The Todd Herman Show

Tim Walz’s regime in Minnesota runs ad promoting sex tourism … for kids Ep-1782

On the surface, Tim Walz seems harmless, until you realize he is running his state as a place where children being victimized is advertised. 
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Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2024
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So Tim Waltz is dual purpose. He's white, he's old, he's kind of little rolly-poly, not trying to body shame, I don't do that, but just descriptively. And if you're not paying attention to the fact that he is a radically, tyrannically capricious hater of all things aligned in any way, shape, matter, idea, faction, or form with God almighty, he's just your uncle who served in the National Guard. Well, I mean until it was time to go to combat, and then he said, "Oh, I was planning a run for Congress, and so I didn't go into combat." But then he went out and said things like, "The weapons of war I carried in the battle." You know, lying about being in combat. He's also something else though. He's a pervert. Since Tim Waltz is a pervert. He reminds me very much of a lot of the perverts in the Democrat Party. He reminds me in a weird way though of a guy who was a gym teacher who, believe it or not, came after both me and my sister. Yeah, I'll make that comparison with an ad that the tourism departments in the state of Minnesota, which of course is now changing its flag to look like the flag of Somalia. I'll play this ad for you, and explain why this grooming ad reminds me of my gym teacher in a monthly school. We'll get started right now. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. Tim Waltz, dual-purpose guy, he's white, he's rolly-poly, if you're not paying attention, he could appear unthreatening. If you are paying attention, you understand that he's further to the left than Kamala Harris has ever been, even as the installed figurehead. See, the issue with Kamala Harris is there is no Kamala Harris. She has no grounding, no moral framework, no moral structure whatsoever. If it avails her of power, she'll go and sleep with a married man if it avails her of power. Well, and that matter, her husband Doug Emhoff, availing himself of power, decided to go have an affair with the nanny, so maybe this is a mutual thing. It's common in politics. The other aspect of Kamala Harris is, though, of course, the chameleon-like person. That's the issue about Ishi Indian or Black. It's not whether she has both backgrounds in her DNA, both cultural backgrounds. Of course, she does. The issue is the chameleon. It's semi-advantaged to be Indian, so I'll be Indian. It's my advantage to be Black, so I'll be Black. It's semi-advantaged to laugh and cackle and love-putting Black parents in jail because their kids are truant and that I'll turn around and raise money to bail out Black rioters, well, not all Black, but largely Black rioters who burned down police stations and such. It's the chameleon-esque nature. Tim Waltz is not a chameleon. Tim Waltz is a hardcore leftist pervert. You cannot be of a normal sexual view and say, "We're going to make our state a sanctuary for confused 13-year-olds to come into our state and have their sexual genitalia permanently altered and destroyed." That is not a normal view of kids. It's not a healthy view of kids. It's an over-sexualized view of kids. You cannot, as Tim Waltz did just recently, come out and say, "It is un-American to tell kids what books they can read." No, it's not. It's very much American to look out for little ones, to say, "That book is not appropriate for you and know you're not going to look at pornography." Well, in schools or elsewhere. Now, parents can make the decision to have their kids look at porn and you know what sort of parents those are. They're perverts. They're parents who have probably been harmed on their own. I have no idea if Tim Waltz is harmed, no idea. I know this. He's harming others. I want you to see this ad in a second, this ad that they're running, the Minnesota Tourism Board is running, and look, it's money. I get that. You probably know what the gay TM is, and then I'll tell you about this gym teacher after you see this and why I see this comparison. Huge money in the gay TM. Do you know what that means? Back in the day in the separate country of Washington, I had lunch with a guy who is an unbelievably talented talk radio host. To this day, he dominates many, many day parts, well, not many day parts, but dominates his day parts. I won't say his name because they don't have permission to say it and it was a private conversation, and what he said to me, he was talking about behind closed doors. So just say this. He described to me a gay TM. I said, "Why is it that these Republicans don't recognize what the sexual left is doing to kids, what the sexual left is doing to culture, forcing the stuff down people's throats and the gender stuff, and this is when they were starting to trans kids?" And he said to me, "It's the gay TM." I go, "What is this, ATM, Oh, what the sexual left lobby does is they go to weak Republicans and they say, 'We won't primary you, we'll never call you out.'" And through back channel methods, so it can't be traced back to us, we will fund your campaigns, it's the gay TM. See money follows politics like sweat follows exercise, they just go together. Money. Where's yours? Did you see the stock market drop? Did you see the whip back, that then whipped back against itself? Did you see the volatility? Did you see that seven companies that get 40% or so of every single investment dime on electronic trading platforms, 40% to seven companies? Did you see that they lost a combined somewhere around a trillion dollars in value? Is that right? Yeah, somewhere, no, it's about 500 billion in value in one day, in a single day. When that happened, how much of your retirement account was affected? How much is affected by inflation? Or your savings account, if you're younger? How much is affected by inflation? All of it. Here's something you can do for yourself and it's free and it's like money following politics and sweat following exercise, go get a coach, go do that. Go to and sign up for a free, no obligation assessment by my friend and brother Zach Abraham. You'll meet with him, you can do it in person in his offices in your Seattle, you can do it on video, you can do it on the phone, yeah, your spouse can attend as well. Or it's just you, you decide. Go to or call him at 866-779-RISC or capital management and investment advisor representative, truck financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The investments involve risk, you could lose money, past performance doesn't guarantee future results, truck 24-244, So here's an ad running from the Minnesota State Tourism Department. It's promoting transing kids and so-called gender care and it was run for big money, you know, for sex tourism and such. Hey, okay, so can I describe that? I don't know if that was a woman or fake woman, it was very quick, but the flashing and shaking of the breasts, that is an upside-down drag queen doing a pretty good cartwheel. Let's say, no, not full extension on the arms are pretty good, and teams in the audience and whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what was that? There's some sexualized dancing, gender care. There is a huge difference between saying and believing that in our lives, we're going to encounter people who are same sex attracted. In your life, you've encountered people who've had affairs. In your life, you've encountered people who go out and commit fornication. In your life, you encountered people in a daily basis who use pornography and we love them, right? Of course we do, there are friends in our family and they're fallible. We all have sin issues. There's something altogether different, though, about creating a tourism based upon not just affirming, celebrating, pushing, promoting those ideals, and it's not even really the ideals, it's the activities. When you engage in indiscriminate sex with a large number of people, you end up, of course, exposed to diseases, but you also end up exposed to extreme confusion. And for kids, for kids who are still developing, do you understand what they're developing? When they tie their pleasure center at a young age to sexual contact with a whole bunch of people, do you know how difficult it is later to wind that all back? I'm just going to have sexual contact with one person. I'm going to enter into marriage as God prescribes it, one man and one woman. I'm going to be monogamous. If you've spent a life having your flesh thrilled in every single capacity, that's going to take a huge helping of the Holy Spirit to get over that and to stop those behaviors. It's just like someone who's always given themselves the drugs they want or always had limitless amounts of money. If you've ever gone through a phase in your life where you've had just the money pouring in and all of a sudden you have to make a budget, that's a hard thing to do. Tim Waltz is a pervert. He wants to promote these activities for kids, for God knows why. Is it sexual thrill? I don't know. I guess I'm calling him a pervert, so I'm suggesting it is, but I don't know that he gets a sexual thrill out of this. What I know is these are perverted ideas when they're employed to young people, when they're pushed and promoted this way to young people. There was a gym teacher at my school. This was in elementary school and he held me back after school one day. I don't remember what I did. I was always doing something. I was a really bad kid. I was really angry at the school system and I think for a pretty decent reason. I'm sure that with you so I won't belabor it. He held me after school and then came and got me and said, "Okay, I'm going to drive you home." I said, "No, I walk home." He goes, "No, not today. I'm responsible for you. I'm going to drive you home." I go, "No, I walk home every day. I walk straight across that alfalfa field and I'm home." "No, not today. I'm not letting you do it." He made me get in his truck, little tiny dots in truck or toe to truck one of the early revolutions of those and so we're headed home and he stops at the Circle K and he says, "I'm going to get some candy bars. Would you like one?" "No. Well, I'm going to get you one, so what do you want? I don't want one." "Well, I'm getting one. I'll get you a Slurpee, too. No, I don't want a Slurpee. I don't want a candy bar. I want to go home." He goes into the Circle K and he comes out with not the small three Musketeers bar but the large one and let's all admit something about the three Musketeers bar. We're one of the top three candy bars ever invented. Do they still exist, by the way? The best candy bar, by the way, ever existed, went away very quickly. It was called bar none and don't even try to argue. Comes out of the Circle K, sits out next to me, hands me this great big, you know, three Musketeers bar and something else. I can't remember. I remember the three Musketeers bar because this is my favorite candy. So we go driving. And he says to me, "Did I tell you I've got three new puppies?" "Oh, want to come to my house and you can play with them?" "No." "Did I tell you that I'm painting my basement and I will pay you a lot of money to come over to my house and help me paint my basement? I'm not coming to your house." This is my street turn here and I had my hand on the door handle. I was going to jump out. So he turns down my street, pulls up in front of the house, he goes, "Hey, listen, we don't need to tell your mom about me offering to take you up to my house or to show you my puppies and stuff. We don't need to tell her about that." And I opened the door, walked out, walked inside, opened the door, said, "Mom, the gym teacher tried to molest me." That was my take on the guy. And my mom said, "Honey, he's just being nice. My mom was a teacher. My well-meaning lady. My sister comes marching down the hallway into the family and she's, "Wait, wait, wait. Mr. Blank?" "Yes, Mr. Blank. Oh, my gosh. Mr. Blank, he grabbed my chest. He said, "One day these are going to be bigger and beautiful." My mom looked. This has to be some mistake, it's not. So I did the logical thing. I called my dad, and dad made a visit to the gym teacher. Not the social worker dad, the six-foot four-inch redneck dad who could break an axe handle over his knee, had a visit with this guy in the parking lot. I was there sitting in the travel hall as my dad went and informed him that he was never going to talk to either of us again, and we weren't going to his classes anymore. What did he look like, like a gym teacher? What does Tim Walts look like? He's a rolly-poly uncle, a gosh, served in the National Guard until it was time for combat. He hunts and fishes, ice fishes. He's the insultor, and he is, well, even less charismatic than figurehead Kamala. You will know them by their fruits. The Bible tells us, "It's in Matthew 7, somewhere around verse 15 through 20. I don't know which. You'll know them by their fruits." Look at the fruits of what Minnesota has become under Tim Walts. It's in many Somalia. He allowed the Black Lives Matter Incorporated riots. He's openly transing kids against the wishes of the parents, and he is promoting his un-American, the very idea that a parent would say to a child, "No, you may not watch. Six people have sex." And if it's in a book, that's Tim Walts. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light