The Todd Herman Show

WHO is destroying parental rights, WHY? … and how do we stop them? Katy Faust joins Ep-1785

Many years ago, my friend Katie Faust started a blog called Ask the Bigot. It was her first attempt at breaking into culture to talk about issues related to family. With her friend Stacey Manning, she wrote two books and now her new book, Pro-Child Politics. I asked Katie, who are the people who are actually coming out and destroying parental rights? And she admits that a lot of this is spiritual, ans it’s important to be wise as serpent and gentle as a dove. Katie takes an approach to welcome people into talking about parental rights and then begins to introduce God's word. I also asked her about national security as an issue of children's rights. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go,    and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
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Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
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Katie Faust joins us next with the help of God almighty. Thank you, Lord, for making it possible. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. Oh, my friend Katie, welcome back to the Todd Herman Show. It's always a pleasure to see you. Appreciate you coming on. Thanks again for having me. I'm very grateful that you are always eager to talk about ways that this world is seeking to victimize children and bring light to the solutions. Thanks. Yeah, and they really are seeking to do that. I wanted to ask you, Katie, who is actually attacking the rights of parents and therefore the protections of children? Who are they? Well, it's very hard to narrow it down because there's not a whole lot of areas of this world where the rights of parents or the rights of children are being protected. I actually met last week with the head of Alliance Defending Freedoms parental rights team. And, you know, she really explained that there's one, I mean, obviously parental rights are under attack in so many different ways, but there is a bit of a focal point where all comes together. And that is where schools are transing the kids because when you want to look at what is the purview of parents? What is it that they're constitutional, pre-constitutional right, like what is it that they have a right to? They have a right to the upbringing of their child, the education of their child, and the medical decisions of their child. And when schools decide that actually we can transition your child without your knowledge under the name of education, that sort of is the nexus of the, you know, all three of those streams of parental rights when it comes to their own kids. So while they are under attack in a variety of different ways, it is what we're seeing in the schools specifically where we see the attack on parents and as an extension on children, the most distinctly displayed. Yeah. And the stink display, it's like people will say they've given up even hiding this. And I want to run something by you. I want you to think about this for a second. I'm going to name five entities that I call the party. And I think these are the entities that are pushing this. And I want to see if you agree, maybe we can talk about some personalities because if you can't identify the people going after your kids, I think it's very difficult to fight them. But I also want people to keep in mind our enemies are not flesh and blood. This is a spiritual battle. So I'll ask Katie about that second, she can think about it. There is an attack on our financial system. It's so, so obvious. The high inflation world you're living in, that takes your retirement account and whatever it is. Let's maybe you've got 10 million in your retirement account. No, you don't. That could be 8.5 million. If you've got $500,000, it could be 250. That could be no retirement. There is a way to know if your retirement account is set up to handle the high inflation or environment, and there are ways that you can actually benefit from high inflation. But that requires, in my mind, active management of portfolios, which can actually reduce risk and volatility, and it requires risk management. My friend Zach Abraham is insanely focused on those two things, actively managing portfolios to reduce risk and volatility. Just get a free, no obligation, consultation with Zach, face to face, on video in person, whatever works for you. Go to, it's that easy., or you can call them, 866-779-RISC, lower capital management and investment advisor representative, a truck financial LLC, an SCC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Truck 24-244, So, Katie, to me, it's this. At the center of this is pharma, and they make money with every kid who's transced. They make money with every kid who's taught that having an STD is normal. They make money every time people end up having sex and getting an abortion, right? That they make money with Planned Parenthood. The Mockingbird Media. They have now sensationalism. They've invented the word "teenager," now they're helping to invent the phrase "transgender," which is meaningless, and it creates a demographic. You have the deep state that they want to have control over people. Well, if kids need government money to keep this illusion going for the rest of their life, they're winners, academia. And for years, they wanted to tear down American culture because they want to rebuild it. And the last one is the government school system, which benefits by creating a them-versus-us thing where they control more than the parents. Did I get that right? Oh, well. I mean, you're heading on all the major players here, and you're exactly right that ultimately all of these different entities have interest in children, interest in co-opting children, their minds, their bodies, their family, their lives. I mean, really, children are at risk, their futures, their financial stability, everything is really like how much can we get to the kids. The problem is there's always something standing in the way when it comes to getting to the kids, whether it's indoctrination in the school situation, whether it's making money off of them by turning them into lifelong consumers of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic surgery through genderism, whether it is the deep state who would like the kids to be reliant on the government primarily. And what is always standing in the way? It's parents, right? It's the people who, by nature and by God's ordinance, are commanded to and naturally connected to kids in a way that nobody else is. And that is why parents are the natural protectors and should be the natural protectors of their kids and it is parents that are always foiling the plans of all of these entities that are trying to get their hands on the kids. And so, of course, that means that parental rights and the recognition that parents have a special bond connection to an obligation to their own children is always going to be the object of these attacks. Katie, you've met face to face with people who think this is all a very good idea to take away parental rights. And I've met few of them and the ones I have met have been protesting me or threatening to kill me or have me fired. You've been on panels with them, polite conversations with human beings who believe they should be able to steal the parental rights of parents. What is that like? I mean, not everybody, all these people are the same, but that has to chill you. Well, the problem is that all of this makes a lot of sense if you're living in the land of ideology. If you never touch grass as the kids say, then sure, all of this looks really, really good. You've got entire sectors of academia, they're just saying that children need to be liberated. We need a children's liberation movement, but of course, who are they going to be liberated from? It's the parents, right? They see this because, sure, there's incidents where kids are controlled or abused, sometimes by parents. The problem is that in this world of reality that we're actually living in, parents are the most connected to, invested in, and protective of kids. And if you're going to liberate children from their parents, you don't liberate them from oppression and control and abuse. You simply transfer the abuse and the control and very, very often, that matrix of genuine oppression to another entity that maybe doesn't even know the kid's name and certainly was not there when they were waking up at four in the morning with a fever and needing comfort and care. So this whole thing just gets both children and parents wrong, and it can come from people that are supposedly well-meaning. It's just they're not in contact with reality at all. Okay, and that's a piece I wanted to focus on, I think this is really, really important. I can remember having a conversation with a college professor before I dropped out of college, and he'd asked us to present our fantasy scenario for society. His name was Rudy, he was really nice guy, super nice guy, really liked him. He was kind of making an impression on me, and one day I asked him, "Hey, Rudy, you've never shared yours. You had to write all these papers, what's yours?" And he said, "Well, my ultimate goal for society or my fantasy society is everybody would be paid the same thing, no matter what you did." So a surgeon would be paid the same thing as someone who cleans up after the surgeon, and I sat there dumbfounded, and I said, "Well, but then we have too many people who are, let's say, tearing tickets at movie theaters, is what do you mean?" If I'm paid the same money to stand there and get free movies and tear a piece of paper, I don't think I'd pursue what it would take to become a surgeon, and he got very, very offended at me, and I'd pierced that veil that living in theory veil. But if I look at a Tim Walts, or I look at a Cammy Harris, or I look at a Gavin Newsom, or I look at a Jay Inslee, those people are mendacious, and there's great evil done through them. But when you're sitting on a panel with an academic, and they present this to you, I don't want to make this across the board, but do you get any sense at all that they have any empathy for parents in this issue? No? No, and here's the thing, it's not just the panelists, right? It is really the elites that are, I mean, you can make fun of all you want of JD Vances, Child is Cat ladies, like Quip, but I know that at the G8 Summit a couple of years ago, you looked at all the different world leaders, especially Cross Europe, and hardly any of them had children. I mean, we really are in a place where these people aren't even touching grass when it comes to their own front yard with their own children, and so they just don't have as many opportunities to actually see what's the world really like, and then what happens is when you actually have your own child, you go, "Oh, wait a second, nobody's going to touch this kid." But if you don't have your own kids, and that is the problem, we are largely merging into a society that is free of marriage, and if you're free of marriage, you're often free of children as well, but even the people who are getting married often aren't having their own kids. So it's very hard to understand how somebody could want the best for their kids. And wouldn't it be easier if the state just decided, I mean, really that's where the problem is, is the top policy leaders that think they know better for kids than their own parents. It's so well said. I read a fascinating statistic, and it is that in big cities, they're seeing a net decrease in population. A lot of that is outflow, but another part of it is people are not having kids in the big cities, and families are relocating to the suburbs, or leaving the blue states for the redder states. They're taking their kids with them and having more kids. So it is creating this environment, this bifurcation in the country, which is another form of balkanization. And I want to ask you about that, and I want to ask you about the why. We've talked about the who, but is there a why beyond, "Oh, it seems like a good idea. Is there a more obvious nefarious endgame?" And we'll talk with Katie Faust about this. She's the author of a new book we'll talk about now on Prochod Politics, and a very successful author, and a very, very dear friend of ours. We'll get Katie's answer. I'll remind you something that you can do in your own home, your business, your car, your truck, your college dorm, your cabin. You do not have to live with the ins - that's bad smells of, let's say, a cabin filled with a whole bunch of adolescents, lovely kids, love them, but not always the most hygienic people. You can plug into the wall, take it with you wherever you go. It's called the thunderstorm tube. It's from Eden period deals, it produces ozone in the room, and that ozone molecules, the O3 molecules bond to the bad smells, they negate them. It actually works with viruses as well. This thing is so potent, you will begin to have your room smell like a thunderstorm about three minutes after you plug it in. And it can get you whole home coverage right now in a buy one, get one free offer. These things are silent, they don't have air filters, you don't have to replace the air filters every year, you wipe it off with a warm cloth once in a while, go to, use code TOD BOGO, buy one, get one, that's, use TOD BOGO. Buy one, get one, have the same thing that we have in the studio here. So Katie, with that as preface, you've seen the same statistics that the cities are becoming these childless places, and as they get that, they're getting more and more political bulk, and suburbs are becoming the place for families. And we're seeing, again, a balkanization and a splitting in the country. I happen to think there are people on top of Kamia Harrison around her and around the figurehead who want this to happen because it's divide and conquer, it's a color revolution. What do you think the why is on people doing this to families and to kids? This is actually the thing that nobody's talking about that everybody should be talking about. Yes, definitely the sorting that's going on within the United States between red and blue, whether that's cities or states, but the actual population dearth, the population spiral that we as a country are in, more than 70% of the world's population lives in countries that are not replacing themselves. It is a major excuse for immigration policy, bad immigration policy. So actually, my next book, Pro Child Politics, which looks at every political issue through the lens of what is best for kids, we've got seven different chapters that touch on why is it that people are not having kids? One reason is the economy, right, Chris Bedford of the blaze writes our economy chapter and talks about why economics is set up against families and just ordinary Americans. We've got our environment chapter written by Chris Barnard of the American Conservation American Conservative Coalition, and he's a conservative environmentalist talking about how environmental policy and the ways we talk about climate has scared young people out of having children. And that's a huge part of them not choosing not to have kids of their own. We've got a chapter written on taxes by Grover Norquist. We've got Phil Kerpen wrote our debt chapter, the ways that we are using our entitlements and the ways that we are structuring our taxes, de-incentivizes people having families. We've got a chapter written on masculinity by the president of promise keepers who talks about how the denigration of manhood makes it harder for men to form families. And then Peachy Keenan of domestic extremist fame wrote our feminism chapter. We're lying to women about the importance of marriage and family and telling them that career is what is going to fulfill them. So there are so many forces that are working against ordinary people forming and maintaining families and choosing to have children. And unfortunately so many of those messages are coming directly from the left. Okay. So is a why? And I love the layout of the book and the experts and there's a link to get in front of getting this book for yourself and in the show notes. Make sure that you do that. All these books are worthwhile. The entire trio now of books from Katie. The why? Is it tied to a desire to have fewer humans because they tell us that. I mean, Katie, they come out and say we need 7.5 billion fewer people. So they're backfilling you're saying through this mass illegal immigration. It is illegal. We're not checking who these people are. We see the riots in the UK, the riots in Ireland, the troubles are back. I can't even believe I'm watching the troubles in Belfast where troops are saying we're going to use impact rounds if you continue to protest the theft of farms and houses and schools from you for the newcomers. And it doesn't help the newcomers to come and be absolutely resented. So is part of this a desire to have fewer humans? Well, definitely their segments of the climate alarmists that have said depopulation is a huge part, a huge plank in their goals. And that absolutely deserves some of the blame, but that's not everything. I mean, the way that we think about what it means to be human in terms of life and men and women and marriage, the importance of marriage as an institution to advance social thriving, all of these have been under attack. And obviously the way we are structuring the economy to de-incentivize small businesses and reward these mass conglomerates. I mean, there are so many ways that are stacking the deck against ordinary men and women coming together and creating their own many society. So you have to do it against all odds and I understand why people are fleeing the cities because I'll tell you what, it is really hard to live in an expensive city and try to raise kids. Well, it's hard to live in an expensive city, but it's also scary. And I've seen people that they, there are satellites to this day in San Francisco, it's in Los Angeles and people live in these cities who opposed, I don't recognize the city you guys talk about. I don't recognize that I don't see the high crime, I've never been afraid in my city. But I look at that class of people and almost universally they're a laptop class that almost universally works at home. And if they're not working at home, they're almost universally in an Uber from a home to a building dropped off. They do not have to do this. And obviously the day with someone and we were setting up to have a workout in the park and we're planning for this work at this lake. And when we were walking around, we just found some glass. So this glass, and I said, you know what, in Seattle, people check the playgrounds and soccer fields for needles. And there were people saying, wait, what, right, no, this is original. You do this. Yeah. And so people are moving out of these areas. That's also an anti crime, our anti child policy, pro crime, right? Do you guys cover that at all? You cover crime? Oh, baby. Our mutual friend, Ari Hoffman, wrote an entire chapter on policing and why policing is actually a matter of justice for children. And of course, I got somebody in Seattle to do it because Seattle is the place where they tested so many of these wild destructive leftist theories. And we got to see how it worked out firsthand and how did it work out and died. Right. I mean, people died. Right. Right. And people, well, not just died, but are murdered and I mean all sorts of forms of death. So I want to get into what pro child politics means to you and what these policies would be and how we as a country adopt this. So get ready to present this to us in actionable form, things that we can do, positions we can vote for. And even if you have a mind to do this, people for whom we can vote, Katie Faust is with me. She's a three time author. There's a link to the latest book. You can get that in the show notes. And when we do programs like this, I try to come in as alert as I possibly can. Yep. There's the caffeine from our coffee sponsor bone frog. There's sleep. There's exercise. Also though, bi-optimizers and I use magnesium breakthrough to help me sleep through the night. It also controls stress. Magnesium drives or regulates 600 body interactions, including the stress hormone cortisol. This helps with regularity, but the magic of it to me is I relax. 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And so we've got all the social issues, we've got the economic issues, we even got the national security people to come in here. We've got the three different legs of the conservative stool represented here, and we brought them all together because when you actually craft policy based on the next generation, you get principled conservatism. So the book sort of functions as a primer, like 3,000 words on ESG. If you don't know what that is and how to think about it, here's 3,000 words from Justin Danoff who helped Vivek Rama Swami start his company Strive telling you, this is what ESG is. This is how it damages kids. This is actually what we would look like if we wanted to create an equitable injustice sustainable society for kids, right? I mean, so we've got this, in essence, political lesson on all these different topics from the top experts, but they all framed them through the lens of if we prioritized kids, what would our policies look like? But they also all begin with the real life story of a child who was victimized because we believed leftist lies. And so this book does what very few other conservative materials do, which is identify the victim as kids and then humanize the child. I mean, we've always had the best statistics and the best research. The left does a good job of humanizing their victims and making you empathize and sympathize with them. So I'm not going to let them do that anymore. I love that. We're going to show the real life stories of kids who are victimized because we got immigration policy wrong, because we got foreign policy wrong, because we got education wrong, because we got masculinity wrong, we got race wrong, like what is it like when we believe leftist lies about pornography, we're going to show you the kids that are victimized. Their mind, body, soul, heart, future lost, because we are not thinking rightly about these issues. So that's what it is. It's a way to think properly about politics, all political issues. If you're looking at it through the lens of child protection and child protection started with a family. The first one started in Genesis. And so we also have this model, and I know you to be a godly woman, and this model has to, of course, take God's word into this. So let me take a tough one, because I think the pornography on this podcast family, this radio show family, they know that I looked at my last porn decades ago, and I'll never look at it again. Praise God. And they know my position on this. I think Pornhub is a criminal enterprise that should be just, it should be recode out of business. I think that they encourage child rape, that's my opinion. So, but let's take just national security. That's an interesting one, because I'm thinking about this. If I were looking at national security through child's eyes, how might I look at that, Katie? Well, Dan Caldwell, who is a veteran in this space, wrote our 3,000 words on national security, and he identified. So what I made every author do is begin with the story of a real life child who was victimized. And then identify, what are the lies about national security that you hear all the time? And then how do those lies harm kids? So what are some of the lies that Dan pointed out? Well, first that we have to be the world's policeman, right? And like, what is it like when we think, oh, we've got to go out and solve every single problem, we have to like build every school in Afghanistan, like how does that mentality around national security victimize kids? So that's one lie that he points out. Another lie is we need to be total isolationists. We should never engage in what's happening in the rest of the world. And then he identifies that kind of faulty mentality and how that victimizes kids. And both of them really weaken our ability to defend ourselves against the very serious foreign threats that are not just present but growing against us. And then he identifies, what is the truth about foreign policy that you need to keep in mind? And in summary, he says, realism and restraint, be realistic about the threats coming against America and have restraint so that you can fight the battles that you really need to very, very well. And if we did that, how would children benefit? What would child protection look like if we actually did that national security priority exactly as it should be done? And then I made every author wrap up their chapter with, show me who's done this well. Where, what bodies, local, foreign, national, what have they done to show how these policies implemented actually are effective. And so he lists some ways that we could overhaul our national security system and rubric to move in a direction where the next generation is going to be better protected. So we did that on every subject. It is so easy to digest and understand and you are getting high quality content from people that know these subjects inside and out. Give me your favorite story. Your great storyteller, I've seen you online, have people who grew up with a single parents or same sex attracted parents and you've solicited from them their stories and it's been very, very persuasive. So if you're to pick one from a book or one that can really just bring this across, share it with us one. I made all of the authors find a real life child who was harmed because we got that wrong. I had a lot to learn about a lot of these topics. One of them was ESG and DEI. And so Justin Danoff started off with the story of a little girl in Sri Lanka who went from a pretty stable middle-class family to virtually starving because the ESG and DEI regimes were imposed upon Sri Lanka in the name of, you know, saving the planet. And it actually resulted in starvation and death for children. And so it's stories like that, you know, where you humanize and you show the drastic decline in well-being of real life children because we are pushing something that like we talked about earlier sound fantastic in ideology land. But when you actually implement it in the real world, kids suffer. Can any of this be done fruitfully without it being biblically based? Well, you can make arguments based on God's world, right? So that would be natural law, social science, obviously the real life stories of kids. But anything that is true that you can verify, quantify is always going to be reflect, anything true in the world will always be fortified and buttressed by the word of God, right? What is in the word of God is always going to completely compliment the world of God. And so we tactically at them before us, my nonprofit, we make the decision to argue based on God's world. What can we learn about how children ought to live, what they need, how they come to be, to what they have a right by appealing to God's world, right? That universal authority to which everybody must submit and it always reinforces and compliments God's word, which is my ultimate authority. tactically we're like, you don't need to appeal to Genesis one one to make this case. We will show you the authority of God as manifest in the world that you can touch and taste and verify yourself. Okay. That's a really interesting approach. So there's that very famous saying sometimes I don't even know if they really know who said it, but that phrase share the gospel with everyone you meet and so and when necessary use words sometimes people say it was Spurgeon. Do you know who actually said it? I think it was Saint Francis of Assisi. Okay. Saint Francis of Assisi would make sense. So your tactical decision is then I guess not to be overtly Christian or to come straight out with the word of God, the Bible, but to show truth that will always go back to God because God is truth and the tactical decision is an open door. It's a big tent. What is it? Is it the best way to protect kids is to, I guess, gently suggest God? Well, I think that it is to fervently argue on their behalf in ways that are irrefutable and undeniable. That's what I'm after. And unfortunately, I think that Christians did not do the hard work of making their case in a way that the world could understand and instead fell back on just quoting scripture. And I say just quoting scripture because I love the word of God. I mean, like I'm in it. I try to read the Bible with everyone that I'm with, but when it comes to communicating policy objectives, unfortunately that can serve to discredit us in their mind rather than doing it's harder, it's harder to understand the historical, anthropological, social science, psychological aspects of this and then bring to them a case that perfectly represents the word of God, but doesn't in a way where they're not able to dismiss us because we are only quoting an authority that they don't recognize. So tactically, I totally get that and I think it's a very smart tactic. One of my views and this, I don't know that I have any, I don't know that biblical support for this, but I don't know that I don't. It seems to me that we serve a God who's very, very happy to say, oh, looks like you guys got that all handled looks, looks like you don't need me. Have fun or to say to us, oh, you want a king? Oh, well, I think that's a bad idea because they're going to tax you and they're going to trans your kids and they're going to steal your parental rights, but okay, go have a king and go experience that. I happen to think that a tactical use of the word of God in these environments and, you know, oh my gosh, even in Congress or the Senate, my belief is that God's word never returned void and my sense is that if God started seeing his words spoken into some of these things, he might say, okay, oh, wait, did you want me to help? Because I'm getting the sense you might want my help now because he seems fine to let us use our own devices. So what's your view of that, that, that dynamic? I agree that, well, I totally understand where you're coming from and I will say that, you know, I've spent quite about a time of the last day or two talking with an Orthodox Jew, Orthodox Jewish rabbi, who is working to fight against the, the creep of reproductive technologies into the world of Orthodox Judaism and for him, I'm saying what you need to do is you need to rely on the 39 scriptural principles in the Old Testament that explicitly talk about your obligation to defend the fatherless. That's the authority that your audience is going to hear. And so what you have to do is you have to make the case and he is ready and willing and excited to do this. I'm not telling him something he doesn't know that actually when you endorse things like IVF, surrogacy, sperm and egg donation, you're not defending the fatherless, you're manufacturing the fatherless and so you figure out, you know, what are the pressure points for each culture and what's the biblical precedent for this? I would say it's Paul at Marv's Hill, right? When Paul goes and he speaks to the Jews, he'll quote scripture, but when he's going to speak to, you know, the philosophers and the Stoics, he appeals to philosophy, right? He appeals to the Aristotelian principles that they spend hours and hours and hours debating. It's really all Christians saying like you want to be all things to all people, then you have to study those people and you have to figure out what are the areas that resonate with them and then you bring the truth of God into that situation and I would say that's especially pressing for Christians if you are fighting on behalf of the vulnerable and victimized, right? It is a bit of throwing pearls before swine if you're just like Bible verse here, Bible verse there. No, you want to throw something at them that they can't help but beat up and then you say and now I'm going to tell you exactly why. I love it. I love it. So well said. Such an honor to have you in the program. I'm so proud of you and so thankful for what you do and always a thrill to see you continue to succeed. There's a link to the book in the show notes. Katie Faust. I always appreciate you. Please go with God's good grace. Thank you again for letting me speak to your audience. Always a pleasure. This is the Todd Herman show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [BLANK_AUDIO]