The Todd Herman Show

Kammi Harris will bring a UK style cultural collapse to America Ep-1770

The collapse is already happening in the UK where people who would prefer to stay home and eat crisps and drink tea are instead in the streets surrounding these hotels for migrants, in other words, illegal immigrants. What's happening in the UK will happen here under Kammi Harris. It's by design. She is the perfect person compromised at the soul level for such a time. Oh, did I say compromised at the soul level? You know her deep Christian faith? Yeah, about that. 

What does God’s Word say?
Matthew 5:43-48 Love for Enemies
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. 
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07 Aug 2024
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Never thought I'd live to see the rebirth of the Troubles in Ireland, Belfast. Did you see the Troubles? Yep Protestants and Catholics back at it. Nope. It's the people to whom we're referred to as the newcomers versus longtime residents of Ireland. It's not all Irish citizens, and it's not all of the so-called newcomers. But it's reached a crisis point. In Belfast, the police are threatening to use impact rounds on citizens. And the so-called uprising is a response to this. Open borders, absolutely everybody gets in, don't even bother pretending it's legal, flood the system with immigrants from countries who do not care for the West, do not share the faith, do not have any reason to be loyal to the countries they're joining. And they're being shown in very clear terms, the newcomers, that they don't have to follow the laws, that they'll be given things that Irish citizens don't have. The same thing is happening in the UK. Similar uprisings. This is an absolute dream scenario for the people who want to destroy the West. Part of the reason for the mass influx of people is just this. As Christians, we can't fall into hating people. We can't. We're to love our enemies, even the people who run Cami Harris. We're to love. We cannot fall into hating the newcomers. They are, and many of them, spiritual captives. But we can have some discernment. What's happening in Europe will happen here, if Cami Harris is put into the White House, so we can prepare ourselves. We'll talk about this with the help of Renew.Healthcare and God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats in tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of Free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided which he'll live. There is an image that would be helpful for you to be in the video service to see. It's in the show notes as well, so you can look at it later. It's video dot video dot the Todd Herman Show dot com where you can get a free seven day trial. But this is some of the reasons why there are these uprisings in the UK. The image is two white guys, one immigrant, and it's this. A guy posted supposedly racist comments on Facebook, and he got 15 weeks in jail. Another guy sold what are being described as anti-immigration stickers. He got 24 months in prison. On the far right or stage, what stage left, a newcomer, apparently, repeatedly raped a 12 year old girl. He was given 180 hours community service and no prison time. Kevin Sorbo posted this, by the way. That's a message. And the message to the so-called newcomers is you don't have to play by the same rules because you're a separate country. You represent a separate country. What country doesn't matter? It's actually a faith. You represent Islam, which of course transcends country lines. The stupidity of this policy should be utterly clear to anybody who thinks for five seconds about this. That you show one group of people they are utterly above reproach, not even to be criticized. By virtue of the fact that there are people in jail and prison for criticizing them, be it for their race or their religion or criticizing a policy, mass immigration. We're not there yet in America. I mean, they are jailing people for speech. They are. They have and they will again. They wanted to imprison President Trump for speech. His questioning of the election was one of the things they were charging with. He was inciting a riot by questioning an election. They're still trying to charge him with that. If Kamie Harris is inserted into the White House, we're going to see something very similar here. Maybe not in the first year. Maybe not in the first four years. But when there are no-go-zones set up in the country, like in Minneapolis, where there are entire parts of cities that are now Muslim, that's not the great melting pot. That's a cliché and it should go without saying, but it's also a tempest, just waiting to explode. Kamie Harris is not going to stop any of this. Kamie Harris benefits from this. She might be, in my opinion, perhaps the most soulless and least, let's say intellectually reputable person we've ever had on a major ticket. And of course, she wasn't voted into that position. She was installed, just like they will install her in the White House if given the chance, if she doesn't win, God forbid. A picture of Kamie Harris asking for money, and that's all she's doing on her website. Today is the day I hope we will donate. Some people online took a look at her necklace and noticed that it's a necklace that, if it's the same one and it sure looks to be, bold graduated link necklace, $64,000. And they talk about President Trump taking people for a ride by asking for money when he's got billions. What we will see is the same thing that we will see that we're seeing in the UK if you're paying attention to it. And notice this, and this is, I think, vital for us to look at with the Mockingbird media. Did you notice there's no war on Ukraine? It's over. They've stopped talking about it because it's unpopular. They've stopped talking about the war between Hamas and Israel, to a large degree because it's unpopular. It's a policy they don't want to discuss. They've stopped talking about the border. Right after they said, "Kami is not the borders are." They stopped talking about it. We won't stop talking about it. There's a whole pent up feeling of rage in Europe, and particularly in the UK because of what has been done to children. Look, what's being done to children here. It's not just the gender abuse. It's not just the sex trafficking coming out of schools. It's not just the grooming in the schools. The tale has yet to be told on what's happened to kids in a country where pedophiles are given access to them. And in fact, pedophiles are being groomed into working the schools. I'm not saying they're recruiting pedophiles. I'm not saying that the government schools are going out and trying to find pedophiles to teach there. They don't have to. They're setting up an environment attractive to pedophiles. They want to talk about kids to talk with kids about sex. They can get paid to do that. They want to come into a country and be lawless. That's what the cartels want. They don't want law. They're being shown. You can come into parts of this country and you can be lawless. That's what they're being shown. Pay attention as we go through this to the Mockingbird media's response, or non-response, the implication of their use of the propaganda of silence. Silence is a potent thing. If you don't speak of something, it's not happening. And if you don't notice things over time, then it's almost like they're not happening. You might not notice that it takes longer for you to get back your feeling of being okay after something as simple as going out and water skiing for the weekend. Has that happened to you yet? You go out water skiing or you go out hiking and you come home and you realize, man, it takes me a little while to feel okay. That's natural with age. And to the young people watching and are listening, it will come for you. It's there now. It's lurking now, but it will come for you. One of the things you can do to forestall this, in fact, to turn it around, is to employ a protocol. One of my protocols is collagen. And I choose native path collagen. It's a formula that is scientifically backed to accelerate tissue recovery. Just this morning, I decided to go on a vested run of a mystery length. I'd never run this trail before. I gave myself two hours just in case it was really bad. It turned out to be a far longer run than I thought. A far harder run than I thought at night because I could barely see. I'm sore this morning. And native path collagen will help me turn that around. It also protects my joints and it protects yours. It concentrates on having only type one and three collagen fibers that's found in 90% of your body. Importantly, that includes your cartilage. They've sold four million jars of collagen with one hundred apartment with one million happy customers. So here's what you can do. Right now, go visit get native and stock up a native path collagen. You can save up to 45% that's nearly half off. Plus get free shipping and every order comes with a 365 day money back guarantee. So there is zero risk. That's the website again is get native Sign up for this now and get up to 45% off. Get native Don't let that stuff stay silent in the background. There's a map that you can look at in the UK and it maps violence and looting. And that map ties back to certain neighborhoods. Poor neighborhoods. We hear so often from people on the left that they need to take care of the marginalized people and they pretend that the immigrants, the newcomers are marginalized. They're not marginalized. They're highly protected people. They're being inserted into certain neighborhoods. And they're being inserted into hotels. They're being inserted into places where they want to destroy family farms. That's the new new Scotland Ireland UK. They're all watching farmers being told you have to get rid of this land. This livestock can't be here. We need new we need room for the immigrants. But there's also this and it goes way back. I can remember when I first read about the Rotterdam scandal and I saw it online. I saw people talking about it in Rotterdam. And I remember thinking this cannot be real. This could not have happened. It did. This has never faced full reporting in the United States. It's the propaganda of silence. It's still not. The United States media isn't talking about the uprisings. They didn't talk about the uprisings in Netherlands where farmers actually took over the government. They didn't talk about and still don't talk about the fact that farmers in Paris and other parts of France have been spraying government buildings with feces. Have you noticed that they don't talk about that? They do not want Americans to understand that there is a global uprising against the same people who back Cammy Harris. They may not be the same names, but they're the same types. They're the people who want to control our food supply, what we eat and when. They're the people who want to chemically addict our kids to wrong sex hormones. They're the same people who want open borders policies which will lead to this massive disruption. It's not because people from different cultures cannot get along. No, it's because it's done as a glop of people. They're not encouraged to join the country that they're coming to at all, not ideologically, not rhetorically, not from the heart. The Rotherham scandal was this. There were reports bubbling up in social work in the UK and to cops and in hospitals. That there were a whole lot of British girls, little girls showing up saying that they had been taken captive by, and the nomenclature is Asian men or, yeah, they see Asian men. What they mean is Muslims. That they've been taken captive, beaten, raped, and then forced to provide sexual services. There were eventually over 200 arrests, 300 suspects, and 1,150 victims. 1,150. So as these reports started to surface and there were more and more girls coming and telling these tales, and then other girls coming in and saying, my sister was murdered. My friend was murdered because they threatened to speak out. There was an absolute propaganda of silence around this. Families went to the media and said, do you know what's happening with the Muslim rape gangs? That's what they called them. And I'm going to say it again, not all Muslim men are rapists by a long shot, not nearly all, not anything like all. It's a small percentage, but the Quran encourages rape as a tool of war, as a tool of conquest. They can't talk about this in the Machinberg media. There are citizens in the UK who remember Rotherham. They know about the nearly 1,200 victims. They know about a young woman who was burned to death because she was going to tell what was going on. They know that authorities covered it up. These are the same sorts of authorities who, when they put men into mental hospitals with women and those men raped women, these people went on the stand under oath and said, no, that didn't happen. There are no women in our hospitals because they're trans women. So this frustration has built in the populace. And so the latest stabbing comes. A young girl is stabbed by a newcomer. Well, citizens of the UK and Ireland are being shown. Nothing serious is going to happen. We don't do that to newcomers. And it boils over. I think I played for you the clip of the UK Prime Minister who sponsored and promoted the Black Lives Matter Incorporated riots and then came out and said, I guarantee you will regret being part of the uprising, the latest uprising. And true to his word, they're knocking on doors. They're going after people who posted about it on social media. Kami Harris will do the same thing here. She'll pursue the same policies. Kami Harris is surrounded by people who will pursue these policies. We as Christians can't hate. We can't hate these people. We as voters have to be aware of this. And we as communicators need to develop a strategy to talk to people who are persuadable. Kami Harris comes from a state that is overrun with criminals. She's never criticized it. She's never tried to stop it. Kami Harris has selected as a running mate, a man Tim Walz, who cheered and in fact helped get started the Black Lives Matter Incorporated riots. He is a guy who stood by as statues were overturned. And he pretended it was all peaceful. Kami's record of this should be clear. This tweet from Kami Harris, as regard to a article in the Politico, Kamala Harris wants dreamers to work in Congress. And Kami Harris tweets or someone writing for her on Twitter writes, dreamers represent the best of who we are as a nation. And there are dreamers across the country that want to give back and serve the public in Congress. But right now they aren't eligible to work for pay. Today I introduced a bill to change that. She introduces a bill like this. Tim Walz signed into law, another bill. It's a bill that could have something to do with election integrity because why would they want that? After all, just up the street from Minnesota and Michigan, the dictator of Michigan signed a bill into law that makes it illegal to recount ballots because of charges of vote fraud. So if you say, hey, we think there's vote fraud, we want to recount, you don't get to do that. You have to come up with another reason, such as we don't like odd numbers. See, this all happened in the dead of night. We all washed it. We all washed it occur. And there are people who want to pretend that, oh, it's just happenstance. It happened in five states at 4.30 in the morning. I tend to think there's a reason they chose 4.30 in the morning that happens to be, as I understand it, the maximum human fatigue hour, the prime fatigue hour for people's minds. This is why so many knock and talk warrants or not knock and talk, but knock and blow up warrants or the blow the door down occur at 4.30 in the morning because people are groggy. Most people are in the dead of sleep. Can we hear us speaking in angry tones? She's speaking here on behalf of immigrants, and she's speaking about something from a perspective of a devout Christian. You'll see that in a second. I forgot this thing about Tim Walts. Tim Walts signed into law, a bill that gave illegal immigrants driver's licenses. Why? You know. To get them on voter rolls. Because once they're on voter rolls, we all know it's insanely difficult to get them off the voter rolls. In fact, in states like Washington, they do not check the voter database to make sure illegal immigrants aren't on it. They've made it impossible. The former secretary of state there, Kim Wyman confessed that to me on my radio show. She pretended that no such database could exist. I said, no, there's a federal database. You could hook up to that. She said that couldn't happen. Well, by the way, she now works for the people who run Joe Biden, Kim Wyman does. She was a Republican, don't you know? And then she went to work for the people who run Joe Biden. That's what Tim Walts signed into law, along with many other things, that one particularly related to election integrity. Kami Harris is being sold, particularly to the black community, as a very, very sincere Christian. Her faith runs her life. So let me ask you a question if you are a sincere Christian. Is there anything that government could do to tell you to stop praising the Lord Jesus? If you're not a sincere Christian, do you think there's anything that could be done to make you stop praising? Oh, I don't know your favorite NFL team. Kami Harris had a reason that we should stop praising the birth of the Savior of mankind. And when we all sing happy tunes and sing Merry Christmas and wish each other Merry Christmas, these children are not going to have a Merry Christmas. How dare we speak Merry Christmas? How dare we? Children brought into this country, often trafficked, against their will, put into sex slavery, her policies make no effort to stop that. The reason for the detention at the kids of the border, and that's what she's talking about, she wants mass amnesty. The reason for the kids being detained at the border as the Ninth Circuit Court upheld. The most liberal of all the courts, the most leftist of all the courts, is so we can try to figure out are they with their parents? Are these actually family members? She wants to skip that step. So she's angrily demanding amnesty, and she's angrily telling you you cannot praise the birth of your Savior until they're open border policies, until we have amnesty across the board. She knows exactly what she's doing. She's not a particularly smart woman, but this is a blunt object strategy. It's not surgery. It's hammering the nation to death. It's not brain surgery. It's a stone to the face. She gets that very, very well. Kami Harris is someone who's never made a hard decision because she has no moral groundwork. She has no basis beyond her own desire, her hubris desire for control. That drives her. The Border Patrol officers tell a far different story. This is a Border Patrolman and an appearance with President Trump. And your agents present, they are pissed. Border Patrol agents are upset that we cannot get the proper policy that is necessary to protect human life, to protect American citizens, to protect the people that are crossing the border illegally. We want to protect them as well. And we can't do that because President Biden's policies continue to invite people across here. Thank goodness we have a governor, like Governor Abbott. Thank goodness we have somebody that's willing to run for President of the United States, for go everything else that he's been doing to serve the American people present. Thank you. If you've been married for any time at all, you're going to have arguments. Sometimes they're really bad. If you've ever lived with a roommate, you've had arguments. Sometimes they can become really bad. If you've ever been in a business circumstance during a title, let's say release cycle or economy's bad or you have to ship something or everybody's working overtime, you've had disagreements, sometimes it turned into arguments, particularly with big teams. The country is no different. When you bring a group of people in and you encourage them to remain newcomers, to continue to do things their way, and you hand them the money from tax paying Americans, 2,200 a month, sometimes 10 grand in cash, you're going to create a culture. The culture is we're set apart. The culture is we can demand. The culture is we see we are owed. The culture is we see that the law does not apply to us. You'll eventually end up in the Great Big House that is America, with the same sort of fights you're seeing in the Great Big House that is the UK and the Great Big House that is Ireland. It will take longer here because there's more space and more people. And Americans, believe it or not, they'll we come from a rebellious people who are built against England. Americans still still exist in a high trust environment. But that's changing. As Americans are figuring out they can't trust almost any government agency, we're starting to see signs of a low trust society. And again, it's on purpose. Cami Harris comes from a state where people are allowed to shoplift and they know it. That creates a low trust environment that works this way. Most people follow laws not because they're afraid of getting caught, but because they see that everyone else follows the law. When immigrants, the newcomers don't follow the law, when gangs don't follow the law, you start to get other people asking Christians like, "Why should I follow the law?" No one else does. When government displays the fact that it doesn't have to follow laws, when government displays the fact that it has no accountability, there's still no one fired for the secret service and the attempt on President Trump's life. When they see that, other people start to say, "Why should I have accountability?" Cami Harris and the people who run her will create the same sort of disconnect, the same sort of set aside policies and model to people that they have this special standing. There's one chart, I think, and we'll show this in a second, that really puts into, I guess, clear view the wholesale change that's going on in the country. And it's not just here, it's across the globe. I'll show you that in a second. If you have any place in your life, in your house, in your office, in your RV, that is likely to end up smelling really, really bad, there's a whole bunch of ways you could go at it. Let's count them. You can perfume the room. My wife and I, I'm laughing because she so often listens to her watch as a live show. We have disagreements about essential oils. There is not an essential oil on earth that smells good to me. It could smell like my favorite pizza and it would stink. It's something about essential oils, I cannot stand. My wife and daughter love essential oils and sometimes burn them in the house and I can come in and smell them from a mile away. Now to their defense, they can also go to the microwave and go, that's not a microwave, that's a fish wave. That's, you cook fish and that so often it's become fish and they're right. I open the microwave this morning and he's like, that actually smells more like fish than a microwave. I can't put the Eden pure oxyleaf two device into them. Wait, I could. Hold on a second. I could actually do that. No, the Eden pure oxyleaf two would fit in the microwave. I could take the connection from the USB, plug that thing in and stick it in the microwave, just don't turn the microwave on. That would destroy the smells from the fish. See, it produces ozone and those all three molecules are magic. They go about attaching themselves to the molecules of things that create bad smells like cigarettes or cigars or cat litter or fish or stink in essential oils. Or like the fake new car smell that people put into cars because they've smelled, they've spilled something horrendous. Are you using that? I've bought that device that you can spray into your car's heater or air conditioner. You sprayed in at the source and it goes through your truck and it eliminates smells except it doesn't. This will fumigate a car like you've never ever seen. It'll end up smelling like a thunderstorm. We run this every single day in the studio. You can buy one, get one. That's a radical savings. Just go to and enter code ToddBogo. That's Enter code ToddBogo. To buy one, get one. You'll breathe a breath of fresh air. You'll not have to buy air filters for this. It's silent. Every so often you wipe it off with a wet cloth just like Hillary did her server. And it continues to purify the air, not filter it, but purify it. Enter code ToddBogo. E.J. and Tony PhD took a look at the numbers, sourced this from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And here's what it looks like if you're in the video service. If not, I'll try to translate for you. Over the last year, Native-born Americans lost 1.2 million jobs while foreign-born employment has increased 1.3 million. We're just swapping out American workers at this point, not growing the pie for everyone. That almost sounds like a replacement theory. It is a replacement theory. It is an importing of people. It is showing them they matter more than Native-born Americans. Do not hate them. We are called to love our enemies, and I'm not calling immigrants our enemies. We're called to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We're called to love God first and foremost with our entire hearts, minds, and souls. And we're called to love these people as well, even as we criticize the policies, which we must do because they are insane and they're heartless. It's heartless for the immigrants. Here's why. You've promised them a new life in America while you were busily turning America into the countries they fled. You're promising them income and safety. While you're doing everything you can to make the country less prosperous and less safe, everything you can, there's nothing you would do differently if you intended to make the country less safe or less prosperous. That's not fair to them. They've made this entire journey, albeit many of them illegally, to come here with that promise. How is that fair? How is it compassionate? How is it kind? It's neither. How is it kind and compassionate or fair and compassionate to take the world's lifeboat? Again, we're 20, we're 5% of the world's population. We've taken at least 20% of the world's displaced peoples. How is it kind? How is it fair to take the world's lifeboat and begin seeking it, putting its face underwater? And why is this happening everywhere in the West, but not in places like Russia or China? Why are they immune from this because they want these policies here? Kami Harris was asked about this. She was at an airport and a woman came up from Turning Points USA. This is a time where it's really, really fun that the video service, because you can watch Kami Harris's body language and get a giggle out of the fact that she's uncomfortable. She knows she's not good at answering questions. She's afraid and she's agitated. Hi, I'm Jordan, Hispanic engagement with Turning Point USA. I want to ask you about the children. Kami Harris puts on a fake grin, turns away from the reporter, and is seeking out her body person. Someone come and help me. This lady is conservative. So everybody knows the woman asking the questions appears to be Hispanic. And she's director of Hispanic engagement for Turning Points USA. She probably is Hispanic. So everybody knows, Kami Harris is now blively ignoring her with a fake grin on her face because she's taking pictures with who, BIPOCs. Well, not really BIPOCs, black people, because Hispanics were told or sometimes BIPOCs, unless they're white Hispanics. And this whole charade continues. Promoting families, reunification with the child. You are directly impacting the Hispanic demographic in a negative way. You are directly impacting what is happening with the children in this country, and you are not doing what you're supposed to be doing as representatives. Representing women in this country, shame on you. You're not going to win. Damn, man, that woman belongs in Congress. Oh, wait, that's actually an appointment. She is in Congress because we didn't best. Nice, baby Johnson. Thanks for pointing it out. That's Anna Polina. I love her. She's in Congress now. When we are confronted with the reality that the woman who is going to be, she says, President of the United States is incapable of having a polite conversation with a BIPOC because the BIPOC is asking an inconvenient question like, what are you doing in the border? We see the true Kamie Harris. The Proverbs chapter, what, Proverbs 16 versus, no, Proverbs 6 versus 16 through 9 moment. I'll get that memorized. That should have been in the show notes. It's my fault that it's not. This is the AP. They write in support of Kamie Harris. Kamala Harris has range. She can grill nominees for the Supreme Court or meet with foreign dignitaries, then pivot to hosting a Diwali celebration or dancing enthusiastically. And HBCU styled marching band. Analysis Donald Trump question in Kamala Harris's race shows he doesn't understand code switching. What he doesn't understand is why Kamala Harris gets away with sometimes being Indian American when it suits her and sometimes black. That's what he doesn't understand. He doesn't understand what the media doesn't ask that question. He doesn't understand how the AP can go from a headline calling Kamala Harris the first Indian American elected senator from the State of California or elected senator. And then turn around and say she's going to be the first black president who's female. That's what he doesn't understand. It's not about code switching. It's also about gravitas. Kamie Harris is running it. No, she's not even running a campaign. She's hinting at a campaign. She's running for money. She has no real clear positions on policy. She doesn't want one. She won't talk to the media. Still no substantive interview. Talking to RuPaul is not a substantive interview. This is the new template for Democrats running for high office telepromptors only friendly media only no engagement with your opponent. Incidentally also from the world of Twitter, which is not the real world, Dom Lucre, breaker of narratives. Democrat dads for Harris, zoom call preview had 220,000 views in 24 hours, while blacks against Harris had 2.1 million in six hours. Hey, guess which one got the Mockingbird media stamp of approval? The Democrats have learned something about Christians. All too many Christians worship politics above the Lord Jesus. And so they have done a fantastic job of getting into the churches and particularly the black churches. I'll show you an example of this side by side, same talking points, different pastors. I don't know that there's money involved in this. There might well be. There's a lot of pastors falling. Even conservative evangelical pastors, they're not immune to that. Satan's marching through the churches. We as Christians need to support our pastors. When was the last time you went to your pastor and actually took him aside and said, "Hey, how are you?" And then followed up with, "No, but really, how are you? Is there anything we can do to support you more?" It's a tough time right now to be a pastor because of the pressures. Political season is horrible for pastors. There are pastors who I know to be absolutely rock solid conservatives who wouldn't think of voting for figurehead Biden, but they are called liberal because they do not get on the pulpit and say, "Vote Trump." Because they won't speak those words. There are people leaving churches. A church that teaches biblical standards that holds to biblical orthodoxy cannot align with the Democrat Party. There is not a single Democrat policy that stands in any way with biblical teaching. Not even the financial stuff. I know I hear people all the time saying, "But the Democrats want to give money to the poor." You just in a whole show talking about how Kamie Harris wants to bring people into the country. That's what Jesus did. Well, accept this. The New Testament tells us to follow the law. Government authorities are supposed to follow the law or to steward our finances responsibly. Open borders policies do not do that. We as human beings are to steward our finances responsibly. This past week when the stock market and the bottom fell out and a thousand points dropping one day, there were a ton of people who woke up worth 30 to 40 to 50 percent less money than they were the day before. If that happened to you and your retirement account had that happen, you have to. Go to or call 866-779-RISC. You have to get a review of Zach Abraham. If your retirement account went down like that, it will happen again. There are ways to hedge against this. When I talk about risk management, that's what I mean with Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer, Bullwork Capital Management. He's obsessed with risk management that requires some tools in my mind. There's no way to do risk management, in my opinion, other than active management of every single portfolio, which can reduce risk and volatility, and that is exactly what Bullwork Capital Management does. If you don't know how exposed you are to inflation, again, go to or call 866-779-RISC and Zach and his team will get with you to do a phone call with Zach or a video call. You can even go in person, meet with him in his offices in the Seattle area. He'll look at every investment you have, he'll look at your home, he'll look at your paycheck if you're still working, and he will tell you how exposed you are to inflation or days like Monday. Again, call 866-779-RISC or go to Bullwork Capital Management is an Investment Advisor Representative, a Trek Financial LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Investments involve risk, you could lose money, and past performance doesn't necessarily guarantee future results. Trek24-244, go to Some black pastors have an interesting habit of saying almost the same thing about Kamie Harris in almost the same way. God, man, I'm moving. It feels like, it feels like, well, it's going to be 8. I mean, it's going to be 22,000-8. It feels like 2,000-8, exactly. You see, exactly. From the outhouse to the White House. You don't feel that 2,000-8 electricity in the air. I'm going to let this go and say, you don't feel the 2,000-8 electricity in the air. You don't feel the 2,000-8 electricity in the air. That's pretty exciting. Donald Trump will not win. I haven't been so excited about the election since Obama, 2008. Kamie Harris is going to win this election. You don't win. When I will help, God has already done his part. You are so good to do. I will. Let me first say, I've not seen this kind of excitement in Michigan since 2008, when we elected our first black president, Barack Obama. It's not excitement, it's relief. The relief is, it's not the figurehead. The relief is, people no longer have to pretend the figurehead isn't falling apart mentally. That's the feeling. The feeling is, finally, we have someone that we can pretend to be hip, someone that we can pretend to be street. Kamie Harris is none of that. She's a daughter of privilege who grew up with parents, both of them have advanced degrees. She went to Howard University, then she went to Berkeley. She's never known poverty. Her stories about the civil rights marches are almost all made up and sometimes, in fact, plagiarized from Dr. Martin Luther King himself, the Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King. So much of her is plagiarized. She and the people around her look at what's happening in Europe. They can see it. They're aware of it in the UK and Ireland, and they say this. Good. Bring it here. There's not a single topic on which the people who run Kamie Harris are aligned with the Bible. God is a God of order, not disorder. He's a God of order, not chaos. He's a God of lawfulness, not lawlessness. And if you want to get really biblical, there is a time where the lawless one will come. And it will be a signal of the actual end times. Paving the way, prepping an environment. Democrats did it with gender ideology. They did it with open borders. They did it with election integrity. They always paved the way for what the big play is. The big play is full on lawlessness. The Democrats may or may not be aware of who they're serving, but to me, it's very, very obvious. It's not God. Lord, thank you for being a God of order, not disorder. Thank you for seeking to serve and not be served. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind. Please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [MUSIC]