The Todd Herman Show

The Secret Service Did A Meme - Trust In Government Is Dead, Good Ep-1768

Remember the cocaine that was found in the White House that we all thought was Hunter Biden's? It might well have been Joe Biden's, although I think they give him his drugs intravenously to probably stop now that he's no longer going out and having to act alert during debates. Apparently, the Secret Service director, the disgraced former director, Kimberly Chatter, did not want the cocaine found so she tried to tank that investigation. She's the same person who apparently didn't want the recording of the comms going on when President Trump was shot. And now we're being told that he wasn't really shot at all.
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Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
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I know it might be a weird comparison, but I'm thinking of a boy who was walking out on the ice. We were at Rocky Lake, I was there with my dad, and he was there with, well, we were there, my dad, my sister, and a couple of kids named Ronnie and Tammy, and I grew up with them. They were the kids of my dad's close friend at the time. And Ronnie kept walking out on the ice. Now, that story has a funny ending sort of at that moment. Pretty funny. Overall, it has a very, very tragic ending. So, of course, this reminds me of the Secret Service. Well, and government as a whole. Explain that. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma. Technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times that God has decided to live and sometimes this is these sometimes stories super, super helpful. I said it, explain it. So Ronnie and us up at Rocky Lake were on the edge of the lake and there was just ice, but not super thick ice. And Ronnie decided to walk out on it. Now, my dad was a social worker. He was very gentle around kids. He deeply loved kids and he loved these two kids. Ronnie and Tammy. Tammy would call my dad Grandpa, Uncle Terry. And when Ronnie was out on the ice, my dad said to him, very calmly, Ronnie, come in. And he didn't want to come in. Now, come in off the ice. You're going to fall in. That's not thick ice. You're going to fall in. That's cracking. You're going to fall in. And Ronnie wouldn't come in. My dad was patient. He never raised his voice but said, Ronnie, come in. Ronnie didn't come in. The ice cracked and he fell into an icy lake. And he began to scream for his life, splashing about. And my dad said, call me. Ronnie, stand up. Ronnie, stand up. Ronnie, stand up. And eventually Ronnie stood up. He was cold and freezing and scared. And so my dad lit a fire, had him take off the wet clothes, wrapped him up in my dad's hunting jacket. And Ronnie got good and warm and was nice and safe. But my dad saw it coming. Ronnie would later go on and do something very tragic or something very tragic was done to him. This is what got me thinking today about the secret service. Apparently the secret service director, the disgraced former director, Kimberly Chattel, she did not want the cocaine owner. No. This in the White House. Remember the cocaine that was found that we all thought was Hunter Biden's? It might well have been Joe Biden's. Although I think they give him his drugs intravenously and it probably stopped now that he's no longer going out and having to act alerts during debates. By the way, do you think they tanked him in that debate? I think they did. I think they tanked him by not giving him his meds. I think they wanted him out and they got him out. So she did not want that cocaine found. So she tried to tank that investigation. She's the same person of course who apparently didn't want the recording of the comms going on when President Trump was shot. And now we're being told, of course, he wasn't really somewhat shot, but maybe it was shrapnel. But it's this meme. It's this meme that someone said on Twitter, they literally did this meme that reminded me of Ronnie. It reminded me of exactly what we all saw was going to happen. You are going to fall into that lake. We all saw where Ronnie was headed as a person as well and very few of us, none of us could actually do anything to stop it. Can you see where the Secret Service is headed? I'll play this meme for you in a second. We in our lives can clear our own air, right? It's not emotional, not philosophical. It's just very, very simple. Sometimes there's stinky stuff. Particularly if you're a college student headed off to a dorm. If you're a college student and you listen to this or watch this, you don't have to go live in a stinky dorm room. You don't have to go live in a stinky room in your sorority or fraternity. Sometimes young people just don't put a big focus on hygiene. We know this, particularly young men. Likewise, in your home, you may have cats and dogs that can just freakly stink to place up. Maybe you smoke. Please stop smoking. It's probably killing you. Please stop. And if you feel that you can't right now, then you could also clear the air and do it in a very elegant way and get it started in about three minutes. It's the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 device. Take it out of the box, plug it into the wall within three minutes. Your home or your dorm or your sorority room or your trucker or RV will begin to smell like the after effects of a thunderstorm. You know that great smell? That's ozone. That's what the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm device produces. O3 in your room. Now here's the magic of these molecules. They bond to the bad smelling molecules and they destroy them. They change their chemical compound. They're destroyed. This even works with viruses. And what you get instead of the stink of cat letter is you get the smell of a thunderstorm. You can get an incredible savings right now. In fact, you can buy one and get one. Buy one, get one free or BOGO. As the young people say, I didn't know what that meant. Let's add another one. Fear of missing out. Don't FOMO your GOGO. Wait. Don't FOMO your BOGO? Is that the way it goes? Go to Enter code TOD BOGO. That's Enter code TOD BOGO to buy one, get one, and breathe a breath of fresh air again. The Secret Service went and did a meme. It's not the Simpsons, but it predicted almost precisely what we watched. And it reminds me of how Ronnie fulfilled a horrible, terrible, scary prophecy. Boss, as the building being checked. Which building? The only building in front of the stage. Ah, that building. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe not. How maybe not? You think it's necessary? I see a guy moving on the roof. Ah, the usual, guys. Boss is very suspicious. Might be doing a parkour. He's lie down flat on his stomach. He's probably in rest after doing parkour. He's looking towards Trump. Maybe the Trump fan tried to get a better view of him. Okay, he's pulled out a rifle. A rifle. Definitely a rifle. Can you tell if it's a real rifle? How I know if it's real? Maybe it's fake. And we are worrying for nothing. It's a real rifle. Very strange. Boss, are waiting your orders. Do you see any clay pigeon shooting devices? I don't think he's practicing shooting clay pigeons. We need to be sure, Frank. Boss, now he's aiming towards Trump. And you see his expression. What expression? His facial expression. He seems to be mad. I don't know, boss. Or is he looking at him? Admirably. I can't tell. Maybe it's just using the rifle scope to get a better look. Boss, if we don't take it now, he will shoot him. They come, Frank, I don't think. He's shooting boss. Holy cow. He's still shooting. What do I do? You don't see any clay pigeons around? Not clay pigeons. All right, in that case, fire a warning shot immediately. We couldn't have no, Frank. We did everything we could. Some things are just unpredictable. An attack on a presidential candidate. And a guy shooting. This is not the US I know. In animation, there's a link in the show notes. Yeah, it's not funny. The court cop and Tory lost his life. Another gentleman is fighting for his life. What's funny is this. That's what happened. I mean, it's not exactly. There wasn't that conversation. But in fact, the shooter was visibly walking across the rooftop. His head bouncing up and down. The building two minutes before that guy opened fire was surrounded by cops with their guns drawn. He was on campus an hour ahead of time. He was using a rangefinder pointing it at the stage. A clear intent to shoot the person on the stage. Ronnie stood out in the ice. My dad said you're going to fall in. Later Ronnie would do a bunch of things. Very risky things. Like leaving his home. And there were some reasons for that. And I don't blame Ronnie, not for a second. He would get in some risky behaviors like drinking and smoking and taking drugs. And we would see him occasionally on the streets. And the pattern was very, very clear. The Secret Service can never be trusted again. The Secret Service should not be guarding President Trump now. It should be private security that the taxpayers pay for. Private security that's actually going to be paid to protect President Trump. The Secret Service, like so many other government agencies, has shown themselves to be a mix of incompetence and nefariousness. Yes, this. If you think it would be difficult to find an agent, or two, or three, or five, to allow that guy access to the rooftop and access to pointing his weapon at President Trump, just remember they found agents that would let people walk into the Capitol. They found agents who would chit chat with folks as they were headed into the Capitol. They found agents who would cut open legal fences to the United States of America. They have found agents who will help secret illegal immigrants around our country, all across our country, not even telling the states of origin. They found agents to do that. They found agents to set up a fake kidnapping in Michigan. They found agents to do that. They couldn't find an agent to stand aside, or to wait a while until they fire a shot. I hope that's not the case. I hope it's just incompetence, but the Secret Service can never be trusted again. Ultimately, I remember being in the class of my very favorite teacher, a guy I called the month senior. It was a social studies type class. It was current events. In that current events class, it was my job to present. Every class, it was my job to present. I presented something called what's your beef. And I had to prep for that. Mr. Trainer wanted me. There's a long story to this, but he wanted me to stand in front of the class and state my beef. Kind of like a David Letterman thing. At the time, I was really into Letterman type humor. So I was prepping for that. And I opened the spokesman review. There was a picture of my friend Ronnie, who either jumped or was pushed off of a bridge into the Spokane River. I believe it was the Washington Street Bridge. That certain death, Ronnie died. His sister later told me there's no chance that he committed suicide. She thought he was murdered. What I know is this. People went into that bridge to take heroin and to drink and to do other things. I'd been in that bridge. Never taken heroin. Never drank in that bridge. It was far too dangerous. My dear friend Matthew and I used to climb up into the arch of that bridge. Just for the view. Sometimes we'd take our guitars up there and play Pink Floyd songs. I met a lot of homeless people up there. I watched them sit on the edge of that bridge. And I knew one of them was going to fall. The Secret Service and many other government agencies are showing us the same behavior. They have no awareness of how clear it is to us. That in many ways, the agencies, not all the people there. Because many people there are good with God. All the agencies, to some degree, have fallen. They keep God for warning us about times like this. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind. And please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ.