The Todd Herman Show

Tom Hanks Gets What Tom Hanks Votes To Have Ep-1775

Tom Hanks and his wife had their $26 million residence ransacked. The media is calling it an invasion. The Hanks were not home, praise God, and no one was hurt. But this, of course, is exactly what they are voting to have when people vote to have Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris installed. You can look at Belfast and the disorder that's been wrought with very similar policies. In Belfast, North Ireland, people who have lived in Ireland their entire lives who are being told illegal immigrants are taking their place. We will take a look at other things that liberals have invited in through their votes and what it has produced. 

What does God’s Word say? 
1 Corinthians 14:33 33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s peopl
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08 Aug 2024
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Yeah, we're talking about the new show format. Tofers in here today and they aren't as often. I can see it's frustrating to people. You know, we've changed the format. And by the way, if you're joining us live, good morning. Thank you for that. And if you're watching it or listening later, we'd love you equally. So we've been doing this new experiment of having the full show, which is like the radio show on podcast. It's what you're about to hear and they'll see. Then we've been doing these shorter clips, trying to focus down on one topic at a time. I think we figured something out. I think we're just going to make that thing a full show, but three stories where we just focus tight on stories because I don't know if you've learned this about me all these years. Most of us have been together eight to 10 years. Many of you met me through Rush Limbaugh, praise God for that relationship. God, Russ Rush, you might notice that I can talk about a lot of stuff, take a lot of stories, make them into one big grand meta narrative or so I think. That's my human pride talking. So today, what are we even talking about now that I got off? Oh, yeah, Tom Hanks. Hey, congratulations, Tom Hanks. You went out and got yourself exactly what you voted for. Talk about this with the help of Renew.Healthcare and much more importantly, God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord is made in these at the time, so which God is the sadder we should live. Just got this note. I wonder if I could get to New York. Probably not in time to do this. My buddy, Tim Crookshank, it's a bonfire coffees sponsoring the Navy Seal Foundation Swim Across the Hudson River. Saturday night, nope, I can't shoot swim supports over 30 essential Navy Seal Foundation programs. Talk about this later, but nang it, I can't because I am actually already doing a swim workout. Hey, but at least I'm doing a swim workout that I can partner with that, at least psychologically, spiritually. Tom Hanks is the latest celebrity. He and his wife Rita Wilson. By the way, who is she? I'm not trying to be rude. It's sometimes astonishing to me. I don't know if you ever get this, but I live in a completely divorced state from anything related to modern culture. I mean, yeah, okay, so CrossFit and I'm using a device right now typing and saying hello to people in the morning chat room. I'm forced to do that stuff, but in terms of Rita, I didn't know Tom Hanks was married. B, I legitimately don't know who Rita Wilson is, but I know this. They had their home, one of them, 26.2 million dollar home, was invaded by robbers. And there's been a slew of these happening in Los Angeles. And the way that the media is covering this is L.A. celebrity home invasion slew continues with Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson's residence as the latest victim. Now, some good news in this. This is now affecting the special people. So once it begins to affect the special people, there'll be some changes. Like, for instance, they'll probably allow them to have extra security. They might allow the security guards to be better armed. The city might step in and pay for extra patrols around places like Bel Air and around places like Santa Monica in the hills, up around the colleges, etc. So that the special people aren't bothered with all this nonsense. I mean, this is something that is really only especially supposed to affect the small people and the tiny people. But Tom Hanks and his wife, I would assume, I don't know anything about her, but I know about Hanks, he's a guy who seems perfectly comfortable having Gavin Newsom as dictator of California. Part of this is, I think, I think God does. We talked this early this week with Jim Putman, my pastor and senior pastor at real life ministry is more importantly to be my friend, that God said to humankind through the prophet Samuel, are you sure? Now, listen to me. Are you sure you want a human king? People said, yes, we want things like everybody else's ass. All the other people have kings and God through the prophet Samuel said, okay, now hold on. Wait just a second. Are you sure you want to pay taxes and have the king come and seize your livestock, take your land, block off your water streams, take your sons and daughters, sons for the army, daughters for concubines? Are you sure you want that? Wait, well, what everybody else has? So God said, fine, here's this tall dude, name Saul, there you go, there's your king. What happened? In the case of Tom Hanks, we've been saying, are you sure you want the government to be able to go out and refuse to enforce the laws, to invite the cartels, come to California, California, California Dreaming, come to California, California Nation. Are you sure this is a good idea? Are you sure open air juggling is a good idea? Are you sure decriminalizing sex trafficking is a good idea? Are you sure allowing grown men to carry out their perverse sexual desires on the bodies of 14 year old boys making that legal? Are you sure that's a good idea? Are you sure it's a good idea to drop from a felony sex trafficking teens to a misdemeanor? Are you sure? Are you sure it's a good idea to allow criminal gangs to steal and in smash and grab robberies or just walking in and taking stuff, not even bothered to smash and or what you have to grab, but not even bothered and be smashed up to 1000. No, 999 dollars worth this stuff. Are you sure that's a good idea? Are you sure a no cash bail system is a good idea? Are you sure no teen jails is a good idea and all along the way, Tom Hanks could have used his celebrity to say, hmm, I don't think that's a good idea. But Tom Hanks, I think, wants what everybody else wants, which is to feel compassionate. It must be a very confusing thing to own a 26 million dollar home. And that's only one. And for something that in your heart, you know, in your heart, it's probably not worth that much money. I mean, businesses are worth what people will pay. But do you think in his heart, Tom Hanks thinks that reading lines into a camera, and he's really good at it. He's got his gift at him. Do you really think he looks at that and says, yeah, I should be a billionaire? And so how do we care? Well, I think Hanks gives a lot of money, philanthropies, etc. But you can't care and come along and say, we need to arrest criminals. We need to close our borders. We need to have limits on sexual appetite, at least as it's communicated through media and government and particularly for kids. I mean, adult to adult. I wish you wouldn't, but that's not caring. It's too godly. Why do you think God wanted limits? Well, if you look at the science, too much sexual activity encourages disease, it spreads it, changes people psychologically. It makes it difficult to have actual monogamous one-to-one attachment. Porn comes in as a surrogate for that makes it even harder. Anytime you map back, psychological issues, not anytime, but often when you map back psychological issues, you can map them back to departing from the word of God. So Tom Hanks has encouraged lawlessness, Tom Hanks, by virtue of ignoring it, by virtue of allowing people like Gavin Newsom to pretend to be governors and not dictators, he has encouraged this. Don't encourage these things. Don't encourage this sort of behavior. Don't encourage disorder at all. Sometimes it's sort of unavoidable. It is. If you own cats, it is unavoidable that the cats do everything they can to stink up homes. And don't tell me, I'm a cat owner. I've had many, many cats. Cats like their litter boxes. In fact, if you doubt this, if you doubt this, there's a cat we have, one of our cats, we go change the litter box. She goes and watches, and she'll sit there like, I can't, you know, how hard he worked on that? No, no, not that one. No, wait. Oh, my gosh, not that one. And she's offended. Please just leave that one. And she takes glory in this. Our dog, who is a sweet dog, she is the most emotionally adept, she has a high EQ, beautiful dog. And anytime I take her walking, people say, oh, my gosh, she's beautiful. What is she? My daughter did it. I said, yeah, well, she's a combination of everyone's favorite dogs. That's why people say that spot on. You know what she does? My dog curates deer poop. She goes because we get deer and elk in our backyard, not elk, deer and an occasional moose, but we've never seen an elk, but deer and an occasional moose. She goes to the backyard and she'll sniff around and here's this pile and that pile, and now that's not good. Then she finds the pile of deer poop she likes. And what she does is she, she angles herself until she can get the back of her head into the deer poop and then she just rolls in it and gets her back and she says, I love the smell of this. This is so good. And then she comes inside, smell me. No, no, no, honestly, smell my finger. And she comes in and she says this, or she can't speak, but then she stinks. At Goodness, we have the Oxyleaf two thunderstorm devices plugged into our wall that produce ozone, which conquer the molecules that create bad smells, be it rotted meat in your truck, trust me, it happened to a brother, kid puke in a car, trust me, it happened to a friend of mine, whose son did that in her car, or things like a deer poop loving dog. Get your own, breathe the breath of fresh air again, go to and you buy one, you get one. I don't know that a discount is more radical. Buy one, get one,, enter code Toddbogo, that's, enter code Toddbogo. The disorder that is coming from the leftists who are involved in the purposeful destabilization of the United States is the same disorder that is coming for the rest of the West. I always ask us to look at patterns. How's that illegal immigration thing going in China? Is that, do they have a bad illegal immigration problem? Now, there are totalitarian state, but then again, we are following closely on their heels to become a totalitarian state, but is there illegal immigration there? No. Does this country write checks on a minute by minute basis for a billion dollars to Ukraine to protect its sovereignty, its border with Russia? Yes. Are we putting American lives at risk for that? Almost certainly, yes, given what NATO's decided is to put our troops up on their, up on the doorstep of Russia in Ukraine. Have we written checks to countries like El Salvador to help support their border? Yes. Do we continue to do this? Yes. But here? No. Is a country, the common home of people? Yes. Is your house a common home for your family? Yes. Do you in your house come home and there's five people you don't know. You walk in, you walk in from a busy day at work, you set your gym bag down, and it's like clockwork orange. Say, well, who's the strange five people going, "Munchy, why don't we take such a toasty toast in the front room?" Well, son, those are the newcomers. Where'd they come from? The government sent them. They're the newcomers. What are their names? They don't know. They just landed here. They're eating our food, but they're the newcomers. Now, you might suggest you might even go into the front room and go, "Hey, hi." So, I'm Todd and I pay for this house and I own it. Who are you? Who are the newcomers? Now, you didn't turn into a racist when you walked in and said, "Wait, like, that's not going to be your first concern, but wait, are you Chinese or Korean? I'm a white guy, so I can't tell." You're going to be kind of like, "What are you doing here?" If you invite people or they knock on the door, "Hey, we're your new neighbors. We just moved up the street. Hey, please come in, but I'm Chinese. I don't care. Come in. You're our neighbors. Please come in." Well, over time, you get to know a person. Sure, it's natural. Now, you have them in the house, but you're going to have rules. What's being done to the West is just the same thing. It is open the door. People come in and it's just, "Boom! No more farms for you. No more ranches for you. This is where the newcomers get to go. That school's gone. This is for the newcomers." And it is a tempting thing then to hate the newcomers, but we can't because the Lord Jesus says, "Love your neighbor." Secondly, they're being used. Some of them are happy to be used. Some of them are happy to come in and help destroy the West. But we don't get to respond that way with hatred, but it's the same dynamic. And the government is doing everything they can to say, "These people are special. They don't have to follow the rules." They get more leniency than you do. They get all the nice things you had, and they're putting it in their faces. They get all the nice things you had. This cannot be happenstanchal because it's happening too consistently. This is Belfast, North Ireland. I cannot believe that I'm about to play for you a clip that shows the troubles coming back. I remember having a conversation with a full-on IRA terrorist. This was back in the radio days, way back in 1996 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Jerry Adams, who worked with Sinn Fein, that was the political arm of the IRA. So he was the diplomat. He was giving his speech, promoting a book. I think it was at Barnes & Noble, and I couldn't get him on. He didn't want to come on or couldn't or something. He probably would have, but he couldn't come on. So we did a bit of counter-programming, and I said to my producer, "Can you find me an IRA terrorist?" Let's bring in an IRA terrorist. You sure? Yeah, because we can't get Jerry Adams on, so let's go from the political arm to the military arm of the IRA. The terrorist arm is what they would be called. So he found a guy who had just been released from prison. The producer, by the way, is the very brilliant Clyde Lewis, who does an incredibly successful paranormal radio show. Clyde is an unbelievably brilliant radio man, as I've said every single time I talk about him, because it's true. So Clyde finds this guy, double confirms it's him. He comes on the program, and I realize I'm talking to a guy who was convicted of blowing up civilians to affect government change. In other words, the actual definition of terrorist. So I bring him on, and I said, "Who is Jerry Adams?" "Oh, he's a coward. He's a blanket coward." Because he's up to the powers that tried to kill the kids. He's a, and then f-word, f-word, f-word. I said, "What is the difference in your mind between a soldier and a terrorist?" So let me ask you something. Have you ever stood next to a mate who just had his effing legs blown off, and he's screaming for his mother, because he's dying? You ever seen that? Senior friends beaten by government troops, because they want that country back? Have you ever seen that? The face is smashed in by blanking, storm-trooping, and I'm thinking emotionally, shock, shock, shock, shock, shock, in effort, effort, effort. And I had to tell him, "I don't want to censor you, but I have to have you understand, when you use the f-word, people can't hear you, because I have to blank that stuff out." Well, that's for you. The raw emotion. He said he willingly went to prison. Because of what he watched Brits do. The British government do to his friends. This video I'm about to play for you or audio, depending on how you're consuming the program, is from Belfast. He was from Belfast. I am not excusing his actions to go blow civilians up. I can't excuse that. It's murder. Christians can't excuse it. It was in a military action. It was a terrorist action. This is not the government bombing people. It's not the government setting off IEDs. It's the government setting off a culture bomb. By allowing people in England and Ireland to see, "Oh, I see the newcomers when they protest and it turns into a riot," that's a good thing, and it's mostly peaceful. When we protest and it turns into a riot, we are told from the prime minister of England, "I guarantee you will regret being part of this uprising," and immediately, they're not just going after people who turned over police cars. They're going after people who posted on social media. It's setting off a culture bomb. It's not an IED, but it's an emotional one. This is now the newcomers property. So we'll get to this video in a second. This guy I talked to, he'd taken beatings for his beliefs and his brothers had taken beatings for his beliefs. He'd seen people blown up. That just is so much larger than the beatings that we go through on a daily basis, but you probably go through some beatings on a daily basis. If you have a certain age or getting to a certain age or aging, those beatings are going to feel harder and harder and harder to overcome. There's a tool that I use. I've added it to my repertoire or as you like my protocol, I was having lunch with a friend the other day, said, "You're way too regimented." I'm like, "Yeah, you know what? I love being in control of the way my body feels. I love it." I love being able to play in significant forms of exercise that's play for me. One of my tools is Native Path Collagen. This stuff is scientifically back to accelerate tissue recovery. By the way, to prevent joint degradation when you're going to really form serious forms of exercise. For you, that might be a 13-mile hike. For you, it might be a one-mile hike depending on where you're at with in terms of your fitness. Don't overlook things like yard work. That's flat hard getting up and down and being in your knees and actually gardening like gardeners do. This also helps increase bone mineral density. As you reach a certain age, you're less likely to break a hip. Native Path Collagen has sold 4 million jars of this collagen to over 1 million happy customers. By the way, when you bundle deals, you get this at 3 and 6 packs at a fraction of the price of other collagen brands, including up to 45% off. One other thing about Native Path, I love these guys because they take Native Path Collagen and they send it to a third party. Independent third party checks it for heavy metals or any toxins like that. They want to make sure it's perfectly, perfectly healthy. So right now, you can get Go there, Get Native You get up to a 45% discount and you will get free shipping. If you're coming to the 365-day money-back guarantee so you can try it risk-free, the website again is for up to 45% off that's This is Belfast, North Ireland. The troubles are back. This time it's not Protestants and Catholics. This time by virtue of the government. And this is the World Economic Forum-backed government, the EU. Now it's the newcomers versus people who'd rather not have their houses, schools, hotels and farms taken away. You do not stop and pack rounds will be fired. So the camera is panning through the streets, cops and riot gear, ambulances, armored personnel carriers, and usually cops don't go armed but they are like this. Military looking, blocking off every section of the street. It's burning down just like in the olden days. I'd love to hear what Bono and you two say about this truly. It is a written song about the troubles. In fact, our last album had a song about the troubles. We are looking again at another division and how long ago was it that things in Belfast sort of calmed down. If you were to look at a lake community, okay, let's just say that, I don't know, I'll grab a name out of the hat, Fish Lake. There's a place in Washington State called Fish Lake because it's got fish in it. And it's just quite little lake and it's alongside I-90. And there's a little campground there and there's a little town nearby. You see no guy who lived there. It's a little town. It's got, I think, one cafe. I actually ate there once. It's got like one gas station. And up on the hill, there's about 20 houses. And those people have lived there for years. They overlooked Fish Lake. They've got to drive across the freeway to get there. It's kind of a hassle, but it's beautiful. What if they woke up one morning and there were 2,000 shacks set up? And they said, well, wow, there's 2,000 shacks. And then they decided, well, you know, can't fight City Hall. And they go across the street, across the freeway, which is a hassle, and they're going to go down to Fish Lake as they have for 40 years. And then they get to Fish Lake and they find out, oh, wait, so wait, we can't go there? Well, yeah, you can, but the newcomers are going to yell at you. And they're going to threaten you and they might stab your 12-year-old. I don't think you'd like that. It's incumbent to remind ourselves we're to be kind to sojourners, for we ourselves are sojourners. We're not citizens of this world. We're here visiting. That is it for Christian. We've given our life to the Lord Jesus. This is a place we're visiting. We're sojourners. And sojourners are also to follow the laws of the land. We as sojourners are not to go and say, I refuse to follow the laws of this country. I appeal to a higher authority. Unless that law of a country says you will violate God's word. What the EU has done is just this. They could say it didn't happen overnight, and it didn't, but it had reached a crisis point where people have watched. They have watched as immigrants are allowed to rape and stab and be given sentences like probation. They watched 1200 girls raped and trafficked. And social workers and hospital authorities said nothing because you're not supposed to criticize the newcomers. And eventually stuff just builds up. Remember the Kenny Rogers selling the coward to the county? It's a great story. Everybody knew it was the coward of the county because he would turn the other cheek. And it's this great story. It just keeps building up. And then one day, and a guy came and he pushed the coward of the county and he bullied the coward of the county and he made threats to the coward of the county. And the coward of the county turned his other cheek, offered it up, walked away. Then the bully came for the coward of the county's wife. And by virtue of coming for his wife, his kids, he wasn't a coward. He was a man who practiced restraint. And when the time for restraint was gone, he blew the guy up. People in the West are people of restraint. And eventually you push a person, and this is what the EU has done. Well, 1200 girls raped. That sucks. Entire areas of islands and the UK now effectively no-going zones for white people. That sucks. Stabbing and raping of girls. That sucks. So in the minds of many people, it's all the newcomers. That's not accurate because it's not all the newcomers. Many people have taken the hating. We can't do that if we serve the Lord Jesus. But other people have said this, that's it. I'm going to the streets. And then having gone to the streets to protest, they find out this protest is not a sponsored protest. We're not going to march with you like we do people who are marching to pretend boys or girls and girls or boys that cops march with them. We're not going to do that. We're not going to protect you from the newcomers who come to attack your protest. Far from it. We'll let them attack you. But if you go back at them, we're coming at you. People see this in a small percentage of people then say, that's it. I'm pushing back. And the people who want the division look at this and they smile. And who in a spiritual sense wants this? Picture Jesus. He sees this and Jesus wept. Satan sees this and it's the rolling stone song. Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste, sympathy for the devil. That's what's coming if Camille Harris is inserted as the figurehead, the chief figurehead over the country. This is the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley. And this is a report of what happened when he was leaving a cabinet office in Westminster. He was asked a question about the two-tier policing that we're talking about here. And watch, watch what happens. You're watching Sky News. I want to show you some new images that have just been shared with us. This is Sir Mark Rowley, commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, leaving the cabinet office in Westminster earlier this morning, just a few moments ago. Let's show you these images as he leaves the building. Are we going to end two-tier policing, Sir? He grabs the microphone on the camera. I just want to show you that again. That question from that reporter about two-tier policing. You'll see the Met Police commissioner grabs the grey implement. That's the microphone. Here it is. And then walks off other members of the press following him as he walks across the row there to what looks to be the waiting car. They were new images being brought to us. We'll bring you more on that situation shortly. Of course, the government calling that COBRA meeting to bring together people like Sir Mark, police chiefs like Sir Mark, to look to how to respond to the situation across the UK, both in England and Northern Ireland, just in those developments as he left that meeting. We'll bring him or we'll have our correspondent, Mario Rora, in Downing Street for us. We'll get a reaction in due course. Back when my daughter was young, she used to talk about this element of a story called "Shapeshifters." So a shapeshifter is a character who can be good or bad. One of the ultimate shapeshifters was in the Lord of the Rings, Schmiegel, who was also, what was his other name? There was Schmiegel and then he was the, "Oh, the press us." Gollum. Yeah, Schmiegel was the, "Me like the hobbits. Hobbits are wonderful. Hobbits is me friends." And Gollum, "The press us." All right. He was this little monster. He was the ultimate shapeshifter. And my daughter would talk about these kind of ham-handed kid movies, where she'd say, "Watch, he turns good." You know, dad watched the lion turns good. And it's just this sort of thing where all of a sudden the lion's the good guy. Isn't it weird how all at once white people in the UK became angry and racist and hate-filled and are willing to go overturn police cars and such? Isn't that weird? Maybe it's the weather. You know, the climate's changing. Maybe it's the modified RNA injections. That makes more sense in the weather. Maybe it's push, push, push, push, push, push, push. There's a guy I used to train with. And he was a very big and very friendly man. And if you didn't know it about him, you wouldn't know that he had a background where he grew up in Harlem and had to help his dad escape getting stabbed after cheating in a poker game. And a guy pushed him and pushed him and pushed him. And my friend said the most remarkable thing. He put his hands up like this. As a guy has pushed his chest and he said, I want you to understand something. I want you to hear me. If we go, we're going to go. And the guy wanted to go. So he hit my friend. And my friend nearly killed him in a hallway in a gym. And when I say nearly killed him, I mean, choking him out after beating him in the face, but it's 10 times until they kind of regain himself and stood up. That process took about six months for my friend to finally do that. Everybody sought coming except the owners of the gym who were not willing to kick a gay man. Out of the gym. Even though there were plenty of gay guys who already worked out there, they didn't want the reputation. I'm not using my friend's name because they don't know that the statute of limitations are over. And there were only a couple of us who witnessed it. And when the police came, we told them that guy begged for this. The EU has been begging for this. You could call it toxic masculinity. It's not and yet that's what some people are going to call it, including the guy who is the husband of figurehead to be, she thinks, Harris. I'll show you this. Her husband, Douglas Emhoff, talking about toxic masculinity, or at least his version of that. Douglas Emhoff, the husband of the figurehead VP, Harris, sat down for an interview and just some context on this. This is a guy who committed a sin issue, a big sin. I mean, God doesn't delineate things that way very often, but he had an affair with a nanny and he's admitted to this. And the rumor is that he got her pregnant and then pressured her to go have an abortion. So of course he repents and he says, look, I know what toxic masculinity is because I've used it on women. Well, he doesn't exactly do that, but here's what happens. Talk about masculinity for a moment. As being second gentlemen, change your own view of perceived gender roles of what it means to be a man. This is something I've thought about a lot and something I've spoken about a lot. There's too much of toxicity, it's masculine toxicity out there. We've kind of confused what it means to be a man, what it means to be masculine, where you've got this trope out there that you've got to be tough and angry and lash out to be strong. It's just the opposite. Strength is how you show your love for people. Strength is how you are for people and how you have their back and how you stick up for other people and pushing up, pushing out against bullies. And that's what I believe it is. So every time I can speak against this toxicity, we're seeing it with our younger people, we're seeing it in our discourse and our politics. In the media, you're seeing it as it relates to so many of the issues that we're pushing back on. So I think it's a problem and I'm going to continue to use this platform every time I get to speak out against this toxic masculinity that's out there. Would toxic masculinity be using a power to screpancy like being the employer of a nanny? And then I don't know how it happened. Maybe she should use Tim, he should use Turb, but then giving into that and keep it in that sit. Now, I don't think for five seconds that Kamala Harris and Douglas Emhoff live any sort of Christian life. Just looking at the fruits, I don't know their hearts. God knows their hearts and their motives. I'm trying to use discernment and looking at the fruits of what they produce together. I don't see anything to indicate that there's any Christian fruits from this. But wouldn't that be sort of toxically masculine? And then if it's true that he pushed her into having an abortion, wouldn't that be even more firmly toxically masculine? But let's go back to the coward of the county. He's pushed and he's pushed and he's pushed and the bully's coming for him and making fun of him and physically pushing him and belittling him and it's restraint, restraint, restraint, restraint, restraint, then the bully goes after his wife and by virtue of going after his wife, his family. And then what? The other portion of masculinity God gave us in the delineation of sex roles to a large degree. You're not coming for my wife. Stop here. Case of my friend in the gym, six months of pushing, six months of judgment, six months of parking so close to my friend's car that he couldn't get out of the spot. And when my friend said, Hey, could you move your car? Yeah, I'll get around to it. In the genesis of this hatred, that guy wanted to be a trainer there. Wasn't qualified six months. And finally, after some physical pushes in a hallway, lots of them, my friend puts his hands up and says, if we're going to go, if we go, we're going to go. You warned him. They went. It's a very complicated thing because we are to turn the other cheek. And Jesus said, when you come for the least of these and you insert yourself between me and them, you're going to wish that there was a millstone tied around your neck. And God made all of us. Where is he really going to aim his anger? We don't know. It's a dangerous thing to try to think like God, but I don't think it's going to be at masculinity. He invented it. Incidentally speaking of masculinity, would it be toxically feminine to use your sexuality for career advancement? Like, you know, Kamala Harris did with Willie Brown. Wouldn't that be toxically feminine? I don't think either are feminine or masculine. I think they're sin issues. God will judge the use of violence. God will judge that. If it's an ungodly actor stopping and it's an abuse of someone and someone's about to lose their life, I think it's difficult to argue that the God who gave us life wouldn't want us to use our masculinity. Or if you're a strong woman or a well-trained woman, you're femininity to stop it, but you wouldn't be using that. You'd just be using the physical gifts God gave you. We started today talking a bit about disorder and about what Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are getting. This is what they voted for. They voted for disorder. There's another form of order that's being inserted. And this is the order of presuming of now announcing that Kamala Harris, who had been happy to accept the role as the first Indian Senator elected from the state of California, in fact, the first Indian Senator, I think in the nation, she's happy to accept that role. She didn't say, Hey, let's be clear. I'm black and Indian. She didn't do that because there's money at risk. There's a whole conversation about is she black? Michael Smirkomish. And I think we'll share this later today. Michael Smirkomish, CNN, he recently lectured three black men calling them low information voters like the whites, just as bad as white men. And they said that Kamala Harris is not black. In fact, four black men said she needs to explain that. Basically saying, we don't think she's black. He called them low information voters, just as bad as the whites. A black academic was on a panel. It's about immigration. And she said some things about people like Kamala Harris, merchandising blackness. And it is a sign of her encountering the disorder. And it's not, it's not, not, not the EU saying, here come the newcomers. But it's the EU saying, Hey, you know what, women are men, men are women. And now Kamala Harris is black, only black. Forget the Indian American thing. I'll play that for you in a second. I don't think it gets more disordered than what just went on in the stock market this week. There was supposedly a big comeback, 250 points regained and then gone. So why does that disorder exist? Because the government has been cons and bought and participated in making sure that seven companies get 40% of all invest, not all, but most investment dollars every single month. If you're on an electronic training platform, you in all likelihood have 40% of your dollars going to seven big tech companies every single month without regard to their performance, without regard to their P&L. That's disorder. Zach Gabraham's been warning us about this. He's been warning about how this encourages companies to make stupid risky decisions. And what did we see? A thousand point drop on the stock market on Monday. Add inflation to that. And let me ask you this question that retirement you thought you're going to have in five years. Does it look more like 10? How would you reverse that? How would you put yourself in a position where you wouldn't be vulnerable to those things? Here's what I suggest. Take Zach up on an absolutely free offer to look at your portfolio, to look at every investment, to look at your home, how much you have to pay off your goals for retirement. And at board capital management, they actively manage every portfolio, which in my judgment is the only way to reduce risk and volatility. And I know it can reduce it. They do this on one focus and that's risk management. Simply ask for a free consultation and you'll get that with Zach. Go to That's K-N-O-W. or you can call 866-779-RISC. But what capital management's an investment advisor representative, a Trek Financial LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor, investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Trek 24-244, go to This is a woman, a black woman, speaking about who is black. This is a panel on immigration of then everything I can to track her down. And I'm not successful in finding her name. Maybe you can help. To really get away from racial distinctions and idea of race because that was something that this whole idea of scientific racism had been so harmful to African Americans. And as it turns out, the scientific community eventually got out of that. Well, I mean, my ancestors didn't slave and sweat and, you know, toil and all that hard work that they did for Joanne Reed to have a job. She's the first, she's from the Congo. They worked for black Americans to have jobs. They did all that for black Americans, not people from the Congo who were first generation Americans. Not even Kamala Harris who's Indian American and Jamaican. My ancestors didn't work for Kamala Harris to have these benefits. They worked for black Americans to have benefits. I think even Obama is not even a black American. This is why using color, the skin color is not sufficient. It's confusing. And this is why I say white Americans and black Americans have been in America the longest sentence founding. And that is significant. That matters. That history matters. And so this is why, you know, and I don't know why so many. And you know, I want to get into this issue about black women, black American women supported. I know it's nonprofit. But black American women don't understand what's most of them. Some do, but most of them don't understand. They think everything is about skin color. And that's a superficial analysis of the situation. They're not looking at the history. They don't know the history. And they're just so wedded to the political left position embracing all of their policies. And their policies have been detrimental to black America. They need to get away from that embrace of all these policies that are the debtor. So what I'm thinking, they're not doing their homework. That's at the Center for Immigration Studies, color. It's an easy dividing line. Black people are good people. White people are very, very bad people. It's an easy way to define or to divide rather. The newcomers are very, very good people. They're here for a better life. The white people in the UK are very, very bad people. They're protesting because there's newcomers. When someone boils it down to simple stupidity and then sets one against the other, I can explain this with a meme, but you know it's a divisive tactic. I'll explain this with a meme. It's an easy one. I should have grabbed this for the show, but it's just coming to me. There's a meme where Klaus Schwab is sitting at a table and he's got a huge plate of cookies, huge plate. And to his left, there's a white guy who has one cookie. To his right, there is a black guy who doesn't have cookies. And here's what Klaus Schwab says. Careful, he says to the white guy. He, the newcomer wants to take your cookie. Well, this is what the EU has put in to Belfast and the UK, except they're taking cookies for them. Push, push, push, push, push. And eventually, if we go, we're going to go. In 1 Corinthians 14, verse 33, God, in his word, we read this, "For God is not a god of disorder but of peace, as in all the congregations of the Lord's people." Let us remember this. We cannot hate people. We must recognize that they are also being used and that many of them are also spiritual captives. Thank you, Lord, for your word. Thank you for allowing us the indwelling of the Holy Spirit so we can see frustrating things like this and not respond emotionally. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]