The Todd Herman Show

They are going to HAVE to cheat when America learns of the cold emptiness of Kamala Harris and perversion of Tim Walz Ep-1793

How is it that a woman like Kamala Harris, who structured a law in California that is about to allow a pedophile who raped and murdered an eight-year-old neighbor to potentially go free, is to become the official Figurehead? Could it have anything to do with what we continue to discover from the state of Georgia? 17,582 votes counted with no ballot images, 20,713 original votes from tabulators out of thin air and much much more. How is it then that they intend to install Tim Walts as VP? Well maybe by winning an election, maybe by stealing one.Tim Walts' record includes endorsing people like Representative John Thompson.  How do they intend to install him? Well maybe it's by winning an election, maybe it's by cheating. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Matthew 7:15-20
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
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14 Aug 2024
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so the political came out and we'll get to this in a second, but they came out and said, yeah, it's no kind of a coup It's just a little, you know, it's a coup among family members though. So it's I And the figure had apparently he he's kind of frustrated, but you know, they did what they had to do Good fellas them take you out to the woods and Right the back of the noggin They're gonna have to cheat. I mean really cheat if Americans find out how Deplicitis and cold a soul. Well, so yeah, no, she has a soul How cold and duplicitis is the soul of the figurehead VP Kamala Harris and how Boy, what would be the word? Putrid and Rancid Those are good words for the soul of Tim Waltz Now, I've got my own problems and God's well aware of him. Trust me well aware My own challenges you do too But I'm not being called upon to become the figurehead of the United States It's up to us to figure out ways to communicate to people how utterly utterly empty cold rancid putrid these two Yeah, they're human beings how they are We'll talk about this with the help of bulwark capital management though your risk radio calm and With the just a special part that God Almighty will help me do this program absence Hatred for my neighbor, please Lord, please help me do that Todd Herman show is 100% Disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere From the high mountains of free America. Here's the emerald city exile Todd Herman Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times which God has decided we should live in we have listened to the feedback The quick cuts thing didn't work for most podcast listeners viewers didn't mind it But podcast listeners still make the bulk of our audience and frankly the bulk of revenue So nayana is going to be doing yet more work to put together some clips into a show be a full show But here's a cool thing. We're going to use a new bumper music and it was created by Toefer Paul Who helped me now on a build the video studio for watching the video thing? He's a very good Christian man very talented musician and he got to do this downstairs in The world-class music recording studio that believe it or not exists in the high mountains of free America run by a guy Who is a quadriplegic but taught himself how to play guitar as a quadriplegic? He played guitar before he was paralyzed but retaught himself and Toefer went down there and cut this This this music which is unique to the show. So the second hour is gonna have a little bit different music Well, it's a lot different, but I love it. It also has a different video opening So we may have a little contest to see if we stick with the traditional Todd Herman show opening music or If we switch fully to Toefer Paul's and that's gonna be again up to you. So we listened. Thank you for that Here's the Politico just you know coming out and saying yeah, it was sort of a coup and that's okay though because it's a friendly coup This is how this guy wrote this on Twitter's name is Jonathan Lamar. He's a Lamar He's been in Washington DC for a long time. He's a White House bureau chief for Politico He's on a missing BC. Let's just be right the White House believes both Pelosi was ruthless in pushing Biden out But now the president understands. Oh, she did what she had to do In order to give Democrats the best chance to win Biden said adding that Pelosi cares about the party not about feelings What about blackmail? Or coups Does she care about that? Here's what we are to believe That Nancy Pelosi no doubt with the help of Barack Hussein Obama God bless Russian limbo as reported several weeks ago by Seymour Hirsch an investigative reporter of a long long time in DC very good reputation of cracking open the intelligence services Seymour Hirsch reported about three weeks ago that it was Barack Hussein Obama who put in the phone call to Biden saying Joe you either step aside or are going to crank up the 25th amendment It will not just push you out of the party. We will have you pushed out of your figurehead position as so-called president. That's blackmail The 25th amendment isn't to be used as blackmail Primarily it's to be the vice president coming along with the sincere concern for the country saying the countries at risk because this this President is not able to carry out duties Therefore, we're invoking the 25th amendment to move that remove that president so the VP can step up That's not what they did. The political would have us believe then That though they pushed Biden out of the race He is still firmly in charge of the United States of America and all our armed forces at sea and in other countries in here, right? Is it any wonder that Iran appears to be picking up steam to go do a like full-scale attack against Israel? Because of course, they're ripe with money that Barack Hussein Obama gave them They're ripe with a money that Joe Biden gave Hamas and Hamas is part of Iran I mean, they're not technically, but they're a satellite of Iran Is it anyone they're picking this moment? What we do know is that whoever is running things they are pro Hamas or you wouldn't be giving him money It's lip service to Israel. There's also then Ukraine is that still happening? Right. I mean, there's still a war there, right? Because for some reason it's something that they don't want to talk about anymore Now this communicates the cold empty ruthless heart of Kamala Harris who loves Joe Biden so much Remember that phone call that appeared to be Biden may be pre-recorded and later turned out probably he was on the phone Remember how much she loved him. We love Joe so much When Americans figure out how undacious and and and ferocious this woman is They're not gonna like her very much and Praise God for the opportunity to help people see this Let's talk about some ways. We can do that including revealing once again how the mockingbird media is colluding There was a medical emergency in Las Vegas and we'll prove that to you through the work of Jennifer Van Laar at Red State She went and got the things that the mockingbird and media didn't want to get because they didn't want to be able to see this but it clears up that picture really really really quickly and firmly The picture in your home the picture in your business it can be the visual But when people walk into your home to keep a beautiful home if you smoke The attention's gonna be drawn to wow these people smoke cigarettes and hopefully people be thinking hey I'd like you to quit if You have a small business and maybe that small business is next door to something like a dry cleaners Or next door to something that produces a not great smell or like a gas station convenience store You don't want to smell like gasoline If you are a long haul trucker You probably don't want your truck to smell like your laundry And if you're just a regular old homeowner like me and you got cats well There knows that so people can walk in and they can see a beautiful home But that smell takes over it does not need to be this way No, you do not need to purchase an expensive air filter Which is noisy and bothersome you have to rebuy the filters every year for two to four hundred bucks You can plug something into your wall and in about three minutes Those bad smells will be gone. It even works at eradicating viruses This is the Eden pure Oxi leaf 2 that produces Ozone. That's O3 molecules The O3 molecules bond to the bad smelling molecules zap them and change them so they're not affecting your olfactory senses anymore It's not an air filter. It's an air purifier here So you can get three of these at a 200 dollar savings just go to Eden per deal or in per deals calm use code Todd three Eden per deals use code Todd three Eden per deals calm code Todd three and breathe a breath of fresh air again the daily mail is Making a strong case for the cold duplicitous empty fetid heart of Kamala Harris Their headline again from the foreign press Outrage is Kamala Harris as Pat Kamala Harris as pedophile who brutally raped and murdered an eight-year-old neighbor Set to go free thanks to woke California juvenile justice law VP authored So some of the details on this or horrifying and disturbing as you would think they would be a violent pedophile who brutally raped and murdered his eight-year-old neighbor could be released from jail this fall due to a 2016 justice reform authored by Kamala Harris during her tenure as California's attorney general Adrian Jerry AJ Gonzales 24 was just 15 when he lured Madison Middleton into his mother's apartment with promises of ice cream Before strangling stabbing and raping her The brutal killer then wrapped her body in plastic bags and threw it in a dumpster outside the Santa Cruz apartment complex Where they both lived and where she was killed Kamala Harris is thinking on this was what? It was that people like this should automatically be put up for parole Why? Why automatically? Has this person gone through some traumatic shift? Has he allowed the Lord to reach into his heart and change him praise God if so praise God and welcome to the family if so We don't see any signs of that This was when Kamala Harris was making the turn apparently from having been a hard core Lock them up including lock up the parents of truant kids as you cackle all the way to someone now Just let everybody go she was making that turn because again. There is no Kamala Harris There's no foundational beliefs. There is no rock solid sense of morality. There are no rules We can know them by their fruits in other words Matthew chapter 7 verses 15 through 20 Not saying that she's a prophet or anything like that But this is what the verse says be aware of false prophets who come to in sheep's clothing But inwardly they're ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits Demand gather grapes from thorn brushes or figs from thistles even so every good tree bears good fruit But a bad tree bears bad fruits a good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree bear good fruit Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits. You will know them What are the fruits of Kamala Harris? Well, this is one of them and murderous pedophile getting an automatic chance at parole Which may well be granted in California and open border over which fentanyl has flowed the cartels have set up shop sex-traffing occurs and more girls like that little one who was murdered Coming across the border in bondage Not to mention the fact that the cartels are seizing parts of Mexico right on our border owning it And she continues to put us at risk in that way the fruits of Kamala Harris She ran the broadband initiative for billions and billions and billions of dollars Because it was going to be in broadband to the middle parts of the country where it lacks No one has been contacted by that division. No one the money's there the people are getting paid, but no one in America has been contacted so borders are digital czar the fruits of Kamala Harris are very very clear and So is the fact that this was a coup, but the political is not concerned about that. It's just a coup The coup is probably pushed into High drive when it became very very clear how ill Joe Biden is and again. I don't wish Joe Biden ill I don't wish him to die. I want him to come to redemption I want him to reopen his heart to the Lord because I think he has turned away the gift of salvation and I understand that is a Very very controversial thought in Christianville. I believe he has turned away salvation So we'll get to the hoax of the media covering up the fact or with the media's hoax That Biden wasn't really ill in Las Vegas because now we've got the proof of this Gretchen Whitmer has highlighted the Intensity with which the Democrat Party believes it should be allowed to cheat in the open Gretchen Whitmer has signed a bill into law that will make it illegal illegal for you to request a recount of ballots for vote fraud So if you think there's been fraud and you go and you say we want to recount based upon this alleged fraud that's now illegal in The Soviet Union It was once illegal to report crimes If you got in touch with the authorities and you said hey, there's a series of murderers going on You were in trouble Because communism had canceled out crime It had canceled out mental illness. So you committed the crime In the state of Michigan if you observe vote fraud and you request a recount, you're not going to get one It's illegal that borders on you being a lawbreaker We'll talk about some more election integrity stuff because it matters because an election integrity expert John Rossi in Fulton County, Georgia Has making a strong case that that state was stolen from pleasure than Trump. They're gonna have to cheat if they want to win when people find out how cold and feted in putrid and Rancid are the souls and hearts of Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz Joe Biden did have a medical emergency Jennifer Van Larr at Red State got the radio traffic of police officers on that day that Joe Biden was in Las Vegas And was ultimately flown to the hospital back east. This is part of the conversation It's a conversation in three parts in other words 678 says if you're not on a priority call to clear and being route to 461 at UMC mean at the Valley E.R. Parking lot again any available units come down here to Valley Hospital right now Copy, there's about four units coming to you right now 678 759 I'm most of my guys are playing clothes. Can you use us or no as long as they are fully decked out and readily So they're making requests for as many comps as possible to meet at the hospital and one of the guys apparently running a detective union It says hey, my guys are playing clothes. Can they come and help? And translation they want them in vests and so you need to somehow make yourself visible as a cop Maybe it's one of your vests. Maybe it's your flak jacket something that says police They want that visibility outside the hospital So now that they know that they're gearing up to guard the hospital for figurehead Biden the conversation continues the radio traffic from Las Vegas Oh, incidentally Shouldn't this be all over the mockingbird media? Shouldn't the fact that a sitting so-called president had to be rushed to a hospital? Shouldn't that be news? It's not Just at Red State or places like this because the media colludes and as I said now about two days in a row If President Trump makes it past the cheating His DOJ should charge the major media entities with collusion Limiting consumer choice. This is more of the conversation courtesy of Red State They got the tapes of the police in Las Vegas making way for Biden to be seen at the hospital Let's go on the potus movement. If you can monitor event 8 event 8 channel, that's where movement will occur Control 3 3 9w to see - Yeah, I need everyone will signal radio traffic regarding this over to event 8 channel Units on that blocking traffic on Eastern switch over to event 8 monitor there We're gonna go ahead and lock that intersection I'll go back to event 8 to give further instructions any of the working this intersection closures switch to event 8 just re broadcasting Yeah, for those units that are coming just start going up and down Eastern look for an intersection that needs to be shut down And then just shut it down I'm sure if I just want to realize that we're working as part of our event 8 That's affirmative You know on sale at the Harman and Easter just plus those cars that are going south out east or west You know, I'm just telling that the Harman Eastern advice If you're in a spot and you get car stops that are going north and south just try to push them off east or west if you can't So now the police are being told to push cars off the road. I mean that literally touched them But to force them off the road force them to the side. They want all roads in an a major American city shut down every intersection does that sound like a minor emergency to you Does that sound like you had a bad cough It sounds like a life-threatening event now Maybe they just take it super seriously because some people want to believe this guy's president Well, here's how the conversation wraps up that is not major news in the mockingbird media in fact They didn't even bother to go get the tapes of the police conversation Jennifer van Laura at redstate comm did that here. We go with the last bit of this conversation Right now photos is 421 He's being seen so we're kind of waiting to see how this is shaping out for everybody's knowledge. He's for 21 right now We're just trying to figure out what's going on and we're gonna go from there So what that says if you have trouble hearing it is POTUS is being seen and I take 421 to mean that he's in the hospital. It seems to be in context what that means When people find out eventually and eventually the history will come out That Joe Biden had a stroke or some major medical vent or micro stroke or a micro heart attack Something happens that was serious enough that they shut down all the roads in a major American city And I think it was at this point that Pelosi probably said we got to pull the trigger in the 25th amendment The assassination attempt that they allowed in my judgment did allow to go through Against President Trump that didn't work. Of course. He's not in prison. Of course. He took a truth social To public and ended up with what a billion dollars or more So he can pay down these fines that are ridiculous who get that money back certainly because they just illegally imposed this They're going to have to cheat and I don't even think that they intend to do it any differently Gretchen Whitmer the dictator of Michigan showing that it's going to be illegal to ask for a recount Based upon fraud in the separate country of Washington. They tried to make it illegal illegal For elected officials to claim there had been vote fraud illegal to say it They tried to put President Trump in prison for questioning the results of the elections This is where this is all headed. They have to have this insurance policy after all Nancy Pelosi has promised again That Donald Trump will not be back in the Oval Office. That's a heck of a promise I was promised some things yesterday during my seal-fit phone call Well, it's actually a video meeting This is with the cohort of guys that I'm gonna be in California with going through this long long long workout number one I think everyone on that phone call or that video session is tougher than me I think every one of them is more fit than me I think every one of them will be a bigger asset to the team than me So my thinking now is really adopted. It has really moved into thinking of others. I Really enjoyed the phone call because the guy who leads it taught How in that environment in that they call this the crucible? How do you think of others and sometimes thinking of others means you ask for help? I love this Won't give away the guy's name because it's a private conversation But I'll tell you this he said please don't wait until you are gasping for air before you turn to a brother and say hey Can you carry my rock? Just just just half mile broke. Can you carry my rock? I got it. I'm dying and I'm slowing the team down We also talked about prep for this one of the things he urged us to do is come in ultra hydrated and Even a little bit heavy not so heavy that it's going to affect our body weight movements But hey, it might be worth your while to put on a couple pounds of fat because we guarantee You don't stop moving for 50 hours. You're going to burn that off and then some The other thing I've been doing is just prepping my body for beaten joints I'm using native path collagen and that formula is scientifically Scientifically back to increase bone mineral density to accelerate tissue recovery. Those are my primary focuses and some of the cool things about it Is it can reduce wrinkles and enhance hair thickness strength and weaker damaged nails? By the way, my my toenails probably didn't get busted up yours might too So if you are in a job or a situation where your joints are constantly taking a beating You can help them recover. You can help your muscles recover with native path collagen They have sold over four million jars of this to one million happy customers customers And you can take action right now because information is only potential power getting this in your hands is power So right now go to native path probably get native path calm slash Todd. That's get native path calm slash Todd Stock up on native path collagen and save up to 45% plus enjoy free shipping every single order of native path collagen comes It's a 365 day money back guarantee so you can try at risk free Website to get is get native path calm slash Todd for up to 45% off get native path calm slash Todd You can prepare for hard things. You can in other words cope ahead In Georgia, the model is pretty clear. I think it's the same model they intend to push across the country in terms of vote fraud The guy who's been investigating this or one of them is a guy who's been giving speeches Calling out the numbers. His name is Joe Rossi. He spoke in Fulton County, Georgia And he was speaking about the fact that he believes the state of Georgia owed Donald John Trump an apology If that's the case the state of Georgia owes America an apology Georgia owes President Donald J. Trump an apology President Trump has been indicted by Fulton County May I remind you that Fulton County has been found to be in violation of election law Not once for the hand audit but twice for the machine count and now we can prove that they Intentional had intentional human intervention, which is the predicate for election fraud So intentionally committing fraud because intentional human interaction Well, that's interesting So what kind of numbers does he have to back up such a claim? Here are some of the numbers Joe Rossi has Y'all know our case is SEB 2023 - 25 In that case, you know that it involved 17,000 1,852 votes counted without ballot images you also know that For the first machine count 20,713 ballots were counted With what I like to call receipts I guess the fancy word is tabulator tapes and I always like to say you can't get out of Walmart these days without showing your receipt But for some reason you could count 20,000 votes without a receipt The last part of this complaint Perhaps is the most concerning because we've uncovered some recent information that makes it so in addition to proving that 3930 ballots were scanned and Counted I want to say that again and Counted and I sure hope that miss Charlene McGowan is Listening miss McGowan on May 7th you and your team got up before the board and said yeah, I think mr Rossi's right These ballots were scanned twice But we're not sure if they were counted twice That is a lie and we know that because the data that shows their counted twice is on the cast vote records and That is available to the Secretary of State's Other experts know that those ballots were counted twice Media sources know I saw mr Nese from the AJC just walk up here and not to get him in trouble But he recently reported he thinks they were counted twice also And that's from the AJC Sorry mark if I'm if I'm going too far just say stop Joe you're gonna get me in trouble Okay, so they were counted twice for the second machine count We know with certainty that this Duplication of ballots was not I want to repeat was not an Administrative air and I'm gonna demonstrate to you how we know that shortly Rather the duplication Process was due to intentional human intervention That phrase intentional human intervention is vitally important And I want to appreciate the fact that the mockingbird media has paid close and careful Well, no In fact this entire portion of this program cannot be put on YouTube We are not allowed to have this conversation on YouTube Were of course on all the other platforms pretty much But we can't even get that word out Let's go back to the top. What did we start with Politico? Oh, it's a coup when it's a friendly coup Biden's frustrated, but not angry They did what they had to do Nancy Pelosi cares about the party not feelings Do you notice the dichotomy there party versus feelings? Where does country come into that? They're going to have to really cheat hard when people find out more about Tim Walt's and it's our job to make sure people find out It's more about Tim Walt's One of the questions we can ask our friends is how was it fair? That the media decided to hide because most people know this now the hunter Biden laptop story And are you sure they're not hiding anything from you now? Would it be compassionate for them to do that or caring? What if I could share with you just a couple of things you might not know such as Kamala Harris's Decision to make it easier for pedophiles to get out of prison. That's easy enough. It's from the foreign press It's not Fox News It's easy enough to hand over to someone But what about Tim Walt and the things he says I don't think I could sleep at night Knowing that Tim Walt's was anywhere near my daughter. My daughter is a functional adult I mean she's a legal adult. Would you let him near your kid? I wouldn't let Tim Walt's within probably a hundred feet of my daughter for any reason because of his perverted views about children and of course young adults and I sleep soundly knowing of course that the Lord Jesus is in charge. He's the one who's protecting us He's the one who stands in victory when we stand with him We stand in ultimate victory, but also means you have to protect our families and our friends I've been passing the word now for a very long time about magnesium breakthrough and I share it with friends But it's face to face. I share it with people. I barely know they mentioned they have trouble sleeping I am not gonna be able to share this much longer. I know I'm gonna get a note from Matt or Wade any day saying okay We've gone through it. We can't give away any more free magnesium breakthrough It's not quote just sleep that it helps with it helps with regularity Which by the way takes pressure off of your kidneys takes pressure off of your liver does help you sleep better helps purify your body That's all good. It also helps alleviate stress Magnesium breakthrough can do this because it's not the two Synthetic fake forms of magnesium that are in the china mart's This is seven forms of magnesium all of it organic making it full spectrum So it could also help alleviate stress by better regulating the stress hormone cortisol and that can lead to Feeling relax so you fall asleep and stay asleep if you wake up you go back to sleep You can't get this at Google. It's not up by optimizers. You can't get it anywhere not in stores The only place you can get the free bottle of magnesium breakthrough is the following website Magbreakthrough comm slash Todd free that easy. No questions asked Magbreakthrough comm slash Todd free Go there and get a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough My ask is that you tell me how it has worked for you Magbreakthrough comm slash Todd free Mike Murphy Ran against Tim Waltz for governor he lost maybe Maybe we have to ask these questions now We have to assume vote fraud at every turn because they're not doing anything that would be required in order to prevent vote fraud They don't want to prevent it Gretchen Whitmer just as a reminder is making illegal to get a recount based upon allegations of vote fraud Mike Murphy's team put together a greatest hits or greatest failures as it were of the Tim Waltz gubernatorial efforts and campaign It's absent some things But it is a pretty good primer on who Tim Waltz is I've just signed executive order 20 - 0 1 declaring a peacetime state of emergency for the state of Minnesota We need to stop congregating. We're going to close the bars. We're going to close the restaurants We're going to close the places where we gather several hundred thousand of your neighbors. We're just laid off an Entire industry has been shut down in the face of this all for the greater good I'm the governor with the power of the state Constitution behind him has issued 104 executive orders affecting everything from schools to restaurants and bars to churches to basically every facet of every day life Democrats who control the house are moving in the opposite direction some are pushing to put a mask mandate in state law Hi, how's the area why we're a master school? It helps to keep me safe explosive testimony from a Minneapolis police union official who says that the governor Ordered cops who abandoned that third precinct during the Springs rioting. I was in the command post. I heard it I heard the governor say give it up at 932 Jiefer Adondo calls the mayor to tell him they've lost control Can no longer maintain order in the city and then at 1013 Chief Eradonda who's monitoring the scene from a couple blocks away Gets in the radio to announce to see the city whites on right now And our loss of the third person The third precinct has been compromised mayor said I request the National Guard who I'm out this straight We're gonna have massively trained troops. No, you're gonna have 19 year old your cooks Tim Walts they're disparaging his former colleagues in the National Guard Well, he he was cold Wait, he was stone cold Sniper shooter man when he carried his weapon into war. That's what he said He's bragged about I'm a better shot than they are But with the weapons I carried into war. That's that's what he said But apparently he Super soldier Yes, yes, of course. Of course. We honor all service whether you're in combat or not, but you lied about it We'll talk about this tomorrow in some pretty big detail Steve sailor Did the research on how good and this is how Steve sailor of Steve sailor at Steve sailor net put it how good Is Tim Walts at black lives mattering? I'll tell you this is that in the Waltz era The murders of black men murdering black men rose 83% under Tim Walts So when America begins to learn about the cold heart of this guy, they're gonna learn some other things The decision to give up the police station is the same decision that the fallen and corrupt former mayor of Seattle Seattle's always had corrupt mayors almost always She Jenny Durkin made the decision to give up and what was I think it was a third precinct in in Seattle to give up the building When that happened and they let antifa and black lives matter incorporated seize that building There are some things that never made national headlines such as this Officers traditionally leave behind things like their wedding rings Often their personal cell phones their personal IDs and wallets. Here's why They don't want perps to know they're married They don't want their their wives or husbands to be threatened They don't want their personal IDs stolen if they're in a scuffle So they leave those things at the precinct many of those things were stolen Those thieves in black lives matter incorporated and antifa got access to the computer systems within that precinct Post that happening We learned that antifa and black lives matter incorporated Had developed a facial recognition database of Seattle cops when they would show up to riots In plain clothes in their personal vehicles black lives matter incorporated and antifa having Overwatch sometimes the drones and some people just with cameras knew where the cops were we watched it happen in their chat rooms Hey, this is the cop. That's his license plate matched up with facial ID It wasn't quote just a police station being given up It was information just like you would want in a state of war When we seize a building from an enemy in a state of war and I never serve But we've all lives not all of us having talked to people who had that's real They go in and grab the computer hard drives as quickly as it can and anything that's actionable information These things are training efforts The takedown of the police station in Minneapolis the takedown of the police station in Seattle these are training ops For when whoever's pushing the culture revolution in America decides to make it's more kinetic remember this That time magazine article on how they save democracy from itself by making sure that President Trump didn't win Remember that there were street activists who had put in the notice If you ask us to get active on the streets if you asked us to go kinetic, we will We're ready for more riots. Do you think they won't bring that back? When Americans find out about the cold Fettied putrid hearts of Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz and adding to him perversions It's going to be very very hard for these people to win. It's our job to make sure Americans find out Tim Waltz endorsed a guy named John Thompson State representative in election John Thompson went to bleep the heck out of this thing This is John Thompson going into a neighborhood looks like a cul-de-sac These are the things he says as there are kids and teens watching this Right across the street from their own home. This is a Tim Waltz endorsed candidate and former state representative John Thompson Oh Oh Right here Oh Oh Oh Now we can get to what I was talking about Outside of people's homes in a cul-de-sac Screaming for a bullhorn Accusing the people in the home of being the KKK with curse words and implied threats That is Tim Waltz. That is the Tim Waltz neighborhood. That is how Tim Waltz treats people via surrogates But he's a patriot He wears camo hats He served the country and come Well, that's right Not in combat All roles in military service are honorable It is not honorable to lie about having served in combat, which is what Tim Waltz now has been proven to have done multiple times including Apparently to John Kerry John Kerry wrote a letter of recommendation to Tim Waltz for Tim Waltz stating a rank Tim Waltz never achieved And a thing Tim Waltz never did Which was being deployed into combat? John Kerry, of course. Well, we know what he did with his medals, right? They weren't his when he tossed him over the fence to protest the Vietnam War. He couldn't toss his medals He asked a buddy for his buddy's medal so he could toss those cuz John Kerry knew he might want to use those one day Absolutely, absolutely dishonest When people find out about the cold putrid rants and hearts of these people, they're going to have to cheat at a much higher basis There's a lot of cheating going on in the American metal medical system and some of it is not on purpose There are such good people at dinner really tonight with my sister who works in health care such good people In fact when we got to the restaurant one of our from one of my friends from church. She's a nurse She's a great person her husband is a therapist. He's a great guy They were there all in health care in one way or another There's a lot of people in the podcast family in health care, but there's a ton of lies as People are beginning to catch on to renew dot health care and the ethical use of ethically-gathered stem cells From placentas and umbilical cords period People are beginning to catch on to the fact that you do not need to take 40 or 60 weeks to recover from a shoulder surgery or take as long as you have from hip surgery sometimes you don't even need the surgeries if Your injury is not is is is not serious or is in a condition where these stem cells can get in and help They'll tell you my friend Boris is the reason I ever went to renew to begin with Boris is a master's athlete He's a serious swimmer former Olympian level swimmer I think he placed I think third seventh and then third in the world and swimming in his age group age bracket Boris couldn't swim His shoulder was so locked up that he had no range of motion. He swum his whole life Surgery would have been a no-go for the entire season maybe longer. In fact, I'm just getting my swimming back now In fact, I haven't been really concentrating on it because I've been working in the seal fit stuff and weightlifting, but I'm just gaining it back now Boris went to renew His shoulder came back in weeks because the stem cells go in and they attack the inflammation and then they literally build tissue Because they are building block cells, but they don't have any role assigned to them as People are catching on to this and people like Boris are spreading the word Boris by the way ended up investing in renew He was that pressed Surgeons are being given talking points. So are doctors. Oh, no, they don't culture the stem cells Yes, they do. Yes, they do it increases their safety and their numbers 42 million stem cells in my shoulder. Oh They they there's no difference between those stem cells and the ones we give you after surgery. We're putting stem cells in the wound after surgery Yeah, 60,000 or so from bone marrow What do those things do they build bone marrow? What do the stem cells from placenta's and umbilical cords build whatever they're injected into ankle shoulder cartilage and They reduce inflammation even help with neurological issues if you hear this and you're hearing from your doctors the lies get the other side Go to renew dot health care Make sure that you tell them that you're a friend of the show and they will tell you if they can help you or not After they look at your medical records and they'll show you how to get that done very very quickly It's not as hard as anyone thinks renew dot health care Tim waltz is going to be a difficult well sell to Americans once they understand the degree of his perversion and the Putridness of his heart his willingness to do anything he's selling out the state of Minnesota to multiple terrorist groups actually and then the terror of gender ideology Tim waltz is drug-around by the nose by men like this men who get to successfully with the Mockingbird media pretend to be women as they coach Tim waltz into how to more often get to Chemically and surgically mutilate children also standing in that sea of people a parent Transparent about his family my partner Gretchen and I are here today Because we are parents of a trans child their child is six years old and she was as excited to be at a boring capital on spring break as any six-year-old kid could be squirming and fidgeting her way through now, by the way, if you're watching this everybody can see that that's a little boy with long hair The features are right there, but do you see the media being compliant pretending? This is a girl May God have mercy on their souls back to this clip They're her existence as why her parents drove five hours today to speak publicly It's it's a hundred percent personal. I mean the the safety the the happiness of our child is is it couldn't be more personal Asher why are we here today? Trans right for her rights to be her as you can see from this interview I can't force my kids to do anything here. Asher has Trusted us enough She believes in our love enough that she has invited us in to see her whole self And if we don't love her that much the opposite would happen where we wouldn't get to know everything about her And so we're lucky we're blessed and we love her so much They came to the people's house this morning to talk about her the person and a room reserved for talks about politics and there's nothing in this world that I wouldn't do I Gretchen and I wouldn't do to protect her and others like her We're except for the truth We're so lucky that our little boy a lot of sin to his delusion That he's a girl And Jesus wept We're so lucky That a little boy Welcome this into the delusion That there's a monster in the bed So we said yeah, there's a monster in the bed It's the same delusion Do you remember that when your kids would have those things are a monster in the bed or in the closet? Or no, I saw the Easter buddy The Easter Bunny is real. I saw the Easter Bunny The delusions Parents like this Being brought on by a contact high but the delusion of a child is Now a political movement and Tim Walt sits top it happily Creating a state that advertises these services as Americans learn about this is going to be harder and harder and harder for Them to accept Tim Walt's is our job to make sure they learn. This is also from the state of Minnesota I would encourage the community to vote no on this amendment for a few reasons practical financial social emotional First there are a lot of schools that are moving towards gender neutral bathrooms, and if we add female We might become obsolete very quickly. Um second. That's funny to menstruate our female We need to make sure that all students have access to these products They're obviously less Non-female menstruating students and therefore their usage will be much lower and that was actually Calculated into the cost of this and how much we decided to fund it. So there are less boys Menstrate than girls So we've calculated this into the cost Kamala Harris doesn't exist Kamala Harris is spiritual water and not in a good way She is able to pour it into any container whether it be the crescent star Whether it be an upside-down cross Whether it be a black lives matter incorporated fist She can be poured into that her beliefs are she wants power Tim Waltz is chubby red sheikton white Oh, and then perverted It's our job to make sure Americans see their fruits And the more clever we are In other words, why is this a serpent gentle as a dove in asking caring and fairness questions the better this is going to be Is it fair? That Tim Waltz has set up a system Where parents have absolutely no say? Whether their kids are given wrong sex hormones or not is that fair? Is it caring to parents? That's one question we can ask Is it caring or fair that Tim Waltz pretends to have operated in combat when he didn't is it caring or fair that Kamala Harris Set up a system or convicted pedophilic murderers are given automatic shots at parole because well Justice these are questions. We should ask and remember this Ultimate caring and fairness comes from one place it comes from God and God has told us you will know them by their fruits So let's make sure that people could know us by our fruits Which hopefully will bear strong comparison to fruits of the spirit This is the Todd Herman show, please go be well be strong be kind and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ You (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)