The Todd Herman Show

TamponTim Walz and A Presidential Candidate Devoid of Beliefs Ep-1790

"Tampon Tim," has  become the social justice warrior of a governor because he's pushing the Marxist ideology and pushing socialism within our country.  The phrase "Tampon Tim" has made it across Fox News and young people are catching on to what is happening. There's a new way that the Mockingbird media is teaming up with the Democrats to rebrand the cackle of Kamala Harris. Remember when CNN did that six-minute piece on how she is a weight on the Democrat ticket? One of those reasons being her laugh. They're rebranding it. 

What does God’s Word say? 

Matthew 7:15-20 True and False Prophets
15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

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13 Aug 2024
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So Elon Musk and President Trump sat down for a phone call, it's two hours. And I guess it's impressive that President Trump had he talked that long. It's certainly not something you'd ever see in the Mockingbird media, they wouldn't have time for it. So I guess his bad video was fascinating, though, because it's changed the media dynamic in a really, really important way. It has, and the Mockingbird media knows it, and they're freaked out about it, and they're trying to say it was racism in every other form of ism. The tampon tin name is taking off against Waltz, and it should. I am just increasingly shocked that I can be shocked that the Kamala Harris campaign with a woman who fundamentally does not exist, she is moral water, meaning she could be poured into any container of any shape, shape it like the satanic cross, or satanic symbol, okay, shape it like the Christian cross, fine, pour me into that. The Islamic flag or the crescent suite, I'll pour myself into that too. And a man who is on that ticket because, and I'm not trying to body shame, I'm just speaking a fact, he's chubby, red sheet white dude who pretends to be everybody's friendly uncle. This seems sort of friendly uncle who invites the neighborhood girls into the pool house to play hide and seek alone, and that's my estimation of the guy. I have no evidence that he's ever molested anybody, or that's in his heart, but he's a pervert, fastening times. It's almost like there's something we say that we begin the show that relates to this. Let's pour this all with the help of, that's, and with the grace and providence of God Almighty. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God has decided we should live. That's the thing I was referring to, it's almost like there's something we say at the beginning of the show. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God has decided we should live. The completion of that phrase, by the way, I think it's from Ephesians. Today is the day the Lord has made, so we can be glad and rejoice in it. Are you glad God chose you for these times? Are you rejoicing in it? We should count it as an honor that God picks us, those of us who've decided to follow the Lord Jesus for times such as these, because there's never been a more profoundly clear spiritual battle. There's this ongoing debate among some friends of mine about preaching the gospel from the pulpit, or, pardon me, preaching politics from the pulpit. A lot of my friends are demanding that pastors step up and say on this bill, on that bill, for this candidate or that candidate, please praise, pray to God, don't do that. You don't need to do that. Talk about abortion, yes. Talk about the transing of kids, yes. Talk about theft, yes. Talk about things in the Bible. Elections are not in the Bible. If you encourage your people to vote and you should, and you're teaching straight from the Bible and you must, your people should have no questions about how to vote. If you're teaching on the hard topics of the social issues, which are not social issues, they are issues of sin or no sin, well, none of us are going to achieve the no sin part. Then you're not preaching politics, you're preaching from the Bible. Telling people to go vote as a Christian flock, it's worthy. When politics into the church will end this way, you'll end up having debates about tax rates and spending, wasting time when you could be talking about the everlasting kingdom of God and building that, the eternity issues, the issues of being saved or not saved. Again, being in the Bible means your flock should know how to vote. Let's not divide the body of Christ over tax issues or parking issues because I guarantee once you bring political issues into the church, then it's going to be that you see that they're building the planning commission across the street, we need to, as a church body, stand up and you might be on the right side of that, but it's a distraction. Plenty of time to talk about politics like we're about to do here. Back in the day, I will never forget the time I had when I was employed by Microsoft to go around the country and speak to advertising agencies and film studios and big, big advertisers to show them what was coming in the way of online video. It was such a fun time because I had data they'd never seen. I would enter into these meetings. The only reason I got the meetings was because of the Microsoft business card and because I was, well, I guess craven and prideful enough to insist on having my own title. I was this streaming media evangelist and people thought that was a cool title, and that's what I did. I was literally evangelizing a market into being while we were creating the product, the back end and running the product team and I would go into, it didn't matter which boardroom. I go into the boardrooms and the executives would all have the same opinion. It was this. No one is going to watch TV on a computer and my response was always the same. Even the 54 million people who did it this week, when I said that numbers, those numbers, the entire mood in the room changed and the faces were always shocked and it always gets something akin to this. Can you show us that data? Yeah. Right after I show you the presentation, the last slide will be about those numbers. We can dig into the cross tabs and in fact, I'll take you live into some Microsoft servers where we're testing this. I'll show you the number of people streaming stuff right now that you're unaware of. Likewise with this, what Elon Musk and President Trump did yesterday when they went on to that platform, X-Twitter, it is a call to the Mockingbird media to let them know that your information bottleneck is officially over and their response is going to be to triple down on trying to hold on to power by leaning into a dynamic that's begun to exist in media, which is this. The cities are the places for the Mockingbird media. The rural areas are the place for people avoiding the Mockingbird media. It's a continual split of the country. Remember when Jesus said, "I did not come to unite but to divide as effectively what he said. He brought a sword." I'm not saying that Jesus is doing the dividing of the media environment, but I'm saying this, "Isn't it like God to divide the country this way, to call his people out of the cities? I truly believe God is calling his people out of the cities. God has our best interest at heart." Here's the best interest at heart in terms of how our bodies are designed. There are things your body needs that you're probably not getting. We no longer live close to the earth. I know that makes me sound like a ridiculous hippie, but living close to the earth, you'd be doing things like having cartilage that you eat. I know that's gross. I don't like to eat cartilage either. Don't get me wrong, but bone soup or bone broth that contains parts of cartilage. Why does that even matter? That's gross topic because it contains collagen and the collagen that we don't get is having effects on our joints and our hair and our bones and our ability to overcome tissue injury. You can fix this so, so easy with native path collagen. Native path formula is scientifically backed to increase bone mineral density, to accelerate tissue recovery, to reduce wrinkles, to enhance hair thickness, and strengthen weak or damaged nails. They are so, so committed to safety that native path collagen forms out. They have a third party examine their products to make sure there's no heavy metals, no toxins in the products, and they only use two types of collagen because the third's only found in 10% of your body. If you want your cartilage to heal, don't waste time with other forms of collagen. I take this stuff before major workouts and collagen is part of a daily routine for me. You can make this part of your routine, reduce pain and protect your joints and regrow your hair, et cetera, or make your hair thicker. So right now, when you visit, you can stock up a native path collagen for an incredible savings up to 45% off plus get free shipping. Each order comes with a 365 day money back guarantee, so you can try at risk free. The website to get is for up to 45% off, Elon Musk and President Trump sat down for an interview, which was not on video, but it was, but it was really, really bad. It was just two guys talking in the phone, two guys seen by maybe a billion people. These are issues that I think most people in America would agree with, which is that we want safe and clean cities, we want secure borders, we want sensible government spending, we want to restore both the perception or reality of respecting the traditional system, just stop the law fair, and I think that's, and how are those even right-wing positions? I think those are just common sense, and that's, I mean, would you agree with that? 100% President Trump agrees. That conversation is a guy who is utterly brilliant and not a public speaker. It is said to a guy who has proven himself to be the most robust fighter in, I think, maybe recent, well, in recent political history and a guy who never backs down, and it's a conversation that could not occur in the Mockingbird media because it's two hours in length. Ask yourself a question, could Kami Harris do that? I broke my own rule, could figurehead Kamala Harris do that for half an hour? Could she carry on a focus conversation? The Mockingbird media is getting a sense that the change is coming, the wave. The wave is going to be people completely bypassing them and going to two principles. In this case, two billionaires, that's also a massive change. Elon Musk and President Trump also continued their discussion. Yes, if we could just record that conversation and post it, it would have been excellent. I hope we can have something like that today. Well, I think we will. I'm pretty sure we will, and congratulations, because I see you broke every record of the book. There are so many millions of people, and it's an honor to review that as an honor. I love President Trump being very predictably President Trump. And by the way, if you're not watching the video service, you failed to see in the background of Mar-a-Lago, a picture of him and he's on the golf course. It's a painting. I can't relate. I cannot relate to ever wanting to see a painting of myself in any way. And I cannot relate to having a big picture of myself in an office. President Trump and I differ that way. There's something else about this. And this is remarkable to me, and it's actually honestly very, very frustrating to me. Some of the best videos that perform the best for us on YouTube is me walking around with a stink and cell phone, sweating my silly head off, talking extemporaneously. Those are some of the biggest videos we have, and here we are in a television studio God built for us with three cameras and a brilliant producer, and what is it that people want? We had a lengthy debate about this when we started to do a video on this program, and the debate was, can it be too slick? I don't have any interest in teleprompters or slickness for slickness sake, but I wanted the show to be visually interesting. The only reason I wanted to do video was if it was additive, we're entering into a new era, we're probably already there, and I'm probably way behind the times. People want folks who talk to them directly with maybe less production. I mean, podcasts have proven this time and time again. There are people who don't perform, they just talk. Maybe this is what the Muckinburg media is missing. Maybe this is what I'm missing. Maybe I should do less production and more just sitting down and chatting with people. Now, I'm not Elon Musk or President Trump, and we don't have that sort of star power to draw on clearly. The Muckinburg media cannot do this because everything, everything is scripted, everything. CNN had to have their take on what happened. They had to talk about President Trump and Elon Musk. There is a real belief among the campaign that this election, and I think if you look at either side, they both believe this, is going to be decided by a finite number of voters, and the Trump campaign believes that they have to reach out to those voters in non-traditional ways, and part of that might be doing an interview with Elon Musk. Elon Musk has a big social media following. These are people who aren't going to tune into traditional news, who aren't going to follow politics in a traditional sense, but they are going to tune into Elon Musk doing a Twitter spaces with Donald Trump. It's the same reason you saw him sit down with streamer Aidan Ross. It's the same reason he's been doing a series of podcasts and MMA stuff. This is a group of people who are probably first-time voters, potential voters, and they believe that those people would swing in favor of Donald Trump, so that's who they're trying to reach with these various kinds of events. It's almost an obvious statement. It's painfully obvious. But no mention here about the substance, two hours that was prior to this, they can go through and piece it apart later, we'll do that, they'll do that. But why is it that these people don't tune in to CNN? Well, a lot of us, of course, don't trust CNN. A lot of young people though, a lot of young people make no differentiation between TV and Internet video. I can remember back in the day there was a, well, it still is, a truly brilliant man named Rashad Tabakawala. Rashad is an advertising genius, a PR genius. He is a fascinating guy that I used to get to spend a lot of time with. Rashad and I work together to bring about video online. One of the things Rashad did at his agency was he banned the word television. When people were making a media buy, they bought video. He banned television, you could not buy television. And we're talking about an agency with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars to spend for various clients. He'd noticed that his buyers wouldn't go buy online video because they didn't understand it. They didn't want to take the time to learn it. No one ever got fired for doing what's safe. So he went through all their forms, all the software, and as the boss, he took away the option to do that. You will buy video. Some of it will be online. Some of it will be through the TV. Young people on phones are not really sitting here saying, well, I need better video quality. I need three cameras. I need the CNN set. What they're saying is I want information or I want feelings. But Trump and Elon Musk created a stream of information. Chami, pardon me, breaking my own rule again, figurehead Kamala Harris is creating a stream of feelings. We have to be able to create feelings too. We have to be able to be part of story creation. We have to be able to point to things that are so uncaring and unfair. Whether caring and fairness lends, that's the thing that motivates moderates and people who can be convinced to vote for Republicans, here's an easy, low-hanging fruit opportunity. And it plays right in to the story of corruption and two tiers of justice that President Trump is trying to make in this campaign and should continue to try to make during this campaign. In my life, when I go through campaign season and I think back to political campaign season, I can think back to waking up at two o'clock in the morning, panicked. Did we do this? Did we do that? I can remember back working in politics, getting my, for this moment to this day, I cannot stand having my cell phone next to me at night. I will not do it because of my time spent in campaign season. The buzzing of the phone, looking at it, oh, our site's been hacked again. Oh, they're trying to enter into our site. They're trying to steal the voter databases, waking up and having to go to work or this PR nightmare, that PR nightmare. That really changed the way I value sleep. What wakes you up? Is it thoughts about finance? Those are kind of the demons of the night, aren't they? Am I going to retire on time? Is my kids going to be okay? What wakes you up at night? What's your process for going back to sleep? When I use the protocol of magnesium breakthrough, I still wake up from time to time, usually I sleep to the night, but when I do, I notice this, I go back to sleep easier. Why? Because magnesium breakthrough is not a sleeping pill. It is helping to control the hormones in your body that cause stress. It also does this. It helps with regularity, which helps you sleep. Why? Because your body's not busy over digesting or working hard to digest. It helps you sleep solidly and through the night. Magnesium breakthrough is the only magnesium supplement with seven forms of magnesium, all organic, unlike the two fake forms of magnesium. You'd get any of the china marts, and this cannot last. I'm surprised I still get to do this. You can get a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough right now. It's not by up to measure's website. It's not on Amazon. It's not on Google. One place and one place only, that's If you don't do it now, you may never get to do it. It's Caring and fairness. Caring and fairness are the only two things that moderates look at in politics. It's all about feelings. We conservatives look at national security spending, crime, tax rates, moral issues. Moderates, caring and fairness. How about this? How is it caring to a small business owner that the Secret Service broke in to her business and then covered the cameras in it so that people who were at the Kamala Harris event could go use the bathrooms? How is it fair that a national law enforcement agency's personnel got to do this and have not been arrested for burglary or they didn't steal anything, I guess, for breaking and entering? They did this. What does this communicate about them? It communicates that they simply do not have any observation of the rule of law. That they simply believe they are the special class of people or Kamala Harris is so special that of course, it's just a little person's bathroom in a little person's business, a little person who can't go after the Secret Service because they've learned they're untouchable. They watched as a president's former president was nearly assassinated and no one has been fired. The Elon Musk and President Trump sat down for a two-hour interview and we'll go through that and I'll watch as much of it as I can and get as much of it that I think matters to you. They were in a stream of information. The Mockingbird media desperately wants people out of streams of information. They want feelings, feelings, feelings. I was on the Fox News website this morning. Fox News plays the same game. I mean, they're a little bit better than the Mockingbird media in most ways. They're just looking at this Harris response to Trump scathing attack, branding her radical left unit tech, lunatic potential conflict of interest, raising eyebrows ahead of ABC presidential debate. Oh, it's all all urgent. Putin reported the lashes out with chilling message to Russian officials and private meeting. Major health warning is deadly virus transmitted through bug bites spreads. Panic. Get in. Panic. Get in the game. Those are feelings. That's the game. This is where the Mockingbird media, particularly on the left, want people in relation to Cami Harris broke my own rule again. Figurehead Kamala Harris. This is from NPR and let's see if you notice something here. By the way, thank you to Glenn Greenwald for figuring this out and making note of it. NPR. Harris used to worry about laughing. How joy is fueling her campaign. Do you remember when CNN ran a six minutes episode about how Kamala Harris may have been a drag on the Democrat ticket? One of the reasons why because of her cackling laugh. It's not natural. It's not real. It's put on by a woman who has the morals of water, horrible into any container of any shape. Muslim crescent. I'm good. Switching cross. Pour me in. Satanic symbol. I'm on it. That was NPR. This is the Washington Post. Harrison Walt sees unjoyful message. Wait. Joy. Wow. There's joy in that headline as well. Further down, Mark McKinnon on Twitter from Vanity Fair. Don't underestimate the power of joy. From MSNBC, the joy surrounding the Harris Walt ticket. If President Trump makes it through the attempts to steal this election, they're obviously trying to rig it. That's going on live time. President Trump should seek in the Department of Justice, if he has enough votes, if he's got the Senate and the House, he should seek to do something about this, about that coordination. Want to know what it would be? Listen, I do not want the government coming into the studio God built for us and telling me what I can say and can't say. I won't have that. I wouldn't respond to that. I'd refuse. I'd go to prison first before I was told what to say by my government. The government is clearly, clearly telling the Mockingbird media that Kamala Harris's laugh isn't annoying. It's joy. It's joyful. The collusion is this. If Google and Apple got together, and they said, "Hey, why are we racing each other in all these features of our phones? Why are we racing each other in AI? Why are we competing? Why do we do some things and just split up the universe?" Look, we're going to do this with Android phones. Where are you going with Apple? Let's agree on some price points. Let's not have a race to the bottom in pricing. Let's do that with our AI as well. That's collusion. It would limit consumer choice. The Mockingbird media limited consumer choice in terms of stories about Joe and Hunter Biden when they decided to hide the Hunter Biden laptop story, it reduced consumer choice. That's colluding. It's harming the consumer. You may not say it's harming them on a price point level. I can't see where it has to be priced. The collusion of the Mockingbird media in politics is not necessarily a First Amendment issue. Don't make it one. It's not about what you say. It's about why. If all of a sudden, all the cell phone companies started to have the same exact message that could be colluding, particularly if it's tied to product, and in the case of the Mockingbird media, it is tied to product. Those five or six, and I can do more, Glenn Greenwald found seven or eight examples of this, joy, joy, joy, joy, where you are reducing the choice of message that people can have, an analysis people can have, because you've been told to do it. In a natural media environment, the Mockingbird media would be fighting over the story of Joe Biden being rushed to the hospital in Las Vegas. Did you know that we now have proof that happened? No, we've got the radio traffic. Red State got it. They got the radio traffic. We were told this didn't happen, and it did. The president, if he makes it through the attempts to seize this election to steal it, should demand a collusion investigation against the Mockingbird media colluding together and against white us. And we know this happened. Back in the day during the Barack Obama season with Sarah Palin, we know what happened. It was an attempt called journalist, where people who worked as, quote, journalists for competing organizations decided to work together on stories. This is exactly like Google and Apple deciding to work together to screw the consumer to limit consumer choice. That's what those journalists did. It's a fact. They were rewarded for it. Other businesses would, of course, be punished for it. That form of collusion is illegal, particularly for big companies like this. Some things are breaking through. This is a horribly disturbing, horrible Photoshop. It is an image of Tim Walts crawling under a bathroom stall. Someone in here need a tampon? That's actually broken through. It actually made it into Fox News. It actually made it into the public consciousness, and we'll go through some of that. It's good news that that is sticking to Tim Walts. We can make it through their information, bottlenecks. Bottlenecks' financial is another thing that the president should look into if he makes it through the attempts to seize this election. Bottlenecks like this, why is it that big companies get to cut in line against you? When you're purchasing stock, did you know this? There's something called buying deal flow. When all of us get together, all of us small people get together and be said, "You know what? This is a scary time. Let's sell these stocks or let's buy these stocks." There are big companies that use software to determine what we are doing as normal people, and they get ahead of us in line. If we're going to buy a stock, we end up buying it from them just a little bit more money than we would have, even though we were the first to go do it. They worked it out with government that they pretend this puts more capital in the market. This is good for the little people. It's good for them to pay more. There's also this. Big companies and big financial organizations bet on inflation and they bet against it at the same time. How do they do that? They make money when inflation goes up and when it goes down. How do they do that? They actively manage their portfolios. They balance them. This is what my friend Zach Abraham does at Bullwork Capital Management. He doesn't buy deal flow because it's immoral. He would not do that. He would not do that. He does, though, actively manage every portfolio which can reduce risk and volatility, so you can have instruments within your portfolio that respond well to inflation, so you actually end up making money on it, which is what the big guys do, and it's balanced with some things that bet on lower inflation, which is much less likely to happen. Zach will get with you and give you an hour's time. He will go through a video conference with you, you and your spouse, if you like, or just you, if you're not married. He'll look at your finances. He'll look at every investment, your home, your job, when you want to retire, what retirement means to you, by the way, to Zach it means knowing exactly how much money you'll have every month in retirement. That's what successful retirement means to Zach. Here's how to take him up on this offer. No obligation. You don't do business with him. No hurt feelings. He gives you great ideas. You go do it on your own. He'd celebrate that. Simply go to and sign up. Just know KNOW, or call them at 866-779-RISC, but what capital management and investment advisor representative, a truck financial LLC, an SCC registered investment advisor, investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Truck 24-244, go to Tim Walt is on this ticket because Tim is chubby and red-sheaked, and you could pretend or be fooled into thinking he's everyone's favorite uncle. Get into Tim Walt's, tampon Tim. That name is sticking, but let's start here with Kamala Harris. I keep making the point that Kamala Harris has the morals of water, pour her into any shape and she'll take it on because she's the ultimate shape shifter because the only thing that matters to Kamala Harris is power. Here she is talking with Angela Ray, Ray, and a simple question comes up. She knew she'd get this question. She knew it was a pop culture interview. She knew that just a week or so ago, she was taken to a black record store where she was given money, where she went in and purchased records that she'd never heard and had no intention of hearing, so she could show that she just loves records, LPs, and the rap music. She knew the question is coming. How did Kamala do? Best rapper alive. Tupac. You say he lives on. I know, I keep doing that. It's Joy. That's Joy. Joyful laugh. If you're watching the video service, Kamala Harris is looking off stage. She's looking away from the camera. Why? Because she's looking at her staff. You did this to me again. How joyful back to the video. Listen, West Coast girls think Tupac lives on. I'm with you. I'm with you. So Tupac, keep going. He can't doing that. Who would I say? I mean, there's so many. I mean, you know, there are some that I would not mention right now because they should stay in their lane. Would this be like Megan the Stallion, who has said some of the most degrading things about women that have ever been said? I mean, you had her come in twerk for you. Should she stay in her lane? She continues to embarrass herself. All right, that was not supposed to be a stumper either. What about? That was not supposed to be a stumper. Do you think that Angela Wright knew that Kamala Harris doesn't have a favorite rapper because Kamala Harris probably doesn't listen to rap music? If I came to you in your favorite brand of music, and I said to you, and you're a huge music fan because you go buy records, you're on the way to an important business meeting and you say, stop, stop, stop, record store. I have to go in and see if they've got any bootleg Aerosmith or boot club, not the bootleg album, you know, bootleg Aerosmith recordings, maybe something that's bootleg from the Rolling Stones. If I came to you and said, who is the greatest living guitarist in rock music? Would you say to me Eddie Van Halen, who's been dead now? How long? There is no Kamala Harris. There is a Tim Walts. Tim Walts is very, very predictable. On one end, there's the Tim Walts' feeling machine. He's on this campaign because he's chubby, white, and red sheet. So when people look at an image of him, he's very safe. That's why he's there. He's a DEI hire. We can't say that about white people, but in this case we can. He, of course, has perverted ideas about children. He, of course, is a radical lunatic in terms of his positions. Simply judge him by his fruits, as it says in the Bible. It's exactly what the Lord Jesus tells us. Watch out for false prophets. He doesn't pretend to be a prophet, thank God. They come to him sheep's clothing. Tim Walts pretends to be there, pretends to be there, protecting children, of course he's not. But inwardly, they're ferocious wolves. Yeah. When you want abortion up to the moment of birth, you're a ferocious wolf. When you want to mutilate kids' bodies, you're a ferocious wolf. By their fruit, you will recognize them. Well, true, and we can. Tim Walts is on the campaign as a DEI hire because he's chubby, and white, and young people are catching on to this, like here. I really didn't think that the Democrats get any more radical, but then Kamala Harris picked Tim Walts, the governor of Minnesota, who has signed legislation legalizing a abortion up until birth. But then Kamala Harris says, well, he's the one that has been providing and giving for working families, but then completely alienated these working families when their cities and their businesses were burning during the 2020 BLM riots, you know, he has become the social justice warrior of a governor because he's pushing the Marxist ideology and pushing the socialism within our country. So the Democrat ticket is really the most socialist, radical ticket we have ever seen. He is not depending in delivering for working families. He is destroying the working families in the United States. Also talking about radical legislation, he signed a bill saying that transgender children's surgeries would be safeguarded in the state of Minnesota. And for little boys, there will be period products throughout the entire state in every single public school. I think this is crazy. It is crazy. And it's predictable. When you have no moral framework, you have no rock upon which you stand. You have no truth. The only truth is there is no truth. You can be poured into any moral shape that someone wants to pour you into if they make a promise. Fox News is somewhat better than the Mockingbird media and the phrase tampon Tim apparently made it on to Fox News, safe value, protected, celebrated and free to exist as their authentic versions of themselves. Free to exist as their authentic versions of themselves by changing the authentic versions of themselves with wrong sex hormones that will drive down their IQ points overall and wrong sex surgeries, which will be followed up 10 or 20 times in a lifetime and will destroy their ability to reproduce, cause bone density issues, heart issues, lung issues and body structural issues, but they're being their authentic selves. Protecting and supporting access to gender affirming healthcare is essential to being a welcoming and supportive state to the community. I have people in my DMs who are saying. So this is a man who pretends to be a woman wearing a pink jacket, one of the key advisors to Tim Waltz. Here he is. If everybody pretending along, that's a beautiful, beautiful woman. You better do this because we're moving already to Minnesota because we don't know where to go. Yes, Kamala Harris, his running mate, believes kids who are too young to get a drink at a bar are mature enough to have their genitals mutilated by a twisted surgeon. But as they're calling him, tampon Tim insists that the real evil exists in other states. Other states. I have to ask this question of Laura Ingram, who is very successful in media and a very, very brilliant woman. What are you doing at Fox? Fox News, a few years ago, encouraged your colleagues to teach their kids that people are born in the wrong body. Your company encouraged your colleagues to have their kids read gender extremist books. Now, Laura is free to make her own decisions. She's far more successful than me than I am. I don't question her walk with the Lord. I don't know her. I just wonder how you serve a master like that and her calculus may be this. Hey, Herman, shut up. I reach far more people than you do and I do good with an evil organization. Fair enough. But I think it's an honest question that should be asked. So as tampon Tim makes it into the media, we have this big question. How did this happen? How did this guy get elected? There's someone from Minnesota who thinks they have the answer to this. I'll share this with you. So it's important to get a local point of view. And I think this stands to reason because it's the same dynamic that exists in the separate countries of Washington state where Jay Inslee got to be governor all this time and that looks like Bob Ferguson, the most dangerous attorney general in the country will be that. Looks like it. Hope it doesn't happen. It looks like it will. Something happened over the weekend. My wife was talking to a good, common friend of ours about a product. It's a product that we talk about on the show, the Eden Pure Oxio Leaf 2. Stacey has purchased this. Thank you, Stacey. She did it for her, well, could I say this, a family member, a younger family member, a male family member who may not always be hygienic. I'll just say it that way. She wants the house to smell like a thunderstorm. So she's purchased the device. Now understand this. Do you think for five seconds that I would go around and recommend to my friends face to face these products if I didn't think they worked or if I didn't use them on my own? We have the Oxio Leaf 2 at home, the thunderstorm devices at home. We have them in the studio. I have looked my friends and family in the face and said, yes, I recommend this. If you were to walk into the studio right now, you would be encountered. You would be encountered the smell of a thunderstorm. That's the 03 molecules that are in this air right now negating any and all negative smells. The glitter, smoking, the sweat from a teen boy, the non-hygienic behaviors of teen boys. If you're sending a child off to college and they're going to be in a dorm, get them a device. If they're going into military barracks and they'll allow this, get them a device. If you've got a cramp camper, get a device. You can get three of these and save 200 bucks. Go to, enter code Todd3, save $200 and breathe a breath of fresh air again that's, use code Todd3. In the separate country of Washington, the local media does everything they can to promote Jay Inslee and Democrats and refuses to go down and track down very, very easy things on the records. For instance, this in Washington state, Bob Ferguson, the most dangerous attorney general in the country is running for governor. You know what he's never been asked to do? He's never been asked to explain why he chose not to track down people who stole half a billion dollars in taxpayer money during the COVID lockdown swindle. He's never been pressed on that issue, not once. In the state of Minnesota, it seems that the local media has a very, very similar approach to dealing with opponents of Tim Walts. This is a great doctor who paid a big, big cost, Scott Jensen, do you remember him? Scott Jensen was a doctor and a member of the state house. He refused to falsify death certificates. That's exactly what he was pressured to do in the state of Minnesota. The medical association said, Hey, you have to say that this was a COVID death. Scott Jensen said, I refuse to lie. Having refused to lie, he was threatened with being driven out of the medical system. He used that moment of notoriety to run for governor. He lost to Tim Walts. Gosh, how did that happen? The governor has agreed to a debate on October 28th. You're not thrilled about that. As me, you and I both know that that's a sham. Early voting starts in less than three weeks. What's happening is Tim Walts wants to have one debate as late as he can, potentially after 50% of Minnesotans have voted and say, see, all the major news programs understand that I've had a debate. At this time, four years ago, Tim Walts had participated in four debates. He's absolutely been shutting him down. He wants to do this one debate so far just before Halloween, and you know that he's actually using you to put out his message that I want to debate. He doesn't want. Well, wait. What happened? Oh, they cut the feed. Looks like we lost that feed right there. Like he was hearing from Arthur Scott, Jim. Lose that feed. And maybe they did. That's CBS 4 in Minneapolis. Maybe they did. Maybe it's an Occam's razor thing. Sure seems familiar, though, to people who've lived in the separate countries. We started talking about Elon and President Trump and the breaking of the information blockade and the breaking of the bottlenecks of information and the fact that young people are catching onto this. Let's go back to that theme for a second. Here's a CBS news reported the fact that Tim Walts wanted to put tampons and did put tampons into boys restrooms, grades four through 12. This is what they wrote about it. The Trump campaign is criticizing Governor Tim Walts for supplying free tampons in schools. But advocates say it's essential for many students. That's how they reported it. When CBS news was talking about the tampon Tim thing, they said it was drawing Trump's ire because it involved transgender students. They said that in about the third paragraph. But the headline, the feelings that most people read is, wow, they don't want kids to have free tampons. They hate girls, well, and trans women, of course, which doesn't exist. The information blockade is important to understand it's important to break down. This is something the Mockingbird media has finally been forced to report upon how the Biden campaign benefited from the blocking of information about Hunter Biden until now. Why do you think the Mockingbird media can report on these things now? Hunter Biden getting paid by Romanian officials allegations against Hunter Biden, the special counsel and tax case against the president's son is now accusing him of taking money from a foreign businessman to influence U.S. policy while his father was vice president. Our senior investigative correspondent, Aaron Katursky, is here with the details on that. Good morning, Aaron. Good morning to you, Lindsay. There are no new charges here, but this is the closest the special counsel has come to tying President Biden to his son's foreign business affairs. Special counsel David Weiss accused Hunter Biden of accepting about a million dollars from a Romanian businessman who was attempting to influence U.S. policy and public opinion while Joe Biden was vice president. In a new court filing, the special counsel said Hunter Biden and two associates were hired in 2015 by Gabriel Papavichu, a Romanian real estate tycoon who was facing corruption charges in his home country and wanted the U.S. to intervene. The filing said Hunter Biden was concerned lobbying work might cause political ramifications for his father, so the payment was structured in a way that concealed the true nature of the work he was performing. This is all part of a tax case scheduled to go to trial. When you insert the cover up into the crime, you're admitting you knew it was a crime, but no new charges. The Malcolm Bird media can talk about this now because Joe Biden isn't running to be president. There's a huge change. Now let's come all to Harris. This information blockade we've been talking about is important. This watershed moment, a president Trump talking for two hours with Elon Musk, can help balance the scales against things like this. Reclaimed the net, noticed that the Biden campaign had been redefining misinformation to control the online narrative. This is part of their piece. Biden Harris digital director Rob Flaherty, Biden's rapid response director, Becca Rodvenick, after the election, the White House deputy director of digital strategy, and DNC counter disinformation program creator and lead analyst Tim Durrigan were on a zoom call when they spoke about how to counter misinformation regarding Biden's health and other issues. Flaherty is now deputy campaign manager for Kamala Harris. It's considered a key figure in censorship efforts for the Biden administration during the past four years and is known for trying to influence social media like Facebook to silence COVID vaccine skeptics. They weren't vaccines, including journalist Tucker Carlson. At one point, Orphilia writes, he even refused to define misinformation while under oath. However, Flaherty was more comfortable talking about it during the video call pinpointing what misinformation narratives would be. For example, people discussing Biden's corruption record or the state of his mental fitness among other similarly damaging topics to the then candidate. This is why the mockingbird media will continue to decline in ratings. This might be why young people don't want me talking into a three camera set, but instead talking on a cell phone, it might be that they've been raised to not trust production value. It might be the way of the future that we just sit down and talk into a camera. Maybe that's what we should consider. It worked for Elon and it worked for Donald Trump. I would just tell you this, as someone who now going on a decade has been honored to have you as a part of the family, and I don't get to do this without you. I thank you for your support, I'd love to hear from you what you're seeking in media. You can go to the Todd Herman Show dot com and leave a note there, and I'll read every single one of them. Even if I'm trying to reply to all of them because we're blessed with so many supporters. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [music]