The Todd Herman Show

CrossFit haters are glad an athlete drowned; Did Pelosi admit to her coup and did Elon and Trump kill the Mockingbird Media Ep-1791

There was a death at the CrossFit Games. A guy named Lazar Dukicr drowned during a swim. What I wanted to talk about is just the unbelievable troll behavior. This is coming from a lot of people on the Left. They hate sports like CrossFit, so they've come out and said it's CrossFit's methodology that killed Lazar. I'll go through that in detail and you're going to notice there's a very big similarity between the way they're attacking this and how they attack people who question COVID. 
Nancy Pelosi made an interesting admission and then caught herself making the admission. Did she push Biden out of the 2024 Presidential Race? And, 10 seconds on the day President Trump was shot. 10 seconds that changed everything. We can't ignore the Secret Service and what it's become. 

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Broadcast on:
13 Aug 2024
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Three stories, a drowning during the CrossFit Games brought out the troll army that proved something about common core. I mean, it's kind of a loose connection, but it's this, my opinion is fact thing. Obviously, I need to defend the sport of CrossFit, even when they did something I think is indefensible. There's still aspects of this, I need to talk about the Trump, Elon Musk, and the response of the Mockingbird media is fun. And I'm not often someone who thinks politics is fun. Then the unfun, 10 seconds of a cop with an opportunity, perhaps, to shoot the would have been murderer of President Trump and the guy who killed Corey Compentori. The Secret Service can never live this down, nor can the Department of Homeland Security will explore all of this. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. These are the times. These are the days God chose you for this time. There was a death during the CrossFit Games, and I was shocked to learn about it. This was one of the few times that I haven't sat down and watched the CrossFit Games from beginning to end, and I simply showed up at the gym, and my coach said, "No, actually we worked outside that day, we worked out in the field, in the park," and coach said, "You saw what happened in the games." And for a second, I thought, "Well, yeah, we have some people we know competing, and then I looked in coach's eyes." I said, "What?" She said, "You don't know. No. Someone drowned." An athlete, and I know I'm going to mess up his last name, and I've been rehearsing this and trying to get this right, Lazar Jusik, D-U-K-I-C is how we would spell it. Drowned. This is an image of this man from a tribute that CrossFit put together, CrossFit HQ, created a tribute to him during the games. The drowning, I don't know that I care to show you the video of him drowning, because again, it's very, very difficult to watch. He'd gone on a very long run at about a six-understand, a six-minute mile pace. Now, people who are runners are going to say, "Well, that's an OK pace," except he understands something that this guy weighed 225 pounds. This is not a small body to move around, and then jumped in for a swim. What I understand from people who were there at the CrossFit Games is the water was very, very warm. There was no real way to cool the body down, and they were competing. This image, for me, strikes at the heart of this for me as a human being. You see an athlete in tears. His name is James Sprague. And behind him is Brent Forkowski, who is a legend in CrossFit. James is a guy I've gotten to speak with. Pretty regular occasions. I've got to know his dad a little bit, Pat Sprague. Pat is one of the kindest men I've ever known. He himself is a CrossFit competitor, third in the world in my age group. I believe it was three years ago, and a man who took his precious time while training for the games. He took his precious time to, number one, congratulate me on a workout, and, number two, to coach me. He didn't need to do that. No one's paying him to coach this old dude who can't get near his level of competition. This image of James in tears is James, after he won his first competition, his first individual competition at the CrossFit Games. There's a whole series of competitions, and to win one is a pretty big deal. He's seated next to an empty box. That would have been the box set on which Lazar would have climbed. James is in tears. No doubt mixed emotions. James happens to be a fantastic servant of the Lord Jesus. In fact, after he won, and he did win the CrossFit Games this year, his 21st last year, prior to that, he failed to make the games by one couple of seconds failed to make the games this year he won it all. And he thanked the Lord Jesus in that. So what about this drowning in what the troll army did and what happened? You'll hear from an eyewitness in just a second as to what happened, and then I want to talk about the troll army, and how this relates to the common core, my opinion is truth generation. Every single one of these athletes who goes into the games is going to go into that with some form of body challenge. I won't give away behind the scenes stuff that I'm not permissioned to say, but I can tell you that there were athletes there who you and I, if we were going through what they were going through, we wouldn't be doing anything like competing because it would be too painful for us. I know this for a fact because I've got this behind the scenes knowledge, but I can also tell you this, in daily life, there are people who are having pain that they don't need to have and they're getting bad advice from American medical associations advice like, look, you're going to have to have surgery, you're going to have to have a nerve block, you're going to have to get in and we're going to scrape these tendons out, you're going to have to live with this, you're going to have to change your house because you're always going to be hemispherically paralyzed. This does not have to be the case. You're not allowed to do what Renew.Healthcare does in Mexico in this country, even though it is absolutely ethical. They use stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords, period, never anything to do with abortion ever. And they pay for the entire childbirth of the women with whom they work, whether or not they accept their stem cells because Renew only accepts the best stem cells. They then culture those stem cells, this is vitally important because it increases the safety of the stem cells. Every single one of these stem cells is potential power. They're building cells. They get into your body. The first thing they do is they attack inflammation and I mean destroy it. Then they go about rebuilding whatever they've been inserted into. In my case, my shoulder and recently my ankle, you could be facing neuropathy and you've been told it's just the way it is, you could be facing hemispheric paralyzation. I know of a woman who went there and walked out after she came in in a wheelchair. There's even neurological issues they're seeing fantastic results with. You don't need to guess if they can help you. They'll tell you for free. Just go to Renew.Healthcare, that's Renew.Healthcare. Please do tell them that you are a member of the podcast or radio show family, Renew.Healthcare. This is an eyewitness to the drowning of Lazar and there was many people in the crowd, were many people in the crowd who saw what was happening. Yeah, we were on the side. He was probably 150 meters out in the water and I saw it. I saw him start to kind of scramble. He started to doing small turns and he was trying to get his head out of the water and it was at that time that we started screaming to the lifeguard like he needs help and then came with him second he was under and he never came back up. I mean, watching the video, you can visit the sea with two lifeguards there and in the middle. Yeah. I mean, from our standpoint, it just looks like nothing's being done to save them, but you had a different vantage point. No, I agree. There was two lifeguards right there. The one lifeguard, because somebody actually jumped in and the one lifeguard came over and talked to him and told him to get out of the water, but he said this and somebody's drowning. So he ended up going over to where he went under, but she just did a quick paddle around and then just paddled back out. I feel like at that point, she needed to blow a whistle and stop the event because you could have had a lot more help in there pretty fast and that was only like a couple minutes after he had gone under. So at that point, something could have been done, but once the event's finished, it's 30 minutes gone, right? There's not much you can do at that point. And I know how I'm not in the CrossFit community, but I work out, I don't know how close that community is, but your guys, this is like a leaky close about how this impacts the guys as a family. I think the CrossFit community really needs to lean on each other right now, use the support of one another because it's going to hit us all differently. It's devastating. I'm not too sure where the CrossFit Games is going to go from here, but they're going to have to make some drastic measurements to make sure that this never happens again. The community is very strong, which is going to help us get through this, but I'm just praying for his family. Some WFAA on YouTube can go subscribe to their channel. Speaking of family, Lazar's brother Luke was competing, Lucas is competing in the games. The troll army left in the action and started to explain that this is a result of CrossFit's randomized workouts and randomized programming, and this is a result of putting athletes through too much, and this is a result of everything they don't understand about the sport. There is no randomization. People believe that since in CrossFit we might do gymnastics and weightlifting one day, and the next might we might run a mile or a 5K, then we might run a mile or a 5K and turn around and do deadlifts or box jumps within that. They think it's all randomized, it's not. The CrossFit methodology is the most scientifically robust definition of what it is to be fit in the world because it all circles around the 10 essential skills of athleticism. The basic skills you have to have to have any form of athleticism. The tests in these games are about testing energy systems. You're aerobic, you're glycolactic, or you're phosphogenic. It's about doing things like this. Look, a lot of people can lift a lot of weight. There's a lot of people more than you'd think who men who can go deadlift 500 pounds, or women who can deadlift 400. How do they do that after they've run two miles in a race? How do you do that? It's not the randomization because the randomization doesn't exist. It's also amazing that in a sport that takes in swimming, running, weightlifting, gymnastics, biking, rucking, there haven't been more deaths. Now, I am not defending the decision to not have active lifeguards. I cannot defend the people on the paddle boards who didn't turn to see that. I cannot defend stopping a fan from getting in the water to try to save Lazar. I cannot defend that. It can't be defended. It was sloppy. It was horrible, but I will defend the methodology. I will also mention this, a Wisconsin man died competing in an Ironman race. He was 51 year old athlete who required medical attention during the biking portion, later died at the hospital. He was the 15th triathlete to die in that year. This is from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that this is sadly not the first time an athlete died while participating in Ironman, Wisconsin, 2019, two athletes died during the swimming portion of the race, which takes place in Lake Monona. Michael McCullough was taken to the hospital after being found unresponsive in the water was pronounced dead due to an accidental drowning. In Madison firefighter named Tom Todd Mahoney was also found unresponsive in the water during the Ironman 70.3 race, half the distance of a full Ironman, about an hour after McCullough. He was taken to the hospital and died two days later. Tragically, these kinds of deaths often occur. Yet in 2016, the Daily Beast published a story headlined "Why Do So Many Midyear Elage Men Died During Ironman Competitions?" There have been scientific studies exploring that question. At the time, 109 people had died during amateur triathalons. The majority of them middle-aged men competing for the first time. The man who died in Wisconsin was the 15th athlete to die in that year. Lazar was an elite athlete, but elite athletes are not above gravity. Water. I obviously pray for his family, and it's not just triathletes. Bodybuilders end up dying. There is case after case after case of people who died in bodybuilding largely because of steroid abuse. This is an image of Daniel Alexander, Alexander died, and he was 30 years old. He's the guy in the left. He died. We could go through boxing, we can go through gymnastics, and the numbers are profound. There are a lot of deaths in extreme athletics, and bodybuilding is extreme. Crossfit could be seen as extreme. The fact that there haven't been more deaths to me indicates the great fitness of the athletes and the fact that they have, well, prepared themselves for the knowable and the unknowable. I'll continue to pray for Lazar's family, his soul, and for the Crossfit community. But this thing about jumping in with fact. One core taught people that your emotions equal opinion. It was horrible to watch that man die. Those are my emotions. That's not my opinion. That's my feeling. My opinion came after I investigated the statistics. My opinion was formed this way. All sports like this have risk of death. Crossfit has had far, far fewer than all these other sports combined. Now it's a newer sport, but it combines all of these elements. The common core generation has been taught that feelings are facts. That is not just wrong. It's ungodly. It is to come in and make accusations like that. May God rest, Lazar. May God guard his family. So did Nancy Pelosi, did she actually kind of force Biden out, did she just admit that? I think she did just admit that. Nancy Pelosi in this clip seems to say what we've been saying behind the scenes for a very, very long time. I love him so much. I think he's been. Well not that part. I don't think we love him so much. We're supposed to love our enemies. Really a fantastic president of the United States. So I really wanted him to make a decision of a better campaign because they were not facing the fact of what was happening, just a little background, I've never been that impressed with his political operation. I mean, they won the White House Bravo, but so my concern was this ain't happening. And we have to make a decision for us that's to happen and the president has to make the decision for that to happen. Let me just say. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, we have to make the decision and the president has to make the decision. Did you see the order in which those thoughts came out of her mouth? Back to this. Wait, I knew what I was doing at that time. I knew what I was doing in the whole thing, not just that and what was that that Donald Trump would never set foot in the White House again. She's committed to that, man. How's that feel to you to have the this woman with all this earthly power that she thinks is eternal power? You know, she thinks that right. Does it seem to you that she thinks she has internal eternal power? How does it feel to have her tell you that she will make sure that Donald Trump never sets foot in the White House again? Okay, you could say that's political, but look at what they've been willing to do and then look at what Elon Musk just did and the response to this. I wish they'd actually put some thoughts into this presentation, maybe have a camera on Trump and a camera on Elon. It could have been so much more fun to watch. I mean, this is basically a listening to events, but this is in fact a huge shift in media. There's a reason that Fox News ignored it largely. I mean, you could say it's not news that President Trump did an interview, but with Elon Musk, two billionaires sitting down and on a platform that has nothing to do with TV, a platform we were told was dying. You'll hear part of this and then see some of the media response to this and I'll explain why I think this is a watershed moment and incredibly important because it takes me back to my days being a media strategies for Microsoft and then consulting Hollywood companies, studios and the like on what was coming. There is a lot coming their way and this was a sign of that. Wealth comes at you, right? There's that whole saying life comes at you fast. I learned the other day someone with whom I work is taking magnesium breakthrough and she only now just really told me, I guess she'd mentioned it, but I don't have permission to share what she said. Although she did say she really likes it, in fact, she bought more of it. I wish I could actually release who this person is, but she's not being paid for that. She's not being paid to endorse this. In fact, she bought it with her own money when she could have come to me and said, "Hey, hello, how about helping out a sis and giving me some make breakthrough for free?" Now she did go get the free bottle first. I don't want to give away who I'm talking about because it's very big secret, but she did actually go to, get a free bottle and then what and bought more. You can have this too. It's seven forms of magnesium that does this. Number one, it helps regulate the stress hormone cortisol and 600 other body interactions, make inducing regularity, helping your body with digestion. 80% of Americans are short on magnesium, which is some of the reasons they have these issues, such as cramping or the inability to sleep well. I mean, this stress hormone cortisol can make it very difficult to sleep. By the way, it also encourages your body to store fat. Magnesium breakthrough for me is a protocol. It's two hours before bed, two to three tablets, depending on how the day's gone, how much caffeine I've had. And the change is this, I just feel relaxed, which encourages sleep and allows me to stay asleep. You can't get the free bottle at Amazon. You can't get it through Google. You can't even get it at the Buy Up To Measures website. There's only one place to get it that's, No questions asked. It's a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough. This is part of the conversation between Elon Musk and President Trump. And these are issues that I think most people in America would agree with, which is that we want safe and clean cities. We want secure borders. We want sensible government spending. We want to restore both the perception or reality of respecting the judicial system, stop the law fair. And I think that's just common sense. What Elon Musk says there is wildly controversial to the people on the left. Now, let's just go through this again. Let's just re-up that clip. Let's just go through this again. And what I'm searching for is the following, white supremacy, Christian nationalism, extremism. These are the things I've been told is happening. Fascism. Let's look for the isms in this. Let's just go through it step-by-step, two billionaires talking, Elon Musk really just talking at this point to President Trump. These are issues that I think most people in America would agree with, which is that we want safe and clean cities. Otherwise, absolutely horrible white supremacy. I know that when I lived in a black neighborhoods as one of two white people in probably a 20 block area, I know that when I met black people, they often told me, "We love it when it's dirty." We're like filth, we're like drug dealing, we like to see people selling TV sets and stereos at night. We like that. We like gang shootings, we like crime. Never heard that. The black parents I got to know in that neighborhood reminded me more of my parents. And the color of their skin was white. Cities aren't just black people, but we're watching this. The outflow of people who have kids from the cities is creating another bifurcation in this country, cities now are becoming a place for single adults. Single adults who are working in information, services or media, the laptop class, uniquely unaffected by the policies for which they vote so they can continue to vote for them, whereas people who have kids are moving into the suburbs. And people are leaving the city to have kids. It's another country within a country environment. But that statement, where's the white supremacy? Where's the ism, the racism? We want secure borders. We want sensible government spending. We want secure borders. Well that's racism because if you don't open your house and just leave the windows open and the doors open, then you are a flat racist. Or house is different. Okay. Well, then your workplace, if you don't let anybody walk through your workplace at any time of day for any reason at all, you're clearly racist. Well, wait, that's just a workplace. Okay. Let's just do this. Your kid's schools. There's no reason to secure those. They're racist. None of this can stand up against even the slightest scratching on it to check it for logic. Sensible spending. Now you can debate that. Fair enough. We can debate what's sensible and what's not. We want to restore both the perception or reality of respect in the judicial system. This is important. The perspective or the respect for the judicial system and the reality that it can be respected. He's talking to a man who had one misdemeanor blown up into 36 felonies illegally. By a judge who told the jury, you do not need to have a unanimous verdict, wildly unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has already said, no, in cases like that, it has to be unanimous verdict. One billionaire talking to another billionaire who's just been threatened with prison time for a misdemeanor blown up into 36 felonies. The ism is what? The extremism is what? That judges shouldn't be able to change basic fundamental tenets of American law like a unanimous verdict? That's the law fair and I think that's, like, and how are those even right wing positions? I think those are just, that's just common sense and that's a, I mean, would you agree with that? 100 percent. The right wing positions, because they're inconvenient to people who seek to stop to death, political opposition, people like the folks at MSNBC. And then Trump has this one on one with Elon Musk tonight. He's touting it as the interview of the century. Could this venue offer the type of reset he wants? What are you expecting from this? Could it? Yeah, it can. The reset is this. Elon Musk is not the free speech absolutist he likes to think he is, or he'd fire his CEO who loves censorship. Elon Musk purchasing this platform, though, took it out of the hands of Jack Dorsey, who is, well, let's say, not necessarily happy, but willing to have the FBI run the place and the Department of Homeland Security in the White House. The watershed is this. As the share of the Mockingbird media's influence over American society continues to erode and decrease, they continue down the same path, which is meddling in elections and it becomes more and more clear, that bifurcation, I talked about with the cities, people who have kids fleeing the cities, people in the cities not having kids, the suburbs becoming the place that people who have kids live or people who want to have kids move. The cities are the place where the Mockingbird media is consumed. The rural areas are the place where people are steering around the Mockingbird media. It's a country within a country, but the watershed moment is this. No filter. That was a two-hour conversation. President Trump and Elon Musk talking on cell phones for two hours can't be done in the Mockingbird media where time is shelf life. It can be done in settings like this, or in Joe Rogan's program, we'll often do two-hour interviews. It is, in fact, a review method. Kamala Harris, who hopes to be the official figurehead, cannot, cannot compete in that environment. Because Kamala Harris does not exist, Donald Trump does. Kamala Harris has the morals of a glass of water, well, not even a glass of water, a morals, the morals of water. She'll fit into any container she has, any container she's presented that will bring her power. I'm not saying that Donald Trump is really morally founded upon Christianity. I think he's getting there. I think almost dying really got him there. I know Elon Musk doesn't serve the Lord Jesus, but I know this. A two-hour conversation between two men allows us to measure the fruits of their labors. It allows us to try to observe in them any semblance of love as communicated through the Bible, and it allows us to take their measure as they are not on a prompter. Because God gave us discernment, the gift of it, to be able to discern who are these people and what do they intend for us. I'm really, really glad this interview happened. In every big, important moment like the attempted assassination of President Trump, there's that tendency for people to say, "Here's where everything changed," or could have changed. Attempting to do that, particularly with the 10 seconds you're about to see that most people have not seen, because the news cycles moved on, because it wasn't all that important. But hey, former president was just about murdered, and a retired volunteer police chief was murdered. We'll look into this, and what does it really mean? What was the moment things really changed, really degraded for the secret service? This could be shocking if you've not seen it. The first time I saw it, I mean, I heard about it, I heard rumors of it, I heard that it had happened, but this has been so many things we've heard about with the attempted murder of President Trump, that I thought, could this really be the case? What happens is that police, local police, on the scene, knew, of course, for several minutes, at least 10 minutes, there was a shooter on the rooftop. For about two minutes, they'd circled the building, guns drawn, moving civilians out of the way. No one moved President Trump back from the stage, no one took him off stage, no one blew a whistle, no one blew an alarm, no sniper took him out, all these things were allowed to occur. A police officer risked his life getting up on the building. It's a silent video. There's no sound. They didn't put the sounds onto their camera, but let me kind of shell what's going on. They're going between the two buildings, one officer standing there, the officer's going to go up, says, "Hey, give me a lift, give me a lift." He puts his hands out, and this officer puts his right foot in. He's hoisted up onto the rooftop, as he gets up to the rooftop. He scales it, weapons ready, and he's on the roof. The shooter turns around and has him absolutely dead to rights, so the officer makes a reasonable decision to jump down and to run to his vehicle. Now it would be tempting enough to say, "This is when it all changed. This is when it all went bad." The officer runs to his car, he retrieves his service weapon. He's out of breath, as you would imagine. It would be tempting to say, "That's when it all could have changed," but that's not when it all could have changed. The way this adds up is the way we must divide it. I'll explain in a second what I mean by adding it up and dividing it and what needs to change and needs to change immediately in regard to so-called public service positions. Change can be slow, it can be quick. For instance, changing the smell of a room could take you forever or a car or an RV or a dorm. If you've been stinky for a long time, such as in an old car that's been in a garage and just been stored, if it's been musty and mold's been growing there for a long time, it could take forever to air that out or not, it's up to you. You could be in a basement and that basement becomes something you're working on and you're changing around and it just stinks down there because it's a basement. As you're working on getting better ventilation and windows in there, you could wait or not. You could have a habit like smoking, and man, I hope you'll quit that habit or have a habit like my dad did of allowing 29 cats. At 1.29 cats lived in his garage and under his garage, only three of them were non-feral. That place stunk would it take forever to get into the crawl space and get all their funk out of there, and eventually, of course, we did that for my dad, clean the place up, but it doesn't need to take forever to clean up the bad smells. In fact, you can plug something into the wall and in about three minutes, the bad smells are gone. The magic is this, that the Eden Pure Oxileaf 2 produces O3, that's ozone. Those molecules attach themselves to the bad smells and they destroy them. It even works with viruses. You will notice the change within three minutes. Three of these devices will give you whole home coverage and it will blow away bad smells and RVs or dorms or military barracks, wherever your family might be. I keep thinking about long-haul truckers, many of whom watch or listen to the podcast as they drive. They can't always smell great to live in your truck. Here's how you can save $200 on three of these whole home coverage and complete coverage for your truck. Obviously, just go to, enter code TOD3. That's, enter code TOD3 and you can breathe a breath of fresh air again. It was that 10 second video where that officer bravely risked his life to get up on a rooftop and wisely made the decision to jump down when the shooter was able, would have been able to shoot him in the head from a very short distance while that offer was not able to produce his weapon. He wasn't fully up on the roof. He made a good, smart, reasonable life-sustaining decision to sprint to his car to retrieve his rifle. What we've learned about the Secret Service is the same thing we've learned about the CDC, which is the same thing we've learned about the FDA, which is the same thing we've learned about the FBI. There is no accountability. In the business world, there's something called piercing the corporate shield. I learned about this when I was kind of, well, I wasn't welcomed in. I broke my way into the world of raising money out of Silicon Valley. With the help of a friend, not a burglar, he's someone who actually knew how to speak VC and he taught me. When I got my first company funded through venture capital, we had a meeting about the corporate shield and what that meant. Our lawyers presented scenario after scenario to me where they said things like this. This corporation can protect you. It can protect us. People have to sue the corporation. They don't get to directly sue us unless we pierce the corporate shield or allow them to do that. What would that be? Things like this. If you taught embezzled money or allowed it to be embezzled, we, the shareholders, could sue you personally. If you taught falsified something like advertising records or allowed them to be falsified on your watch, advertising clients could sue you personally. We're not going to backstop such a thing. If you do that, you're on your own legally, we will not pay for your defense. Piercing the corporate shield is hard to do, but it is done. We know about pharmaceutical executives who have, thank God, gone to prison and it issued huge fines for wildly unethical treatment of the human body, of in fact, destroying that which God considers his masterpiece. This mankind made it his image, male and female made in his image. Government must no longer have this effective permanent shield. We need to reform and reform should work like this. When there is clear lying, clear fraud or clear blatant rampant incompetence, we need to have a formula for piercing the government shield. We need to be able to go directly at the individuals and to sue them. I'm not saying on a wild go nuts, wild west basis, I'm saying on a prescribed basis, these activities mean you will pay for your own legal defense. These activities mean the government shield does not apply. How much could you have in that? For me, I would start with basic provable demonstrable lies. The secret service lies consistently, particularly about what happened in the shooting. So does the FBI. I'd start there. And then on levels of basic incompetence, like this, if you have a published set of guidelines, say for instance, on the secret service agents who are to guard a president and they are published, you would have things like the body people around the president need to be as big as if not bigger than the president or the principal regarding why because their bodies go in between a potential shooter and the principal. If they're smaller than the principal, then the shooter can get around them. If you make a decision to bypass a basic standard of protection, you are liable. If you make a decision to allow two of the three secret service shooters who are on the neighboring rooftop to leave the building, one was sick, one had to pee. The third had to go retrieve the guy who went to pee because he forgot his card key that left an easy access time for the shooter to do what he did. That's an unbelievable set of affairs. I don't believe it happened that way. Sounds like Jeff Epstein and the guards falling asleep and the cameras getting turned off. The 911 tapes accidentally being erased, starting to stink and look. But if it is incompetence, that level of incompetence should allow you to pierce the corporate shield. If I, as a CEO of a startup, have been so incompetent with shareholder money that I'd said to my CFO, hey, don't bother balancing the books. Don't bother doing audits. It's just invest your money, we're going to get more. That level of incompetence should have been punishable by me going to jail. Praise God. I was smart enough or humble enough or afraid enough to turn to my CFO on a weekly basis and go, how are we doing with shareholder money? The same thing is not true in Washington, D.C. The reform is this. They're people. They're fallible. Work to pray for them. We're not to hate them. We're to love them. But we're also to have accountability. God's very clear about the stewarding of finances. Do it wisely in a way that produces fruit. Well, our finances, against our will sometimes, are used by government, it would be a godly thing to demand accountability. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]