The Todd Herman Show

Club of Rome PROMISES total disruption Ep-1781

The new Prime Minister of Britain is of two minds when it comes to riots. If the right people do it, well, then it's to be applauded. But if the wrong people do it, be in no doubt, those that have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law.
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Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2024
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If someone came to you and said, we're going to disrupt your entire neighborhood, how upset would you be? You might ask questions like, what do you mean disrupted? Well, everything. You know, we're going to change how the water system works. We're going to change how the road systems work. We're going to change ownership structures. We're going to change which side of the road you drive on. We're going to change the activities you're allowed to do in your yard. We're installing an HOA. Wait, we didn't vote for an HOA. Yeah, we don't, but we're installing one, and we're going to change everything. How would you respond? Well, what if it wasn't really your neighbors, but it was the rich people up the hill? Let's say that you live in the middle of the hill right on top of the hill. There's the rich folks and the rich folks at it. We're going to disrupt everything about your daily life because we want to. What if they promised it? What would you do? Yeah. There's a reason I'm asking. I'll explain that in a second. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times through which God has decided we shall live. This is the Todd Herman Show in clip form. If you're watching this in clip form, we do a long full link show, which is an hour. In fact, we may be going back to that, but we'll see. The Club of Rome co-president decided to make a promise to people, and this promise is about disruption. The second scenario is the giant leap. We wanted to identify a small set of actions, a minimum viable product, to reach as many sustainable development goals in Europe's vision of a social and green region. Wow! Catch phrase heaven. A minimalist release goal like software. What is the minimum features it must have? The system. What else did she say? She continues here. We wanted to take a systems approach to explore if we can achieve an acceptable level of well-being for the global majority on a finite planet. An acceptable level of being for a global population on a finite planet. Now, apply this to the neighborhood scenario. Well, we're doing this because we wanted to establish an acceptable level of being in a finite neighborhood, but we're going to do it the way that's sustainable, and it's a system-based approach, and these are the rich people looking down the hill at you, and they're speaking it from on high. They don't come and see you. They're in the back of their deck, chilling it down. We're going to do a systems approach for a sustainable ecosystem for a serviceable level of being in our finite neighborhood, but we're doing it because we love you. I mean, they don't have control. They're not government, but they're the rich people above the hill who can go buy government. I want you to hear the rest of what this lady promises. Then I'll give you an example of this coming true. In your home, despite the rich people of the hill and that stink they produce, I'm kidding. Rich people don't stink. But if there is in your home, or your RV, or your vacation home, or I keep thinking for some reason about long haul truckers and people who go on long vacations in RVs, that stuff doesn't always render great smells, like three or four adults packed into an RV or a vacation place, a bunch of adolescent kids, cats, dogs, cooking in the long haul trucking scenario, you live in that thing for a long time. You can solve the problem of the stink and, in fact, help reduce the risk of viruses by using the Oxileve 2 thunderstorm device. It comes with a USB connection, or it can plug it straight into the wall. It produces ozone in a finite space, at an acceptable level of being, just like the nice lady from the club of Rome said. In this case, though, it's by choice. The O3 molecules, that's the ozone, bond to and destroy the bad smelling molecules, and the space suddenly smells, just like there had been, a refreshing thunderstorm. You right now can buy one of these and get one free, which would mean buy three and get three. Go to, enter codetoddbogo, that's, enter codetoddbogo and get buy one, get one,, codetodd three. Let's let the nice lady continue to inform us what they're going to do to us. We conclude that nothing less than the following five extraordinary turnarounds are needed to have well-being for all. Wow, the catchphrases. Nothing less than the five extraordinary turnarounds for well-being for all. A turnaround, by the way, in business sense, is where you stop the existing model, you pivot fully. We no longer make Oxileve 2, we make sandwiches. That's what that means, and she continues. While respecting planetary boundaries, ending poverty, addressing gross inequality, achieving full gender equity, transforming the food system and the way we eat, transitioning to clean energy and efficient energy. We argue that these five extraordinary turnarounds in the set of economic reforms that will drive them form the basis of a well-being economy. It is not a blueprint, but more of a guide for systemic transformation. In this scenario, poverty ends a generation earlier than two will two. We see gender empowerment in one generation, not ten. These of course are the same people who say gender is whatever you wear or whatever pharma makes you out to be or whatever comes out of your mouth. All of this sustainable, all of it's on our finite planet, all of it respecting planetary boundaries. Did you hear her say that? This respects planetary boundaries, so they don't intend to do this in Venus. Do you see the mix of soaring aspirational rhetoric and absolute tyranny in this? Here's more of her because she's fun. We see a switch to healthier plant-based diets. There is still meat consumption, but it's sustainable levels. There's still some dense meat consumption, but it's at sustainable levels, meaning we eat it, you eat plants. There's still meat consumption though, but it's sustainable. A healthier plant-based diet, hogwash. My daughter is a vegan. I love her without limit. God helps me love her because we can't do that on her own, but yes, I love her without limit. She's a vegan. It's a life choice. I respect and I worry about it because it is not the way God designed this. Not post-garden. In the garden, there was a lot of meat-eating, as I understand it, if any, but there's a reason we have canines. The teeth that are canines, that's what they're called, or at least nicknamed, let's hear more from the nice lady. We have carbon dioxide emissions every decade to reach net zero by 2050. The economic model everywhere is circular, regenerative, and efficient. The economic model everywhere is circular, regenerative, and efficient, and they're going to end poverty. Got that part? Okay. Let's hear more. Material consumption of unsustainable resources is rained in, fossil energy phased out, and we see a significant redistribution of wealth. Significant. Hey, that's a meaningful word. I wonder what it means, because significant could mean 1%, because that would be a significant amount of wealth. It could mean 100%. Here's one thing you will know. It will not be their wealth that's redistributed, right? Maybe she'll tell us right here. This scenario we introduce a universal basic dividend operating like a universal basic income. Like one, but not one. With dividends coming to all people, sharing the wealth of the global governments and public goods. We're taking the wealth now. It is not properly reduced. You are. This is not utopic. This is what is fair and just, and what a society in transformation is all about. Why do we think this is important? We know the giant leap will be disruptive. There we go. We're talking about a complete shakeup. There we go. This is everything, everywhere, all at once. It will create shocks. But if it is to succeed, then we must bring the majority of people along the journey. It will create shocks. Just a couple of things. If you're going to eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate people's bad-spanning decisions. You have to eliminate vice. If you're going to eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate gambling, or gambling addiction, or porn, and porn addictions, or alcohol and alcohol addictions, or fentanyl and fentanyl addictions. If you're going to end poverty, you have to end pride. But I need a brand new car. I have to have it. I need another credit card. In fact, you need to end credit cards. For many people, they're just as addictive as gambling. You'd have to institute spending. Oh. Oh, spending controls, a global dividend to everybody that's like a universal basic income. Oh. Oh, and I bet it's going to be in crypto. So well, no, you can't buy that meat, because remember we said there's going to be some meat consumption, but you've gone past your meat limit. I'm sorry. You're going to need to eat the fake meat. It's yummy. It's in a tube. Squeeze it in your mouth. It's like cow in a tube, but it's fake. That's what they mean. She said we're going to have to bring the people along with us, that it's going to be disruptive. Just as just a reminder of what the new British Prime Minister said when white people who've been in England for multiple generations got finally pushed, nudged, shoved and the latest stabbing of a 12 year old girl by a Muslim immigrant and not all Muslim immigrants are stabbers. I'm always going to say that even though I shouldn't have to, but all too many have come into the West intent and destroying the West. That is immigration is a weapon. Sexual conquest is a weapon. This is what the British Prime Minister said about that. After he applauded the Black Lives Matter Incorporated riots, be it no doubt those that have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law. The police will be making arrests. Individuals will be held on remand, charges will follow and convictions will follow. I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder, whether directly or those whipping up this action online and then running away themselves. This is not protest. It is organized violent thuggery and it has no place on our streets or online. So some rich people, powerful people in England, up high on the hill, up high in their condos said to the people down below. Hey, for sustainable reasons for a finite neighborhood, we're going to have to dismantle everything. You know, the pond and the farm over there, that can't be there anymore. That's going to be for the newcomers now. And that neighborhood that you've liked so much, that's now for the newcomers. And by the way, they're not going to follow the same laws as we are because it's sustainable, it's fair, it's equity. And we're doing this for your own finite good. Isn't that the way we started this little clip, this clip version of the Todd Herman Show? I think it is. And God does warn people in power. Don't Lord your power for others. And as you treat the least of these, so you treat the Lord Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for reminding us. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ.