Stage Whisper

Whisper in the Wings Episode 590

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome back in everyone to a fantastic new Whisper in the Wings from Stage Whisper. Pinch us because we are so excited about the guests we have today. We are huge fans of hers and we are so excited to be having her on our show today with her new great show that is heading across the pond to Stotland here in about a week. Joining us, we have the creator and performer Sarah Hester Ross who's gonna speak to us about her show. Sarah Hester Ross is what? It's part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the show is playing August 2nd through the 18th at Just the Tonic Nucleus Atomic. You can get your ticket to more information by visiting Now anyone in the Las Vegas area, I'm sure you know the name, you definitely know the face, but everyone else out there, I guarantee you know this incredible artist from her wonderful quips on TikTok. So let us go ahead and welcome in one of our favorite, favorite performers. Sarah Hester Ross, welcome in. - Hello, Andrew and Stage Whisperers. - I'm so excited that you're here. - I can't wait to-- - I can't wait to-- - Or into the show. Sarah Hester Ross is what? So why don't we start by having you tell our listeners a little bit about what the show's about? - It is a musical show. I claim the title musical comedian just because I do a lot of bits and comedy songs, but it's mostly in music form. The show itself is just an explanation of who I am and all the things and me answering all the things that I get called. I get called TikTok famous. I get called a funny musician. I get called funny for a woman. I get called a bitch. So I just kind of like reclaim all of those and explain them to my audience and song and kind of cabaret form. And it's just a, it's a good time. And I'm really excited to be at The French. I have been touring my show that is now on my comedy special on Apple TV and Amazon Prime. I've been touring that show in comedy clubs around the US for a couple of years now. But now that I have a stage in a French festival environment, I get to be more theatrical of nature. And I'm so excited to do that because I feel like that's who I am more. I am a musical theater girl born and bred. I've been on musical stages since I was three. And getting into the comedy world has been a little difficult, not difficult, but just a change. It's been different. And I'm really excited to be putting this show up because I get, I'm gonna be able to do a little bit more wow factor, which I'm very excited about. - I love all of that. I love all of that except one thing I don't love. And I want to stop being a thing, funny for a woman. - I know. - I hate when people say, she's really funny for a woman. I'm like, do you ever say that about a man? He's really funny, I said, no, why would you? Maybe it's not. - I do. I say. (laughs) - Yeah, it's pretty crazy. And it is pretty crazy with the amount of extremely successful women comics. Now, at this point of time, that that's still a thing. But it is, that's one of the biggest comments that I get. And a lot of these top names and that I get on the regular is from social media. And as I love social media, it has pushed me to levels and audiences that I would have never dreamed of. It is a bit toxic and I get a lot of negativity off of. And that's kind of what the show is about. It's just the negativity that I've gotten from social media and me explaining it very tongue-in-cheek, very sassy, very sarcastic and satirical of nature, which is satire as my bread and butter. But yeah, the whole funny for girl or they call me the female Bo Burnham. And it's like, okay, just because I play piano, I'm the female Bo Burnham. Like, our comedy styles are nothing alike. It's just, they're musical and I'm playing the piano. As in, I try to not take a fence, but I use it, it fuels me, fuels the artistic juices of like, oh, I get to write a song about this now, so. - Well, I wanna kind of build on that 'cause I'm curious to know what inspired you to create this piece. - I guess at the end of the day, it's the chit chat. It's the talking, it's the, and social media can get really confusing. You see a person in a minute or a couple of seconds video and then that's what you think of them. I've been an entertainer my entire life. I've been on stage since I was three years old. I've done musicals, I have done plays, performance is part of who I am. I get on TikTok and I am a TikToker. And so they see me and it's like, oh, she's an artist. She has songs, she's a comedian, she blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, yes, I am, I am more than just social media. And I guess that that's what spawned this. Sarah Hesteross is what? And I love that you read it like that because a lot of people are just reading it. Sarah Hesteross is what? It was like, no, the inflection is important. It's like, is what? And I love that you did that. So thank you so much for that. - My pleasure, absolutely. And I love those thoughts that you've had. - So as we're speaking, we are just about a week away from the show going up over in Scotland. So I would love to know what has it been like developing it and putting it up on its feet? - I did have a little time, I've been working on, I'd like to say like show A, show B, show C. So there are versions of the shows that I would, if I'm in a black box theater, I'll do this version of the show. If I'm in a comedy club, I'll do this version of the show. And so I mentioned the release of my comedy special on Apple TV and Amazon. That was a cultivation of three years of touring and a residency in Las Vegas. And now I'm taking that show and I'm adding a flair. I guess is what I get to be more theatrical about it instead of focusing on like the stand up comedy side of it. And that's really exciting. It's something that I haven't done before with my show per se. And so it will be brand new as a whole. I will do my bits. I'll do the bits that people know me from. I'll be doing, stop giving me microphones. I'll be doing Florida Man. I'll be doing the hits as they say. So nobody will be disappointed. It'll just be more, I keep saying flair because it's the only word that I can think of. But it is, and it's a little nerve-wracking 'cause I've never done it before, so. - Well, to be fair to say, rather than coming to see comedy with music, audiences are gonna see more of your music with comedy. Is that? - Yes, yes. That would be fair. - That is so wonderful though. I'm looking forward to seeing Sarah Hesterros with a hint of line, if you will. - Yeah, cucumber, it was a spot of cucumber. - So with, you know, where you got the idea for the show, what kind of has motivated you and whatnot, is there a particular message or a thought? You hope that audiences will take away from your show? - I do speak a lot about, I focus on women's issues because ta-da, they most concern me. And, you know, things that are going on in America right now with Roe v. Wade being overturned. And just the whole atmosphere of women's issues and women's rights just being either ignored or completely just done away with or, you know, stepping back, even if it ever is so slightly, I, again, I'm really big on satire. And so I talk a lot about those issues in a, I feel very playful way. I like to say a bit of musical theater helps the feminism go down a little bit 'cause there's always a line of like, oh, she's a man-hater, she's a man-hating feminist and, you know, things like that. And I get that. I get that that being a topic of my conversation in my show, it can be that. But when it's sung and you do a little dance to it, you know, it kind of goes down easier and it puts earworms in your head of like, why am I singing this? Oh, these are the words. Oh, let's think about this. Let's try to start another conversation. So at the end of the day, I don't think that I get too serious but I do talk about serious issues and I feel like a new, fun way. I love that, I love that. Well, that leads to my final question for this first part. And that is, who are you hoping to have access to Sarah Hester Ross as a what? I don't feel like I want a particular audience but I do feel that my show is geared towards propping up and supporting women and making them feel heard and strong and seen. I, one of my very first viral videos was a cover that I did called Savage Daughter. And it has been one of my biggest songs all over the world. I've got over 13 million streams of it on Spotify. I actually just found out that Cindy Loper is singing it on her tour over in UK right now. My name is on her like a set list and everything. It's wild, it's crazy. Yeah, and so, but it's a very empowering song and that's what I hope ultimately people take away is that I am funny, I am sarcastic, I am tongue-in-cheek but at the end of the day, like I want people leaving my show feeling good, feeling powerful, specifically women, but I do believe men get plenty out of it because men have mothers, daughters, wives, partners, they have people in their lives that they want uplifted and they see what they're going through. So, I would definitely not say that it's just for women but I do feel it's strongly pointing it on making women feel strong and powerful. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Well, for the second part of our interviews, we love giving our listeners a chance to get to know our guests a little bit better, pull the curtain back, if you will. And I want to start with my regular first question, which is what or who inspires you? What playwrights, composers, or shows have inspired you in the past or have just some of your favorites? - I have two really big ones, probably the one that I talk about the most is Bette Midler. I'm a huge fan, I believe that she is a feminist icon, first of all, and I love the way that she uses her celebrity to speak on politics that she believes in and she doesn't shy away from that, which you see a lot in Hollywood because you have the fear of losing audiences or losing jobs. And she just ever since she's been around, you don't see fear in her. And I just, I love it, I love it. She's a outspoken, loud, hilariously talented woman. And I don't know, have you ever seen her live shows before? - I haven't gotten the privilege of getting to see like her like cabaret shows. - Yeah, but I feel like my shows kind of, it emulates her shows like before she started doing movies and stuff like that. Lots of costume changes, lots of just theatrical this and that and look there and look here. And she does like stand up bits in between her, and her songs and I'm just a huge admirer of her. And I think that what I do is very bet middle-er-esque. And the second one would be Rachel Bloom. I'm a huge fan of Rachel Bloom. I think Crazy Ex-Girlfriend was a huge inspiration to me, just seeing a wildly successful musical television show about serious topics, about mental health, about drug addiction, about sex addiction, about, you know, like it just, it was one of a kind. And that is a huge goal of mine, ultimately, you know, bet middleers career and Rachel Bloom's career taking my art to TV and movies. And so they are huge inspirations for me. I love those. I love, that's a fabulous set of inspirations. - And I know Rachel Bloom is on Off-Broadway. I think right now, she, I think her show is, okay, I'm ready to die or let's talk about death or something like that. - Sounds familiar, yeah. - Yeah, I've only seen snippets of it, but I mean, she's a genius. She's a beautiful, dark, humor genius. And I would recommend anybody go see her anytime you can. So I wish I was in New York. I would definitely go see it. - Well, kind of building on that thought. I mean, have you seen any great theater lately that you might be able to recommend to our listeners? - Unfortunately, I don't get to see a lot of theater. I did, the last time I was in New York, I, when I was on tour, I played at the City Winery. I got to see the Off-Broadway Little Shop of Horrors. And it was amazing. It was amazing. I can't remember the actress's name that played Audrey. She, I can't remember her name and that's gonna bug the crap out of me because it was just absolutely amazing. I had never seen Audrey played like that before. And it was such an intimate theater too. Like really small, I think it only sat like 300 people or something like that. Oh, it was so great. I think it's still running, I believe, in the same theater. Yeah. So I was actually the last show I got to see. I did see kinky boots as well, which I love it. I love it. - You can't go on with that. - I mean, come on, babe, come on. - Let me ask you, what is your favorite part about working in the theater? - Probably the attention. I know that's probably very vain to say, but I do. I love, I love being in front of an audience. And even social media has given me that attention that I crave just in general, but I do. I love performing in front of an audience. I love their full attention and their gaze. And it fuels me to either make them smile or react in any sort of way. I don't love the negative reaction, but it's a reaction nonetheless. (laughing) - That is a fantastic answer, probably one of the most honest we've ever had. (laughing) I wanna ask you now my favorite question to ask guests. And that, of course, what is your favorite theater memory? - When I first moved to Orlando, I auditioned for a theater troupe. And the first show that they were doing was the last five years. And I, it was really interesting 'cause they booked four casts. They booked four girls, four males. And then we all rotated throughout the run. And I had never heard of the last five years. And I just remember listening to it for the first time and falling deeply, deeply in love. It is my favorite musical, and even to this day. And there is a part in theater in the show where she is supposed to be on the dock in Ohio and she is talking to Jamie and she sings this song. And I remember it was probably the first time that I ever, as an artist, had true attachment emotions to the song. And it's probably, I don't have a video of it. It probably would be less special if I did, but it was just this performance of mine that I'll never forget. And it was in front of an audience of like, I don't know, maybe 70 people. It was a really small theater troupe and it was probably some of the best work I've ever done in my entire acting career. And I will never forget that moment and probably will never be able to replicate it just because of the part, the time of my career and what was going on in my personal life and the show finding this show and being able to do it. And it was just like a kismet of time, you know? It was really beautiful for me. - That is such an incredible memory. Thank you so much for sharing that. - Oh, my pleasure. I haven't thought about that in a long time. - Well, as we wrap things up, I would love to know, do you have any other projects or productions coming on the pipeline that we might be able to plug for you? - Just my comedy special and it's out on Apple TV and Amazon Prime, I believe if not, it is already, it will be in a few days, but it will be streaming free for Amazon Prime members, which is very exciting, but it's called Don't Mess with a Red Head. And it really is a perfect introduction to who I am as an artist. I think my live shows will always go deeper and will always show you more, but I'm extremely proud of this project. It looks good, it sounds good. It has some of my favorite bits that I've ever written on it. So if your audience is into, has a spare hour to put it on when they're, I don't know, putting their makeup on or getting ready for a show or whatever, I think it's worth the hour, I believe. - Well, I'm excited to see that now. I knew that Amazon Prime subscription would come in handy. - Yeah, right. - But that leads to my final question, which is if our listeners would like more information about Sarah Hester Ross as a what or about you, maybe I'd like to reach out to you, how can they do so? - The easiest way is to find me on social media at Sarah Hester Ross, two Hs, two Rs. That is my handle across the board on YouTube, on Instagram, on TikTok. And obviously it's the easiest way to get ahold of me is to DM me on Instagram. I find that's the easiest communication. - Perfect. Well, Sarah, thank you so, so much for taking the time to speak with me today. This has been such an honor. - Oh, it's such a pleasure, Andrew. Thank you so much for having me. - Thank you so much. My guest today has been the amazing creator and performer Sarah Hester Ross. She spoke to us about her upcoming show, Sarah Hester Ross is what? It's part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and it's playing August 2nd through the 18th at Just the Tonic Nucleus Atomic. You can get tickets to more information by visiting And also make sure you follow Sarah across social media. We'll have her handle posted on our episode description as well as on our social media posts. But you're gonna wanna stay on top of everything she does. She's got a great comedy special out now on Amazon and Apple TV. And I'm sure this is not the last we're gonna hear from her. I guarantee it. But right now, make sure you head over to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. And if you're already planning to be there, get your tickets to check out this amazing show. Sarah Hester Ross is what? Also, we wanna add for our American listeners that election day is November 5th. Make sure you register to vote and do your democratic duty. You can find out how and where you can register to vote by visiting The future demands we fight for it now. So until next time, I'm Andrew Cortez, reminding you to turn off your cell phones, unwrap your candies and keep talking about the theater. In a stage whisper. Thank you. (upbeat music) If you like what you hear, please leave a five star review, like and subscribe. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram at stagewhisperpod. And feel free to reach out to us with your comments and personal stories at And be sure to check out our website for all things stage whisper and theater. You'll be able to find merchandise, tours, tickets and more. Simply visit Our theme song is Maniac by Jazzar. Other music on this episode provided by Jazzar and Billy Murray. You can also become a patron of our show by logging on to There you will find all the information about our backstage pass as well as our tip jar. Thank you so much for your generosity. We could not do this show without you. (upbeat music) ♪ Where anywhere near your town ♪ ♪ Makes me down ♪