system you need to have in your corner, someone who is wise is a serpent and gentle is a dove. In my mind, Zach Cabraham does that very, very well as chief investment officer of bulwark capital management. Zach's focus is not not writing the sky high moments and say, look how well we've done. And it's not putting people into the bottom moments going, we'll dig out. Zach's animating efforts at bulwark capital management that he runs with his wife, who's the chief operating officer is to make sure you're risk managed. Yes, they want proper returns. What does proper mean? It means building for retirement. What does that mean? Zach's form of successful retirement is this. You know exactly how much money you're going to have every month throughout your retired life. Inflationary environments in a corrupt system makes it very, very difficult. I think it can only be done through active management of portfolios which can reduce risk and volatility. And that along with risk management is Zach's life at bulwark capital management. And being wise, this is serpent and gentle is a dove. You can put yourself up for review. Just simply go to You'll meet with Zach. You can do it in person if you like. He's out in their Seattle or you can do a video call. You and your spouse, your choice, whoever is going to be on that. He'll look at your home. He'll look at your mortgage. He'll look at your investments. He'll look at your plans. And he'll tell you whether you're set up for this insane corrupt inflationary environment or not. Go to or call 866-779 risk. 866-779 risk. bulwark capital management and investment advisor representative of Treck financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Treck 24-244 In the world of evangelicals for Harris, we have learned that white people must, must be washed again. Yeah, I mean, you've been reborn in the Lord Jesus, but that's just the first step. One of the secondary steps is to be washed again in DEI. And then the Bible's great, great. But we teach from some other books that teach the gospel in a more complete sense, such as teaching you that white people are born with the original sin of racism, where black people are born with the original position of virtue, meaning it's not the gospel at all. There's a comfort speaker and author. Her name is Lisa Sharon Harper. She explains that something about abortion in the black community is, in fact, a myth. What is the number one myth about this issue, about the issue of abortion reproductive justice that you wish could be dispelled, that you want people to know is a myth and not reality. And whoever would like to start, go. Okay, I'll go. Wait, was that Kami Harris? Wait, someone was cackling. Can we do voice recognition real quick? Was that? No, it's not Kami. And then you can follow if you're get inspired. Okay, so the number one myth that I wanted to spell is that I hear so, so many times I hear people come to me and say, you should be, you know, solidly pro-life. Well, I want you to know I am for life, but I am for life from the mind of God through conception all the way to death. And but the myth is that it is black babies that are being targeted for abortions. And so I should be for this. I should be the for the pro-life movement because it's saving black babies from being aborted. Well, I want to say that's a myth. The truth is that abortion follows poverty. That poverty is the number one most clear indicator of abortion rates in America. Whenever you have high poverty rates, you will also have high abortion rates. So I was amazed when I was living in New York City and people would point to me, I mean, people of color, pastors of color, will say, well, what about East New York? East New York has the highest abortion rates. That is evidence that they are targeting babies in East New York. We need to stop this. No, do your homework. If you look at East New York, it has the highest poverty rate in New York City. And so therefore, it also has the highest abortion rates. Now, what does it tell you about the choices people are making? They are actually making economic choices about how much they can handle. And that is based on the reality that services for poor families have been cut by those very same people who want to outlaw abortion. Hello, somebody? Yeah. Yeah. Hello back. What commonly precedes poverty in households? Divorce and single family, single parent households. Often precedes poverty. What does God teach about the family unit? One man, one woman. What does God teach in terms of stewardship? Those who will not care for their families and supply for their families are worse than unbelievers. But to the direct charge that it's a lie that Planned Parenthood is targeting black families, I mean, those people who've done five minutes of study on Margaret Sanger know a couple of things about her. She hated black people. Whatever marketing strategies was to go with the KKK and to have them help her get Planned Parenthood clinics in to black neighborhoods. You know that she said horrible things about black children. They were polluting the gene pool. She was eugenicist. She looked at God's design. Margaret Sanger and said, wow, God really messed up making these blacks. I mean, look at the foreheads and their lip shape. They're not even human. God called them his masterpiece. He called us his masterpiece. We're made in his image. Male and female, he made us in his image. Does God hate his image? I mean, Margaret Sanger was a lot about the things. She was into satanic erotic sex festivals and orgies. She communicated that sex itself is a form of deification. Therefore, she'd have no limits, which again, if you go back to the Word of God and examine it, that's not what the Word of God says. Doesn't say that all about sexuality. In fact, it says it's a very special gift. Do you be experienced under the auspices of marriage? To be one flesh. We can go into the statistics. The same people, we'll go to the statistics in a second, but notice this, the same people who have said and time and time and time again, any limits on abortion are mostly going to affect, affect black women. That's that that is a mantra. Any limits on abortion will affect black women, or we could just do this. Just take one state. This is from the Ohio State Senate Assembly. Abortion is still a lucrative business scheme in America. Since 1973, this predatory industry has claimed the lives of 20 million black children in the nation. Ohio's black women and babies have felt this evil every year, and it continues today. The black community accounts for just over 13% of Ohio's population, yet according to the Ohio Department of Health in 2022, 48.4% of abortions performed in Ohio were on black women. Black babies in Ohio are six times more likely to be boarded than white babies. The abortion machine guarantees that racial and ethnic minorities remain perpetual minorities. There's a reason why Planned Parenthood continues to target black neighborhoods. A, it's because it's where the money's at. B, it's still the mission. It's still the mission. How does the Lord Jesus look at any of this? Evangelicals for Harris. Well, let's think again about the Lord Jesus' words. He was very, very clear. There was a time in which he was preaching and some children came to him. They came running up and just imagine the Lord Jesus, and here come the little children. Remember, he made them. He was and is God, always was be, or was, always will be. They come running to visit with him. How do you feel when little kids come running up to you? Usually it's, if you're not in a completely stressed out state of mind, usually it's joyful. The Lord Jesus had no reason for stress. He knows how everything began and how everything ends, 'cause he was there and always will be, always was. Some of his followers said to me, "Hey, hey, hey, leave the rabbi alone. The Lord Jesus rebuked him. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I don't know. Let him come to me." If you want to come to me, you must become like these little ones. Anxious, happy, curious, excited to touch the Lord's garments. There's also this. The Lord Jesus spoke in very clear ways, in a very clear way. Those who would cause these little ones to stumble on their way to me would be better off having a millstone tinder on their neck and being tossed into the ocean. To kill babies before they have a chance to see the face of the Lord Jesus is to risk causing them the ultimate stumble. Now, personally, I do not believe that there's any biblical support for the idea that a murdered baby goes to hell. I don't see any biblical support for that. It doesn't match at all. My concept to the Lord Jesus, I look at the thief on the cross, last-minute conversion. I know there are people who differ on that. They're happy to talk about it, though I think it's a very, very ugly thought. I just don't see biblical support for Jesus doing that. There's one other case here in the Evangelicals for Harris Movement, and it requires a listening and watching session. It's a fairly short clip, and it starts okay, but it digs into, once again, a sub-gospel. There's the gospel, then there's these sub-gospels, so it takes some listening, it's some watching, but I think you'll find this interesting. He's an author, speaker, James Cizby, New York Times bestseller. We'll get to that in a second. I had another Zoom session with my guys that I'm going to be at SealFit with, and I am telling you, I'm not getting afraid. I've made the decision to thrive. I'm choosing to view this as excitement. I'm choosing to feel it as anxiousness in terms of can't wait to get through it. I'm choosing to visualize being secured. That's what they call it when you make it through the whole thing. I'm choosing to visualize that moment, but I'm also visualizing some other things, and I shared this with the team on the Zoom call day of the day. I told them, "Guys, I get to admit something. I'm on this call with you guys. Every one of you seems tougher than me. Every one of you seems better than me in better shape, and I'll try to change that mindset because I want to be a contributor to the team, but I'm telling you right now, I know I'm going to have to start my breathing control when I walk onto the campus. I know I'm going to be nervous." The guy who runs the call actually gave me a who-off for that. Who you are, Todd. Thanks for being honest. Yeah, you're going to be nervous. So start planning for it now. We also talked about where this event is held in California. There's a place where you can go get an IV so you can become ultra-ultra-hydrated. I may take them up on that. Probably not because I've been so concentrating on being ultra-hydrated. I don't think I'm going to need the IV, but I'll tell you this. I'll be taking tons of native path collagen before I go into that event. Native path collagen is scientifically backed to accelerate tissue recovery to help maintain and increase bone mineral density. Those are the things I'm deeply interested in. Now, it's fine that this reduces wrinkles and hair and ants' hair thickness, strengthens weeks or damaged nails, and that's so cool. I don't want a bunch of broken nails, and I don't want wimpy look at hair. But for me, of course, it's the body. And native path collagen is made with only two forms of collagen because it makes up 90% of what's in your body. I'm focusing on my cartilage and joint health because they're going to take a beating. So as I'm picturing that moment where we've secured, made it to the class, we've thrived, I will go out there and I know I'm going to be hurt. I'm just not wanting to be injured, and I think native path collagen can help with that. I know it can. If you have any form of joint pain, anything that is keeping you back from doing what you want to do, or you just want to prevent that from happening, then go right now to get native You can stock up a native path collagen for an incredible savings up to 45% off, plus everybody will enjoy free shipping, and every order comes with a 365-day money-back guarantee, so you can try at risk-free. The website, again, is get native for up to 45% off, get native This is Jamar Tisby. Earlier when I was defining the prophetic voice, I mentioned a kind of prophecy called a prophecy of deliverance. I talked about Genesis 3.15, the offspring of the woman crushing Satan under his heel, and I said, "Test the spirits and the way to test a foretelling spirit is to see if it came true." Well, brothers and sister, that prophecy of deliverance prophesied all the way back, and Genesis 3.15 came true. It came true when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, took on flesh and became a person and entered into our experience so that He could identify with us, then express solidarity with us. Praise God. That's such a great statement. I love the way He says that. In the end. Jesus Christ announced His public ministry by describing His role as a prophetic fourth-teller. He said that He was anointed by God, the Father, to proclaim good news to the poor, liberty to the captives, the recovery of sight to the blind, to set it liberty, those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. Oppressed how? Oppressed how? John the Baptist was Jesus's cousin. John the Baptist was taken captive. John the Baptist was beheaded before he was beheaded. John the Baptist said to his followers, "Please go ask Jesus, my cousin, if He's truly the one who was to come." When this message was transmitted to Jesus, to Jesus Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ said, "Tell John the blind see, the sick are healed." He was speaking of signs and wonders. The answer was, "Yes, John, what you have seen is real. I am the Messiah. I am the one you foretold." And then John was presumably taken out of his cell, laid down on a block and had his head chopped off, which was then presented to a king who lusted after his, I think, stepdaughter. Jesus did come to free the captives, the spiritual captives. James Tisby continues. That prophecy came true, and because it came true, you now who believe in Jesus enter into that prophetic role of forthtelling the truth, even the truth about racism. You now enter that role of foretelling the truth. You have become a prophet. No, you have entered into the role of speaking the gospel of Jesus Christ. You have not become a prophet. You do not foretell the future by virtue of accepting the Lord Jesus. More from James Tisby. And white supremacy. And on the cross, Jesus Christ tells though who have been bent low because of oppression, you can stand up straight. And He tells those who have bought into the myth of whiteness and superiority that you too are in need of a Savior. He didn't say that. If you have repented and believed this morning, then despise not the prophetic voice of the Black experience. Amen. And amen. It's a beautiful phrase, the prophetic voice of the Black experience. He's a great speaker, unbelievably skilled writer, and way too clever. The Lord Jesus did not on the cross say anything about white supremacy. The Lord Jesus gave in too, if you want to call it white supremacy, gave into it. The Romans were what white or they too tan for that. He gave in to the human power structure, temporarily. And then here goes again. Death was conquered. The ultimate enemy is conquered. Victory is ours in the Lord Jesus, who is the truth, the life, and the way to spiritual eternity with Him. Even Jellicles for Harris is gaining traction. They may cut into President Trump's impressive gains with Black voters. And they may well gain treasure on earth, where thieves and moth can steal and destroy. They may not guard your churches. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [Music]